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Machiventa; Unid.; Elyon - Your Journey Heavenward - Mar 30, 2008 - North Idaho

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group


  1. Your Journey Heavenward,
  2. Energy Flow Is A Contact Loop,
  3. Broad Inter-connectivity
  4. Our Unique Part Of God.

Teachers: Machiventa, Unidentified, Elyon.

March 30, 2008

* Machiventa (Jonathan TR): I welcome you all today, I am Machiventa. I enjoy how well you have come to coordinate that which you have learned and experienced as you attempt to penetrate deeper into the significance of life. You have compounded your many discoveries into a comprehensive perspective, and this is a beneficial outcome, for you are able to maintain your worldly footing even as you travel the skies of spirit. In your terrestrial activities when you seek to travel you first begin a preparation, and you spend time selecting items to take with you and packing your bag.

At this stage, though you have gone nowhere physically, in your mind you are already on your journey, even at your destination. In this projection you determine what items you will want when you are there and pack accordingly. You have at times discovered that when you have arrived at your destination you did not think of all things and perhaps left a few wished-for items at home or packed far more than needed. This can bring regret, and it can also cause one to experience the humor of such efforts at preparedness. But when all has run its course and you return home, the quantity and quality of your belongings had only a small impact on the enjoyment of the journey. As you grow in spirit you do not need to pack any bags to begin, rather, you acquire those traveling materials as you travel.

In the journey of spirit it is at the destination that you can experience that your bags are fully packed, and it is at the destination that you realize that you have everything that you needed and left nothing behind.

There are, however, along the way opportunities to reassess, take inventory of your belongings, for the intervening stages do have differing demands for your growth or upon your growth. The beauty of the spiritual journey is that you can always acquire what you need as you proceed and leave behind that which is unnecessary. That is the beauty. However, there is also a potential pitfall, for in the ascent of spirit when one comes to recognize the need for an element of one's makeup, a quality or trait of one's being is lacking, or one exists that one wishes to set aside and be done with, there can arise guilt or longing, or the sense of incompetence for not having prepared; or even the shame of having over-prepared and having more than is required, say for instance, many years of academic study to become a preacher.

You have been encouraged by us to be free of your possessions, even those of intellectual construct, even to some extent the paradigm of spirit reality you grasp. You have been encouraged to think outside the box; you have been encouraged also to enlarge that box to ever greater volume. We encourage you thusly because the destiny of your journey is unfathomable to you at this stage in your ascent, and it is of necessity you will outgrow much that you not only take with you but that you hold as who you are. When you climb a rope you pull yourself hand over hand ever upward. At each passing pull you let go of the rope from where you were and take hold of the rope toward where you are going. So you will discard teachings you have once held to and adopt those which apply better to your current level of spiritual unfoldment.

But as you have today discussed the balance of chakras and the harmony of the psychic circles and referred to the inter-functioning of the adjutant mind spirits, the rope upon which you climb must remain integral, that which holds you from the top holds all elements of that rope all the way to the bottom knot. So while you have progressed in spirit and while you have set aside stages of your growth, they all remain part of the overall makeup of your being. It is this array of experiences which is your beauty and defines God in revelation anew.

We Melchizedeks do not train our students as would a military, making all look alike, stand and march alike, and behave in drills alike. This is a form of oneness, of unity, that applies only to limited endeavors. In spirit training our goal is for a manifold revelation of the absolute God in all the personalities spanning the universe in as many ways as can be expressed at any given point in this unfoldment of the Supreme. So you look at yourself today and say, "Here I excel and here I am flawed", and you may ask, "Where may I fix this flaw?" and "How may I apply this beneficial trait?" And this is good. But to berate yourself for a flaw is to ignore the incompleteness of the Supreme Being. You have your fault because this is precisely the position in time/space reality that you are to be. It is the one hand pulling the rope at this time as you prepare to grasp a higher level. Therefore I encourage you never to regret your frailties. Honestly view them and look toward adjusting them, but accept them as a needed element of your current position in your ascent to Paradise.

I will speak of one more element, one more possession, in your journey heavenward, and that is, you will contain within your traveling bag items that you look at now and wonder if you will ever need them. In the physical realm the efficiency of your travel may require you to discard those items that seem to be irrelevant. In the physical realm you know that even while under way you can pause and purchase that unneeded item when it becomes needed. In the realm of spirit you are never weighted down by your spiritual possessions; they are weightless.

So you learn and storehouse truth at times which you only faintly comprehend and carry with you in a dormant state, perhaps for many years, even over the course of many ascension lives only to discover at some time the value of that acquisition and the full awakening of its meaning. While it may be tempting, when we say to think outside the box, to merely discard what you already hold and have come to understanding. We rather encourage you to be wise in foresight and know that even what you possess now, while some may become irrelevant, others may find their time of functioning. Be creative.

I have made announcement that we are stepping into fast forward, and while this is meant to encourage all of you who have waited patiently for a new phase to unfold, it is not meant to ignite in any way a panic, one in the form where you feel where you are unprepared, untrained. That is the purpose of my message today, that you can become prepared as you go and that you have within you already many things you do not recognize as useful which will appear useful at the time when it is appropriate.

The speed at which we travel in this Correcting Time is not of great importance to those of us who are conducting this correcting. It is the value of the changes, the depth at which they anchor and take hold in the human psyche and living behaviors, that is more important. If it takes longer, then so be it, for as Jesus said, the house built upon sand will not stand. So we seek to plant the new paradigms on solid rock. But we recognize ahead a grand boulder, a platform of great stability. This is why I tell you we will be moving at a greater speed. Those of you who have spent much time coordinating the many elements of your personality, all levels, seeking harmony and an interactivity that is beneficial to all levels and to your whole being, you will be the ones who will assist us in the forward progress.

In closing I say once more, be not concerned of your preparedness for even Jesus told his apostles to be not concerned what to say, for in that hour the spirit will speak. Thank you for hearing me.

* unidentified (Kathy): Many systems are related to the energy flow in your body vehicles. The continuous flow of energy through the system is a contact loop that can effect your ability to interact with other systems. As you can increase the continuous flow of energy through the body you are in a better situation to interact with each other and the contact with other communication such as the angelic network.

* Elyon (Jonathan): Greetings, Elyon here. In the course of evolution on your world the biological life form that you now call the human race developed to the point of the integration of the mind spirits of Mother Spirit, and that has marked the line that denotes you as spirit ascending personalities distinct from your animal encasements. These mind spirits of Mother Spirit span the universe of Nebadon; yet they exist within your mind as well.

These spirits exist in the minds of all other such evolved creatures. When the adjutant of wisdom is functioning in your mind it is functioning in others likewise; it is not one spirit for you one for another. It is one spirit among all of you. These spirits are shared, and it is this sharing that contributes to abilities in the human being that you might define as a superpower or miraculous. For instance, the ability to heal through the projection of energy. It is because there is no barrier between you and the other in the realm of spirit that these healings take place.

These mind spirits also assist in your senses of premonition. Michael said that you can exchange your mind for the mind of Christ. And he spoke of his Spirit of Truth. Again we have upon us another spirit that is communally shared, that causes an
integration among personalities that when you acquire and apply yourself in this realm of belonging you have a reach, a form of spirit contact far greater than your physical placement, your coordinates in time and space.

I offer this to encourage you to realize how enormous you are, much larger than your physical forms, and to further implant in your consciousness the sense of belonging, a belonging which transcends your like and dislike for one another, your shared beliefs. It is, I would say deeper, but perhaps higher level of interconnectedness. But now I will switch to the spirit of the Father. This spirit is not shared; you have one unique gift and another has another, both of God and as God but distinct, particular. So while you have this broad inter-connectivity with all other individuals you have a singular, specific manifestation of the Paradise God right where you are now. This spirit which is you is manifesting, and nowhere else in all the grand universe will there be found this manifestation.

It is said that God loves all but is also said that God loves each. If you were not worthy of that indwelling you would not have that spirit, but you are worthy. You may look in the mirror on your wall and inventory your pluses and minuses, but that is not the means whereby you are valued by spirit. Just as an artist pursues the results of one's art, so the growth of your soul. Your inventory will change. The usefulness of brush or knife or other tool will come and go. Not one of these things determines the value of the project undertaken; they're merely assistants for a time.

You have a dual purpose in life. One, to greater comprehend, to appreciate, and to embrace God and all the implications therefrom: truth, beauty, goodness, reality. But you also, secondly, have the purpose of manifesting.

God dwells within you, and it is perhaps a daunting task to imagine yourself as manifesting God. Do not make the mistake of defining that manifestation as a perfect Paradise revelation. God the Father has chosen to manifest His partial revelation as you, and that is well and good with Him. Trust your divine Indwelling Presence and be accepting of your human form, your outward vehicle for the manifestation of God, for you are flexible and can adjust and adapt to new levels of being as this interchange, this relationship, deepens, becomes more fully merged one with the other. I now ask for your feedback, your questions, or your comments, please.

Paul: How is it I can be sure I'm manifesting God's will when I am in a circumstance where the material world is confusing? How can I be sure to be finding the "proper" way of manifesting God's will in sometimes confusing circumstances?

* Elyon: Machiventa spoke of the spiritual journey wherein you can pack you bags as you go. The confusing circumstances you speak of require the enlistment of the energies of your investigative mind to sort and sift and comprehend to make meaning out of the confusion, and then to value the worth of your understanding of the situation from which your understanding springs, and then to make a decision as to your continued engagement or your removal therefrom. This is the will of God functioning; it is the aspect of the human making the ascent to spirit. In this effort spirit reaches further into your human aspect and assists and even brings about the transformation, and you become more like God in the process.

So, in some circumstances the manifestation of divinity through you may not be the answer of resolution to a problem or a conflict, but it may be the display of the ability to sort through and to discern what is real and then to choose that higher path and, in such choosing, to have an impact upon the confusion to bring clarity.

It is not the Father's will to make no effort, to turn away in ignorance. Yes,
there may be times when you must turn from a situation because the time is not right and you have no bearing upon the solution. This is not what I speak of. I speak of those incidents wherein you are the one who can bring assistance to minister.

We have taught often that the Father's will is not the acquirement of specific traits that meet His pleasure, but it is the ability to be engaged fully spiritually, mentally, and physically in your situations of life and to do so with an eye towards growth and towards benevolence, goodwill towards others. If you are engaged thusly the will of God is functioning in your life and you are assisting in bringing about the revelation of God on earth.

Kathy: Elyon, thank you for that idea of the broad inter-connectivity with all individuals as well as our own unique part of God.

* Elyon: You are welcome. While I stressed that such inter-connectivity can benefit the individual and the individual can benefit others by way of this inter-connectivity, I also purpose to further enhance your sense of belonging to remove isolation and loneliness, for you are all greatly interconnected, far more than you can understand now even in your age of radio and other forms of telecommunication. But I also desired again to stress the importance of your unique presence and your partnership with God, for though you are assisted by others by that inter-connectivity, you as well as all others are highly valuable as you are, that you are meaningful; that in the mind of God, in the heart of God, you are desired, and you are promoted; that while you seek to attain God, God is seeking to promote you, to further who you are.

Yes, there are times when the human ego must learn to subjugate itself to the divine and realize it is only one minuscule aspect of the whole. But in your spiritual maturity, when you understand yourself as larger than your ego, then you can humbly accept your importance in your individuality, in your singularity, your distinctness from others.

I will now draw close. Dare I say you have much to live up to, but also you have much that you can live up to. Farewell.