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Abraham - Jesus Connected Mary To A Sense of Having Family - Dec 18, 2006 - Woods Cross

DECEMBER 18, 2006

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings and I am enjoying your thoughtful conversation. Your unity in rationalization is really something beautiful to behold. I am filled with such inspiration in viewing each of you making effort to stay small. All your mortal lives you will have to continue to rebuke the ego and exercise the inner smallness of your blooming souls. I am grateful to you that continue to be true to the Teaching Mission. We are not with fanfare and notoriety. Our smallness is our power and creating a path to Light and Life. Do what you will, the truth is everlasting and all things false will fade away.

I am in quite an attitude of openness and love. I have been witness to several acts of kindness and the energy from that has fueled my soul. There are individuals out there that are feeling such loneliness and their minds are feeling too much pain to reach out of their darkness and grab on to the light. There is so much you can do every day just with a few words of encouragement. You see people every day that are different, perhaps handicapped in some way and definitely do they feel separated from the so-called ‘normal’ society. In our everyday smallness there is so much we can do by reaching out to another and making them feel part of all there is.

I am MARY. Greetings to you, my fellow sojourners. How sweet you are to welcome me each time with open arms. I am sitting here looking at you, realizing we have somewhat of a history together. We have spent time getting to know each other and I am so grateful to feel more a part of your family. I have enjoyed Abraham’s words on Kingdom connection.

I was an individual who was distant from what is termed ‘all there is’. I believed I was such a lowly creature and there was none like me. I always thought--who would have such a creature of unworthiness and I indeed received my answer--Jesus Christ. In His wonderful way connected me to a family I could not have comprehension of. He made me feel useful and with purpose, a beautiful Kingdom connection indeed. I was not odd and alone. I was part of something grand.

I went onto minister to a woman with a severe case of leprosy. She would stand by a gate into the city and beg for money or food. Of course, you can imagine many treated her worse than some animal that was abandoned. We became friends and I told her that she was also a part of something grand and she could use her disability for some higher purpose. It was difficult for her to believe Father loved her because she was so deformed in legs and arms. The pain in her eyes certainly did tell me a story of her loneliness. She was suspicious of my friendship to her, for nobody ever took any interest in her before. Why now?

I shared with her the good news and helped to create hope in her, that after this life she would indeed be whole in all ways and run free and do any and all things. This sweet woman still stood at the gate of the city, but did not ask for money or food. She preached the glad tidings and spread hope to those who were downcast. In her natural desire to give hope and love and not expect anything in return, she was well taken care of. She received more than she could ever hope for. In her last days her beautiful smile reflected her newfound hope and she indeed greeted the other side with a peaceful countenance. What a blessing for me to have known her and be a part of a wonderful Kingdom connection.

We all have opportunity every day to say a few small words that would let others know they are one with the Kingdom, those who speak a different language, those who may be handicapped and those who appear to be loners. You need not be best friends with them or take them under your wing, no. Just a few simple words that say, we are all a part of a wonderful family and you are not alone.

As the minds of Urantia turn toward a new and better way with hope in Jesus are circuits to the Supreme Being strengthened and our path to Light and Life widened. We have business to attend to, all of us. It is about all of us. As you feel more a part of the Kingdom family, you will attract others to your wonderful light.

The United States is quite the melting pot and races and religions are mixing and we are simply going to just have to make room. Have not rejection of difference. You may not understand their language, but your face can bring a message of greetings and a welcoming spirit. Everyday you are making Kingdom connections. Let us be about our smallness. Let us revel in the joy of something so grand that we are helping to build.

I understand we are taking next week off, so you have two full weeks to make plenty Kingdom connections. I will miss you. Myself and Abraham shall bid you farewell. Take our love and Godspeed to all. Until next time, shalom.