Michael; Inner Voice; Light - I Too Experienced Tremendous Sorrow on Urantia - Jul 02, 2012 - Two Transcripts Lightline

Two Transcriptions
1 - Lightline Teleconference  2012-06-28 - Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice
2 - Lightline Teleconference  2012-07-12 - Teacher: Inner Voice, Light


Transcript 1
Lightline Teleconference  2012-06-28
Teacher: Michael, Inner Voice
T/R: Henry Zeringue

Prayer: Father/Mother God, thank you for this life and this opportunity you have given us to know you more personally, to have an experience of you in our actual lives. We thank you for this circle of friendship, this energetic connection which we now hook up to the presence of your spirit. We thank you.

Michael: Greetings my friends, it is I, Michael here as your friend, brother, as your Creator and as one who intimately shares your nature, having myself lived a life as you do so now on this planet. I know there is tremendous sorrow on your world. There is tremendous grief and regret. In times like this a large amount of the population of the world are turning inward and their prayers are prayers of hope, prayers of sorrow, frustration. I cannot help but think that part of my spiritual agency had something to do with meddling in the affairs of this planet and creating part of the havoc that exists today.

Even though I came here personally to show you that even on a world like this it was possible to walk upright. I myself experienced a tremendous amount of sorrow, especially in the final days of my life on this planet. Part of my sorrow was that no matter what I did, I was not able to move the lethargic consciousness which was in place on your planet. Like all Creator Sons, I sent my spirit to always be here with you, to guide you, to act as a comforter, a Spirit of Truth, a spirit which when men are in doubt, would show the way to a better way of living.

Recently in this age a tremendous amount of effort was put into your country to make this country great for the purpose of bringing peace and prosperity into the world, then again, so much for good intentions. We still shower you with love, we still present opportunity and we still are making an effort at seeing more growth in the nature of your souls, more truth in your lives and ultimately, with the Father in the middle of all things. We do intend to help you bring peace to this world. It is easy to see from a vantage point how an incorrect upbringing can really play havoc in a later age, in a later time, especially a time when you are more focused on the consequences of your actions.

I feel for all of the people on this planet. I love all of you the same and there is nothing greater in my heart than the feeling that if you would but begin to try to love one another and understand that which you do not understand, to be able to accept humanness, that you would fare better as a planet full of people, that everyone would have the opportunity to benefit for living their live on this planet. Yet, we did initiate this life, we have helped guide this life and we sincerely intend to continue in this venture no matter what you do.

The Father has a gigantic storehouse of mercy and compassion and love. The idea is to receive this mercy and compassion yourself and in turn, take another and show them compassion and mercy, a little love. True, it takes a lot of people and a lot of consciousness to reach a threshold and you keep upping the ante, you keep adding more and more and more people to the planet and the threshold grows larger and larger and still we intend that all of you will help to pull in a greater consciousness, to bring in more joy, more laughter, more prosperity.

My friends, do not choose to live in fear. Though fear is prevalent, though many in this world live in a police state, this is not the ideal intention for this planet. This planet was intended as a garden, a beautiful garden in which beautiful people would multiply and enjoy this wonderful life on this wonderful planet that has been given to them, that you would take the time to go within and find the gift which is hidden inside and that you would begin to move towards a feeling to grow and educate the population with the message of my gospel, the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man.

It is still a viable option for this planet. Actually, it is one of the few options still left available which is open to bring Light and Life, to bring a greater consciousness and a greater awareness of the living Fatherhood of God and the living brotherhood of men. There have been many people who have sojourned here and have gone forward and we hear many regrets, not being able to have done more when the opportunity was right. My friends, don't let the opportunity pass you by. Stand up to righteousness, stand up for peace and bring all of this into a loving space and help that greater awareness and consciousness grow, not by preaching to people and inundating them with quotes and slogans, just show them by living your life, living your life as if you cared and loved people, to be able to stand in a healthy neutral and balanced stance in a spiritual grounded-ness, in an understanding and knowing-ness of the reality of the Universal Father and of the aspect of His Spirit which lives within you as your real self.

I have put in place a tremendous amount of spirit manpower to attend to the human needs on this planet. Though the growth is slow and shaky, we know in your hearts it is certain as it is certain in our hearts and in our minds, in every function that we partake in it is certain, that the light and truth of my spirit will truly rule this planet and bring it into a more enlightened dimension.

So I am completely empathic with your sense of sorrow, your feelings of frustration. Know that I am with you at all times if it is in spirit and know that all of your effort is not lost. Know that you must acquire patience and a greater understanding in this patience, that everything that I am telling you will come to pass. It seems that the greater portion of our work is just beginning. It seems that we are entering into a state of awareness, we are turning a curve, a conscious curve, that all over the world people are having a sense of a shared equality, of a shared nature. There is a growing sense that everything on the planet is meant for all of the people on the planet, that all were meant to share in a life of love, a life of giving, understanding.

You cannot teach a child one thing and then expect it to do something else. It can only do what you teach it to do and the intentions of living my life on this planet was to show you of the possibility even here of something greater. It is not a notion and it is not an ideal but it is certain and it is hard work, yet we are all patient, gently urging and nudging you towards that which you must encounter to grow. When you keep making the wrong choices, it gets more and more difficult, and this is for certain. You cannot live an artificial life with artificial truths, you can only live a real life with real truth and understanding.

The realities of your world are pressing in on all sides. You are the hands and the mouth of spirit. You are here in our place doing our work, your work, helping in your own understanding and in your own methods. So we do not judge you, we just try to initiate you to act and in this act, we are certain that you will choose the greater path, not necessarily the quickest shortcut but the greater path to truth and reality. So there are tremendous examples on your world of goodness, of compassion and the sense of peace. Continue to connect with each other on these levels. Continue to serve the greater good and know that we are with you. We are just a thought away.

Go in peace my friends, make the most of the opportunities at hand, thank you.               

Inner Voice: This is the Inner Voice, the still small voice of that which is within all of you, here to augment the notion that what you feel inside and how you think is tremendously real. It controls everything in your life. It controls your circumstances, opportunities, grace. It is not just the choices you make but true when your thinking is focused on a greater understanding of who you are and what needs to be done. It is difficult to make the wrong choice. All choices lead to a truth, even if that truth is that you have not made a correct choice that you could have chosen either in a different category or made a better choice. But nonetheless, all choices are important to growth. Mistakes are just as important as success, for after each, either a mistake or a success, you must continue on with your life and you must continue to grow. Success helps you to understand that you are moving in a correct direction. Mistakes show you that you need to change direction.

There is much concern at this time about the capacity of the mind to heal, to heal the body in which you live, to heal the situation in which you find yourself, and to help send healing energy to others. Yes, all of this is rooted and augmented in the mind. Health is first and foremost a concept, an idea, and it is in the mind. It translates into the body and into life by how you think, the decisions you make and how you live. Every once in a while you run into some genetic deficiency in your own understanding. This is just the way that life was organized for you. It was not meant to be perfect, it was just meant to function correctly. There is a difference.

It was designed that life would continuously provide hurdles, to provide things that you do not fully understand and to create situations that you would find yourselves in a tremendously creative aspect to be able to solve the situation you are in, whether you are a person, a family, a small town, a city or a nation. The outworking of the whole is no greater than the output of the individual. The inner joy, the inner peace, the happiness which you may perchance experience in your life is a result, not a formula. It is a result of how you think, how you live, the decisions you make and what you do or do not do, how much control you actually do have over yourself.

Know that it is possible to have complete control over yourself. When you can understand having complete control over yourself, you can understand what being real is because complete control insures that you have a greater understanding and that you are exercising the human ability to listen within and to find ways and the means to control that which you must bring in order to have a more peaceful, more prosperous and a happier life.

I know it is not a popular notion that you can actually have a relationship with the Spirit Within, that you can actually have a meaningful and personal experience with an aspect of God. There is no formula for this. There is just the chance that the spirit living inside of you and the mind inside of your head will make contact, develop an awareness and understanding, and the spirit within will begin to show in your mind what it is you must do to correct the situation in your life to make them greater. Know that as spirit, we must support everything you do, even if we do not necessarily agree because you are sovereign in your own mind. We would never inadvertently interfere. Yes, we would try to correct you, we would do everything in our power to help you understand and see what it is you are doing but we respect the sovereignty of your will. Therein is the catch of the universe, the sovereignty of the human will, almost like the wild card or a joker, if you may, having the ability to trump a situation.

Continue to bring love and peace in your life. Begin to exhibit more fruits of the spirit. Take care of those of my children who are in need. What greater gift than allowing another the true gift of life, allowing another an opportunity which maybe you did not have. Dare to have an intimate relationship with your Inner Spirit, not necessarily in a bold way but in a purely personal way. Believe in the possibility for greatness, for peace. Believe that all good things are for all people, and know that one day, all souls will reunite as one in my abode within the eternal future. Know that the whole of the universe was created just for you to experience, a time to give expression to life in the flesh.

I thank you. I love you. Go in peace.


Transcript 2
Lightline Teleconference  2012-07-12
Teacher: Inner Voice, Light
T/R: Mark Rogers, Henry Zeringue

Inner Voice: [Mark] Yes, I am here, this is the Inner Voice and I, as you say, have rushed in to grasp the opportunity provided by the seeking, by the curious, by those who are attempting to build their understanding and to grow their awareness. Such fertile ground they provide that it makes one in service so eager to join and participate. It is true, we are, I Am, with you always and I am always eager to join in when there is the slightest indication I am welcome to do so. But at no time will my interest in your ascension, which is in fact our ascension, at no time will my interest in our joint project come to overbear and press on your freewill choice and you can bear witness to this truth.

What changes in the dynamic between us is your awareness of my desire, your association with me to the extent that you realize that I have a desire, that part of us has a desire and you sense what it is. You feel it, you know it. This is an exchange between us, among us and you having always had complete reign over your freewill choice, now are grappling with additional influences in your decision making process and this is a clear indication to you of your own individual spiritual growth. You are arriving at a point of awareness where you discern my presence, even are aware of my desires for you, for us as we grow together.

I will not, however, apply any pressure or make any demands on you whatsoever. I am in this game with you for the long term, for the eternal term, and I have all the patience that it takes to await your shift in awareness and welcome you as you discern my presence more and more. That having been said, I would like to assure everyone, each one who hears these words, that my contact to you as your Inner Voice, has been and continues to be an ongoing process. It has degrees of success but it has a thread of continuum, that is, you have known my presence since your very beginnings and we have been so involved thus far that you may fail to distinguish my otherness in our journey together. This is the challenge to those who receive one such as myself, is to come into awareness that this is what is happening and then move in that awareness to greater and greater levels of interaction and co-mingling until finally and at last, we are one, not as one, we are one. This is the destiny I have chosen with you, in full knowledge of who you are, even before you did. I am committed to this relationship and I sense your growing commitment day by day.

Now, as for this question tendered as to how does one grow to act more, grow to follow the leading and I will have a few words to say on that. It was offered, in the preamble, the observation of how glorious and magnificent the gift, a Fragment of the First Source and Center has been given to mortals of the realm such as yourselves and that there are other beings who are envious of this opportunity that is presented, and this is true. And so at first, as a mortal of the realm, the first emotion or awareness you may feel is this state of awesomeness, this condition of the opening of awareness wherein you can see the magnitude or at least some very small portion thereof, of the gift that you have been given and the significance of this gift.

As a developing mortal coming into contact with this information and embracing this reality as truth in your lives, it is normal and natural to assume you would be humbled by the magnitude of this state and be in awe of the circumstance. But what if, and I ask you now, what if you could grow beyond that state of being in awe into the direction which you also know to be the truth in that this is normal? This is part of the plan, this is the way you have been designed, this is the way the Father wants you, this pleases your Divine Parents. This is the way it should be, it's the way it will be, it's the way it could be if you so choose it.

So what if you were to move beyond the state of uncertainty and awe at the prospect and move more comfortably into the realm of this is as it should be. You are a child of divinity, you have been endowed with divinity. Would you not grow into that state? Could you not accept that level of being? Could you not operate from that goodness? Could you not adopt that as your paradigm? This shift, if you were to make it, will change everything for you. Things will start to happen because you no longer question whether they should or whether they could, you simply move in assumption when you are moving in the stream of divine consciousness. It is indeed moving gently down the stream.

I invite you all to consider this deeply in your being, whether you are comfortable with assuming the cloak of that which you have earned, of that which you have become, and of that which you are destined to be. Will you not assume this role and honor it by representing it with your best and highest idea of this ideal state? I am positive, from my perspective, you are all capable of this and that perhaps the only thing that stands in your way is your point of reference, your current paradigm. Operating from the way things have been, it is often difficult to see beyond into the territory of how things could be or how things should be. You will have to spend some effort in moving beyond all that is current and familiar to you and even real to you, to open yourselves up to what is out there that is not contained in your mini-verse of experience, your circumstance of observation.

In order to change the world it will be necessary to change yourselves and that is where the real shift happens. If you can each shift your own paradigm to include the things you would have in it, love, light, peace, joy, and forsake the old paradigm which conditions you to doubt, to fear and mistrust. That paradigm does not serve you well as ascending spiritual beings and I pray you grow in awareness of that truth and are able to have strength to create a new one. I assure you it is quite easy, it happens all the time. There was a time before things and there is a time after things. The difference is, somebody adopted something new and then that is part of the new paradigm. Before that it may not have been considered or possible in the old paradigm and yet, a new idea.

I give you examples in your own lifetimes: a new idea of equal rights, of seat belt laws, of internet connections. There was a time when none of these were part of anyones paradigm, they simply did not exist. Then, they were an idea and then they were brought into the world and accepted as truth and then this truth contaminated the old paradigm, changing it forever. Continually the paradigm is introduced to new and different truths and realities and is forced to shift and change to accommodate them. This is what you do in your lives as light workers, as spiritual seekers. You go around living a new reality, a reality that you would invite in and support, a reality that you would choose over the other realities, a better version of truth for you. As you adopt this and make it part of your lives, all those around you are influenced and their paradigms are shifted to accommodate the fact that you have created a unique one. It is part of the whole, therefore it colors the whole, it changes everything.

I stand in gratitude today as you do, at the gift we have both been given. I register the magnificence of this gift and I perceive that you do as well. To the limits of our capacity, we appreciate what we are given and we commit to make the most of this opportunity, to be the best version of ourselves we can be. This is the gift we give back to the giver, this is the opportunity that is before us. I stand also in awe and recognition at this very moment, at this very process that we share. I don't know that either one of us can truly appreciate the uniqueness and rareness of such an opportunity but we can as well, vow, to make the most of it, to breathe it in deeply and take it in as part of our experience that then we are able to share with our Divine Parents.            

I think I will conclude my remarks there. I understand this forum is not typically dominated by one presenter. It has been my great pleasure to literally be invited into-the-room, thank you.

Inner Voice: Greetings to you this evening, it is I, an Inner Voice, also willing to speak this evening to what has been brought to the table. What has been brought to the table is this notion that if one begins to perceive what the Adjuster is trying to guide and lead one towards and one becomes resistant, is there a technique, a process, a method, a path which one can take to achieve greater success in achieving that which the Adjuster has in store for us? This is of course, a marvelous topic because as an Indwelling Adjuster, we are continually guiding you the individual to a greater awareness and understanding of who you are, who you are becoming and what you need to do in order to help achieve that particular state for yourself.

The important thing here is being aware what the Adjuster intends for you. There are myriads of variables and circumstances which surround the inability to promptly act on an inner prompt and inner understanding. If I could put it into an example it would be, let's say, in the time before automobiles when people had to walk to get to places, and you  were going to a particular place, there would be a point at which in the distance you could actually see the place that you were going. As you continue to walk towards this place a certain amount of time will transpire until you actually get there. But all the while that you are walking towards the destination, you are aware of where you are going and what you are going to be doing when you get there.

It is a little like the Adjuster's influence inside your mind. The initial shock that the Adjuster would actually mention that you should actually change something in your life to become better, which sets up a whole armoring system of resistance justified by whatever reasoning needs to be justified in your mind why you cannot at this point even consider doing such a thing. And all the while you are bugged by this, you can't let it go, you can't just put it out of your mind and maybe if you can put it out of your mind you only put it out for a little while because once you become conscious of something it is very difficult to deny its existence.

It is like if you should happen to discover a gold coin in a hidden place in your house, you may go about your business but in the back of your mind you know that that gold is where you saw it and you know where that is. It is not something you can actually put out of your mind. It is the same notion with these little concepts, these notions that the Adjuster is prompting you to act upon something and in time you come to a situation where you realize the Adjuster was correct. Now circumstances have surrounded you which forced you into a decision about not necessarily whether you are going to act upon this but when are you going to act upon this?

This is the point that the Adjuster wants to bring you to the point where you can, with your will, choose to act upon something which may drastically change the outcome of your station in life, of your awareness of who you are, of your ability to be of greater service, a greater friend, a more loving parent or a trustful servant. It is not that as humans you are inept at perceiving an Inner Voice or perceiving what it is intending for you, it is just this time process because all genuine Adjuster promptings at some point do get answered within by the particular subject whom the Adjuster is intending.

Now, as a human, you may very much want to shortcut. Well in a spiritual sense, there are no shortcuts, that is only in an artificial understanding of life, to think that you can circumvent a situation to avoid certain consequences by taking a shortcut. Those of you and probably most of you who have taken shortcuts realize that they realize that they actually were not short at all and in some cases they wind up costing you unexpected circumstances. There is really no shortcut between the understanding of the Inner Voice and the outer workings of the human individual or the decision to tackle this situation or this phenomenon which needs to be addressed within ones self, whether it is in your thinking, whether it is in your behavior, whether it is in a practice, whether it is the inability to trust or whether you genuinely love yourself because ultimately, you must have the ability to love yourself to be able to love others.

Love is just as much an intention as it is an action for many times you intend to love someone and you fall short of actually showing or telling them in way in which they understand that you acknowledge or you love them, but the intention is there. The thing about intention is like knowing something is there. Once you know something is there you will always know it is there until you move it. The same with intention, that intention will eventually shift in a peculiar way that which you yourself were not quite able to shift but the circumstances surrounding your life has now shifted and caused you to have a different perspective on things. You may be in a situation where you may need someone which at some time in the past you failed to show them love or appreciation, acknowledgement or acceptance because life has a way of switching things around pretty much without your control over it. It sort of does what it does and you are like a log in the ocean. However the tides move and the waves bounce, there you go.

So yes, it would be wonderful to be able to act fearlessly immediately upon the perception of the light which you do perceive and many times you need this light to grow brighter, to be able to feel its presence a little more before you begin to trust enough to actually act upon that light. Probably one of the greatest human conditions which hamper the sensitive workings of a spiritual nature is animal fear and it is unfortunate you live in such a sophisticated and intelligent environment, this wonderful county you live in, but in such fear that it is like a leadened cloak. It just covers you so that nothing can penetrate or nothing can get out. It is like you are encapsulated in a holding pattern by fear.

It is true, it is nothing more than an intellectual fraud played upon your mind, it tricks you. I am not talking about caution, I am talking about unreasoned fear, just the paranoia, the uncertainty about everything which becomes emotionally overwhelming to the point where you are pushed into a position of non-activity, inability to make correct and vital decisions, unable to live life as you truly feel you should live it. True spiritual nature is an empowering phenomenon, it is a strengthening phenomenon, it builds power of decision and power of light within you greater than that which is normally reenforced. It is an inner conviction, it is the ability to walk the second mile, to do what you have to do no matter if it is popular or if you are going to gain something by it, it is just something that needs to be done and since no one else is doing it and you can understand it and sense it, it falls to you in that moment to act upon it.

This is dynamic spiritual living. When the majority of you begin to act upon such living, then society can experience a dynamic social change. But until that time, as individuals you are left with your inner guidance and your own mind and decision making to begin to empower yourself, to begin to adopt practices which help you hold the light a little more and that the understanding which is beginning to grow in you actually becomes like a trigger which activates your will and  your decision making ability. This is really where the Adjuster is trying to lead you. The Adjuster is trying to get you to make that decision. He is trying to make you stand out within yourself, not be this hidden fear based person but this vital champion, this hero of righteousness, this being of love, this being of compassion and ability who can actually begin to love everyone and as you continue to go on you help those immediately around you.

What good does it do one man to get to a place where no one else is? It is lonely, you need each other, you need the laughter, the camaraderie, the friendship like this circle of love and friendship we experience this evening. It is tremendously empowering and the more people that come to it, the more power it has, the more real you begin to palpate it, you begin to sense it, you feel it, it is moving within you, it is activating your thoughts.

I also have gone on this evening much about this topic. I thank you for this opportunity to share these thoughts and I now open the floor for those who are in waiting. Thank you and good evening.

Light: [Mark] Thank you for the opportunity, I am Light here to leave you with a parting thought as it were. In this talk about the shifting of paradigms and the changing that goes on continually, I offer you one possible suggestion to make a focus of sorts and that is for you all to consider how securely your paradigm has within it the daily rise and set of the sun, the coming of the light and then the fading of the light and then the darkness, and the return of the light. In all the fabric of your existence you know this to be true and real and you are so secure and grounded in this that there is never a consideration or a thought given, never a blemish on the record of your faith that this is true. It always has been and it always will be.

That is one of the primary elements of your individual paradigms and what if you were to be as secure and certain that just as the sun rises and sets with regularity, it does so as does love? Love is behind the entire program and is responsible for the very rising and setting of the sun. It is responsible for your very existence, it allows you to be here to observe the rising and setting of the sun. It is more constant than your sun in that it never sets, never disappears. Your lives may be seen as having periods of darkness but love is always shining down upon you, raining down upon you, surrounding you in its very existence, always, not just the part of the day that is light, but always. What if this was the basis of your new paradigm, the certainty of this truth, the foundation of love, and then you can build from there.

I offer you this consideration merely to tease you along the way of your spiritual seeking and to throw a crumb to the eager participants. It has been a great pleasure to have been given this opportunity and I look forward to another one. Thank you, have a good week.