Flurry Articles have temporatily been removed for future changes in format and content.
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The ABC Summaries have been removed for the time being. Their restoration is problematic until the Magisterial Son decides as to their future or their deletion entirely from the record.
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Free Software Program to Read the PDF files on this site.
The Urantia Book Fellowship's voice recording of Part IV of the Urantia Book: The Life & Teachings of Jesus. This page also shows Parts I - III of the Book in audio format as well.
A Web Siote Dedicated to the Interests of the Paradise Son, Serara, and the coming Magisterial Mission to Urantia - http://serara.org/
Information from Monjoronson, the Magisterial Son to incarnate on Urantia, consisting of 168 pages, by Dr. Daniel Raphael (May, 2007). In PDF file format and requires Adobe Reader
A Worldwide network of persons exploring the spiritual counterpart of advancing material knowledge and temporal wisdom.
Our multi-media Exploration of the Spiritual Universe is for your enlightenment and entertainment.
Rayson is well known to the old Teaching Mission as he started teaching science and related subjects in the mission as early as 1992 and has several collections available for reading from that Mission. He now is being instructor to Urantia as the Magisterial Mission Science Officer, and will lead many institutions into new discoveries for energy and devices that can save humanity from falling back into the dark ages. This web site is preliminary to more materials he will improve the present site with.
The Discussion Forum is linked directly to the Teaching Mission web site when it is up and running. The appearance of the Serara discussion forum is a light blue while the sister site, the Teaching Mission TML.website is similar in appearance but a different color (green). The Discussion forum has many areas for communication on many subjects including the Second Return of Jesus and the Magisterial Mission under the guidance of Serara, the Magisterial Son.
The Serara Discussion Forum Archives Site was created to archive to save many unusual and important discussions that have to be deleted after several years in the database to make room for more posting activities. This site saves references that would otherwise lost to our records and is an excellent review of the Magisterial Mission and other divine activities now gone from the Serara Discussion Forum. Michel Levasseur designed an construted this site for our reading pleasure.
Learn About The Charitable Trust Which Supports and Maintains This Site. In addition there are archives for New Era Conversations by the Colorado Group; an important article on Zero Point Energy summarized from a celestial Paper, and other fascinating archives for the spiritually motivated and intellectually curious.
The Bible & Urantia Book Cross-Reference Resource - Over 13,000 cross-references between The Urantia Book and the Bible, including major books of the Apocrypha - Developed by Duane Faw
PDF Document - Description of the Production of The URANTIA Book: By Carolyn B. Kendall. The document is both a review of history and purpose behind the Urantia Book as seen through the eyes of one who was very close to these activities.
The Portal is the O'Dell new monthly publication. The idea is to peek through the porthole of time and space into another dimension . . . .
We are a band of friends and kindred spirits who have been working with celestial teachers for some 20 years, as both listeners and transmitters.
Version 29 March 2016 - The Document is a Catalog of The Events That Shaped The Correcting Time & Teaching Mission since its inception in 1992, and the proposed Second Return of Jesus shortly.
David Kantor's Compilation of the History Surrounding the Production of The URANTIA Book, How the Book was Treated, and Events which shapped the present situation within the Urantia Foundation, the Urantia Fellowship, and related organizations. The Author, David Kantor does not consider this compilation as "official", but it does offer the most comprehensive view of the Urantia Book history on the planet.
The old Teaching Mission was archived on tmlarchive.org, the web site you view now, but the new Teaching Mission archives will have their own repository to distinguish the old Teaching Mission existing from 1992 to 2015 from the new activities to be established in 2016. The new tmlarchives.org was built and designed by Michel Levasseur of Claire point, Quebec, Canada.
Links To Urantia Book Sites Around The World
Various degrees and elements abound on this web site for those who wish to know more about the Urantia Book and much of the history behind it.