Michael; Aaron; Light; Jonathan' Charles; Nebadonia; Coach; Lester; Inner Voice; Machiventa - Michaels Birthday and More - Aug 23, 24 & Sep 04 and 21, 2014 - Four -4- Transcripts - North Idaho Team

Transcript 1
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-08-23 [Michael's birthday celebration...Sat. afternoon session]
Teacher: Michael, Aaron, Light, Jonathan, Charles, Nebadonia
T/R: Mark Rogers, Sheila Burgher, Cathy Morris

Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, come and join this party. Feel the love as I know you do. Accept the invitation to co-mingle with us in this process, to be with us in forming this circle of love, even now. Help us to access this circle this weekend with each other as we enjoy our creation, as we breathe in and take in all that this experience has to offer for us. Join us in this process, experience the joy with us. Thank you for the opportunity this represents. May we make the most of it, fill our cups to the full. Thank you so very much.

Michael: [Mark] Greetings to you all, I was not mentioned specifically by name in your invitation to gather with you but I know of a certainty I am in your hearts. I am He who you gather to rejoice and celebrate and I am honored and touched each time you carry this recognition of me in your hearts. Truly it is a joy to come among you and get closer to you in these exercises that we provide. What an opportunity it is when your hearts are open and receptive and this energy which you seek can so easily flow. In the end it all comes down to your willingness, your readiness to accept the flow of this energy. it is always being offered, it is always available to you. It amounts to you your position at any given time as to how much of this energy you can embrace or handle. This is part of the growing process. Each time you expand by being filled by this energy your capacities are greater, the next time you can hold more, you can wield more power, you can go with even a greater flow.

This is how constantly we are expanding your capacities, with your willingness to be filled and filled again and topped off once more. By coming back to this well you show your willingness to expand in the process, to grow in your dimensions. And so, you become more and more spiritualized in this process, able to hold more and more spirit content. This is such a joy to see. Just as it is a joy to watch the trees mature and have fruit and bear great fruit in the process, so it is to watch you each one expand and show the fruits of your spirit content. They are plainly visible to behold, even visible to be harvested and used and enjoyed for the bounty that they represent. I toast you all, I applaud you all who come here on this day to toast me. You are the children in whom I am so greatly pleased who would pursue not only me but through me to our Father. You certainly warm a parent's heart.

And so I wanted to take the opportunity to kick things off for you today by letting you know that I have accepted your internal petitions to participate with you, to be here now, that I have heard your calls and desires to approach me and it represents my desire to make it so. So this weekend, look for my hand, look for my heart, look for my words, feel my peace, see me in each other. This love that you speak of tapping into in this circuit, this is our love, this is the Father's love through the Son, to the sons, to the beautiful children. Join with me today in celebration of this love which binds us all. Let us be joyous and happy on such an occasion when we come together to fellowship in the recognition of this thread that binds us, in this peace that we all register in the process, in this sense of belonging as we are one family. Let us celebrate these basic principles of our existence with great joy today. I will be with you throughout. I now make way so that others may access this platform but I will be in attendance throughout. Thank you once again.

Aaron: [Sheila] A celebration of this magnitude is never one way. It is that which is within your hearts that you give that you also receive. In keeping with momentum, you serve as light beings, you serve and the purpose that was to bring balance and love at a vibration that has not been felt for a very long time. We are entertained when we hear any of you pretend not to know your value. We are entertained when you feel that things are going wrong. We are entertained when you think you stand alone. From our perspective we are able to see the ever changing and blossoming of not just you, but what you are doing for the entire planet.

We listen to your ideas of how it should be or, wouldn't it be great if it were like this? Those ideas, those feelings are in the ethers finding their way, finding a platform, finding characters for this is you creating your world that you desire so. There are so many ideas of how to bring peace. Not everyone is geared up for all of these ideas and yet this is why your individual desires are intended to be nurtured uniquely and to allow others to value their ideas of what brings peace to their world. This is much of what is going on in these days as everyone is acting out their ideas of how to make changes. It is when you focus upon your own ideas that brings strength and manifestation.

You are all uniquely qualified for bringing peace and love and higher vibrations and the little things that you do and the little ways that you reach out even in the tiniest moment of your very own peace and your very own moments of gratitude. These moments are what are effective in a very large project. To have you all circle once again as you have so beautifully done year after year, this is not just a date for all of you to gather, it is also a moment where all of us who have been with you through all these years, through all your phases, through all your choices and forks in the road, [where] we gather in this special moment to celebrate you. We so enjoy the exchange, we see your beautiful lights. I am Aaron.

Light: [Cathy] I also join you in celebration. Together we gather the power of light and reflect it into the world. Let's play and rejoice in our opportunity.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hey guys, I just wanted to stop by and say hi. I am Jonathan and I can't help but come and be a part of such a beautiful crowd, a beautiful circle, a beautiful circuit of energy that is a part of me. I have helped to create this circuit. I have cleared brush and put up tents and folded tables and chairs for many seasons. My energy is present in this very arena, this very field that we enjoy at this moment. I have ownership just as you do in the creation of this energy field. And so, it is such a great pleasure and privilege to make my presence known once again, that I am still a contributor to this energy field just as you are, that in this regard we are very similar.

I still want to stop and reflect at this time, each cycle just as you do on the magnificence of Michael and His mission. It is great to see that the tradition continues and that all of you have been so faithful in supporting the tradition. What a wonderful opportunity it has been for all of us, truly a life changing set of events. It was just my purpose to stop by as you have all stopped by. I received an invitation and by the grace of God, the miracle was granted. I am able to respond because of this unique set of circumstances we observe here at this time. But then again, that is one of the threads that has bound this group together, the unique set of experiences and circumstances that have always brought us close to each other. The spiritual explorations and where they have led you are the threads that bind you as well, the thread that binds us as I am also one of you in this regard. I thank you for the invitation and the opportunity to express myself in fellowship with you all. I still have such a great fondness. Consider yourselves hugged in spirit, thank you to you all.

Charles: [Mark] Since there is an open mike I will access it, I am Charles. It's my pleasure as well to join in this energy field. What a treat to join and plug into a group that is already generating such light and has such positive energy contributions to make. When any configuration like this comes into play, there is always so much potential that it is like watching a fast paced movie, to try to keep track of all the good things that are going on and keep them in perspective as they happen so rapidly and so succinctly.

What a treat it is to observe with you, the sharing of the Creator Son who so cares about you and so loves you that he would take all the "time" you could imagine to be with you. Such a love is so profound, so real, brings so much purpose to your existence that all other things seem to pale in comparison. After one finds this energy flow of love they tend to want more and more and focus less and less of their available energies on the superfluous aspects of living and concentrate more and more on finding and having more of the real stuff, the divine energy, the flow of energy from the Divine.

But you are no strangers to this. This is preaching to the choir. You all have tasted it, drank deeply of this cup. That is why you are here, returning to the well for more. So I applaud you for your intentional efforts to access this energy field that you create. Truly you are becoming spiritualized beings. It is a matter of record, it is observable phenomenon. So be it, I am grateful to our Divine Parents as you are for this gift of grace represented by your spiritual growth, your coming to fruition and bearing spiritual fruits. It is my pleasure to make my presence known in the circle as well, and I shall remain in attendance and I shall benefit much as you do by simply observing spirit in action. I adopt the saying from the beginning, let's play. Thank you all, good day.

Nebadonia: [Cathy] My children, your Father and I have embrace you in celebration. We are so proud of your attempt to expand your abilities and understanding. We are most pleased to see the gathering of our beloved family and hear your laughter. Be assured that we joyfully support you as you step out into new experiences. Know that we are with you always. You only need to ask and we are here to help.  


Transcript 2
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-08-24 [Michael's birthday celebration - Sunday morning session]
Teacher: Michael, A Voice from the Collective, Inner Voice, Coach, Jonathan, Lester
T/R: Mark Rogers, Sheila Burgher, Mary Rogers, Ginny Jakubiak

MIchael: [Cathy] I was in hopes that this group would be able to come together in a united effort to move forward in the spiritual experiment that is the Teaching Mission. It is still an effort to bring you all into the mindset that I had envisioned. Many are working in their own way with light and energy, the oneness I desire has not been accomplished. It was true of my apostles in my final incarnation. There was miscommunication and individuals who held to their own idea of the Messiah regardless of any message I put forward. Unity is as important at this point as it was in those times. It is my desire, my plan for you, to continue to devote time to the action of this group. It is for you to be my hands. As each of you has unique talents, each is an important component of the action required to bring the planet into alignment with our Father's original pattern. This is the action that will bring the planet into the time of correction - Light and Life.

Michael: [Mark] Your very presence has given me the invitation to be here. Once again, I am Michael, your brother, your Father, your friend, desiring once again, continuously, all the time, to be with you, to have such an invitation as you provide in this moment. I would ask of each of you, my faithful stewards, to simply grow more and more accustomed to this sense of togetherness, this invitation that you provide in this moment that you could extend in each moment, that could be chosen at any moment. I invite you to choose this path, to choose this option in your lives, more and more and I see you are accepting my invitation. You are growing each day in your willingness to choose this option, this coming together and being together by invitation and by choice.

These are our supreme gifts, the gifts of our choosing, the gifts of our endorsement, of our society to support this or that. This is the power of our creative potential and the simple act of a choice. Many do not appreciate the significance of this gift of grace, this opportunity to choose, this grand and divine ideal that you should be offered the opportunity to completely explore for yourself what it is to choose, to see for yourselves the results of your choice, to feel for yourself the correctness of your choice, to prove to yourself the effectiveness of your choice. That is what is so glorious about observing those so willing to get out on the field and play the game. Each choice and every choice are so instantly portrayed in the moves that are made, the actions that are taken, the consequences that are the result.

Such it is this big life game you are at play with, one series of opportunities after another, one set of circumstances after another and growth opportunities at all points. Thank you for the opportunity to sit among you and fellowship with you today. I am in gratitude that you take time to remember me, remember my contribution I made in my time. It is my desire, my wish that your recollections of me and my service simply serve to inspire you in yours. You are the ones in your time, you are the ones making the history of tomorrow. You are the ones creating the legends, inspiring the multitudes, demonstrating to them your faith in action. You are the hands and the feet and the voice and the look in the eye and the love portrayed of the Father and the Son and you do me proud.

Thank you for the partnership that you have with me already and the one we are growing together. I appreciate your willingness to more and more invite and include me, us really, in your life experience, your treasured and unique encounter with the reality that has been created on your behalf. I receive from you your gratitude and cherish it. I offer you mine for we are members of the same family. I invite you to feel my presence upon you, even now. It is always my pleasure to come among you and simply share energies, simply be together in the same creative space. I cherish you my family, each one, every one. We may not be whole without any of us. So be it, this experience we share together, this great gift of grace that  has been orchestrated from on high and for which we are both so very grateful.

Thank you Father for this gift of experience, this opportunity to be a part of your whole, to be an aspect of your all and to return to you these gifts you have given, multiplied by our conscious efforts to grow them. Let it be so, each one and every one. My peace I leave with you, my presence I make available to you, farewell to you for now.

Voice from the Collective: [Sheila] I represent the collective. At a particular level of consciousness there is total agreement. There is 'team' that you have yet to fully experience in your human experience. You will find yourself in a vibrational level that will allow you to see and understand and feel clearly all aspects of any given moment or situation. At this time, most humans have not realized or achieved this particular vibration that will allow the total experience that I speak of. It is one of the many gifts that you are walking towards.

At this time in the human experience there is still a common note of separation and the idea that ones personal opinion is of more value than another because oftentimes at this vibration, there is competition and there is still a strive for individual acknowledgement however, further along the road with personal assessment, will include a clearer understanding and knowledge of the ability as a whole to make decisions and choices. It is through the assistance of guidance, it is through your relationship with Michael that entices you to keep moving forward.

In your humanness you are fully aware of the undoing that is taking the form of violence, yet you my dear ones have been freed from such and are being asked to continue your path towards this oneness, this clearness that you have been [willingly] volunteering and have most certainly earned such a position. It is a desire of us as a collective to invite you, to entice you, to guide you, to remember to become once again a member of this collective. Your gathering lays a foundation to share the desires, the experiences, the fellowship to support one another, to affirm your ability for a moment create in your collectiveness, a bright light, a refueling, a memo packed.

We encircle you, we surround you in this gathering to support you, to speak personally to each and every one of you, to embrace you, to connect with you in an effort to pull you in. Michael would not celebrate this day without you. Your gift is to gather to send your love. This equally is our opportunity to gather and send it right back, thank you.

Inner Voice: [Mark] I greet you all, grateful for this opportunity, I am this one's Inner Voice. I am here because I can be. I have been allowed to be here. I accept this grace, the opportunity this represents. I come asking your participation. I would involve you in an exercise. I would request that you stimulate your body, sit up straight, take some deep breaths. I would make suggestion that we work together on an exercise of en-circuiting all of the Voices Within, all of the Fragments from the Father. All of these gifts of grace operate on a frequency or an energy level. I have in league with me, I bring friends, I have Light, I have Wave, I have Serena, all of which desire to work with Me on such an exercise to stimulate and reinforce the circuitry between and among all of your Inner Voices.

I would Invite you all to entertain this question: When will you choose, when will you allow the unity that is your destiny to occur? When will you commit such a gift of grace to happen? In the end it is all represented by your choice, your acknowledgement, your acceptance, your willingness. And so I invite you to ask yourself this question: Is it okay to do this even now? Is is right, is it proper, is it God's will? Ask yourself these questions, because you know the answer, this is your destiny, this is your purpose, this is your mission, to unite, to become one, to choose to do so. And so I ask you to sincerely to consult with yourself, the simple question when is it right, when is it proper, when is now appropriate? I invite you to consider that it is always appropriate, it is always now, it is always right, always proper, always good, always true and always beautiful.

When you make such a choice you are reaching Godward, you are turning to the Divine, you are not turning yourself over as much as you are renewing yourself with the addition of more. That is what this union represents. That is your destiny. It exists in the future but may be adopted now even as this attitude of Light and Life we experience here together now exists now. We know that it will come some time in the future but you have brought it here now, you have borrowed from a future reality and brought it to the present because it is this desire to do so and you have done it.The same holds true with this future reality of your connection with your Divine Guide, your Inner Spirit. It exists already, it is just simply for your consciousness to bring it into this moment.

So, I invite you to keep asking yourself this question, when is the right time? How long should I wait? Is it okay even in this hour? You will receive the affirmation, it is okay, it is proper, right and good always. I invite you to actively give your Inner Guide permission, even to the point of request, to make internal petition that this represents your desire. Request of your Inner Guide who is so protective of you that they be given greater latitude and greater expression in your combined life. Invite them as you invite the spiritual realm to discourse with. Invite your Inner Guide to come out and play, to be active with you, to help you in these choices, maybe even to choose in your stead. These are the actions that you would grant a friend and associate, certainly you could extend them to your Divine Friend. And, above all, see all this as exactly the way it's supposed to be, exactly who you are in the process, exactly where you should be with longings and intentions and desires that propel you to reach out and to reach in. Take advantage of this reaching in. You have a partner onboard that wants nothing more than to be asked and to be included, to be part of the choosing and the experience and all this is as it will be as it is, it's merely this experience of time that has you feeling this separation. All those veils will fall away but this experience of time itself is transient but this experience of combining and union with your Divine Fragment is your eternal journey and destiny. So when is the right time? How much enlightenment is required? How much service does it take? These are the issues to consider when allowing yourself this freedom, allowing yourself this divine destiny. So ask these questions of yourself and feel the answers that are offered within. There is a universe of support behind each and every one of you and I invite you to feel it, experience it and go with it.

I appreciate the gift of grace this opportunity has provided all of us. Thank you, I now allow for others.

Coach and Jonathan: [Mary] I have been given an exercise now, for now having answered the questions that having assumed the posture, sitting up straight, typically attentive, palms up, to feel the energy the chi, the light force that flows through the palms of your hands, to sit relaxed, calm upward and feel the ball of energy, the light force. Visualize it forming right in front of you in your solar plexus zone. You could put your hands around this energy and just sit there with it for a moment, your personal ball of light. Now this moment, many of you hearing these words, at this time each of you visualize each of you as a group with your own personal ball of light, that you are sustaining and generating.

Just sit with the enjoyment of all your brothers and sisters, your comrades and all of us sustaining our ball of light. Steadily breathing, just enjoy. This energy is of course all one, there is a unity, a commonality the essence of light. Venture forward onto the playing field of life conscious of your and each and every one of the people you contact, light and play, interact, see what you can do. See how you can help, see how you can be helped and yes your human self and your Thought Adjuster are combining to generate this light entity and all is well. You are sustained, there is no end to the life force, the energy, the connection. There is just this light force energy at play on the field.

Lester: [Ginny] Well, as long as we have a ball in our hand we are going to play, this is Lester the Jester. I heard the word play so I am going to encourage you to make your ball again. Make your ball of light, feel it, surround it, surround it, surrround it, move it, move it, move it. Make it larger, bring it down, make it soft and pliable. Slow down the energy. Now I want you to pass your ball to the person to your right. Play with that ball for a little bit and pass it to the person to your right. Bounce the ball in the air, in the air, in the air. Throw the ball up, up. Now spread your arms and lets make a great big ball from this circle, a large one, large and imagine the colors as in a soap bubble, just like a soap bubble with all the colors of the rainbow. It's flexible like you are, it's soft, it's fun, it's beautiful. Bring the ball in, closer to the center of the circle, take a little bit of it, pull it into your solar plexus and lets say together - I choose joy now, [group[ I choose joy now. Thank you.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hey guys, that was fun, Jonathan here. It's such a treat to come and be in the light circle with all of you. What a joy, I love the light circles, I love the exercise with the Adjuster, I love to come together in spirit. I cherish these things, they are part of the constitution of who I am. This is part of who you are. This we share just as we share the main objective and goal of one day being fully united and combined with our Fragment of Divinity, just as we share the common destiny, our eternal career bound to return back to the First Source and Center, to complete the Supreme experience. We share all of this together, you there now in your form and I, there now, in mine. We share this with the spiritual part of ourselves, the enduring aspect, the long term component.

So we are fellows, we are teammates, we are friends and I choose you all as my friends, I choose to come and spend time with you. I delight to do so. I'm grateful for the opportunity you provide which allows this to occur, your choosing to allow, your choosing to accept which permits the whole thing, the whole miracle to unfold. I know how very lucky I am to be associated with such a group of powerful cosmic citizens, those who are aware, who have some glimpse of the magnitude of their being, of who you are in relationship to your divine family so that we can acknowledge this and share this together, between us, to enjoy this relationship we have with our divine family, fellowship about it and share each others experiences.

It certainly has been a joy for me to observe and to share experiences with you at this, my favorite time of year. I have such a fond affiliation for this gathering that you certainly cannot hold this function without my arrival. Thanks for the chance to say hi, for the opportunity just to be one of you, as you, like you. Thank you for being my friends. I bid you all a wonderful week, a wonderful experience of processing the Light and Life feeling of coming together in such peace and love. I too share the glow with you, of just being together. So, as we have heard, I guess it's game on and we're the players, we make it happen. Let's play a good game just as we would do a good days work, good day to you all.


Transcript 3
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2014-09-04
Teacher: Machiventa, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, please come and join our circle here. Thank you so much for the will that we all have to gather together in times like this, the choices that we all make to be here now for this, to approach spirit, to approach you our Divine Parents in this way. We trust in your emissaries of light that have been so gracious to us in the demonstration of your grace in this process. Tonight I would ask for a special consideration in that we steer the process a little bit. I know you like us to make choices and to take charge in this life and so be it. At this time I would like to request a dialog with Machiventa who has not spoken in some time although I trust he's still a valued member of our community. At this time I would like to ask that he make his voice known among our circle we enjoy here tonight. As well, all the celestials who join our circle, we welcome you. We seek to strengthen our bond and strengthen our avenue of approach to spirit that it creates. Let it be so, even in this moment.

Machiventa: Hello my friends, as you have suspected, I am not ever very far off from you and following your process. I am the one who you request, Machiventa, and it is my pleasure to be requested, to be thought of by you, such a group of powerful spirit presences.

I know that you consider that you have been on the spiritual journey for some time now and that in this process you have been privy to a number of devoted teachers as you call them, spirit representatives who have indeed volunteered to come forward and mentor you in this process. This is as per the design we have set in motion. It never was intended for you to have one sole source to contact, one sole spirit representative from the other side for that is not how it works. We are truly a team, we do work together and come together in this process for one common goal, and that goal my friends is you. You represent to us such opportunity, such options to be chosen when it comes to your spiritual development, that the ground is fertile to plant many seeds and harvest many fruits if we simply stick to the process.

But this process that you have seen, as you will witness, has taken some time. There have been a number of gardeners tending the soil. There have been a number of spirit representatives available to witness the fruits. We are all on the same page and while I may have been more present in the beginning, I certainly have not disappeared from the process, rather we have catalogued and observed the success of the plan that has been instituted. We are ever ready and willing to make changes to improve the success and you are the ones who demonstrate the success to us. You are the ones who live your lives with a more spiritualized tone. You are the ones who reflect and demonstrate the spiritual lessons that we have tendered and you are the ones whose spiritual future is steadily enriched by this process.

Those rewards are great ones that we accept and embrace, the rewards of your growth, the rewards that you demonstrate to us in how you live your lives and how you act in accordance with your spiritualized beliefs. That to us is success and you represent the success to us. It is, in the scenarios of your classroom that you often use, it is the recital at the end of the class which demonstrates you have mastered the technique and you are ready for the next class, the next phase of learning and growing. And so you keep pleasing us, pleasing me in this process for it can be rightly said that I am in the classroom scenario, the headmaster, the one who looks out on all that is transpiring, observing and learning from the process myself.

I understand there is a question on the floor. There is an observation that there appears to be in this time, a significant amount of turmoil or distress or disfunction that is observed by all of you observers. First, let us talk about the observers. There is a phrase you may have heard that no man can step in the same river twice for it is not the same river and he is not the same man. This phrase applies to you in your spiritual growth. The world you see around you is seen by you differently as you become a different person. As you mature spiritually you look out and view the circumstances of the world from a different perspective, from an enhanced perspective. Such a perspective means that you will see new meaning and new value that you hadn't seen before, different meaning and different values much as when you go back and reread a favorite book, you discover parts which light you up and enchant you that had not captured you before because you are not the same person reading that book as you were before.

So when you observe world affairs around you with a more and more discerning spiritual eye, you begin to have a different assessment of the situation. Now, that being the case, I invite you to actively choose to overlay your view of the world around you with your spiritual perspective, your spiritual values and understanding and to impose upon this view of the world a long range view, a deep range view. Consider your Urantia text, this description of the many many years, generations, eons involved in this process of growth and change and development and realize that when you watch the news and you see the snapshot of affairs as they appear to be on your world, you are confined to that moment in time to make your observation and the judgement.

But those with spiritual eyes will come to see this snapshot in time as merely that, part of the river that flows by and is in the process of flowing by, even as you step in it so that the world is moving at a pace where it is not possible to make a complete and thorough judgement. It is in transition, it is in motion as are you, it is a moving target as are you. And so, I invite you to see events of the world as providing a multitude of contrasts. What you judge to be turmoil is only present, only exists because there are those who would still choose it. It does not mean you have to choose it, rather, it may mean to you with spirit eyes that it is in error, it does not contain truth, beauty or goodness and therefore your role, your position that you play in the process is to simply make that discernment. Decide for yourself that such a spectacle is not worthy of being chosen, it does not possess the attributes of truth, beauty or goodness.

By these measures you may measure all of life's circumstances and to the degree that they are devoid of these three primal values, I encourage you to just let them go. You have a phrase when you are standing in the river fishing, that you catch and release as part of your process. I invite you to adopt this scenario when you see troubling images, when you have troubling thoughts, when there are troubling circumstances your mind enables you to catch them, you observe them, you feel them, you pass judgement on them. But then, one of your choices, one of your options is to simply release it, let it go. Let it go back into from wherever it came. Let it be part of the continuum but part of the continuum that you are not going to keep, part of the continuum you are going to reject.

And, in this very method, you as an individual, your part to play has just been successfully transpired. You have made a discernment, you have made a subsequent choice as a result of this discernment and you have grown spiritually in the process, mission accomplished! You see, that is the glory of this dynamic that is set up here. Every action, every purpose, every cause has the potential to be that silver lining to the cloud, that opportunity for growth, for learning, for loving, for understanding. Every circumstance possesses the potential to be used for the good.

So while you are at this point in your earthly experience, bombarded by all of the deviance of mankind, do not take it into heart, do not keep that one. Catch and release, let go, let the river flow by and realize that your purpose is to be the observer in this moment, to make choices at this juncture of your awareness and understanding. If this process unfolds, then even good may transpire from this apparent badness that you witness around you. This having been said, there will be certain fish that you catch in this process which you do not wish to throw back, which may be special to you, important to you to the degree that you would like to share your space and occupy your consciousness with this new addition. You may decide that this prompts you to action, motivates you to get involved, to do what you can in the situation if you think that there may be a way for you to help or serve in the process.

There are plenty of these opportunities which arise as well but I encourage you to focus these choices on those options which present themselves that are closest to you, which are your local choices. You cannot stop those who are bound to war in foreign lands. You cannot alleviate the hunger of one on the other side of the planet. You can help your neighbor move their furniture, you can watch a child for someone, you can help someone change a flat tire. These are fish that you may catch and you may keep, they are ones that you may enjoy, but do not burden yourself with the many many that you cannot. Be discerning about the load that you are willing to bring to yourself and to bear in the process because it is easy to be overburdened, overwhelmed and then feel paralyzed by this burden, this sense of being overwhelmed.

So your role is simple. Keep growing, keep learning, keep choosing, keep discerning against the values of truth, beauty and goodness and those things which present themselves immediately before you, may motivate you to act, to use your energies. But those many many things which are beyond you should not be assumed by you to be your responsibility. Your responsibility is your spiritual growth and inner faith. Others have their similar responsibilities and in this way, we grow an entire planet, we grow an entire species. This is the plan that is set in motion. You may need to take measures to protect yourselves from being constantly bombarded by every manner of deviant behavior or evil choices.

Just because they may exist, simply acknowledge them as the contrast they provide for you. Do not choose them, do not give them life, do not bring them any energy, forsake all those things which do not measure up to having truth, beauty or goodness present. In this way you not only grow yourself each time by making such decisions and choices, but you also create the energy in the world around you. If enough people forsake faulty choices, they will cease to exist. If enough people choose peace over war it will have no life. If enough people choose truth, beauty and goodness, then that's all that will exist but there is a vast amount of time involved in this growth process.

So do not despair that radical changes do not seem to be happening in your life span. These things take time, after all you have an eternal spiritual career before you to reflect on such things. Only concern yourselves with the moment, with the activity of the day or the hour for this is where the growth happens, this is where the choices are made, this is where peace may be found and joy may be experienced, not at another time projected out before you, but in this moment, in this choice, with this option before you.

I hope this helps to provide some context to this whole question of the mortals who view the world and desire to know their place in it for your places are secure. Those of you who are pursuing spirit have found the path, are on the path, are proceeding merrily down the path. Make every attempt not to complicate the journey, to distress yourselves over those things which you have no control. Focus on yourself and your sphere of influence. Do what you can, be of service where you can, but to those many atrocities to which you are exposed, for your own self preservation, catch and release.

I hope this has served to fellowship in this process with you because I am an observer as you are. I simply have a longer perspective than you do but I see what you see, I am distressed as you are at many current events, I simply as you do, pray and hold to my conviction that all will be right in the end, that this is Michael's plan underway, and that it will turn out right in the end, that all of this serves to be used as tools to be made right in the end and with this conviction and with your conviction we move forward in this process. We have faith, we have trust. We may not have ultimate faith in all those around us and all that transpires around us, but stepping back and looking at the big picture we have faith in the outcome, we have trust and conviction in the process and we must simply allow it to play out. We must allow these contrasts to be exposed so that they can help all those who are confronted with them make choices, better and better choices.

So that's how it works and I'm in it just like you are. But I have a sense of peace, a sense of conviction that no matter what the snapshot of the moment may reveal, the grand panorama of a picture that it is a part of is truly beautiful and contains great images of success. Please, to the degree that is possible, be at peace. Your being worried, concerned, doubtful, those are the energies we are leaving, those are the energies we are forsaking. We are trying to grow away from the vestiges of the past and into times of hope and peace and love. The more we can forsake those things which raise these negative emotions and promote those things which encourage the positive experiences, the more we change the very nature of this experience, not only for us individually as we face this challenge, but collectively as we all face this challenge.

So, as your Master said, "Fear not". But I know as a mortal of the realm, that's easy to say and harder to do. So I appreciate it when you do it, when you do do it as you do even now.

I believe that is enough to conclude this dialog of my own this evening. I would open up the floor and if there are no questions, then you may move on. If there is any dialog I would entertain it at this time.

Comment: Machiventa, I would just like to thank you. That was a very wonderful lesson and answered the questions perfectly.

Machiventa: Thank you for your acknowledgement, I hope my words find their mark. Thank you for your comments, I do feel as though enlarging the perspective enables you to grasp that what you're really trying to seek is the process, not how the process is unfolding step by step as much as the process behind it. In this way you may find solace and peace, knowing that there is a process, that it is underway and it is moving in the direction of growth, so thank you for your comments.

Comment: I read a quote from St. Francis the other day. It said don't change the world, change worlds.

Light: Greetings to you all, I am Light, here to take advantage of the fading light and to remind you all that you have been called light workers for a reason. You are in place, shining your light, your spiritual awareness, your understanding of the values spoken of, the truth, beauty and goodness. As such, you illuminate your sphere of influence around you and as has been mentioned before, you may change worlds in a very real way, you may choose aspects of Light and Life, of love and peace, even though they may not be present in your experience at this time. You have the capacity to envision such worlds, such states of being and to conjure them up with the mind of your creative force, to then envision them, give voice to them and give life to them.

You may in fact, create a world in advance of its arrival. This is the power you hold as creative beings, to envision these states of higher consciousness and awareness and to activate them with your choosing, with your choice. You asked for a part to play, I now give you the ace of spades. The supreme card to play is to not wait around to observe truth, beauty and goodness so that you may choose it. No, rather you as co-creative beings cast your vision forward, create this vision as per your awareness and then choose it, activate it and live as though it is so and I tell you, it is. If it is so in your life, it is. You need not wait for the world to catch up with you in your quest for Life and Light. You may go out and bring it back to this place of darkness. That is the power that you have in this process and I invite you to exercise that power, to bring that potential forward, to make that choice.

Just some thoughts for you to consider as we draw to a close this evening. All things are possible when in league with divinity. You are a fragment of divinity. You may choose to be in league with divinity and in such a case, all things are possible. Just a reminder my friends, you are diamonds in the rough. You have yet to discern your own value and so I gently remind you once again. Peace be with you all, even joy as these understandings become yours. Thank you for the opportunity to remind you once again.


Transcript 4
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-09-21
Teacher: Charles, Serena
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Charles: [Mark] Good morning once again friends, I am Charles here enjoying this avenue that you offer, this portal that you make so that we may traverse back and forth and meet in this space. I join you in your tribute and extension to your fellow and comrade in service. She has been steadfast among the ranks of those who like you, would go out and determine what the outer boundaries are and push them a little. So she will be no stranger to all that is offered her in her next dimension. Like all of you she will start with a clean slate and like all of you, she will be eager to make her new lists and to accomplish her new achievements that are now possible because of her new and expanded classroom.

It is quite enjoyable to witness the difference in perspective of a group like this on one of their members who passes on because this group is quite secure in their knowledge and awareness that being a child of God she is indeed safe and secure and sound in her ongoing process and that this matter of transition is simply that, a matter of transition. There are so many others on this world who, lacking this awareness, are thrown into desperate straits when considering their loved ones passing and moving on. Their uncertainty is enough to almost drive them crazy. Their uncertainty about their own passing and their own safety and security brings so much fear into their life equation that they are fearing to live. They are worried about dying, so much so, that it is affecting their lives.

But to those who have brought to themselves this grander perspective of who they are and how they fit into the universal scope and plan, there is a peace, there is a certainty and that this so emboldens their faith that they view all these matters in a different light and they truly do want to live every moment of this life experience with safe and sure expectations that the next will take care of itself, will arrive in due time and is a normal natural part of the process, even an upgrade to the darkness and uncertainty that this life has present all around it.

Even better, is your forward thinking anticipation of reuniting with your comrades who have preceded you. This demonstrates a belief in the enduring nature of the soul and your sure certainty that you will cross paths again as a result. With such faith and such conviction it is difficult to be too saddened or depressed or fearful because you know better. You believe in more, your faith carries you beyond these episodes of mortal uncertainty and into the security of belonging to the universal family and participating in the universal plan which includes you and all the others.

It can truly be said that dying is simply a part of living but that you should not bring fear and doubt while you are living because the dying will take care of itself, the transition will occur and the upgrade will transpire regardless of how much trepidation or fear is part of the equation. So one might as well release themselves of these earthly pressures and believe in something greater, something beyond, something purposeful that transpires in such an event as someones transition. The appreciation of transition simply may serve to sweeten the available moment of now, to realize there are only a numbered amount of these precious moments, of this time spent here in this environment under these circumstances.

This is the only time you will experience all the uncertainties, trials and tribulations of a mortal life. This is the only time you may grieve in the way that you may grieve here or experience joy in the very way that it comes to you in this dimension. So take in all these life experiences that they make deep impressions upon your soul for that is in truth your safe deposit box, the place where you may keep all that is good and salvageable, the place you may return to and access these enduring aspects of self. They will all be kept quite secure, all those things worth keeping while all those things you are destined to be free of will most certainly be shed.  

But as you note, there is no get out of growth free card. You must work through those issues which prove to be stumbling blocks for you or challenges for you. They are there for a purpose in your growth experience and they may not be entirely sidestepped from the process. They may be delayed, they may be altered, they may be changed but they most certainly are there for your benefit, for your growth in this process. The wise person certainly recognizes these challenges when they arise and does not seek to avoid them as much as they seek to encounter them, embrace them and work their way through them understanding they are necessary and unique opportunities for you to grow and expand your souls capacity.

These experiences we share at these times may be collected in ones safe deposit box of the soul. These encounters with spirit run deep and are keepsakes. It is a joy to collect these together with you during these exercises of spirit and faith. Thank you for making me welcome in this process. I now open up the forum for others. I bid you all have a good week. We will meet again, thank you.  

Serena: [Cathy] I am pleased to join your conversation. It is an opportunity to bring the idea of commitment to opportunities as they arise. In our mission there are moments when your engagement is the key to progress. We awaited you to actively participate in the bringing forth of the energy needed to physically manifest. It is indeed for you to manifest within yourself the energy of Monjoronson.