Elyon; Jonathon; Light; Charles; Machiventa Melchizedek - Back to Basics - Dec 12, 28, 2014 and 01 Jan, 2015 - North Idaho; Lightline

Transcript 1 of 3  Elyon
Lightline Teleconference  2014-12-04
Teacher: Elyon
T/R: Mark Rogers

Elyon: I welcome this opportunity to come onto the floor with you all, I am Elyon and I feel invited this evening as the initial interjection about going back to basics and the importance of that and what that might mean. You, all who have been a part of this Teaching Mission for sometime, will no doubt recognize that there has been a certain consistency throughout. In referencing the basics I feel qualified to bring you back, since I was instrumental in the beginning, at introducing some of the very basics and I will call you all to witness that these basics are still quite significant. I refer to number one, the practice of stillness.

To those of you who have been faithful in practicing this discipline it may seem as though this goes so far back as to no longer be significant, but I assure you, it is the foundation, the bedrock on which your furthest spiritual explorations have been built. Without this primal discipline, you cannot hope to build your foundations of spirit awareness on solid footing and the very fact that you have engaged in these practices these many years, so much so that they have become second nature, is testament to the necessity of this principle.

Just because it is a basic element and a beginning block does not mean that it does not remain a significant cornerstone of your foundation. The fact that it may be old news to you is granted, but you must all recall that there is always the potential that there are those coming along that do not have the long term exposure to these basics that you have enjoyed and so there will always be the referencing back to what is important, the stillness, the gaining control over the ramblings of the mind and the different methods and objectives around that process.

This will never go out of fashion or be out of date. This will always be a significant aspect of what we are attempting to bring to this world at this time. There are many, there are most of the individuals out there, who have yet to recognize the significance of this one basic truth let alone the other basic truths we have introduced of your relationship to your cosmic family, your divine origins and destiny, your capacity as co-created beings. These elements of self have yet to even scratch the surface. Mankind has yet to discover these basic truths about themselves and so how can it be that these basics, these tenants of who you are as a spiritual being could be outmoded or somehow no longer pertinent, in fact, if we spent all of our time and energy just getting a few of these basic points across, our mission would be resounding with success.  

Instead, we struggle to portray these basics and there are some, even some among you, who have embraced these truths and accepted these principles, and now desire more and wish to build on these principles and expand with this new perspective that has been gained. And so it is that groups venture out in different directions in search of more and greater truths, deeper meanings and higher values. This is not a bad thing and you witness that we have accommodated your desires each and every one. If you have interest in your heart, if you are seeking, then it is our desire to help you find, help you be successful in your search.

And so we have ventured off on many different tangents to the main principles, nevertheless, none of this would be possible were it not for your mastering the basics for were it not for your abilities to embrace these truths we have offered as basic building blocks, we could go no further. I understand the concern that the basics not be forgotten and this is true. Just as it is important for you to learn your alphabet so that you can organize it and use it to your best advantage to formulate your word symbols, it is not desired that you rehearse your alphabet infinitely; rather it is desired that you become so familiar with it that it becomes second nature, becomes a part of you, it becomes an extension of yourself, a tool for you to use.

You need not go back so far to the basics that you cannot accept the fact that you have certain mastery over these basics, certain ownership within yourselves, and so it is with some of these principles of divine stewardship, of sonship with God, of being a part of a divine family, of using moments of stillness to reaffirm this connection, of using your position in this relationship to act in a co-creative capacity. These demonstrate that you are in possession and in mastery of some of these basics and you are applying these principles at will, that you no longer need to go over them and be refreshed, you simply move into the wielding of these principles as if you had an extension of yourself, command of these principles through your own being and this is all exactly how it should manifest.

You are becoming more and more, extensions of your awareness. I invite you to witness this perspective the next time you are graced with encountering someone who is new to these principles and you may have an opportunity to go back and start where you were so very long ago and introduce them to some of the most basic ideas of your spiritual awareness. It is only then that you will see how far you have really come. When you have to go back and explain what stillness is to someone and why it is important and what is the value of it, you will see for yourselves how this very basic tenant has been absorbed by your being, how you function relying on this principle, how it has become second nature to you. When you have to explain it to another what it is and why, you will see how very far you have come and progressed from those early days when you were asking those same questions and needing those same answers.

So in reference to this discussion about what may or may not be appropriate in terms of what lessons, what stage of lessons, what different teachers may bring and what different t/r's may bring to the table, remember that this co-creative process is always in flux. It is a dynamic process in which there are multiple participants, it is a moving target of what gets settled on in the end and anything that transpires is serviceable to someone, somewhere, somehow. None of it is in vain and none of it is in grave error. It may be judged by some to be non-essential, superfluous or erroneous but it would not have transpired if the participants involved had not desired that it be made manifest.

Keep this in mind, these dances that you witness between the participants are mutual. It takes two to dance. They may appeal to you or perhaps turn you off but they exist as the fruits of a relationship, a co-creative relationship where there is limited perfection. Keep in mind that all attempts at these spirit conversations are necessarily imperfect. They are a result of an imperfect process with imperfect techniques under imperfect circumstances. It can be said that it is a miracle it happens at all.

So go easy on yourselves and on others. Judge not the effectiveness or pertinence of any others form of spiritual exercise, simply try to perfect your own. Try to become more and more the perfect listener so that you can be more and more the accurate portrayer of that which you have heard and grant that the process itself is inherently imperfect. That does not mean it does not have value, is not important, that the work that you task yourself with is not significant, for it is. But, again, try not to be too hard on yourselves. Simply take the best and leave the rest and this will be the most reasonable approach for you to take.

It is indeed very interesting to join this group and reflect on what is significant, what is important about all this that we have been doing for so very long in this Teaching Mission, what has survived, what has grown, what directions have things gone and simply to take stock and take note. I ask you all to trust, to have faith that what you do is significant; the mark you leave on this world is a significant one. Many like yourselves have had significant impact that they were wholly unaware of. So I invite you to have faith that your efforts at documenting spirit, at being representatives of spirit, at interfacing with those spirit beings, all these are notable and worthy contributions to make to the spirit presentation to your world.

I honor the fact that you must do this in faith without the rewards of seeing the impact on others. Truly, those who would be greatest among you must be servers of all, as you have been. I honor you all for your efforts at keeping this dream alive, promoting this version of truth and awaiting the time when the rest of your brethren will come to acknowledge it and see it as significant as you do. Stay the course dear ones, you are the children in whom the Father is well pleased.

Thank you for your time this evening, I hope I have brought words and encouragement and words of love to bolster your faith and bring you peace in the process. It has been my supreme pleasure to commune with you in this way this evening. I now bid you adieu, farewell.


Transcript 2 of 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-12-28
Teacher: Unknown, Charles, Jonathan, Light
T/R: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers

Unknown: [Cathy] During this transition time it will be necessary to maintain an aura of hope and serenity. We have prepared for change and you need to believe that this is possible. You need to step forward and pursue the goals of our mission. You need to be the compassion and mercy we are needing. Your attitude needs to be humility and gratitude to bring forth the correction in institutions and individuals. Bring your action to the problem and be cheerfully hopeful.

Prayer: [Mark] Thank you Divine Parents for this gift, this opportunity, this chance for us to make this choice and be the space, provide a place for you and the others in our choosing to do so.

Charles: [Mark] Good morning friends, I am Charles. To one who has grown and become familiar with the dimensions of their being as spiritual beings, truly it is possible for these individuals to maintain a positive and hopeful attitude for they understand how big they really are, what a family they belong to, what their destiny is about and the scope of their eternal experience. So, even when faced with obstacles and challenges, these individuals take comfort in another reality, another truth. They rely on universe principles which they have come to know, they trust and have faith in the universal grace that they have experienced.

These are the individuals who will remain hopeful, who will remain faithful, who will proceed as if all will be well, individuals such as yourselves who have become versed in these truths and who have embraced these realities for themselves. Certainly there is much to be experienced and much to be gained by fully being immersed in the ongoing experience around you and so it is well and good that you practice being in the moment as you refer to it. But part of the desire to focus on the importance of the moment comes from a greater awareness that these moments contain within them grand significance.  

So all of this approach, all of this attitude comes about because of the degree of awareness that you have about your position in the whole scope of all that has transpired. The more secure you feel as a spiritual being among these spiritual truths, the less fear and uncertainty you may exhibit in your current moment of the now. It is truly a challenge for you to manage such wide ranging ideals alongside such mundane moment to moment interactions. That is the unique opportunity you find yourselves in of the life of a human on Urantia. Eternal beings plodding through moments of time trying to bring as much consciousness and awareness into this present as they are capable of.

This is viewed as nothing less than miraculous, that born of the flesh, individuals may become indwelt with spirit and infuse mortal time and space with spiritual values and principles at play. This is where you are, the spark plug between spirit and the engine of humanity.

It is always a great joy to come to this group as a fly on the wall as it were, and observe the stimulating conversation and to feel as you do, each one, the shift as we enter the spiritual classroom and begin functioning in the spiritual dimension and to discuss how this may be applied to everyday living and every moment it serves. I am always grateful for the opportunity you provide, the space that you create which I can come and share with you as we engage together. I now make room for others, farewell.

Jonathan: [Mark] Good morning friends, Jonathan here to join you once again. I love this discussion of how the mortal and the divine co-mingle in the human experience. It is such a unique experience, such a one time encounter with the furthest reaches of materialism and still, spirit is there. Spirit survives, even permeates those who are willing to receive it. There is a statement of sorts that to one who is spiritualized, all things are holy, all things are miracles and it is true simply because the observer observes them in this fashion. They are material acts and actions but they may be infused with spirit and miracles. It is all about who is involved, who the observers are and what their intention is.

It could be a simple mundane act of changing the toilet paper or it could be a holy act of gratitude, the same act performed by different participants or by the same participant with a different attitude. That's what makes the human experience so fascinating. It all comes down to the choice of the participant . It is not preordained or predetermined in any way, it is created moment by moment, piece by piece, action by action, choice by choice. It is truly miraculous to behold how mortals of the realm create their lives, their environments, their circumstances, often times ignorant of their power in doing so.

But to those who are becoming spiritually aware, they are monitoring their selves for their reactions, they are bringing their choices into the moment, bringing themselves into the present and attempting to connect conscious choice with action, in accordance with divine principles. Such an act is that of a divine being, a co-creative divine child of God. What a joy it is to come among such a group, to be among such a group as one, all of us who recognize that we are children of Divine Parents, that this in not only our heritage but our destiny and we are being born of the spirit more and more each time we transform.

But it is always good to be in gratitude for the current circumstance, the current experience at hand and I join you today and stand in gratitude for what we have now in this moment. It is sacred, it is a miracle, it is by choice, it is by love, it is by grace and I stand with you in gratitude and I feel with you the peace of such a moment because we experience this together as a result of our choice and our desire to be here now. I breathe it in as you do, soak it into my being as you do, experience it to my core as you do and stand in gratitude for this ability to share this with all of you at this time.

Thank you for leaving the door open for me always and the light on. I always feel welcome.

Light: [Cathy] I am with you in the discussion of sparks. These are indeed flashes of the light sent forth to induce activity. You are each an activator that has the capacity to bring forth motion with your inspiration and intention. I find in my play with light that even the smallest spark can have an astounding effect. Continue your efforts to bring light with you in every one of those small moments of your day. Play with light and observe the effect. I am always ready to join you in play.


Transcript 3 of 3
Lightline Teleconference  2015-01-01
Teacher: Charles, Jonathan, Machiventa
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Thank you, thank you Divine Parents for all of your gifts of grace that sustain us and keep us going and literally help us to survive. We cling to these gifts of grace and the awareness that we are part of your divine family. I would express a joint sentiment to the universe at large that we do feel poised, we do feel on the brink. Perhaps from your perspective as spirit beings, it may be hard to understand this feeling of 'impending something' since your perspectives are so much greater than ours but we do feel these tugs of universe tension on the strains of our souls.  We would like to know how to interface, how to co-mingle with the divine plan, how to be part of the solution in all cases, how to function best as ambassadors of the grace that we understand is you. Help us to be instruments of your peace and guardians of your grace.

Charles: I'll take up this opportunity you provide, I am Charles and I will come among you tonight to resonate with you about these feelings of being tied to the energies of all that is around you. Truly this life force energy is felt by all of us. We are all attached to this web of energy, this force field that we are a part of and whatever happens anywhere migrates through the system and is felt by all. This is one of your greatest occasions that you can point to and feel, that in fact you are spiritual beings because it is your spiritual component, the aspect of yourselves that is spirit which feels this, which senses this, which feels as though it has its finger on the web and on the pulse of the energy of the universe.

This is what is so marvelous about these encounters that you have, where you feel this connection, because it is ringing your spirit bells, it is affirming for you that you are indeed connected, you are a part and attached to the web, you are an integral part of the spiritual family that is all around you and as such, you are intertwined and you are privy to many things which happen not directly to you but rather to the force that you reckon as the collective conscience. It is always a joy to witness as developing mortals of the realm contact spirit and become aware that they have done so. It brings alive a whole other aspect of what it is to be mortal and human and at the same time to realize that you are connected to eternity and divinity.

So on this first day of this new cycle of this next year, perhaps we might take the opportunity to seize control of ourselves in this process so that we may the better apply ourselves to the process. You see, it is very important that your choices be conscious and therefore real and that your actions be guided by your highest intentions. When this is so you will witness that your choices will be easier, smoother, and in more harmony with your desire to grow spiritually. This is what we can do at a juncture such as this, a beginning of a new cycle. We can declare that we will be more conscious, more active, we will take more control, we will seize the opportunity before us and put ourselves in play more often.

There will no doubt be ample opportunities provided out there as life transpires all around you. It is about seeing the opportunities and seizing the opportunities that you may become more effective in the process and apply your spiritual intentions more effectively. So perhaps as we enter this new cycle we can seek constant realignment with this desire to be in the moment, to be present, to be active in our role we play as ambassadors of a Divine family and not to be simply passive. This is the opportunity we are granted, this is the grace that we find in our times, the opportunity to insert our spiritual intentions, to redirect the path onto our spiritual ideals, to take charge of the situation and move it to a higher dimension, one that is infused with spirit.

All of these represent simple choices that we could make and act upon and do at will. There is no magic, the magic is in realizing it could happen in that moment, in every moment, in any moment. That's what makes it transpire, bringing awareness into the equation and then acting as if you believe, acting with the faith and assurance, acting with conviction in your beliefs. And if these steps fall into place, then whatever it is you desire to focus on or participate in is changed, has been rearranged by your efforts at infusing the equation with spirit. Every time this is done the circumstance is elevated, the experience for all is enhanced and the values contained within the circumstance are more clearly demonstrated.

This will be the opportunity that you all have as life swirls around you, to look for and seize the moments, the opportunities, the places where you can act as a spiritual fulcrum and then simply and naturally insert yourselves in the process. Let your will be done and let your will be a reflection of our Father's will so that His will ultimately may be done. Let it be so through you and as you in the process. Let you do what your Master would have done, let you say what Jesus would say. This is what I would wish for all of you, a rich and bountiful opportunity placed before you, one after the other, as you are ready and willing. This is what you will rise to the challenge of, one after the other, opportunities arising before you and your recognizing them and seizing them and applying yourself to the circumstance, being used as an instrument from your Divine Parents because it is your will to do so.

I always appreciate the opportunity to be welcome among you and to share thoughts into the thought stream of the evening. I will now bid you all farewell and allow this space for others, thank you.

Jonathan: I'll greet you all, my name is Jonathan and I'd like to have a few words about the New Year's tradition about making resolutions. The active taking stock of where you have been and where you would like to go is a good and valuable human trait. Every cycle, every so often, it is beneficial for everyone to consider what has happened and what they would like to see happen, what steps might be required and then to resolve, to have conviction, to have the necessary energy devoted to moving in a certain direction.

This act of co-creation is one that is literally done all the time. With every act you do, every step you take is in some direction, is with intention to go in some manner, to achieve some goal, to have some result. Every action taken is a means to that end and so it is just simple universe principles at play, having intention, deciding what you want to do, formulating a plan, speaking the words, making it so and then applying yourself, the deed of getting it done and it is done. Simple thought, word and deed put into action is creation in motion. Whether it is in planning to go out to the movies or whether it is planning your career or anything in between, the same principles apply. Thought, word and deed, they are simple, they are basic, they are forever true.

So I invite you on this beginning of a New Year to make a resolution to see this process in action everywhere, all of the time, in all different capacities, to be conscious of this co-creation which is happening all the time and to more sincerely steer such things as has been discussed, to apply yourself to make it simply more effective. This would be an invitation I would offer to all of us for the New Year ahead; to be more focused; to bring more of our intention to the process; to apply ourselves with more focus.

It is always a pleasure to join such a group of seekers. What a wonderful witnessing of the grace of this process, that we can join together in this way, fellowship in this manner, be together in this spiritual realm. I applaud you all for joining me here in this dimension, for bringing yourself to this place of openness and awareness. I feel with you the gratitude for creating and occupying such a space as we share. This is truly a meeting place where we have come from our different dimensions and fellowship here in this citadel of spirit. I stand with you in gratitude for the opportunity to be here now. Thank you all for having me. I bid you all good bye.

Machiventa: Thank you my friend, I come among you at this occasion because as cycles go round and round and circumstances evolve, it now brings us to the time where many of you have been involved in my classrooms for some time. You have been dedicated students of the teachings. You have had the curriculum introduced and then re-introduced to you and I am very pleased to say that much of what we have presented to you has truly taken. There comes a time when the members of the classroom have been well versed enough in the materials that the next logical step is for them to be dispersed as the teachers, as the seeds of the next generation.

And so it is my great honor to invite those of you who have been steadfast and long term students to feel as though you have been given your graduation papers from this initial school and now you are entitled to promote the teachings abroad, have them as your own lesson plan, use them as they have been useful to you. Present them to those out there as a personal possession of yours, something that has been incorporated in your lives, in fact, to the degree that you are able to manifest these traits, become them and in this way illuminate others about them.

It is useful and helpful from time to time to tell the students that they have reached levels of competence with the material so that they feel as though they can own it, possess it and demonstrate it. This is where we find you, versed in the material, eager to be of service, ready and armed with the lesson plan and now simply the next step of taking the next step, of feeling qualified, of welcoming the opportunity. So there has been talk of opportunities and there will be great ones rise up before you. I invite you to feel as though you are prepared. You are equal to the challenges. Stand tall in faith and conviction and certainly you will triumph and vanquish fear and doubt.

It has indeed been a pleasure to watch you grow through this process. As we formed these classrooms and presented you with these lesson plans, we were wholly unaware how they would be received and how this gigantic experiment would fare. But we are glad to see that certain advancements have been clearly made as we witness even this opportunity we share in this moment, a true advancement that has been as the result of the efforts of the participants. Thank you all, all of you, the participants, for your energies and your efforts. We build this spiritual scaffolding together and we rely on your energy as well as ours. Without the donation of your energies we are unable to push forward. It takes combined energies which is the consent of spirit and when we have such a consent, we may move forward. When we lack it, it is not within our capacities to create it where it doesn't exist.

That is what is so valuable about all of you who venture forth in spirit willingly, who invest your energies into the process so that they may be used, guided and directed. Be bold in these times before you for that is what is needed, conviction of the heart, conviction of spirit. Hold strong to your faith, that is what will show others that you are the children of God. I bless you all in this New Year and always, peace be upon you, farewell.