Michael; Inner Voice; Jonathan; Light; Unknown; Charles - Jan 27, Feb 03,  Feb 10, 2013 - North Idaho

Three Transmissions in this Document

Transcript 1
Subject: No. Idaho Team   2013-01-27
Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice, Jonathan
T/R: Henry Zeringue, Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers

Michael: [Henry] Greetings to you this morning, it is good to be here in this warm circle of friendship, in the cocoon of woven light. Thank you for the many observations this morning with which to choose to speak upon. The innate desire within human consciousness to help others is a tremendously strong sense. That one would actually potentially risk ones life for another is a high honor as human brotherhood goes. To service in this capacity out of the compassion in your heart is a tremendous service. You live on a planet where the growing recognition of the Indwelling Father, the presence of something greater within which gives hope, which gives a feeling of thankfulness, is growing stronger, sort of exciting times in which you not only do you get to play a part in revealing what is within, but that you can also observe how others are revealing what is within them because not everyone is going to reveal the same thing.

The Spirit Within chooses to express in ways which are particular to individuals but it is not necessarily something which individuals will come to understand until they have discovered the Presence Within. It is true, many people think of God as something outside of themselves. It is reflective of many things. You know the initial spiritual search may truly begin with believing that God exists somewhere else but at some point that spiritual search will cross paths which in time will bring one to the recognition that quite possibly, God truly lies within.

One can only question and one can only act upon the information and the understanding one perceives. Perceiving any understanding at all is of a great service because it is true, everything impacts everything else. Everything is attached to something, nothing exists in isolation, not even lonely minds. They might think they are in isolation but all they have to do is open up the windows, draw the curtains, reach out and see that there is a new day, see that there are many who are willing to assist. The universe is friendly and you are beginning to see all over the planet in situations that have been hidden, enshrouded in darkness and fear, suddenly are bursting forth like bombs of light to bring attention to the darkness which surrounds them.

You have reached a point now where the growth of society has to do with the movement of people on a global scale, not just an individual country or an individual idealism. The majority of what you will experience in your lifetime depends tremendously on how you view yourself and are you willing to do something with what you see available to you? Many times the greatest impact is not the most dramatic. Sometimes the greatest impact is very simple and mundane, helping another, helping yourself, helping others help others, leadership. The journey quest for the Spirit Within is a tremendous journey. It should be one all of you are willing to take no matter what the risks and no matter the cost. It probably will be life altering, transforming, and in a certain sense bring you back to where you started into a very sure understanding. So yes, it is okay to ask questions but many times, the ability to act promptly has greater effects than just casually asking questions about things, prompt discernment and prompt action.

In a certain sense, what is called kingdom work, the notion of bringing everyone into the brotherhood, into the same page with God as their Father or a 'King' as some are wont to believe, the problem with the 'King' metaphor is that the 'King' is still someone outside of yourself, someone telling you what to do and controlling you, where the notion of the Father, the Father Within oneself, the Indwelt Presence, personalizes you, brings it more into a reality focus, a system of checks and balances within the human mind, consciousness.

To the greater extent, many people are working within this capacity. Most don't know it yet but they will. They will begin to discover that things such as inspiration, synchronicity, grace, abundance, ability, that these things have to do with how you hold the thoughts in your mind. Do you hold positive thoughts? Are you allowing thoughts to freely flow within you instead of clamping down on certain things and not letting go? Mentally that is not healthy. You need to allow yourself openness.

Yes my friends, it is safe to say that you are in the dawning ages of the arrival of the brotherhood concept, a concept which will be earned, unfortunately with a tremendous amount of pain because something as great as a universal brotherhood will not come easily to this world. It will become a struggle every step of the way and even though you may not see tremendous results, every effort and all persistence is truly honored. Many times the reward for service comes in different ways. It can come as an understanding, it can come as an awareness, it certainly can come as grace but many times what it does is gather a momentum for the future that pulls things within your path.

One of the paradoxes of spirituality is faith and belief. You know a spiritual reality does not truly exist for one unless you truly believe that it does and yet until you have procured within yourself, have willed this faith into existence, this belief, this sense that the spiritual world is not real to you, spirituality becomes a concept. So it is this activation of belief, this constant uphill struggle. Maybe it is not an uphill struggle, maybe it is just that this faith and belief brings you a tremendous inspiration and awareness, especially to many of those who are not traumatized in some way although a majority of life on the planet is traumatized. Children growing up with war, generations and generations growing up with violence, war and aggression until at some point you bring into the world the children who instinctively know that this is not good enough. They want more out of life. The spiritual universe has designed life to operate completely on its own. It's a default, it is hardwired into life itself, yet in a spiritual sense there are many many things which bring a refinement, a quality into life that would not exist if life just created its own variables.

Many times, spirituality only rearranges the variables. It only rearranges the conditions, the options, the opportunities, the ways of looking at things, how you react, how you do things; this is what spirituality does, is it takes the default out of life and puts it into manual operation, it puts it in your hands. This is what spirituality does, it lets you decide how to move forward even with your present understanding because as understanding goes, it is also constantly adjusting to what must be understood. Then you come to a place where you are at a loss for understanding. This is the point at which spirit can truly be heard within. Many times a human consciousness must reach that point, a point of quietness, a point of opening up, forgiving, a point of not knowing any more, of not understanding, of not seeing it, that point at which a human begins to actually listen, to actually pay attention to hear what this echo is echoing.

My friends, there is no easy facile solution. It is a simple mathematical situation; the more aware and conscious individuals which exist together in society will bring about the needed change in consciousness, that the way business is done will begin to shift. The complete understanding of something will not necessarily engender an immediate result but an understanding will truly begin to help others who are in need to understand.

Thank you for allowing me these words this morning to you my friends, it is I, your brother Michael. Go in peace, know that I am with you always my friends, thank you.

Michael: [Cathy] My children, I am embracing you in the activity of weaving light about our world. Your dedication to this project will bring great fruit to our mission. The world has begun to awaken to the possibility of spiritual connection. The world is moving with us to a view of brotherhood and love. It is needed at this moment to reflect your light on the areas of conflict. We can embrace together the light and flood it on to the awakening spirit in our brothers and sisters. You have become most serviceable in the use of light and love. Your intention and practice in the wielding of the skills you have developed will expand the perception of light in others you contact. As we awaken to the possibility of love and brotherhood, it becomes possible to awaken to their inner guidance and perceive the path to our Father. Together we can be the guiding hand that can be held as the first uncertain steps are taken into a new view of the possibilities for this world. I am your greatest support. I am here to uphold you as all move forward into a new age of light and love. Your Mother and I delight to walk with you on this journey.

Inner Voice: [Mark] Hello my friends, I will take this opportunity to co-mingle some thoughts with you. I am this one's Inner Voice and I am drawn to bring with me perhaps some greater perspective on the events of a mortal life. It was noted here earlier in discussion that many great individuals have crossed over to the other side and that indeed, in the end, I will invite you to recall that every individual inevitably will cross over to the other side, reflecting the familiar term that as a mortal of the realm, nobody get out of this experience or this game alive, that is alive only in the mortal sense.

You all are well aware that as a matter of course, all material things give way and you as students of spirit, are privileged enough to have some glimpse of insight as to what the next step might be, the very fact that you can cross over to something of which you are dimly aware. So I invite you to expand your perception and change perhaps your natural disposition toward the inevitable occurrence that individuals such as yourselves, even individuals as yourself, will inevitably and invariably get to the experience of transition and crossing over. It is designed into your mortal experience.

So, to see it as somehow a punishment or an affliction of some sort is to not see the greater picture because immediately upon transition it is as if your computer system shuts down and it appears as though the systems are over and all activity ceases. But, in fact it is merely rebooting your entire system and when you again fire up your eternal experience after transition, you discover you have been upgraded, that you have greater capacity, greater awareness, greater database for understanding and a whole new data bank before you to be filled.

So, is it a good thing or a bad thing, this transition? When seen from the mortal side it may seem as though a tragedy, an end to a chapter and certainly it is an end to a chapter but this tail of this journey is very very long and this chapter must have an end so that the next may begin and each chapter becomes more filled, more exciting, more capable, more interesting, more aware. So is it a bad thing to leave the first chapter and enter into the second? or, is it a reward for having made it through the first chapter, for having endured to the end whenever the end is, and under what conditions the end may be to simply have played out the chapter to its end. It must end and so I invite you to expand your awareness that it is more of a new beginning than it is the tragic ending and to be willing to, in your own lives, have the stance, the attitude that you will gracefully accept transition at any time and under any circumstance that you are presented with; not that you aren't
interested in prolonging the current chapter because it is familiar and you have read this far and mastered the material to this point or so you think, the next chapter is greater, full of more life, full of more understanding, full of more opportunity, more-so than you could imagine in this chapter.

So while it is good and right as a mortal of the realm to seek to preserve your longevity and endure this experience to its very limitation, while this is a noble and admirable trait of any aware surviving mortal, likewise may [it be] an admirable trait to embrace transition as the part of the process that it is and be willing to turn the chapter when the time is ready. The issue usually arises in consideration of when the time is ready and in all such matters you are learning in your own individual personal spiritual experiences that such matters are in greater hands than yours at times. This is where your trust and faith come into play, when it appears to you that the unjust has happened, somebody has left the game too soon, somebody did not receive healing, somebody apparently had a tragic end.

If your could take two steps back and realize that after that apparently traumatic event in this individuals life, immediately thereupon were they provided with an upgrade, a gift of grace from on high as in response to their having transitioned they are acknowledged and upgraded and rebooted to be anew. The real trauma in any circumstance is in those who do the observing and assign these traumas to the victims and indeed bear them themselves. This is also normal and natural because you are one; you feel each others experiences, you share them in the collective consciousness.

But I invite you to bring a greater perspective into the equation and share that into the collective consciousness as well and this greater perspective is that any such event is so temporal, so short lived, this event of transition, that it constitutes a mere insignificant blip on the radar when compared with the eternal experience. Surely all events on the route are significant and may be traumatic or may be inspiring but the continuum is so long and the experience is so vast that it is, as they say, but the blink of an eye in context.

Once again, I endeavor to remind you of these truths, to bring some of these perspective from further down the road and try to illuminate what it is you are seeing when you are looking at these fellows who are transitioning as indeed all will, every one. It is part of the design and if it can be seen as part of the grace involved in the design, that would be the gift you offer to the collective consciousness regarding your awareness of what this event truly is. To one who was spending their life in prison and finally succumbed to illness, is it proper to mourn for their transition. In a very real sense, you are imprisoned in your mortal status, confined to your temporal being, challenged with temporal events all around you. Is it proper mourn for your transition from such confinement to such freedom as your next incarnation provides you? I think not, I think perhaps it is the reward that is undetected in the equation. How could you detect it, how could you know the truth of this statement unless you have some experience? This collective consciousness that we contribute to is where you may draw your strength but in the end this experience will be yours, each one as an individual, to add to your long string of experiences which you then may contribute to the Supreme. In the end, no matter your having been introduced to these concepts, you must embrace them for yourselves and encounter them in your own experiences. This is part of the graceful plan as well.

Thank you all for allowing me this time to offer these thoughts and contribute them into the thought stream, into the pool of wisdom that is accumulating as a result of questions, seeking, answers and offerings. "Go in peace" as your Master said and go in love as well and go with greater and greater perspectives as you carry each one for your enhanced capacity to receive them. Let it be so, now and always, farewell.   

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello and thanks for asking friends. I would share this one thought with you in regard to the last offering and that is the affirmation that the experience having begun on Urantia as a developing spiritual being is a continuum. It begins under mortal conditions, it morphs and changes into spiritual conditions but it is the same experience, the same continuum, it merely picks up and leaves off and begins over again in a series of transitions, the most mortal and material of which is the material transition of mortal death. Such a dramatic example in the mortal life of a life having begun and then coming to an ending point because it exists in the realm of time and space and things within that realm are regulated by the confines of time and space and age and length and duration all play into that paradigm as they are designed to do so.

And so it is that we experience this process of having started and then having a finish point. But, I will tell you in my experience, that there is no finish point, that the definition of the mortal end of the line is simply out of context with the reality of the equation. It is an event on the continuum line of this experience as are innumerable events and if one could see it only as such an event, not the cessation of all that has come before it, rather the portal with which one must pass in order to transition to the next segment of the continuum.

Of course, in the Urantia Book we have discussed how every mortal of the realm will no doubt be surprised by their new surroundings and awareness upon arrival on the morontia spheres and this experience in and of itself changes the definition but not until after the fact. Here, as we are able to share and discuss, it is possible for you to change the definition of this term within your experience before it transpires. I am not sure you can grasp and fathom the magnitude of this offering of grace but I do pray you accept it and embrace it, take it in as your own. Here you are offered the keys to success, the keys to awareness and enjoyment, the keys to embracing the experience instead of fearing the unknown of the experience.

These truly are, as they say, keys to the kingdom, the kingdom of spirit which mankind has called heaven. So I invite you to adopt and accept this grander perspective as has been outlined in some of your texts and many of your teacher lessons. Accept that all that transpires is part of this gigantic plan, all of which end up as events on your timeline in this experience, as events on your continuum line in eternity. It is the same line, it does have a beginning, that is what we share as having begun in this mortal state but it is an infinite line on which many many events may be planted and attached or strung as you do with your light.

Thank you for your invitation. I hope further attempts at expressing these truths meets with some success. I love you all, you are in my consciousness, thank you.

Transcript 2
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2013-02-03
Teacher: Charles, Unknown Source, LIght
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Charles: [Mark] Good morning friends, I am Charles here to add my two cents worth to this mornings discussion and I think I will start with the familiar phrase: "Which comes first, the horse or the carriage?" You all know that of course you have to have the horse in the beginning before you can pull the carriage behind it; likewise is it all so true that one who is venturing into exercising their co-creative prerogatives must indeed have the faith before the act, must indeed put the proper order in the equation, must come to the equation with the proper attitude and stance and posture that make it possible for you to then hitch on the cart, whatever your cart of prayer will direct you towards, health, healing or any manner of physical environmental changes.

All these things as you have come to know are possible, they do happen, they are within the scope of the universal laws and principles that are in play. So it is not those principles or laws which are in question, rather the important thing is, is the horse ready to assume the posture, ready to pull the cart in cooperation and with mutual work towards the same end? So let's consider then, if the primary and most important aspect of the circumstance in this analogy would be the horse and its readiness, its preparedness, its training, its understanding, its willingness to provide such a function and finally its readiness and corresponding attitude of readiness.

The more the horse is prepared, the easier it is to hitch on any cart behind it and it doesn't really matter too much what the cart is or how different the journey may be that the horse is undertaking. What matters most is the compatibility of the horse to the process, to the cart of desire. If the horse is prepared, if the horse has been trained well and has an attitude of willingness and acceptance, then that is the part of the equation, the familiar phrase being offered earlier," work like it all depends on you," then it is appropriate for you to say that "it all depends on God," that is, the next step is to exercise a great faith. If you have been in readiness and you are prepared to join yourself to the task, then it is necessary for you to align yourself with the process and with the greater aspects of spirit.

This is hitching the cart to the horse in readiness. This is preparing the way and cinching the reins and being prepared to make the journey, being prepared to see it through; even though as a participant you may be unaware of what transpires before you, nevertheless you are willing to saddle up and ride. That's courage, that takes strength, to be prepared even in the face of doubt and uncertainty, to saddle up and be ready to head out into the darkness of the unknown, in faith and in trust that there is a final destination worthy of your attainment and that you are ready, you are prepared, your gear is in place and you can envision the conclusion of your journey even as you begin it. This is the aspect which can bridge the gap between all the readiness, preparedness and faith that one brings.

There lies before you uncertainty of how exactly each step of the journey will transpire but absolute conviction in your success, in your attainment, in your eventual destination. This is what provides you with the stimulus that in times of doubt and uncertainty you may need to push forward and work like it all depends on you, meanwhile trusting and having faith that it all depends on God, but that you are working together doing this spiritual work together. Then as you have all witnessed in your lives, things happen, things transpire, perhaps things out of the blue that are uncertain, unknown but nevertheless, to one who has a firm compass heading, the journey is not deterred. It may be delayed, it may be detoured, it may be impinged upon by factors in the way but to one who holds this absolute conviction and certainty of ultimate destination, all these are but transient events in the journey towards this eventual destination.

Interesting to consider, that while it is important to hold in your consciousness, the reality of arriving at the destination, one must also be flexible enough and willing to adapt and change as is required along the way to accommodate that which life brings into the journey so that while the destination may be envisioned, the journey may not and there is required of the journeyer, not only to hold in their expectation their safe arrival at their destination, but to be willing and ready along the way to embrace the unknown until the time that all these unknown steps result in the desired destination.

This is the balance that one must walk, certainty and conviction must be present and exercise of faith must be demonstrated. This also includes faith in what may arise before you as part of the journey, part of your solutions, part of your plans that may change, alter or be presented to you anew. This makes for a banquet indeed my friends, a banquet of uncertainty, a banquet of challenges, a banquet of disappointments and a banquet with mixed in throughout successes and observations of growth and richness brought to the journey.

Thank you for the opportunity to join you in this mornings discussion, it's always a pleasure. I understand this forum has others who would participate and so I would yield the floor at this time, thank you my friends.

Unknown Source: [Cathy] In the case of the parable of the well, I offer some perspectives. In these instances of life, the result is desired but the channel for creating the result may be obscured. There is a disconnect from the end result if a focus is completely on the process at work. I found in my life experiences that it is sometimes needed to gather faith and move beyond the process into the desired end result. You will begin by one small step and recalibrate as the process progresses. It is not possible for modifications to occur unless you are in motion. The solution is to be found in the moment, that it is necessary to begin with the small act in the direction that seems best. You may later recalibrate and see other options open up. It is somewhat like a journey that presents options for side trips along the way. The temptation is to stop at the present point and admit there is a failure. It is indeed part of the process to rethink the problem and look for other options. In this life you are seldom left without any options, it is only needed for you to take another small step to move to a different viewpoint. Feast on possibilities instead of disappointments. Help is available for you, believe.

Light: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Light, drawn towards the conversation about exercising co-creative potentials of course. This morning I would offer that there is of course, a magic combination as you are becoming aware, of potentials that come together and cause actuals in your sphere of awareness and understanding. Indeed, things must line up and come together and as you have learned, things attract to themselves other things of similar energies and come together and bind and become stronger in the process.

So it is with these fledgling encounters that you all have as mortals of the realm. Every once in a while the factors seem to all line up and there is a flushed sense that something magical has just happened, something miraculous has just occurred, that all factors have come together to produce this magical circumstance and, in some sense, your perception is right. What is inaccurate about your perception is just how magical such a line up really is because from a vantage point of a mortal of the realm, it appears to be inconsistent and happenstance and only happen at all in rare circumstances. I concede that from your perspective, the misses are far more than the hits when you have attempted to exercise these principles.

Largely this is due to your perspective, from where you stand. Your coming to spirit is bringing you into new arenas of awareness and it still remains difficult for you to shed the last vestiges of your mortal awarenesses and understanding and to shed firm beliefs that you have earned through a lifetime of experiences. You all contain these seeds of doubt, you all harbor within you these elements of [the] unknown, even doubt. When, in regard to life's circumstance, it is easy to say, things don't happen like that or just because I want it why should it be? or, in the real world this stuff just doesn't happen.

Those are all deep rooted convictions that have their roots running through your being, and from a completely mortal perspective they are justified and sound. But what you are learning is that in order to engage the universal principles at play, one must be in a different arena, one must be in the arena of spirit. If you go into this arena of spirit with the intention of activating the principles that are present there, it is required that even for brief glimpses of time, that one shed their unbelief, that they check it at the door of the spiritual arena for it is this unbelief, it is this uncertainty, it is this lack of conviction, that in any equation of co-creative expression contaminates the experiment, it spoils as mold brought into a cooking recipe. It is inappropriate to be there in the equation and it cannot be overcome by the rest of the ingredients.

So I invite you to consider that this speaks to the preparation and stance and attitude of those involved in the circumstance and that successes have been achieved, demonstrates to you that it is possible, if even for a moment of time, you can truly relinquish the dark aspects of doubt and uncertainty and criticism that are so mortal and so prevalent in mortal disposition and truly give yourself to love, give yourself to the process that love would unfold, literally relax and let go of all your preconceptions of how, where, why and what should happen, what might happen, what could transpire, and let love find the way. Let love demonstrate to you the path to take with no preconception, with no expectation other than the expectation that love will guide and that you are willing to follow.

This is a true exercise of an individuals faith going in, to act with conviction, to relinquish doubt and uncertainty and still act, still move forward, still demonstrate willingness to be engaged in the process, still proceed as if you fully expect that your actions are in accordance with spiritual principles and then to be redirected and re-guided as necessary, to reformulate your position as is required. If all these factors are in alignment and such proves to be the will of the Father and such proves to be the will of the Son and even the sons of the Son, all these alignments occur, then certainly it is. It may not take the exact form of expectation nor the time of expectation but, something will happen. An act of miracle or magic which is really only an act of the laws of nature, nothing more, no more magnificent than the creatures who activate the process.

So be it in your lives, so be it in our experiences as we move forward. We can rely more and more on our faith, our trust and exercise our will in alignment with the process and with the Creator, thus aligning our creative attributes together. Thank you for the opportunity to bring some more light on the subject of discussion this morning. It always remains my pleasure to be associated with you. I take my leave, thank you.


Transcript 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2013-02-10
Teacher: Michael, Jonathan
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Thank you so much Michael, our Divine Parent, who cares so greatly and deeply for us that you would reach out and connect on such an intimate and personal level as we feel you do, as we know you do. It is one of the greatest aspects of our being to be able to come close to you in this way and to feel as though there is no distance between us. Thank you for your continued reach in our direction, your patience, as we as muddle through and ask the silly and mundane, perhaps even stupid questions except that all these are our attempt to find you and to be with you and commune with you. All these represent our hearts desire to reach in your direction and to be as close to you as we are able. Let it be so, now and always, that we reach to each other in this way. Let it grow to be that we may even lean on you as you have your hand on our shoulder always. So be it, even now. Thank you.

Michael: Hello my dear ones, I am your brother, your Father, your parent, your friend and I receive your petitions of gratitude and issue them along to our Divine Parent above who has made all of this possible. Likewise, I offer my own petition of gratitude to the Father for the likes of you, each one. You are my beloveds, you are my offspring, you are the result of my intention, the focus of my desires and I will ever reach in your direction. We are in this together. Now this bring me great pleasure, the more-so since you so willingly invite me to be a part, the more-so since you provide me this latitude, this gift of grace on your part to share, to include your parent, and so we are both so very blessed to have each other in this process, to share the experience with, back and forth.

We are therefore never alone, but rather walk side by side through whatever this life or the next or the next may bring.This truth remains constant, that we walk together, we traverse the experience together, the more-so since you invite me and allow and accept and embrace as I do, the opportunity to share this experience together. Truly, the results I witness in this Urantia process are truly grand when those such as yourselves may be born illiterate of circumstance as an animal of the realm, a mere mortal being of time and space and in one short life experience, traverse the distance from separation, doubt, uncertainty and unknowingness through the development of your spiritual aspect into the realms of spiritual certainty, of conviction of purpose, of knowledge of belonging to the greater family.

Truly this entire experience can be seen to have worked. This gigantic plan appears to be effective when observing individuals such as yourselves. The process is unfolding in spite of some debilitating circumstances around this planetary development. Nevertheless, all moves forward towards good, towards truth, towards beauty, towards our Divine Parent and as I have said, I am overjoyed to have you as companions and comrades. We do indeed have an eternity to traverse together as we so desire.

Thank you once again for turning your attention in my direction and reaching our so strongly that I cannot help but to respond. It will forever remain my pleasure to respond to you. The Father hears the voices of the children and knows what's in their hearts so rest assured, I am in love with the real you, the you which is the desires of your heart. Go now and be in peace and in love and share this love about to all the others, farewell.

Jonathan: Good morning friends, I am Jonathan here to take advantage of this precious opportunity. As has been stated in this mornings conversation, which of course peaked my interest, this opportunity that has arisen between us is in fact most unusual and in that sense, even more special, even more rare but then as I reflect on this group and the sincere seeking I have witnessed, I acknowledge that many things have been out and beyond the scope of normal and regular parameters and have been brought within and under the jurisdiction of individuals in this group. Things which did not exist before now exist, things that have not happened before have now been documented, opportunities that have existed have been exercised and time and eternity will record the fruits of these spiritual ventures.

There have always been of course, pioneers, those who strike out in new and different directions and invariably those pioneers are rewarded with unique discoveries. Some of these discoveries make it back to the rest of civilization and are then used as the inspiration for many to go where once only a few ventured. Such is the exercise undertaken here, such is the same scenario applied to the pioneers of spirit in this day, those who would wade out into the uncertain waters and go first and be able to call to those who stand on the shore that the water is fine and they should come on in, and witnessing that you have not suffered as a result, many are then inclined to follow you in.

But there always must be the initial ones, the ones willing to take the dive, to embrace the experience totally so that they can then accurately and completely encounter the truth of that experience, the reality of it for themselves. Everyone has many opportunities throughout their lives to dive into a new experience, to embrace a new reality, to go out and venture beyond comfort zones and safe havens and it is in doing this and being unafraid to go where there are no tracks, being unafraid to try and even better, being emboldened to try because of your spiritual context, your relationship to the greater truths, beauty and goodness.

Having this standing relationship with spirit can provide one with an adventurous spirit, a curious and optimistic approach to forsake common paths and take the unknown trail to see where it leads in objectivity and honesty and then you can report back to the tribe and tell them what it is that you saw and felt and encountered and now there is real experience to draw from,not conjecture not hearsay, but real personal experience.

This is what makes me so very pleased, honored and excited to be a part of this group. We are, make no mistake, venturing out beyond the boundaries of normalcy in context with what others may think is true or real. We are discovering our own definition in our own context of understanding and awareness, our own experience of truth. All this is occurring because we would invest ourselves, will put forth the effort, will try, will believe and have faith, and in this process, new realities are created, truth is expanded and former unknown territories are claimed and settled.

Let it be so as we continue our march into strange new worlds and go into new realms of reality that we may or may not have envisioned. Let us lean forever more on those elements which are unshakeable, those foundations of truth, beauty and goodness which stand firm until they are built upon, until they are expanded and increased by virtue of our diligence, our effort to expand them and increase them. This is a glorious assignment, this is the marvelous task, this is the opportunity we have before us and that we have before us to share such a gift of grace.

I am forever in gratitude for this opportunity as I know you are and so I suggest we make the most of it throughout the day, seize the moment and take the opportunity laid at our feet. Let's see where this path goes, let's see where this journey leads us, let's go there in good cheer and in faith, armed with love. This is my prayer, this is my petition to our Divine Parent. I invite you to join me. Let us make it so together. I take my leave now but I delight in returning at any possible opportunity. Until next time, see ya later.