Charles; Jonathon; Light; Unknown - Practice with The Transmission Process Builds Faith - Concentrate on Larger Picture - Danger and Free Will - Aug 17, 2014 - Three Transcripts, North Idaho

Transcript 1 of 3
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2014-08-07
Teacher: Charles
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Thank you for showing up tonight around the circle. By doing so you bring your energy, you contribute your life force to this circuit that we form here now, together, this circle of all of us. This becomes a circuit of all of us when we gather together and contribute our life energy and promote and create this circuit. I am in gratitude for that, that there are other fellow beings like myself who like to get together and create such a circuit and use it as the creators that we are. I am grateful for the participants that come together and donate this gift of energy, thank you. Literally without you, without us, such a circuit ceases to exist. So thank you all for helping me form this one at this hour, at this time. Thank you to our Divine Parents always and forever for the grace that this opportunity represents, the chance to come together, the opportunity in this life to come together and form this circuit and employ it for our benefit. We understand Divine Parents, that in coming together to do this, we are really seeking to approach you in this process, to become nearer to you, nearer to divinity, nearer to you our family. We desire to approach you and use this method at this time. So we invite you to join with us as one of us around this circle, as one of us that contributes to this circuit of energy. We invite you to contribute with us, to join us in the process, to form this bridge that we may use to approach you. Help us to do this now, even in this hour as it is our desire, represents our desire to come towards you. Let it be so, even now, thank you.

Having positioned ourselves, we are now going to shove off into the spiritual waterway in our little raft together and make our way across.

Charles: Greetings friends, I would approach you with my own vessel and meet you partway, I am Charles. I understand and appreciate with you that we do this of our own free will and our own efforts, that we approach each other because it is our desire to do so, our desire to explore these dimensions in which we overlap and come together in this way, I from my side of the river and you from yours. We embark on this journey in faith that we will be okay, that we will meet with success, that it will be a beneficial journey for us and we are everlastingly rewarded with the gift of our effort. This encounter   we share even in this moment is only made possible by our efforts to make it so, to create the opportunity and let it fill with the potential that exists.

This is what the spiritual pursuit is, to strike out in faith, hoping, even knowing that you will be safe and sound, that the journey will have many rewards and that this striking out in exploration of new dimensions represents the finest aspect of being a creative being. This is a glorious acknowledgement of the game, a taking up the gauntlet, deciding to move forward in your efforts for greater understanding, greater awareness, even greater purpose, all these things are out there to be discovered and found. Each one of you are the discoverers, the adventurers in the process, striking out in faith and moving forward with the momentum of your effort. As you move forward you are all becoming sensitive to the fact that you may be steered and guided in the process, that while  putting the effort out there, you may still remain open and willing to the direction.

This is the avenue in which you express and build your faith and such an avenue will never be more profoundly available to you than this avenue you experience as a mortal of the realm, for you must not only develop your faith and grow your faith but you must lean on it and use it to propel you. That is the great gift of grace that this opportunity represents for you as a mortal. Such fertile grounds to exercise your faith, to build it, test it, try it, use it because in this arena there is no conviction and certainty that it will work, that it exists, or that it can be counted on routinely. This is what you are developing in this life, this experience that these things are so.

The more practice you get, the more experience you gain to yourselves. The more you are willing to trust in this faith, the more you are willing to lean on it in the process. But until you have some you may be hesitant to use some. Until you know of it in your own personal experience you may be unwilling to count on it in the theoretical sense. And so this life provides you abundant opportunities to test this theory, to try it for yourself, to learn that there is a little voice that you can ask, to learn that this guidance always seems to be the right one, to become comfortable and familiar with how the process works, of expanding that aspect of yourself, that spiritual component and becoming not only familiar but comfortable with this aspect of yourself, this part of your being.

It is a great pleasure to join a circle with those who have dedicated themselves to expanding their beings, to go where truth may lead them and to embrace new realities and expand accordingly. This is all that can be asked of any developing being, to be willing to expand as the process and the individual so allow.

I understand there is a question on the floor tonight regarding how to be more at peace or at one with the phenomenon of healing. To this question I would like to utilize some thought patterns in my host. Imagine perfect health, there is a pattern that exists. It is the divine pattern of perfection, perfection equals health. Where there is divine pattern represented there is health. The lack of health or the dis-ease of the human vehicle represents the degree away from divine pattern the vehicle has come. It may be due to injury or accident or illness but for whatever reason, the vehicle has either been damaged or transformed away from divine pattern, away from the original and pure and good state which was intended, which was imagined, much as you imagine this meeting here tonight. The same creative prerogative is used in your creation. You are a pure thought that is navigating its existence in an impure environment and therefore you are shifted and changed by the effects of your environment on this potentially pure pattern. But as your environment in your life takes its toll on your vehicle, it is separated from its divine pattern and represents a combination of pattern and environment.

So, in terms of healing, there are of course, physical aspects. One must pay attention to the needs of the vehicle and affect repairs as prudent in the circumstance; set the broken bone, remove the bad tooth, apply compress to the wounds. Those are examples of material applications, of addressing the needs of the vehicle. All those are prudent and wise actions to take as a responsible vehicle owner. I think this question refers to the spiritual component of healing and I would address that now.

If it is true that the problem with any vehicle may be represented by the degree it varies from the divine pattern, is it not then prudent and wise to spend whatever creative energies and prerogatives you wield in the direction of envisioning divine pattern once again reestablished in the vehicle of the host? When you want to assist with another's healing by use of the direction of your energetic field, it may be most successfully administered if you consider imposing on the equation the overlay of divine pattern on the individual involved. See them as a step or two closer to perfection, that's all it might take. See them as closer to the original thought pattern that divinity had for this creation, the perfect circumstance envisioned by the Creator, the ideal condition that exists and which you would see encompassing the individual in question.

In this way you go far beyond the attempting to manipulate the specific wound or injury or affected area and instead envision the greater good, the whole, the total, the coming together of divine pattern and material representation, the unity of perfection and the time space creature. Since you are not that far away, since time is only one of your illusions, you are not that far away from perfected states of being. So envision this state, this condition, this property as being your right in this time as well as it will be in future times. Envision this divine state of being as suitable even for your remote location.

If you are able to do this then you bring the energy of divine pattern into your immediate circuit, your immediate circle of influence and such things bring with them their own states of being, their own conditions of survival. So this is the recommendation I would offer to you if you are going to engage in healing activities. This may be a worthy pursuit for you to direct your energies down this course and to embrace the fact that healing always happens. It may be delayed, we may not understand it, see it or be able to participate in it, but healing is a grace universally bestowed. It will occur, it is a matter of timing, it's a matter of distance away from divine pattern. The closer you can be to divine pattern, the less distance between you, the more this happens observably. Otherwise you must take it on faith, much as you have arrived here this evening, on faith. You must have a belief beyond the practical world, you must exercise your faith and put your trust in the truth of your beliefs.

When you do this, you will all witness, you come away changed, expanded, grown as a result of your efforts. I join with you for this exercise session where we all have gained a little bit more faith muscles to be exercised and used. It's a joy to have such a workout with you, go to the gym together with this process in mind. I thank you all for your contribution to this circle, the energy that you bring into the equation. It is truly a pleasure to join with fellow seekers as we explore the parameters of spirit and what is possible, what is potential and what we decide we will do. Thank you for the opportunity to address you. I bid you all have a good week and will return at our next meeting. I am Charles, farewell.


Transcript 2 of 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  [2014-07-13 / 2014-07-20 / 2014-08-10]
Teacher: Light, Jonathan, Unknown
T/R: Cathy Morris

Light [2014-07-13]: Bring light into all the world with strength and love. Bring the light through your being and focus the flow out into the world to be used in healing the conflict on the planet. Darkness cannot survive the flood of light and intention. We can bring love to the situation. We can bring healing with the light. All responds to light. Let us be the answer we seek, one step at a time. The power can build and intensify. It will be impossible to ignore, it will be the answer.

Jonathan [2014-07-20]: My friends, I am so pleased to join you today. It is interesting that you are mentioning "the man who tapped the secrets of the universe". I found the book to be a great support during my time in the flesh. I was always searching for wisdom and inspiration in books. This was a source of inspiration on many levels. Now I am increasingly aware of the power and use of light. We are using light to further the Correcting Time. As the darkness begins to disappear there are concentrated pockets of resistance. It is important to focus light as a continuing project. Our group has the skills to be most effective. This is the action needed to move the consciousness of the planet towards the acceptance of the Father's plan, the original pattern. It is effective even if you concentrate for small moments of stillness and intention. Let's make this a special project to move forward Michael's plan of correction.

Unknown [2014-08-10]: Be aware of the larger picture around you during these turbulent times. Sometimes people concentrate on the phenomena around them and fail to observe the effect that ripples out into the world from the small beginnings. Around you are many small beginnings, pebbles that are thrown into water, and from these beginning the ripples spread to far and unseen areas. If you are aware of spirit around you, you may be unaware of the broad reception of the spirit throughout the world at large. As conflicts may be growing in a small area it also has the spreading effect throughout the globe. Light and love also act in this way, spreading from person to person and amplifying as the light grows. In your interaction, the opportunity exists for service and connection. In these turbulent times, this is the gift you have to share. You have training and skills in the spiritual realm, you have the experience of using intention to bring about change and growth. You have the skills to show others a path to change and grow. As each individual becomes more aware of light, we move into the Light and Life we desire. Continue to show your light and share it with others.


Transcript 3 of 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-08-17
Teacher: Charles
T/R: Mark Rogers

[Ed. Comment] [Prior to the transmission there was a brisk discussion about the potential of impending upheavals as stated in the Urantia Papers, the Teaching and Magisterial Mission transmissions and positions one might take to deal with them. The following is in response to said discussion.]

Charles: Thank you for allowing me to pull a seat up to the round table discussion that you have this morning, I am Charles. It has been my pleasure to take in your conversation and register the tones of your discussion and heartfelt questions that you have. I would make a few points for your consideration.

First, I would acknowledge the importance of this observation that, as was said, maybe the whole thing comes down to choice because a truer statement could never be offered of the dynamics involved of your experience of life and lives as mortals of the realm. Truly, if there is one objective that is prompted from you, it is that you exercise your free will choice one way or another, you are created to do so. This whole scenario is manufactured to enable you to do so. So when you engage this process, you are indeed engaging the process of your universal ascension and the purpose for this creation that you enjoy known to you as your life here on Urantia.

Much consideration I see is given to these different choices and which ones may represent wrong choices, which ones may represent more appropriate choices and which ones are errant choices and there is this burning innate desire in mortals of the realm to firmly define these different choices and to underline and underscore for yourselves the more correct way to go, the better choice to be made and exercised at any time. However, the more spiritual influence you allow, the more spiritual awareness you possess, your definitions change and your understandings expand and you find yourselves reconsidering what made these old thought patterns or even current thought patterns which seem to stand in need of an upgrade.

This is part of the process that you undergo as you assimilate information and make your determinations about its appropriateness, its goodness, its truth and its beauty. Remember, that all information may be held up to these standards to see how much truth is contained, how much beauty is present, how much goodness is represented by any choice that you are confronted with. It may be screened through these same filters and in each case, if measured up to these standards, it will clearly come down on one side or the other as being more valuable, as containing more value, more truth, more beauty, or more goodness than other choices that may be made. So in a very strict sense, all questions of worthiness may be addressed in this same way.

Another significant component of your discussion is the growing awareness of this distinction between the inner environment and the outer environment. I will use these terms in a simplistic way to make the point. Your inner environment is almost entirely and solely conditioned by your thought patterns, your awareness, your acceptance, your degree of truth, beauty and goodness that you hold yourself to, your quantity of love present, your capacity to forgive and your awareness of your position in the universal scheme of things, all determine for you your inner environment. Literally, you are conditioned by this quotient, this combination of factors and this can remain true regardless of the external environment which may or may not exist.

Your inner environment is conditioned solely by your choices. The exterior environment is conditioned by a collection of choices. The accumulation of the choices of many determine the exterior environment. They condition what will be allowed, tolerated, embraced or shunned. The exterior environment which you are exploring the predictions of and observing the phenomenon of has yet to be determined, has not yet been created. I encourage you to keep this in mind. No matter what vision of potentials may be brought to your attention, they do not yet exist, they are not real. They are visions of potentials much as the video game is programmed with potentials,  and the program may contain all options to be chosen but they have not yet been chosen and activated. They simply remain potential until enough individual choices and votes are cast to choose that version of truth. This is where you come in as those creative light workers who also may be in possession of awareness that you are so, creative light workers, that your version of reality, your internal environment may be shared and used to influence your external environment.

You all are aware of the universal force of attraction and that energies draw to themselves like energies and that environments may be so charged with energies that no other energies may find a home or be able to co-exist within any given determined energy field. This is like your internal environment, your energy field. If you charge it in such a way and condition it in such a way that only like energies may co-exist, then as you have witnessed in your lives, your environment is conditioned to reflect your determined choosing that it be so. You surround yourself with friends that support you, you do for yourself those things which promote health and healing, you distance yourself from those influences which distract you or create fear or bring on stress. In this way you go about choosing your way into a conditioned environment.

The same holds true for the external environment. It may be conditioned just as the internal environment. When enough individuals choose to condition the environment with the proper positive energies there will be no space left, no room to be filled with the negative energies, the fears, the hatred, the doubt. But this is not done by accident, this is done by choice. This is done by your every choice, every day your willful determination to choose truth, to choose beauty, to choose goodness in every choice, all the time. If you do this there will be no room left, all darkness will be crowded out by the light. There will be no opportunity for darkness to creep in when there is so much light.

This is how it will get done, this is how it is being done. One by one individuals awakening to this profoundly simple yet profoundly significant role that they will play of simply choosing. One choice after the next after the next, each subject to this screening of whether it belongs in this energy field that you create. Each pass through the filter to determine  how much truth, beauty or goodness may be present or represented by this choice. If it is not enough, if it does not pass up to the measurement you wish, then simply do not choose it and it ceases to exist for you.

I caution you all that these times that you live in and in the days ahead, you will be greatly challenged by being bombarded with the contrast provided, the things not to choose, the disappointments of mankind, the things that clearly do not pass the test of truth, beauty or goodness paraded before you like some horror movie. Just reflect on the fact that these aspects may exist, they may certainly be real for those involved, but each and every time one of these arises before you, these injustices, these disharmonious circumstances, simply practice not choosing it. Simply be reminded that these contrasts are there for the likes of all humanity to reflect on and reject.

Surely, in order to make your position in life you must take a stand. You must choose this over that. You must exercise this grand gift of grace, this choice that you have and cast it wisely. This is what you have been trained to do. This is the key to your ultimate success throughout your universal career that you are just establishing at this early stage. If you will see life as nothing more than this every day, every hour, sometimes every moment opportunity to choose, that that is the game, that is the gift of grace and you are free to choose as you will.

You may not choose for others. This is an important aspect for you to keep in the forefront of your mind. You may simply choose for yourself in your circumstance, with what you're confronted with, with the immediate situation before you which demands a choice. You can attempt to envision how you would react in other circumstances and make a mental exercise and practice out of these potentials that are before you but you are simply required to make the decisions of that which is immediately before you. Make every attempt not to borrow trouble into your lives, you don't need it.

True, your brothers and sisters on the planet are navigating great hardships and this is a supreme challenge for them in their existence, in their lives, in their circumstance but their hardships are borne by them. Your circumstances, your hardships, your choices are borne by you. They may not be shared back and forth other than encountered as a condition of the collective consciousness. Stick to your reign, your kingdom of opportunity, that which is immediately in your environment and which overlaps out onto the greater environment.

But you cannot save the world single-handedly. You cannot save others from the plight of mans inhumanity to man. Certainly you may contribute to the overall growth and awareness, the imposition of light to the general equation, but this is merely a vote by you, merely a contribution on your behalf. Many others must vote as well and make their contribution. You do have sanction and control over your internal environment and you must be somewhat protective of the dilution and pollution of your internal sphere of influence.

Back again to the choosing or not choosing based upon whether it fits or it doesn't fit into your sphere of light and love and peace and happiness. Not every thought, not every circumstance can find residency in such an environment. Not every circumstance belongs in such an environment. While there are a great many stars in the heavens, each one is its own environment. Each one is unique and has its own characteristics yet all share the vast scope of the heavens. This is as each of you, you are contained in the great heavenly body and yet you are unique and individual. You have your own environment over which you have jurisdiction. That is your mission, that is your function, to condition your environment, to be the best planet, to be the best orb that you can be in the great heaven of stars and to trust that all of you constitute the great heavenly body.

I hope in a roundabout sense I have given you food for thought this morning in context with some of your thoughts offered earlier. I thank you very much for the opportunity to be heard and to listen and to feel as thought I am sharing with you in the process.