Prolotheos; ABC22 Bzutu - Courage - Communication - Jun 30 and Jul 17, 2012 - Progress Group, AU

Chicago, US of A, June 30, 2012.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “A Lesson On Courage.

Received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “Having earlier approached the theme of Fear, let us now entertain our thoughts on a related subject: Courage. It is important to keep in mind that courage is not an absence of fear. Courage might well need to overcome fear in order to manifest, because having courage is to act bravely despite having fear. Another important distinction to be made is that courage is not ‘bravado’, because bravado is ego-motivated, and only seeks to promote the self. Courage, although a decision of the self, may rightly benefit the self, but its expression is out of a noble need, not a selfish one.

“Courage can be exercised in all aspects of life. One must be courageous to live a meaningful life. Many times life requires courage, for example, especially in doing what benefits others, not when you become the main beneficiary of your actions. One example of this kind of courage is when you decide to practice goodness towards people that according to general opinion are clearly undeserving. Your Master when on Urantia, preached: ‘Love your enemy, and pray for those who persecute you’. To act selflessly in such circumstances demands courage.

“Another instance in which courage is greatly necessary is when you are faced with the need to do ‘the right thing’, even if it means that some kind of personal loss will ensue. Acting courageously always means that you will be exposed to some degree of risk, otherwise your action wouldn’t require courage. Some, even knowing what is the right thing to do, cowardly refuse to take action because there is a risk of personal loss or injury in taking such action. One must have right principles to act right; courage to honor one’s beliefs, even with the risk of losing the support of friends and loved ones. This requires you to have a strong character!

“However, when you have to deal with truth – facing it or upholding it – it is when courage is most necessary. It takes courage to seek the real truth about important things in life. It takes courage to recognize that you were mistaken, it takes courage to acknowledge that you have sinned against others, and it takes courage to stand by the truth, no matter how hurtful it can be. Courage in these circumstances demands for a price to be paid if one wants to have peace of mind, a peaceful conscience. Acting courageously can in fact get you hurt, but it’s better to ‘lose an eye’ and have peace of mind, than having both eyes, to live in guilt and torment.

“Where does courage comes from? Humanly speaking courage comes from love; love for others, love for justice, and love for the truth. But the strength to put this love in motion through courage must come from spiritual realities: your soul and the Spirit Within, the ones that always encourage and support you to stand for spiritual values in your life.

“I am Prolotheos, your tutor from on High, and glad to be able to convey this lesson to you. My love is with you.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time—TA.

Transcript 2
Illawarra District, Australia, July 14, 2012.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu.
Subject: “Communication.”

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “I find it rather amusing you should ask me what it is I want from you, when, after all, in your silent meditation it was you who ‘linked up’ with me, called on me, made me aware. From discussions face to face, you progressed to sending messengers, posting letters and making telephone calls. You and I contend ourselves with mind-to-mind communication, and haphazard as it sometimes is – not on my part, however – we have been pleased with the results for many years.

“Even primitive humans had their essential alliances. There were small clans, then tribes. In today’s society the groupings are huge, from total inter-dependance in a family situation, to casual involvement with others as one barters, or buys and sells, and any kind of association in between. Modern mankind has an ever-increasing need for a greater circle of associates as life on the planet becomes more complex year after year.

“As the intricacies of Urantia life increase, evolve, there is a constant need for better and faster communications between those of disparate lands, languages, religions, colors and customs, not to forget about the all-importance of thoughtful communication between the sexes. This is the age of communication as well as the Time of Correction, making it ever more important both aspect of interaction are taken care of – the talking by one as well as the listening by another.

“At best, and at our own initiative, we bring you messages that are general, already well rehearsed and understood. Call it ‘Mind to mind 1-0-1’, and delivered one to one to those with whom we have a well-developed relationship. Routinely, however, we are intermediaries together with our Primary Midwayer kin, and those of the Angelic Services appointed to assist all Teachers and incidental Lecturers unable to communicate with you directly from on High.

“Whereas glitzes in communications among high orders are an absolute rarity, we are aghast by what we at times witness at a human level. And I am not here speaking about misunderstandings between humans and ourselves. My comments are directed at you alone. For all the methods of communications at your disposal, there is much more said than is heard. For all the ways you have to get your message across, the integrity of what is conveyed must improve.

“All this so very human misinformation and truth avoidance will improve, gradually and unavoidably, not in months or years, but in time by His knowing, and as one person at a time through Midwayer prompting and human endeavor learns to commune with his or her Creator, and as the ‘parts’ recover, so shall the whole be healed. This is ABC-22, Midwayer Chief Bzutu to some, a planetary helper to many. I say Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
Try coming out of the shadows, a little at the time — TA.