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Beloved One; Mentori - Healing - Anticipation - Justice - Perception - Holding On - Touch - Teamwork -Apr-May, 2012 - Progress Group, AU

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-Transcript 1  Illawarra District, Australia, April 29, 2012. Mentori Spokesperson. Subject: “A Lesson About Healing.”
-Transcript 2  Urantia, April 13, 2012. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “Anticipation.
-Transcript 3  Urantia, May 4, 2012.  Teacher: The Beloved One.  Subject: “Divine Justice.”
-Transcript 4  Urantia, April 30, 2012. Teacher: The Beloved One.  Subject: “Perception.”
-Transcript 5  Urantia, May 21, 2012. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “A Lesson about Holding On.”
-Transcript 6  Urantia, May 23, 2012. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “A Lesson on Touch.”
-Transcript 7  Urantia, May 28, 2012. Teacher: The Beloved One. Subject: “A Lesson on Teamwork.”

Transcript 1
Illawarra District, Australia, April 29, 2012.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “A Lesson About Healing.”

Received by George Barnard.

Mentor: “Critique about healing, including not-necessarily-positive additional comments from this receiver, has initiated discussion among the members of this group of Mentors -- Mentori as we are often referred to. Recently I spoke with you about humility and energy, and this -- lesson you might call it -- deals with energy of a kind, and in such instances I place my name up for election to speak. Energy is what I like, and healing always was my forté.

“The need for healing always either fully, or in some major way, deals with the mind, deals with thought and therefore deals with energy. It is so that if you can clearly think your thoughts, you can heal and also be a healer. Here I direct my words at J. (a friend and subscriber) to suggest that early in the process of stilling your mind you politely request of the Creator of All to be allowed to connect with the person you wish to heal.

“All of us, high and low, are the Creator’s beloved children, so it would hardly do to suspect your request will be denied. Carry on now and imagine the person to be healed being in front of you. Wish for him or her to be healed. Imagine the individuals on a bed, ready to receive the treatment you are to give them. Stretch out your arms, palms down over the patients. See in your mind the energ

“Your thoughts, your wish to heal, has energy, has body, is real, and it cannot escape because you have unerringly directed it to perform its task. The fact that you are likely to be a great distance away from your patient matters not one iota. Your thoughts are the product of mind, which produced these thoughts, but Mother Spirit is the Source of all mind. There is not in any of our universes a power, physical or otherwise, which can compete with mind.

“Consider, my friend, there is nothing in creature existence as basic as to be able to nurture and heal. At the same time there is not a creature as lowly, whilst concurrently as exalted, as the human offspring of the Creator, for as you are a body of mere dust of the earth, you are too a spirit reality of Creator origin. Claim your heritage and creator-like abilities to heal all manner of ills, my dear human friends, insistently, yet in humility.

“How fortunate I am to be given the chance to speak with you again so soon. We are Mentori and we salute you. Adieu.”

George: “I thank all you Mentori, and Midwayer Mathew for kindly facilitating this contact.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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Transcript 2
Urantia, April 13, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Anticipation.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “We once more set ourselves the task of conducting meaningful communication. First there is something that needs to be clearly understood. How do you anticipate the lesson will proceed? Are you merely hoping that you are up to this task, or do you already know that a worthwhile lesson will be forthcoming? Most importantly, will you be settling down in glad anticipation of our private get-together? (receiver: yes I will) Good, then we shall proceed.

It is always a great joy for the teacher when the pupil is looking forward to their communication, anticipating a strong and fluent connection to be established, so nothing negative can intrude into the human mind. It is necessary to keep negative thoughts at bay, since you know full well how your mercurial mind can go off on tangents before it even grasps what is to be conveyed.

“It is most important to give me your full attention so no word is missed, allotting the entire sentence the correct flavor and meaning. Here I explain that anticipation works best, and can be wonderfully elevating to the human spirit when it is used constructively with great optimism. Positive anticipation attracts the abundance of the universe, so free for the taking, like good health and happiness. It changes the demeanor of the individual who was ‘letting life go by’ to become actively engaged in her or his destiny, looking forward with glad anticipation to what each new day shall bring.

“Having a mind-set of glad anticipation on awakening is quite the reason for a most wonderful and joyous day, which makes everything more interesting for the individual. To be in such a state of thankful expectancy requires only a short prayer asking God what might be his will for the day. Ideally, this could become a heart/soul and mind involved prayer to place the individual in the groove of glad anticipation, as the will of God is nothing other than the experience of the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of all of humankind. “Females are of course included and embraced equally as there is no such thing as gender in God’s eyes, only that all have an undying spirit-soul, which has been given to each individual for them to develop and be responsible for. So the will of God embraces simply the golden rule to do onto others as you would like to be treated. In other words God’s way is the way with the most love.

“Please ponder the word anticipation in a positive manner and allow all good things to come to you. It is a law of the universe that what you put out in intent, thoughts, words and deeds will come back a thousand-fold or greater. The thoughts that you sow come back with astounding accuracy without a doubt. So be careful how you walk though life and be mindful of your thoughts. Be of glad anticipation and life shall unfold in miraculous ways. Take this lesson to heart and practice glad anticipation and in this manner you increase the joy of living. It is in you to do so.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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Transcript 3
Urantia, May 4, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Divine Justice.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Be assured that I know how hesitant you are to even start typing, as this new subject frightens you somewhat. The reason for this is that you were raised in the belief of the wrath of God, and that God was a stern judge. These are puerile emotions which only humans indulge in. How wrong those teachings!

“Still it remains in those records of old. You recall how you had difficulty in believing all those legends you were spoon-fed. Remember how many stories in the bible made as little sense to you as to many others. Therefore, the time has come to shine a new light upon justice, specifically Divine Justice, so that honest and sincere souls may feel at ease about the 'coming judgment', rather than living in fear, and like the olden seer John the Baptist expressed it, ‘flee from the wrath to come’.

“Being well versed in the bible and now with the enlarged revelation of your text, the Urantia Book, it will become a lot easier for you to understand how Divine Justice operates, as all mortals are their own judge and jury, needing to forgive themselves and others, as God automatically forgives those who forgive all.

“Your studies will allow you to acquire a better understanding of how Divine Justice operates in the time-space creations. It is on all the peopled planets of space where such lessons are learned. Lessons create understanding and understanding leads to wisdom. Life is therefore precious and the lessons are chosen by the mortals themselves, whether they are conscious of their own choices or not. Irrespective, life is, it flows, and progresses, regardless of the choices you make.

“Sooner, more often later, the dawning comes that, yes, perhaps you could have made better choices, or behaved more appropriately, or not have acted impulsively, or said something thoughtlessly, which may have caused misery for self and or others, and such performance would hardly be seen as doing the will of God, but consider this…

“You will see now, dear one, how important that one prayer is: ‘Not my will be done but yours’. This is Divine Justice in its purest form. By doing His will, you will become more conscious of the fact that God does not judge at all, he only forgives. This is true justice, as everything is based on love. Even the universes with all the myriad planets are created from nothing but love.

“Such is the extent of Divine Justice that He allows each mortal to make up his or her own mind about how they will conduct themselves throughout their precious lives. Eventually they will see it God’s way and adhere to that one commandment to become perfect even as God is perfect. Such is the love of God that He patiently waits, allowing each child to return their love back to Him.

“The eternal truth remains that when you decide to do, and abide by, God’s will, which is the way with the most love in it, you will be in the flow of pure creation and be living by Divine Justice.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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Transcript 4
Urantia, April 30, 2012.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “Perception.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Allow the words to flow. They seem to arrive out of thin air, as you perceive them. This is what our subject is all about – perception – letting the words form in your mind. Mortals are endowed with responsiveness to the sixth sense, depending in measure on how much thought is given to the inner life, spirituality and eternity, but only to the degree one refuses to get bogged down in the outer material world with its worries and concerns.

“How much better off you all would be if each of you would develop this inner sense of perception as this relates to your spirituality. Many superstitions and pre-conceived opinions would fall by the wayside. Mortals would increasingly discover the truth which resides in each human being in the form of the Thought Adjuster. This Spark from the Creator God resides within each of you, helping all you thinking mortals attain a measure of truth for yourselves as it exists for each one. In this way, each human being can perceive part of the truth as this truth is ever enlarging as it exists in the Being who gave life to you all. Is this not preferable to the spoon-fed, worn-out belief systems and superstitions of old?

“Over time, perception becomes a knowing as perception has an increasing influence over the faith of the individual. This is the perception that ‘something additional to the self’ exists within you, and this will become a personal conviction which no one can take away. This knowingness is the surety which evolves over time when more time is given to develop that sixth sense. It can even be applied to all areas in life.

“At times mere belief systems become so strong and so solidly embedded in the human psyche, that there simply is no room to entertain different thoughts. The windows of the soul now become so clouded over, even shuttered and closed down. Therefore no Light is able to penetrate, and eternal life no longer remains a possibility.

“It needs to be remembered that truth is ever enlarging the more one gives room to perception and truly takes responsibility for one’s own thoughts, so insights can arise which alter the human psyche forever with an enlarged truth which leads towards a greater love for one another.

“Growing humans are more inclined towards peace as this quality is deeply embedded in the human psyche and needs to be uncovered with a knowing that peaceful thoughts are the healthiest thoughts. Peaceful thoughts automatically embrace love for one another with the wonderful quality of mercy and forgiveness. Love is the willingness to ‘do good’ to others and forgiveness is divine when it is experienced without strings attached, which means that it is unconditional. A hidden joy will spring up in the human soul because of the freedom forgiveness brings.

Life can be so beautiful and become much easier when the psyche and the thoughts held in mind begin to produce a greater balance in the physical system. Perception then becomes increasingly used, which enlarges the understanding of life itself.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
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Transcript 5
Urantia, May 21, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson about Holding On.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Many mortals suffer in silence from low self-esteem. For others it is more in the open. It will be helpful for Me to shore you up, and assure you that these feelings will become redundant in the times to come. The Father in heaven has decreed that the times for renewal have begun, and this counts for everyone. No one is excluded from these times of self-correction. The Father prefers for you to live, rather than to just hold on. Our deceptively simple little lessons harbor many kernels of truth and guidance, which serve as 'way-showers' on the road to perfection, which is the purpose and goal of your existence. I desire that these lessons are to be published. These little gems can be read at random, being received one day at a time, to go forth to nourish and strengthen a day at a time.

“Such patterns of holding on, which are no longer useful to you, are best placed in the past, were they rightfully belong, so they don’t continue to poison your mind, encumber you and cramp your life-style. The zest for living is the most prized gift you can give yourself, and when you feel your spirits sagging, turn within to the Stillness and ask for My help. My help is freely available, but hardly anyone knows how to ask and take Me up on My offer. This needs to change, and is very easily done when you flex your faith and trust muscles. Yes, place your faith and trust in Me, so these muscles will grow stronger and will serve you well to overcome your mental handicaps, some of which were placed there from infancy on by your significant others, who were likewise laboring under the same mental handicaps.

“Please break this chain of self-abuse, and free yourselves from the limiting back-talk of your minds. It is no longer necessary to berate yourself. Everybody makes mistakes, but this is how humans learn. These mistakes shall serve you well as lessons by which to progress. Each day is another opportunity for start afresh. There really is no need to bring your old worn-out habits of thought into a fresh new present. Learn to live more consciously, so you can nip these unproductive thoughts about yourself or others in the bud. Please remember to hug yourself once a day and then know too, that I am embracing you, also. This is truly worthy of remembering, because you are all beloved children of the Most High God.

“Self-limiting thoughts are most unproductive and so are those old patterns you are hanging on to. Each day is to be enjoyed as the first day of a new beginning. The old has served to get you to where you are now. Don't look back lest you fall into the pit of self-recrimination, for this habit is very destructive of your peace of mind – a boulder placed on the path to soul-growth. Let’s rejoice for this is the day the Lord has made with all its potentials and possibilities. Greet each day filled with the expectation that it is going to be a good one. Come to Me first in a mode of anticipation and allow Me to lift your spirits to were they belong, in the groove of an attitude of gratitude, which makes the whole day flow smoother. Try this and see how you like it when life flows smoother because you involve Me in it. Follow this train of thought and soon there will be a new habit in place, more helpful and hopeful to you as the old ‘holding on patterns’ of the past fade away.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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Transcript 6
Urantia, May 23, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Touch.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Today in our discussion I introduce the subject of touch. This is new to you, because what is there to talk about on such a mundane subject? My dear one, touch is one of the most important gestures one can make. You have heard several stories of how people ‘were touched by an angel.’ This is not just some fantastic fabrication of childish minds. Indeed it is not. It is the celestial world reaching out to help you stay the course towards your eternal destiny of perfection. The point is that many shrug off what only seem to be little miracles, and pay no heed to the vital lessons they contain. There is also another type of touch, and that is the human touch.

“This touch is very important, and there is an ‘ocean of difference’ in the human touch. It is not just the physical touch but also the mental and emotional touch. You yourself have experienced how a beautiful piece of music can touch you to the very core of your being. The most profound moments in a human life can be through touch, a moment never to be forgotten as it remains vividly alive in your memory, easily recalled when needed. The question arises, are you aware of the impact your touch can have on other people? Think about it and see how often you innocently but thoughtlessly go about your day touching people. I desire that you become aware of how it is that you can make a profound impression on people. They may not even be aware of your touch, but this you do with loving intent and encouragement.

“At the present time, the human touch is very much needed, especially the healing touch. Spirit will use such an occasion to channel healing through you. In this manner, you can become a mighty instrument for good on the planet, because you can touch people who are unaware as to what is happening, and yet, they will feel uplifted in some mysterious way. They will only know that things are not quite as dark as they appear. In the same manner, you can reach out to others by telephone or in writing to inspire hope, and in this manner spread healing light world-wide. This is so needed at this present time, but the most important medium is your sincere prayer-time, during which you are connected with the Greatest Healer of all. You too can become a powerful healing medium serving as a conduit for others.

“To reach out and touch others in your time of prayer is the most effective way of all. However, do spend some time on each person or each situation, so spirit can do the work. You will simply be the channel -- the connection through which the healing power flows towards that person and situation. You simply can have no idea how powerful a sincere prayer from a believing person can be. This can make all the difference to the situation the world is presently in. The Almighty God will honor sincere prayer requests at any time, but these requests also need to be according to the divine will. So, always end your request with the words, ‘nevertheless, not my will but your will be done.’ In practicing this kind of touch, you involve the Divine in your work, and what better collaboration for powerful good in your life could you have?”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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Transcript 7
Urantia, May 28, 2012. (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Lesson on Teamwork.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Teamwork is an art that requires mutual co-operation. One could see teamwork as a form of co-dependence, when one has to depend on others that certain tasks be accomplished independently. Inter-dependence is a more accurate term. I assure you that the universe, yea all of creation, depends on the service of all beings that inhabit it. In fact, teamwork is the watch-word of the universe, as each being fulfills that particular function, which no one else fulfills. All creatures must necessarily fulfill their personal life function. The sooner humans find out what it is they are here for, the sooner they will find themselves in harmony and cooperation with the universe itself, feeling at peace with their inner selves also.

“It is an interesting thing for Me to watch some of you slowly becoming more aware of the important part you play on the stage of life, doing this without aggrandizement of ego importance, always reminding yourselves that the work is important, the self is not. Such an attitude is a must for successful cooperation with others, and it is truly a rarity to find a measure of such understanding cooperation between two or more people -- working independent of each other, and yet slowly coming to a mutual understanding that this is a requirement for growing their individual souls, to work as a team, and at the same time investing in the growth of their souls for life eternal.

“Such partnerships will eventually become more commonplace although at first certain things or issues are not clearly understood by either one, or both, or even all. It is a matter of sublime trust that whatever you are engaged in will ultimately not only benefit yourselves but also countless others. No true endeavor ever goes un-noticed. Even when separated by great distances, such partnerships can occur, thus the sum total of a lone working servant’s achievement in the service of his/her Creator, can become exponentially more important, even when the work is carried out on the other side of the globe in a mutual, unspoken and unwritten agreement. More and more may join in, not one knowing the other, yet all may be bound together by the common purpose to work for the progress of all. A small group can become larger and larger, as the silent call goes forth to be of service to the upliftment of the planet. This is teamwork of the realm of spirit manifesting itself on the material world.

“However, the greatest service anyone can render is by seeking the Stillness in their heart, to affect cooperation with their heavenly Partner within. Indeed, to affect such a measure of cooperation that, unwittingly at first, they become a mighty partner in the most important teamwork anyone can engage in -- a partnership with the Indwelling Adjuster of their Thoughts. This is the ultimate partnership in teamwork one can achieve in one’s material existence. This, eventually, is a requirement for all humans but to affect this of your free will, driven by an insatiable hunger to be of service is the triumphant culmination of a life well lived. Here dwells the greatest satisfaction amid the storms of life -- the inner feeling that you, too, can cooperate with your Spark of God within. Rest assured, you could not wish for a better Partner than the One who lives right inside of you. Trust and have faith that in time this partnership will become more divine in teamwork and mutual cooperation.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.
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