Tomas012606Teleconference_Cosmic Consciousness
T/R: Gerdean Bowen
January 26, 2006
TOMAS: Good evening, dear friends. I am Tomas, your Teacher for the evening. It pleases me greatly to be called to serve in this capacity. I am always glad to work with those who are willing to work with me and it gives me pleasure to work with Gerdean whom I have utilized in this fashion for many years, although I admit I have enjoyed experiencing this process with others who have been willing to take me on. Indeed, you will find the universe responsive to the desire to be in relationship with the many life systems and personalities available to you through your cosmic consciousness.
Cosmic Consciousness
I say cosmic consciousness in the terms of your being aware of your citizenship status, being conscious that you are a citizen of the universe, not merely this world, and certainly more than this finite existence. Granted, you are rather limited in terms of your ability to leave your station here, your experimental life station, but your consciousness is free to soar and your imagination certainly is able to float freely among the universes where you may engage in friendly relations with all you encounter for it is a friendly universe.
I must remember, when I speak with you, that you are literal minded more often than not, and so I can anticipate that probably half of you have interpreted my words to mean something I did not say but that you wanted to hear. This occurs often. It is one of the peculiar side effects of this format of communication which, although seriously limited and faulty, is nonetheless the best we have to work with at this point in your evolution and we do anticipate it will improve. In particular, as you yourself begin to respect the process and access intelligence in such a way as to make it your own.
And when I say "make it your own" I do not mean for you to create a personality and presume to put words in its mouth. Nor do I encourage you to be inspired by a concept and trust that the concept is infallible. Rather, I anticipate that you will recognize the experiential nature of life as you live it on Urantia and respect those marvelous liberties you are afforded, even as you restrain your liberal nature to the practical matters of ministry.
Change vis-a-vis Growth
There is a saying that "Change is inevitable; growth is optional" and I enjoy observing how many of you have taken the instigating words of Teacher Ham, "Welcome to Change" as sanction to lunge into change for change sake. Alas, such behavior only stirs the pot of confusion and chaos - that which we are diligently applying ourselves to subduing, so that we might bring this world round to a semblance of order and good orderly direction. Thus, look at what it is that you are embracing as change and ascertain for yourself if it is bringing about growth in your soul or is it simply change for change sake.
There are many who engage in what they call "lateral transfer" or a "geographic change" simply because they have gotten bored with where they are and are looking for a new perspective or another experience. And while you have the right to do this, having free will, you will find that "wherever you go, there you are," and so, have you advanced yourself by your choices or have you retarded your path by going round in circles, finding yourself merely where you started from at the outset?
Now, before you think I am scolding you for spinning your wheels, be assured I am not. I am only once again being a "Dutch Uncle" and encouraging you to advance. I know you have the capacity. I know you have the potential. And now you have the fellowship of others whose souls are also being quickened by this odd configuration of acknowledging the influence of your heavenly helpers. In whatever way that may be interpreted, there can be little doubt that our influence is abroad in the land, and whether we are recognized as a part of the Teacher Corps, one of the Melchizedek receivers, one of the angelic orders, or any number of other representations of the Ascended Masters or ascending life, even Descending Sons, the fact is apparent that you have opened the door to your universe neighborhood and have been beckoned out into the galaxies to play and meet your neighbors, as we have been invited into your hearts and allowed to touch upon your minds those concepts which we pray will benefit your development as a soul in becoming and as a personality in full flower.
How I enjoy speaking to a new group of students, a fresh class. Each semester in the Melchizedek University brings me a new array of eager minds and spirits. I am truly humbled to be a part of this experiment sanctioned by our planetary administrators and our Sovereign Michael.
Question and Answer Period
And one of the things I like best is getting to know you. I am professorial, but I am also filial, and so I have an open door policy. Come in! Sit down. Ask questions. Let’s get to know each other. [Long silence] Do you have questions this evening? [Another long silence]
If you do, don’t forget to release your voice by pushing No. 6 on your telephonic device. [Silence] Aren’t these contrivances interesting? They have launched us into another dimension where our conversations can not only take place but can be recorded for posterity, distribution and review. Of course, they can also be utilized by the detractors to ridicule our efforts and yet this is part of the risk we take, just as the Revelators indicated in presenting the Papers, they too took a risk that universe truths would be diluted, but it is worth the risk to reach into your hearts and encourage you to embrace the great reality of the indwelling God fragment and the divine plan that is yours for the taking. Once you have accepted...
Marty: Hello. This is Marty in Massachusetts and I would just...
TOMAS: Yes, of course.
Marty: . ..just would like to say it's probably such an astonishing experience that we're going through here that it's hardly possible to come up with a question to say oh that's I want to know. I guess I want to know everything. Perhaps we could just sit down and have a cup of coffee together and talk things over.
TOMAS: That would be fine with me. Tell me, how are you?
Marty: Well I'm just spending my time networking the Teachers on the computer and the world events in the Correcting Time and it's just astounding to see the whole picture that's what I say I'm doing. I'm just astounded by all of the events.
TOMAS: You have a marvelous perspective because of the nature of your interest, yes. You have not limited yourself to a small sector of the movement, but seen a broader expanse.
Marty: Well I'm thankful to have learned with the help of the Teachers to keep myself open to everybody and this is something I am very thankful of. This really was started by Midwayer Gorman when he was working with you and meeting with us and he encouraged us to be open-minded, take everything in.
TOMAS: Well, otherwise you become too specialized and you exclude people. And what we don’t need is spiritual snobbery.
Marty: And then you get the picture of the expose, all of the darkness that's coming out of our world and how the people are just aware of it and helping it to dissolve, I feel that you know.
TOMAS: Well, you among a liberal lot and so you are seeing those who are in the renaissance, so to speak, those who are in the light. There is still a majority in the dark, who is by habit thinking, acting, and responding in the old ways. That is where the work is. Even as you broadcast the good news -- and that is legitimate labor for the kingdom -- there is also the element of taking the light into the dark in order to bring forth those who have been submerged for so long they cannot see the difference, and bring them forth graciously and gently, so they are not blinded by the light, and so that you do not develop a savior complex, but rather, operate as an extension of the Master who would simply gather the sheep safely into the fold.
Marty: The prayer exercise you proposed to the Andover group is something I feel is really wonderful to think that we could have such an influence through our prayers.
TOMAS: Well, I am sure you have seen prayer groups before this one. The worldwide prayers for peace have been on going for some time, but it has not been incorporated as an exercise in the various teacher groups, and so it is an idea whose time has come. You will find, with "herding cats" that they will not tolerate much of this people or teachers suggesting what to do, but if a bit is attempted and no one is damaged and the effects of such effort is made manifest, it becomes then an instance of proof, as it were, and thus you are encouraged.
It is also a bonding exercise, as the various groups have discovered, and as has been taught from the beginning: if you pray together, you stay together; you bond. And when you pray for your supposed enemies, you come to love them because you learn to understand them when you direct prayerful energy in their direction since, in order to do that, you need to be in the light yourself. And so you shine God’s light on them and in that process you come to love them, and so prayer is a very effective tool, and it will be interesting to see how we do in this experiment next month.
Marty: Thank you for shedding that wonderful light on praying for your enemies. [Yeah, that was good] To be able to love them because you're praying for them really says what prayer is; it's really wonderful.
TOMAS: Yes, I learned that from Welmek, my co-Teacher in this mission.
Stefan: Tomas, here is my cup of tea, this is Stefan.
TOMAS: Yes, Stefan.
Stefan: It seems to me that everything that we do is unsustainable these days, the fossil fuels that we burn and killing the planet, it's what we use everyday to get around and the food that we eat is generated...there's too many people on the planet and the way we have to generate this food is unsustainable, feeding the animals completely the wrong things and even the way we sustain our relationships is unsustainable because everything seems to be driven by power and money.
TOMAS: Yes, I agree with you.
Stefan: How do we turn this whole thing around?
TOMAS: Turn yourself around, and as you do you will find others walking in the same direction. It is very possible that the system, as you have known it, is going to be destroyed. That is not something you should lose sleep over. You should, rather, be about the business of living in the light and that means all the practical applications of what you can sustain, not living on blind faith that providence will provide, but making intelligent decisions as to what you can depend upon.
I am not suggesting you go out and build a bomb shelter and stock it full of canned goods, no. But I am suggesting that you begin to create sustainable communities of like-minded people outside of the mainstream so that the civilization can survive and sustain itself in the new paradigm that is coming in, even as the old world is passing away. The more you identify with this system of things, the more your life will be disrupted. Remember, the Master said, "My kingdom is not of this world," and so don’t put your eggs in this basket; put your eggs in the basket of the Lord," (if you will tolerate my scriptural reference) and allow Him to lead you into those pastures that will bring about light and life for you and your loved ones.
It is a matter of turning yourself inside out, allowing Him to make decisions with you as to your way of life. And then trusting those decisions you make together as being a part of the advancement of those changes which will be necessary for humanity to make after it awakens from the illusion it has created from the old values of self will.
Stefan: These values of self will, are they reminiscent of the values of the rebellion or is this something every planet has to go through?
TOMAS: Every planet goes through it to some extent, as teenagers go through a rebellious state as they break away from their parental influence to find their own footing and their own identity and their own path, but yours here are more problematic because your civilization’s infrastructure was lost in the Rebellion and your parental influence was aborted with the Adamic Default, and so, in essence, you have pulled yourselves together as best you can without much to go on but learning to survive.
And so there is an inherent survivalist mentality that has created tremendous competition and strife. A certain amount of healthy competition is desirable, but you are saturated with it on this world, and it has cut into the framework of fellowship. It interferes seriously with the idea of helping your fellowmen and they helping you. Instead, it is a Catch 22 of self-will, where everyone seems to be every man for himself, even as every man for himself plays the game of sociability in the framework it has developed under impaired standards. We would like to revisit those standards and instill God-consciousness in every walk of life, in every way of life, so that the Father is an active participant in your lives, even in your socialization, for the presence of God alters everything.
Those of you who have been with one another and recognize the presence of God within each other understand because you recognize him in each other, and there is such a thrill of recognition therein, you would do anything to sustain that relationship in order to be of service to your fellows. You are inherently a Golden Ruler because you are God-led, spirit-imbued, instead of survival oriented in the most crass and common terms. I say this even as I understand that there are sophisticated institutions and highly polished mores and fashion and technology that would indicate an advanced society of sophisticated, intelligent and "God-fearing" people, but if they look at you and don’t see you, then who are they? The Father says He recognizes two kinds of people: those who choose to do his will and those who do not. " Those who choose to do his will." How many do you know who overtly come to you in faith of your Sonship and without words convey to you through the God within that you desire to be of service to one another and to God himself? How many of you can speak these words to one another without being scoffed or jeered?
Marty: Then I would say if you asked that question of a lot of people they would say they are trying to do that.
TOMAS: Yes, they would. And we wax philosophic.
Marty: I would just like to say that almost everybody that I know really seems to care that they're doing the right thing and because of the training that we grow up with in regards to religion, people don't really feel comfortable talking about God's will because the mention of God brings up so many different trainings. We all have different sources of training, but people do really care about each other. I feel as though just being with other people is just a blessing and I hardly ever run into a . .. although I know Gloria doesn't feel that way, she feels that hardly anybody is trustworthy. I guess that is the human experience.
TOMAS: Indeed, it is perspective.
Gloria: About what?
TOMAS: Trustworthy about what, is that your question, Gloria?
Gloria: Yeah, trustworthy with my money? Trustworthy with your own money? Trustworthy with my life? Trustworthy on the likes of my way of living...
TOMAS: Well, I will not … I understand. I will not leave it as if there were a handful of mortals on the planet that God recognizes and the others are riff-raff. That is not what I intend to say, and I hope you understand there are degrees of consciousness inherently built in because of the fact of evolution and the adjutant mind spirits that contribute to the attainment of the seven psychic circles. It is those who have attained the final circle who are able to talk more intimately with God, but all of those individuals, including everyone on this planet, are involved in the process of being brought forward; even though they may have one seraphim to 100 people, they are nonetheless looked over, and so I am offering a perspective of degree.
Yes, if you scratch any one of these human beings you will find God within. My point is: to what extent do they consciously keep him in mind as they go about their daily lives. I am not bashing the human condition, but you must acknowledge that most people do not pay attention to God until they are stressed, until there is trouble, and then they look to him to save them. This is human nature, until such time as they come to love God with all their heart, and then they come to God because they love him, and this is my assumption with you, my students, that you come to God because you love Him. You know Him, and you choose to do His will in all your affairs, that your light may so shine as a representative of Him, you are able to bring the light into the darkness, even as that may mean you become embroiled in scenes and situations that require mediation and negotiation, that engage you in competition and conflict. These are the ways the mortal evolves.
But recognizing that much of what is going on today in your world, as Stefan introduced, much of it is not going to be sustained. It cannot be sustained as it is. And so what are you going to do? You need to think of alternate methods. And unless and until these are adopted universally, you need to think in terms of the future – your grandchildren, and the planet in light and life. How to progress and grow instead of merely consuming and using as is the propensity. Even as people choose to do His will, nonetheless, the way it’s set up, they are abusing the resources and the human resources, because they are not doing it as wisely as they could be if they had their values in order … in a different order than we find them.
Marty: Well, Teacher Tomas, I wanted to ask a question. It seems to me that we are doing our best and by being able to bring the light of God into our social situations it will bring people's hearts to want to try harder and I feel as though we're all doing our best and it's very positive. We are Agondonters and we don't have a material presence here of a celestial being and we just have to do the best we can with the way things are and I feel that people really are doing their best. I feel very positive about the way things are going from this murky existence we have here. I just feel that everything is moving ahead and I would like to say we won't mind one bit if a celestial being who can help us can actually materialize and it's something that I ask, that they help us. If we had a Planetary Prince here and His staff we wouldn't have these problems. We would all know what the right thing is to do.
TOMAS: You don’t understand, my friend. The Planetary Prince and his staff are here. They are here now. And the angelic orders are at work. And the midwayers are scrubbing the floor on their hands and knees. The efforts are on going even now. I invite you to take up your staff and work with them to create the new order rather than worrying about that which is passing away, including the abuses to the planet for as you do forge ahead you will be giving off your light energy and it will affect the world as you pass by.
Marty: I believe that the will of the people that are with us are working together with the celestials and with the Prince's staff are doing it...
TOMAS: Yes, you are doing it. Did I imply you are not?
Marty: Well, I'm trying to speak for the human race to just say we are doing our best and we really are wholeheartedly doing it and very thankful to know that we have all this help here with us, something that you can imagine that not so long ago that we didn't even have an idea that we had this help with us.
TOMAS: I take my hat off to you, my friend, for your attitude is even of better cheer than my own. I see it differently but I don't mean to pass a pall upon your good cheer for God knows it is necessary to keep your faith afloat in . .. well, you don't feel these are troublous times evidently.
Marty: I do. I just feel as though its been trouble ever since it's been going on, ever since we've been in quarantine, since the rebellion and I know what the Midwayers have said what they went through here and all I can say is these times are all coming to a head and just very, very, very, very thankful that it's coming to a head now, finally, and that's really what I think is going on. And I don't think it's the best of times, I think it's really a tremendous transition taking place and everything is coming out of the woodwork.
TOMAS: Well, you're absolutely right, you taught one of my lessons in that paragraph: it is a critical time and this is the emergency nature of the Melchizedek involvement here during this transition time. I merely came in to point out that as you are going through changes, make sure that you are growing and not simply moving around just to be moving around.
Stefan: I would like to add one thing. Man will have to solve his own problems. Even though you can materialize as many celestials as you want here, it's clear from all the lessons we've learned from them that they will never tell us what to do...and then we will have....
TOMAS: You're absolutely right, it is necessary for you to gain this experience for you eventually to master your own universes. This is your experience.
Stefan: Thanks a lot.
TOMAS: Indeed, and I will alienate myself one more time before I call our session to a close and that is to suggest that many of you remain seekers of signs, and while there is a difference between those who literally see the hand of God working in their lives and in the lives of others, and those who look for symbols in order to sustain their faith or prove their premise, be mindful of whether you are a seeker of signs in this generation or are you ready to pick up your bed and walk. I say this to encourage you for I know the road is rough. There is work ahead. It is worrisome to see the world in such disarray and the air polluted and the students in turmoil. There are many problems on the planet that must be, can be, and will be dealt with.
I am not discouraged. I am encouraged, like you, Marty, that these times are upon us, for they will result in the brave new world we anticipate, where spirit reigns supreme. But this will be brought about as a result of your efforts, not because we have made it possible. Otherwise, you will not have had the experience necessary for you in your schooling in this Melchizedek University that you are [enrolled in] and in which I am honored to teach. I was a cultural anthropologist when I was a mortal and so these issues interest me greatly. I have a tremendous passion for the topic and so I have gotten carried away, and perhaps have had too much coffee as we sat and chatted together, but I have certainly enjoyed myself and I truly hope you have as well and (that) I have not bored you all to tears.
Marty: Well, we're not going to let you down Teacher Tomas; we're not going to let you down.
TOMAS: Well, you're a good kid and a good student but it is not me that you need to worry about letting down.
Marty: Well, if you're one of the fans then we want to keep you cheering for us.
TOMAS: Let's keep each other happy. Yes indeed, let us be on our way. Blessed students, blessed children of God, and beloved brothers and sisters, I bid you farewell.