Abraham; Mary - Discussing Ideas Easier Today Then of Old - Nov 13, 2006 - Woods Cross

NOVEMBER 13, 2006

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am energized by your enthusiasm this evening. I understand your concern for worldly affairs and your discussion with one another helps to create new thought. It is as if the universe is playing a game of chess and all are in anticipation to see the next move.

On a smaller level I am with the belief that most Urantian’s want what is true, beautiful and good. That definition may vary from person to person. There is a mass feeling of angst and lack of control. Have not worry. The Master has all of His players on board and has mapped out the greatest and highest plan of good. He has placed each one of you as well. In your smallness you do create difference. You do create new thought that ripples even through the minds of surface thinkers. On that note I will leave you to our sister, MARY.

Greetings again, my friends, I am in awe of your ability to be open with one another. What a beautiful friendship. It was not too long ago where men and women could not sit together and have honest discussion without repercussion. I am happy to see this simple evolution. I thank you for taking interest in my story and lesson. Your input today is quite insightful.

As I remember my frustration with that particular situation, I am reminded of how I had gone to a few of my sisters and presented this dilemma to them. They were in agreement that this woman I had resentment of was indeed power hungry and longed to be in control of situations. I wanted to be of service and yet my spirit was crying out for freedom. I had thought within my mind that confrontation with this woman would be useless, because she would deny her faults and focus on mine.

I then went to have a conference with Andrew, the Master’s apostle. He had not knowledge of the situation and had a difficult time grasping my frustration. He did relate with me through his understanding of his brother, Peter and how he was with the enthusiasm to jump into any situation without thought. Peter was like a child who continually longed for a pat on the head. I realized I was also like that child. I felt the need for continuous encouragement. Andrew was helpful, as was my sisters, who put forth their caring and took the time to listen to me.

I continued on with my daily chores with a mind of observance and I came to realize my own feelings of inferiority and projected this into my relationship with this seemingly difficult woman. As I came to know the unconditional love of the Father and our Master, I began to have some real connection to the Kingdom. I began to feel a part of the ministry, side by side with every individual. At first, my ego had struck out for attention and credit. I felt unworthy and undeserving of the family-hood. As time had passed and I went about my smallness, I learned the larger lesson, that my feelings toward myself, resulted in how I thought others felt about me and therefore I was treated accordingly.

I kept in touch with Andrew and told him of my progress. He encouraged balance and keeping a watchful eye on my emotions and tendency to jump to conclusions. As I felt more a part of the ministry I was able to be more forthright with this woman and she began to realize I was not weak and someone to be ordered, but an equal partner, who was to stand side by side working for the common goal.

Father is so good. His lessons to me are so perfectly planned. He can bring about an ultimate good in any situation to those who have a watchful eye. In our mortal struggle to find self-mastery, how do we balance self-respect with being cautious of the intruding ego? In our day to day situations are we seeing what really is or a skewed definition of what our mind projects because of our own feelings of disconnection with the Kingdom? You are a lovely bunch.

I am ABRAHAM. Wonderful lesson Mary. We are blessed to have you working on our team. Your realness is a guide in everyday situations. We are about the Father’s business. We will have several bumps in the road, many upsets, yes, but the Correcting Time moves forward. I am as always with growing love for you each. Go in peace. Until next time, shalom.