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Aurora - Feeling vs Thinking - The Love Vibration - Oct 8, 2007 - CCC

Oakland, CA

Teacher: Aurora

TR: Donna D’Ingillo


  1. Body as Recording Mechanisms
  2. Harmonic Exercise with Other and Michael
  3. Importance of Feeling vs. Thinking
  4. Energy Expansion and Contraction
  5. Synchronization between Brain and Heart
  6. Carrying the Love Vibration to Catalyze Others

October 8, 2007

My greetings to you, R and R. This is Aurora. I am very glad to be back with you once again, resuming our conversation and exercises in group harmonics and harmonization with others. R, do you have any questions about the function and nature of this group before we begin this evening?

Student: I don’t think I’m too far behind. I am beginning to know the subtleties in interactions between people.

Aurora: Yes, this is part of the instruction. It also is part of the ways of non-verbal communication to help you understand the underlying structure of language and how it is used in a non-verbal way. I am looking for appropriate words in your English vocabulary to evoke the idea of this unspoken kind of language. Your bodies, as sensing mechanisms, are recording information at various levels. It is this very subtle level that we wish to impart instruction. I will leave it at that for now, and as we proceed through this evening’s experience and information, please feel free to ask any questions that come to mind.

Over the last several weeks we have been experimenting with the note of F. My sisters and I have made energetic impressions in those attending the meeting to help in the ability to harmonize with others. This is an energy of the heart center that being retuned so that it will become easier to speak from the heart—to share from the heart, to perceive from the heart and to be in a place of vulnerability with another person—to be open and accepting instead of being in a guarded or defensive posture.

Let us continue and now with the addition of R as a member of the group this evening, we will further enjoin him in the harmonics that we have built so far, if this agreeable to you, my brother? (Yes.) Thank you. S, R, please strike that note and we will begin. (Note of F is struck)

Breathe into your heart center. The resonance of this note is short. Yet it provides a place for my sisters and me to elongate the vibration within you, even though you may not auditorially perceive it at this moment. Breathe and relax, and allow us to adjust you. (Pause)

Now picture in your mind’s eye a slender thread or chord emanating from your heart center and direct it into the heart center of the other two people with whom you are now engaged. I would ask R to strike the bell once more. Thank you. (Pause)

Breathe and relax. Allow your body to receive the vibrations that are being directed towards you from the other two individuals. See if you can detect what the energy feels like as it leaves and as it enters you. As the energy enters your heart center, pay attention to what that feels like in your body. Do you notice any shift or expansion? Do you feel a retraction in your body or do you feel more open? Simply observe the subtle feelings without any kind of doubt or assessment. (Pause)

Now invite your Father Michael to enter into that energetic configuration of the three of you connected to one another. Envision him at the point of intersection where all three of your energies converge. Simply invite him to reflect his love into you and draw this in through your mind’s eye by your intention and desire to have more of your Father’s essence living in you. Simply observe what you experience as you absorb his light and love. (Pause)

The spiritual energy Michael infuses into you is of a particular vibrational rate. It is quite high and it is challenging for the human energy system to capture some of these refined energies. It takes time for the energy system to attune to this. One of the aspects of this harmonization exercise is to create those chords in your being that have the capacity to absorb Michael’s love. You might say that we are building new places within you to be more sensitive to spiritual frequencies. It is a matter of allowing your body the latitude it needs in order for the higher frequencies to have a lasting effect in re-orienting the body to these spiritual vibrations.

This is not something that you have been used to. Your planet has been out of tune with the divine song of long, and these harmonic building exercises are designed to help your bodies re-key and receive what you need. So much of what you absorb through your lifestyle is so harmful to your energy system that you could actually be re-keyed almost every few minutes. While this is so unlikely for you to do, it is enough for you to have the mental reminder for us to strike that note of F within you that will help you harmonize within your heart and be able to receive more of what your Father and Mother wish to share with you.

The other exercise that we have practiced is in harmonizing with others. In your mind’s eye, envision yourself standing in front of someone that you have had difficulty communicating with. It could be a loved one, a friend, a co-worker or supervisor. It does not matter. Envision this person before you, and invite the energy from your heart to go into that person’s heart. Be open-hearted enough to allow that person’s heart energies to move into you. R, please strike the note again as we harmonize you in this visualization exercise. Simply allow to make those adjustments and breathe and relax, and notice how your heart feels as this person before you and you harmonize. (Pause)

In your mind’s eye, allow yourself to perceive the presence of God in the person standing before you. Simply hold the intention that you wish to see that person’s higher self—his or her God-self. Simply relax and allow the imagery of what you have asked for to be presented to you. Observe how you perceive this. (Pause)

Now, take a moment to step back and to bring yourself back to the presence of the room. Take a few moments to re-orient yourself in your thinking mind, rather than your experiencing mind, and we will proceed with the discussion. My first question for you tonight is: Did you notice any subtle differences in energy when you were perceiving other individuals as opposed to when you were perceiving the energy for yourself?

Student: It was interesting when you said to change from your feeling mind to your thinking mind. I don’t feel I can separate those two too well. My thinking mind is generally concerned with my body.

Aurora: Do you have slight moments when you are simply feeling and there might be a momentary gap between thoughts wherein there is a space when you only feel?

Student: No, I’m always analyzing my feelings.

Aurora: Did you notice any quality difference in your analyzing this evening during this exercise when you were more focused in your heart than perhaps when you are focused on your thinking mind in your everyday life?

Student: Yes, I think the thoughts had more worthwhile or good feelings.

Aurora: Well, that is a good place to start in developing a base of trust within your body that helps you relax in the analytical processes so that you are more engaged in perceiving from a different perspective than you have been trained to over the course of your lifetime. Would you be interested in cultivating this perception and this ability at this point in your life now, R?

Student: That’s why I’m here!

Aurora: If you could for a moment focus again on your heart center, and sit with this idea: It is more important to feel than it is to think. Notice what is churning in your thoughts. Is there a hesitancy? Is there a feeling of security? Are there thoughts of being secure or are you thinking that this might be a very vulnerable place for you? Simply observe how your mind responds to this idea. If you feel interested to share with me, perhaps we can further this discussion based on your perceptions.

Student: Well, I feel that I have to know what I’m feeling. Somehow how it relates to other people so they don’t misinterpret how I feel or understand them. I have to interpret it myself.

Aurora: That is a lot of interpretation going on, it is not?

Student: Sure is!

Aurora: It does get confusing sometimes, doe it not?

Student: I don’t allow myself to think it’s confusing. I allow myself to think I’m correct.

Aurora: In this idea of placing more significance upon feeling than thinking, would you be willing to hold this thought more prevalent throughout your day, and not try to analyze what you are feeling, but simply holding the thought that it is more important to feel than it is to think.

Student: Well, I definitely agree with that. It’s always what I feel first and then I think about what I’m feeling.

Aurora: Yet the objective here is to help you move from analyzing your feelings to simply acknowledging them. (OK) This is a diversion in the methodology that you have used over the course of your life. I am asking if you would be willing to experiment with this for a few weeks to see how this functions in your being.

Student: I certainly am willing to experiment. I experiment all the time. I am willing to experiment in the way you suggest. I do have a question in the sense that I feel like am I kidding myself when I can control my own feelings and change them according to the thoughts I have?

Aurora: It is possible to change your feelings based on changing your thoughts. But I am suggesting that in trying to control what it is you feel, that you may be restricting the amount of love energy that can be perceived in your being. By no means would I want you to miss out on any of the love available to you. This would be an attempt to expand your capacity to feel, and to broaden your range of perceiving love in its many and varied attenuations.

Student: Sounds good!

Aurora: As you practice this and hold this idea, simply observe as much as possible without analyzing. Perhaps you might even want to record your feelings. For instance, it might say something like this: Today, I felt happy and energized and then record what you were doing when this was occurring. But try to keep it very simple and not analyze what it is you are thinking. In time we will add more information to what you are opening to this evening. Do you have any other questions or comments on the exercises tonight before I turn my attention to your sister, R?

Student: No, thank you!

Aurora: Now, R, may I ask you based on the others experiences that you have had during these harmonization exercises, what was this like for you tonight?

Student: I have a question and in asking it, it might answer your question! I could feel the difference between the energy contracting and expanding, so like with fear the energy contracts and my energy gets closer to my body. When it’s more relaxed it expands more. So when experiencing this heart connection with somebody else, my initial reaction is to contract and my energy sucks all in. After a little while it started to expand. I could feel the other person’s pulsing energy flowing from one end of a tunnel back and forth. It felt good and unifying. My question is: It feels good to expand the energy and go out. But I was told once that when one expands one’s energy it becomes dissipated more and becomes less potent, and in expanding one’s energy too much is not ideal. But I know that contracting energy is definitely not ideal. Is that true….when the aura spreads, that it can get too thin and there is a negative aspect of it spreading too wide? Or is it always positive and continues to get stronger no matter how big it gets? Or no matter how small it gets…does it have the same strength?

Aurora: Strength is conditioned by the emotional state and the perception of the environment both internal and external. It is not a hard fast rule. But based on your comments I would like to offer the following for consideration.

When you feel that first initial contraction from whatever emotion it is, simply allow your body to relax. Do not tense; do not protect yourself through resistance. Then, once you have felt a relaxation in your body, it will make it easier for the harmonization to occur, especially if you have the attitude to project or reflect love for that other individual or individuals before you. In allowing yourself to be non-defensive in view of the contracting energy, you are keeping your field open so more love can flow through you into another person. Does this make sense to you? (Yes)

Now from this point, as you allow the love to flow through you, your field can get bigger and stronger, but the desire to be in this state of love must be strong. Sometimes individuals will feel the energy field is large but they feel weak because the emotion they are carrying is one of vulnerability or fear. That does weaken the energetic field overall. But your attempt is to keep your energy field stronger, vibrant, flexible, resilient. You do this by keeping the idea of wanting love to flow through you predominant in your thoughts. When you do this, your field will expand, and you will feel that equalization is able to occur, for you are sending that love signal into a person who will have it register somewhere within that person, whether or not it is a large or small recognition, it is registered, and then that love can be reflected back to you. The key is to keep yourself open and do not, at first, recoil at the contraction energy, but to simply be open to it and hold the thought that you want more love to flow through you. Does this answer your concern and question, my sister?

Student: Yes, it does. I would like to ask one more question. When you say to relax, I was thinking that it was hard to relax yet keep the energy vibration high. I remember when I started to relax years ago that I would just go errrrrrrr and my energy would sink down. I thought relaxing meant to shut down almost. But when I think of having a high vibration, it makes me think of energy—like hyper energy. To be relaxed and in a state of high vibration seems paradoxical.

Aurora: I can certainly appreciate that idea from your energetic resonance. The ability to stay open has to do with your body’s ability to receive in an undefended manner, whether or not the vibration is of a higher frequency, which is of spiritual quality, or of a lower vibration which is more of a material mindedness. It is important to simply relax and breathe, and be in a place of non-assessment and non-judgment, and to perhaps inform your body that it is safe to be relaxed and open.

You will perceive a higher frequency when the energies of love are more predominant. But this does not mean that you cannot also be relaxed. It is a matter of being open-hearted and you do this by simply putting your attention on your heart center and breathing slowly and mindfully. It may take a while to reach that state of mindful breathing where you are giving your thought a chance to slow down, even though the vibrational rate will be high. The mind responds in a way that allows it to quiet its movement so that your body is actually receiving something valuable in that state of (I will use the word here…I am running through a long list of words to convey the image…one moment); you will help your thoughts to be quiet and your body to be more relaxed as the waves of your brain and your heart synchronize and allow themselves communicate with one another more effectively.

The waves in the heart and in the brain are designed to work together in a synergistic relationship that allows the body to be relaxed and yet the mind to be more expansive to higher information. As you revisit this answer, know that it is both effective to allow the higher vibrations to enter into your body, and for your body to be at peace as the harmonization between your brain and heart converge.

Do you have any further questions on this at this time?

Student: No, thank you.

Aurora: I thank you for being here with me tonight in participating in these exercises. The human energy system is very complex from your perspective. You have not been trained to perceive yourselves as vibration—energy—thought forms. So much of how you perceive yourself is relegated to your physical functioning in relationship to what you culture tells you think and feel.

What we are helping you in is a re-orientation of how your body responds—how it perceives information from many arenas of life. You have so many stimuli around you; much more than what was around you even a few short years ago. All of these energetic influences have an effect in you. It is subtle. It is our service to help you re-orient yourselves so that these influences are mitigated, and the love you perceive is heightened. I encourage you to continue to collaborate with us during the week by asking us to re-key you. Please remember to do this several times a day. If you can combined your stillness practice with this re-tuning and re-keying by focusing on the love of your Parents, Michael and Nebadonia, and your Father Fragment, it will help you in this time of transition on Urantia.

There will be more disruption in the future. There will be many more influences around you that can deflect or deter you from the love energy that we wish to infuse within you. If you can develop this habit throughout the course of your day, it will help you so much more when the energies around you become more chaotic than they already are.

We are here to help you become stable and center, so must never feel that you are alone when you around these energies that cause disturbances within you. Become aware of them so that you know it is time to come to us that we may help you antidote these influences around you that detract you from the peace and love you wish to feel. Do you have any thoughts on this before we conclude for this evening?

Student: It seems that this should be a major curriculum for everyone—this idea of self-realization of the body of relationships of people instead of the image society gives us. We need to change our idea of what is valuable in life.

Aurora: The quandary that we see is that people are so accustomed to these more chaotic energies and they have been nurtured on them so it is almost as if the energies of love are the ones that are out of tune, and it is a large reversal process that is necessary for people to use and understand. But there is an emptiness within them that grows and gnaws at the soul. As you have seen, the hunger is growing.

Student: Yes, I see as it gets emptier and emptier that is a huge challenge for the alternative.

Aurora: These ideas are being presented now so that you may not only know of them through your intellect, but carry these vibrations of love to others in a non-verbal way that you will be able to send that signal into that other individual who is hungry and searching and help them perceive that in their being. This will stimulate a chain reaction in them to help them seek what you have already found. You will be able to guide them to the place where they can come and receive what they need.

The ideas of humans as energy forms and as beings of consciousness are becoming more predominant. It is a slow change, especially when people are so outwardly focused in their perception of reality. It will shift as it continues to build in the direction that you are now pursuing. At some point there will be the recognition that this is indeed the more valuable approach to life. People will become more interested in developing relationships with one another than with their credit cards or television sets. I say this with great humor and compassion, for it is all a part of the correction that your Father and Mother have so generously bestowed to you through great love and mercy.

But you all most grow at your own pace and time, and all you can do is to be a living example and inspiration, and improve your own energetics so that the love vibration you are carrying will catalyze another person, and then watch out as the sparks fly!

Student: Tough job!

Aurora: Let it be a light job. Let it be fun and remember that we are here. You only need to ask through your thoughts at any given moment and we will respond. But we cannot harmonize you and re-key you without your permission, so remember to call upon us frequently and feel and know that we are there with you.

My sisters and I could like to lead you in a few moments of worship and then we will take our leave. Let us direct our praise to our Paradise Creator Source and we will add our love and thanksgiving to yours.

We lift our hearts to you, oh great One at the center of all life. We pledge you our loyalty and our adoration, and feel from the long distance away the love of your children here on this planet known as Urantia. (Pause)

Thank you, my dear friends. I look forward to our next time together. May you have a delightful slumber this evening and awaken refreshed and renewed for another day. Good evening.