Abraham - Feminine Nature Is a Direct Link to Intuition - Nov 27, 2006 - Woods Cross

NOVEMBER 27, 2006

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I can’t begin to express my gratitude for having known you over these many years. I know it is difficult for you to grasp the fact that there has been indeed a great deal of growth, personally and as a core group. You have made my time here so enjoyable and educational. Many times I look out over the Correcting Time and I am overwhelmed by the amount of work there is to complete. Other times I am sitting amongst you in the warmth of your friendship. I am able to see the mechanics and the inter-workings of the Correcting Time.

Every day people are bringing us closer to the stages of Light and Life. Over these past few days we have been in such a state of joy over the celebration of recognition for Mother and Her influence in Nebadon. Our pausing of everyday routine to acknowledge Mother teaches us more about the attributes that connect us to the cosmic mind. My personal outlook on this event has been one of enlightenment. I am discovering areas of my personal mind that I may fall short of or ignore. Mother is a creature of intuition. The feminine nature itself has a direct link to intuition. Believe me; all mortals have a feminine side. The gift of intuition is available to all.

There are times when we are in our everyday lives and feel an internal nudge to perform some act of kindness. With the busyness of life it is easy to push back these nudges and go about the daily trend. In these feelings of intuition is the will of our First Source and Center. Our connection to the Adjuster is handing us a message or a task. When we ask to serve, we are given assignments. In your feelings of intuition or that nudge of being driven to do some task, is your Adjuster giving you step by step instructions. We love this about our Mother. She simply knows what we need. Her eye is out for the well being of her children. She is simply glorious and a wonder to behold. Her beauty does infiltrate our souls. We are grateful for her gift of intuition.

I also had the pleasure of witnessing Her lessons on healing an ailing spirit. We learned that many souls each day are in need of the most minute show of love. A few simple words of encouragement is fuel for the soul. We find every day more and more individuals are connecting to this understanding of healing as they pass by. Healing is not some secret ceremony, no, it is simply the passing of a kind energy. Always does our desire to put forth kindness come back to us and we also are the recipients of this healing energy. It is a suspicious world that we live in and we are working to show authenticity. As I have learned more about Mother and Her mind spirits, I have come away with a new confidence that embraces not the ego, but is overjoyed to be a Kingdom citizen. Teamwork is real. It is a moving force. Should something be the will of our Father, a moving force can bring about real change. You may be small in number, but are always with increasing energy. You do make things happen as an individual and as a group.

Mother’s confidence gives us a calmness that aids in our ability to rise above the fundamental church and stand by our faith. Mother’s confidence is a shield against ridicule. Other’s negative comments shall have no affect on us. She certainly is wondrous in Her ways. Her task to be the breath of life was certainly made just for Her. We, all of us, including our beloved Brother/Father, would not be where we are today without Her. We are in celebration of Her attributes and are rising above our old beliefs of separation. Mother brings us together as a family.

Mary sends her love and will be with us next week. Until then my love goes with you in all that you do. I thank you for being so dedicated and open to newness. Until next time, shalom.