Charles; Serena'; Light; Jonathan; Michael - Faith and Other Attributes to Believe in God - Sessions Jun 08, 12, 15, 2014 - North Idaho, Lightline

Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-06-08
Teacher: Serena, Light, Charles, Jonathan, Michael
T/R: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers

Serena: [Cathy] I am pleased to join the discussion today. We are indeed moving forward with the plans for a Magisterial Mission. The preparations have been fruitful and are proceeding at an accelerated pace. We have found results that have exceeded our expectations. Mortals have reached an expanded position with spirit. Many mortals are moving into a position of communication and acceptance of brotherhood. The ideal of love on this world is universally presented and has become acceptable to many groups. We are indeed in waiting for you to embrace the concept of love and spirit. The plan was carefully crafted by Michael, our Creator. Together we have the capability to begin now. You are the key to the next step. Each mortal needs to turn to spirit and the Creator. The numbers of such mortals are increasing in multiples. Each one is reaching out to others and the embrace of truth is flowing throughout humanity. The moment we await is truly approaching. Connections are being formed and activated. Be prepared for great things. We are all in motion.

Light: [Cathy] I am bursting with enthusiasm for the progress of the Magisterial Mission. I have been working from this side to promote skills with light and those connections with spirit that are needed for the plan to progress. I embrace each of you as you work with me and increase the light and the contact on this world.

Charles: [Mark] Good morning my dear friends and companions on this journey. I am Charles here to fellowship with you again. While this is indeed a spiritual journey for both of us, to meet and greet each other and associate in this way, more-so, this is a journey of faith. This is a journey that we embark on together, leaning on our awareness that this spiritual pursuit, while unseen and unknown by others, is indeed real and viable, significant and important in our lives, significant and important enough for us to make a place for it to happen, for us to create the scenario wherein these events may play out for us, may support us in our endeavors.

You see, all of mankind will come to a place of discovery that they are composed of an aspect of themselves which can refer to spirit and dwell in spirit and have meaningful exchanges in that dimension. But in order to go there, in order to access it, it is required of you that you bolster your faith and gather it to you so that you may use it as the solid foundation and footing that you need to access it, to experience it fully. This is the unique challenge you face as mortals of the realm, to first have the awareness that there is a part of you which is composed of this spiritual nature, this inheritance of spirit that you may access and dwell in and be part of, and that the key to doing so is your, as you would refer to, belief, more accurately perhaps defined as your faith which literally is the key to your success. It literally enables you to open the door to see with the eyes of spirit, to hear with the ears of spirit because - you believe you can.

It is an inherent trait you possess but until you believe that you possess it, until you have faith that it is yours to utilize, it is merely an inherent trait. The difference between an inherent trait, something you are capable of and something that you do, is an action. The movement in that direction is a purposeful action and choice on your part.  What motivates that action and choice? - Your faith that it can be done, that it is yours to do, that it is part of your birthright, it is part of who you are, it is okay to access, it is even desirable to pursue. These orientations are only granted you when your faith is of sufficient calibre to enable you to proceed apace in the direction of spirit.

This boldness that allows you forward momentum is your faith. This desire to approach spirit is your inherent capacity beckoning you. The combination of these two enable you to activate the process, to move forward in dimensions of your own being because you will so allow, because you will so choose. It is one of the greatest ironies of the universal ascent that the keys to your kingdom are with you the whole time. The magic to your success is with you as you search for it. It simply must be brought forward and allowed to exist, to be fostered and supported until it is strong enough to be leaned upon in your time of questioning, in your time of doubt.

In these times it is only your muscles of faith which will be strong enough to pull you through. This shroud of darkness, of misunderstanding, of doubt and fear that you feel so oppressed by at times may only be lifted with these faith muscles. All the inherent capacity in a universe will lie dormant in its absence. Consider this truth because you are very correct in that as a child of God, you are endowed with the grace that you desire to be more spiritually connected, more spiritually in tune, even more spiritually conversant.

So what stands in ones way? Certainly there are numerous physical obstacles and challenges, but, I refer back to the keys which hang around your neck, so to speak. The keys to your freedom from these things are in your choosing your key of faith to unlock those doors before you, to overcome those challenges immediately present as obstacles in your path. To one who will use this key, no obstacle is too great, no challenge too overwhelming because faith removes doubt and replaces it with trust.

The irony in many cases is that the only way to show yourselves that faith is present, that you possess it and that you can use it is to be challenged sufficiently so that you have to find it, you have to resort to it, you have to make an active and conscious choice to pull that tool out of your toolbox and apply it. This is why this life is such a rich opportunity for you all. You have the basic endowment of divinity resident within you. You have powerful and potent tools in your Indwelling Guide, your Spirit of Truth and your faith. This Indwelling Guide and the Spirit of Truth may only function in so far as your awareness allows and your faith provides. This faith is what enables these grand tools to come into play. It is what enables you to access that part of yourselves that you have been graced with from on high.

There is another tool you possess, you refer to it as your ego. Really it is your drive, your enthusiasm, your willingness to pursue and go the extra mile. This tool, as with most tools, may be harnessed in more or less effective ways. To the degree that this ego leads you to purely self gratification and accomplishment of short sighted narrow minded self centered goals, then the ego is used as a  curse word, if you will. To the degree that this tool is used to motivate you to pursue the divine, to activate the parts of yourself which are granted you by grace, to move you in the direction beyond what your current capacities may be, then this may be a golden tool for you to use in this process.

Not all applications of ego are created equal and it is up to you to use such a powerful and potent motivational factor as a tool for the good, as a tool for the greatest, highest, most noble application one can discern. But having an eye on this motivational force, having awareness of your tool you possess in your faith, there quickly erode all limitations. You have in your discussions, examples of individuals who accomplish amazing things by reason of their beliefs and their faith and their propulsion to act on it. When in league for the highest purposes, these forces may be unstoppable.

So I invite you, each one, to take account and take inventory of these different components of the self. You have this magnificent independence, uniqueness in all of the universe. You have these magnificent similarities in that you all are graced with a fragment of the whole and therefore are all a part of each other and a part of the Supreme. You have this endowment as well of this Spirit of Truth that you may turn to at any time for verification and for instruction and for leadership. You have this force which may be put to use on your account you refer to as your ego, that part of you which would propel you and drive you and motivate you and you have this gift of grace - faith, which is not simply gifted but must be nurtured, must be grown, must be expanded by your own action until it is big enough to accommodate your desires to use it.

Many individuals have not had sufficient life experience to grow a sufficiently large faith and therefore when confronted with life's obstacles and challenges, will not think to pull this tool out of their toolbox, but rather will consider these obstacles insurmountable or be overcome rather than have the faith to proceed on over or around them as one who has faith and trusts in the ability to overcome, the promise that all will be right and therefore demonstrate the willingness to step forward into the unknown, through the darkness in pursuit of the light that they are confident is there on the other side.

This combination of components, of attributes of the self, is what makes it so special to join your conversation and your group on these mornings. You all possess various degrees of these components but they are sufficiently grown to the point where you will readily choose them and use them. So it is always a joy to be a part of this process with you. You see, all beings share some of these similar characteristics, have some of these same endowments, must utilize their faith in the process, must access their spiritual component, must consult with the Spirit of Truth and must feel confident in doing so, thereby combining all these components of the self into the next choice, the next act, the next striking out in a given direction.

That is what this game is about, to discover all these parts of yourself, to grow them and nurture them, to combine them and use them. To access these gifts of grace to become who you are sounds simple and yet it will take you an eternity. So I pray that we all have faith enough to take on this eternal journey with joy and in peace and bring to it as much love as you are capable for love lubricates the skids of all that we try to do.

It is indeed a joy to be accompanying you in this journey we share and to have this opportunity that you provide.
I would conclude my remarks there. Thank you again for the opportunity. I bid you all a peaceful week. Until we meet again, I am Charles.

Jonathan: [Cathy] Friends, I reach out to you to join our circle of love. I have been busily increasing my capacity for understanding and action. I was unsure in the beginning about my role in this Correcting Time. When I was with you I studied and expanded my understanding of things spiritual. I was greatly involved in the inner spiritual journey. I was so grateful to be connected with each of you in our group meetings. I am continuing to use the many sources available here to broaden my understanding. Your faith in the possibility of spiritual growth and expansion will lead to the desired results. You will grow in capacity and capability. Embrace this activity and the rewards will be enormous. Embrace your possibilities and proceed with an open spirit. It is literally true, when you believe it you can become it. When you intend growth it will become who you are. If you step out like we have so many times in the past you will find your footing on the new path. You will continue to blaze the new trail for others to follow. I will be with you every step of the way, it is my great joy.

Jonathan: [Mark] I would continue on, I am Jonathan here again and I would simply play with words for a few moments. One can believe in something such as two and two equals four. One may have faith that math is important. One may believe that they may build a house and proceed onward with this belief. Their choices then move them in this direction and their mortal experience proves to them that if you believe it enough your house may be built. One may have faith that they will have a house one day and it will all turn out just fine. One may believe that Jesus lived, that the accounts of his life are true and real and accurate but when one encounters the presence of Jesus in their spiritual experience, one suddenly has unbounded faith that this truth that they believed in is real.

No amount of believing will get you over the line when faith is required for you to take the final step. The one is a compliment to the other but they are not the same. Belief is something that someone holds onto because it has been proven to them, to their mortal minds and they accept it. It becomes their reality, they model it in their lives. Faith is attained by personal experience, by the results of this personal spiritual experience on an individuals life and they are forever changed and altered with the addition of this experience thus granting them greater faith.

Faith is the overarching awareness that there is a plan, that you are part of the plan and that all is overseen and cared for and will be well in the end. Belief is an idea that things may be known, understood and accepted. So while they are often used interchangeably, these terms are indeed significantly different. And while both are valid and necessary aspects of mortal life, it is important to understand that to others who do not possess faith which is based in personal experience, they will not embrace the same spiritual truths and realities that one who has encountered these truths and realities for themselves would readily accept and endorse. Therefore even these texts of authority  will not be lodged in their consciousness for they have not had a personal context of spiritual awareness with which to embrace them. Therefore words on a page or stories told to them will simply be that, words on a page or stories told. It is only when one invests themselves individually and deeply and spiritually that such may be transformed from belief into faith.

Thank you, I am simply trying to address the question asked earlier and the idea that different people at different times in their ascension career will embrace different things. It is not that they are not smart or that they are not eager to learn but there is a personal investment which must be made before any truth may be embraced and certainly matters of spirit must be encountered to be embraced. This can only happen with those willing to exercise their faith muscle and to grow it and build it in the process. Be patient with all of your brothers and sisters around you  who simply are unaware of this component of self. It's not as though they are not endowed with it just as you, it is rather they have not exercised it. They don't know that if they were to exercise they could lift that weight. They will come to such an understanding as they are forced to by their life circumstance or perhaps on the mansion worlds, it matters little. Grant them the benefit of all the time it takes for them to come to this awareness and understanding of their own accord. That is the only way it will be meaningful and have value to them just as it does to you.

I bid you all have a wonderful day. It is a treat to speak with you, thank you.

Michael: [Cathy] My children, I embrace you in your efforts to expand your use of light and healing. The Father provides most abundantly for the prosperity and health of your physical vehicles. The original design may be experimental but the principles of function in creating health are universal. The Father is indeed throughout all creation and upholds the pattern of His intentions. By giving of His essence through the Adjuster He participates with each of His children. God is indeed omnipresent. You are held in His consciousness in all your growth and activity. Feel free to access the skills you have been given and make connection with all the physician assistants that are around you. Your Mother and I are so proud to assist you in all your efforts to grow and produce wellness in yourself and others.

Transcript 2
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2014-06-12
Teacher: Charles, Michael
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: I can never begin without an acknowledgement of gratitude for the circuit, for the love, for the grace that envelops us all in this process, for the peace that we feel when contacting spirit, for the direction that we receive in this process. As we seek guidance, surely we will find it, in a process such as this. I invite us all to summon our faith and to bring it forward in this process, to show ourselves in motion to the universe, each one, individually so that we may be led and guided, we may be granted that which we seek. Let us apply these universal truths and laws in our cause in this time, in this moment. Thank you Divine Parents for this gift of grace. May we breathe it in and drink this cup to the full, thank you.

Charles: Hello to all assembled, I would not keep you waiting. I am Charles and it is my distinct pleasure to join you in this circuit that you form at this time, to plug myself into your energy field and thus become a part of it just as you are. The part of ourselves that interfaces with such a circuit is the spiritual component and we are on equal footing as spiritual beings capable of joining such a circuit, of contributing to such an energy.

I understand that there is the grand topic of faith on the table and I will certainly pick up the gauntlet and attempt to shed some different perspectives on this ever present topic of understanding that challenges the human mind. One of the reasons it is such a challenge to the human mind is that the mind likes to understand. The mind craves to understand something so thoroughly that it can get to a point of belief and trust and when the human mind has entertained any subject to the degree that it is satisfied that it understands fully, it moves into the realm of trust. This is the ultimate pinnacle of what the human mind is capable of doing. That is to say that when something is truly believed and trusted, the mind can relax its debate about the accuracy or trueness and can simply move into resting on its belief and trust.

You have all been told that two and two equals four and you have long since lost any inability to trust this fact. Therefore you rest assured that this truth may be trusted and that you may then build upon such a truth with additional truths, that you can in a very real sense, take for granted this original truth that you have accepted and trust that it will always be stable and maintain its integrity. This is what the human mind craves, is to have stability among all that is in flux around you and when you can find something, anything that is stable and you can have trust in, you latch on to it and want to build the rest of your understanding and awareness on these islands of stability. This is how the computer, the mind, works. If you are uncertain and harbor doubts about any particular premise, then you are not willing to build any further foundation using that premise until it is decided for you whether it is true and accurate and therefore can be trusted.

Faith on the other hand, is a trust in a variable, an unknown, an uncertainty but it is such a strong trust that you are willing to act in accordance with this trust. Faith is what creates a mode of action in your lives. That which is not controlled by the construct of the mind is the domain of faith. You have an expression on  your world that someone can be religious about something and this implies that they act in a certain way in accordance with their faith. There are ideals which govern their very lives and actions and they become religious about aspects of their faith which may not be strictly defined by the mind and its constructs.

Knowing in your deepest inner self, that you have an eternal career means you will act accordingly, you will act in faith as if this is a patterned truth. The mind cannot find evidence to substantiate such a truth for such a truth lies outside the possibility of the mind to accurately define it. But faith enables you to go beyond the confines of the mind, what it is able to see and hear and imprint and move into the realm, even beyond belief, of trust that a universal truth exists, that you have an eternal career of spirit before you. Certainly science cannot back you up in this belief but this belief has been expanded beyond trust into the realm of faith when it changes your life and when you act upon it. Belief gives you the foundations on which to construct your awareness, faith causes you to act in ways which are beyond your mortal capacity to understand. Faith is a spiritual phenomenon, belief may be an entirely material exercise.

It was mentioned in the preamble that faith also brings with it the rewards of its use which then bolster the faith that was used in the first place. You have been informed in your text that magnificent things happened in the life and times of your Master, not to create faith but rather because faith was there, was present and could be acted upon. There is a common phrase: Will you believe it when you see it or in fact, will you see it when you believe it? This is a good point of debate because if it requires material proof, then there are distinct limitations involved. If it can be a matter of faith, those limitations may be erased.

It can be seen as perhaps a Catch 22, that in order to receive the rewards of faith, one must first have it and having had it, one will see the rewards of it. But this is in fact the way that it works. No one may grant you as an individual, any degree of faith for it is completely a personal experience. But any act that you engage in on behalf of faith, certainly brings with it enormous rewards which then embolden you to act in faith the next time. All of you are here as a result of your faith, a faith in this very process of things unseen, unmeasurable by any other term yet you will all concede that there is an effect which you feel as a result of your having extended your faith to be here now. No one else could grant this effect to you. You had to arrive here on your own through this act of faith. Having done so, you will come away with an enhanced experience as a result.

Was this all designed to bring you faith or did you have to have a certain amount of faith to even bring yourself to this experience? Both, it goes round and round and round, but as you are all aware, it is strictly a matter of choice and you cannot lend any other individual faith so that they may start this cycle. Rather, something inside must internally propel them to act and this acting you have referred to as courage or courageousness is the realization, the accepting of faith as motivation, the trust that is required for you to step forward, the trust that is required in this very moment for this process to proceed forward.

I tell you plainly, every time the time comes for one of these meetings, there is a very real confrontation which occurs of the human aspect searching for trust while the spirit component must rally and act in faith. If it were only a human endeavor, if my associate here were left with only the construct of mind, there would not be the courage to move forward. It must be layered with faith which brings the courage and the movement to get the ball rolling. Likewise in all of your lives, in all the moments of your lives there may be this same dynamic. Your mind may attempt to talk you out of it saying science does not bear out or experience does not bear out or common sense does not bear out that you are a magnificent spiritual creator and that all things are possible in liaison with divinity. This may be a statement your mind recognizes but do you have trust in this truth? Or, does it take your spiritual component, the greater aspect of yourself, to come in and well up the courage in pursuit of this truth which you will accept and pursue even though you may not be convinced in your mind of the absolute nature of this truth?

Faith has been called many things throughout time but everyone is familiar with that inner prompting, that sense that wells up within you when you look at things through a spiritual perspective and allow yourselves the greater view. This brings with it the courage to go for those things, to pursue that greater view, to move beyond the uncertain aspect of mind into the longing of spirit. And you will all be witnesses to the fact that when you engage in such activities, you are always rewarded in greater or lesser amounts but every act of extending in faith, builds your faith muscles and makes you more fit for the next time when you need to use them. Every act of faith has its reward, its compensation for your efforts.

These are perhaps a few more angles for you to use to look at this gift of grace that each one of you possess, that brings you here now, that propels you along the path of your eternal career, that provides for you the courage to take the next step even when you are uncertain what the next step, the next word in this case, may be. As you bear witness even now, if you give of yourselves and act in faith, the next word arrives. You need not know what it is, only have faith that it will. You need not know what the next step may be in your journey, you need only have faith that it will be there and you will know it and you will take it, all because you have faith. More than trust, you have faith. More than belief, you have faith.

So while it is good and proper for you to count on many things in this material life and to have the belief and your trust in the stability of that which you would believe and trust, realize that over all this, above all this, behind all this, is your divine gift of grace that you are growing, that you are building in this process, of reaching for the unreachable, knowing the unknowable, defining the undefinable and being that which you can only dream of by virtue of your faith. All these things are yours, all things are possible in league with spirit and divinity. These are truths but it will take your faith to embrace them. Your mind does not contain enough authority. It will be the realm of faith that gets you there, not the acceptance of mind.

I hope my attempts have met with some success to illuminate some of these darker passageways. Suffice it to say, that if you will exercise your faith as you do even now, you will grow strong enough with this muscle that it will be the one that carries you through an eternal career. Your mind will fall away, your faith and your spirit will endure. To even have trust and belief that this is so is much to ask but you can go beyond that by accepting it in faith and proceed exercising your faith and it will serve you well.

Faith to mortals is much like the concept of their Indwelling Guide. It is with them throughout the journey yet they are unaware of its presence. It is your companion along the way and yet it still begs the question: What is it? How do I use it? How do I access it? Where do I find it? All while it's part of you, a very integral part of your composition and yet you search. I hope that in moments like this you may feel it close to you and feel it as part of you, identify that aspect itself because it truly is with you. It has brought you here this evening. It has served on many occasions to extend you beyond your mortal limitation. Lean on it, utilize it, embrace it as part of your nature, as a gift of your composition. Just as your Inner Guide, just as your Spirit of Truth, all these are aspects of yourself which you are learning to tease out of the mix and define for your mind so that it may grasp the idea and it too may join you in belief and trust as your soul does, as your spirit does.

I trust I have added enough to this discussion tonight for your consideration. I would not overburden you so I believe it may be time for me to draw conclusion to these remarks unless there would be any further clarification on my offer to any specifics. [pause] It is my pleasure to join you as always, I am Charles and I would at this time take my leave and extend my gratitude for your having graced me with this opportunity.

Comment: Charles, right before you get away I would like to thank you so much. You have just increased our understanding so much of faith, you actually demonstrated how faith and understanding constantly play leapfrog with each other so thank you very much.

Charles: Thank you, I accept your kind comments.

Michael: Greetings to you all, before I let you all escape back into your own lives I would bring my presence into the circle and add to yours and I would make reference to the fact that many people, many among you, have a relationship with me that goes well beyond your mind's capacity to understand. You have been told of my life, you have been made aware of the accounts of my existence, but those are only things that can be grasped by the mind of man in an attempt to bring you closer to me by familiarizing you with my life and teachings. But this is only but a small part of our relationship, yours and mine.

Our relationship relies on your faith. It depends on your faith to approach me, to accept me, to love me as the child you are could love the parent. You see, it is not enough to have heard about me. In order to have a close relationship we must do this together, you and I in faith. That is where we meet. That is how we meet and it is through your individual exercises in faith that we have come together, that we have formed our own individual, personal relationship. It is not enough that you know about me. In faith you know of me, you know me.

I bring this up to demonstrate for you that faith is active in your lives, that you use it to this degree, that we rely on it for times even such as this. So think not that faith is something you must go out and find. Faith is simply something that you may develop, that you may grow, that you may utilize. It is another of these gifts of grace which allow us to join together. The more you have grown in this direction, the greater your faith, the more rewarding, the easier it gets, the better it is. That is why this life is such a fertile opportunity for you.

You must find faith, you must choose faith, you must use faith and in so doing you build it, you grow it, you are rewarded by it, you are sustained by it, you are led by it and it brings you the courage to step out in faith, to receive the rewards of using faith. Such rewards as we enjoy even now. This is faith. I simply could not let you all disperse this evening without pointing out the faith of the moment, the certain and sure faith that you demonstrate to join me here and now.

I thank the Father for this faith which brings us together. I pray we all grow in our faith as we encounter more and more of its rewards and more opportunities to use it. Let it be so even now. Peace be on you all as I envision your growing in faith until we are together in this process, side by side. My peace I leave with you, farewell.


Transcript 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2014-06-15
Teacher: Charles, Serena, Jonathan, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris
Prayer: [Father's Day] I am in gratitude for knowing our Father Michael and through him our greater Father. I am in gratitude for this relationship, this sense of belonging to a Divine Parent. Truly that is a wellspring of faith for me. I feel as though I belong to this divine family, that I am welcome in this family and loved by this family, represented in part by this Father figure who I have come to learn and call by the name Michael. Truly we are blessed to have one who is so devoted to our welfare and well being. Truly he is blessed to have one so devoted to his welfare and well being in the great Father of all. Thank you for this relationship, this partnership, this companionship and this love.

Charles: Good morning again friends, Charles here once again to entertain your invitation that you extend to me so graciously in your process. I too share your heartfelt petition of gratitude for belonging and being part of such a glorious enterprise which we are both involved in. Truly it is miraculous and yet to those who have grown in awareness, simply observed as a normal state of being. This profound love which dictates the premise of this experience for us is indeed a natural and normal state of being and yet to those of us who are developing and on our ascension career, we have been demonstrated levels of awareness and thus contrasts that we may use to demonstrate to ourselves that we have come to an awareness and an understanding that love is a normal pattern, a natural way of being. Curious that it has been designed that we are in pursuit of finding this reality for ourselves, that we have been given the opportunity to demonstrate the unawareness being balanced by coming into awareness. The doubts and uncertainties of a mortal beginning which have become transformed by the certainties and conviction of encountering these spiritual truths through our faith which we then possess and may use in all of our future undertakings.

This mode of transformation where one goes from uncertainty to certainty, from unawareness to awareness is in itself one of the greatest gifts of grace we may come to know that has been bestowed upon us because in this process of 9>transformation we have been given the opportunity to grow our faith, to use our faith and to be rewarded by our efforts in so doing. Otherwise, we would not know the true value of what it is to have faith, to hold faith and to rely on faith. The angels and other beings that you have become aware of, crave this gift of grace that has been bestowed upon mortals. For having been through this transformation process, faith becomes known as this sacred endowment from on high which has been recognized, accepted and utilized in the process. Truly, to those orders of beings who are born above the station of mortal life, they wonder and desire what it is like to have to find faith and build it and grow it and come to it for they have never known this challenge. They are created having the benefit of their faith strongly intact for they have never had cause to have it challenged or have never been without it.

You as mortals of the realm, literally begin with a clean slate and have to include on your slate all the things that eventually compose your being and so it is up to you what is added to your slate and at what rate. So when you decide to pursue faith, when you decide to use faith, when you are rewarded for your having used faith, these are elements which only you may add to your slate. Therefore is it all that more cherished by those of a higher station for you have painstakingly added these things to your repertoire one by one, event by event, experience by experience. No one has granted you these things, no one has transferred these traits from their slate to yours. You have had to go through the experiences, have had to be confronted by the doubts which were only overcome with the application of your faith. In taking these steps and going through these transformative experiences you have earned these aspects of self and they are as medals of honor which you take with you as you move forward. Having received these medals of honor as a result of your direct action, they are indeed respected and admired by all those in the spirit realm where they represent true accomplishments, stripes on the uniform which are only earned through your valiant efforts.

So therefore, I offer you on this day a note of both encouragement and admiration for all of these experiences that you accumulate to yourselves, all these opportunities wherein you will choose to operate with faith as your instrument and in so doing, you will demonstrate to your Creator that this gift of endowment which has been bestowed upon you is cherished, is a significant aid to you in your process and that you will take up this tool and use this instrument in your process. This brings such joy to those who have supplied you with these tools and the opportunities for you to use them. So many will shy away from the opportunities and forsake the tools, perhaps to be taken up again at some later time, but to those who are in enough awareness and recognize that the opportunities are there so that you may utilize the tools, so that you may grow from working with the tools and indeed benefit from having done so.

Thus the grand design comes to its fulfillment. Some of the many promises that you represent come to fulfillment and it brings great joy to the Parents, to the Father, who smiles down upon you in great satisfaction, that you will play with the tools provided, that you will join in this process of discovery, that you will bring to it your attitude of gratitude and awareness and in this way the desires of the Parent are fulfilled, the gratitude of the Father reaches its expression in you. In all of us who pick up the gauntlet of this spiritual transition and who accept this eternal career with gratitude and with joy, such actions as these are all that any parent could desire, a full and rich life for their offspring, one in which they may grow and learn and unfold into who their potential claims they may be.

Let it be so as we move forward in this process together. Let us demonstrate to our Parents our joy in this process, our contentment, even our gratitude at belonging to this family, at fulfilling the lives that we have been given and that striving to bring home to our parents the goodness, the beauty and the love that we have found along the way. On this Father's day, let us bring home our song of joy, our experience of love, our version of the grace that we know and let us bring them and lay them at the feet of our Divine Parent, the gratitude and expression of our affection for this is what we have to give. Let us give it with all of our being.

It has been my pleasure to join you in this exercise this morning as we are together in this pursuit. I assure you, our gifts have been accepted in gratitude as well. Let us cherish this miracle as we do. Thank you all, thank you Divine Parents, thanks and glory be to God.

Serena: [Cathy] I am pleased to add my support to your efforts to bring new connections in this transmission process. This special connection has been valuable and has great potential for future use in the Magisterial Mission. I am most enthusiastic about the group decision to provide a platform, a safe place for investigation and connection for interested parties. We will embrace the connection from our side also. It is always a pleasure to interact with this group.

Jonathan: [Cathy] I am with you in this new project to bring the t/r process to a larger group. This special connection was a source of up-liftment in my own spiritual quest. I encourage the exploration of this process for all that are being led to experiment. I can more clearly see the value from my present position. It is a unique contact point between the various levels of spirit. Spirit is able to move within you through the use of this contact. As you open yourself to the possibility of communication, spirit has an increased access to your mind circuit. In a way, spirit moves closer to your physical circuit and you reach a higher spirit level to make the contact. It is truly a miracle that we have come to see as commonplace.

Light: [Cathy] I see an opportunity to use your light skills on a dark area of the planet, Iraq. Please spend some time sending light against the darkness that is flexing itself in this area. So much of the planet is resonating in love and light. It is my hope that you will be able to reflect some light into this area of conflict. We are continuing to bring compassion, forgiveness and mercy to the areas in conflict to bring them into alignment with the Father's love and light. Experiment this week with light and love.