Abraham - ADS Often Comes From Keeping Children Inside Too Long - Oct 23, 2006 - Woods Cross

OCTOBER 23, 2006

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. Tonight there is such a feeling of faith. We all thrive on this energy and are literally better connected as the materially seen and spiritually unseen. I am grateful to know you are each active in living the Master’s example. No one is perfect by any means, but your effort, to me personally, is quite touching. There is really quite a large group of Urantian’s that are working in the solution. You are part of this group and I know of your personal struggles, still you continue to stay the course and work toward a new and better way.

The most popular term for common struggling individuals happens to be ‘dysfunctional.’ It would seem that the majority of the planet is mentally ill. This of course is just rationalizing the human condition. It is simply a number of scholars explaining the lack of self-mastery in the world today. There seems to be a number of reasons why one cannot seem to accept personal responsibility or handle accountability and common obligation.

A good example is to look at the children and even some adults, diagnosed with attention deficit disorder. Adults go against the natural capabilities of growing children by keeping them indoors for six hours and then wonder why a child can’t learn properly. In the days of old children were taught a great deal of work around the home. Life was quite active and fitting for young children. There was something always holding their attention, always something to learn simply to maintain survival. Book time was short and yet, what was read was retained, where a child today may be blinded with the amount of light coming their way.

It is interesting to study those on worlds settled in Light and Life. They follow a most natural path. Everything is done in rhythm that connects mind, body and spirit. Nothing is forced. Life is lived peaceably and enjoyably. There are rhythms of the material body that work best when they are set by environmental factors. Meaning when its dark bodies have rest, when there is an urge to do certain things it comes rather naturally, without struggle, for example, again referring to education and the growing mind.

Many individuals have a dream of attending a college and yet, right in the midst of their years of discovering freedom or adulthood in the world, they go to college and then fail. Had these individuals waited a few years, had a little experience and time to settle down and follow the natural rhythm of the mind, they could have found success at attending higher education at a later date.

Let us note that every individual is different and has different rhythms of the mind and also connects to the circuits in various ways. Society can no longer plan out an individual’s life and limit them with boundaries and the feeling that they do not fit in. The world is correcting. Have not worry. The circuits to Urantia are becoming stronger every day, more noticeable. Many will find more freedom. Some will squirm in the change.

This week let us be still enough to find understanding of the rhythms of our own minds and bodies. Let us continue to be in the solution and not so focused on what’s wrong. I am honored to be a part of you. I thank you for your dedication to living the spirit in what seems to be un-extraordinary. Again, it is my pleasure to serve with you in this Correcting Time. My love goes with you. Until next time, shalom.