Charles; Michael; Light; Inner Voice; Machiventa; Monjoronson; Jonathan - Nov 11, 2012 - 14 Transcripts 2012 North Idaho

Transcript 1 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-11-11 - Teacher: Jonathan, Light, Charles, Michael
Transcript 2 - Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-11-08 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Charles, Light
Transcript 3 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-11-04 - Teacher: Mark Rogers, Light
Transcript 4 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-10-28 - Teacher: Michael, Light, Machiventa
Transcript 5 - Subject: No. Idaho Team 2012-10-21 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Midwayer, Jonathan
Transcript 6 - Subject: No. Idaho Team 2012-10-21 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Midwayer, Jonathan
Transcript 7 - Subject: No. Idaho Team 2012-10-14 - Teacher: Michael, Charles, Light, Monjoronson
Transcript 8 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-10-07 - Teacher: Light, Charles, Michael
Transcript 9 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-09-30 - Teacher: Light, Charles, Jonathan
Transcript 10 - Subject: No. Idaho Team 2012-09-23 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Jonathan, Light, Monjoronson
Transcript 11 - Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-09-16 - Teacher: Unknown, Jonathan, Charles, LIght
Transcript 12 - Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-08-09  - Teacher: Inner Voice, Machiventa, Light
Transcript 13 - Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-08-09 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Machiventa, Light
Transcript 14 - Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-10-11 - Teacher: Charles, Light

Transcript 1
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-11-11
Teacher: Jonathan, Light, Charles, Michael
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello to all my friends, I am Jonathan here to participate with you in todays robust dialog. First I would like to comment on the inherent value derived in a meeting such as this, a meeting of which I am very familiar wherein the individuals who are in seeking mode and who are searching about so willingly share their experiences. By virtue of this willingness to show an intimate aspect of their inner journey, other individuals close to them are able to benefit so greatly and assimilate so easily some of these inner dialogs and inner aha moments between themselves.

You see, once you have come to know and even love each other as you all witness, it is quite easy to assume and to share what your brethren are going through, what your friends are encountering in their day to day experience. When they are willing to offer it up as it were, to share it, it is so very easy to grasp it, to assume it, to feel it for yourselves albeit secondhand. Nevertheless, it is a very real transfer of feelings, emotions, understandings and awarenesses, all in the simple sharing of what one is perceiving from their vantage point and offered in loving awareness to be picked up and taken by those who would receive it in loving acceptance.

Such it has always been with this group which is why I have such an affinity and love for this configuration although the exact configuration varies from hour to hour, the overall configuration remains constant and this leads me to seizing with great pleasure upon the statement which I will restate for the record here and that being, things get shaken up to demonstrate the things which are unshakeable. What a marvelous analogy, I hardly know where to begin to utilize this but I will begin at a point quite personal to me and offer an intimate perspective which I hope will be more or less rather easily assimilated by my friends who demonstrate such willingness to embrace the experience of their friends.

In conjunction with this statement I would offer a real time demonstration and that is that our friendship, yours and mine, is unshakeable but that this life in the flesh may be shaken and stirred, even ended. Yet, none of that affects the unshakeable part of our eternal relationship and friendship, it remains unmoved. Likewise does your life experience demonstrate to you over and over again that some things are fixed, some things remain as points of reference. These things typically are values or relationships. I just pointed to the relationship we share and how enduring and constant that may prove to be as a fixed point in your perspective but many other things that you have come to know and trust and understand and be aware of are also fixed points in your perspective while all other details of life somehow manage to swirl around you, around these values, the value of truth, the value of goodness, the value of beauty.

I suggest to you that your awareness is another standard which endures much change that circulates around it but gives you a basis, a foundation on which to stand and look out upon this this changing sea of world around you. As long as you maintain your focus and your posture upon this sound principle, then all the swirling and flux that is evident around you merely is defined as such, as influx, as in potential, because the thing about things which may be shaken or stirred is that they are not yet settled in definitive sturdiness. They are seeking to be aligned and defined and become attached to things which are stable and the more stable you are as individuals in your own stance in relationship to all else that is, the more of these uncertain shakeable qualities of life may find their security in resonating or attaching themselves to you.

And so while it may seem that you are a lone individual in a snowstorm of swirling uncertainties, recall that while the snow may circulate and blow about, apparently without any direction or purpose, the mountain stands unmoved beneath it and the snow may find a residence on this mountain simply because it is solid and stands its ground and is not shakeable while all the other factors around are looking to attach to that which is solid. So I invite you all to bring this perspective into your awareness this week, that there are those things which are sturdy and solid, the love of your Divine Parents, your eternal ascension career, the guarantee of your soul, the presence of your Indwelling Adjuster and the certainty of your journey if you have accepted to engage in it.

These are unshakeable truths. These are foundations to build yourselves upon and I guarantee that the environment around you, while it is in great flux, even great upheaval at times will be conditioned by your vantage point, by the perspective from which you are able to view it. If you are solid and stand well upon those things which are unshakeable, then all those things that are shaking around you will have a different significance, will certainly not be a threat but rather may present themselves as an opportunity to stir together, to bring cohesion into the scattered circumstance, to act like the mountain so that the snow may fall and gather at peace, come to rest upon the stability. This is your opportunity as islands of stability, to stand firm so that the swirling environment may have some reference and may come to rest and be at peace when they contact something of such stability.

Thank you so much for such a wonderful analogy to be used and built upon. It is ever so true and ever so easy to identify with the truth of this statement. It is ever so rewarding for me to come and share with you such perspectives. Remember that your foundation of stability and certainty, those unshakeable things that you find bring to yourselves and eventually become part of, are those things which go with you, which transcend the shakeable nature of this earthly environment. Those aspects of self are the enduring parts. This is the saving grace that everyone refers to. All the good and true and beautiful aspects of self are indeed preserved and all those shakeable elements which are transient, uncertain and in such great state of change give way to these unshakeable aspects of self. Let it be so and in greater awareness in your own lives, that you not be shaken or stirred but rather that you stand firm as those things which are shaken are revealed to be what they are, impermanent and unsettled.

Again, it brings me such great joy to once again visit this group and feel the welcome that I feel. Thank you all for your embrace of me. I hope and pray that you are able to feel my embrace of you. Thank you all.

Light: [Cathy] I am most pleased with your discussion of floating in the light and expanding your inner light, to project it outward and use it to en-light-en others. You have been using these principles in practice and soon will be enabled to project the light in wider and wider areas. You have truly become beacons of light. You have become the anchors of light that are needed in these times of disruption and chaos. You have been in training for some time. You have gained capacity and skill. You are able to manipulate the power that you have developed through your own spiritual enhancing journey. Never doubt that you have this capacity. Never doubt that it is appropriate to use this ability. Many opportunities will arise, many times will the light and healing be needed. Together we will enhance each other as our combined light can be focused and magnified. I am with you whenever the light comes into play. I revel in the opportunity to join in this group action. Together, we have the power to impact situations for the good, for God's way, for the way to Light and Life.

Charles: [Mark] Hello friends, I am Charles here to interject another thought or two into this matrix. I perceive there may be a niche as yet unfilled in the ongoing inquiry about how one such as yourselves may be more effective and there has been a lot of discretion about light and the visualization of light and the use of light and where light comes into play. I would like to offer one more angle for consideration that may be beneficial to some thought patterns.

There has been much spoken of the term light-workers, and of course all those who come in contact with these words are in fact light-workers. But what does that term imply, what does it infer? I suggest to you that it infers simply what it says, that those individuals who are familiar with the light, who are aware of this phenomenon that we choose to refer to as light and its application and its uses and its principles, those individuals who have this as part of their awareness subsequently become those who can work with this influence.

Now this word 'work' implies that you know the principles behind the light and that you would take this light and use it as a tool, resting and relying on the certainty, on the unshakeable qualities of this light that you have come to know in your own experience. Once one is familiar with light, how it works, how it feels, what it can do, how to direct it, how to receive it, then one is indeed in a powerful position as one who can work with this powerful tool, who can interject their being, their consciousness, their intention into the equation to use this light as a tool.

Here is an example of where the fixed and the certain and the unshakeable are able to direct all that is in motion and all that is in flux around them. If they so choose to direct and guide this flow of light, this flow of energy, it invariably interacts and has an impact on all those aspects around you which are in this space of being shaken up. Those who are confident in the stability of this light are able to create stability in all that is unstable around them. They are able to fix the beam as a lighthouse does so that all those aspects which are in flux now have a point of reference, a point of stability, a point of certainty that they are in relation to. Some may see this guiding light and be inexorably drawn towards it, others may recognize that this light is there but be uncertain as to their relation to it and not seek to approach it. But those who are light-workers are generating these lighthouse beams out around them and those who are advanced light-workers are taking these same principles and directing and focusing these beams of light at areas they perceive which are in need.

So I hope to offer you this example of how stability and instability side by side are what provide those who are in between, those who are in the midst, having a foot on the foundation of stability and yet desiring to have an impact on all the flurry of activity which appears so unstable and how this may be enacted through this partnership, this act of will, the light-worker conceding and embracing the fact that they can in fact work with the light, that it is in fact part of their being and nature to interact with such light, not simply to know of its existence, to observe its characteristics, to be mindful that it is, but rather to take the next step and become workers with the light, those who would take their awareness that the light is so and go the next step to act as reflectors of this light like the lighthouse beacon that shines out for all to see.

The light itself may be the illuminated bulb in the lighthouse but the great reflectors around are what make it visible for so very far. That is what your role is as light-workers. The light is there, you are positioned to be a reflector, you are positioned to shine this light out, to focus it, direct it and to amplify its very nature. In this way you are able to work with this light just as the designation we have given you implies. I hope this finds some resonance within you. It is everlastingly true, that these principles exist regardless of your awareness of them. It is only your awareness that shifts, that gives you greater access to the principles already in play, and so, to those who seek for these answers, to those who have ears to hear, let them hear.

Thank you for the opportunity to dialog with you today. I bid you all good day.

Question: The application of this light, let us say for a particular person that we think in need of healing, this light is applied by merely envisioning that person in need, envisioning them and placed in the light?

Charles: [Mark] Thank you for your question. Yes indeed, there is a necessary component of you creating the pathway of light to this individual by indeed, envisioning the actual connection, that is, making a pathway to justify within your own system of awareness of how this light would get to this individual and by what means it would find its way and one does this in the construct of thinking in a variety of ways of course. But your analogy of envisioning an individual in the light, surrounded by the light or conditioned by the light, provides you with the mechanism that allows your mind to accept this principle as truth, but then my friend, since you asked, there is a greater component.

The one aspect is to condition the mind and provide it with a pathway. That having been accomplished, what you are really transferring, what the real key to your bringing this light is, is bringing the condition of spirit, the condition of peace, the condition of healing that you yourself have found in your reception of the light, in your personal experience of the light. That is what you seek to gift to others. That is where healing happens. That is where true miracles occur, in this transfer of what you have found, in what you know to be the unshakeable truths of spirit nature. The projection of these truths, of these things which are secure within you, they are yours, they are yours to project, they are yours then to give away, they are yours to share.

So to those who are in awareness, there is a two-fold process. The one, as you stated, is to make a connection, to envision the other individual, to reach out and form this network with them by an act of your sheer will and intention. Yours is the creative prerogative to bridge that gap. This is where you do your first act of creation. Then your next and even greater act of creation is little more than what you do in fellowship around this group, you share your conviction, you project your sense of truth, you instill in another your sense of well being, you share that which you have grown to have some command over, some familiarity with. This is where the equation is complete. This is where you have accomplished what you set out to do.

Then of course, there is the variable of the other individual and their reception, the other circumstance and its reception. It is not necessarily a done deal with your having done your part, but rather, your having done your part is all that can be asked. Having done so and faithfully executed your task, your opportunity, then there is the opportunity of the receiver to as well accept that which you have offered, to embrace the light and to welcome the prayers and intentions into their being for it to be completely 100% successful.

Nevertheless, the lighthouse is not responsible for all those out there who seek their bearings and relationship to it. It is only responsible for faithfully sending the signal, for faithfully executing the task for which it has been created. Again, there you are. You have been faithfully created to faithfully execute your tasks at hand and in a very real sense, you must let the chips fall where they may just as in all that unsettled nature around you which has yet to be determined. But you may still act as the stable and determined factor and as the saying goes, the actions may be yours, the results are Gods'. This is one of your pillars of strength and certainty and unshakeable nature. Thank you for your question.

Comment: Thank you for the answer.

Michael: [Cathy] My children, I embrace you in the light and love. I join you in the work of enhancing and reflecting this beam to focus on areas of chaos. Join me in this effort. Let us bring the light forward into the residual darkness on Urantia. My children struggle with this veil of darkness and only the light can bring down the acceptance of the reality of light and love. We can bring this gift to those who doubt. We can bring them into the fold, we can embrace them in the light. It is God's will that the light prevail. The light will be all that remains. We are determined to proceed into the state of Light and Life. I love you all as we join together in this effort. I am always with you, invite me in. It is always my pleasure to respond.

Light: [Mark] Light here again, I cannot resist so much discussion of light. I am reminded of yet another familiar term that has been used throughout to designate you, the children of light and that is the term, light-anchor, for as you know, if you are a vessel floating about on the surface, there is great peace and stability when you finally find anchor and you are attached to something secure. You may let down your guard, you may let down your sails, you may be at peace for a time while you are anchored. Such is the role of light-anchors throughout the kingdom. They are the individuals who will hold fast to that solid base that is unshakeable and having anchored to it, provide a tether to all those who need the respite of stability in the storm, to all those who would moor off this point and enjoy this relative stability while all else is shaking about them.

It is simply one more vantage point to view these terms which we have used so frequently which weave so nicely into the tapestry of this mornings discussion. I could not resist bringing up this other term that we've become familiar with and discussing your relationship to it. I understand you have had much to consider in todays offering and I just wanted to thank you for this opportunity to join you once again. Be at peace, go in peace, stay in peace. Affix yourself to the unsinkable by virtue of your light anchor and then shine your light out as the light-worker that you are. In all these ways you fulfill that which you are destined to be. Be at peace. Enjoy your week, farewell for now.


Transcript 2
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-11-08
Teacher: Inner Voice, Charles, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, it is a joy to come together at this time to form this energy field, this energy circuit at this time. As such and having created such it is then our prerogative to ask you to join us and be with us in our circuit, to contribute your energies with us in the formation of this portal, this energy field, this circuit that we share. Help us to come together in this process with you along side us, that we could come together in this way and share in this space that we create in our efforts at coming together. Let is be so, even now. Let this request represent the desire of our hearts to have it be so and let our faith take us through the process and bring us closer to you, thank you.

Inner Voice: There is indeed a great power invoked when the student asks of the teacher, when the child asks of the parent, when those that are seeking ask of those that have found. This drawing power brings me here in this moment to honor the request for my presence. I speak as this one's Inner Voice. The everlasting question was tendered once again as to how, as individuals, you may be most effective at fostering the changes you would like to see in your dimension and on your world. This very desire of your hearts is your greatest affirmation that you are in league with divinity. This desire represents the result of your having found divinity, of having experienced truth, beauty and goodness and now there is an overwhelming desire and tendency to give back to the system that made it possible for you.

This act of giving back serves also serve to seat in the training and seal in the wisdom gained. And so it is there exists this inner burning to go out and fulfill this part of the process, to experience service as a result of your gratitude for that which you have received. This represents the most noble and highest character traits that one can manifest, the desire to turn about and help others, to assist in whatever needs they may see themselves as being able to address. But I will assure you, each and every one and I will call you all to witness individually in your own lives, that as you have sought for the method whereby to be of service, they have been provided to you. Time and time again, your desires to act in this way have been honored, your request have been fulfilled, perhaps in unexpected ways and unexpected times.

But the Father knows of your desire, your Divine Parents are aware of your hearts desire through me, your onboard partner. Rest assured I am in communication and I am aware of your hearts desire as I am your roommate. I exist side by side with you in your environment of self. So I am, you could honestly say, quite intimately associated with you and aware of exactly your nature, your dimensions, your desires. And so, if I am aware, I assure you your Divine Parents are aware as it is my sole task and responsibility to maintain this connection so that we may utilize it as we return back to the First Source and Center from which we both have been issued.

Our journey is a certain one, it is a sure one as long as you hold the desire in your heart to follow me and to work with my influence in your life. As I represent the Father to you, I rely on you to choose to follow in my direction. I do not ever push in my desire for us to be on our way back to the Father but I most certainly pull by offering better ways and higher visions. And so it is we have this partnership, you and I, two separate individual aspects destined to combine and be as one, you bringing your side of the equation and me, mine, and us joining together, indeed, falling in love to the degree that we desire to be one and we create a new being of our combination, of our choosing, of our effort and of our hearts desire to do so.

So the desires of your heart do indeed matter and they are indeed known. Now, will you not trust that opportunities will most certainly be presented and perhaps be patient, be ready, be observant, be aware and even be seeking the opportunity that will inevitably parade in front of you. There are great forces around you which coordinate such things and bring things together that are of light energy and those things that you are desiring to be of service in will be drawn to you and you will be drawn to them. You will be of the same frequency.

So be in peace if you can at this time, at this juncture in your growth and evolution, that the Father knows of your desires. He will honor your request because it is His request as well. It is the request of your Divine Parents that you be, of course, in service as well as be the ones being served. And so you will have opportunities to experience all aspects of this. They will be brought to you as has been your life and your experiences thus far. Be in peace that this is so and that you know that this is so, and you have trust and faith that this is so to the degree that you can allow it to be so.

It is truly inspiring to see individuals as yourselves who are in the very act of seizing the opportunity for growth, who are in such motion and making such great strides and progress as a result of your efforts. It is confirmation that the grand plan that has been initiated and upheld for you all is indeed working and working well. The fact that you ask these questions shows that you are indeed growing, you are indeed looking at life from a more spiritualized perspective because these are the questions one asks at such a station.

It brings me such pleasure to have the opportunity to have been invited into this discussion and the opportunity to be given voice to respond. I understand this forum is usually constructed so that opportunities be provided for others and I will honor this formula. It has once again been a supreme pleasure, good day.

Charles: Greetings friends, I am Charles here to access this opportunity. I will echo a few of the observations made. This stance that one takes of seeking brings with it a nature that one gains similar to if one were to practice martial arts. One gains a certain air about them in relationship to their training, in relationship to their abilities and they become transformed as a result of this training. They may hold themselves differently, they may walk differently, they may react differently and move differently. Their physical training for martial arts carries over and conditions many aspects of their lives which are not directly related but which are certainly influenced.

Likewise it is with your training in the spiritual realm. Your spiritual workouts, you forays of venturing out into spirit, of seeking in different places condition you to have a different perspective on your life, a different stance that you take towards everything around you, a different way you carry yourself and a different way you see things because you have a different set of experiences added to your data base for interpretation.

This same exact principle of course applies to any discipline that one would impose upon themselves. The simple act of exposing yourself to something and especially repeatedly has an overall effect on the entirety of your being. So consider that when you consider what it is you subject yourself to in you daily lives on a routine basis, regular basis, because these are the things which most greatly influence who you are and how you interface with the world. The truly conscious individual will realize the magnitude of this truth and begin to both separate themselves from those influences which detract, distract or negative influences to the individual while increasing those influences which render a positive result: stillness, exercise, study, prayer, worship. These things go to the building up, the expanding of the individual and so regular exposure to any of these will have a certain influence over the whole.

So that having been said, I invite all of you to consider how is your life structured and are the things which are part of your regular experience conducive to your well being and your growth?  Or, might you consider some modification or perhaps being replaced by other activities, which foster your well-being and your spiritual growth. That of course, is what is significant about meetings such as this and forays into the spiritual dimension. That they be repeated and encountered regularly makes them have the most influence in your being, makes them bring the most flavor to who you are.

Thank you for letting me share this perspective as well. It is always a pleasure to address this group as I feel welcome to do so. I will as well make way for other personalities as there are a number in attendance, thank you.

Light: Yes, there are others here, I am Light. Thank you for the chance to commandeer your attention for a moment. It is always wonderful to be given the opportunity to contribute my cup of energy into the recipe that is cooking here tonight. Indeed all of us that stop by make our contribution and create this circuit, foster it with our very intentions. I am always seen to refer to the significance of intention because it is your intention which directs this grand energetic force that is you. It is your intention that brings your future into focus. It is your intention which gives your compass, your guide that steers you to your intended destination.

And so very much depends upon this intention and how much energy you devote to it, how much you invest in your own energetic projection. It can be truly said that everything that you can encounter in your mortal experience, every physical aspect of your reality, is the result of somebody's intention, somebody's energetic projection to have created all that you see around you, all that man has made. Everything in your society and structure of humankind exits because it began as an intention, an idea, a seed thought that was then projected out from the source, the originator, you. This energetic force gets projected out as you bring into focus your intention and harness it and direct it and you will all witness in your lives, a multitude of times where things would not have happened if it weren't for your own individual energy to have made it happen.

And, as a result you are witness, it transpired, it occurred, what did not exist before came into existence by virtue of you and your energetic projection. The same exact principle plays out and replays and replays through all dimensions, all levels of ascension. The planet that you have this experience on is nothing more than the creation of ones projected energy, the universe and all that's in it, a projected creation, you in your life, a creation, and as you will witness, lives are created through you. As a part of the whole, you have this same power of creation that creates a universe, that bestows man on a world. You are part of such divinity as that and you are growing to an awareness of this truth.

It is a slow process to come from the mortal and material and accept the aspect of you that is divine and grow and choose and become that which you are destined to be. But that is the program at hand, the thrilling ride that takes you from such one extreme to the other. So once again, I encourage you to be mindful of your intentions and to realize that they are powerful energetic projections if you so choose to give them that energy. They can be the seeds of an eternal beginning of an individual, an idea, a principle. These created ventures of intention are indeed powerful. So I welcome you to this realization and that these casual intentions of yours start here but go out to a vast beyond.

Thank you for the chance to speak as well. I feel as though that may very well be enough for this evening. I will take my leave and offer you all my appreciation, thank you.


Transcript 3
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-11-04
Teacher: Mark Rogers, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers

Mark: I literally got the message, you know whereof you speak about these very things, why don't you speak?

Mark: [Mark shares some insights about one of his near death experiences.] I'm being nudged to go forward in this direction at this time. I have been asked if I would go forward witnessing experiences in my life which speak to the issues which have arisen here this morning. I know this prompting comes from my Inner Voice whom I immediately turn around and ask for help and of course I get the affirmative. So, I request at this time, assistance from my Inner Voice where it would be most beneficial for all.

In trying to gather some of the themes that I hear this morning, the theme of 'suddenly,' the theme of time and its relativity, the theme of change and its pressure upon us, I was recalling that I have through a certain life experience direct contact with these phenomenon all tied together. I will remind my comrades here of my experience of having had a rock climbing accident and at that point I can tell you that there is a 'suddenly,' and when the 'suddenly' happens, there is a before and there is an after and everything is changed in that 'suddenly.'

For me that 'suddenly' in my story is represented as a fall I took as a rock climbing accident where one minute I was in the zone of normalcy and the very next minute the 'suddenly' happened and I then encountered the full and first hand effect of a shift of time because there was a massive and sudden acceleration of time which happened at this juncture, at this space of 'suddenly,' it kind of accompanied it. All of a sudden, what was encountered in one dimension in my earthly experience as one thing was completely shifted and there was such a great expansion of this dimension of time that there was no resemblance, the one to the other, there was literally one state in which time meant this thing and another state in which one would have to have a complete redefinition, if one could even find one to this new space.

Then there was my experience of being associated with a new and higher voltage or grid and the shifting from the more mortal, earthly and mundane frequency of grid that I was used to, and being thrust into a higher voltage greater grid and having to immediately accustom myself, assume the voltage of this new grid. That was the point at which I had this amazing feeling of calmness and welcome and peace and belonging to this greater grid. So there was this recognition of having shifted energy fields and then there was this enormous experience which happened because I had shifted fields and was not in a new grid.

In this grid, what I relate to about todays conversation, is the magnitude of potential thought was so great and was so easily transferred, that there was this noticing of two different grids in that realm too. The grid of mortal mind and how that one can assimilate information and understand, and then there was the encounter with the spiritual grid where one could embrace and understand and absorb massive amounts of communication, of energy, because in that dimension of energy it is simply a transfer of energy. So there was a greater capacity in that spiritual realm for awareness and understanding, comprehension, because words were not required, direct energy transfers were the norm and those are very difficult of misunderstanding.

And so I felt I was fortunate enough, in this one experience, to directly encounter many of the attributes that were discussed here this morning. I believe with all of my being that as goes the part, so goes the whole in terms of our awakening as a culture and as a society, and that I fully expect to go through these same patterns, this same dynamic shift that I have been fortunate enough to encounter once, and fully expect that there are these same similar dimensional shifts that may be encountered along the way in mass, that there will be a 'suddenly,' that there will be a before and after, that there will be this kind of new reality, this new sense upgrade of our standards.

Then there will be this encounter of spirit where this upgrade has made it possible for us to share in the spiritual dimension where true knowledge and wisdom may be derived and that all that will propel us into this new dimension with a new sense of being and a new sense of awareness as I encountered having survived my initial experience. My life was completely altered, my direction and purpose were forever changed, formed, and have been the mainstay of my approach since that time. I believe we are in for this as a planet because there are no real lines when looked at our planet from afar, it is all one and although some of us are tribal and some of us are warmongers and are every imaginable thing in between, we also are all one in our ascension and that we will have the opportunity to experience these very phases that one goes through when they would make the transition from the mortal to the spiritual naturally, that this pattern is simply the universal pattern that is repeated throughout, that we won't escape it as a culture just as we won't escape it when we transition.

The difference I perceive, if there is any, will be in those who have had their spiritual awareness and capacity enhanced to the point where they will have some bearings throughout and that is why I cherish this opportunity that we share together which is the honing of our skills for the process. I appreciate the training and the lessons we have received in preparation for such a macro-sized shift that I have become familiar with on the micro shift level.

So I bring you my personal witness that I have been there. I have seen these things, they exist, there is a 'suddenly,' there is a shift, there is a dimension that is greater of which we are a part of the whole. There is great enormous downloadable energy available to us. There is an entire plan which encompasses all of this. I just appreciate the fact that we can have some sense of it, some small degree of awareness of the plan because it makes it more exciting, more thrilling, more endurable in any form it may take.

Prayer: I am grateful to our Divine Parents for this gift of experience and for this gift in this hour, this day, to be together in fellowship with those who nurture the soul and who seek for the greatest truth wherever it may be. I am honored and pleased to be in this boat together and navigating these waters, thank you all.

Light: I am pleased to be so welcome among such beautiful souls. In response to the question earlier stated regarding how one might be more effective in conjunction with the portal, I would make a few observations. I will call you all to witness in your own experience that the very prospect of creating something which now has been named the portal, brought some rush of enthusiasm and welcome to your being. To be offered a project on which you could focus your intentions gave you all something to position yourselves in relation to. This offered a focal point and a direction in which to proceed, in fact the very suggestion of this activity was the initial spark which was then offered in play by each of you in your own individual exercises and applications.

All the while, while you were engaged in this devotion of your intention and your energies, there was the fanning a these flames, there was the generation of this space that was created and in fact as a result of the efforts made and the energies  donated to this equation, this space referred to as the portal, indeed took on form and grew in dimension in relation to the energy donated to the project. What was being created was impossible of mortal definition because it was composed of energy, energy that moves, energy that is transferred, energy that sustains the space.

All these things are not tangible to the human senses, they are not recognized by the human intellect because they are not seen and for all intents and purposes, unproven in the material world. Yet each one of you was willing to make this contribution and donate this energy to this unseen application. As a result, something was created, a field that was not in existence before was in fact created by virtue of your intentions and applications. This, that was merely a suggestion, has, I assure you, become a reality.

Now this space that has been created and exists independent of its creators, may then be utilized by a great many and you have all recently been engaged in undertaking the opportunity to see yourselves in relationship to this grid of energy. As an energetic being yourself, seeing yourself as in relationship to this other energy source, able to both give and receive energy transfers back and forth as that is what you do when you have willful intention, and donate your energy to the fostering of this field, you are donating energy when you seek to tap into this field and to draw off some of this energy in prayer and stillness and in contact with the whole. Then the energy flows in another direction and you receive the benefits of tapping into this field of energy which is indeed at a higher voltage, a greater magnitude than your individual energy fields. You feel this flush of spirit as a result.

Now, I invite you to consider the next step. Not only is it within your power and authority, and this is where you are told you are powerful beings, not only is it within your power and authority to draw off divine energy for your own use and edification, it is also possible for you to draw off this divine energy as a tool of focus, as one who would deal in these high energies and work with them in your own way, as one who would sponsor these divine energies and direct their use and application. So first there was the thought, the idea, that such a thing as a portal could exist if it were only for powerful creators such as yourselves. Then there came together such creators and now, almost as if it were taken for granted, this energy field, this portal project exists.

Next, you consider your relationship to it as an individual and how you both give and receive from this divine source, this space that has been created, this meeting place of spirit. Now, I invite you to consider, as powerful creative beings, the use of this energy beyond yourself, through yourself, utilizing yourself as the instruments and projecting this energy to those who are in need, to those who are seeking, to those who are drawn to this energy as moths to the flame. This is your next creative suggestion, to assume this role of not only the one who knows of the portal, not only of the one who has access to the portal, but one who can utilize this creative space as a tool to implement divine will and intention. This is truly a great opportunity and a gift of grace. The great gifts of grace happens to those who do the Father's work and who are tireless in their pursuit of truth, beauty and goodness. It may be a difficult challenge to assume such grace and to receive such gifts, so that one may embody such divine nature and portray this nature abroad.

It is always such a great pleasure to join you my friends in this group and to share bigger and greater visions, larger and grander versions of dimensions of truth, beauty and goodness that are encountered as we move through the program. Thank you all for hearing my words today, I bid you all have a good week.

Group: Thank you Light, right on target, a bull's eye.

Light: It is my pleasure to interface with you at any opportunity that makes itself available. Rest assured I will be seeking these out as I think you will too. There is where we shall meet, in this space that has been created to do so, thank you.

Mark: Well, ready or not, 'suddenly' is coming.

Transcript 4
Subject: No. Idaho Team    2012-10-28
Teacher: Michael, Light, Machiventa
T/R: Cathy Morris, Allene Vick

Michael: [Cathy] My children, like any loving father, our heavenly Father provides for all our needs. He answers all our requests in accordance with His will. Like any parent, the foolish destructive requests will be redirected towards the real need. All things operate for your good, all love and support is available at all times. When I lived on your world in the mortal form, I was certain in the efficacy of turning to the Father in trust, that truth, beauty and goodness would be the result. I was able to relax into the action of spirit in the knowledge that the results would be optimal. You are faced with the same challenges in the daily interaction. Life is lived through the connection of individuals. If all are walking with the Father then the direction will be optimal and all are free to find the path along the way. Spirit is then able to coordinate synchronous happenings and connections. You need only be aware of spirit and interact always in the present moment, in the circumstances and with the parties available. I of course, will always be available at your request. I revel in the opportunity to be with you my children and to bring all spirit with us also, it is my greatest joy.

Michael: [Allene] Good morning, this is Michael. I am so pleased to be among you this morning and to listen to your conversation. I would like to add some words for you to ponder. Your discussion about power is a very powerful thing to discuss at this time because this is something you need to understand more about, not only your power but the power that you have to affect others around you. I ask that each of you come to me and ask me to help you learn about how much power you personally have and I will be glad to lead the way to show you how much power you have and how much power you have with access to my legions and Mother Spirit's network. This is available to all who choose to be of service to Father and it would be our pleasure to share with you, to help you understand how much power you have and you have available to you because each one of you is so dedicated to being of service and making your world a much better place for everybody, your communities, your greater communities.

So I ask you this week to think on power, what it means to you. Some of you have negative thoughts on power because you have seen it misused so many times but I assure you that each one of you will use power in a very positive way. So I will encourage you to come and ask me and Mother Spirit to help you understand the power that is available to you for use for the highest good of all in whatever ways are most pleasing to Father. I  thank you very much. I thank you for all the service that you do. I thank you for your loving hearts. I thank each one of you for being who you are and coming to understand as much as you do about who you are and we look forward to you learning more about who you are and how wonderful you each are, thank you.

Comment: Thank you for the words of encouragement.

Michael: You are most welcome my daughter.

Light: [Allene] I also wish to encourage your active participation in life as a beacon of light. Your light shines brightly for all to see. Your connection with spirit is strong. You all are ambassadors of light acting to increase the light through the darkness. Together we will bring in the era of Light and Life. It will happen. Believe it is so, it is the Father's will.

Machiventa: [Allene] This is Machiventa, good afternoon my friends. I come to share that while there are changes to come which will be disturbing and upsetting to some, the benefits will far outweigh any of the negative effects. So be at peace and know that all is well. Continue on your path, slow and steady, confident and knowing that what you are doing is exactly what you need to be doing at this time and you will be guided as you go along, that you can be assured of. So go forward with faith and a steady hand and an open ear for any guidance that will be coming to you. All is well, thank you.


Transcript 5
Subject: No. Idaho Team   2012-10-21
Teacher: Inner Voice, Midwayer, Jonathan
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Inner Voice: [Mark] Greetings this morning, I welcome this opportunity. I am this one's Inner Voice and it is my great pleasure to be able to use this material voice in expression at this time. I would like to echo, literally echo the expressions, the mind and experience of my dear companion. You see, he was offering his sentiments of gratitude as were being expressed, and in particular terms, he was desiring to make the petition to his Divine Parents that he continue to be led and guided and continue to have the strength to follow them on the path they would lead and that the action he would take would be pleasing in their sight. Even as these thoughts reverberated throughout his consciousness I was there and immediately this next train of thought was offered in response which I was privileged to share with you at this time.

I invited him to rely on the characteristics of the divine which he had been shown throughout this entire process and invited him to further restate his petition at which time, with combined influence, the statement was refined to one of recognizing and acknowledging that his Divine Parents are indeed well pleased in the efforts, that they do in fact lead and guide and that he does in fact do his best to follow where he perceives he is lead and that all this serves quite well to be quite pleasing in the sight of the Father.

So I offer this up in demonstration that many times in human thought and expression of human thought there is this internal dialog of formulating what it is you would express, what it is you would petition for or desire or vote for as an individual. It is at that instant, at that time, when it is most easy for the individual to simply await response and most importantly, accept response, and realize and overcome the deterrent perhaps that this response will be in the same form as the thoughts that have been generated and formulated as a result of your own individual expression, that is, the response will [be] found in the same terms, in the same inner voice you are used to hearing yourself generate thought for expression. There is no grand difference, there is even no subtle difference in how your mind works in this regard. You have an inner dialog with yourself in a particular voice and this is the voice your mind has generated over the course of time. Thus this is the voice that will be  used as well to offer you the responses to your questions, your petitions.

Once you learn that all dialog within found similar, it is easier for you to simply accept that the response will be as if it's you, as if it is a part of you that already knew the response, but the answer is so inherently there within you that you will be surprised or you could be surprised but it only sounds like you because you are interpreting it with the voice that has been designated in your head to generate thought patterns. So remember, there are two parts to offering a sincere petition to the universe. The one is the genuine and sincere formulation of what it is in the highest terms you can imagine it you are petitioning for and the other is the willingness and readiness and acceptance to allow that there can be generated a response similar in expression to the petition.

And so, in this case, in this instance, this petition for strength and guidance was immediately responded to with acknowledgement and embrace and support. The answer to the prayer was instantly there and available. This is usually the case but most times when people are to the point of making sincere petition, they rarely give room for the response or allow that it exists to come from within. I would offer some words of encouragement to all those who have been on the long and interesting path of spiritual pursuit to hold fast, that all steps taken in trust and faith and with the desire to travel in the direction of spirit and for the good of all are genuinely worth while. Even if nothing transpires as a result, something has transpired. You as an individual have acted in faith and this is sacred, this is miraculous, this proves beyond any measure which you may try to use that you are in tune with the plan that is in place for you and that you are getting the lessons that have been delivered, that you are executing that which you have in your power, your free will choice, to act in faith.

When any individual does this in any direction whatsoever, there has been growth, there is demonstrated achievement, there the universe rejoices when these sacred acts occur. To the individual who is racking up these acts of spiritual awareness in their own dimension, they may be unaware of the significance of each and every one for after all, they may become almost routine to those who are routinely doing them. But no act of faith is ever overlooked because each one was a sacred gift given in that instant, in that moment of time because in this time space continuum you find yourself, every moment is a new chance to demonstrate your faith. Each moment provides the opportunity to do a sacred act and every moment counts. There are no insignificant moments, only moments of greater and lesser achievements and awareness.

I appreciate beyond measure this opportunity that I understand to be rare and so I will open up the opportunity for others as well. I bid you all enjoy your next week of sacred moments, of opportunities to express to the universe your understanding, your awareness, your hold on truth, beauty and goodness. Rest assured, your Inner Guides are there at each one of these junctures, at every moment they literally never forsake you and await your consent to be more interactive. So as you are led to be in a state of prayer or worship, invite them in as well, they are most certainly sitting there right beside you in the great temple. Let it be so. For those with ears to hear, let them hear and let us move forward together in this process, ever exercising that gift of faith, thank you.

Midwayer: [Cathy] Be aware of the possibilities before you, the potentials are enormous. Each of you has talent and knowledge to produce fantastic results. You do not know how powerful you are. We are always available to help. You stand secure in your training and faith in the Father. You have assistance from many agencies. Never fear that there is a lack of interest in the search for the Father. You all have a unique place as leaders and facilitators. Soon, all of this foundation will be brought forward into service. The time of action is approaching, the time to serve for the Father is now. Opportunities will always appear, you only need to be open to the possibilities and available for service. From your perspective, all is standing in a holding pattern or even in a decline. From our perspective, all forces are gathering for good, all is in preparation to move the Correcting Time forward. You are the hands and feet, you are the action, you have the choice. Together we will overcome error and bring forth love and community on the planet, the Father's will be done.

Jonathan: [Mark] Good morning my friends, it is my pleasure to be here again, I am Jonathan. I would like to do as you are familiar with me liking to do, talk about the Urantia Book a little bit and bring up a couple of points in reference to this mornings discussion. You know that when Machiventa Melchizedek arrived, as the Urantia Book states, it was at a time, an all time low ebb in the understanding of deity, of the fact that there was but one God. It appeared as though this concept would be lost. Then, when things were at their darkest, there was a revelation offered to the planet because they care to do so, because they would not let this idea of one God be extinguished from such a glorious planet.

Then again when Michael bestowed, it was at a time when there was great upheaval in the finest religions of the day and they were searching for their answers, their Messiah, their time had come. One again, divinity steps in and offers help. Throughout the Urantia Book there are many references to points of evolution which received influxes of energy and suddenly there was great change. Well, here I have heard you express this morning, a time of great uncertainty, a time of great need, a time in which you are desiring of some great form of assistance and yet you in this group have been privileged enough to have had this connection with spirit lo these many years, who have already told you in advance of these times that there were great plans underway. They have already introduced you to some of the big players who will be involved in these big plans. They have already informed you of the magnitude of change to be expected as a result. You have been briefed and told and in some cases illuminated with the truth that another such grand gift will be given to this planet as was received before and, you have been told of this in advance of its arrival.

I understand that an enormous amount of faith is required of those who will hold fast having been given such privileged insight and yet being surrounded by what appears to be all that is wrong or not of the light. Nevertheless, each one of you is your own light, each one of you contains your own energy which shines out from you and while an individual candle can certainly shine its own light and dispel the aspect of total darkness, when your light stands fast, the universe, spirit, your Divine Parents, your teachers, your friends may act as a mirror behind you, may help you add a dimension to your light and then what originates as a light that is yours, as individual and personal, may be radiated in all directions with the advent of some help from the stage crew, those who would work with you to magnify your contribution and to intensify that which you are because you have held fast and you are the light.

When you assemble as you do today, as we do today, there is a great warmth and glowing affection that is abundantly clear because we get together and shine light on each other, for each other, with each other. This is another way, our contribution as a simple source of light may be augmented, may be put together, may be focused and used into this very act of portal creation and its associated effects. So I encourage you my friends, it is truly not an option to change course on all that has been invested to this point, albeit, all things change and alter and have shifts in direction. The main thrust, the forward momentum, the obvious direction towards spirit will be upheld, is to be maintained. Side roads are part of what make the journey interesting. Many may veer off the path to take other roads, but in the end all roads lead to the same destination and no one can go too far astray because the map is well defined.

Simply continue to do what you do and trust that you are following where you are led, that all is well in the process, that results of anyones activities remain largely unknown. This is an aspect of the paradigm in which you exist. Nevertheless, results of your own efforts do not go unknown. Your own achievements are easy to verify and that in the end is of all the objectives involved in this gigantic game of life, that objective of personal self growth ranks paramount among all others. Without individual personal self growth the Supreme cannot be attained. It is absolutely essentially required that each individual make this investment on their own.

So regardless of what transpires without, the greatest achievements are certainly within and may not be observable phenomenon to others but certainly are as real as any achievement one may make. Hold fast to the Mission my friends. It goes on and on and on and it will not look the same tomorrow as it looks today or as it looked yesterday. But be not deterred that the Mission as you see it, still exists and is changing to accommodate its mission of the day. Allow for flexibility and yet remain constant. This is the challenge in offering your service. Remain constant in your willingness to do so and perhaps flexible in how it is accomplished. Nevertheless, the direction, the momentum and the force remains the same.

I hope that you all can be of good cheer knowing that no matter what, you are on the right path if you are pursuing your own personal growth, if you are engaged in service. If you are living a life that is moral here on this planet then you are involved in the process and all is well and all will unfold before you, even as you have been foretold. Let it be so and let it be with joy in your lives. It is with joy I join you here this morning. I take my leave and offer you my deep affection, thank you, good day.

Transcript 6
Subject: No. Idaho Team   2012-10-21
Teacher: Inner Voice, Midwayer, Jonathan
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Inner Voice: [Mark] Greetings this morning, I welcome this opportunity. I am this one's Inner Voice and it is my great pleasure to be able to use this material voice in expression at this time. I would like to echo, literally echo the expressions, the mind and experience of my dear companion. You see, he was offering his sentiments of gratitude as were being expressed, and in particular terms, he was desiring to make the petition to his Divine Parents that he continue to be led and guided and continue to have the strength to follow them on the path they would lead and that the action he would take would be pleasing in their sight. Even as these thoughts reverberated throughout his consciousness I was there and immediately this next train of thought was offered in response which I was privileged to share with you at this time.

I invited him to rely on the characteristics of the divine which he had been shown throughout this entire process and invited him to further restate his petition at which time, with combined influence, the statement was refined to one of recognizing and acknowledging that his Divine Parents are indeed well pleased in the efforts, that they do in fact lead and guide and that he does in fact do his best to follow where he perceives he is lead and that all this serves quite well to be quite pleasing in the sight of the Father.

So I offer this up in demonstration that many times in human thought and expression of human thought there is this internal dialog of formulating what it is you would express, what it is you would petition for or desire or vote for as an individual. It is at that instant, at that time, when it is most easy for the individual to simply await response and most importantly, accept response, and realize and overcome the deterrent perhaps that this response will be in the same form as the thoughts that have been generated and formulated as a result of your own individual expression, that is, the response will [be] found in the same terms, in the same inner voice you are used to hearing yourself generate thought for expression. There is no grand difference, there is even no subtle difference in how your mind works in this regard. You have an inner dialog with yourself in a particular voice and this is the voice your mind has generated over the course of time. Thus this is the voice that will be  used as well to offer you the responses to your questions, your petitions.

Once you learn that all dialog within found similar, it is easier for you to simply accept that the response will be as if it's you, as if it is a part of you that already knew the response, but the answer is so inherently there within you that you will be surprised or you could be surprised but it only sounds like you because you are interpreting it with the voice that has been designated in your head to generate thought patterns. So remember, there are two parts to offering a sincere petition to the universe. The one is the genuine and sincere formulation of what it is in the highest terms you can imagine it you are petitioning for and the other is the willingness and readiness and acceptance to allow that there can be generated a response similar in expression to the petition.

And so, in this case, in this instance, this petition for strength and guidance was immediately responded to with acknowledgement and embrace and support. The answer to the prayer was instantly there and available. This is usually the case but most times when people are to the point of making sincere petition, they rarely give room for the response or allow that it exists to come from within. I would offer some words of encouragement to all those who have been on the long and interesting path of spiritual pursuit to hold fast, that all steps taken in trust and faith and with the desire to travel in the direction of spirit and for the good of all are genuinely worth while. Even if nothing transpires as a result, something has transpired. You as an individual have acted in faith and this is sacred, this is miraculous, this proves beyond any measure which you may try to use that you are in tune with the plan that is in place for you and that you are getting the lessons that have been delivered, that you are executing that which you have in your power, your free will choice, to act in faith.

When any individual does this in any direction whatsoever, there has been growth, there is demonstrated achievement, there the universe rejoices when these sacred acts occur. To the individual who is racking up these acts of spiritual awareness in their own dimension, they may be unaware of the significance of each and every one for after all, they may become almost routine to those who are routinely doing them. But no act of faith is ever overlooked because each one was a sacred gift given in that instant, in that moment of time because in this time space continuum you find yourself, every moment is a new chance to demonstrate your faith. Each moment provides the opportunity to do a sacred act and every moment counts. There are no insignificant moments, only moments of greater and lesser achievements and awareness.

I appreciate beyond measure this opportunity that I understand to be rare and so I will open up the opportunity for others as well. I bid you all enjoy your next week of sacred moments, of opportunities to express to the universe your understanding, your awareness, your hold on truth, beauty and goodness. Rest assured, your Inner Guides are there at each one of these junctures, at every moment they literally never forsake you and await your consent to be more interactive. So as you are led to be in a state of prayer or worship, invite them in as well, they are most certainly sitting there right beside you in the great temple. Let it be so. For those with ears to hear, let them hear and let us move forward together in this process, ever exercising that gift of faith, thank you.

Midwayer: [Cathy] Be aware of the possibilities before you, the potentials are enormous. Each of you has talent and knowledge to produce fantastic results. You do not know how powerful you are. We are always available to help. You stand secure in your training and faith in the Father. You have assistance from many agencies. Never fear that there is a lack of interest in the search for the Father. You all have a unique place as leaders and facilitators. Soon, all of this foundation will be brought forward into service. The time of action is approaching, the time to serve for the Father is now. Opportunities will always appear, you only need to be open to the possibilities and available for service. From your perspective, all is standing in a holding pattern or even in a decline. From our perspective, all forces are gathering for good, all is in preparation to move the Correcting Time forward. You are the hands and feet, you are the action, you have the choice. Together we will overcome error and bring forth love and community on the planet, the Father's will be done.

Jonathan: [Mark] Good morning my friends, it is my pleasure to be here again, I am Jonathan. I would like to do as you are familiar with me liking to do, talk about the Urantia Book a little bit and bring up a couple of points in reference to this mornings discussion. You know that when Machiventa Melchizedek arrived, as the Urantia Book states, it was at a time, an all time low ebb in the understanding of deity, of the fact that there was but one God. It appeared as though this concept would be lost. Then, when things were at their darkest, there was a revelation offered to the planet because they care to do so, because they would not let this idea of one God be extinguished from such a glorious planet.

Then again when Michael bestowed, it was at a time when there was great upheaval in the finest religions of the day and they were searching for their answers, their Messiah, their time had come. One again, divinity steps in and offers help. Throughout the Urantia Book there are many references to points of evolution which received influxes of energy and suddenly there was great change. Well, here I have heard you express this morning, a time of great uncertainty, a time of great need, a time in which you are desiring of some great form of assistance and yet you in this group have been privileged enough to have had this connection with spirit lo these many years, who have already told you in advance of these times that there were great plans underway. They have already introduced you to some of the big players who will be involved in these big plans. They have already informed you of the magnitude of change to be expected as a result. You have been briefed and told and in some cases illuminated with the truth that another such grand gift will be given to this planet as was received before and, you have been told of this in advance of its arrival.

I understand that an enormous amount of faith is required of those who will hold fast having been given such privileged insight and yet being surrounded by what appears to be all that is wrong or not of the light. Nevertheless, each one of you is your own light, each one of you contains your own energy which shines out from you and while an individual candle can certainly shine its own light and dispel the aspect of total darkness, when your light stands fast, the universe, spirit, your Divine Parents, your teachers, your friends may act as a mirror behind you, may help you add a dimension to your light and then what originates as a light that is yours, as individual and personal, may be radiated in all directions with the advent of some help from the stage crew, those who would work with you to magnify your contribution and to intensify that which you are because you have held fast and you are the light.

When you assemble as you do today, as we do today, there is a great warmth and glowing affection that is abundantly clear because we get together and shine light on each other, for each other, with each other. This is another way, our contribution as a simple source of light may be augmented, may be put together, may be focused and used into this very act of portal creation and its associated effects. So I encourage you my friends, it is truly not an option to change course on all that has been invested to this point, albeit, all things change and alter and have shifts in direction. The main thrust, the forward momentum, the obvious direction towards spirit will be upheld, is to be maintained. Side roads are part of what make the journey interesting. Many may veer off the path to take other roads, but in the end all roads lead to the same destination and no one can go too far astray because the map is well defined.

Simply continue to do what you do and trust that you are following where you are led, that all is well in the process, that results of anyones activities remain largely unknown. This is an aspect of the paradigm in which you exist. Nevertheless, results of your own efforts do not go unknown. Your own achievements are easy to verify and that in the end is of all the objectives involved in this gigantic game of life, that objective of personal self growth ranks paramount among all others. Without individual personal self growth the Supreme cannot be attained. It is absolutely essentially required that each individual make this investment on their own.

So regardless of what transpires without, the greatest achievements are certainly within and may not be observable phenomenon to others but certainly are as real as any achievement one may make. Hold fast to the Mission my friends. It goes on and on and on and it will not look the same tomorrow as it looks today or as it looked yesterday. But be not deterred that the Mission as you see it, still exists and is changing to accommodate its mission of the day. Allow for flexibility and yet remain constant. This is the challenge in offering your service. Remain constant in your willingness to do so and perhaps flexible in how it is accomplished. Nevertheless, the direction, the momentum and the force remains the same.

I hope that you all can be of good cheer knowing that no matter what, you are on the right path if you are pursuing your own personal growth, if you are engaged in service. If you are living a life that is moral here on this planet then you are involved in the process and all is well and all will unfold before you, even as you have been foretold. Let it be so and let it be with joy in your lives. It is with joy I join you here this morning. I take my leave and offer you my deep affection, thank you, good day.


Transcript 7
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-10-14
Teacher: Michael, Charles, Light, Monjoronson
T/R: Allene Vick, Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris

Michael: [Allene] The world is going through some perilous and chaotic times, financially, physically, politically, emotionally and spiritually. It is understandable that in times like this people yearn for divine help. In answer to the question posed, there will be no outward show of power. What will happen is a powerful dynamic inward transformation. Please come to me and ask for my help to learn how powerful you are when you work as a team with the part of God within. All things are possible. Please take time to come to me to learn how to nurture and develop the seeds of potential your Father has given each of you.

Charles: [Mark] Thanks for the invitation here this morning, Charles here to accept. In the discussions, I'd like to introduce concepts inherent in the human mind frame to be used to try and show in some distorted way, an example. When you refer to events of the future and predictions of the future and feelings of what is going to happen and all the dimensions of wondering as all humans do about their future, about the future of all that is, there are so many different angles and ways to look at this. I'll take this avenue of approach.

Imagine if you will a gigantic video game in that the end goal of this video game has been ordained from on high, that all paths accomplish all successful ventures of the participants in this game and lead to one victorious end, one place of having succeeded and accomplished and yet at the same time, each participant, every player that comes up to associate themselves with the game brings with them their distinct set of choices and decisions. They take their own distinct and unique route through this maze before them but finally in the end, if there is to be victory, it will be towards the ends designed in the game. That is what you see and perceive before you and that is how there can be a variety of truths about what you observe, that is, there is certainly a divine plan and it will certainly be in play throughout.

So in that sense there is divine intervention, or if you would call it that, rather it is a divine invention of the very game that you are playing. As well, there is the reliance within this entire mechanism on the participants, on how they engage with the process, the choices and decisions they make to navigate their way through this game which will determine some aspect of the game because all of the members are playing this game and making different choices and some are finding their way through at an accelerated rate while others are having difficulties bumping into obstructions and not understanding the rules and how to play effectively.

You are all together in this as it were, because you must work together to obtain many of the solutions that you seek in moving forward and preserving your existence. So there is overall, and you may always rest assured, an organization and a plan which takes into account every decision, every choice, every option that is executed throughout the entire scope of the process. Yet, as an individual participant, you are entirely responsible for navigating your way through these choices and around these obstacles and through the process that is before you.

Likewise, as a culture or as a nation or as a society you must work together and find ways through these mazes which are beneficial to you all. On a much grander scale, the same processes are happening throughout universes and universes. These are the same processes of individual choices and individual growth which contribute so vitally to the growth of the team, the growth of the family, the growth of the nation, the growth of the species and the race. These individual choices you make while you engage in the process do in fact contribute to the grand totals on the board if you will, the good energy that you contribute to the equation is tallied as such. The positive contributions you make are noted and are a factor. They become a factor in the play of the moment, the energy that is in the game at the time.

I understand this analogy is very crude but it may be effective given the times in which we are living. I appreciate the opportunity to bring forward this thought stream this morning. I will now allow the opportunity for others to access this portal, thank you.         

LIght: [Mark] Good morning friends, Light here. I would offer another line of thinking for your amusement this morning. I would like to draw the contrast and make the distinction between that which so many consider to be so important and that which is out there, that which is going to happen, that which may come to befall you and that which certainly will impose itself upon you. Much concern is directed at these forces which will come into play or are seen to threaten to come into play and therefore one tends to prepare themselves for a defense as such and augment as will be encountered before them.

This whole approach of seeing things out there as being threatening, something to be concerned about if not worried about, brings you to a whole line of acting and reacting to a perceived threat to what is in its basic form, a fear. If one is acting and reacting to a fear they are invariably withdrawing themselves, protecting themselves, even preparing to defend themselves and all these acts are unnecessary expended energies. All these acts take a great amount of energy devoted to them for them to exist and survive and they create angst and doubts and fears throughout their existence. All this is a great drain and distraction on one who would live in the light.

So I would like to invite you to bring into your field of observation that your manner of approach towards whatever the game of life may bring to you need not be filled with apprehension, fears, and doubts before the game has even unfolded. Do not create the very things you are afraid will happen by fearing them or worrying that they may be true, rather follow your lessons and simply forsake them altogether, provide them no energy to exist. Expect only those things which are in the light and of the light and simply forsake all others.

In this way, no matter what may befall you, your world, your nation, your planet, all things will be encountered in a better state of preparedness. Seeing more of the light and carrying with you less of the dark energies will in every way prepare you better to encounter all that is before you than to build up a defense or concern yourself of how to fight against any change you see as inappropriate. Rather, just let them go. Don't accept them in your sphere and they cannot exist. This is the key, this is the golden lesson that all people need to learn. Things cannot exist if you do not give them energy. It is not necessary to struggle against them, it is simply necessary to deprive them of the life giving energies as all things are energy and require an energy contribution to exist.

So in all your consideration of what may happen, what might happen, what you are told might happen and what you feel will happen, what you perceive could happen, I tell you they are all real in the same sense that they are all variables in an equation, possibilities on a drawing board but no more than that at this point. As you move forward as events outside you transpire, your journey, your individual passage through, will be made immensely better and easier if you do not approach anything that happens with any sense of apprehension or fear or even profound concern or doubt. Such things are heavy to bring with you as you move into the light.

Just my thoughts for you this morning, you know I care deeply for you all. I feel as family with you and so I feel free to come and share my thoughts with you. I will remain eternally grateful that you have accepted me to do so. I bid you all have a good week, thank you all.

Monjoronson: [Cathy] As was discussed earlier, you will not encounter a dramatic event when my mission moves to a more active and public level. I am in the process of altering my energy level to be compatible with the physical world you inhabit. This is a continuing process that is progressing as anticipated. I will also need preparation and the ability to connect with mortals as you are on the planet. In this group you have been made comfortable with my energy signature. On my part, I have great anticipation of your acceptance of my arrival. Many in this group have already accepted me and I am most grateful for your welcome. Around the planet there are similar groups with the capability of accepting me in this mission. The concept of forgiveness and compassion has languished in this world. In many locations it is not operational even at the basic level. It will flourish and expand as each of you bring it to the forefront of your consciousness and your daily activities. Together we will transform the planet.

Transcript 8
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-10-07
Teacher: Light, Charles, Michael
T/R: Cathy Morris, Henry Zeringue, Mark Rogers

Light: [Cathy] I'm pleased to join the discussion today. It often appears that there is conflict between individuals on this world. In most instances, conflict arises due to the perspective of the individual. Each one sees with a unique vision formed by life experience. Each one has a unique framework for processing life experience. Each one has a connection to the light and universal understanding. In the creation of each one on the planet, intentionally different and unique, an individual perspective was guaranteed. It was entered by design. The original pattern included an orientation toward the light. This light is the inclusive component that focuses all towards goodness and truth. As each one becomes en-light-end in the light, the forces of divisiveness are overshadowed and darkness dissolved. To advance the world towards Light and Life, be the light, the kingdom will come.

Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you all my friends, it is I, Charles coming into this circle of friendship, this circle of light this morning. It must be particularly challenging as a human individual to use discernment for discernment is ones ability to go within and correctly assess a situation as it relates to the particular individual themselves. Discernment does not mean that you qualify or justify something with an ego response, discernment is more like a spiritual echo; it is something that resonates in your very being.

Of course, when you have neglected to develop spiritual qualities in your life, it will become exceedingly difficult to discern anything correctly in the sense of accessing a larger picture of the reality of things, where you stand in the moment in relationship to what has not been unfolded. This is also one of the qualities of discernment, its ability to become dimensional, to be dimensional in the sense that it relates to things you are not aware of and you cannot even see at that moment. Yet in faith, this discernment guides you. It is like walking through a devastating catastrophe unharmed.

It is very interesting to observe human interaction, how quick humans are to want to appear to be in agreement with someone else no matter what they may think or discern. It seems somewhat that this gregarious nature of humans, this social network of humanness, is directly related to the consciousness level of the individual humans. In that respect, you guys are still at the common denominator. You have not reached a spiritual quotient, a number of beings spiritually aware to qualify some great and mass social change.

Even in the hierarchy of people who presume to have access to information and know things, they sometimes are not willing to accept that life must gradually unfold. This is the universe way; there is no sudden change. Something may appear suddenly which may help to promote change but genuine change that will last and work towards a spiritual quotient of wholeness is not something that happens overnight no matter what you may be told. Humans are too quick to believe what they read, to believe what they are told, to not question. This is not spiritual discernment. Complacent agreement with the majority may necessarily reflect what is going on today but it doesn't genuinely reflect change, it just says we agree to keep things like they are.

Spirit cannot command human minds or tell the human mind what choice it should make, what decisions to forgo, what direction they need to travel in. Spirit just holds this tremendous loving space in which the human goodness can resonate, feel supported. A lot of decisions are left to you personally and they are difficult decisions. Spirit has never advised that decisions are not difficult. Spirit is just available when you go to make these decisions. You are left to follow your own heart, your own feelings. To read from life's experience is what you have experienced into the impending confusion which ensues around you.

One could almost say, observing humans, that sudden change is next to impossible the way you guys relate to each other, in the manner in which you do. There is no general agreement, there are many agendas which conflict which many are not willing to forgo because everyone is feeling that God is personally giving them their personal agenda, why should they change? Humans must learn to go within, to feel the flowing tide of spirit. You live on a world where some people don't believe in spirit. Some people do believe in spirit but they don't believe that spirit is actually communicating with you or can "talk to you," that is blasphemous.

Then there are those humans that see an opportunity in spirit talking to people that well, maybe they could have spirit say what they feel humans need to hear because humans want to hear something easy. They don't want to hear that they have to contact the spirit within, they have to listen, that there are no rules and regulations, they have to use their own discernment. That is too difficult for most people, they want it easy. They want the instant Jesus, the instant God, just add hot water and stir.

But those of you who have discerned spirit have discerned spirit through tremendous and challenging difficulty and time. It has not been easy for you to discern spirit and spirit is well aware of this. Now, you are in the times where there is the sense of impending change, that something needs to happen to correct what is going on and everyone is having a sense that this must come from the outside because no one has a sense of how they could search within themselves and bring about this needed change within themselves and trust and have faith that this will generate change in others as well as themselves. It is easier to think that something from the outside is going to change everything and bring everything into order but this is not necessarily the case.

This tension between the humanness and your spiritual nature is a tension and it is tremendously delicate. It can break at any moment. You must find ways to use this tension to release itself so that the discrepancy between the human part and the spiritual part is not tremendous, that it is quite similar because the reality is you cannot separate who you are from who you are becoming. You must accept who you are to become, who you are becoming, because if you can't accept what you've become already it will be tremendously difficult to move forward. Your inability to accept who you are is only an indication that you are still working to become who you want to be.

In this forward struggle which this life on this planet adequately supplies, you will develop those necessary tools to discern. You either do the work or you don't and in the big picture you are serving God or you are not serving the Father's will. It is as simple as that my friends. Yes, you must love each other as humans and you must come to love and respect each other but spirit is not stupid. Spirit is not expecting you to love everything everyone does or what everyone says. You must learn to separate what a person does from who the person is. You are all sons and daughters of God but in this earth trauma you are desperate human beings struggling in your existence and many of you will do whatever it takes to succeed.

My words this morning are not intended to chastise the sacred human nature. My words are meant to and intended to draw a distinction and you my friends will bring the quality of distinction together, this is your job. Many of you have been in this Teaching Mission for many many years. You have taken part and read the lessons. You are doing the necessary work, the groundwork of going within and honoring God supremely in your own minds and hearts, in your own beings. You are learning to become who you really are. Even though you love another person dearly, many a times there are no words to use that could effectively change another persons way in which they feel or see things. They can only discover something in themselves because they see it within you, not because they read it in a book or you're preaching it to them out of your mouth but they see it in your lives, they see it in the way you relate to them and others. No matter what anyone says, you know that what I speak resonates within you. You know that I am drawing you close to your own inner soul, into your own inner sanctuary.

We want to see things change just as much as you do but out of our love and respect for you, the integrity of your own mind, we will not interfere in your affairs, personally or otherwise. We are there for support, in all areas of expertise we are there for support, in your governments, in your churches, in your hospitals, in your schools, in your workplace, in your family, in your homes, in your communities. We are there as observers, we are there to offer guidance and assistance, we do care. We could correct these things for you but you would not have earned them if we correct them for you. Solving it yourself will give you the greatest ease of satisfaction that is possible.

My friends I take my leave now. I ask you to go in peace and continue to be who you are and who you are becoming and in  time, what you desire will be revealed to you. Good day and thank you.

Michael: [Mark] Hello dear ones, it is I, Michael, here to ask you to gather close to me as I feel welcomed into this group this morning by your references to the life I lived as one of you and the contribution I made, just as you make a contribution with the direction of your life, the service that you provide by living a life charged with spirit. You mentioned this distinction between directing your energy to choose what you approve of and like and what represents the greater qualities and alternatively the choice to choose against some other aspect which you deem to be not worthy of your choosing and these are regular activities occurring daily in you lives, this deciding whether you will or won't, whether you do or don't, whether you can identify with this or that because all of these aspects are out there to be chosen or not.

This chance that you have to go through this maze of experience is your opportunity to express your individualism by exactly what it is you choose to bring close to you and be a part of you and manifest in some way, or, what you choose to disavow yourselves of or show yourselves in opposition to or whether you simply decide to forsake them and give them no space to exist within your experience. There are all these many levels which can be engaged in an experience in the flesh as I know well, so many choices one is confronted with. As a result of each and every opportunity that arises there is this second and greater opportunity to choose, to direct ones energy, to focus ones attention because ones attention and energies are all they have to direct in the equation. All that you have jurisdiction over in fact are your intentions and choices.

So, that being the case, it becomes wiser and wiser for the individual to realize that ones energy is somewhat precious, is holy in a very real way because it is all one has jurisdiction over, all one has to give back into the equation. So the more enlightened one is, the easier it is to simply choose with all your intention and will, that which is good and beautiful and true as best as you can discern at any given moment and to simply direct all available energies thereby depriving all that you do not choose, all that you decide to forsake of all energy. In this way, those things which you do not choose are more and more distanced from you, less and less pertinent to your reality and in a very real sense, less and less real as they are combined of less and less energy.

I bring this up to you today because you have questions about times you are referring to before you, times of great change and most importantly, times of great choosing. I ask, have not you been told this time is coming for some time. Indeed, the time is coming in which all beings will be required to boldly make their choice and stand by it, to assert their relationship to that which is divine or to deny and decline such a relationship which, as you have discussed, is their right. I love my children, the Father loves us so much that within this design, within the fabric of all that exists, there is the opportunity for all to choose and to choose not that which they do not relate to or identify with or want to manifest.

And so, there will arrive this time of great choosing wherein you are presented with the opportunity to express that which is your greatest contribution, your greatest asset to the equation, your choice. I ask you to observe that in my life, these choices were made with a certain grace, that is, the choices were simple and geared towards expression of truth, beauty, and goodness without any baggage of disassociation or disapproval or dislike in any way of that which I was forsaking to choose. In this way, I was always managing to stay in grace as I never indulged in the counterpart to grace, the indulging in the negative and the 'what's wrong,' and why it's bad and bringing life into that equation.

I encourage you to adopt these traits as you refine your art of living techniques. It is always a great pleasure of mine to gather with you and to be together in fellowship of all that is true and beautiful and good. When you go within, I am there to be found and I enjoy being welcomed into your spiritual arena to share your inner space with you as I enjoy sharing this communal space we have this morning. I stand in gratitude for the opportunity, for the grace that provides such an opportunity and for the grace that may be had if we would seek from our Divine Parents in how to navigate the many many choices before us.

I'm certain that there are no choices which can deter any of you from your path to find divinity, to find me, your Divine Parents in the equation because you are pointed in that direction. You are bound through the use of your intention and there is a clear path that you have struck out on, formed by your many many choices and manifested by these choices in your lives, in your direction, in who you are. You all are such beautiful bouquets and combinations of those attributes you would bring into your being which you deem to be worthy, those attributes you deem to be beautiful and true and good you have adopted and identified with and indeed they have colored who you are just as you have given these very principles life energy. Your contribution to the equation was to choose them, therefore they live through you, in you, as you.

So be it, the universe principle in play, activated by your choosing. I pray you be in awareness of this relationship and be in command to the degree that you are desirous. Let it be so. Thank you for your devotion and your attention to these lessons and my words. I take my leave now but as I have mentioned repeatedly, I never am far, always awaiting your acknowledgement and invitation. Be in peace and be in love more and more, farewell.


Transcript 9
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-09-30
Teacher: Light, Charles, Jonathan
T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue

Light: [Mark] Good morning to my friends and family, I am Light. I feel invoked this morning by the mention of my name in reference to the focus that you all provide to this avenue of expression referred to as the portal. As mentioned, there  are innumerable ways in which one can fashion for themselves internally, a vision, an idea, conjure up an image of what this means to them, how this would be expressed in terms of their understanding. Any and all versions of this are truth, are the reality that exists for the individual and all serve the same purpose of moving your center of being from being contained within the confines of your vehicle to an arena of expression which goes beyond any confines of a physical being or dimension.

There are innumerable pathways to choose, approaches to take, avenues to travel on this route and all provide the same type of experience in that when one travels from a captive physical experience into a limitless spiritual experience there is a great feeling of accomplishment of having done something real, of having accomplished a mission that you and only you as an individual determine for yourself to set out upon. Likewise it is only accomplished by the individual and personal efforts that you render to the equation. No one accomplishes this mission for you, no one brings you to arrive at this destination or even to travel in its direction. This is done individually and personally by accepting the inherent aspects of going beyond the physical plane and venturing out into the spiritual one.

So all of this travel must first be done as individuals, must first become familiar with this gateway back and forth, to and from this spiritual dimension. Then there comes the exciting potential of pooling your energies together and focusing them on a collective goal, a project, a vision that you wish to manifest. This collaboration of benefactors to this equation means that there is a unique combination of energy and as you have been told, wherever two or more are gathered, there I am as well; you have heard from the Master.

So, whenever you have collectively gather and strive to focus your intention as a unit, you can rest assured that there are others in your equation investing themselves as well. And so, as a normal and natural part of what transpires, your efforts are dignified by divine grace. So it is when you act together, so it is even when you act as an individual. There are divine influences co-mingling with you in this realm of spirit. So it is that you learn to harvest and channel and focus and to magnify these implications by virtue of your own choosing.

I as well have pledged to donate my energies to this collective project of portal building and so you may count on my influence in the energy field as I have come to count on yours. It is a great pleasure to have the opportunity to be a part of what we create here during these meetings, a portal in and of its own which we have become familiar with but nevertheless, was created in identical fashion and has been supported these many years and has brought to both of us on both sides of the paradigm, great satisfaction and great accomplishments. I join you in these sentiments as well as the sentiment of gratitude for all that has allowed us and made it possible for us to find these meaningful values together.

I now make room in this portal experience for others who are equally grateful to have access to such an opportunity, good day now.  

Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you, it is I, Charles, here this morning on this great day to join you in your circle. You are beginning to see with spiritual eyes and you are beginning to believe with conviction. It is necessary for you to begin to trust the spiritually referenced experiences you are having, not only those that are spiritually referenced but those that in your understanding, are necessary for you own personal spiritual growth. Because there is always periods of growth and periods where the growth is not so obvious or the sense of spirit is not so obvious, that you begin to doubt, you begin to have second thoughts, you begin to disempower yourself. So it is necessary to strengthen this reservoir within yourself of a spiritual dimension and trust in the realness of what you are experiencing, no matter how you perceive these things at the moment because in retrospect, you will keep seeing these spiritual values from different perspectives and different references. You will begin to see them with a certainty and understanding.

This is the challenge of a human spiritual being, to begin to own the spiritual counterpart and to begin to let go of the human element, to allow spirit a full measure of control rather than allowing the human physical counterpart the default of control. It is always easy to fall into the human physical control part of your being but it is of a greater reality and a greater practice to ask spirit. You are told to invite spirit in to help manage, to help control, to help show you what is available in this new reference for life, this spiritual counterpart, this counterpart where the seat of reality lies and all things in it are of substance and all things are possible, especially if they fit into the order of spiritual life.

It is not necessary to give tremendous energy to things which do not contribute wholly to its spiritual counterpart. There is enough going on on your world which does not engender a spiritual counterpart, that as individuals, your ability to begin to identify with this spiritual counterpart, to begin to trust it, to begin to put it before yourself, will help to insure that others will have reference that such is possible and a greater collective will begin to establish itself with some momentum. In a sense, you are not personally able to qualify anothers spiritual reference or experience. Here again you must trust that their spiritual experience will synchronize, will harmonize, dovetail into your own, that all spiritual experience begins to organize itself into a grand pattern which reflects truth, beauty, and goodness. It is one thing to have such conflicts on your world and have no refuge. Spirit offers the internal refuge, isle of peace within yourself.

I thank you for allowing me to share these few words with you today. Go in peace my friends, have a wonderful week, thank you.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hi guys, Jonathan here as well and I am pleased to be associated with such a powerful group, of such devoted individuals, fellow seekers such as myself. I fully identify, as you well know, with what it is to have created the portal that we use to have this discussion and I look forward to greater and greater creations by the same method using the same forces at play and under the same universe principles. There is so much that can be done that lies ahead, so many opportunities for such creations as we now enjoy.

I join you, cast my vote with you, that the light bathe our brother and transform with healing energies. I similarly visualize all of you, each one, being bathed by the light as my vision of a portal has so expanded that I may easily include all of you. What a great opportunity it is to have the chance to come to this realization of your own doing, by that I mean, of your own spiritual investment in the process. To see the rewards which are present upon such investment is such a thrill and to know that all such investments made are so well worth it in the long run is a privilege that I am beginning to embrace myself. So I will join you in your portal building process, to create yet another avenue of expression because there cannot be too many of these at this time. We need to make abundant approaches available so that they may be accessed and chosen by friends on both sides. I'm envisioning the paradigm of the earthly plane being riddled with such portals and covered over with potentials and access points and opportunities.

I just had these words to share and I approach this group feeling welcomed. For this I tell you, I will be eternally grateful, this sense of belonging, this sense of sharing is truly what binds us. No matter what dimension, time, place, opportunity or life we may find ourselves, these aspects of relationship are so enduring that they are the true pearls, the true gems to be gathered in this life, the life of the flesh. They are the eternal aspects that may be taken with as you traverse your various incarnations. This treasure box that is your life and into which you gather these gems, simply grows and grows as you keep bringing into your realm of experience, to your treasure box, these gems of relationships, these gems of opportunities, these choices made which are so defining. All of these are indeed the real treasures and I tell you plainly, I count you all among mine.

I stand in gratitude with you at this opportunity to share and at its meaningful stature that it represents in my experience as I see it does in yours. It has been wonderful once again to circle up with you and be a part of the experience that we share, that will endure because we have experienced it with that part of ourselves which is enduring. I share with you the joy that this is so. I look forward to sharing many more circles with you and now would take my leave in gratitude and with love for all of you, my earthly gems.


Transcript 10
Subject: No. Idaho Team 2012-09-23
Teacher: Inner Voice, Jonathan, Light, Monjoronson
T/R: Mark Rogers, Cathy Morris,

Inner Voice: [Mark] Good morning, in response to several references made, I am here this morning. I am referred to as this one's Inner Voice but as your conversations have suggested, there is an overall Inner Voice, a greater sampling of the whole as you all are coming to learn. It is indeed a joyous thing for an individual of the realm to make this great discovery while still a mortal in the flesh, because to such an individual there is now a new and fresh yet previously existing relationship on which to build the forthcoming joyous adventure of ascension.

Once this partnership is accelerated by the awareness that it exists and the choosing to foster it and build it, great strides may be made on both sides of the paradigm having combined forces if you will, in your efforts. As you well know, your experiences on this plane have brought you many well earned and well executed lessons. Such lessons and your willingness to deal with them have brought you to greater and greater levels of awareness allowing for greater and greater perception, a greater lens with which to see all around you.

And through this process of discovery and accepting you've also encountered another element, but it is enough to discover and embrace these great truths which you've come upon in your journey. But to truly utilize this experience and gain the most of the inherent potential, one needs to go a step further, a step beyond the normal mortal paradigm and one needs to exercise their faith as a statement of their trust. Because it is one thing to have a thought in the mind that one should trust, of course if evident and certain, and it represents another and greater step to put your faith where your trust is.

In so doing, the final card is played, the final ingredient to the equation is added and the experience will most certainly transcend all mortal limitations. And so it is we learn about these principles and how we are part of this equation and what we may do along the way in our choosing and our devotion of faith if we will but exercise them and use them. I on my side of the equation have no trouble executing all decisions in faith for I have come from a place which exists as a result of faith as you have but you have come from a different beginning and have had to learn of this thing called faith and have to have had opportunity to practice and experience this thing called faith and to execute this opportunity before you has meant you have needed to be exposed to opportunities.

As a result of this grand experiential experiment, the needful experiences have been furnished to you and now it is your pleasure and privilege to assemble the components and put together the greater pieces of the puzzle. I am at the heart, at the very center of each of you. I am alongside as in fact we journey together. I await with great anticipation and even eagerness your allowing greater and greater access to me so that we may be more and more partners in the episodes ahead. I have complete conviction that this will be so and I will demonstrate in advance to you my commitment for I have arrived, I will be with you, I have chosen you, I have faith in you and the process and I exercise my choice in faith that it will be so.

In this way I arrive with some certainty and conviction that I bring to the equation. I await for the levels of certainty and conviction that you find along the way to build and rise to the occasions before us. I am in faith that this is in process and that is well. That's what faith brings, a sense that all is well. I pray you all share this sense, that you all bring this into your faith realms. As you well know deep inside, when you relax and rely on spirit and exercise your faith there is a great sense that all is well and that you are exactly where you should be.

Thank you for the opportunity to mingle with you this morning, bring these words of inspiration and hope because they are an integral part of this activation of faith. They are components therein and I am pleased to bring them and share them with you this morning. So be it, it is so. I take my leave now but I am never gone. It has been a joy to have voice, thank you.

Inner Voice: [Cathy] I also bring to you a view from within. It is indeed a timeless relationship we have, it is the first connection in an enduring partnership in service to our Father. We have committed to each other to move in unison. We have taken action in the past. It is indeed a process of finding each other and learning ways to connect for action.

Jonathan: [Mark] Hi guys, you know how awkward it is when there is an open mike and no one grabbing ahold. So allow me to stride forward and take ahold of the microphone for a moment. I would bring words of encouragement about this idea, this notion, this direction to investigate and to grow this connection with the Inner
Guide. As you well know, during our sojourn on the planet, it was a great thrill to be made aware in such depth of such a component of our being as the Thought Adjuster was illustrated in the Urantia Papers. Those definitions and statements provided for us such a foundation of awareness and understanding that I'm sure we may all be called to witness the transformation in our lives that these profound statements provided for us and that we then embraced bringing a richer life, a greater awareness, a better understanding.

Even so, much of what was gained in that experience was as an intellectual exercise. While there is nothing wrong with an intellectual exercise, mind needs training and exercise of its own, there is required the lab work or the homework portion of the ability to truly perceive the meaning of this great aspect of the Father which resides within us all. There may be descriptions, there may be encounters revealed, there may even be encounters such as here this morning in which you are indeed very very close. But the real experience to be sought is the personal one, the individual one, the flush of the direct encounter with spirit which may only be had through the individual efforts. They may only be secured by the willingness to do ones own homework, then one can come to class quite prepared and ready for any assignment because having done the homework, the student feels ready and up to the task.

So I will go back and restate what we were shown from the very beginning. The practice of daily trying, of daily stillness, of daily exercise, of daily devotion may not be underestimated. It seems so many other aspects of life are demanding and forthright and require ones available time and energy, and this is so. This represents the challenge that is faced by a mortal on Urantia. But if one chooses to devote the necessary time to the personal and individual homework of finding spirit, then all these other details and aspects of life are made far better, more enriched as the one now doing them has more depth of perception.

Don't forget stillness my friends, ever. It will always be a component of those who are true seekers, always be an aspect of involvement in the ascension career. There is never a planet which one has finished the homework and has accomplished all that may be accomplished. There is always perfection to be attained and this task takes a very long time. I love you all. It is truly a joy and pleasure for me to have a chance to walk up to the forum that we have built and created and to access the microphone from my vantage point. I appreciate all that you do to maintain this portal of connection and honor this sacred space as you do to be used in this process of spiritual exchange. I bid you all have a good day and wish I had something witty to say as I disembark, thank you.

Light: [Mark] Light here, I would like to share yet another image with you regarding the use of light. There is the statement: Where you go, bring light with you. This refers to this Inner Light which endures and transcends. When one brings this light with them they transform the environment they encounter. This notion of bringing the light is a common one to be utilized among those who have experienced and felt the light. Now, I simply invite you to enlarge the definition of this term, the light within, to encompass and include your Inner Guide, your Thought Adjuster, Divine Representative Within. This is truly your Inner Light, this is truly the connection to all that is of the light. This is your fraction of the whole. So when one goes to bring the light into a circumstance or situation, I invite you to enlarge your perception of what you are bringing because when you bring the light you are bringing that which is the greatest aspect of self, you are bringing your divine component to bear and this divine component you are coming to embrace as your Inner Voice, your Inner Guide.

So go out to all and bring your light and realize that when you are bringing your light you are bringing your Inner Guide with you on the journey into the experience and any time divinity is introduced into an equation there are changes, there are repercussions to bringing divinity in, to bringing the light. So now let it be so with more awareness and more perception on your part and let us continue this notion of bringing the light into the equation with greater awareness and faith. Thank you all, I appreciate this opportunity. Farewell and have a good week, good bye.

Monjoronson: [Cathy] I would approach the group to add to this topic referring to the essence of time. The essence of time is as a pathway of experience leading to the Father/Creator who is timeless. In the human experience, time is everything. In the universe reality it is a unique path to build the skills needed to proceed in your journey to our Creator. Time seems to be a solid truth from your point of view. It is a construct useful in the first stages of universe experience. As you pass from the mortal plane it is no longer needed to uphold you. You are in expansion, in growth of perspective.

After this earth experience you are able to connect with the larger view of action in the universe. It is evident in the passage from this plane that you have stepped beyond the need for time. You are going to be able to function at a level that does not require time. Whatever the Father wills, is. This is not conditioned by time, this is beyond time. As you grow in spirit you are beginning to understand connection with spirit. You are stretching your reach, you are loosening your boundaries of reality. This will allow for a movement out of your framework of time. This will allow for a greater sphere of action, this will allow for a greater coordination of action with other entities. We can indeed become a link from time to the timeless. I encourage you to allow the movement beyond your current boundaries.

Transcript 11
Subject: No. Idaho Team  2012-09-16
Teacher: Unknown, Jonathan, Charles, LIght
T/R: Cathy Morris, Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue,

Jonathan: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Jonathan here to with you this morning because I want to be. My desire is strong to revisit my friends and to maintain some connection with this wonderful experience of being mortal on this earth and so I am granted the opportunity to exercise my desire to reach out and utilize this process that has been created to make my desires become real. I fully understand that you have done the same; likewise your desires have been made real through the exercising of your intention and your will and the focusing of these characteristics.

In a very real way it can be seen that everyone is where they are, doing what they are doing because they want to. Everyone is exercising their freewill choice. Everyone is manifesting a certain position that they enjoy. Everyone is attempting to form their reality into a more and more pleasing one and so all that happens, all that transpires can be said to be a matter of transpiring because someone wanted it to, someone desired it, someone executed the beginning of thought and contributed to the equation until in fact, that which they desired became real.

This universe principle is what will become so instrumental in the time we move into ahead where there are more opportunities, more possibilities before us. We exercise one of those today, even now, in this endeavor to be with each other and even communicate. It is always such a pleasure to rejoin this group as I feel a rather eternal connection to having been so engaged and involved. There was an investment made which was enduring. I assure you all the investment you make in your spiritual growth through moments such as this have a big payoff. You will come to enjoy these benefits that you have earned in due time but now it would be good to simply act in the faith, act as if you know this truth to be real even in the absence of any real evidence. You could still hold to this belief, you can still uphold this truth. I assure you that all you invest in in the spiritual realm is very real, is quite significant.

So your forays that you expressed in going out in spirit may be more and more fruitful, I pray that we all can ride this surge of energy and take it to new places, perhaps surf on this wave further than we ever have and come into these situations seemingly easier than we are familiar with. Let it be so for all of us as we remain in a state of seeking so that we also remain in a state of finding. Let us all endeavor to maintain this posture as we move forward. I am grateful to be with you. Thank you for this opportunity, I will now make way for others as this is a cherished opportunity. I bid you all a great day, good by now.

Charles: [Henry] Greetings to you this morning, it is I Charles, here to make a few observational comments on your conversation within this circle this morning. I would like to start by saying that the tremendous discrepancy which exists between the technology and human behavior on your world has been a point that spirit has been observing for a tremendously long time as you on the planet realize the amount of confusion and dilemma that this is causing. For centuries spirit has been working to prevent this discrepancy. Up until now it has taken its full measured course and you find yourselves in the state you find yourselves today, rampant fear, the building up of armaments, the political posturing before nations, the human outcry with outrage.

One positive thing that you have going in your favor is that the majority of political systems on the planet are associated in some form or fashion with religious organizations within those political boundaries. Within those religious organizations there are a number of groups of people like yourselves who are somewhat enlightened and conscious and at some point the consciousness of these religious groups will grow into a potent force to reign in the unbridled political endeavors. Unfortunately this will probably not happen as soon as it is needed, especially at this point, but mankind will reach a point where he has exhausted all rational choices and will gravitate towards more conscious and peaceful solutions to deal with the world problems of overpopulation, dwindling resources and this tremendous spirit which resides in each and everyone, seeking to find an expression, whether it is in outrage, whether it is in protest or whether it is in humble service.

At some point in your future these factions will come to a resolve. Mankind will learn to put away these tools of destruction and learn to grow the food of consciousness. Remember, this is an experimental world, you have no restrictions. You can do anything that you want to do and though this is part of the problem, it will be the solution once enough people figure out that they can choose to live beyond the restraints of fear. Technology has provided a tremendous resource on your world, a resource of information, the resource of communication, and even though this technology is generating a somewhat turbulent beginning, the fact is that this technology in place is the same technology that will help to bring about compromise, negotiation and peaceful effort.  

So you are near the apex of this turmoil. What you cannot see is that beyond this apex there is a tremendous calming down on the planet and a more resourceful and processing position will come into place and into play. You are almost to the point where everyone is calling is calling everyones bluff and you are able to see who isn't bluffing. Of course, the ones who aren't bluffing are the problem ones, so even this isn't tremendously comforting for you. I can say that the worst is almost over and it is important for the few of you out there who can see this to understand that the work of peace has just begun. Peace requires a tremendous amount of work, but once there is a concerted effort to go this route, you will begin to experience wholehearted change.

We feel that this is eminent given that people are quickly manipulated and ideas and notions and opinions are firmly grasped, that once the notion and the process of war and aggression has ceased to rule the roost of your planet, that the grounds and network for peace will have been prepared properly. Continue to work as individuals for peace within your consciousness and your own lives and when given the choice, choose peace, choose the peaceful route. Learn to negotiate, learn to compromise in your own life for one cannot expect everyone else to compromise unless you first are willing to make an effort.

This is probably the most difficult learning period that this civilization will go through, learning that it can move ahead with peace rather than staying in your nest of war and aggression, weapons proliferation and shoddy statesmanship. All of this is preparing the groundwork for peace even though it is not showing it at the moment. As we as spirit uphold a peaceful and loving intention for your world, we greatly support those who are working towards these means to exist.

I have nothing more to add. I thank you for allowing me these few thoughts this morning. Go in peace, have a tremendous week and we love you, thank you.

Light: [Cathy] I wish to add that light can be an integral part of this process. Continue to add light at every opportunity.

Light: [Mark] I'm here to add a few words to the ongoing dialog right here. I would seize on the offering by Jonathan of the simple illustration of wanting to do something and it occurring as a result. He illustrated that we are all here by virtue of wanting to accomplish this and we have en-circuited and accomplished this very real exercise. I now extend that out to your view of the world at large and how peace will one day reign and how this is accomplished by virtue of all the individuals involved wanting to choose peace, wanting it enough to actually choose it, wanting it enough to trust it and believe in it, wanting it enough to forsake other ways which may be engrained deep within which may be very traditional but wanting peace enough to forsake these influences and choose fresh a new and as yet unknown approach of choosing peace whatever the consequences may be.

Therein is the rub for many. They don't know what choosing this path is, what choosing this path means, what choosing this path does. Where does it lead and how and what are the steps from here to there? There is not a lot of experience on this trail. This world has been shrouded in following the path of war for so long that there are not many examples to choose to follow the path to peace but I encourage you to adopt the ones you are familiar with, the path of non-violence, the path of acceptance, the path of tolerance, the path in the end of awareness and in so choosing this consciously and with awareness each and every time it becomes easier to move from that place of vision and faith into that place of secured reality, of coming to existence all the way down into the material plane as a reflection of what has happened on the spiritual plane.

So first our task is to go there in spirit, to build this path and envision to execute this path in faith and to steadfastly uphold this new version of truth that we would see, this higher version of reality that we would promote and to hold those visions in faith and as a placeholder to arrive at when conditions are right. I assure you conditions are ripening. So, in advance of this movement, I invite you to work with us alongside in creating these pathways and envisioning steps in between where you find yourselves on this path of peace that you would choose before you. Start to feel it, start to walk it, start to talk it, in short, transform yourselves into a reflection of this manifestation as if and indeed it already exists.

I assure you, if you create it in spirit it already exists. There is merely this transformative step to bring it from spirit truth and reality into material truth and reality. Of course, as you know, you are this fulcrum point. You have the power to donate your energies and create living circuits. So let us work together to envision the creation of accepting pathways, of wide portals, of generous paths so that many may find their way to choose peace and find that there is a path thereon to walk because others created it and walked before and together you may lean on each other in this process, creating and enjoying the strength of others creations side by side. In the end we will make a wide road that leads straight to peace, together with all of our visions of how it could be done, how it should be done, how it might be done.

So let us be about this building, this creating. There is a road to be built and I see many willing participants ready to show up for the road crew. What a pleasure it is to bring these thoughts for presentation today. I treasure that you welcome them and allow them. I feel with Jonathan as well that I desire so much to be involved with this group that it represents one of my greatest pleasures. I thank you all for accepting me and welcoming me into your environment and I look forward to being here with you as events unfold and opportunities arise and choices present themselves. Thank you all, have a wonderful day, farewell.


Transcript 12
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-08-09
Teacher: Inner Voice, Machiventa, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue

Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, you know all things and therefore you know that we assemble at this hour in your name in the search for truth, the search for greater understanding and awareness. We understand that we are players in this process, that it is up to us to be engaged, to be involved, to open our hearts and minds and to extend ourselves in faith. That we do in this hour with the expectation that if we reach up and out, you certainly reach back for us. We have found this to be true and be demonstrated in our lives and as a result of our faith. So once again we would come to the well, we would seek your guidance and leading and pray that we be open enough to follow where truth may lead. We understand this is an ongoing process, that as soon as we find one level of understanding, you provide us with another and another. So, we ask your help in this hour to join with us as we create this process together and as we move in the direction of your truth and peace, your greater wisdom, that we may come closer to you and approach you with the desire to share that which you have in store for us. Let it be so in this hour. You have heard our petitions and requests and now, I state that it is my desire to be simply an instrument of your peace and grace in this moment. I ask for your assistance that it may be so, even now, thank you.  

Inner Voice: [Mark] Yes, I am here to accept this invitation, I am this one's Inner Voice referred to as the Inner Guide sometimes although I do not do as much guiding as simply positioning myself in reference to you so that you may choose to move in my direction. I call you all to witness that your Inner Voices, your Inner Guides, are ever so patient and kind. They never commandeer you even once, they rather wait for it to be your choice, your decision to come to them for when you come to us as a result of your own choosing, you have opened yourself, you have made yourself available for this exchange that goes on between us and it is imperative that you be the one to open this door and to create this portal that we may use between us.

Your mortal life is designed around providing you the opportunity to exercise this choice and your freedom of choice shall never be overridden at any time even if it means that you choose to move away from what is divine and true and real and good and beautiful, your divine partners will have the patience to wait for you as you go explore that option and find what fruits you may or find the fruits are not there. It is imperative that you yourself investigate these different choices and experience these different options for yourself.

As you all well know with your children, you may instruct them thoroughly and tell them what to do and what not to do and even why and why not but, it is clear to witness, regardless of instruction, even regardless of stern mandates, the children fall into exploring options for themselves to see why not or why they should exercise these choices. It is only their direct and individual and personal experience which bring them the final conviction that what they may have heard or been told or been instructed is for a reason, that it matters not just because someone said it or instructed them to do it but because they have tasted why it matters. It may not be necessary for them to experience the full gravity of such transgressions, even the smallest taste brings with it the conviction of truth and purpose.

That is what you all are as developing spiritual beings. We may advise that you engage in stillness, we may even go so far as to encourage, perhaps even instruct you to avail yourselves of such activities but our guidance and instruction means nothing until you have experienced a condition for yourselves and then and only then do you know what it is we are referring to. All else is just words, phrases, meant to instruct and inspire and encourage but no more than street signs point in the right direction, they do not mandate that you choose it.  

I will take up this question asked this evening and restate it for the record. A student observes that there is great energy being directed at this sphere, at this world at this time, and they observe this positive energy may be utilized for transformation, change, healing, growth and increased capacity. This is a valid observation, I acknowledge the truth of this statement. The question was: How do you as individuals interface and interact with these energies for the greatest possible good? To this question I would offer this analogy.

Your sun creates great positive energy that floods this planet. It creates the conditions wherein life itself may exist. You as an individual walking upon this earth find yourselves at times coming between this life giving force and the earth itself and your very being blocks out the sun and creates a place beneath you which is subsequently put into shadow. This occurs because of the density of your being and that light is unable to make its way through your being and therefore a shadow exists that you create because you exist. This is a normal and natural observable phenomenon.

Now imagine if you would, your being, being so transformed as to create a state of existence which is not so dense, which is filled with light. Then, as a light source yourselves, you are able to take this energy from on high and utilize it through your being, direct it, focus it, guide it and steer it with your intention. This is done by virtue of your conditioning your own being so that you are not simply a dense mass blocking out all energy and creating shadows, but envisioning yourself, conditioning yourself and becoming a being of light which simply has the ability to act as light with light to direct these divine energies, to soar with them at similar vibrations, to have them interface and go not only to you but through you, to not only serve as vital forces for you as an individual but for you as well to join this beam that happens and become part of the light.  

This is something you are growing to do day by day. The more awareness you bring to yourself, the more of your spiritual nature you embrace, the more spiritual potential you are willing to welcome, the more your being is transformed from one of dark clouded matter to one of vibrant light beings. This you do because you choose to and as  you make this choice, this sacred choice, you become empowered. The light that comes to this world for your benefit becomes infused with your being and you are part of the great circuit that is occurring instead of merely a material blocking the energy.

All this occurs simply and easily by virtue of your desire to do so. Nothing else is required. You need not be in any place at any time, under any specific circumstances, rather the whole equation hinges on your individual intentions and desire to either be part of what is going on or to be impinged upon by what is going on. It is a simple flip of a switch, a simple choice to be made and you become part of the solution and disappear as part of the obstacle. These attempts at analogy are always risky because they can carry so many different interpretations and meanings but I offer this one in response to the question tendered here tonight because I perceive that all of you have some notion of what I am referring to. You all have somewhere in your field of perception the idea that this is possible, that this is truth, and that this may be exercised even by the likes of you. I am merely here to reaffirm that feeling and to bring you further in your efforts to be aware in that direction.

So as these energies pervade your atmosphere, let them pervade your awareness, let them pervade your intentions, let them wash over you with such conviction that you don't hold back on what you believe to be possible. I pray you all may exercise your faith to this degree and in so doing, demonstrate to yourselves and all those who witness that you are acting in faith and that your actions are observable and real and tangible. Thus you have taken an ideal, a thought, a desire, an intention, and you singlehandedly have chosen to make it real and embody this truth. To a true believer, all things are possible and you are learning this in your own lives as bit by bit. Piece by piece you prove this truth to yourself.

Now in these times you are called to step out and be bold in this assertion and to act in faith and with conviction that all that you have seen up until now has led you to be bolder in your faith, to act with even greater conviction. The more this happens, the more you are rewarded and the easier it is next time and the greater this truth is not only to yourself but to all those around you. So it is you who is in place to demonstrate these new truths and to be these new realities; it is not up to us.

We may inform you, we may coach you, we may suggest; in the end we await your decision. In the end the universe awaits your action. I am confident that the investment we make in you by being your coaches, instructors and cheerleaders will be well borne out in fruit as you step forward and make the choices and take the actions. The universe awaits your choice, the universe supports your actions. We all can't wait to see how this game turns out but we're observers on the sidelines offering our support and our coaching skills. You are the ones that must make the plays, take the steps, say the words, move the direction of play.

But I tell you it is a thrill to be involved even if it is peripherally, even if we only have the sidelines to watch from, even if as your Inner Guides we are so close to you that we are along for the ride and yet have no say in the moves you choose to make albeit we are ever there to hold the space for you to choose and move in our direction. We are never the ones to give you that feverish locker room talk that gets you up off the bench and motivates you but we are always the ones to be with you every step of the way and to wait in endless patience for you to navigate your way down the field. We rejoice in this motion. It is with such satisfaction that we are attached to you as players and one day we will join together in this pursuit. One day we will actually join forces, you and I, and be as one in our desire. But until that day, these moments are sacred, these times are cherished for in all of eternity, these few times, these limited moments are where your divinity comes forward of its own accord, of your own accord and these choices that you make reflect your individual desires, unencumbered.

These are the greatest gifts you have to give. This is the most that you can do as a mortal of the realm, is to choose truth, beauty and goodness each and every time, however you may see it, wherever you may find it, in whatever condition it may be. It is truly a miraculous act that you do and every time it is done we celebrate, we rejoice at the process, at the grace involved in the process and the fact that the Father has provided for you everything you have need of to facilitate your journey and we witness as you more and more choose to go with the flow, participate in the process and exercise the dream.

Once again, it is my profound pleasure to speak with you this directly. This is another one of those rare and sacred moments and we have been granted this moment, you and I, here and now, because it is the desire of our hearts to come together in this way. This is yet another example that to those who will believe, all things are possible as this is in this very moment. I pray this exercises your faith muscles, strengthens your courage and emboldens you to choose again and again and again and each time may your choice bring you closer and closer to divine nature and your own purpose in discovering this nature. That is the plan of your Divine Parents and it so pleases them when they see that it works in you, through you and for you.

Let it be so, not only in this hour but in all hours in all moments of your lives. Let it ring out as a truth for you. I now, having shared those words, will withdraw at this time in appreciation for the opportunity offered and in gratitude to the First Source and Center which has allowed us to come together in this way. Thank you all, farewell.

Machiventa: [Henry] Greetings to you, this is Machiventa here this afternoon to share in this circle of friendship, this circle of love, circle of peace and respect. I would start this evening's talk with the question that was raised about light and energy bombarding the planet and what can you as humans do to make better use of this. In a very real sense, there isn't really any more light and energy coming to the planet now than there ever was. It is still the same. What is happening though is that more of you are becoming conscious of the light and the energy. As more of you become aware and conscious of light and its energetic qualities, the greater the light and the energy become for you as humans.

This ability to be creative with consciousness is what Light and Life is all about, to be able to command the light to your bidding to the service of helping, helping heal the physical distress in the body, the mortal conditions of time and space and the enlightenment of mind in general. All of these services do become available with light and energy as it is constantly being poured down. You could never ever use up all of the light and the energy which is coming your way. It is consistent and synchronous. When there becomes a greater awareness, a threshold of awareness, the power that light and energy contain unlock themselves in a greater ability to respond to mental direction, to the mental awareness, the creative and conscious aspect of whether it is healing, whether it's in synchronous acts which promote peace. In all of these aspects it is the personal experience which renders the whole of this phenomenon to have the ability to bring healing into light, to bring it into a truth and reality, a synchronicity of health, the homogeneity of the body, the balance, the harmony which is truly within.

So be creative with your ability to use light as a weapon, as a weapon to destroy darkness, to destroy disease, to destroy deceit, to open up the mind to comprehend a greater amount of light, and a greater awareness of your mental potential as human beings. Though I may express this in a forthright nature, it is out of love and respect for you that the spiritual universe is constantly bathing this sphere and all life inhabitants herein in light and loving energy. It permeates everything. It permeates space, it permeates consciousness, it permeates the spiritual aspects of the mind, the adjutant circuits, the circuit of the Spirit of Truth and the circuit of wisdom.

Your ability to consciously harness this light for the greater good of others is exactly comprehending its nature for light is nothing more than spiritual reality, the absolute reality of love, goodness, compassion. It is purely the nature of spirit, pure light, pure light in which nothing can hide and nothing which does not belong there can enter therein. So as you were admonished by the Father moments ago to act upon this awareness, this knowledge, this understanding, is a great revelation of truth to the individual.

In time, the greater number of peacemakers will create a space where peace can exist for all to enjoy and experience. The light does not automatically, inadvertently create peace wherever it passes. Light responds to intelligence, it must be conceived and directed, it must be forthright in your application, in your use of light. The more specific you can direct the light the more effective it will become in its ability to respond to what it is you are asking it to do. Do not fear the light for the light is going to be a tremendous part of your nature at some point in your ascension career. One day, all of you will become beings of light. You will literally live in the light as light. So I think we have addressed that topic.

The next topic I wanted to address is the one on truth. It is my understanding that in simple terms, the most important aspect of truth is its living quality for truth is not like words in print or words carved in stone. Truth is like the reflection of the wind creating ripples on the surface of the water. The water only moves when the wind moves it, when the tides pull it or when you are splashing in it. So this aspect of truth, this living quality of truth is something which you cannot put on a shelf and say: There's truth over there, I know exactly what it is. Truth is not a command, it is not a commandment.

Truth is an experience. At this level on this planet there is no absolute truth. The only truth there is is the truth which you can experience and you can only experience this truth in connection with the giver of all truth. That aspect resides within you as the great Spirit Monitor, the great personality changer, the transformer of thought. This is the only truth you will ever know at this level of your life in your experience. It is the only one you can know for there is no other truth. Everything else is just artificial reality, a thin veil nonetheless, where if you dare to pull it back and separate it you will see that beyond the veil there is a completely different and separate reality that seeks to become synchronous with the so called reality you are living here now.

How much quality does your life contain? How much truth does your life contain? How much love are you able hold and give to others? Are you able to bring these realities into consciousness? This is the area of truth that I am concerned with here and now in relating to you. These notions you have as humans that everyone is seeing this great reality from different perspectives is tremendously true. You are, you are all seeing the same thing with a different aspect of mind. You are all seeing life as it is being played upon this stage this present day at this present hour, this present moment.

Was it not the Master whose walk upon this planet said that faith and truth must be living? It must become an experience in your life. It's not that you can take it out of a jar or a plant or any other thing except possibly relationship, because there is tremendous truth within relationship. Therein is your ability to decipher the greater reality in relationship, in relationship with spirit, in relationship to your mind and in relationship to your fellows. Everything living is in relationship.

So I leave you to ponder these thoughts this afternoon. I thank you for allowing this forum to exist that I may express such thoughts, that the awareness and knowledge of the Father is expanded through this acknowledging of its existence, this sharing of its experience of the knowingness of the Father, His greater good and His greater truth. May we all become whole as one in His Eternal Light. Thank you, I now allow this forum to become open for others, good evening.

LIght: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Light and I am well aware that you have very much on your plates for consideration this evening. Not wishing to overburden you, I have one final thought pattern to offer. In all this discussion of truth and light I offer yet one more expression for understanding and that is: If all this truth is relative, and it is, and your human minds desire so much for there to be one source of truth, one definitive level of truth, then I offer you to consider this configuration.

Since all truth is relative to something, what if you consider all truth being relative to one, and that is love. The condition which permeates all of reality, all of truth, is the underlying foundation of love and all truth that you may consider is in relationship to this love, in reference to this love and this light which has been offered for your consideration, what is the source of this if it is not love? So yes, there is a universal truth, a universal principle. It is the essence of love from which all other expressions will be relative, will be in relationship to.

So while you consider this bearing of light into all equations, this illumination of light, the true source of that light is love. What you are searching for in your reference for what is true and what is real is what has the greatest relationship to this primal force of love? It is a moving target and it is all relative based upon your vantage point, your experience, your awareness, so many factors. But what you are attempting to find is universally known if you go up the chain as light and then even as the source that generates the light, the love.

I invite you to consider that when reflecting on all these truths that you hold dear, as they are all relative to this one primal force, you consider them to be more and more true the closer they are to this force. The further away they become from love is when you consider them to be untrue, no longer reflecting of the truth. Likewise, you as individuals become more and more real, more and more based in truth, more actual as you approach the love, the divine force. Those things that choose not this direction and they go further and further away from this primal force, simply wither and die of their own accord for they have not attached themselves to this primal force, they do not see their relationship to this foundational force.

I perceive that is well enough for you to consider this evening in this ever expanding search of yours for truth, goodness, and beauty which are also reflective of this divine force. May you have happy hunting and successful finding in your process. May you be about this with the joy that your Divine Parents have intended that you have throughout. I will conclude my remarks with those. It has been a pleasure to address you this evening and I now take my leave, thank you.


Transcript 13
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-08-09
Teacher: Inner Voice, Machiventa, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue

Prayer: [Mark] Divine Parents, you know all things and therefore you know that we assemble at this hour in your name in the search for truth, the search for greater understanding and awareness. We understand that we are players in this process, that it is up to us to be engaged, to be involved, to open our hearts and minds and to extend ourselves in faith. That we do in this hour with the expectation that if we reach up and out, you certainly reach back for us. We have found this to be true and be demonstrated in our lives and as a result of our faith. So once again we would come to the well, we would seek your guidance and leading and pray that we be open enough to follow where truth may lead. We understand this is an ongoing process, that as soon as we find one level of understanding, you provide us with another and another. So, we ask your help in this hour to join with us as we create this process together and as we move in the direction of your truth and peace, your greater wisdom, that we may come closer to you and approach you with the desire to share that which you have in store for us. Let it be so in this hour. You have heard our petitions and requests and now, I state that it is my desire to be simply an instrument of your peace and grace in this moment. I ask for your assistance that it may be so, even now, thank you.  

Inner Voice: [Mark] Yes, I am here to accept this invitation, I am this one's Inner Voice referred to as the Inner Guide sometimes although I do not do as much guiding as simply positioning myself in reference to you so that you may choose to move in my direction. I call you all to witness that your Inner Voices, your Inner Guides, are ever so patient and kind. They never commandeer you even once, they rather wait for it to be your choice, your decision to come to them for when you come to us as a result of your own choosing, you have opened yourself, you have made yourself available for this exchange that goes on between us and it is imperative that you be the one to open this door and to create this portal that we may use between us.

Your mortal life is designed around providing you the opportunity to exercise this choice and your freedom of choice shall never be overridden at any time even if it means that you choose to move away from what is divine and true and real and good and beautiful, your divine partners will have the patience to wait for you as you go explore that option and find what fruits you may or find the fruits are not there. It is imperative that you yourself investigate these different choices and experience these different options for yourself.

As you all well know with your children, you may instruct them thoroughly and tell them what to do and what not to do and even why and why not but, it is clear to witness, regardless of instruction, even regardless of stern mandates, the children fall into exploring options for themselves to see why not or why they should exercise these choices. It is only their direct and individual and personal experience which bring them the final conviction that what they may have heard or been told or been instructed is for a reason, that it matters not just because someone said it or instructed them to do it but because they have tasted why it matters. It may not be necessary for them to experience the full gravity of such transgressions, even the smallest taste brings with it the conviction of truth and purpose.

That is what you all are as developing spiritual beings. We may advise that you engage in stillness, we may even go so far as to encourage, perhaps even instruct you to avail yourselves of such activities but our guidance and instruction means nothing until you have experienced a condition for yourselves and then and only then do you know what it is we are referring to. All else is just words, phrases, meant to instruct and inspire and encourage but no more than street signs point in the right direction, they do not mandate that you choose it.  

I will take up this question asked this evening and restate it for the record. A student observes that there is great energy being directed at this sphere, at this world at this time, and they observe this positive energy may be utilized for transformation, change, healing, growth and increased capacity. This is a valid observation, I acknowledge the truth of this statement. The question was: How do you as individuals interface and interact with these energies for the greatest possible good? To this question I would offer this analogy.

Your sun creates great positive energy that floods this planet. It creates the conditions wherein life itself may exist. You as an individual walking upon this earth find yourselves at times coming between this life giving force and the earth itself and your very being blocks out the sun and creates a place beneath you which is subsequently put into shadow. This occurs because of the density of your being and that light is unable to make its way through your being and therefore a shadow exists that you create because you exist. This is a normal and natural observable phenomenon.

Now imagine if you would, your being, being so transformed as to create a state of existence which is not so dense, which is filled with light. Then, as a light source yourselves, you are able to take this energy from on high and utilize it through your being, direct it, focus it, guide it and steer it with your intention. This is done by virtue of your conditioning your own being so that you are not simply a dense mass blocking out all energy and creating shadows, but envisioning yourself, conditioning yourself and becoming a being of light which simply has the ability to act as light with light to direct these divine energies, to soar with them at similar vibrations, to have them interface and go not only to you but through you, to not only serve as vital forces for you as an individual but for you as well to join this beam that happens and become part of the light.  

This is something you are growing to do day by day. The more awareness you bring to yourself, the more of your spiritual nature you embrace, the more spiritual potential you are willing to welcome, the more your being is transformed from one of dark clouded matter to one of vibrant light beings. This you do because you choose to and as  you make this choice, this sacred choice, you become empowered. The light that comes to this world for your benefit becomes infused with your being and you are part of the great circuit that is occurring instead of merely a material blocking the energy.

All this occurs simply and easily by virtue of your desire to do so. Nothing else is required. You need not be in any place at any time, under any specific circumstances, rather the whole equation hinges on your individual intentions and desire to either be part of what is going on or to be impinged upon by what is going on. It is a simple flip of a switch, a simple choice to be made and you become part of the solution and disappear as part of the obstacle. These attempts at analogy are always risky because they can carry so many different interpretations and meanings but I offer this one in response to the question tendered here tonight because I perceive that all of you have some notion of what I am referring to. You all have somewhere in your field of perception the idea that this is possible, that this is truth, and that this may be exercised even by the likes of you. I am merely here to reaffirm that feeling and to bring you further in your efforts to be aware in that direction.

So as these energies pervade your atmosphere, let them pervade your awareness, let them pervade your intentions, let them wash over you with such conviction that you don't hold back on what you believe to be possible. I pray you all may exercise your faith to this degree and in so doing, demonstrate to yourselves and all those who witness that you are acting in faith and that your actions are observable and real and tangible. Thus you have taken an ideal, a thought, a desire, an intention, and you singlehandedly have chosen to make it real and embody this truth. To a true believer, all things are possible and you are learning this in your own lives as bit by bit. Piece by piece you prove this truth to yourself.

Now in these times you are called to step out and be bold in this assertion and to act in faith and with conviction that all that you have seen up until now has led you to be bolder in your faith, to act with even greater conviction. The more this happens, the more you are rewarded and the easier it is next time and the greater this truth is not only to yourself but to all those around you. So it is you who is in place to demonstrate these new truths and to be these new realities; it is not up to us.

We may inform you, we may coach you, we may suggest; in the end we await your decision. In the end the universe awaits your action. I am confident that the investment we make in you by being your coaches, instructors and cheerleaders will be well borne out in fruit as you step forward and make the choices and take the actions. The universe awaits your choice, the universe supports your actions. We all can't wait to see how this game turns out but we're observers on the sidelines offering our support and our coaching skills. You are the ones that must make the plays, take the steps, say the words, move the direction of play.

But I tell you it is a thrill to be involved even if it is peripherally, even if we only have the sidelines to watch from, even if as your Inner Guides we are so close to you that we are along for the ride and yet have no say in the moves you choose to make albeit we are ever there to hold the space for you to choose and move in our direction. We are never the ones to give you that feverish locker room talk that gets you up off the bench and motivates you but we are always the ones to be with you every step of the way and to wait in endless patience for you to navigate your way down the field. We rejoice in this motion. It is with such satisfaction that we are attached to you as players and one day we will join together in this pursuit. One day we will actually join forces, you and I, and be as one in our desire. But until that day, these moments are sacred, these times are cherished for in all of eternity, these few times, these limited moments are where your divinity comes forward of its own accord, of your own accord and these choices that you make reflect your individual desires, unencumbered.

These are the greatest gifts you have to give. This is the most that you can do as a mortal of the realm, is to choose truth, beauty and goodness each and every time, however you may see it, wherever you may find it, in whatever condition it may be. It is truly a miraculous act that you do and every time it is done we celebrate, we rejoice at the process, at the grace involved in the process and the fact that the Father has provided for you everything you have need of to facilitate your journey and we witness as you more and more choose to go with the flow, participate in the process and exercise the dream.

Once again, it is my profound pleasure to speak with you this directly. This is another one of those rare and sacred moments and we have been granted this moment, you and I, here and now, because it is the desire of our hearts to come together in this way. This is yet another example that to those who will believe, all things are possible as this is in this very moment. I pray this exercises your faith muscles, strengthens your courage and emboldens you to choose again and again and again and each time may your choice bring you closer and closer to divine nature and your own purpose in discovering this nature. That is the plan of your Divine Parents and it so pleases them when they see that it works in you, through you and for you.

Let it be so, not only in this hour but in all hours in all moments of your lives. Let it ring out as a truth for you. I now, having shared those words, will withdraw at this time in appreciation for the opportunity offered and in gratitude to the First Source and Center which has allowed us to come together in this way. Thank you all, farewell.

Machiventa: [Henry] Greetings to you, this is Machiventa here this afternoon to share in this circle of friendship, this circle of love, circle of peace and respect. I would start this evening's talk with the question that was raised about light and energy bombarding the planet and what can you as humans do to make better use of this. In a very real sense, there isn't really any more light and energy coming to the planet now than there ever was. It is still the same. What is happening though is that more of you are becoming conscious of the light and the energy. As more of you become aware and conscious of light and its energetic qualities, the greater the light and the energy become for you as humans.

This ability to be creative with consciousness is what Light and Life is all about, to be able to command the light to your bidding to the service of helping, helping heal the physical distress in the body, the mortal conditions of time and space and the enlightenment of mind in general. All of these services do become available with light and energy as it is constantly being poured down. You could never ever use up all of the light and the energy which is coming your way. It is consistent and synchronous. When there becomes a greater awareness, a threshold of awareness, the power that light and energy contain unlock themselves in a greater ability to respond to mental direction, to the mental awareness, the creative and conscious aspect of whether it is healing, whether it's in synchronous acts which promote peace. In all of these aspects it is the personal experience which renders the whole of this phenomenon to have the ability to bring healing into light, to bring it into a truth and reality, a synchronicity of health, the homogeneity of the body, the balance, the harmony which is truly within.

So be creative with your ability to use light as a weapon, as a weapon to destroy darkness, to destroy disease, to destroy deceit, to open up the mind to comprehend a greater amount of light, and a greater awareness of your mental potential as human beings. Though I may express this in a forthright nature, it is out of love and respect for you that the spiritual universe is constantly bathing this sphere and all life inhabitants herein in light and loving energy. It permeates everything. It permeates space, it permeates consciousness, it permeates the spiritual aspects of the mind, the adjutant circuits, the circuit of the Spirit of Truth and the circuit of wisdom.

Your ability to consciously harness this light for the greater good of others is exactly comprehending its nature for light is nothing more than spiritual reality, the absolute reality of love, goodness, compassion. It is purely the nature of spirit, pure light, pure light in which nothing can hide and nothing which does not belong there can enter therein. So as you were admonished by the Father moments ago to act upon this awareness, this knowledge, this understanding, is a great revelation of truth to the individual.

In time, the greater number of peacemakers will create a space where peace can exist for all to enjoy and experience. The light does not automatically, inadvertently create peace wherever it passes. Light responds to intelligence, it must be conceived and directed, it must be forthright in your application, in your use of light. The more specific you can direct the light the more effective it will become in its ability to respond to what it is you are asking it to do. Do not fear the light for the light is going to be a tremendous part of your nature at some point in your ascension career. One day, all of you will become beings of light. You will literally live in the light as light. So I think we have addressed that topic.

The next topic I wanted to address is the one on truth. It is my understanding that in simple terms, the most important aspect of truth is its living quality for truth is not like words in print or words carved in stone. Truth is like the reflection of the wind creating ripples on the surface of the water. The water only moves when the wind moves it, when the tides pull it or when you are splashing in it. So this aspect of truth, this living quality of truth is something which you cannot put on a shelf and say: There's truth over there, I know exactly what it is. Truth is not a command, it is not a commandment.

Truth is an experience. At this level on this planet there is no absolute truth. The only truth there is is the truth which you can experience and you can only experience this truth in connection with the giver of all truth. That aspect resides within you as the great Spirit Monitor, the great personality changer, the transformer of thought. This is the only truth you will ever know at this level of your life in your experience. It is the only one you can know for there is no other truth. Everything else is just artificial reality, a thin veil nonetheless, where if you dare to pull it back and separate it you will see that beyond the veil there is a completely different and separate reality that seeks to become synchronous with the so called reality you are living here now.

How much quality does your life contain? How much truth does your life contain? How much love are you able hold and give to others? Are you able to bring these realities into consciousness? This is the area of truth that I am concerned with here and now in relating to you. These notions you have as humans that everyone is seeing this great reality from different perspectives is tremendously true. You are, you are all seeing the same thing with a different aspect of mind. You are all seeing life as it is being played upon this stage this present day at this present hour, this present moment.

Was it not the Master whose walk upon this planet said that faith and truth must be living? It must become an experience in your life. It's not that you can take it out of a jar or a plant or any other thing except possibly relationship, because there is tremendous truth within relationship. Therein is your ability to decipher the greater reality in relationship, in relationship with spirit, in relationship to your mind and in relationship to your fellows. Everything living is in relationship.

So I leave you to ponder these thoughts this afternoon. I thank you for allowing this forum to exist that I may express such thoughts, that the awareness and knowledge of the Father is expanded through this acknowledging of its existence, this sharing of its experience of the knowingness of the Father, His greater good and His greater truth. May we all become whole as one in His Eternal Light. Thank you, I now allow this forum to become open for others, good evening.

LIght: [Mark] Hello my friends, I am Light and I am well aware that you have very much on your plates for consideration this evening. Not wishing to overburden you, I have one final thought pattern to offer. In all this discussion of truth and light I offer yet one more expression for understanding and that is: If all this truth is relative, and it is, and your human minds desire so much for there to be one source of truth, one definitive level of truth, then I offer you to consider this configuration.

Since all truth is relative to something, what if you consider all truth being relative to one, and that is love. The condition which permeates all of reality, all of truth, is the underlying foundation of love and all truth that you may consider is in relationship to this love, in reference to this love and this light which has been offered for your consideration, what is the source of this if it is not love? So yes, there is a universal truth, a universal principle. It is the essence of love from which all other expressions will be relative, will be in relationship to.

So while you consider this bearing of light into all equations, this illumination of light, the true source of that light is love. What you are searching for in your reference for what is true and what is real is what has the greatest relationship to this primal force of love? It is a moving target and it is all relative based upon your vantage point, your experience, your awareness, so many factors. But what you are attempting to find is universally known if you go up the chain as light and then even as the source that generates the light, the love.

I invite you to consider that when reflecting on all these truths that you hold dear, as they are all relative to this one primal force, you consider them to be more and more true the closer they are to this force. The further away they become from love is when you consider them to be untrue, no longer reflecting of the truth. Likewise, you as individuals become more and more real, more and more based in truth, more actual as you approach the love, the divine force. Those things that choose not this direction and they go further and further away from this primal force, simply wither and die of their own accord for they have not attached themselves to this primal force, they do not see their relationship to this foundational force.

I perceive that is well enough for you to consider this evening in this ever expanding search of yours for truth, goodness, and beauty which are also reflective of this divine force. May you have happy hunting and successful finding in your process. May you be about this with the joy that your Divine Parents have intended that you have throughout. I will conclude my remarks with those. It has been a pleasure to address you this evening and I now take my leave, thank you.


Transcript 14
Subject: Lightline Teleconference  2012-10-11
Teacher: Charles, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, please come and join our raft. Sit with us and be with us here and now as we all come together with a single intention to take this voyage. Come and pick up a paddle with us as we all devote our intentions to casting off from the confines of our strict materialism and be willing to be guided down the river with your loving intentions. That is what I ask at this time. You take the position of guide in our raft, you decide what line we take down this river and we're all willing to invest, paddle, be part of the mission together. That's why we came here today, to assemble to do this. Let it be done so with your will and your intention as our guide. Let us rejoice in the journey together even now. I pray it be so and that my part be pleasing in your sight and be reflective of your will throughout. I pray that this is so, thank you.

Charles: Hello and thank you all for arriving for this journey today, I am Charles. I will be the guide of the moment if you will, I'll take a turn at the oar. This analogy of joining forces together to make our way into the spiritual realm is a delightful one. It signifies not only the willingness to work together but the desire to seek the journey, to capture the rewards of your efforts in the fun that is had in the process, the enjoyment derived from the extension of yourselves. The trip does not happen by itself, the raft will not be propelled of its own accord. It requires participation and that is what is so invigorating about getting together like this to put hands on in the spiritual realm, to actually do the work of propelling ourselves towards spirit. This way, when we pull on the oars together we find the journey is made so much easier and is so much sweeter as there are others to share it with and I get to come onboard with you as do your Divine Parents and all others who feel their welcome and together we get to take this ride.

The spiritual journey itself may be likened to one of these adventures, one of these trips. If you consider that there are many different aspects to any such journey, there may be long stretches of calm water where there is not much excitement and there is time to pause and reflect. Then there are times where you are called to jump into service and navigate some rapids in your circumstance, some events that come before you. You have to sit up and take note and participate so that you aren't buffeted about by events but rather navigate and pick and choose your way through them.

Some elements that present themselves before you, you may choose to want to avoid altogether. Others may hold some attraction for you, some element of thrill or fun or engagement and those you would steer towards and come close to them while the others that you were afraid of, you steer to avoid. Then there are again, the sections of flat reflection that simply require of you some effort to make your way through. Over and over these circumstances change and this is what makes the journey so much fun and such a good time. When you decide that you are willing to embrace the journey with all its aspects then each aspect has the potential to become grand and the entire experience can ultimately be so very rewarding.

Many of you have been on this spiritual journey for some time, have taken many runs down many avenues, have seen many things in your travels and you will witness that as a result of your efforts, you have gained a great sense of satisfaction, that there has indeed been a journey and it has indeed been worthwhile, that you have moved from a previous location of awareness, you have traveled from your original self to a new and expanded self by virtue of your efforts and life and the opportunities that your Divine Parents provide.

The more you travel about in these ways, the more experience you bring to yourselves, the more you can see that you have indeed changed and grown and become a different person as a result of your efforts at exploration and your desire to be about this process and go out and put yourself adrift again. You all may well know the statement that things are easy to be redirected when they are in motion. That is what you do when you come out for these journeys, these explorations. You put yourself in motion. When you are in motion and when you are aligned with spirit and your desire to be made aware, then the forcers at play can bump you this direction or encourage you in that direction and it is easy for you to make great movement once you have set yourself in motion.

That is what is so sacred about your coming to spirit. It signals the universe that you are ready, that you are willing, that you show up for the 'put in,' you are willing to be a participant in the endeavor, in fact, in the end you will be solo in your own boat. You will be the one who decides which line is taken and who puts in the effort to make it so. These trips we take at a time like this when we are a team and we are together are wonderful and joyous and an altogether different experience than the one of being so confident and so purposeful as to be your own pilot when you decide to venture on your own journey and take your own sojourn into spirit.

When you come into stillness, you are showing up at the 'put in.' You are agreeing, that even in the absence of a team, even all by yourself, nevertheless you are still committed and you will still move your being forward as a result of your own efforts and you put yourself in motion, then when you are adrift and afloat and in motion, the tides of the universe may conspire to direct you, to move you as they see you would like to be moved. This and your positioning yourself with divine spirit and grace as your compass are all that are needed. That's all that is required of one who shows up ready for the journey, is to be eager, willing, and have good guidance and be prepared to persevere.

I very much appreciate being handed such a welcome topic to be used as a metaphor on so many different levels. This is true co-creatorship in action. This thought pattern was simply triggered by my associate and responded to. The thought was made word, the word then was out there, the thought was expressed, able to be used, able to be ridden as an energy wave and so I jumped aboard and took my opportunity to invest my energy as well, to grab ahold and redirect as I was led to do. There we have the creative process in action. The thought may have been inspired by the divine, then came through the mortal, then was re-inspired by spirit and this same thread has now permeated all these levels of reality.

I would take the opportunity to respond to another thought pattern offered here prior to the recorded part of this meeting and  that is the reference to truth and fact. This is another one of your human paradigms which is so magnificent to behold. As you know, in the spiritual dimension, the closer you get to divinity the more truth is contained. The further away from divinity you get, the more relative this truth becomes until there is a point it can be so far away from divinity that there is no longer any truth contained and it simply ceases to exist as real. It becomes unreal when it is removed completely from truth or beauty or goodness.

You find yourselves in one of these levels, these rings of reality where truth is such a relative thing that it is hard to strictly even define, that there is so much human thought and perception involved. The apparent truth contained within all these thoughts and words is so watered down that it is hard to even define. One may grasp at what are deemed to be facts, these are observable phenomenon as yet not disproven. These facts arrived at through the study of observable phenomenon and its repeated nature, may be used to bolster a view or an argument or a theory and such can stand until it can no longer stand. It stands as your most recent version of truth until any other truth threatens it. At that point, the theory becomes altered, changed and redefined.

And so, while I understand the natural human longing to have a grasp on facts and even more significantly, a glimpse of the truths that these facts represent, I know that it is a very difficult task to accomplish when surrounded by such relativity as exists in your dimension. This is observable phenomenon. You can look out and see that no two human beings have the exact same interpretation of truth. Some think it more relevant, some think it less, some think it impertinent. It is subjective as determined by the individual and there is no one individual which is found to be the central figure of all truth.

So therefore, at best there are shades of truth, there are pieces of truth, partial truths. This is what relative is, this is what it means to have relative truth. It is certainly not complete truth, it is certainly not eternal truth. It is fragmented, individual perception of truth and so therefore one can consider this reality and set their sails accordingly, that is, allow that all these various different truths will be all around them and surround them. It is up to you as an individual to assemble your version and allow others to do the same.

Think about this though, if there is no one and only absolute truth because you are not close enough to it to discern it, then it makes it wide open for individuals to create their own, to establish their own reality. This is what we have been encouraging you to do in the spiritual dimension, to realize that there is no one fixed truth about this. You are capable of assembling your own, based upon your own expression, your own interpretation. When you do this, you literally create this mini-verse of reality where your truth reigns supreme. Your reality has been designed and built by you. You have assembled it.

So what will you assemble? Will you choose to put the things which support you and support your spiritual expressions and promote that which is great and good in your estimation? Or, will you fill your mini-verse with expressions which are unfit to be in your presence, expressions of doubt, expressions of hatred, expressions of discontent of any kind. These are choices you make, to allow them in in order to deny them access. That is the thing about this relative dimension you live in. It is so relative, it is up to you to create it. This thought is revolutionary for some but it is standard operating procedure on this planet. So that is what brings such great joy about meetings such as this. You come together to expand your versions of self, to find more to embrace in the spiritual realm, to bring it into your individual sphere of experience, and this would not happen had you not come to the 'put in' and put yourself adrift.

So I thank you each one for joining in this journey down this little stretch today. It has been a pleasure joining you for this occasion. I hope my words might lodge to bring you inspiration in your journey. Indeed, if we were there to place my hand on your shoulder and say, well done, not only did you arrive, it was a good journey, we have enjoyed all the aspects of it. We have come away changed, we are different people, different entities than we were before. We have expanded by virtue of our efforts here today and it has been my extreme pleasure to have this workout with you. I sense I have taken some time and typically I understand there is a format to allow for others so I will honor this tradition and break away now in gratitude for the experience. Thank you all.     

Light: Hello friends, I am Light here. I am not sure how to follow my associate Charles who seemed to be quite at home in his message to you today. I as well appreciate the imagery of the journey together because I see myself as signing on to the vessel. I have rather attached myself to my associate t/r and so I feel as though whenever he sets himself adrift, I have permission to come aboard. So it is my pleasure to join you as well.

I would support the thread offered by Charles of defining for yourself what will surround you in your life, what influences will come to play in your being because in the end, these choices are so very formidable. If you are surrounded by unkind influences, then you will become oppressed and depressed and eventually you stray away from spirit and recoil into the more material and mundane aspects of life and thereby you get more depressed. You have all been witness in your own lives to times like this where you felt oppressed by the energy that surrounded you. You could literally feel the strain of the energy around you.

And then you are all called to witness there are times where everything seems to be going right and you are surrounded by all the right attributes and all the lights work for you and life seems to be grand. You get into a groove thinking well, this is all well and good and you expect that you will see more of the same and typically, you see more of the same until something comes along in your environment to bump you out of the groove, to have some redirecting affect on your experience. These bumps in the road cause you to veer off, perhaps even to go in a ditch and your experience is suddenly changed and altered and it is required of you great strength to maintain your composure and not come unhinged.

All this transpires back and forth in your life experience. Meanwhile, you are the fragment in the center of it all, you are the one with the oar at the back of the vessel and sometimes you may collide with the rocks and have to redirect and other times you may pick a nice direction and have a grand ride for your efforts. But nevertheless, it is you who is accumulating all this experience, growing all this wisdom in the process. The true experienced guide knows that there will be many attributes to the overall journey, many parts of the experience that will feel very differently but they all constitute one grand journey, one long continuum which builds this great base of experience providing you the opportunity to assemble this experience into some wisdom, some knowledge base on which to draw.

If you are fortunate enough to have experience, the little ripples that come up in the journey do not ruffle you. You have a long term view and you see little side-shoots as insignificant in the overall. You are confident in the success of the journey from the beginning and because you are so, typically it is so. The journey is a success if you begin with that intention. This does not mean there will not be challenges that arise which require your attention and your effort to navigate, but the more experience you get at these journeys, the more you are comfortable in the role of navigator, in the role of one who puts the guiding oar into the water with confidence and that makes all the difference.

It is my great pleasure to report that I see many guides here in this circle. Much experience has been gathered and much wisdom has been assembled. No matter what journey lies ahead, what aspect of it appears, there is an overall sense of well being, of mastery in taking the journey. Thank you all for letting me dip an oar with you today, it has been my great pleasure. I look forward to such opportunities and I thank you for this one, good day to you all.