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OCTOBER 7, 1996


I am ABRAHAM. I would commend you on your efforts of willingness to be honest and forthright. I would say your attitudes toward one another is truly an openness to serve and be served. There is no room for embarrassment, ridicule or downcasting, no. There is much love and understanding in abundance regarding your group interaction. This is what we have endeavored to teach. This is a fine example of our efforts to escort this world into Light and Life.

Your level of comfort with one another is high and we would desire to teach you to take this same comfort out into the world to others. One who is comfortable in their status of son or daughtership with the First Source and Center are better able to feel at ease when ministering to various sorts of their fellows. With one another you are at ease to allow Father to express Himself through you. There is no pretense, self-seeking glorification, that may hamper our positive atmosphere, no. You all know full well that all that is expected from one another is love and acceptance for each unique soul that contributes to the group.

The teachers endeavor to assist you in taking these feelings of comfort into your daily mortal living. In this group you are feeling as a family member. We would remind our students that also the brothers and sisters you would meet with daily are also your brothers and sisters. We would think it a positive step in your education to view your fellows with your spiritual vision and take this comfort you feel here with one another into the world and free yourself up to allow Father to express Himself. Know that the news of the Kingdom is good news and to portray this to your fellows is of great benefit to the growth of the Kingdom.

I am in understanding that many of you this week have experienced the spirit poisons we previously spoke of. I am sure of your understanding towards the negative effects the spirit poisons can cause. We would ask you did yesterdays gathering provide some medicinal value to your fellows who feel anxious because of your Teaching Mission involvement? Did your fellows not gather to view one and all as average working human beings at a moment of leisure? Yes, are not mortals all clothed by the same flesh in which to provide food and shelter, love and security, for? Yes, the gathering yesterday assisted far beyond your expectations and will provide support to the future of our Mission.

Your human contacts this week were perhaps lessons on allowing Father expression through you to be educated in the area of service. It takes the use of spiritual vision to know whom you are serving and how best to serve. Just as you view one another and are at ease to serve is the goal to serving one another outside this group. It is my request that further group discussion is needed and my lesson is shortened to provide you adequate time to assist and serve one another in your understanding of spirit poisons and Father expression. Would you have questions? NO QUESTIONS. It is necessary, you see, for pondering and reflecting upon these spiritual realities I have spoken of. I would give you this evening to reach for your own understanding and attempt to share with one another and allow Father to be expressive through you. My love as always go with you. Until next week, shalom