Tomas Vol III - Pittsburgh, PA - Jan 04, 1997 thru May 22, 1997 - Part 5 of 13

This next section reveals a great season of outreach and teaching. The group participated in a major EXPO effort to introduce the Urantia Book. As a follow up, four weeks were dedicated to a series of introductory lessons on the four parts of the Book, to which the public was invited. These four meetings were held in a Lutheran Church in another nearby suburb of Pittsburgh. It was a great learning and teaching experience for all of us.


Meanwhile, the Butler group, a spin-off from the Pittsburgh group, has been providing new T/R Hunnah with a platform of training to transmit new Teacher Merium.





VOLUME III, Part 5 of 13

January 4, 1997 - May 22, 1997







January 4, 1997

Resist Not Evil;


January 4, 1997

On Death and Dying


January 11, 1997

The Nature of God's Children


January 18, 1997

Your True Parents


January 25, 1997

The Spirit of Truth



February 1, 1997

A Microcosm Universe


February 8, 1997

Try a Little Tenderness


March 8, 1997

Post EXPO Gathering #1



April 3, 1997

Community of Purpose


April 10, 1997

Consecration of Choice


April 17, 1997



April 24, 1997

Learning to Communicate





May 1, 1997

A Life of Loving Service


May 8, 1997

Spirit Unity


May 15, 1997

What Kind of Book Are You?


May 22, 1997

Godlike Behavior in Thought, Word & Deed



[End of Vol. III, Part 5 of 13]



DATE:          January 4, 1997
LOCATION:     A Chinese restaurant in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
T/R: Gerdean O'Dell

The Urantia Papers
Paper One, Continued
The Beholder State
Allow Growth to Manifest
Conditions for T/R Error  
Respect the Process

TOMAS:     Good afternoon. I feel as though I should speak a foreign language here, or greet you in an exotic Oriental tongue.

It is different, of course, in a new environment, a commercial environment, but I will none-the-less hold forth, for I wish to follow up on our lesson of last week and your assignment having to do with judgment, for it was not a frivolous exercise that I asked you to observe in your life, the phenomenon of judgment and of control.

I will ask you now if you were conscientious in identifying when it was that you judged or when you thought you were being judged. [I will ask you] to now, in your mind's eye, picture yourself with both hands up.  And what does this connote to you?  It connotes a different status, as if you had been burgled, or, in the cowboy pictures when they say, "stick 'em up."  And with both hands in the air you are in a defensive mode, you have become a victim of attacks of judgment, and if all of you were to walk around with your hands over your head most of the time, how can we expect to accomplish anything? And yet most mortals do this as a matter of course. You cannot shake hands, you cannot embrace, as long as your hands are up in the air defending yourself against life itself.

There is a phrase, a quote from the Life and Teachings of Jesus that suggests "resist not evil" and it is to this lesson that the analogy is given, for in judgment - in giving judgment and in assuming judgment upon yourself - (from others or from yourself) - you have resisted evil.  You have defended yourself against it.  You have reacted to it.  You have retaliated in kind, and it consumes far too much of life.  And so, in regard to judgment, dear children, I would ask you to peruse your understanding now of judgment and remind yourself to resist not evil. Be aware of the inherent risk of judgment towards others and towards yourself, but do not allow it to be a life style. Rather, let it pass you by.

Accept the fact that infinity lies ahead but the finite creature is a conglomeration of societal conditionings, and judgment is an unfortunate part thereof. In seeking souls for the kingdom, judge not, for God himself is no respecter of persons, and it is to this that I address my words, you who have been born of the spirit, who have gone beyond the realm wherein you need to judge, for you understand that judgment is only done by those qualified to see the entire picture, and as you pass through your life, you cannot see the whole picture, you cannot even see your whole self, much less the whole of another.


And so remember to resist not evil when you see it, but understand that as you are all imperfect, "this too shall pass." Go on, then, to what is acceptable in your sight and that which you can have unity and a benign relationship with and for.

Are there questions this afternoon?

Hunnah:     I don't have a question. I have a statement that I am impressed with. You said to put our hands up. It reminds me that we really are more fear-based than we realize, out of habit, and that we live with this in our experience here, and even though we are not conscious of it, we really are in a survival mode, and that the new sound is so new that we think we're discovering it all the time.

My previous teacher talked about the beholder state where it allows you in the course of your day to look for, to allow yourself to see the unexpected, or the serendipity moment in your day. And it isn't at specific times; it can go on all day long and that beholder state is that reality that we are no longer familiar with.

I really thank you for the reminder that we really have been subtly conditioned and that the beholder state is the gold ring, you might say, that you are allowed to grasp. I don't mean to try to crowd the stage here with you, but I appreciate the stimulation of that statement.  That helps me. We're always looking for verification of something that we feel is true and that helped me. Thank you.

TOMAS:     I applaud your introspection and your willingness to envision that which we discussed. Your understanding now of a fear-based realm, as it has been portrayed through the defense inherent in judgment, has been a large developmental step. It also reminds me of what would appropriately be called a New Year's lesson, and this being the first gathering after your commencement of a New Year, it is a good time also to remind you that as you walk your path, you who are growing and emerging and changing and maturing and developing each day, remember that so are your fellows, and when you come together, or when you encounter each other, allow for the growth to manifest.

In other words, do not assume the routine, the rut of association, that each time you encounter your friend, they are the same -- ("the same thing, the same thing, the same thing,") -- for they are growing and changing and emerging as you are. If you continue to assume that they are not growing, then you are assuming a dead branch. That goes for all of you here. As you see each other in your encounters, accept about each other that which is good, which you love, which you routinely anticipate.

That which you had formerly judged as unworthy or undesirable, let that judgment pass, and in letting that judgment pass, open yourself now to observe the newness which can emerge as you have put down your arms and allowed each other to pass in freedom.

And behold: a fresh look, a new look for the new day. This will also add flavor to your adventure and you will, once again, learn how to love each other as the Master loves you.

Loreenia:      Tomas?

TOMAS:      Yes.

Loreenia:     I want to ask about Bertrand who was here last week. I asked if it was the same Bertrand that was in California.

TOMAS:     (One moment) I am going to divert, and in diverting, perhaps clarify some things of and relating to the transmitting/ receiving process.

Let me point out then that it is appreciated, when a visitor is addressing you, that you not interrupt the discourse to ask who it is, for this is jarring and disarming to the transmitter/ receiver, the mortal vessel, and I will tell you that although the visitor last week was impressing the mind of Gerdean with the bearing of One High in Authority, she was reluctant to use that phrase for fear of error, and when, in the middle of the discourse someone asked who was speaking, Gerdean, in her human alarm, at the break in transmission, felt compelled to identify the being, and yet was fearful of conveying "One High in Authority." Her mind thus jumped to the defense of the situation and identified the being as Bertrand, in-as-much as that was and is a personality who is generating considerable interest in your area and in Canada at this time.

I relay all this, in part, to convey how it is that misinformation can be disbursed, and on one hand it is not a problem because any names are merely window dressing, it is the message that is important. The names are not necessarily important, except for your understanding of personality identification, and to some extent also categorization. Given this response to you, I will say that even though I supported the notice that Bertrand was a co-teacher, as indeed he is, I am going to also clarify the record to some extent and say that was not the Bertrand which has taught here before, nor is it the teacher that we understand as a possible Bertrand for Canada. The entire identification of our visitor last week was error.

I give you this lengthy response so that you can, perhaps, to some extent, appreciate the delicate and sensitive connection that I have with you, working through a mortal vehicle, for although she is in abeyance and willing to transmit my thoughts and words, when her mind is jarred, as any animal mind can be jarred by a left-fielder, I am then in a position of having to wait for her to remove herself again, either willingly or through a consultation with her, or allowing her human error to emit and cleaning up afterward.

I appreciate that you who are not experienced transmitters may not understand the nuances of this process, but you do understand that error occurs. I have explained to you now how such things happen. I will also go on to say that certain respects ought to be accorded the process. It is not to say that the transmitter/receiver needs to be put on a pedestal, but the process itself needs to be honored in order to garner a clear rendition of our messages and therefore certain idiosyncrasies of the human contact personality ought to be honored.

Gerdean, for instance, is distracted when she hears paper rattling so when I am trying to speak and she hears paper rattling, she will step aside from me to be irritated by rattling paper, which interferes with my message. I therefore beg you to withhold rattling paper, not because I am worried by it, but because of her peculiar failing in that regard. It is not to put her in a position of honor, nor even the Teacher particularly, but the process, you see, which is delicate, while profound.  Have I responded, Loreenia, to your question?

Loreenia:      Yes, thank you very much.

Elizabeth:      That was great, Tomas. Thank you for all the beautiful things you've done. And the next time we come here, we're going to invite you in first, so that the talking around us here wouldn't matter. Under the circumstances I really apologize. I think we will change our format if we meet here again. And for Gerdean for being so patient.

TOMAS:     It has been a delight for all of us to experience your culture in this fashion and no one has been discommoded by our presence here today. I am delighted, as always, to be with you and I will be with you this week as you, "behold all things are becoming new." Farewell.


DATE:          January 4, 1997

LOCATION:     Greenville, PA

T/R:            Gerdean





(In acknowledgement of the sudden passing of Iyana's friend Jeff, a fellow reader of the Urantia Papers and a protege of the Teaching Mission.)

TOMAS:     Dear daughters, it is your trusty friend, Tomas, at hand, at leisure, and at your pleasure. You must feel rather honored to have a celestial teacher at your beck and call.

Iyana:        Oh, you must know how happy I am to have you come to my home, Tomas.

TOMAS:      I have been here with you more times than you can imagine, Iyana.

Iyana:      Thank you!

TOMAS:      I always keep an eye on my sheep.

You have had an adventure in your peripheral arena in the departure of your friend and ours. It is a joyous event for him and he will be quite pleased in learning that his life's experience was of value, and that he has been embraced by the light, and is even now, in his consciousness, embarked upon the adaptation to his new celestial realm.

Iyana:      Oh, that's wonderful.

TOMAS:     Yes, it is a wonderful plan, and it is so unfortunate that you have not gone through that process, yet, for you would then see how the experience of death is a natural part of your life's unfolding. Much like the caterpillar that emerges from the chrysalis into a butterfly, you will emerge also triumphant.

Part of the difficulty is your leftover belief systems from societal conditioning and aberrated thought processes of Urantia. The process of experiencing a transition from this world to the next is a natural evolutionary development, one which might be embraced heartfully, but your conditioning is to regard it as risk-taking and fear-inducing and traumatic - a fearsome thing.

You who rejoice in Jeff's survival would do well also to rejoice in the knowledge that you too shall rise up On High. It could enhance your entire approach to life knowing that this is merely the caterpillar stage of existence and that as you cease to fear you will allow the chrysalis to enfold you, and that you will naturally then emerge in Mansonia as the butterfly of morontia material.

Iyana:      That's beautiful.

TOMAS:     It is truly a beautiful plan. It is easy for me to say so for I have experienced it and I have the confidence of it, but you who still must face life in faith have not the confidence of one who has had the experience.  But as you trust your teacher and those of us on this side who help you, you will begin to honor our vantage point and to adopt it into your own thinking process, ideally to help you also overcome some of your normal reticence to relinquish this life. For even though this life can be difficult, it is still precious, and the one that you know. And as is the case in the mortal, it is easier to embrace that which you know than to change and carve out a new existence in unknown realms. This, too, will change as you grow.

You will begin to recognize that you may allow yourself to go through the process of transition, even joyously, knowing your days ahead include a reunion with your familiar loved ones, an opportunity to come face to face, as it were, with your Thought Adjuster and your guardian seraphim and many other spirit helpers that accompany you in your sojourn. This way of thinking, this advanced format of thinking, is had by returning constantly and consistently to your prayerful attitude with the Father.

The discourse you had recently this evening regarding your habits of journaling, for example, depict what benefit can be had from developing a conscious contact with a source of serenity expression and soul satisfaction. A habit of journaling can easily lead then to the habit of a prayerful attitude, of soulful discourse with that spirit reality in you and around you, that which is a greater reality and a source of strength, a companion in your life journey, and, as in any good habit, you begin to appreciate its value and acquire a yearning for its fulfillment.

As you come to know the Father and his will for you, you fear less what you have known before and you grasp with faith wings those new adventures, experiential adventures, which are in store for you, including translation from this world to the next. Oh, joy! Oh, revelation! Oh, Holy Spirit!

Well, my ladies, what have you been doing that you would enjoin me to join you this evening? Am I one of your more pleasant and beneficial new habits?

Iyana:      Oh, yes.

Hunnah:     You were eavesdropping on our conversation. We've been wagging our tongues. Gerdean should be tired.

TOMAS:     It has been a fruitful day, and the spirit has been activated in all of you, often. It was a more productive day than even we had anticipated.

Hunnah:     How do you feel about us meeting in a public place? I think that the lingering light . ... Gerdean said it was not as difficult as she thought it would be, but is it appropriate?

TOMAS:     It depends upon your motives, as you might suspect. In the instance today, the foundation was well laid in the environment by your having grounded yourselves there and established your arena through prayer and worship, and through socialization. You had already established the atmosphere, the environment, and therefore the helpers were sensitive to your timbre, your tonal quality, and when the others were brought in, they were not inharmonious to your fellowship and this is part of, shall we say, the harmonics of the working universe.

The circumstances today were quite do-able, but when you say "a public place," there are qualifiers. The truth is you were doing what you went there to do and not to "show off" or to attract attention, even spiritual attention, to yourselves. You were following your path in your rightful way and it was not obtrusive or offensive or disarming to those who were brought into your presence. Public places vary, obviously. It worked today.

Iyana:      Tomas, it seems that when I meet with you I am always asking you personal questions. And to keep on that path, I have been having longer silence, stillness times, but it seems that I doze off and then wake up again.  And usually when I go into the silence, I like to visualize a light. I feel that I'm being lifted up when I see a light, but I don't see a light very often. I just don't seem to understand my silences, my meditations. They're quiet.

TOMAS:      First let me state that I do not object that you ask me personal questions when we have a session such as this, for this is the correct methodology in a conversation of this sort. You are expected to want to know more about yourself and your relationship with God and so your behaviors are quite appropriate. Do not fear on that count.  Now let me help you, if I can, regarding your approach to and experience with and in meditation. I heard you earlier say that you had some difficulty in talking with the Master.

Iyana:      That's true.

TOMAS:     Would you talk to me for just a moment about that, for that may be a block to more effective meditation.

Iyana:     Well, I can talk to the Father. I seem to talk to Him first. But to talk to Jesus -- I just think of Jesus as being a sweet, wonderful person.  And I thank him all the time for this gift of -- well, his gifts of truth and understanding and the peace that he gives, and I feel the peace and I thank him for it. But when I pray, it is always to the Father. I feel closer to the Father. I know Jesus was here on earth, and he was a person when he was here, and he was also a spiritual person and he showed us a wonderful way that we would try sometime, maybe to combine our spirit and our humanness, but there's something about the aura about the Father.

I understand that Jesus and the Father are one and I understand his love, but I just don't seem to pray to Jesus, to Christ Michael. The words "Christ Michael" seem to be stronger to me as a divinity.

TOMAS:     That is appropriate also, for Christ Michael is the sovereign ruler of the universe, and Jesus was a mortal, and so as you envision Jesus, you may be perceiving him as only a little beyond your own bearing/standard/stature, for he was a Jewish man who lived a long time ago. It is the risen Christ who is the Sovereign that exists now and hears your petitions.

It has sometimes been of benefit to those who feel the human facets of the Creator Son in the form of Jesus that endear him as a fellow, as a friend, a comrade, one that is easily approachable.  But if your sense is to go to the Father, to the First Source and Center, then consider that you have within you an aspect of this divine Parent in the form of your own indwelling Thought Adjuster, and look to see if you are, in honoring this indwelling God Fragment, having a rapport with yourself as compared to that with divinity.

Iyana:     I don't understand what you mean. I think of the Father as divinity. I think of Christ Michael as divinity. And I think of Jesus as divinity, too.

TOMAS:     I cannot tell you how to pray but I will suggest that if you talk over your affairs of the heart and the mind with Michael and, having then communicated your concerns to your Creator Father Michael, ask him to bring you into the presence of the Father. This is a process, a procedure, based loosely on the phrase that one comes to the Father through him.

Iyana:      I understand that.

TOMAS:     And so he is the door. Knock on his door and he will let you in to the Father. Once in the presence of the Father, words are no longer necessary, but rather a feeling, a sense of oneness in His care. It is appropriate to pray to any being, but it is perhaps the more effective to pray in conversation with Jesus, the risen Christ, and to worship the Father, to allow yourself, in your communion with the Father, to praise him for your being, for your life itself, to worship the gift of life which he has given you in your Thought Adjuster, in your experiences, in your associations, in your enrichment.

Iyana:      This is very helpful.

TOMAS:     Also in the presence of the Father, even without words, it is of great benefit to experience His love for you - the all-enveloping aspect of the Eternal Parent that washes you with love, that rains upon you these blessings of existence which are beyond words, which are beyond mortal expression, for they have reached into the realms of spirit. You have reached up out of your mortality and into the more aesthetic and ethereal realms of worship. This is the realm of relationship with the Father. In this position, in this place, it is natural enough to feel that peace and that comfort which He provides - that total security that would allow for you to fall asleep in His arms, in total calm of His care.

Iyana:      That's beautiful.  Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:      Yes, Iyana.

MICHAEL:         Precious ones. I am with you, for you are gathered in my name. I would like to spend a moment with you and be at peace among you. I would welcome you to come to me as your friend.

I will call to your mind the little book that was published that is entitled "God Calling." It depicts my conversations of long ago with two women who came to me every day, and in this manner that you are experiencing now, sought my companionship, my words, my wisdom, my guidance in their daily affairs. These two women, who believed in me, were cherished by me, and they have by their advertisement of me, affected thousands upon thousands of people. I bring this to your attention to call to your mind the friendship that I desire you to have with me.

Do not be reluctant to ask me into your life, to share with you your sorrows and your joys. I hear you and I care infinitely. I care about you and your interests in this life, which I have given you to live, which I have asked you to live for me. How could I not then care for every thought, for every concern, for every whisper of truth as it comes to your mind, as it visits your life? I am a most intimate companion.

It is not necessary for you to perceive me as you might perceive of an icon in a house of worship; it is not necessary for you to remember me as crucified upon the cross; it is not necessary that you have any expectations about your own demeanor or attitude as you engage in conversation with me, for I know you well and I love you dearly.

And so again, my daughters, I encourage you to come to me and ask me to join with you in a moment of quiet reflection of your day, of your thoughts and your concerns, for your loved ones and for your problems, your sorrows and your joys. I yearn for you to know me and love me. I delight in your presence. I find happiness in your company and in your joy and I can bring you joy for I am Joy.

I will not leave you, but I will go about my business of observing you, overseeing your care, and rejoicing in your development, in your companionship with your teachers who are also my beloved flock. Peace be upon you. I embrace you, and … farewell.


DATE:          January 11, 1997

LOCATION:          Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:             Gerdean


Urantia Papers: Forward and Paper 1, Continued

ANNOUNCEMENT:  Points of Light Coalition, Inc., a spiritual group dedicated to acquiring the Turtle Building in Niagara Falls as a spiritual, cultural, educational, and healing center, welcoming all cultures, all religions, excluding no one, is hosting a gathering to heal Mother Earth on January 25 at The Turtle in Niagara Falls.



TOMAS:     Good afternoon, diligent pupils and delightful children. I had intended to discuss "children" today and I am going to continue with my intention, but I want you to know from the outset that this is not in response to your discussions so far today, but rather a way of underlining how childlikeness and childishness are part of your make-up and perhaps how we can distinguish between the two.

Before I commence. I would like to greet you in a sincere and even scholarly fashion for I understand the respect that is brought to this format. It is appreciated, and we are truly earnest in our desire to serve you in order that we may serve the Master and the masses, and so it is always helpful and important to acknowledge your inherent greatness of intent -- your Indwelling Adjuster's and your desire to follow Its leading. Your integrity is met and embraced in these sessions and I embrace you now.

I am not alone in this embrace, for there are myriad beings also who watch with interest your growth and development, not only yours individually here and as a teacher base, but throughout Urantia. All eyes of the universe are focused on Urantia, on its exciting and current phase of growth. Correcting Time extends far and wide. It is an exciting time, one that should cause children of God great delight for its variety and freshness of approach.

And so I come around now to my theme of "children," for you well understand that as children of God you are always coming back to the humble position of being a child, asking the Father to guide and direct you in your life, in your feelings, in your relationships, in your comings and goings as you pass by.

It has been for hundreds and thousands of years on your world, and even in your life, that isolation was the norm. Everyone lived in their own little sphere of reality and many of the expansive realities of this new age were non-evident because of the closed circuitries, and so people grew accustomed to their personal isolation. In their personal isolation there was, however, the connection between each individual and the Father, through the Indwelling Spirit, which was and is a lifeline to reality and cosmic consciousness.

But today, as the channels are opening, as the circuits are being reconnected, as Correcting Time floods upon Urantia, all manner of children are being brought into the light and isolation is ended, and so what we have are a lot of children coming together to learn to play in the fields of the Lord, and this is a learning process.  This is a situation where all things shall become new, for you cannot bring into a new global fellowship the old isolationist techniques and concepts.

I will borrow upon this transmitter's childhood experience to relate an analogy. When she was about five and essentially an only child, she was invited to a birthday party of other children in that age range. Perhaps a dozen or more children were there, and imagine the chagrin of little Gerdean when, having been the center of the universe and the darling of the clan, she was set in an environment where the birthday girl was receiving all the adulation and attention. This was a jarring and disturbing experience for this child who had no idea how to socialize, and so in spite of the fact that there were other children and there were games played and there were gifts and songs and cake and ice cream, the psyche of this child was clouded and muddled by the confusion of not understanding that she was not the center of the universe and how to make that adjustment. That profound experience that day, to that child, is very much related to what is occurring now on Urantia in terms of the overall fellowshipping of the many, many paths to the Father.

Before we began our session today there was a discussion about the Turtle near Niagara Falls, which is designed as a spiritual center for the One God among his many followers, one world, -- these pacific and reflective qualities which are the earmark of tomorrow.   And the concept of that enterprise is an enlarged birthday party wherein everyone who attends the larger gathering of humanity (not just at that center but in concept, en toto) comes from their comprehension of their life, their belief system and their reality in an isolated bubble, and it is difficult to bring your bubble into the boiling cauldron of many, myriad faith backgrounds of others.  Yet this is truly what the brotherhood is all about: it is appreciating and accepting each one's unique approach to the Father and relationship with the Father, understanding that there is the added element, albeit a difficult one to adapt to, of the fraternity of sons and daughters of this wondrous, many-faceted Parent.

It has been said, as you know, that as you put forth the fruits of the spirit in your life, you mature, you develop character, you go from being a new-born soul, a new-born child in the spirit, to one who barely crawls, to an adventurous and curious toddler in the spirit realms, in the soul growth, to an adventurous child who climbs the trees and plays with other children, eventually to develop sincere and meaningful and lasting eternal relationships, to form teams of workers in the field, and ultimately to stand as an adult, a spiritual adult … and this is the growth process.

It is the practice for you now, in your finite realm, to presume that everyone here in your company is already an adult, a mature adult of the realm, having lived many years establishing yourself in your own eyes and in the eyes of your society, but I will ask you to set that perception aside, for that perception is one of this world. I do not see you as you see yourselves. I see you as children at a birthday party, trying to learn how to relate to each other, having come from the isolation of your own personal sphere into the fellowship of other children. I see you literally as children, and I would ask for you to look at each other as if you were a child of God. Allow yourself to envision yourselves as children.

I call to your attention the refreshing quality of children that allows for a fresh approach. Children are not naturally prejudiced. They don't care about skin coloration or whether their friend has designer a jean or a cast-off, cut-off jean. Their values do not incorporate those values which your society teaches you and which become prominent in your assessment of your fellow human beings. Think about how children play, once they have learned how to play. See how it is that they share, once they have learned to share. They can have an argument and the next two minutes later have patched it up and are best friends again, unlike the "adults" of your realm who can carry a grudge for several generations, all with due dignity and so forth.

It would be helpful, when you look at each other as children, to remember that children are precious, particularly when they are someone else's child, knowing that you do not have to mold them or provide for them or be responsible for them, that indeed someone else will take them home, feed them supper, give them a bath and put them to bed. It is far easier to love a child under those circumstances, and so as you look at each other today as children, remember that it is not your child that you have to be responsible for molding and living up to your societal expectations, but rather it is the Father's child that He is raising up. It is Someone Else's child. Then you can learn to be a child yourself and go on to play and find out how delightful it is to be a child at play, even in your socialization here at this table.

On that order also, in approaching each other as children, in viewing your friends as children, understanding that you are not their parent, it is a tendency also for humans to look at children and judge their parents because of the way the children behave. In other words, it is not easy to be angry with a child, but it is much easier to be angry with the parent, for not controlling the child, or teaching the child, or reproving the child, or raising it in a way that would be more compatible to your values, so when you look at your brother and your sister, and see how they are acting childishly, notice at once what parent it was that taught that child to behave in such a way.

For our Father in Heaven did not teach that child those things which are less than perfect. From our Father and Mother we only learn those lessons that will further make us like Him and Her. Has it been the god Lucifer that has taught that child? Has it been the god of money that has influenced that child?  Or the god of fear? It is an interesting study; it is an interesting observation. And as you were all so successful in our recent experiment of observing judgment and control, carry through now into this next series of days with the augmented look of the fellow child and you will see the influences which have come to bear upon that child in order that it reflects what it has been taught, as you do.

Return always to the True Father, the Loving Parent that we know as a living reality, and embrace your brothers and sisters in that spirit. Be children together in a loving fashion. Be childlike in your affection, in your ability to recover from the imperfections of the mortal existence, to patch things up quickly as best friends, to forgive easily, to accept out of curiosity those which are new or different. Become as a child — not childish, but childlike.

Well, my loved ones.  How are you?  Are there questions?

Celeste:     Thank you, Tomas, for noticing what happened today, for helping us understand one another.

TOMAS:     It happens every day! It is appropriate to discuss your childlike aspects for we are at the start of a New Year.  It is a new beginning, and always in a new beginning we start out fresh with new things to learn and experience. It seemed a more appropriate subject than "hibernation" which would have led me into a good reminder to go into stillness, for on these many dark evenings when there's nothing on television, it is the ideal time to excuse yourself for half an hour and go in to enjoy a hibernation period with the Father in stillness.

Celeste:     I love new beginnings. And new awareness. And new understanding. It's wonderful.

TOMAS:     All children love surprises. It is when routine becomes rut and the spirit dies in the mundane that life becomes burdensome and God becomes a far-off fantasy understanding, but in keeping yourself fresh, in giving yourself the opportunity to approach each day as a new opportunity, in and through and for the Father, your life is enriched and indeed made fresh.

Mary Theresa:     I like Celeste's idea of new beginnings. As much as I knew January was a new beginning, this December I was fearing January because after our many activities and baking and preparing for the holidays, I'm usually sick in January and I feared January coming this time, but I tried to tell myself it's the beginning of a new year and it's not going to happen to me this year! I'm going to get lots of rest and I think the great way to look at it is it's a new beginning, a new year, another time in our life, and there is so much to look forward to. I still thank God I'm here every year, closer to the year 2,000. I wanted to be here for the year 2,000 to see what's going to happen, and I feel grateful for you and the other entities that are here trying to help our earth and I feel that it should be something wonderful, and we appreciate your help.

TOMAS:     I appreciate your appreciation. But let me say that that arbitrary date of A.D. 2,000 is a construction of mortal time. As we observe our interpretation of calendar, there are no momentous dates to make note of in that same context. Therefore, this year could be the greatest time ever, as next year can be the greatest year ever. It is a peculiar set of expectations set up by mortals that within certain timeframes, certain things should happen; if they don't, there is a disappointment or perhaps a relief, but you set yourself up, based on time and space, and seem to think that the entire cosmic preview is the same.

I understand that you are time/space creations, but how you perceive things in the future based upon a calendar is a curiosity worth mentioning. 2000 is not any different than 1997 or 2002 insofar as events are concerned. Just because you reach a millennium on your calendar is no indication that the world is scheduled to tip on its axis come midnight. You see what I am saying. And so any day can be a new day, and any hour can be a peak hour. I am, of course, glad that you are here and trust that you will still be working in his vineyard here at the turn of the century.

Mary Theresa:     Tomas, there have been many prophesies made … that have many of us are kind of looking forward to the year 2000 or around that time because of the many prophesies that have been made about different things that were to occur at that time. That's where many of us get the idea, I think, where many of us -- I don't know how valid they are, but some ancient time prophesies to more modern day ones that -- that's where I had come up with it anyway.

TOMAS:     There is a certain appreciation for what you say, but it is based more upon the collective consciousness than on anything real. That is, as I indicated, you have a tendency to place great importance on, say, turning 21, or turning 65, or turning 100 based upon their obvious effects upon your societal responses, and as a century rolls around on the calendar many changes take place and eras come into being and motivations are brought into play.

When you approach a millennial anniversary, which doesn't happen that often in your time, of course it begins to gain great momentum. Even now we are witnessing the swell of momentum because of the up-coming calendar millennium. But a great percentage of the effects of that are brought about by yourselves, by your mass motivation to be here for it, or to (as your President says) "build a bridge" regarding it, and so forth. It is powerful what minds together can do.

As for the predictions of the ancient ones, I will not dabble there. I, for one, am proscribed against making predictions, and although I will not disparage some brilliant minds and messages of those of old, I will not confirm them either, although they are fascinating. And if they are fascinating to me, I can imagine how overwhelmingly poignant they must be to you.

Loreenia:     Brother Tomas, you are like one of the ancient ones to us here! With your age. And that's respectfully.

TOMAS:     I am an ancient one, indeed, my dear, but I have not been part of the history of this planet, and somehow that colors my antiquity, for I am not Nostradamas nor am I Amadon, but I am an old guy from another part of the universe.

Celeste:     Well, Tomas, I think with your personality, I think you are a beautiful child.

TOMAS:      I needed that.  (group laughter)

Loreenia:      You are savor to the soul, like coffee to one who is hooked on it.

TOMAS:      And you are a poet.  I am glad to have the opportunity to witness your camaraderie among one another, perhaps to begin to observe your fellow siblings in their profoundly delightful childlike aspects. And so if there are no growth-related questions, I will leave you for the afternoon.

Elizabeth:      I have a question.

TOMAS:      Very well.

Elizabeth:     I just want to talk about how it is for somebody who found the Urantia Book to try to be accepting of other people's concepts. I'm talking for myself. I certainly pray that I can be open minded, like Leah said. I hope I can have an open mind. But remembering the struggles of my own growth, I jealously, perhaps, guard some of my concepts which I won with such difficulty, and I'm so entranced by when you are an evolutionary creature and you struggle to find something that's wonderful and reasonable and you look around and you see some of the problems that arise from what you view as being the limiting concepts that you entertained previously. You have to -- you do have reluctance, perhaps, to let this become important.

For instance we had so many people who have come with wonderful teachings. I mean, everybody at this table, I dare say, has engaged in other configurations, philosophies, which are wonderful.  They are absolutely wonderful, and yet we do, I think, appreciate here that we have to guard our focus to a certain extent.  And so from that point of view, so many of our people love the Indian philosophies and some people love that of the Far East India, and some love the Course in Miracles ~ I for one ~ and some love the Unity concepts, and some love the . .. and Edgar Casey. I mean we just have a plethora of wonderful philosophies, and yet it is good for us to remember that our focus is the Book and the Teaching Mission -- well, not for all of us, but for many of us the Teaching Mission -- but for all of us the Book.

TOMAS:     Let me respond, for I truly do appreciate your question and the soul depth of understanding inherent in the question, and also understanding the dangers of having and holding a spiritually egotistical standpoint of being one of those fortunate enough to have discovered and acknowledged the importance of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, and to some extent this dynamic Teaching Mission, which underlines the teachings of the Book and of the actualization of the spiritual brotherhood, the gospel, if you will, of Jesus. But yes, there are as we discussed earlier in reference to children, there are as many paths to the Father as those who take the path, and they take many diversions through many woods and meadows.

Let me tell you this, those of you who have attained to the appreciation of, shall we say, opera or Mozart -- fine music. You understand how it is that you can be carried into a new realm, a living reality through this highly refined and disciplined art form of music, and you look around you and you see people thoroughly enjoying rap or polka or rock & roll or country western, and you can understand that they love their music, but you can also understand that if they were to allow themselves to expand their appreciation, they too could understand not only their fundamental cultural appreciation, but could attain to the high art of opera and symphony as well.

And so those who understand a facet of enjoyment and spiritual reality, be it through an analogy of music or the different scaffolding of spiritual building blocks, are not to be disdained but are to be appreciated for themselves in their own right, in the full understanding that in time the impact and import of the truths of the Urantia Book will prevail, will filter through some of the misconceptions, helping to clarify truth. But there are so many delightful things about these many pathways, these many scaffoldings that are colorful and entertaining, that it is not necessary for you to spend overmuch time correcting them. It would do very little good, indeed, for you to even try to do so.

Rather, think of them as Monopoly or Scrabble or Pictionary, and although you might prefer Bridge, you can certainly appreciate why some people could spend hours at a Monopoly board, and some people even prefer Solitaire. There is nothing wrong with embracing a fellow as well as their faulty beliefs, for as you embrace your fellow in the light of truth, beauty and goodness, as that reality grows, their, as well as your, imperfections will fall away.

Because you read the Fifth Epochal Revelation and study under the Teaching Corps does not mean that you have graduated, either. You still have many nuances of the Caligastian regime on your shoulders. Appreciate your spiritual source and the gift of the revelation and its massive retinue of revelatory information, but be gracious in allowing others their enthusiasm for their path to the Father. All are headed in that direction. As has been said by the Master, He who is not against us is for us, and those who are for us and for Him are our brothers indeed, and so let us learn to play together as children.

Mary Theresa:     In the broader sense of the word, Tomas, are we any better off, here in this room, knowing about the Urantia Book than say a very dedicated Catholic, Protestant or Jewish person who is strictly into their own faith?

TOMAS:      Better off in terms of what?

Mary Theresa:      Reaching our Maker sooner? Are we — In the next world, when we leave this earth, are we better off knowing about Urantia, knowing...? Because those people are really dedicated to God. I mean, we're all going to the same place. That's what we're all working for, striving for.

TOMAS:     Indeed, you cannot set yourself above another man of faith. By their fruits they shall be known anyway, so what difference what theology you adopt?


Elizabeth:     Well, Tomas, you're there, and you know, and you're so happy on your wonderful spot, but let me say that I feel a certain reaction when I know some of my dear Roman Catholic friends are dear and wonderful and haven't found the release that the Urantia Book has given us in knowing that we're not going to be condemned for an ordinary life of peccadilloes.

Mary Theresa:     That's here on earth.

Elizabeth:      I know, but isn't that important?  I mean, it's great that we can talk about what's beyond, but I'm talking about right here and now. Does it make your life freer? Of course it does! And that's what I'm trying to say. Great. Wonderful. I embrace these Roman Catholics. I love some of them quite a lot, but I also feel, "Oh, my gosh, I wish you could have found the freedom from limitation that our teachings in the Urantia Book have given us."

(Several people talking at once)

TOMAS:     Let me respond and get out of here so that you can talk. I understand, you get into socializing and it extends into the day, but consider -- If you were one who had walked with Jesus and had been in his company, do you not feel that you would have benefited by that far more than one who had heard of his deeds and goodness in another country or in another village? Those of you who have found, discovered, the values and the truths within the Fifth Epochal Revelation to mankind, the Urantia Book, are as fortunate as those who sat at the feet of the Master, who followed him and heard him speak fully and freely.

The privilege, the honor, the joy in having had the experience of knowing Jesus as a mortal and in knowing the Urantia Book as another monumental gift to humanity from the heavens is something that will be with you forever, and so there is wondrous benefit in being a believer in the Book in-so-far as it is what it says it is, for truly the intellectual peace that it provides is profound beyond words and the challenge to the continents of Urantia and the cultures here, the various and sundry religions and sects, the governments and the peoples, is so mighty and challenging as to stimulate this world for aeons to come.

It is a marvelous gift to Urantia, as was Jesus of Nazareth, as was Machiventa Melchizedek, the teacher of Abraham. Those of you who have had contact, living mortal experience with a revelation, have had a cherished experience. And so, yes, it does matter, but in terms only of your personal experience and what you can do with your personal experience.  But those who have sincere and devout faith are as close to the Father as those who have never read a word of the Book.

Elizabeth:      I have friends who have never read the Book but who are humble before God.

Celeste:      All truth will eventually meet with all people who reach for the Lord.

Loreenia:     Brother Tomas, as you were talking, I kept seeing a great temple being built, and each stone and each colored piece of glass, each trinket that went into that temple was different, and the stone may look at the glass and say, "Thou art frivolous" or a trinket that makes the altar, "Thou art frivolous."  But each individual piece is precious for that temple, and has its own spot, and if it doesn't fit there, it can be used in another place, and that's the way I see the sons and daughters of God. They are fitting into a temple, into a piece-knit section, and neither of them is frivolous.

TOMAS:      And who is to judge to say...

Loreenia:      That's just it!  We can't do it for each other.

Elizabeth:      I'm only doing it for our study group.  I'm not saying don't do it in your life.

Loreenia:      I wasn't talking about you.  I was talking about what I saw as Tomas spoke.

Elizabeth:     I know you weren't talking about me, but I'm just saying that on the subject, for us, we have to maintain a certain focus, and we should maintain a certain openness toward others and their faith, we absolutely must, I know that, and yet I am reiterating it's well for us to remember why we come together. That's what I'm trying to say.

TOMAS:     I find no conflict in the understanding. We come to study the Fifth Epochal Revelation and learn to live it, and part of that is to embrace our fellow brothers and sisters. This is the gospel that can be extended far out into your realms on Urantia and far out into the realms of time and space, all the way to Paradise. There is no quibbling about what we come together for; it is, however, a vast and varied enterprise and certain interpretations may conflict or compete occasionally but that is part of the human condition; that is part of how it is that children will get into a squabble over a marble or a doll and as soon as the opportunity avails itself, the wind will blow, a noise will be made, and off we skip into tomorrow -- best friends in the Father. Let it pass.

Let me make my way out of your conscious environment, but do think about our lesson. Don't wait until you get the transcript to find out what it is that you are to be doing this week.

Proceed, my children, my delightful, delightful darlings. I will tiptoe through the next few weeks with you in the tumult of hostess situations and through the spring exposure, which we will discuss later. Learn to love each other and see each other as children.

Allow yourself to envision each other in short frocks and short pants. Allow yourself to see each other with large freckles or pigtails, so that you can enhance your vision. Indeed, show your broken tooth and your skinned knee and slough it off. Learn to be children. Until we meet again, I am your old kid buddy, Tomas. Farewell.

Group:      Farewell.


DATE:          January 18, 1997

LOCATION:     Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:              Gerdean


Urantia Paper 1, Concluded

Foreword, Concluded




Lord Michael, we seek your presence. We seek your embrace, your companionship. We call upon you to be with us and to give us your blessing on our coming together. Our hearts join in gratitude for you in your wondrous gifts in this life that you have bestowed upon us, and in gratitude to the Father who dwells within us. Help us to stand firm in your presence, knowing that you are with us, that when we feel alone we can come to you in the blink of an eye and feel your warmth and your light and your love.

Beloved Maker, we gratefully acknowledge your teachers who have come to help us walk the path in this most difficult while most exciting time on your planet of nativity. We flounder as individuals, but as people in your family we are strengthened, knowing that we represent you and that you work with each of us and abide with us all.

Give us, Brother, the willingness to hear with ears to hear those words, those nuances of truth that will help us understand you better; indeed, that we may understand you so well as to walk shoulder to shoulder with you, comrades with you in this work of Kingdom-building.

Bless us as children, Michael, but help us to grow up to be pleasing to you and Our Father in heaven.  Be with us now today in our gathering, that our hearts may open to your love through each other. Sanction and bless our studies, our learning, our fellowship, our growth, and our week as we leave here fed by the spirit that you bring by your gracious nature. Forever more. Amen.

TOMAS:      Good afternoon, my friends.  I am Tomas. 

Group:      Good afternoon.

TOMAS:     My heart swells with appropriate pride in your diligence and your loyalty, you who venture forth in search of companionship in the spirit and understanding of your spirit nature, in hope of harmonizing your dual nature for greater personality integration and expression. We are most pleased with your efforts and with your faith.

My friends, last week we discussed the aspect of childlikeness as occasionally compared to childishness and I know that you have all reflected on that quality of childlikeness that places you in the hands of the Eternal Parents, that small one who is made secure in the love of the Divine Parent. You who pray, pray as a child of the Father, and you who seek comfort and healing pray as a child of the Mother, and you who pray for harmony and fellowship among yourselves pray to the Eternal Son, and in your youth, in your seeking, you are a child.

Even Michael, when he walked upon Urantia, could be equated/aligned in your mind as a child, in-as-much as he always came to the Father for guidance and inspiration and companionship and direction. Always was his prayer, "Even so, Thy will be done." His faith was childlike. He trusted the Father in all things, even as a mortal child trusts its human parent to provide all things. Let us look at your childlike aspects.

As you have observed your behaviors this week and the behaviors of others in terms of childishness and childlikeness, you can quickly ascertain that some children are more pleasant to be around than other children. Some children are delightful by their very being, while some wreck havoc on their environment by their very being. And the parent, the adult, may well wonder, "What will this child be like when it has grown? Will these same characteristics still prevail?"

And thus begins the process of formulating the behavior of the child that it will then conform to the standards of its societal role and societal expectations for how it is that a good child comports itself. Disciplines enter into the picture. Sharing is a lesson to be learned, and relearned. Various punishments may be meted out in order to impress a certain behavior modification, and so the child ultimately becomes molded into a cultural mold for the betterment of the whole.

You are, of course, all the products of such molding, and it is necessary that this guidance take place in order for the young and unruly child to learn how to function in and with its peers for eventual civilization. But I am more interested today in looking at a child and ascertaining what it is about the child itself that makes it "compatible" as compared to being "well-behaved."

And I envision a child now, which you may do also, who is sheer delight. You have heard it said in your scripture, "Out of the mouths of babes," and you know that as the Thought Adjuster comes to a young one and before the young one is overmuch conditioned by behavior patterns outlined above, they have a relatively free and unhampered access to their perception of truth, beauty and goodness. They are guileless. And herein is the joy, for they can be sincere in being their self.

There is a quality of devotion in a child who is sincere. Now this child may not intellectually understand all there is to know, but when you are invited to a tea party, when you are invited to visit the clubhouse, when you avail yourself to listen to the child's point of view, you will be startled and impressed by the degree of sincerity they allow their self. And that sincerity remains as long as their integrity remains intact also.

It is the sincerity of the child, both little and big, that makes this child pleasant, bearable, and loveable. And so as you perceive yourself as a child, with your snits and temper tantrums, with your unwillingness to share, with your fear of things that go bump in the dark … rather than hide your integrity, allow yourself the gift of sincerity, for when you are sincere, you are close to being real, and responses to your condition are more likely to be kindly and beneficial.

Sincerity comes from the inner Core of the self. It is the soul speaking. It is speaking for itself its own feelings and interpretations and not what it has been taught by another. There are variations on the theme of sincerity to include lesser values (such as, for your understanding, sincerely angry, sincerely greedy, sincerely evil), but those are not my focus, nor yours, for you understand that you attain perfection by your sincerity and your decisions, and you make better decisions, more real and aligned decisions, when you take your own sincerity into account.  And even when you share yourself sincerely with others (for in sharing yourself sincerely with others you get feed-back), you can see if it is the feed-back that feeds your soul or if it is something that has been taught and learned as a behavior modification to societal expectations and cultural expectations rather than your own soul's expectations.

Reflect sincerity outward and recognize it when it is reflected back to you. This tool for your childhood is a gift. Everyone has it. And when you come together, like you are now, today, in sincere faith and appreciation of your spiritual growth in this family of believers, you are allowed to be sincere, encouraged to be sincere, heartened to be real. It is not necessary to be glib; it is not necessary to be clever; it is not required that you be politically correct; but only that you be yourself. And that may include your discomfort and your growing experiences, but in this arena, in this growing environment with your peers in the Kingdom, you will be regarded lovingly and nurtured graciously.

And so I say to you today to learn to trust each other as children, but not products of your mortal realm; rather as products of your Eternal Parents, your Father, Mother in Paradise, and allow your behaviors, your needs, your growth experiences, your questing, your happiness, your sorrows, your confusions, be a reflection of your relationship with Them. Align yourself, children, with your true Parents. Allow Them to raise you up.

I will speak further regarding your stature as a child of God at another time, in other lessons. I am eager now to engage in conversation with you. How shall we commence? Are there questions?

Liana:      Tomas, could you just clarify one of these terms for me?

TOMAS:     I will try.

Liana:     What does grace mean? And what does "ministering grace" mean?

TOMAS:     You almost ask for a lesson on the fruits of the spirit. Grace is a state of being when it occurs in you and it is a gift when you are aware that you have received it. Grace is indeed like a yellow blanket that covers you and gives off a soft glow of warmth and light. Grace is a connection with spirit so viable and real as to literally alter your electro-chemical structure. It pulls in the morontia realm of existence and so you can walk in grace consciously, knowing you are walking with the spirit and in the spirit.

When you are not walking thus, but seek to know it, you then seek the touch of grace which comes through the Master, through the spirit, to bless you, to bring itself to bear upon you, in you and with you. Grace is a reflection of the Trinity. You can see grace in those who carry it comfortably. You can wish it upon those who stumble and fall. You can call upon it to wash over you, and, if you are willing, it will do so.

Ministering grace is grace by its very nature, for it cannot help but minister by its very being. As illumination relieves the darkness, so does grace minister to its surroundings. Does that clarify?

Liana:      Yes, thank you.

TOMAS:      You are welcome.  I appreciate your question.

Hunnah:      This is Hunnah.

TOMAS:      Yes, daughter.

Hunnah:     We have a small group this morning and it's cold outside and we have our warm hearts. Can we take a break for a moment to see if some of us have a question?

TOMAS:      We shall have one of our infamous intermissions, then.


TOMAS:     Welcome back. Happy Intermission. Indeed, it does provide you that safety valve that we referred to earlier, for you find yourself focused and fed and "get out get out get out" comes along to rid yourselves of all that which is blocking your sincere childlike faith. I am tolerant of your hiatus into your psychological and your emotional understandings of yourselves for that reason as well as others.

It is important to socialize. It is important, as I said earlier, to trust each other, and you evidence your trust of each other when you share in these ways, and the sanctity of the teacher platform allows you to experience this unabated, unfenced. Your discourses are sometimes even productive of soulful understandings of your own experiences.

I will add to my earlier remarks having to do with the sincerity of a good child, of a child, remarking now that this enchanting and delightful child's sincerity is a matter of the heart. And, as you have discussed in your intermission, albeit from far-flung points of view, your appreciation of reality is in the heart's manifestation, not being the romantic heart so much as the heart of truth, beauty and goodness, the soulful appreciation of your integrity and reality, your imagination, your beliefs, your appreciation and your adoration.

Sincerity in a child is like poetry. This week, as you continue to observe yourself and others as children, observe also the poetry of sincerity. Be advised that it is difficult for the mortal to be sincere. Many individuals run from sincerity for it is too real for their "comfort zones." Many times people shun genuine sincerity for they are at once vulnerable. They have exposed their heart; they have been real and they feel vulnerable. And so sincerity is truly a rare commodity.

You would serve yourself, your peers and your Master if you were to be able to gently enable others to know sincerity, and you can encourage their sincerity by being sincere yourselves.  Being sincere does not preclude having a sense of humor.  Many people regard sincerity as onerous and burdensome for its tonal quality, as if you had to be mature in order to be sincere, but I tell you, as children, you have the biggest heart, the most guileless faith, the most sublime trust, the most radiant joy, and these are light-hearted, bountiful and beautiful, appealing and charming and loveable, and so exercise yourself this week by being sincere in your childlikeness. It will help you to continue to be childlike while restraining you from being childish.

Were there any questions formulated during the intermission or have any emerged for discussion? Or in the alternative, are there comments or collaboration to offer?

Celeste:     I don't know, Tomas, but I just love the story that Leah just told. I liked that story; it's so real and so human. I just wonder what you thought about it.  [Ed. note: Leah related an altercation in a gas station wherein an aggressive driver was verbally assaulting his highway prey. Leah angrily confronted the aggressive man, in defense of his victim.]

TOMAS:     She has been working in the field. She has been up to her knees in mud, and her sleeves have been rolled up that she may face the furrows of life with enthusiasm and gusto, for truly that is a situation, that which she described in her "altercation" at the gas station, that is a rightful matter for Correcting Time.

It was courageous of her to take this on. It is only fair to add that the circumstances of her life at this time and her emotional condition also at this time, her growing and developing willingness and readiness to act upon her light of truth has enabled her to thus respond to the situation toward correction. It may not have been possible a week ago and it may not be necessary next week, but it was indeed a valuable learning experience for Leah and the man and the boy, and all indeed will reflect upon value, although there will be great denial and thoughts of retribution in the process. The truth was demonstrated physically, dramatically and succinctly. Blessed be those who fight the good fight of faith.

The scripture about "swords and plowshares" wafts to the surface of the mental bank of Gerdean, but she is not well-versed in scripture and so it is alluded to for those of you who have that frame of reference for understanding. Alas, the plowshares, having risen to the surface, refuse to submerge and so I am drowning. One moment please.

[Ed. note: An intermission discussion arose regarding emotions, to-wit, one person contended that emotions are exhausting and are therefore to be avoided; the other person construed this to be an unhealthy attitude. Tomas now responds to that issue.]

Yes, I also would like to reflect upon your discourses having to do with the emotional realms. And that experience at the gas station, the altercation in defense of truth, cannot be construed as less than an emotional experience, one which could be regarded as exhausting, but also could be regarded as invigorating, and so these emotions of the mortal realm are not as well defined as you would like to have them be.

Fear, for example, is not altogether unwholesome, for there are reasonable and unreasonable fears, given your evolutionary plateau, and other emotions have a wider range of value than you may like to think. There are also healthy kinds of love as well as unhealthy kinds of love. There are beneficial constraints as well as negative controls. The emotional range is, as I have described before, much like the Everglades of Florida. It is a wonderful place, exotic beyond description, and even though it may be dangerous in places, especially for the unskilled, it may also be awe-inspiring and breathtaking and exhilarating in its majesty and mystery.

It is indeed difficult to live a day in the life without benefit of emotion, for you are emotional creatures, but as we discussed, being allowed to walk in a unified personality, a well-balanced individual, human and divine, the emotions are not all-consuming. As you allow the spiritual outlook to light the way for you, you can sometimes see an emotional pitfall coming and sidestep it. If you don't see, and you stumble or get caught in the quicksand of, say, jealousy or rage or worry, you can call upon the forces of will, which will enable you to regain your footing.

Even in looking back upon your emotional escapades, you can look upon them and see what you have learned and what you have experienced as a result of having allowed yourself the experience which is constructed in and with emotion. An experience is good if it brings you closer to the Father, if it gives you increased understanding of your fellow beings, if it encourages and supports truth, beauty and goodness in the end. Do not avoid going to the Everglades.

I must ask if this has been helpful. (Pause) I am also asking my transmitter who originally posed the question having to do with the emotions as a realm to eschew, for emotions can be exhausting, and she is availing her response to me that, yes, she is pleased with my response to her.

Very well.  Have we covered adequate ground that you will gaily go into your more academic study? Are you ready to embark upon a cerebral and perhaps morontial appreciation of "The Nature of God" in your text?

Celeste:      It is wonderful.  I love that part of the text.

TOMAS:     We, too. Let us then commence and I will bid you adieu for today, we who watch you lovingly and carefully. Be well, be adventurous, be joyous children.

Group:      Love you, too, Tomas.

TOMAS:      Sincerely yours.  Farewell.


DATE:          January 25, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:             Gerdean


Urantia Paper 1: The Nature of God



TOMAS:     Greetings, faithful ones. I am Tomas, your teacher. It is good to be with you, as always. Many of us have assembled in enjoyment and appreciation of your coming together in praise of The Father and in fellowship with each of His children here present and in concern for those who are dear to you … while not present in the flesh, present in your heart and in your mind.

Prayer is a great fulfiller. Take your concerns always to The Father in prayer, for your attitude in prayer can then be adjusted toward helping bring about the desired results / effects of your prayer. Many times when you pray you are then given the assignment of following through with that prayer in service.

All children of God are imbued with the power of God. It is in making a wise and divine use of such power that earmarks you as a son or daughter of the living God. It allows the Son to shine upon you that others may see your light. It satisfies the longings of the soul.

It has been said that religionists act, and even though their actions are sometimes in error, they are at least actions brought about by their intent to serve. It has also been said in your realm, that there are those who make things happen, those who watch what happen and those who wonder what happened, and you may decide which of those you will be, for as you take yourself into prayer, you can become a mover and a shaker of divine action. If you put your religious life on a back burner, by maintaining a cursory interest, you may watch what happens as a result of those movers and shakers; and, pity the poor person who has no cognizance of this divine and interplanetary interaction at all, but wonders "What's it all about, Alfie?"

I address now you who would be diligent, you who would be movers and shakers, you who would act on behalf of your beliefs, on behalf of Michael, on behalf of that which you love and hold dear in terms of your spiritual life. There are ways to go about getting things accomplished and your world is well versed in many techniques of accomplishing things and I would refer you to our Source and Center and the divine plan that unfailingly gets the job done.

When Jesus walked on your world it reached a point when one day he said to his would-be apostles, "Follow me" and they did. And the results of their efforts altered the climate on Urantia for the subsequent 2,000 years. There is now yet a new and modern revelation to Urantia through The Urantia Book, and it is a reminder, in part, of the invitation and admonition that those who would make a difference would follow him even still.

Lo, the Master has been gone from Urantia in the flesh these many years, and so his invitation to follow him becomes another chapter. No longer is he here to sit in the flesh with us, to counsel with us, to encourage us, and to flood our minds with his advanced understandings, but he has said "I am the Way" and so still we are to follow him. We cannot follow him as the original apostles did in those long-gone days, but we can follow him in our lives today by and through his gift to Urantia, to you, which he poured out upon his departure and upon his reclamation of divinity, and that is, of course, the Spirit of Truth.

For as you put yourself in a willingness to follow him, he will guide you and lead you through the Spirit of Truth as fully and as coherently as if he were here with you in the flesh. Now what is this Spirit of Truth and how does it work in your life, in your lives? For everyone has a comprehension of truth, of many truths. And how are you to know what to believe? Which way to go?

As you journey in your ascendant career, you are aided by the seven adjutant mind spirits, another gift of the Paradise Trinity to help and enable you to develop and grow your own relationship with Deity. And in and through these adjutant mind spirits, mortals have made their decisions for many generations, as compared to consulting with the Spirit of Truth.

It is to be remembered that when you attain a certain degree of spiritual maturity, you no longer need to utilize so heavily these adjutant mind spirits, but until you attain that level, they are active in evolving you and aligning you with life's ventures. And so those who have not been born of the spirit or those who have not attained a certain degree of spiritual maturity (for lack of a better word), their decisions will be made concomitantly with the adjutant mind spirits.

You may hear someone say, for instance, that their intuition told them to do something or behave in a certain way or grasp a concept as having reality, and this is and provides a relative truth, one which is, at that time, honorable. One may have certain understandings based upon his or her experiences and exposures, and this plateau of understanding, this platform of understanding, influences his or her decisions, and so on down the line. The adjutant mind spirits impact personality and they impact decisions which impact or fail to impact on the growth of the Supreme.

Whereas, when you consult with and rely upon the Spirit of Truth, there resonates within you, on every level, a clarity of purpose, and even a direction. Everyone has available to them the Spirit of Truth, but many opt to remain in the realms of the adjutant mind spirits for their decision-making guidance. The Spirit of Truth is that within you which, at every crossroads of life, will point and say, "This is the Way" and it is the Way of the Master. It is His answer to you to follow the invitation to "Follow me."

In order for you to have, perhaps, a clearer understanding of how the Spirit of Truth works in your life, perhaps you will be able to recall a time in your life wherein you felt that the direction you were headed was the direction that was right for you and that you truly wanted to go. It may have had to do with a career, an earthly career. It may have had to do with a relationship, perhaps a romantic relationship. It may have had to do, perhaps, with your influence that you had available to bring to bear upon another human being, perhaps a child or someone under your authority and guidance. And in your understanding of the spirit of the seven adjutant mind spirits, you had worked out a plan that seemed to conform to all the elements of intuition, counsel, courage, understanding, knowledge, worship and wisdom. You were happy with your choices and hell bent on bringing it about. And this is how your world has attained its reality levels today, by and large.

For the Spirit of Truth is its own voice. It is a superior voice to the evolutionary adjutant mind spirits, and as you learn to trust the Spirit of Truth, you can bank on the Spirit of Truth for it will show you the way in such clarity and conviction that you will see the difference between the better way and the lesser way. Always does the Spirit of Truth lead you into an understanding of Michael, an appreciation for the divine plan. It takes no credit for itself, but always leads you into the presence of the Master, that he may say, "Follow me. This is the Way."

I have seen, I have heard accounts of many sincere individuals who had allowed a glimmering of the Spirit of Truth to speak to them, and even to show them the Way, but the mortal was so comfortable with the outlined plan of its own understanding and of its own choosing, that there commenced, there ensued, a long and arduous struggle - over time and affecting many souls - that existed until such time as the struggle ended by and through, ultimately, acquiescing and recognizing the wisdom of the Spirit of Truth.

And so you may take as much time in your spiritual evolution as you choose, but as you choose to consult with and follow through the ministrations of the Spirit of Truth, you accelerate the growth of yourself, of your loved ones, indeed, of Urantia and on into infinity. When you, therefore, find yourself in a crossroad, remember these words as to the Spirit of Truth. Allow it to lead you into the presence and the guidance of the Master, who will say, "Follow me. This is the Way." And you may follow in full confidence of it being the correct path for you. It is sure victory, even though it may appear that the road is rocky and the way hard. It is for you to trust that your faith may grow in your supernal adventure of finding God and aspiring to be more like him. If you aspire to be like him, then seek him, and do not lean upon your own understanding.

I have concluded my "lecture" for the afternoon. How I enjoyed your reading today in the nature of our divine Parent! The goodness of God has granted that I may know you and be your companion and for this personal experience I shall be eternally affected and eternally grateful. How are you, my loved ones, today? Are there questions?

Mary Theresa:     You had said earlier, Tomas, about those born in spirit and those not born in spirit? Or whatever. I didn't understand. I thought we were all born . .. unless I misunderstood what you meant by it . .. that we were all born of the spirit, God within us. You know what I'm saying?

TOMAS:     Let me, perhaps, clarify, that yes, indeed, the Spirit of Truth has been bestowed upon all flesh; and also everyone of normal mind is indwelt by a fragment of the divine Father. And so you have, everyone has a Thought Adjuster and everyone may utilize and enjoy the ministering presence of the Spirit of Truth.  But as you understand, you are free will creatures, and you are not compelled to follow him or anyone, but that as you venture through your life's experiences, you may make those decisions which will create your greater God-consciousness, or not.

Those who are born of the spirit, those who are reborn, are innately infused with the fruits of the spirit and even those who "wonder what happened" have these fruits of the spirit to reflect upon, inasmuch as they are indwelt by God, a fragment of God, and so the potential is there. But unless and until the potential is actualized by conscious decision, the fruit is not ripe, you see.

Those of you who have opted to go forward, to embrace the divine presence, to seek to know God in your personal religious experience, your personal lives have activated those spiritual gifts and can also discern the benefit of working with an appreciation of the Spirit of Truth. Have I been too vague, Mary Theresa?

Mary Theresa:     No, because I sort of misunderstood, in the beginning. I was wondering is there a connection with the "born again" people. We were talking about being born again. Is this the more or less the same thing, that we just have to open up to it? We all have it, we all have been born with it, in other words, and we just have to accept, and want to know God, and, no, you explained it beautifully. Thank you.

Celeste:      I read in The Urantia Book one day that if your mind isn't working well, you should take on the mind of Jesus.

TOMAS:     It is indeed a successful technique for those who have the perspicacity to think in those terms. It puts to rest the materialistic aspects of the mind, which is incessantly busy and incessantly clamoring for recognition. If you can replace your ego/mechanical mind with the mind of Christ, those voices will be stilled. The conditioning voices that tell you "you should," "you should have," "I told you this," and all those -- what is it your culture calls it?  The "committee" of voices who remind you of your earlier training: your teachers, your parents, your peers, your spouses, your authority figures, your saints and so forth who have deluged your mind banks with impressions that are still affecting you as part of your previous conditioning.

But by trading that busy and befuddled mind for the mind of Christ, you are at once relieved of those jabbering voices of others' values, and immediately impressed with the sanctity of repose, of mental poise, and in this place you can begin to allow your own mind to be in alignment with that divine mind of the Infinite Spirit which will give you the ability to make those decisions which will give reality to your life, based upon your own relationship with your Eternal Parent and not upon lesser gods. Well done.

Celeste:      Those things that you go to a psychiatrist for or psychologists for, that we have those parts from the past, or your thinking, when you take on the mind of Jesus, seriously take on the mind of Jesus, you don't have to go anyplace for medical help.

TOMAS: Remember, though, that you are not taking on the body of Christ, but the mind of Christ, and although I am not disagreeing with the potentials of your remark, I wanted to clarify for the record that in taking on the mind of Christ, you have now found the peace which passes all understanding, and from this place of peace and poise in the spirit, this great stronghold, it is possible then to clean out those closets of conditioning which are represented by the various members of that chattering committee, for they have influenced you, they have influence that they bring to bear upon your behavior when you are unsuspecting. And further, as you assume the mind of Christ (which phrase many scoff at), you are actually freer to also mend your physical facets because you can see more clearly how it is that you have become ill or bent or tender. Yes, there are many advantages to taking on the mind of Christ.

Celeste:      Tomas, if you practice these fruits of the spirit, you cannot help but take on the mind of Christ.

Mary Theresa:     Tomas also just answered a question that was running in my mind about physical health. When I feel that I'm possibly coming down with something, I wonder, I say to God in my prayers that I don't need to be ill. Whatever it is that I'm doing wrong, let me know; what I'm thinking wrong, let me know, because I do feel I can trace it back to anger, frustration, and I think if we, as you say, take on the mind of Christ, we release those feelings, because I really feel that it affects my health, and you just said that in so many words, that it does affect you physically.

TOMAS:     Indeed it does. I would like to say more regarding this taking on the mind of Christ, which phrase I will not repeat consistently for it is a borrowed phrase for certain understanding, but technically it is not the mind of Christ but a gentle aphorism, for their minds are so far beyond yours, it is like a little child who is wearing her Mommy's high heeled shoes. You may think that you can assume the mind of Christ, but technically it is not possible.

What you have done, rather, is ask for Christ to put your thinking into an alignment with perfection. Your own mind, then, is that which may make wise decisions which will further your own progression into perfection. In this clarification, now, I may renew my interest in the Spirit of Truth, for as you consult with your mind, the Spirit of Truth may help direct your thinking toward "What would Jesus do? How might he have done this? How would he have me behave?"

In a way, your mind, having made the decision to become Godlike, presents a triodity, if you will, with the Spirit of Truth and the guidance of Christ, and so there is a harmonious working arrangement that results in and between and among those realities, such that it is not necessary for you then to depend upon the more primary and material reality levels of the seven adjutant mind spirits, for your mind has been relieved of much of its foregoing conditioning and scaffolding, so now you can make intelligent decisions by your association with your Father/Brother Michael as care-taken by the Spirit of Truth.

I "think" there was another facet of our discussion but it eludes me. If I have overlooked a nuance of your discussion and inquiry, please bring it again to the forefront of my attention.

Hester:     I, Tomas, have been dealing with the first breath we take in as we become a human being after we've left the womb.

TOMAS:      Yes, Hester?

Hester:     And I find this breath tied in. This first breath is the breath of life that is spoken of in this first series of words, and along with it comes this "I am the Way, I am the Truth, and I am the Light. No man or woman or being comes to the Father except by me." I get that this means not being the Christ in action as much as being active and involved with becoming the Christ in action.

TOMAS:     This is correct. It is astute, for why would a loving God preclude believers from coming to Him simply because they had not the knowledge of one Jesus of Nazareth. Indeed, it is true that we come to the Father through the Creator, but it is because a Creator Son has given us the life pattern, the life, that we live.

It is not that we are not the Father's direct creation, but rather the creation of the Creator Son, and so we attain Paradise and the presence of the Universal Father because we have been brought into being by and through the Creator Son, Christ.

It is not so much your natal understanding that you would gather from your understanding of the evolved religions, for as I said, even though a man be Buddhist or Islamic, he is still in line for ascension to the Paradise Father and will meet Michael in his ascent.

As to your remark regarding that first moment having to do with the breath of life, again it is a literal and earthly interpretation. The breath of life is not just that breath which you recognize as an inhalation and exhalation of oxygen and carbon dioxide, but indeed the very power of life as it goes out from Havona into the universes and returns to its Source. This, too, is the breath of life.

Hester:      Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:      Thank you for sharing, Hester.

I will divert a moment into our session of last week. Recall that we were to investigate our childlike aspects, in terms of sincerity, in order that our childlikeness might wield more influence than our childishness, and that you were invited to induce sincerity in your fellows by being thus sincere yourselves. Have we reports or testimonies in that context?

Hester: Well, I would say that I wasn't here last week and I didn't know what the assignment was, but I see I attuned right into it. Absolutely, the first breath took me into it, and I see this tiny human being taking the first breath and all of a sudden everything starts to move in that little body. It's like you turn the button and the thought comes out, and it goes "bang, bang" and it starts working. It's been working as a fish, prior to this. The gills close up and the lungs take over on the first breath.

TOMAS: Yes, and you will see when you review our previous lessons and discussions from the transcripts, that although we did not discuss the approach from the fish, we have approached the child from its early origins in terms of its behavior. We have discussed a good child as compared to a rascally child, and certain conditionings [that are] necessary in your civilization to guide and conform its behavior. 

But we have been focussing on the child as a reflection of you yourselves as children, in order to take a new and fresh look at how it is that you are the way you are, and we have been looking now at the quality of sincerity, for the sincerity of a child is what gives it its own magical aura.  Even grown-up children are creative, inventive, interesting and impelling by their degree of sincerity, and yet so few mortals are sincere.

I relinquish the floor to you for this discussion. I am not going to give another lecture. (Group laughter)

Mary Theresa:     I think it came up one other time, where you want to be sincere, but you want to tell the person--  You don't want to let the person down, so you agree with them, rather than be completely honest. You don't want them to be angry with you, and so you affirm something that you really didn't want to, or you catch yourself doing that. At least I know I catch myself after I've done it. AFTER I've done it. Should I try to make a correction there or leave well enough alone?

I guess I feel I'm not intelligent enough to know how to handle it, and say it easily without causing hard feelings. To the person that's down, you try to build them up, and there I affirm something that in my mind is wrong — maybe it's only in my mind that it's wrong, so why make an enemy? This is the confusion that goes on in my head. What's honest and what isn't? What's being truly wise?

Hester:     Theresa, I have to say to you that mankind has been looking for honesty ever since the first man came on the earth and met the first woman.

TOMAS:     I must interject, for I fear we will reduce our conversation to a battle of the sexes in terms of honesty. Even this group of women here can learn to improve upon their honest appraisals and discourses among each other. As I addressed in the lesson having to do with enlightened honesty, it is better for you to not say anything than to reaffirm error, for in affirming error, it has helped to solidify an untruth. And yet if this matter is of eternal value, it will recur for clarification.

Is it a matter for you to take to the Master in consultation? If so, do not rely upon your own understanding of honesty, but ask, indeed, the Master through the Spirit of Truth and see if you are given an insightful response through your meditations for when this incident reoccurs, as it likely will until the lesson is learned.

Remember that Jesus, in his dealings with his apostles would sometimes speak -- what word shall I use? Firmly. Strongly. Swiftly.  -- in order for them to understand. Being Christlike does not necessary mean being a doormat or saccharine in sweetness. Our goal is to become real, to become a reflection of The Father, which, as you read today, has a vast span of possibility. It includes science, art, and religion, you know, and, therefore, it can include mercy and wisdom and justice as well as sweetness and light.

It is important to expand your comprehension of The Father to break down those genteel doors painted by your historic forefathers of religion. Angels and saints have been symbolic of qualities of God for a long time, but they are mere manmade icons of an understanding of this God that is all-powerful, all-present in his greatness as well as his goodness.

Being honest when necessary should not make you feel awkward. You have the Spirit of Truth within you, Mary Theresa. You have the strength within you, within your God-consciousness, to do what must be done if you are called upon to do it. You have the strength of this all-powerful Center. Do not make light of your capacities, for there is in you One who can if you cannot.

Mary Theresa:     I have no problem being honest with my family. With them I can be very open. As a matter of fact, I probably tell them more than I should. Outside the family I just have a hard time being frank and open.

TOMAS:     Perhaps these people do not mean enough to you for you to be truly open with them. If these are social situations that are mere window dressing and not true reality-based relationships, then I wouldn't lose sleep over the way you say "Hello."

Mary Theresa:     I have a friend, two of them, who are offended very easily.

TOMAS:          Do you love the sinner and hate the sin?

Mary Theresa:      Yes. I love my friends. I've always felt that I was a people person. I like them; I like sociability; and I've had many friends. And I know this one gets hurt very easily and I just have a hard time being completely honest. It just seems like I find myself agreeing because I'm afraid I'm going to preach, I think, because my husband thinks I preach. My husband says I preach.

TOMAS: Are you promoting error that will affect their immortal soul? No? Then let it go. If you think they look wretched in chartreuse, it is not necessary to say they look pea green in that dress, but say things are going swimmingly. There are creative ways to get around situations that do not rise to the occasion of truth-seeking, but if, on the other hand, these situations do not warrant truth, perhaps the relationship itself needs to be reviewed as to its caliber and content.

Celeste:      Tomas?

TOMAS:      Yes, Celeste.

Celeste:      I just want to see if I can say this right. Instead of taking on the mind of Christ, which obviously we can never truly do, how about it would be okay to say we'd be open to the mind of Christ.

Hester:     Eventually we do take on the mind of Christ. It may take some time. I mean, how many years do we live before we realize that we are a human being? And there are differences between us all. It's progressive. Am I right, Tomas?

TOMAS: Of course. It is progressive. It is an ascension plan. Yes. What you know today is more than you knew yesterday but less than you know tomorrow.

Hester: So instead of getting hung up on this little briar on the side of the rose, look up at the rose and start moving toward the rose instead of being hung up on the briar.

Celeste:      That's good.

TOMAS:      Well put.

Leah:      About the sincerity, I don't believe I practiced it the way you really talked about it, but I did notice that I talked more to cashiers and people in interchanges and -- I usually do look people in the eye, but I seemed to have conversations as opposed to, you know, "Good-bye and thank you." You pay for your merchandise and say good-bye. One time I was in the parking lot and I saw this man and this woman screaming at each other. It was obvious they were having some kind of a thing going on, the ego-action of the thing was, you know, and so I thought, "Well, bless them."

There was some lady that was beeping her horn in the parking lot and she kept on beeping it over and over and over again, I don't know why, and I found myself judging her, and I don't know, I feel a bit more sincerity about those social situations where it's just every day things that you have to do. It feels that I'm getting to know the people a little better.

Hester:     You know those people that were out of the penitentiary? They were out at the parking lot in Cranberry the day they got out, and I parked to go into Wal-Mart for some reason, and the man, the bald-headed man they caught first? He was standing three cars from where I parked and I walked right past him and you know something? I had to look him in the eye. And thank God! I didn't recognize him. I didn't know him because I didn't know about...

I couldn't help it! I smiled! I had to smile. And when I came back out, he was still standing by that one car, waiting for his cohort, and they got started and got away but they were the first ones caught. But the car, he stole it apparently, right there in the Cranberry lot! It could have been my car! But, thank God, I had the consciousness -- I don't know what else to call it -- to smile, because I've been practicing seeing everybody as a child of God, no matter who they are, no matter what they're doing, and it helps my child.

But that really happened. And every time I see that man on television, I think how fortunate, because they were -- he was a murderer! He was in for murder! God was with me, is with us.

TOMAS:     All the time. I am going to make ready to depart. Are there any...?

Celeste:      I just want say that you are really good to us, Tomas, and we're glad you're here.

TOMAS:    I love you very much, and I am, even so, glad to be among you. I will extend the assignment from last week into next week to include practicing your childlike sincerity, and also incorporating your Spirit of Truth into your consultations to augment and secure your sincerity. Until we speak again, I am your devoted friend, Tomas, and … I would like to add a

P.S. … that I am available to you should you, any of you, seek a personal conversation. I and other teachers are here, remember, to serve you, and so if the meeting configuration does not lend itself well to what your needs are, I am eager to serve, and I would urge you to consult with Gerdean's calendar for a special session.

Also, we are very, very happy to have another transmitter emerging in your midst, and this too shall bring about greater expanse of lessons and learnings. This is all for now. Farewell.

Group:      Farewell.  Thank you.


DATE:          February 1, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:             Gerdean


Urantia Book, Paper 3:

"The Attributes of God"



You are a Microcosm Universe

"I Am Only Human"

Tomas is Not a Psychic

Stolen Heirlooms

Pope Paul and Mother Theresa

Schedule Meditation Time

TOMAS:     Good afternoon, dear friends. I am Tomas, your teacher and your companion, your guide in your growing, in particular in your growing experiences as they evolve from our studies in our formal gatherings. It is worthy of note that those lessons which have been given in the past, and which you assumed to know, are then given a chance to be experientially worked out through your life in subsequent times.  And so, many of the experiences that you relate among each other as being a current experience, reflects upon your recent thought processes having been stimulated by our gatherings in which your soul's needs have been addressed.  Therefore, as your soul needs to develop, you reflect that need to your spirit helpers who in turn attempt to bring to your cognizant mind that lesson as set forth in the Melchizedek curriculum which will bring into effect those experiences which will manifest that truth for you experientially.

I will tell you, before we settle down this afternoon, before this portion of your agenda, that I and my fellows in the spirit realm who attend, are much like those who investigate the delicacies of an operation by your surgeons from the glass-enclosed aerie up and out of the way of the operation which is your interactions at your table with one another, and we are amazed at the process, amazed to see, in fact, how it is that your growth is manifested in your human experiences and how you then reflect your understanding of your experiences to your co-workers and peers. It gives us great satisfaction to see you interact thus. Indeed, your scholarly study today was a hallmark of invigorated learning.

The everywhereness of God was certainly evident in each of you today in your sharing of your understanding of your experience in and with and through the Universal Father, our creator — our ultimate creator. I will borrow, indeed, upon the lesson from today to convey some words to you as a microcosm of the Upholder of the Universes, for as He indwells each of you and as He guides and directs your life, as He is the driving force in your existence, you then, in conjunction with Him and in cooperation with Him, represent in your sphere a microcosm universe.

As we teach, as we plant seeds, and as these seeds develop in your reality and as you manifest this reality, you adopt and adapt sufficiently to carry Light and Life into your environment. As each of you allows the infinite First Source and Center to be the First Source and Center of your temporal reality as well as your spiritual reality, we will have succeeded in bringing about Light and Life for all Urantia.

And so the challenge is for you to maintain your own sphere of relative perfection, by and through your relationship with your indwelling God Fragment, aligning your will with His to manifest His divine perfection in your singular sphere of influence, your own personal orb of light and life.

We found your dialog today to be most revealing of the human condition, and the grappling which takes place in comprehending who you are, and how you are, and how you are to comport yourself in certain specific and general circumstances affecting your peace of mind and well-being in terms of your relationship with spirit, and I am returning again to earlier lessons having to do with the unified personality, the substance of your growth here on this plane of existence; for whereas you have been born of the spirit and seek comfort and strength in that spirit, you also have a tabernacle of flesh and its many demands and habits to consider, to take into account, to hold in balance of your triune growth of spiritual, mental and physical harmony and ascension.

As you exclude one, you throw the system off balance. It is always necessary to incorporate your entire being into your reality and into the reality of others. Easy for me to say! (Group laughter) But I have already experienced those growth struggles that you today experience and I am now without the primary considerations of the corporeal form, but I am still envisaged as an entity, and as an entity, a personality, I am still learning how to adapt to other personalities while maintaining my own identity and while operating at my capacity as an adjunct of Our Universal Father.

My "light and life" harmonizes more readily with my peers, for we have attained a certain degree of modus operandi, and whereas you grapple with your human experience, we are heartened by your courage and by your dedication to the task. As you are devoted, so are we devoted. One cannot want for someone what they do not want for themselves. It is a fruitless exercise to want or wish for someone else to embrace your understanding of truth, beauty and goodness, but as they understand truth, beauty and goodness, then you are in harmony, at least in understanding integrity of intent.

Mortals spend an inordinate amount of time trying to convince each other of what is right for everyone because it would appear to be right for them, and this is a result of in your microcosm universe you have not allowed the Universal Father to be the First Source and Center but have allowed your ego, your human-based reality, to be the center of that universe.

Before you assume that as a criticism, I hasten to clarify that that is a natural part of the growth process. As you might say, "I'm only human," and this is understood, but as you allow your humanness to be guided and directed, indeed led, ultimately controlled, by those forces of good which are greater than you, you have indeed "let go and let God" and you have done this willingly of your own free will -- spiritually, mentally and physically.

That is a tall order for what began as an animal of the realm! It requires many surgeries, many adjustments, many operations to convert your will into a working harmonious arrangement, a collaboration, a co-creation with divine will. Be good to yourselves in the process, yes, but be good also to those around you who, in their own way, are struggling for perfection. "Judge not lest ye be not judged."

Many, many of your recent growths have become actual. Potential has become actual. There is an accelerated process, and as you continue to hunger for truth and thirst after righteousness, you will continue to multiply your desire to do his will and to bring prevailing harmony into your sphere of influence, that you might see the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. This lofty ideal and this noble goal is the challenge of the age, and you are not alone.

We are working with you, we are assisting, we are companions with you, guides, teachers and friends, as you question your experiences in life, as you wonder about your reality understandings, as you grow through these adaptations to other personalities, others' values, meanings and truths, consult with each other, consult with your supernal helpers and consult with Jesus through the Spirit of Truth, for it is the Father's will that you know happiness, that you bestow His goodness.

You have been working hard. Recently there was a session of believers gathered here wherein we discussed the merits of appreciating a plateau of growth and attainment, an evening of praise and confirmation. It is always a good idea to, as you say, "stop and smell the roses," knowing full well that in due course the momentum of ascension will return, luring you ever forward, ever onward. Trust that you will be led Home, and that as you are led you are given many stopping off places to experience, to learn, to grow, and to savor en route.

"In my Father's house there are many mansions." There are many mansions even before moving on to the mansion worlds, for in your microcosm of universe experience here, even now you know the many mansions of your life's plateaus as you have ascended from darkness and from childhood into understanding and light, into comprehension and cooperation, into new challenges and experiences. Appreciate your experiences. Not only for the lessons you learn and the lessons you teach, but for the fact of the experience itself, for the understanding of the microcosm of divinity which you participate in by being an offspring of the Eternal Parent.

And so this week enjoy and savor the experience. Enjoy and savor, in fullness of understanding, that "all is well." That you are only a microcosm and not the universe itself.

Beloved children, noble sons and daughters, dear friends, my peace I wash over you. Am I to be included in your growth this afternoon through questions or commentary?

Celeste:      Those of us that are here can no longer say, "I'm only human," but we can say, "I'm human with God, which is in me, with the Thought Adjuster." I love that! It's such a big difference.

TOMAS:     It certainly elevates you from a mere puppet of societal conditionings, social responses and biologic urges, yes, for you have the status now of the dignity of sonship/ daughtership, your human-ness and divine-ness in one.

Celeste:     When we were all going to church or Sunday school, we learned that God is within us, and I always loved that, and I thought it was very nice, but I didn't think much more about it.  But now it's kind of nice to know that you can actually work with your Thought Adjuster, and it's asked that you do!

TOMAS:     Indeed. There are many half-truths, untruths, partial truths that have been embedded in your growing, and even today as you assimilate new truths, they may or may not be construed at their highest potential, but this is part of the scaffolding of your growing process.

In terms of the phrase "I am only human," you truly need to perceive as best you can the motives of the speaker, for are they trying to convey their willingness to learn more? Or are they using it as an excuse to not try? You say it is the second one; I trust you are thinking in terms of a particular context.

Celeste:     Well, I do think that when we fail to do something we should have done, that's usually what we say.

TOMAS:     An understanding of one's smallness in humility is a response also of saying, "I am only human. I am not yet completely spirit, but I am working in conjunction with spirit to the best of my ability, comprehension and commitment."

Celeste:      Well, thank God for that because I always heard it -- when it's been used in my presence, it always sounds like such a weak thing to say.  But it's entirely different today.

TOMAS:      It goes from being a "cop-out" to a reason for compassion.

Celeste:      Yes.

Hester:      Tomas, could I ask you . ...

TOMAS:      You well know you can.

Hester:     I don't know how to phrase it. What can I do to help the police in this recent robbery that we had happen, totally innocently relieved much of our fine arts, and I don't mean arts in the sense of pictures on the wall, I mean some of our wonderful things that have been in the family for over a century. Some of our possessions that are most valuable to us. We need to find -- The police are having difficulty finding out who and when. Is there any possibility that you would know, or could describe any people, any involved in this situation?

TOMAS:     Daughter, even if I could, I would not, for that is not my job.  It is not my purpose in being here among you. I am not nor ever will be a psychic in terms of my abilities to make contact with mortal human beings. I am not a seer in that sense. I understand that you believe there to be available those entities who have that quality, but I am not among them. My purpose is to help you grow in the spirit, Hester, and I would answer your question by saying that what you can do to help the police is to allow them to do the investigation and answer them any and all questions that they present to you.

I am not involved in the organizations of your planetary government and its agencies, and I am not given authority to "see" where you lost your key or where they buried the body; that is not my purpose. I am sorry to disappoint you, but if you have a question for me about your soul's grappling with the situation of the theft of your history, I might be able to help you there.

Hester:      That was my primary question.  Why … what part in this I play, beside the victim of the loss of personal belongings.

Hunnah:     Before you answer her, could I combine her question with … if she had access to her personal teacher, would that be of a comfort to her?

TOMAS:      Hunnah, I will take that up separately.

Hunnah:      Okay .

TOMAS:     And returning now to Hester's concern, let me expand your understanding of your history and your realm to include all of your understanding of materiality, your Max, your heritage, your planetary identification, your natal world even. All of that which is material is here only to serve you temporarily, and as you have learned from it, as it has provided a foundation for you, it is called upon you then to release it that you might ascend to the next plateau of functioning and understanding.

It comes to my mind a. quote from the life, and teachings "What does it matter if all things earthly crumble to those who love the Lord?" and you may remain in an attitude of "victim" if that is your decision, but that is assuming your experience from an exclusively mortal point of view. If you rather, consider that the value of the experience of having known this heritage, this beauty, this gift of life, you will take these experiences, this knowledge, these learnings with you throughout eternity, is part of your reality that will live far beyond your confines in the flesh and in this material realm.

I would therefore advise you to incorporate into your appreciation of your situation the farther view, and see that the divine plan will bring you into yet more riches and treasures, a greater history and finer works of art than you have yet beheld.  This, my dear, is my service to you.

Let me now return my focus to Hunnah's suggestion that Hester and/or anyone be able to consult with their personal teacher regarding these things and would that be an advantage in the thought processes of the individual, and certainly it is. It is beneficial always to discuss your heart's concerns with someone, be it a fellow human being, your personal teacher, your understanding of a celestial personality, even God himself, and as you ask for clarity in sincerity, and as you are open to the response, the response will be forthcoming.  Perhaps not from the source that you thought it would come from, but if you indeed hunger after truth and thirst for righteousness, your answer will be provided. This is a promise to you.

Celeste:      We are so happy to have you, Tomas.

TOMAS:     We are very glad to be part of the reclamation of Urantia. We who volunteered to take on the assignment of the Teaching Corps are also very grateful to you who hear us and who are willing to allow your lives to be impacted by your association with us.

Celeste:      After you left your earthly life and traveled far beyond, was there ever a time when you said, "I can't handle any more," or "I don't want to go any further," or "Do I really have to stand what's happening to me?" Does that happen? Or...?

TOMAS:     I am smiling, and I am admitting readily, that yes I too faltered, but I never faltered so hard and fast that I gave up the struggle entirely, for it reached a point, as it does with you, [tape turned]. It is only the imperfect part of you which has grown weary, but that in you which is the gift of the Father, that Mystery Monitor that seeks to return to Its Source, that will pick up the pieces tomorrow, that, through the ministrations of the Third Source and Center, puts it together in such a way as you can think you understand "why" and then go on.

Always, too, when you have made the decision to go on, even though you may be weary, you are assisted. You are given a boost. You feel a surge of reality that confirms the direction in which you are going. It is not unusual to grow weary, particularly in the early days of your ascension. We have often compared you to infants and toddlers, which, although they may manifest bounteous energy, also collapse on the spot when they are tired.  And when you run out of steam and collapse, you, like the toddler, want only to rest and be fed and be taken care of.  And yet that energy that bubbles forth within wants also to play, to experience the adventure, not only to run home to the sanctity of the Parents and the security of Paradise, but for the experience itself.

And so we encourage you in your efforts to take care of yourself, to take care in your dealings with others, and to care also for others, for it is this caring of the human aspect which makes the path more palatable. If it were truly a march toward Paradise without an opportunity to drop your knapsack and appreciate the plateau of the mansion that exists around you, it would be a dreary ascension indeed, but there are so many gifts and so many wonders to the child of God who believes that there is a new view on the horizon, that there is a new understanding with each experience, that there is new worth in each value lesson, and new wisdom to impart for the Supreme, that makes us all continue.

Celeste:      Thank you, Tomas.  That sounds wonderful.

Mary Theresa:     And I wanted to ask you, Tomas. I guess it's kind of a personal question. Whenever you left your earth realm (and I don't know if your earth was above ours, or what) did you have to go through many other realms before you could become a teacher? And I'm wondering if there's anybody on our earth now at this time that would be able to, say, advance as far as you are now, simply by leaving the earth plane? I'm thinking of two beings in particular that I think are pretty highly evolved on our earth and that would be Mother Theresa and the Pope. After just reading this book about him and what he has attained to. Of course, I have no idea what's really in their hearts and what's in their minds, but I'm just kind of curious how long it takes to get where you are and was your planet more highly evolved than we are to begin with. If that's too personal, it's okay.

TOMAS:     It is not particularly too personal. It is certainly, to a great extent, a curiosity question. And I will begin by responding that your mortal co-workers Pope Paul and Mother Theresa are indeed a qualified son and a qualified daughter of the living God. Their credentials speak through their fruits, and "by your fruits you shall be known."

As you well know, God is no respecter of persons, and so he does not favor one over the other, for all are loved in his eyes, but those who have certain capacities and certain experiences are better suited to serve in certain situations, much as you, as agondonters, will be highly qualified to serve in certain as yet unknown situations in time to come.

I have knowledge, yes, and wisdom, yes, but I am not in any position to say that I am superior to anyone of you. I am only more experienced. I have lived longer, and of course, longevity has its rewards that can only be known through the experience of longevity, but even so, I reserve my right to remain a peer and not superior. Even the Pope and Mother Theresa ought not be looked at as superior beings, but they can certainly be admired for their dedication, their work and indeed their inspiration to those of you who see in them those qualities that you aspire toward in yourself as an example of one who lives the fruits of the spirit and is recognized by those fruits.

Now as for my background.  I indicated in my introductory remarks to you many moons ago that my planet of origin was in part settled in light and life and also in part quite primitive. I was a resident of the more advanced portion of life on the planet and my work, my mortal career, involved me in those other realms of life on my native sphere, and so I worked with the more primitive races and peoples of my time on my planet.

That was a long time ago. I have since worked almost exclusively with peer groups. I have assisted and been assisted by loving beings. I have been most fortunate in my experiences, as you are and as you will come to understand, and I consider this assignment, to work on a world torn with isolation and rebellion and disease as an opportunity to again help understand the behaviors of a backward society, not in order that I might categorize you and study you and take my findings back, as if you were mice in a laboratory, but to appreciate the religious and spiritual qualities of a people who have opted to know God even in extremely adverse circumstances.

It is difficult to describe the experience that I have as a volunteer in this Teaching Corps, working as closely as I do with you, but I am amazed and astounded each time we have an encounter, for I learn more, not only of you but of my God who works and plays so lavishly in you and with you and among you -- even to the extent that I can study Him, my God, as He works through you -- far more easily, readily (and more entertaining I might say) than the vantage point that I have in looking up to Paradise and seeing him upholding the universes.

I cannot say if this is true for all of my fellow teachers, but we do spend a lot of time discussing you and your perceptions and our perceptions of you as well. It is a "fun" assignment, albeit a worrisome one on occasion. I will not bore you with my worries, however.


Mary Theresa:     Are you able to tune into us at any time you and your fellow teachers-- I'm curious to know-- What do I want to say? That you're aware of our comings and goings all the time? Or is it just like whenever the T/R tunes into you or whoever else makes the contact. Are you permitted to be constantly -- monitoring, I guess, would be the word I'm trying to find -- monitoring our world?

TOMAS:     You are constantly monitored, Mary Theresa, but I am not the one assigned that task. Your Mystery Monitor has its eye on you constantly, and from that vantage point, It translates its information directly to Itself in the person of the First Source and Center. How it is that I have relations with any of you has to do with your . .. shall we use the analogy of the light? You may walk around with your light on and I can therefore see you because your light is on.

Celeste:      Are our lights on very often?

TOMAS: Yes, your lights are often on, but they are too often off. [Group laughter] It is when your light beams directly to the desire to make contact, that you are hovered over and sought, for you are truly part of the greater universe, and as you allow yourself to be encircuited and made aware of your literal connection to the life in the universe -- and I mean all sorts of life: energy as well as personalities -- you become more readily willing and able to leave your light on night and day.

We do not invade your minds, as some have perceived. We do not invade your privacy. But trust me, it is very evident.  It is easy to see what you think by the way you act.

Leah:         Tomas, I'd like to reflect upon a question that we had at the table today, and that some of us stated our annoyance that we were interrupted in our meditation time. I would like to know if it is our responsibility to state to other individuals who are more than likely to interrupt us -- not that we're going to meditate but that we need to take some time for our self and that we do not wish to be disturbed. Is that our responsibility to relay to another individual? Or can you give us any advice in regard to this?

TOMAS:     Yes, and I want to say that I appreciate your asking for my advice for I will begin my response by saying that one should never give advice unless it is asked for. I hide behind my credentials as a teacher to justify how much I must presume to advise you, but you among yourselves would know that the wise one will not give advice unless it is asked for.

And now let me commence with a response, and it depends a great deal upon the circumstances in which you are operating. The ideal circumstance, of course, is that the other individual and/or individuals in your immediate environment are so in tune, so sensitive to the vibrations, the spiritual vibrations of their self, their peers, their environment, their microcosm of light and life, that they would sense that one was in need of prayer, would avail the time and space for prayer and meditation for their companion, completely appreciating the session, to the extent that they well might also share in worship at the same time. This is an optimum circumstance.

The antithesis is perhaps unworthy of discussion. But somewhere in there is to be found something that works for you, and if it is necessary, in order that you have and secure that time and space, yes, by all means, establish that time and space by making your needs known or your demands met. It is necessary for you to keep in contact with your indwelling God fragment.

If you are in a position where you have time alone, then you have not the constraints of the interference of another individual. By the same token, child, do not wait until you are around other people to discover it is time to talk to God in order to generate stress in your life and in theirs. If you can pray without disturbing anyone, there's the time to do it. As it says in the scriptures "go into your closet." And yet if you are around people sufficiently enough that you need to separate yourself from them in order to go apart by yourself to commune with the Father, if they are insensitive to your need, then you must tell them, yes.  How it is then that they react to your need is another matter altogether. Has that answered?

Leah:      Yes.

TARKAS:     Good afternoon, everyone. I am Tarkas. I am in your neighborhood today and saw your light burning. I am here at the request of your teacher Tomas; he has invited me to your meetings on a number of occasions and I have, indeed, been here, but many times there has not been enough time to come on board, and so I have enjoyed his platform and you before, and of course, on that monitoring system of observing that was alluded to earlier -- the circuitry.

Well, how are you today? I see your group is alive and well. I see you are all flourishing. I want you to know that we are doing well in Cincinnati. Indeed, we are doing well in Ohio, for Anatolia is teaching there [Ed: Columbus' new teacher] in bits and pieces, waiting for her steady voice.  But we are quite heartened to have a fellow teacher here, a feminine presence.

Many changes and growths are taking place in the Teaching Mission and certainly in its participants. In the beginning Ham said, "Welcome To Change" and we are so happy to have evidence of your willingness to change, not just for change sake, but to change for the better, to change for good, to change in terms of growth. As you are willing to grow and willing to advertise your growth, you feed the growth of others.

The benign virus begins to spread, and the benign virus of the love of Jesus is spreading like wild fire across a dry prairie. It is not only the love of Jesus, however, that is blazing a trail into the millennia, but the understanding of a dynamic creative energy force, an impersonal and yet positive force, that is enabling the East and the West to merge, that is so contagious in its drawing power that many are investigating what is going on -- even when they are not aware that something is going on, because, my friends, we are all lifting together, and as we all lift together, the entire plane of consciousness is elevated.

In the process of elevating the collective consciousness, there are many molehills that are disturbed in the process; much rubble will be disturbed and would make your surefooted-ness uneasy, but we ask you to not let your feet touch the ground, that you in fact soar over this rubble, that you not trip on that which is merely small and falling away. Rather focus your eyes, your intent, upon that which is blazing a trail into tomorrow, today, with such vigor and strength that it will catch us all up in its aroma.

I heard someone say to "stop and smell the roses" and so I thought I would tell you how it is that the roses have arrived.

I will take my leave now, my dear neighbors. My best wishes are with you in this configuration of believers, my steadfast neighbors. It is good to have Tomas here as a steady comrade. I have enjoyed the camaraderie of all of your interim teachers, but I went to school with Tomas and so we are old friends. It has been my pleasure to be with you. I will come back and say hello again. I will now take my leave. Adieu.

TOMAS:     I am Tomas. I am back. Thank you for your kind attention to our visitor, our temporary host, Teacher Tarkas, whom I have admired for a long time. My vessel tires, yes, but there is one thing more I would like to say before I shut this off for today, and that is that I have been advised that our Teaching Mission efforts have reached and are reaching those among you who are critical of our existence. 

And I would ask that each of you, without alarm, without dismay, embrace your faith in the Fifth Epochal Revelation and your faith in Christ Michael and ask for the overcare of the divine Trinity on all of us as we aspire to bring about the early stages of light and life on Urantia. It is in love of Michael and in devotion to his love for you on Urantia and throughout his local universe that we devote ourselves, that we rely upon him for our very being.

Bless us, one and all. Amen and farewell.


DATE:          February 8, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:             Gerdean

Urantia Book Study

Paper 3.  The Attributes of God

(Including the "inevitabilities" on Page 51)




TOMAS:     Good afternoon, faithful following, as we all follow Him who sent us.

Beloved friends, it pleases me again to be with you, to enjoin with you in our configuration of study and sharing that which has worth in your life and which will manifest in worth in the lives of others.

We have been on a vigorous path of absorption of truth and experientials and I am going to back off in our strenuous pursuit somewhat; not that we might grow trivial, no, but that we may access and appreciate some of the refinements of the spirit, in order that you may appreciate the gentle qualities of your spirit reality as well as those strengths of character which pull you forward and earmark you as a valiant soldier of the circles. And therefore today, precious ones, I will call to your attention a characteristic, a quality of divinity, which you yourselves can sincerely understand and appreciate, and that has to do with that of tenderness.

As parents, as elder siblings, as owners of pets, even as mortals indwelling the tabernacle of flesh, you have an understanding and appreciation for various degrees of tenderness. When you exercise robustly, your muscles grow tender. In that light, then, today, let us nurture ourselves in tenderness of the mortal condition, the child of God who grows weary and who hurts, who calls upon the Third Source and Center for ministry in healing of tender wounds, the solace of Michael and his Divine Minister, to assure us of their tender mercy on our assaults upon ourselves and on others.

Embrace tenderness beginning with your own self, your own soul, for your soul, although strong, is also tender. It is young. Your understanding of your faith status is tender, for sometimes you are confident and sometimes you flounder and so herein you are tender. In your growth, then, remember tenderness. Be always tender with yourself and with others in your physical dealings, in your emotional dealings, in your mental dealings, and in your spiritual dealings.

Tenderness will take the edge off of your striving and allow your ascent to become an easy climb to the farther view, rather than a death-defying exercise. Tenderness with yourself does not connote necessarily glossing over your shortcomings, but is in tender appreciation for your journey yet to come, for your status again as a growing thing.

When you observe your fellows, observe them now with tenderness. Even as they spitefully abuse you, hold an eye of tenderness on their ignorance, and be joyous in the prospects of things to come. Tenderness in your dealings with others connotes sincerity, but tenderness in your attitude lives in your relationships as a godlike quality. Mistake not tenderness for sentimentality, and do not regard my words as sanction to regard everyone as an infant needing coddling, but even as you are tender, so are they tender, an aspect indeed of Godlikeness.

We read, we absorb, we learn as to the all-powerful, all wise facet of God and we see nothing of his tenderness except as we feel his tenderness envelop us in our private moments with Him. We overlook the gentle qualities and attributes of God as we behold in awe his power and wonders. What makes Him meaningful to you, however, is that He is merciful and gentle and tender with you, His Child, and you may carry this legacy into your arena and manifest tenderness also.

As a muscle that has been overworked, apply the healing balm of, the salve of tenderness, to those who strain at gnats. As a heart reveals itself as being broken, or in pain, return their mood through tenderness and reintroduce their heart to the tender love and appreciation of divinity. As your fellows have fallen and have hurt themselves and are in shame of their frailties, embrace them tenderly as Father embraces you, and lift them up in tenderness from that place. Be tender of your own wounds as well.

I will offer an odd assignment this week and if it offends you, pluck it out of your frame of reference.  But this week, if you would, bring yourself tenderly to this precipice of faith and forgive Father for the times when you have not felt His tenderness, for those times when your overworked muscles strained unmercifully, in your mind. Forgive the Father.

Of course, it is an entirely presumptuous and arrogant attitude in the intellectual sense, but in the soulful context of camaraderie and understanding between yourself and your Creator Parent, sidle up to Him, bringing your tenderness of spirit, and with a quiet hand on His shoulder, forgive Him for those ills which you have experienced, that He has caused you to experience in order that you might learn.

This peculiar assignment, dear ones, is intended to provide you with a perspective on how truly tender the relationship is between you and your Parent, how gentle and soulful and meaningful this merger is. If you have this experience in the next few days, if you allow this exercise, it would lend for some interesting discourse among you, again reflecting a tenderness and a patience and a forbearance you might not have realized possible.

There is an old Christian song, "softly and tenderly Jesus is calling," and so many of you have such a sense of urgency, as if an evil were nipping at your heels, as if you must run to secure yourselves within the walls of Havona before the sun goes down. And yet you are bidden to come forward, to come into this holy place softly and tenderly.

It is not necessary to march in the gate and show God how good you are, how on time you are, how noble you are by showing up. Part of this attitude is anger at God in the fissures and crevices of your conditioning. And so talk it over with Him, by experiencing sufficient camaraderie and tenderness with yourself, in conjunction with Him, that you can experience forgiveness together. And then, children, go forth in tenderness and greet one another.

My lesson is complete for today. I am glad to be with you. How are you? Have you questions or subjects for discourse on the table in your minds?

Celeste:      Do you think we fully understood page 51 today? I find this so fascinating and can learn so many different ways.

TOMAS:     It has been said of the text that it is presented in such a way as to provide different levels of understanding. It well may have to do with your level of growth as to what you are capable of understanding at any given time, but at any given juncture in your growth, the inevitabilities outlined are truly worthy of comprehension, and this comprehension is more than intellectual. They are designedly active, designed to activate your sensibilities in terms of experiential.

In other words, you may philosophize about the meaning, but unless and until you have feelingly experienced it, it is a mere mental exercise, and so as you experience it, much like morontia mota, you then gain a greater appreciation for your intellectual understanding. As you were discussing today, social inequalities are not exclusively related to financial inequalities, and the resultant conversations regarding inequalities is expansive, for what one individual can readily see as an inequality has perhaps not occurred to another, and so in sharing your perceptions, you share your knowledge and this increases your capacities to aspire, even to wisdom.

And so, no I do not believe that you entirely understand what you read today. I believe that there is more substance there that you will enjoy for a long time.

Celeste:     I think so, too. I hope so. It's more exciting to know that there's a lot more to be gained from it.

TOMAS:     Indeed, it is one of the exciting facets of this new revelation, for although it is disconcerting at first to discover that the concept of "one God" has gone from a simple concept of one God to the hosts of space with, as you are reading in your studies, many titles, for many different facets of function. It was easier perhaps when you believed you died and then went at once through the pearly gates to see God with his scepter and the angels with their halos, but by the same token, eternal bliss could become tedious and dull, and now you see that you get the best of both worlds: you get increased perfection and eternal service, an unending university of discovery.  Thus we evolve. Yes.

Celeste:        I can't believe that we don't have a million questions for you.

TOMAS:      You are perhaps savoring tenderness.

Hunnah:          Savoring lunch.

TOMAS:        Which falls tenderly upon your stomach.

Hunnah:      You like that word! The word I was thinking of when you were talking, when you used tenderness, was fragility. And when something is fragile, it takes a very light touch to encourage it to grow in the direction it will otherwise it can be overwhelmed or frightened. Could it be you have overwhelmed or frightened us? Or we're not getting close enough up on that lap that we've been invited on?

TOMAS:      No, I do not perceive that at all.

Hunnah:      Okay.

TOMAS:     I do perceive, however, some reluctance to become that intimate with yourself. As you regard yourself as fragile, you are picturing yourself as if you were glass or something that could break, but in tenderness, there is no allowance for breaking, only bruising; more malleable, perhaps less dramatic, but certainly substantive and qualitative. You are not accustomed to thinking of yourself, perhaps, as tenderloin or a tenderfoot. You think only of babies as tender.

Celeste:      I always think that one has to be very strong to be tender. One has to have learned a lot and gained a lot of strength to be tender toward others.

TOMAS:     It is not necessary, for you see, even the childlike personality knows tenderness. A little girl can go up to a grown-up who is grieving and comfort the adult tenderly, with a tender compassion, and she is certainly not strong in terms of experience or wisdom.

Loreenia:      Just innocent.

TOMAS:     In her childlikeness she is tender. It is perhaps a commentary on your society that says that only those who are strong can afford to be tender, for many tender-hearted individuals are taken advantage of or glossed over as being insignificant, and so many of you, if not all of you, have your dukes up, and therein is why I suggest you . ..

Hunnah:      Try a little tenderness. There was a popular song years ago called, "Try a little tenderness."

TOMAS:     Yes, try it.  The song wafts to the mind of the transmitter, of course, that women get weary wearing the same shabby dress, and perhaps your understanding of tenderness is to treat yourself by going shopping (group laughter) for in some ways it nurtures and caters to that in you which is wounded and bruised.  But it is costly!

It is referenced in the text that you may adorn the person, but that will not satisfy the longings of the soul, and in that context then, although "when the going gets the tough, the tough go shopping," to assuage that internal tenderness, shopping is not the solution. The solution is in directly accepting the true tenderness and not putting a Band-Aid on it, not putting a new dress on it, not sidestepping the need for tenderness with a material dressing.

Celeste:      Often there's a pretense at tenderness, too, that is not really there. It's a front.

TOMAS:     It is a common technique of deception, in fact, and this is why I say to utilize your sincerity and why I suggest it is not mere sentimentality, nor is it nor should it be reserved as an attitude for babies. Big people do need tenderness, but as your song also says, "Big boys/ big girls don't cry" and, in truth, they do. They sometimes need to cry. Therein is the need to show tenderness, to embrace the mortal, to embrace the personality in acceptance of the struggle, of the difficulty, of the disappointment, of the experience.

I will also point out that it is not necessary, even, that a person have an excuse to feel bad. Sometimes, in the human, a "bad feeling" will just simply waft in and over the mechanism, allowing it to feel a certain depletion of energies, and the mind can quickly, in defense of its nether state, feel that something must be wrong; there must be a reason for this feeling. It is not the case. Sometimes just sitting there, allowing time for tenderness to come upon you is adequate. Did that make sense to you?

Leah:      I understand you to say, "Embrace your anguish."

TOMAS:      It may be interpreted that way.  I would not have chosen those words, but as I observe the configuration of those words, I would agree, for as the "bad feeling" is embraced, it is loved, it is accepted, it is owned, and it is then allowed to be dissolved, absorbed, melted away, no longer concrete and worrisome, no longer a rock but now thousands and thousands of grains of sand that can be washed away.  However, to tell someone to embrace the "angst"--

Leah:      Anguish.

TOMAS:     Either would apply.  -- is perhaps a brutal suggestion on its face.

Celeste:      Tomas, you seem so serious today. We like it when you bring some humor with you.

TOMAS:     I am going to shift the blame. (Group laughter) I am also going to be tender of my transmitter. As she is elevated in body, mind and spirit, I am, too, for certain obvious reason.  And as she is weary, thus am I.  And so I ask you to be tender of us both, as you are tender with yourself.

Celeste:     I can't think of two people that we would rather be tender with.

TOMAS:     Do! For there are many who are in far greater need! It is not uncommon for you to look upon your own loved ones first, for a practice of such an intimate emotion and attitude, and that's a good place to start, but don't stop there. Be tender of strangers also, and of "the enemy."  Tenderness is a form of prayer.

I am going to call it quits for today, so that you can enjoy each other and entertain yourselves at leisure. This little one is tuckered, as are you, perhaps.

Celeste:      Full.

TOMAS:     I have cautioned you about that before, but you don't listen.

Group:      Yes we do listen to you, Tomas!

TOMAS:     I know you do! In fact, it is because you listen so well and you grow so vigorously that you wear yourselves out, and so suckle yourselves. I look forward to our next gathering. Do let me know where and when we are to convene. I will try to catch the correct bus.  Our love to you all. Farewell.


DATE:          March 8, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:              Gerdean




Post-EXPO Gathering #1

Held at The Sesami Inn

Heavenly Father, we give thanks for this gathering, for this community of believers. Be with us in this configuration, as we share our inner life in fragrant display of your loving qualities. Give us the internal fortitude to withstand the trials and rigors of the daily life, in order that we may shine fort, in radiance your goodness, truth and beauty to those we encounter as we pass by.

Open the hearts and minds of these lovers in truth for their acceptance of your divine wisdom and your divine love. As we spread seeds, water them, Father, and cause the Son to shine upon them and upon all of us here. In the name of the Christ who has made this possible, we pray this day. Amen.

TOMAS:     Greetings, my friends. I am your friend Tomas. It is a pleasure to behold your gathering today. Even in this setting, as gracious as it is, in this public place, you all carry with you your Inner Guide, your citadel of the spirit wherein you find calm and peace and sanctity of being.

How glad I am to see you together. It has been a long time since we have had such an ample group, but I am in full appreciation of the many efforts that are involved in your ministries, and so your work has been in keeping with that which we do for Michael.

Solomon and Thea, it is wonderful to experience your presence here with us again, and we commend you on your efforts on behalf of the promoters of the Fifth Epochal Revelation, for your unstinting efforts in loving those who have been presented to you.

We often forget and take for granted those efforts on behalf of Michael that are done by you, each other, in your life, for you have been admonished to give selflessly.  But we like to honor your efforts now and again to bring to your mind the fact that we are a co-working team, and as a part of a team, it is a good idea, a good practice, to slap each other on the back or to pat each other in congratulatory jubilance of our victories. And our victories have been great of late! The seeds are being planted in fertile soil and your seed-sowing practices are becoming prolific.

My friends, I will not linger long today, for you have an agenda and you have also the opportunity to share and plan for the season ahead, but I have introduced to some of you a new teacher who has arrived and who is helping me in our next phase of growth and development for this community, and she is eager also to make her appearance today, her presence known to you. One moment.

MERIUM:     Hello, my friends and neighbors, I am Merium, your newly assigned teacher. I am abundantly pleased to meet you and to now appreciate even more the enthusiasm that Tomas conveyed when he spoke to me about helping him with his group, for as I sit in your presence, I am impressed with the size of your glowing lights. As you come together thus (and I know there are more of you!), your lights become like the city at night, for each light that is illuminated contributes to the illumination of the whole, and so this city can be seen while even far off. Your illumination pleases the cosmos. It will bring many who are in darkness to you.

Continue, then, to shine your light on this hill of community. As you stay in support of one another, in co-operation with each other as fellow apostles, fellow disciples, fellow evangelists, you contribute to the light of others and to yourself, thus building a firm foundation for those who will see your light and follow into the truth, beauty and goodness that is allocated to them as a result of their own sonship/daughtership in the Living God.

I am not going to prevail at length today either. I am a co-worker, and as a co-worker it does not behoove me to usurp more than my share. I return you in gladness to Tomas and I eagerly look forward to getting to know you better as we work together in the time to come. Farewell.

TOMAS:     I am Tomas again and there is one other who would like to make a brief comment. One moment, please.

ABRAHAM:         I am Abraham, your Director in this Teaching Mission. As an administrative entity in the development of this Mission, it gives me great pleasure to acknowledge the arrival of Merium and the efforts of Tomas. It also gives me great pleasure to endorse your efforts which have been augmented by their presence, their work with you, and by your own steadfast application of spirit reality in your personal lives.

We commend your growth and your willingness to contribute to the Evolving Supreme. We are fully aware of your development here, of your growth struggles, and of your victories, indeed. And so, my loyal soldiers of the circles, carry on. Shalom.

TOMAS:     And I, Tomas, now will call our brief session to a close. I have not come today to bring a lesson, but to greet you and to embrace you in the spirit, and to encourage you to continue to do the same with your fellows. Rejoice and be exceedingly glad in the harvest. Farewell.


DATE:          April 3, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:              Gerdean


Urantia Paper 4: God's Relation to the Universe




TOMAS:     Good evening, my precious ones. I am Tomas, I am so glad to be here and I am even more glad that you are here with me. It has been a while since I have met with you in this configuration. It gives me a great sense of stability to reconvene in this hallowed room. We in the celestial realms enjoy the latitude of the spatial components of this area. In your understanding you might appreciate that the treetops make good bleachers on which to sit and watch your learning processes, your socialization and your spirit strivings.

Even though we have not met lately in this particular location, I and we have not been idle. We have been diligently addressing our new format of focus which is "the group" and I am happy to see that your studies this evening contribute to our outline, inasmuch as, in order to develop a solid loving band of believers in harmony and unity with such great diversity, it is necessary that you understand that each of you are the way you are supposed to be and thus your socializing, your coming together, is not founded upon trying to set the other one straight, but rather in full appreciation of your differences, and more importantly, of your united goals and purposes.

We have come a long way in this group toward attaining our goals. Your socialization has gathered depth and yet in this classroom situation of willing eager students, learners of truth and better ways, we shall proceed with even further refinements, for only good can come from your continued efforts toward learning how to be healthy, happy, wholesome followers in community of purpose.

I would borrow upon a reference that Elizabeth made earlier in the evening as to her cultural conditioning regarding socialization and use it as an example of her conditioning so that you each might compare, in the privacy of your mind, your conditioning as to how you learned to socialize, for whereas some were encouraged to have an opinion, others were discouraged from having opinions; while some were encouraged to express their feelings, others were not allowed to manifest feelings, and so forth.

Now this, you see, is one of the disparities of the mass conditioning. That is, you are all different in the way that you were raised by your parents, your earthly family environments, your clan. You were raised with certain behavior expectations and they predominate in your comings and goings today. Our purpose in this study of the group has to do with how to comport yourself in fraternal terms so that you together as a group can radiate such true harmony of spirit, even with your many differences, that you will reflect outward to the greater community that you have learned certain truths and values that enable you to love one another as Jesus loved his apostles, and as he admonished them to love their peers and as I admonish you to love yours.

A study of the human family shows a great variation. Often families are inbred and cloistered and look upon those outside as outsiders and unwelcome. The bond that forms through the blood disallows loyalty outside the immediate association of the family structure. But you see that in the Kingdom, all men and women are your brothers and sisters and so it does not behoove us to remain cloistered and selective as to whom we will share our family format (with), for if, as you read this evening, all are equal in God's sight spiritually, and if this is a spiritually-based operation (this configuration), then we must learn to love those outside and incorporate them into the family of believers that you are here today now, loving one another, understanding your peculiar differences but enjoying and having loving tolerance for those aspects of personality which fall short of your peculiar ideals.

It has been suggested by the Master that men shall know that you have been with Him, and I would like for people, when they see you together, to also say, "It is apparent that the Christ has been with them, for they know Him and they honor Him by how they love one another." There are many delightful practice exercises that we can engage in, in order to augment, stimulate, further and address your fraternity aspects. My friend and co-worker Merium is here this evening and perhaps she would like to add a thing or two. I will invite her. One moment.

MERIUM:      Good evening, my friends.  I am Merium.

Group:      Greetings, Merium.

MERIUM:     How honored I am to partake of this social gathering, this occasion which you have created for personality expression, for honoring each other, for comforting each other, and for greeting each other in the spirit. It is a pleasure to be a participant in these sentiments and these actualities. It is so infrequent that we get to encounter a working situation so amenable to guidance as you are here. Tomas has been most gracious in inviting me to help him with some of the aspects of group inter-association. I will point out to you a couple of things that he and I have had a chance to observe and to some extent speculate about in our brief but poignant piece of time here that we have worked together.

Tomas and I admire each other greatly. We come from completely different backgrounds. Indeed, our backgrounds are fairly irrelevant in terms of our purpose. He and I are both filled with, yes, hundreds and thousands of years worth of vital and precious memory experiences, but we relay very little of these to each other, for they bespeak times past which serve for reflection individually and can act as a teaching mechanism in a, shall we say "sponsoring" or "mentoring" situation, but he and I are comrades and we have our work to perform, and so we focus primarily on our work, understanding that we innately have immense regard for each other because we understand the integrity of the other.

It is inherent also that we have a deep affection for each other, and we are not reluctant to make it known that we admire each other and that we have affection for each other. It has been noted by some of our students that we are gracious with each other and it comes as some surprise to me that it was noteworthy, for it is natural, but in the learning process it becomes first a matter of noticing, and once you become aware, then you can realize, and then you can act, and then you can become, and then it is incorporated, and then you appreciate.

It is very apparent to me, if not to Tomas, that you all have a tremendous need to express yourselves, and I suspect that it goes beyond the mere ego aspect of wanting the sound of your own voice to reverberate back to your attention. I truly believe that each of you has something vital to share and to say, but it is not always obvious how to say what your soul would like to say, for your soul, your Father-bestowed personality has been so conditioned and over-controlled by your earthly family of upbringing and your cultural and social conditioning as to how it is that the human animal comports itself.

You know that you learn by watching others, and what little monkeys you mortals are! And so much of your learning, your behavioral learning, has come from watching other [mortals] rather than having a divine guide to show you and other divinely guided peers with whom to practice. We cannot fault you for the paucity of your plight here, but we can evince an earnest interest in Correcting.

It is an overwhelming undertaking to embark you upon realms of socialization that would harmonize with the Morontia Companions, but again, as you read in your lesson, "if I cannot do it, there is one in me who can," and so I, along with Tomas, and along with each of you, put my full faith in our Divine Parents that they will raise us up, that they will teach us how to manifest the loving fraternity that would most please the gods and that most clearly demonstrate to his myriad children on earth your having been touched by angels.

I am most grateful for the opportunity to be here with you and to contribute to this mutual admiration society. Thank you.

TOMAS:     I am Tomas and I have completed my discourse. I am eager now to engage with you in terms of what you have brought for us to play with. There were questions?

Elizabeth:     What does the Book mean when it says that all people of normal mind have a Thought Adjuster? We can't quite figure out what normal mind means by the narrator, by the Divine Counselor. We can't figure it out.

Hester:      Are there limitations?  [Indistinguishable]

TOMAS:      It is a good question and it is also a good qualifier, Hester, that you have added. There are sometimes limitations based on damage, but I will set that aside and address the greater subject of normal-minded, and I will not go on at length, for the bottom line is that it is necessary that an individual have sufficient mental capacity to make those decisions which will assure his eternal survival. That is to say, can they make those decisions which will give birth to the soul and can they then assist in the development of the soul by those decisions that can only be made by a normal mind?

Obviously it does not limit itself to I.Q. You could say that someone with an exceptionally high I.Q. was not of normal mind, and by the same token, there are some who are considered "slow" who are not in the normal range of I.Q. but who are capable of making soulful and meaningful decisions regarding their survival. There are those who have had a normal mind and have made requisite decisions but due to accident or disease or sustained fever, have lost the capacity to make decisions, and that would be constituting a sub-normal mind. The point being, the being must be able to make soul-ascending decisions.

Elizabeth:     Thank you. That's a good bell-weather there: the ability to make decisions. Evidently that's a big part of this question and thank you very much for answering the question so roundly. And I think that Anne had something she might put to a group question.

TOMAS:      I am delighted.

JoniEl:         We came across a paragraph that was dealing with opportunities for spiritual growth, socially and economically and materially and morally, and we were wondering about the morally, the moral opportunities that people were afforded, and, I guess, that's a big subject, I don't know.

TOMAS:     Indeed, a wonderful subject it is, for your opportunities begin early in life. When you make your first moral decision you receive your Thought Adjuster and so you see how important these moral decisions are! Let me elucidate somewhat.

Moral is what is right. Now, conscience may or not be what is right. Conscience is a set of values that you have been taught, that are cornerstone of your values as a mortal of the realm. The family structure, the social arena, the churches, the institutions, these are well-fraught with concepts of right and wrong. This field brings with it much guilt, much blame, much suppressed creativity, much that is not right in a cosmic sense, but it is a system of behavior in the human sense.

Now, referring back to what is moral in the spiritual sense, true morals are a result of your relationship with divinity, for as you go about your life and you come to a point of decision-making, you will make a moral decision, a right decision, based upon NOT what society would have you do, not what school or church or employment or parents or spouse would have you do, but what God would have you do. What would God have you do? And that God is the personal Father. And you can see, in understanding what I mean when I say moral, what the Book means when it refers to moral, is that there are millions of moral opportunities.

Obviously honesty provides a great range of opportunity in the moral department. If no one noticed, could you steal something? No one would notice. Your conscience may or may not bother you depending upon if you felt justified under the circumstances in taking this item from this place for this purpose. But the moral decision-making process is a matter that transcends conscience and mere mores and goes to the heart of the matter, and that is that although no one else may know, YOU know, and the Father knows, and you cannot hide from the Father.

And so the moral decision would be the decision that had the sanction of the Father, that had the full approval of the Father. Moral decisions are highly personal matters. Society has made a great business of making morals its business, and this has been necessary in the evolution of the ages, but the mature human being is capable of governing himself according to his relationship with divinity, and when people quit hiding behind mores and begin to stand up and be moral, there will be change. There will be great liberation.

Remember, there are angels who supervise. I am not recommending liberty without license. That, even, is a moral situation -- that you do not presume upon divine mercy. That is another moral opportunity. Each moment has an opportunity. Each situation has an opportunity. Each personality that you meet provides an opportunity for a moral approach to life, to God-consciousness. Moral opportunity is a cornucopia of fruits to be sampled and savored and shared.

I don't know if I have edified you as to moral opportunity. Please respond. Do you understand?

JoniEl:      Yes.

Leah:         While you were talking I was reminded of the biblical story of Jesus who healed the man with the withered hand, I believe it was on the Sabbath. The social more said you don't do any labor on the Sabbath but obviously his moral decision was that there was a prophecy to be fulfilled.

TOMAS:     Well done. Good example. These are indeed part and parcel of our learning format here, for in company with each other, in appreciation for the values and the loyalty that you find here in your comrades in the spirit, you can begin to venture into moral opportunity with one another. You can begin to venture into exposing new levels of reality in your personality expression that has not been afforded the opportunity in your more dense social milieu. I encourage you to address each other sincerely.

Elizabeth:     I have a question about just everyday life now. During the EXPO, Gerdean and I were talking about the Book, and I began to think that I was going to be as enthusiastic as I really feel, and Gerdean even, I think, began to feel that way, too, and yet Jesus said never to, by the force of your personality, to bring people into your beliefs, and so I felt a little bit of concern there, that I was overstepping that boundary because I just felt so enthusiastic about saying to people some very strong things about the Book, because that's what I really believe! and I, of course, think that everybody should just drop everything they're doing and immediately start to read this Book, and I wondered if you could comment on that.

TOMAS:     I would be delighted. I will recall to your mind the excerpt from The Urantia Book that also discusses why the heathen rage, and Jesus there admonished that those who were entirely too lackadaisical about their teaching message, should indeed take the kingdom by spiritual assault, and so whereas you are not to coerce them on one hand, it is vital that you spill forth your enthusiasm for righteousness on the other.

And I will point out, too, that in coercing someone, it intimates that they are mindless and cannot make up their own mind about what to believe in, and I do not believe, Elizabeth, that you are looking for that kind of sheep.  Indeed, I do believe that you understand that a man must develop his own concept of God, that even by introducing him to The Book, he still must chew on its concepts and pages to develop a full appreciation for the feast that has been presented.

No, I felt your enthusiasm was very beneficial to the booth, to the Book, and to those who partook of your endeavors, and probably most particularly, for yourself, for you were truly "wheeling and dealing" in the spirit. Well done!

Elizabeth:     Thank you. I really feel better now and I'm going to charge ahead. I have a whole list of people that we're going to be calling and we're all going to have a chance to interact with them.

TOMAS:     I am glad for that, and remember that we are a loving family of living believers here. We are not a church and we are not a conglomeration of conscience and mores. As we embrace these new fellows into our fellowship, it is well to remember that our head is Jesus who loves us and would have us love each other as He loved us, and so if we can remember to keep that love at the core of our being, individually and as a group, then our arms are open wide and all who come to call will feel welcome and want to stay and contribute to this marvelous embrace.

Elizabeth:     Thank you very much. I think that helps a lot. To know that you can do this. I guess I've had this question for a lot of years and tended to want to maybe play down the Book because of it, but now I'm into a different stage, now that you've helped me along.

TOMAS:     I am glad I could help. I have some understanding of the bushel that the Book was under for awhile, inasmuch as it was restrained by copyright, and this was indeed necessary.  And yet the door has opened and it is not as it was. It is still probably not the kind of book that ought to be advertised on the television, but it is certainly more open, and indeed, if we are to touch base with these hungry hearts, these spirit seekers who are out there willy-nilly searching, finding, discarding, searching more, it would behoove us to be in the thick of things and not sitting off on our pedestal waiting for them to stumble and fall and grovel to the truth. Right?

Elizabeth:      That's true.

TOMAS:      We are workers in the field, and it is the field where we march.

Elizabeth:      We're glad that we're back and have this wonderful chance to be with you.

TOMAS:     I have an assignment [for you] before I sign off. I would like for you each to practice indicating to as many as you can how much you appreciate them. I would like for you to overtly-- and not artificially but sincerely -- affect individuals by advising them of how much they mean to you.  How much a gesture affected you, something about the individual that you find of value or of joy, and commend them sincerely and graciously.

This is almost what you would call a moral opportunity, because it gives you a chance to speak lovingly to someone that you might not have thought of before this assignment. Stay out of trouble! Remember that when you go among them, [you are] to remain as wise as serpents and peaceful as doves, but in your life there are those who you know are dear to you that you have not told, or even casually that you have enjoyed, that would enjoy hearing. As Merium and I naturally and automatically appreciate each other and have affection for each other, go ahead and let it be known that person, you think, is pretty swell.

I look forward to our reconvening. Have fun this week. Enjoy yourselves enjoying others. Farewell.


DATE:          April 10, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/Rs:              Gerdean and Hunnah


Paper 5:  God's Relation to the Individual





Q&A:  Growing Beyond Michael

Begin a Love Affair with God

TOMAS:     This evening, loyal friends, we greet you together, Merium and I, on behalf of the Teaching Corps and are happy to be with you as always in, again, an expanded mode of ascension. Always is our path growing; always are opportunities diverging and expanding, multiplying.

Elizabeth:      Thank you for coming.

TOMAS:     Blessed child, I thank you for being here and providing a space for us, for without your mortal cooperation, we would not have this format, this platform. Again we return to our mutual appreciation, our community. I would like to speak briefly with you this evening regarding consecration of choice.

I know that in your lives you have many opportunities for choices. There are those among you who lament that there are too many choices to make, that there are too many varieties of goods, that there are too many costumes and accessories, that there are too many toys, too much data, much too much that compel you to make choices, some of which need to be made again and again. There are those, too, who complain that there are not yet enough choices, that choices are too limited, that the possibilities of choosing yet remain undeveloped. And these many, many topics regarding choice are within the realms of the mind and the body, the adornment of the person, the sciences and so forth.

But what I would speak to you today regarding is the consecration of the soul, that choice which you as an individual make that will further the growth of the soul, that will enhance your meaningful existence, that gives breadth and depth to your heart of hearts, that sublime commitment which focalizes all of your creative energies, all of your desires, all of your wants and needs on the consecrated goal of devotion to Deity, to the First Source and Center, that which is the goal of the soul and the source of your being.

That decision is the big decision. When they talk about "the supreme decision," what do you suppose they mean? Anybody have an answer?

Elizabeth:     I think it means the time that you decide to try to turn your life over to God.

TOMAS:     Indeed, it is the motive required that you try, but it is not in the trying but in the doing, when you succumb to His will and testify that it is your will that His will be done, when you relinquish your own control to the over-control of divinity. This is the decision, and thus the soul grows, takes on a life of its own, ascends and expands by leaps and bounds, even without your knowing, for it is now harmoniously working with your Thought Adjuster.

As you read this evening, your personality (your will) and your Thought Adjuster have become betrothed, they are engaged, they have given birth to the soul. This consecration of the soul to the doing of The Father's will is the hallmark of the dynamic life, the vibrant experience of living life with gusto and in fullness, in appreciation of all of life's wonders, in experiencing freely the many feelings and emotions and senses that have been given to you as a being, a mortal being, and a potential spirit being.

As you operate in this framework of cooperation with your Adjuster in support of the growth of your soul, you are at liberty to experience all the wonders that you can in your own limitations and those spiritual experiences that you can experience almost without limitation.

I know that I have sounded rather heavy-handed, Merium, but you well understand how I am and I will appreciate how you are, that you can take my big words and hefty concepts and put voile around them and make them shimmering shafts of light for the adornment of daughters and sons of a more reachable God than I sometimes point you toward. Do you have words to add this evening, Merium, along the lines of our lesson plan that would edify us all?

MERIUM:     Thank you. I embrace your talk, and while I am going to talk to you this evening, I must tell you that I am very amused because Hunnah is just beside herself; it is as if she were at the edge and falling off into an abyss of quaking. She hasn't the faintest idea of what I am going to say and she is in a panic. But I will address two matters here.

One is the seeming you and one is the aligned you. In your lesson this evening, the alignment, the mystical alignment was presented and appreciated by several of you as if it were fresh manna or fresh definition; and the you that you are accustomed to, that is continuously bombarded with dividing yourself to so many causes and duties, it is a puzzlement for you to bring the two together as one.

And in one author's book he has written that you are able to develop the art of living between two worlds or two modes of thinking - one that is embellished by your Father's direction, and the other by your human loyalties, your human habits, and we have new leadership in this body that you are trying to bring together as one.  The Apostle Paul talks about bringing the two ("twain") into one new being, and this is what I would like to present to you this evening. I would like to have you go forth into your daily living and become more sensitive and aware of the fact that you really do hear your inner workings, and that the more you let yourself listen in, the smoother your experience will be and the more objective will be your communication with those around you.

In your lesson this evening Jesus told his disciples to expect excitement, to expect controversy, because they are bringing their personality into an established society that is not responding to its immediate arena in its normal way. You will not be engaging in conversation, perhaps, the way you were. You may not become embroiled with an opinion the way you were. This is because the inner connection within you is becoming more finely meshed and strengthened, and you will find yourself being far more reserved, less opinionated, perhaps less amusing than you have in the past, but as your allegiance is to this Christ-making, you will be demonstrating a puzzlement to yourself as well as to others, and you will find comfort and strength as you go to your Stillness, to go into the wings of the theater, you might say, to be renewed and to allow yourself to gain greater confidence in this new being of which you are becoming aware.

TOMAS: Are there questions this evening? (Silence) We will take a brief intermission.


Gerdean:     Okay. This is Gerdean and I had a couple of questions and I don't know if it's to satisfy my soul or my curiosity or what, and the answer might even be in the Urantia Book but I forget right now. Anyway, the two questions are:

One is, "Why did the revelatory commission hail from Uversa?" which, I guess, is the capital of our superuniverse, and how come Uversa instigated the Fifth Epochal Revelation to Urantia? I don't understand why Uversa has that job. I would have thought that it was Michael's job. Maybe it was and maybe he did appeal to the supervisors of the Sector or something.  Anyway, I was one day suddenly impressed that it had come all the way from Uversa, and I wondered about that.

And then the second question that has been flashing on my mind of late is a bit of an anxiety but it's a ridiculous anxiety because I have obviously thousands of years to go before I have to worry about it, but I got to thinking, as we evolve and go through the System and the Constellation and the Local Universe or the Mansion Worlds or wherever it is that we end up going, eventually we're going to have to leave our Local Universe, and the idea of leaving Michael's universe fills me with grief.  And I'm not even close! - but I just--  I can imagine that as being a terrible trauma from here, although maybe from there it won't look so traumatic. But the idea of leaving Michael's universe and going beyond.... And what's to happen to Michael? I mean, what is his destiny? As a Creator Son?

Hunnah:      I must say you are unique. I can't imagine . .. You've heard about Henny Penny and Chicky Licky. This just about fills the bill, what do you think? I'm gettin' ready to start to worry ahead of time and I'm going to worry for the next trillion years.

Group:      (Uproarious laughter)

Leah:      I think it's great!

Hunnah:      Go ahead, Tomas.

Gerdean:      Well,...

Hunnah:      Do you want to mail that to someone else?

Gerdean:      No.

Hunnah:      Are we on the record?

Leah:      Yeah, so either Tomas or Merium can answer the question.

Hunnah:      I don't think Merium is going to...

Leah:         That's just it! You say, "I don't think" and she says "I don't think" but you don't know!

Hunnah:      Okay, let's open it up and see if we can stop laughing.  (More laughter)

Gerdean:      I like Hunnah's response about Henny Penny.

Hunnah:     Here I am just coming out on the ice with my skates on and you . . .

Gerdean:     I give you a question I've been pondering for a year and a half.

Hunnah:      Maybe they'll call in an oracle to answer you.

Gerdean:     Right. I'm not convinced they're going to answer it, but sooner or later they will. I'm ready for another question, though.

Elizabeth:     Well, I have a question! I often . .. when I don't have time (and I say "don't have time" in quotes) to really pray in the morning and study my lessons and things … I cram my prayers into driving here, driving there, running into the bathroom and I sit with my little papers and things, and then I feel like I'm crowding Jesus into these little spaces and that is not really very courteous or something, yet if I do it I get to say some of these prayers and if I don't do it, I don't; so then the upshot of it is that I get a chance to be in a certain kind of stillness anyway, so I feel very confused about that. I feel sort of ashamed of crowding something so important into these little spaces, and so . ..

Leah:      Well, okay, we put these things out on the table.

Hunnah:     JoniEl, do you have something that's tickling your curiosity?

JoniEl:     I'm just taking it all in.

Hunnah:     Okay. Or if you have a question during the week, jot it down on a piece of paper, and if the answer doesn't come to you yourself, you can bring it in.

Leah:      How are we doing, Tomas?  Are we doing all right?

Hunnah:     Of course we're doing all right. We were just hugged and kissed to death the other night. [Ed. In the Butler group.] We're just . ..

Leah:      I know, but I forgot already!

Elizabeth:     I have another question. If Jesus is in Salvington before we, for instance, become pure spirit, does that mean that he is not pure spirit, that he has some kind of physicality as we reference it, as we think it? Because we still have some part of our physical self in Salvington. It's not until we leave Salvington that we become pure spirit, so since Jesus was following the steps of a mortal into the morontia levels, is he also, in that respect, in some way partly physical still, as we would call physical?

Leah:      I hope there's an auditorium listening this evening.

Hunnah:      I hope you start transmitting this soon so that we can . ..

Elizabeth:     Well, you guys, look, if we don't have questions, they won't come around!

Leah:          Oh, they'll come around.

TOMAS:    I will address your question. We are quite bemused and quite impressed that your questions have gone beyond the crystal ball stages to being actually interested in the universe and its composition and its destiny.  In that, you have indicated that you have indeed come a long way. I will reserve the right to withhold certain answers, as they do not fall under my jurisdiction. You surely understand that I myself have not advanced so far as to know the answers to these questions, and so I am . ...

Elizabeth:     But Tomas, I know that you studied in Salvington and Jesus would come along and make comment.

TOMAS:     And, indeed, I did and I have been with the Master. There is, of course, a certain "material" element, for even in the higher spheres there are actual places. Even Paradise is a place, and so no matter how high you go, there are places to accommodate you. The architectural spheres are real. There are structures that accommodate the beings resident therein. Just because they are not physical in the sense that your Empire State Building or your Alamo were/are physical, does not mean that they do not also have their actual structure.

And indeed so do personalities. Even when they are "spirit" they take up space, if you will. They exist. They are. And I appreciate that your understanding is limited, but to all intents and purposes you may picture them as taking up space much as you take up space. But in that dimension, by the time you attain that dimension [tape turned] -- understand that it is not the same kind of dimension that you understand here.

Elizabeth:      Um-hum.  Thank you.

TOMAS:     I am glad you are happy with the answer; I am not, but I am restricted from answering for more than one reason. I am here to address your soul needs, and to the extent that this gives you peace of mind and soul certitude, I can draw you a picture, but it is far beyond your comprehension and even mine in some cases as to how and why and wherefore.

I will affectionately identify with Gerdean's concern that she may one day outgrow Michael of Nebadon and, along with you, I will smile and say it is not anything to worry about now.

You are just becoming aware of the divine nature of your Creator Son; you are just beginning to learn to love him. You will get closer, and you will find his attributes and qualities so wondrous that you will indeed fall in love with him many times over. But when the time comes for you to take on spirit status and fly away Home, you will do so with a complete new understanding of relationships, including your relationship with Michael, and so I say to you, "Do not worry."

It is as if you had a crush on your Teacher, like a third grader will have a crush on her teacher and want to marry her when she grows up.  It is very much the same, your comprehension today. It is touching, Gerdean, but trust me, it is unrealistic to be a worry for you at this point.

MERIUM:      Tomas, may I comment?

TOMAS:      Yes, Merium.

MERIUM:     In Gerdean's outreach for this speculated future, she has had her thought process scintillated and stimulated by the possibilities of what tomorrow will bring and in this case tomorrow is totally beyond our sights, but just as a worldly concern for where you will go or what route you should take, this is not any different. It is also my observation that in the course of some of the questions, we want to avoid finding out how we can apply them, the immediate truth of the answer, into our daily life.

And as we speculate about, "how will I ever be able to bear not having Christ Michael," in the sense of his greatness that Gerdean is contemplating at this point, it makes her anxious, and, in a worldly way, we can become anxious at the cost of our personal life, of allowing this "Christ-consciousness" that wants to divulge itself in you is a costly affair because it will change the scene in your daily lives in some ways and it will bring great comfort and solace to yourself and many others if you allow yourself to reach the heights that you are permitted to travel.

It is human nature to keep the questions outside of yourself so that you do not have to address the issues of personal growth, and we have been at liberty in this small group to talk about personal growth and I am hoping that as we share our talks on the Thursday evening with the base of the attention on text, that we will be able to embellish the appropriateness of the lesson into your personal lives, because it will strengthen this connectedness, this oneness that was discussed earlier.

The teachings of the text and your personal development and your personal growth are allowed to be a harmonious and acceptable assignment. It is not foreign to Tomas' and my goals to be allowed to have the two remain compatible in both sessions. I hope that you, as you offer your questions, will be able to bring both aspects to the floor, that we may be able to see the appropriateness of applying the wonderment of the workings of the Father's creation to your own individual areas and where you are going to be developing, because you all have an agenda. You have a wonderful opportunity and destiny waiting for each one of you.

I think that I have said all that I wanted to say, but it was in Gerdean's awe and her appreciation and her excitement -- she reads the book as someone who is reading a western or a science fiction novel; it is a mystery and a wonderment to her -- and we appreciate that, but we want you all to be able to take the explanation and apply it to your personal lives. Thank you.

TOMAS:     Thank you, Merium. And your words have now been a springboard for me to add that as we study the concept of community and teamwork, as we read the text and apply its truths into the workshop of our Teaching Mission and the extended lives of the arena in which we work, take this, too, to include the cosmic sense of the word "community." Incorporate your neighborhood into the heavens. Include as family the heavenly hosts and begin to think in terms of "the group" as the greater family, the association with the galactic bodies as your fellows, your neighbors in truth.

Begin to lift up from the quagmire of legacy and stretch forth into greater truth and appreciation of your beingness. Cover yourself with the airy voile and dance among the stars with each other, touching the ground but ever so lightly. Are there other questions?

Leah:         I have a comment. I was thinking about what Gerdean asked and it states repeatedly in the Book that anything with truth, beauty and goodness will always remain with us, so her relationship with Jesus will always be with her and, of course, we mortals have no idea what is beyond, and as you state, you don't know, but it has to get better because it always does get better.

MERIUM:    Very well put. I like to hear you speak, Leah. I am hoping you will write down questions and often make comments. We are looking forward to your transmitting, as well. You have no idea how wonderfully expressive (and if you'll excuse the comment) and therapeutic you are.

Hunnah had a daydream recently; she was thinking about you, and she said, "I wish that Leah could read the Book and put it on tape because she has the most wonderful resonance to her voice." This is not just sweet talk. Remember we are instruments, all different instruments, and you have a beautiful resonance in your voice. It is a pleasure to hear from you, dear.

Leah:         Thank you. I have been requested to do that before, but I heard that there actually is a recording.

MERIUM:     Well, perhaps you could record your favorite parts. It doesn't have to go to press. It could be shared among us.

TOMAS:     Perhaps you could record favorite parts of our lessons; I would love to hear them through your voice.

MERIUM:     Perhaps we should mail them to some of the people that we miss.

Leah:      Well, thank you very much for your votes of confidence.

MERIUM:      We are recruiting, dear.

Leah:      Well, okay.

TOMAS:     We are becoming a community of ambitious souls, consecrated to loving each other and "spreading the gospel," of sending up and out psalms and hosannas.

Elizabeth:     Well, I had a question and I'm still hoping that you'll answer. I asked, but I'll ask again, of course. I'm crowding some of my prayers into these little scattered moments and I think it's not very polite in a way to do it and so I have a. certain ambivalence about it.

MERIUM:     May I, Tomas? I have a suggestion because I eavesdropped earlier and I heard the word "lover." I suggest that you take a new lover. (Group laughter) I suggest that you clearly look at your opportunity to practice the stillness as a liaison affair and that you look with great anticipation to that moment when you may steal away to be alone. If you allow yourself to look at this in a playful sense, because intellectually you are very obedient and studious. If you allow yourself to look for those little snitching moments where you can escape for just a little while and be quiet and wait for your lover...

I heard those words and yet I don't mean to make light of it, and yet I do! and that is part of the purpose of my coming, to help us lighten up and to take duty which we are so duty-bound, and to set that duty into a new form and allow yourself to find to your amusement and to that of our Beloved Michael, to allow Him to show you that this Lover is indeed your Best Friend and that He will show up for you by allowing you to be quiet and to feel His peace and the refreshment of that living reality of this little bit of time that you were seeking, and before you know it, the little bit of time, like tithing, will become a greater amount; it will be like leaven and you will find fruitage in this effort, or you will find another original idea come to you of a way to resolve this problem.

It is not a problem. You are telling us that you are ready for a change and your appetite is appropriately going to be satisfied.

Elizabeth:     I like it. I like your answer a lot. Thank you. Thank you, very much, Merium. You're really delightful and I really am responding to your personality. It's really fun to have the feminine point of view and now, I suppose, we have kind of a balance working here, because Tomas does come across as being appropriately masculine, which, I like it immensely well, and so now it's just so great to have a feminine point of view.

TOMAS:     I am not meaning to infer that this is a male point of view but I will follow up with a remark of my own insofar as your current practice is concerned and I hear you say that even though you frequently take a moment here and there, as Merium suggests, steal away for a private moment with the Lover in terms of prayer and thought and worship, you need to actually plan a get-away vacation and go off with Him and spend some quality time wallowing in His caress.

The fact that you say "guilt" is an indication of your need to expand your relationship with Him, this is true. It is not necessary for you to feel guilty, for you have admitted to practices which benefit, i.e., you pray, you talk to him, you have these "spiritual" thoughts, but they are snatched from the bulk of the day which you devote to other causes and, yes, you would do well to have a renewal of your vows and a recommitment, another consecration of the will, to allow your soul to burn with that fervor, that enthusiasm that would allow you to once again raise up and early in the morning if necessary, in order to spend quality time in stillness and in conversation, in communion with Michael and with The Father.

Elizabeth:      Good.

MERIUM:     I will add one little suggestion here, and we know about the human addiction to soap operas, and I know that you have surely outgrown the need to come home from getting groceries to watch the soap opera, but what there is here is the evidence of a block of time, and if you would allow yourself one month, just as an example, to every day block off a particular time and say, "I will not be available to the world from this point to this point" and keep that date, then you will develop a loyalty to it and you will find out that it will mean so much to you that it will take a tornado to release you from the commitment, so as you examine your time, in your heart, ask for the foresight to know what that recipe for you should be and I am sure you will find great fruitage for you.

Elizabeth:      You're a very impressive combination!

TOMAS:     We like each other, you see. We have our work in common and we are naturally compatible, inasmuch as we have attained this level of functioning, which is, of course, why we are working together with you, that you also may attain such levels of mutual admiration and affection that your radiance will spill out into the greater community and affect Urantia as a result of your love for each other.

My dear ones, it is time for us to call it a day. We have had a rambunctious evening. Merium and I are very pleased to be part of your lives, to be part of this Teaching Mission, to be part of the growth of the living organism of the Evolving Supreme. We offer our gratitude to Michael and to the Eternal Father for bestowing us with this gift of life, for sharing with His other creatures.

Be kind and good to each other this week and review your consecration and find out where your true loyalties lie. Good evening.


DATE:          April 17, 1997

LOCATION:          Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R's:             Gerdean and Hunnah

TEXTUAL STUDY: (None noted)




MERIUM: I am Merium and I will greet you this evening, only because I have the opportunity, and because I would like to acknowledge your enchantment of being in the comforting embrace of the spirit. Your tranquillity in this embrace is profound. As has been said before, when you pray, we also kneel; and when you worship, we also raise our voices On High. It is yet another facet of community, and in honor of this wonderful community of believers here this evening, in the flesh and in the spirit, Tomas and I are honored to be among you.

Group:     We are honored to be with you. Thank you for coming, Merium.

TOMAS:      I am your trusty friend, Tomas.

Group:      Hi, Tomas.

TOMAS:     How gracious you are, my flock. I am pleased that you are so graciously accepting of my co-teacher and your newest friend in the Teaching Mission. We have found great delight in each other's company, as I also perceive you also are finding in each other's company, and as you develop trust in the Father and subsequent trust in each other, that love will grow and you will know fruits of the spirit in and for each other which will enrich your lives beyond compare. 

These friendships that are being formed, fostered in the spirit, are your eternal prize. Friendships are an end in themselves.  (Phone ringing) There's a friend now! (Group laughter) I will perhaps follow through, along those lines, to venture into the realms of your study this evening, which will have to do with personality, for what is friendship if not an appreciation of a compatible and fragrant personality?

You will no doubt acknowledge that there are some personalities that rankle, that agitate, that are not conducive to a sense of comforting presence. Even yourselves, at certain awkward moments in time, may find yourself fitful and fretful and unfruitful in your fellowshipping.  But this is a part of the development, you see ~ the undertaking of incorporating the Father-bestowed personality, instead of the ego-driven personality ~ a blending of the beneficial aspects of both, to enhance the soul personality, which is eternal.

I have heard and been apprised of groups of students here, students of The Urantia Book, who have studied the subject of personality for literally years, who have done a thorough and in-depth study on the myriad facets of personality.  And while I do not intend to lead you into such a study, I would like to spend a moment discussing personality, for I know that you have all wondered, at some time, why it is that if personality is a gift from God, why there are so many difficult and obstreperous personalities? Indeed, how can a child have such a vital and enchanting personality even before they have been indwelt by a fragment of God?

And so these questions may be pondered and even put to rest when it is understood that the human personality is a gift of the Father but it is not eternal in that same context as the soul is eternal, and it is in the assimilation of God's will within your personality that enhances the human personality and creates the personality which will live forever.

One of the inducements to the mortal to aspire for eternal life is the joyous realization that the personality lasts forever, that as you ascend into the future realms of spirit embellishment, your personality continues to go with you. In other words, you are not to be diffused into a non-personal mass of energy that returns to the cosmic Source, unaware of its identity and its contribution to its own existence.

Those who are not aware of how God works in their life, and how they work in God's life, may not have the advantage of understanding how it is that they can contribute to the modification of their own personality by usurping the ego right to do its own will in favor of doing the divine will of the Father, and in that the Father-bestowed personality is able to perform.

Another question that has often come to the mind of evolving souls is: if God is the father of personality, how can that personality be so dynamic and so intriguing and yet fly in the face of all that has value? Here is the source of great contention, even among believers. You perceive that a God-bestowed personality should act in keeping with certain mores and standards of behavior, and of a certainty this is true, but it is not you who is to decide what merit a personality has as far as it is affecting its own arena.

It is possible for a personality to be acting in accordance with its understanding of the will of God even when it is not the will of God, but how else do humans make those growth pulses possible unless they err and correct their error? These are perhaps subtle refinements in your understanding of personality.  We go back to the same fundamental lessons that we have always taught and that we always come back to: that as you grow, you learn; and as you learn, you judge less about others' learning processes. One moment.

MERIUM:     This is Merium again and I have asked Tomas for a moment on the dais to investigate a little further this thing about moral personalities, for I know that you are very human personalities and that is understood because you are humans and because you have had that value system reinforced all along.  And now comes this new wave of spiritizing and it would have you sacrifice your own understanding of who you are, perhaps, for a yet higher and more closely-aligned entity in conjunction with a God of living water.

Generations have implanted in you the God of Israel and of other cultures and of Christianity, a Godhead who demanded and commanded certain moral behaviors, and now we come along and remind you that these judgments, as ethical as they may be in your terms, are not always in the greater light, indeed, does not contain the greater love that the Father has for his myriad children. (One moment)  I have urged Tomas and some of this group to incorporate his and our words into your understanding of your readings, inasmuch as it may help to interweave the textbook and the workbook into a comprehension of a living reality.  

This evening we are rather putting the cart before the horse and it creates a challenge for us [Ed. - a group format change was made to allow for the Teacher Session to precede the textual study]. Even so, it has been an interesting approach and I am certain that as you read your lesson this evening regarding the God of personality, the bestower of personality, and indeed in terms of your personality, our words may make a little bit of sense in perspective.  I will now return you to Tomas with thanks for your indulgence.

Group:      Thank you.

TOMAS:     (One moment) I would ask you to observe yourself this week, and without condemnation but with infinite intrigue, observe your own composition of personality. As you understand the nature of God, as you have read already (about) many of His attributes and characteristics, observe how He functions within you and when. Observe also how and when you manifest your unenlightened human personality. Observe how you have used your personality in order to survive, in order to make your way in and through the animal realms, how cleverly you have adapted to being a human animal in a society of other members of this species, and reflect that value level of existence (which it is) onto that facet of you that is the evolving personality, of the evolving soul, that you which radiates in His light of truth.  Observe those opportunities when you have the chance to speak clearly His will and have it be heard and appreciated.

This study is not to show you how imperfect you are, no, or to show you how far you have to go, no.  But it is to give you an objective understanding of your personality in alignment and out of alignment. And is it not more joyous to radiate the Father-bestowed personality? Are you not truly a divine being, are you not indeed beauteous and radiant in His sight and in the sight of others as a reflection of Him?

Perhaps as you understand how the Father-bestowed personality works in your world, you will be inspired to clasp more closely to your breast the commitment, the desire, to foster His will in your life, that you may ring out the good news of the living God, the living brotherhood. It is the human personality on its face which is clever, yes, but which also grows weary, for it is not infused with the security of eternal value.

I will relinquish you from further formal discourse, but I will open the table to those of you who have a desire to approach discourse or questions, and as I throw open the floor, let me throw open also my arms and embrace you in love, especially those of you whom I have missed in this configuration, those of you who have been being about the Father's business in realms outside this Teacher Base. Welcome, beloved children, and also to my faithful flock. How are you all this evening?

Group:      Great.  Very good.

Elizabeth:      One thing about doing this a little earlier is that we can talk about the lesson ahead, which is quite interesting.  And also it is -- I feel a lot fresher at this time in the evening. I must get very tired very quickly. I feel as if I have lots more energy right now and can listen and enjoy Tomas and Merium.  And I have a question. (Phone ringing)

Ruth:         Tomas, I have a question. Do you have a telephone ringing, too?

TOMAS:     I have a private secretary who puts my calls on hold when I am otherwise engaged. I say that, of course, jokingly.

Ruth:      Maybe Elizabeth needs to do that, too.

Celeste:     Tomas, I still have some trouble understanding the personality -- mine and God's -- but also I think if we are capable of having God come through me, and I responded that perfectly to another human being, that you'd be almost too humble afterwards to even tell anybody about it.

TOMAS:     I fully appreciate what you are saying, but I would also encourage you to not submerge your value. Indeed, I am not asking you to exalt yourself, but it is perfectly appropriate to exalt the work that you do, for that is what is important, and as you deny your work, you deny yourself and your peers the opportunity to share the seeds you have planted and the germination and sprouting of the life when it is being born.

There are other elements of appreciating God's personality through you besides the standard ego-personality glorification. It is all right, you see, to accept your status as a daughter of God, a faith child of the living reality, a divine being-in-the-making. You are, in relative terms, perfect; and it is false humility to decry and deny your value. Allow your value, unashamedly.

There is a significant difference between acknowledging your sonship, your dignity as a living child of the living God, you see, than to strut with braggadocio of how clever you are in and of yourself; but as you honor your Parent, your Creator, in the work that you do, then you have set yourself aside, ego-wise, and you have allowed the personality of God to proclaim itself.

Celeste:     Thank you so much, Tomas, for everything you have given us. I think this lesson was probably the greatest lesson. I love this lesson on personality.  It's hard!

TOMAS:     It is hard, and I will add that culturally and, perhaps biblically speaking, you have been coerced and browbeaten into a shell of what you can rise up to be. God has been beaten to a pulp in your society, and when He seeks to rise up, He is again attacked by would-be crusaders for another cause or those who fear Him. It is a courageous loyalty to espouse your own God-given personality.

Elizabeth:      The thing of personality, is this — One of the most fascinating things, as Celeste said to me, in the book, when I first read the way it works and tried to understand it (and I don't profess to understand it, but it's a most exciting thing to think about) and when we think about other people's personalities, it always -- since I've had the Book -- enjoyed thinking about people as different flowers.

You were telling us about the symphony orchestra, which was a wonderful way to think about it, and I do enjoy thinking about the fun of a great big bouquet of different flowers, and how exciting it is, and so to me the whole thing of personality is such an exciting part of the Book, exciting from the point of view that I feel as if I've just begun to scratch the surface of the meaning of personality, from the point of view of one's faith.

I had a question, too, only I don't want to diverge from this topic, but I know we only have a limited amount of time. A person came to see me this week who is in the middle of a huge decision, whether to end his relationship with his wife and their children and change everything in their lives and to divorce, and I was thinking about what you had said about, all right, we all have been using the adjutant mind spirits when we make decisions on this planet, but if we used the Spirit of Truth we have a tremendous lead in the spiritual understanding, and yet I was having a very difficult time being sure of how to explain to this person how you tap into the Spirit of Truth as opposed to the adjutant mind spirits which you're accustomed to using as a matter of just the popular way of doing things here, and I was leaning on the idea that one would have to ask the Spirit of Truth and also one would have to seek to cleanse oneself, at least for the moment, of those poisons that are mentioned in the Book before you ask for guidance, but I was just fumbling around, really. I would love to hear you and Merium give us possibly some help on this.

TOMAS:     Thank you for your expressions. I will first take your analogy of the flower arrangement of personality and commend you for the picture that you paint, for even yourselves, as vibrant personalities, are beautiful and perfect in your own way and that whereas a handful of raggedy wild-flowers holds certain short-lived charm, those stalwart and hardy blooms of long-standing, when arranged together, can embellish and enhance not only themselves individually, but as a floral arrangement that will indeed honor the room.

Yes, indeed, the difference between a flower and yet another flower is an honorable analogy, akin to the symphony. You would not want to place a humble dandelion in a group of iris, but if you have a mixed bag of flowers, any and all will blend. Let me not get carried away on the flower thing because already I hear you taking the parable and chewing it to pieces with your literal mindedness, and truly I only intended to sketch a centerpiece.

I would like now to address a subject of the Spirit of Truth. Perhaps Merium would like to tackle that one. I will parenthetically interject that I trust you introduced him to my recent lesson on the Spirit of Truth.

Elizabeth:      Yes.  Yes.  That is what we were using.

TOMAS:      One moment.

MERIUM:    I have words to say, of course. I am a storyteller and so I am delighted to have been asked to attend and to share. I will not be as formal as Tomas, perhaps, nor as (I will not use the word tedious) specific, perhaps, as Tomas can be, but I will approach the Spirit of Truth from my vantage point and that is very much as has been said before: if you were to talk with Jesus and he were to tell you what way is in the divine plan for you, you would honor the guidance from Jesus inasmuch as he is your Creator Father/ Brother, and his guidance would no doubt fill you with confidence of what way to go.

The Spirit of Truth plays the same role, if you will.  The Spirit of Truth is that which directs you to Michael for his guidance, and the clarity of his guidance echoes in your soul. You know in every part of you that this is the way to go. You trust that this is the way to go. You know that even if, down the road, it is required that you veer a little to the left or a little to the right, at least today this is what you should do; and it elicits in you a feeling of confidence and assurance that this is what you must do.

Now, how that differs from the adjutant mind spirits is difficult to describe because you can come to the same assurance, in your perception, from your own understanding, or from your own instinct, intuition, counsel, and so forth. Your previous experience alone has told you what you ought to do, but let me remind you that many times your human experiences are not the best guide, for in your human experiences where you depend upon your own resources to make these particularly momentous decisions, you flounder because perhaps one time when you made the decision, you fell short of your expectations; and perhaps when you made the decision another time, you far over-extended yourself, ending up looking the fool. And so on and so on.

There are times, regarding making decisions, when individuals have relied upon their own instincts, their own understanding, their own sense of wisdom and so forth that has failed and become paralyzed in the ability to make any further decisions at all! And so, if you can, it is wise to seek guidance from the Spirit of Truth, bearing in mind that that is a spiritual approach.

This is the greater approach because it says, "In and of myself I do not have all the answers. I have these certain experiences and these certain abilities and these certain instincts, and so forth, but I am an earthen vessel and I cannot lean upon my own understanding." When and as the soul powers of the personality prevail upon the Spirit of Truth to direct them, they invariably come face to face with the living Christ who will speak to their soul and answer: "This is the way."

Now granted, too, as Tomas has said before, sometimes you get that answer and you don't want to do it. You know you should; you know perhaps eventually you must; but for reasons unknown to anyone but yourself, you decide, "I will not do that; not today," understanding that the Parent is forgiving, understanding that you may take an eternity to make certain decisions if you choose. More often than not, individuals will lollygag on their way to the Father:

"Indeed, what's the point of hurrying up when there are so many wallowing individuals hanging back that you must help anyway before you can go far afield of anything, so you might as well enjoy your own ego-decisions and rely upon your own feelings for as long as you have them; after all, we will outgrow our instincts when we outgrow our bodies" -- and all manner of rationale take place in the mortal condition.

This is life, with all of its colorful interpretations of what they ought to do, based upon their own decision-making processes. How many fools have justified their behavior by saying, by testifying, that, to their understanding, it was God's will that they did what they did.  And who is to say that their belief is wrong?

Decision-making is a very, very personal process. It involves the entire mobilization of the soul.  Have mercy on yourself and on those who must make decisions, for it is by making decisions that you ascend; there are no backward steps written into your destiny plan.  However, I have spoken long enough, Tomas. I thank you for the opportunity to share with these lovely flowers.

Celeste:      I can't wait to read all of this. We often say that, but it's true.

Elizabeth:      Well, so often we will ask, we'll pray, we'll "wait on the Lord", we say. And then we seem to get conflicting answers; we're very confused. Is the Lord really speaking to me? And then my friend said, "If the phone rings in the next half hour, I'll do it." (They were making a big decision.) So the phone rang. And . .. that was an interesting device, I think. For that person, it really did work. Very, very good Christian person that I know.

TOMAS:      Very good Christian seeker of signs. (Group laughter)

Elizabeth:     It sometimes really helps to go to a good friend who is loving and helpful, and the Spirit of Truth probably speaks through that person, if we approach it in the right way. Is that true?

TOMAS:     This is true, for the Father will speak through those individuals who permit His guidance to come through them, and this is often an unconscious process.  Also, it is not necessary that the individual become an advocate, an apostle, a proselytizer. Indeed, it is sometimes the simplistic individual friendly response that is the most sincere and has the most profound impact on a seeker.  This is one of the aspects of confiding trust, the fruit of the spirit that allows you to minister to your friend as you pass by, by sitting and consulting and consoling in the difficulties of the life.

Elizabeth:      We do have to be quite careful, though.  As people who sometimes ask to help somebody make a decision, we really have to be careful, don't we? I mean, people do like to give advice. And that's one thing I think I'm wary of, is that humanly you sort of enjoy giving advice sometimes, and when you enjoy it that much, I think you'd better be suspicious.

TOMAS:     One moment, Elizabeth. This is an immediate reflection upon our words this evening regarding personality and in the text that you will read later this evening about the human personality as compared to the Father-bestowed personality. Look to the motives. Look to the intent. For although you may desire truly to serve, who are you serving?

Are you putting yourself in a position to give advice even when it is not asked for because they are vulnerable and you are therefore powerful? What are your motives that you would catch them up short with your sincerity and lead them down a path that may not be the path for them. This leads only to distrust and more betrayal. A true friend does not give advice unless it is asked for, and this requires censor of the tongue, that unruly organ.

Elizabeth:      But even when one is asked for advice, I do think it's time when one has to exercise a lot of thoughtfulness and sometimes I don't know whether we do, but I'm just wondering what do we do? Does one sometimes say, "Let's pray together"? Prayer is one of the things that the Teachers have been stressing.

TOMAS:     Prayer will bond you with that individual with whom you pray, certainly. It will help break down ego barriers and develop trust as they feel the spirit merge together. This is a very beneficial and trust-inducing behavior, and additionally, it lends confidence of the friendship and puts the words in appropriate perspective.

When you deign to give advice, the highest advice that you can offer is your personal experience, for that has the authority of your experience itself; it is an intellectual exercise, otherwise. You may suggest what someone else has done, you may suggest material to read, you may share what Jesus said about the subject (which, by the way, he said nothing about divorcement), but understand, too, in your counsel, in your spirit of counsel with your friend, that there are always more than one side to a story. There is  always more than one side to be considered.

Elizabeth:      Yes, yes, that's true.

TOMAS:     Only God knows the full set of circumstances. And that is therefore who to consult regarding the way to go.

Elizabeth:     So would you say, "I prefer to pray about this and then later we can talk?" Would that be a better way of doing it? Just sort of …?

TOMAS:     If a friend has come to you and is troubled, then you may listen to your friend in compassion of their woe and their distress. Your comforting presence should be adequate. How can they prevail upon you for an answer to their life problem, that can only be found in counsel with the Father himself? It is your friendship they seek, not your answer. They only can find the answer from the Father and from within the self. If you can help direct them to the Inner Guide of the Indwelling Guide of the Thought Adjuster, then you have done your part. You have served the Father, you have served your brother, and you have done valuable work.

Elizabeth:     Yes, I think that's really good. Fortunately in this situation I didn't presume to really offer advice, because I thought it was, yes, just better to sit and listen. People do seem to get a good perspective when they have a chance to sit and talk about something that's troubling them.

TOMAS:     It is often the only thing that is missing -- is someone to whom to pour out their heart. If they can sincerely express themselves to a trusted friend, they often can hear themselves reflect back to themselves what their concerns are, and so it is a way of their praying aloud for guidance and you, as the friend, have provided the source of reflectivity for them by giving back to them only your love and your support.

Elizabeth:     That's great. Thank you. I think I'll enjoy reading this, as Celeste said. Anyway, tonight, with this discussion, before we read, speaking for myself I have no particular desire to do it one way or the other, but I do think that there is something to be said for coming into this thing when you're feeling fresh. I'm sure the others will have other different interesting things to say about it.

TOMAS:      And certainly the transmitter will confirm that.

Group:      Yes.  I like it, too.  Talk about our lesson ahead.

TOMAS:     Unfortunately, we are not crystal-ball gazers and we cannot ascertain what selection you will choose from the Life and Teachings of Jesus, and so if you will allow us, we will merely partake of that as our dessert as well. What a wonderful way to end an evening: a message from Michael.  My friends, are we about to close for the evening?

Ruth:      Tomas, I want to ask you something.

TOMAS:      Yes, Ruth?

Ruth:         I have a gentleman coming to me, my practice, and he has read some books and he and I have been talking about some things and I would like permission to give him The Urantia Book. I sort of inserted foot in mouth in wanting to help him. I just sort of said I would give him a Book. Would it be all right if I gave him a Urantia Book? He is searching and he is reading some books and he read "The Holy Grail" about the Holy Grail and he was talking to me about Mary and Mary Magdalene and Michael and I gave him a little bit of information.

TOMAS:     Let me suggest that you review in your mind's eye some of the subject matter that you have discoursed with him that has stimulated your appreciation for The Urantia Book, that you believe would answer his need and his question.  And then find those references in the Book. Take a brand new book with those items highlighted or ear-marked, and in discourse with him, fellowship with him, say, "Remember we had that conversation and you said this and I said that? I would like to show you this here. What do you think?" And allow him to nibble on the bulk of the Book, on how it presents itself, on how it answers the question that his soul was inquiring after, rather than handing him

the Book and saying, "Here! This will answer your question."

It is a responsibility in some cases, my dear, that as you are becoming a fisher of men, you need to spoon feed them.  You need to drop your bait and (let them) nibble the worm until they have found it tasty, savory and ideal for their needs. Go ahead and titillate him even further with The Urantia Book, and when he has made a. reach for it with his heart or his soul or his mind … even then do not thrust it upon him, but present it to him as a heart-felt love gift, and encourage him to follow up with his studies and continue to share his findings with you.

Celeste:      I think that's a most perfect answer.

Ruth:      You know I did that with another person that Celeste and I gave a book to,    and that gentleman, I think he became aggravated about something that he read and … He became upset with me, I know.

TOMAS:     It can be dangerous to a soul to have the fifth epochal revelation placed in his or her hands and have to acknowledge that s/he cannot handle it, at least at the moment. It can cause wrenching reactions in the soul. I have seen individuals tremble and shake and hand back the Book in fear of it and in fear of what they may be doing by returning this insightful tome, and so I suggest, do not petrify these timid children, but allow them to take a bite and nibble on it and whet their appetite, for they will hunger and thirst.  If they do not, you have not offended their timid soul, their own humble dignity in their more simple belief system. You have not alienated them as a friend and as an acquaintance. You have not put the Urantia Book out there as a terrible thing, but as another tool for spirit.

Ruth:      Thank you, Tomas.  That's very helpful.

TOMAS:      Thank you, Ruth.

Celeste:      I know it's easy to give a Urantia Book to somebody because you're so excited about it and you want them to get it and I've done it and we've all done it, and then you learn later on that they opened it once or twice and it was just too overwhelming and that was the end of that.

TOMAS:     This is very true. You need to follow up and hoe the soil around the seed you have planted. You cannot-- As they say in mota "a pint cannot hold a quart" and so do not drown the poor fellow with your largess. Whose ego are you satisfying in a gesture like that anyway? What personality is it that's acting, there?  (Arrival of Ms. McD)  Good evening, my dear daughter, how wonderful to feel your spirit presence with us again. Your aura is strong this evening and it is an advantage to our configuration to feel your wonderful spirit here.

It is truly a bounty to feel the presence of all of you this evening. Merium and I look forward to your studies and to your skilled practice in socializing in the spirit sense of the word. I look forward to our next encounter and I leave you with my embrace. Peace be upon you. Farewell.


DATE:  April 24, 1997

LOCATION:  Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/Rs:  Gerdean and Hunnah

TEXTUAL STUDY:  Urantia Book

Paper 5, Continued




Let us pray.

"Heavenly Father, thank you for your very existence and for ours, for the gift of personality and the gift also of free will. Help us, dear Father, to know what to do with these valuable gifts that You have given us. Help us to align ourselves with Your will that these gifts may give back to You our devotion and appreciation for your gift to us, in that, dear Father, we may be granted eternal life.

"We have come a long way in our growth, in our desire to know You, in our spiritual growths and in our service to others. Sometimes, dear Father, it seems we've already been at this an eternity and yet we realize that we have only begun. Help us to realize, dear Father, our growth, our reality, our eternal aspects through You. Give us confidence of our relationship, of your indwelling and our eternal life.

"Also, Father, help us to see in others Your personality. You, through our brothers and sisters, that our lives may be enriched, knowing that You walk with us, that You share this experience with us, that we are not alone, but that Your presence is indeed a constant among us. Help us to rise above the fetters of fear, and radiate the personality that You would have us be, that we may be loved for You. In Michael's name we pray. Amen."

TOMAS:      Good evening, faithful flock.

Group:      Good evening, Tomas.

TOMAS:     Sometimes it feels like a dog in heat, that we chase our tail trying to catch up with ourselves, but indeed when we finally catch up with ourselves we are found in Him.

Your meeting this evening has been most intriguing. Your studies are amazing. Your personalities are a flower garden of unimaginable color. And yet you are indeed each a creation and an extension of the God of personality. Radiant blooms, one and all.

I realize that our format is topsy-turvy, but this is part of learning how to work as a team. I would not want our group to become crystallized and regimented to the point where you approached it with a ho-hum attitude, nor do I want you to feel burdened by the cerebral aspects of the text and the ponderousnous of the Teachers' lessons, but we must formulate some order in order that we can maintain a sense of family and continuity.

I would suggest henceforth that all your gatherings begin with a moment of stillness. This simple, rudimentary practice is invaluable in giving your mind and soul a focus; not only for yourselves individually but as a testimony to each other that you are now embarking upon a season of application toward spirit intent.

I also would like to introduce a practice of sharing that has been successful in some communities. As Merium has observed, you each have an almost desperate need to express yourselves and this aspect of personality can be developed. Therefore, I would like to institute, with your permission and cooperation, a segment of time devoted to personal sharing, and in this upcoming addendum, I will ask you to manifest some discipline, for your socialization in this realm overlaps significantly and you digress. But in the format that I would suggest, I would ask that you recall the assignment from the previous week and address the group, one at a time, as to your week's activities, in particular having to do with the effects of the assignment.

In this way you will have opportunity to apply yourself to the lesson in a meaningful way, for you will need to report to your peers, by way of socialization. It also will accommodate your need to share aspects of your life with each other. It will serve the purpose also of, in an orderly fashion, notifying your teachers of whether or not you have done your homework. There is merit to this proposed format, and it is not just for our convenience that we suggest this, but for your delight.

There are only a couple cautionary remarks, one of which is involving the discipline of one individual speaking at a time, and I say, with a smile on my face, that I realize that is an almost impossible assignment for you; and, no, we are not interested in others' commentary regarding your report, but would like to hear from you individually, in a soulful way, about your week and your application to the lessons.  This will give us a focus, a direction, and it will give you an opportunity to share meaningfully. Would you be amenable to this proposed agenda?  (Group agreement)  I tell you we have utilized it for months in the Butler group and it has brought forth much fruit.

Very well.  Last week, you will recall, the assignment was to observe your own personality, your human personality, as compared . to your Father-bestowed personality, and I don't know that any of you had an opportunity to conscientiously follow through with that assignment since we did the lesson last week "cart before the horse."

Let me then reassign that assignment for the following week, and this time, having now read twice about the God of personality, and having the transcript at hand to remind you of our discourse regarding personality, you can pay some attention to your own personality and how it functions. Perhaps you can become better acquainted with your own personality.  Merium?  Would you like to help me out, in this context?

MERIUM:     I expected you to call on me later in the evening, after the report.

TOMAS:     Shall we then take an intermission and try a preliminary review, if they are ready? I don't know if they are ready.

MERIUM:     When you invited them to share, I think that you have reassured them that it would not be on tape, and they will supply themselves with what they have to say. They have in mind what they know they will share. In truth, they are going to share that which is pertinent, that which is waiting to be revealed.

TOMAS:     The question then remains, shall we launch today or shall we wait until next week? I think you are saying 'let's go with it today.'

MERIUM:     Yes. I would like to hear what they are going to say and not what they are thinking they want to say. I will tell a little story. A wise one, teaching students, approached a student and asked that she would be selected that day to give the talk and she said to the teacher, 'Oh, you should have called on me yesterday! I had a very good subject.' He said, "My dear, you would not have spoken on that subject at all. It was something that your human mind would be involved in. What you will speak in the lesson, you will give from the higher realm."

And I encourage you all, just as Hunnah has to allow herself to stand aside in order to express that which is really important, appropriate, to be revealed, because what you will want to allow yourselves to do is to behold that which is presented to you. It can be out shouted, and under the circumstances, that which you share, that which you reveal, we will be allowed to witness and you will witness within yourself, and it will be a great healing and a great releasing and nurturing for you individually.

TOMAS:     Very good. Also, we will get to know each other better. I have only one further guideline, and that has to do with timing, for we have a tendency in this group to spend too much time on socializing, and I hesitate to let you run loose with the lectern. There was once a timepiece in existence at this table. If it is in existence now, it could be helpful. If not, please utilize the same comprehension of time as a timepiece would allow and manifest a consideration for the time constraints of the evening.  We will then be in session off the record.


TOMAS:     Greetings, once again. I am Tomas. We have been appreciative of your development in communication here in this format this evening. Thank you one and all for your contributions and for the expressions and exposures of your inner life and your external life as you manifest your way in the world.

You will reflect this week upon what you shared. You will realize that certain things were not necessary to have shared but other things in your deep mind and heart would have been wonderful to share had you thought of it, had you had the courage.

Your communications will develop. Your sharing will gain greater depth. Your communications with each other will lend themselves well to true personality expression and you will benefit and your indwelling Adjusters will benefit. And you will find that your communications will take on a new flavor, a new meaning, a new value, and provide you with new rewards.

This, too, is part of the Correcting Time, that we learn how to communicate in ways which include the spirit, not merely to suit the needs of the material realms but that also fulfil the needs of the soul and the spirit.

I was recalling the character in your culture who is the opera singer, tenor Pavarotti, who waves the white handkerchief. When he holds up the handkerchief at the end of an aria, he senses the audience's reaction, he keys himself in to the sensibility of the listeners to see if they appreciated what he had to say, and I tell you I feel as if you were all Pavarotti's and I have tuned into you to hear what you have to say, as you sometimes tune into me, and so we begin to sense in each other what it is that we yearn to hear, what it is truly that we are looking for when we seek acknowledgement from each other.

Your expressions, personality expressions, are each an aria of life as you live it in your opera -- in the existential act that accompanies the symphony. This week, be aware of the operatic aspects of life. See the comics, see the melodramatic, the tragic and the romantic. See the emotional aspects of life as it is presented through personality. And add a generous helping of the God of all personality, and see how it is that He shows himself, even through His ignorant children, how loveable they are in spite of themselves.

MERIUM:     I would like to encourage each of you to find someone who has been introduced to you in a very negative way, who has been supported in the sense of community in the negative way, and to embrace that individual, to open a door to his or her opportunity to be released of this picturing of him or herself.

Our brother has introduced a higher way to communicate with each other, to appreciate each other, and we all are aware that there are times when we present an attractive scene or profile. Movie stars particularly show a side of their face that is their "best profile." There are people who do not have an opportunity to present their best face to you under some circumstances. I beseech you to extend them the Father's love. Remember who they are. Perhaps you are the first one who will ever have known to do so. Thank you.

TOMAS: Thank you, Merium, and thank you students, dear friends. It is late. I will entertain a couple questions if you have any. Otherwise we will close early this evening. Are there questions?

And so be it. We will be with you this week as you investigate the marvelous realms of personality. Farewell.

Group:  Farewell.


DATE:          May 1, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA   

T/R:             Gerdean


Urantia Paper 6, The Eternal Son




TOMAS:  Greetings, my friends, I am Tomas.

Group:  Good evening, Tomas.

TOMAS: It is good to be with you again. All of us in the celestial realms rejoice in your steadfastness, in your yearning to grow in spirit reality, in your desire to do His will, and in your efforts to serve. Lovely personalities, how are you this evening?

Celeste:  Wonderful.

Leah:  Just great.

TOMAS: It has been a good evening and continues to be productive of spirit communion. This evening's studies regarding The Eternal Son have brought now into your comprehension of Deity an aspect of action in mercy and as you have observed in your recent assignment regarding personality, the fact of personality is activated by and through mercy. You now have the chief two ingredients toward living a life of loving service.

Those instances where you observe personality, without judgment, wherein you recognize a fleeting glimpse of reality -- be it childlike faith, confusion, experience of the ages, relative retardation, enchanting aspects, and all manner of personality manifestation -- there is within you then that which is called to serve.

Many times the smile is adequate. Many times the acknowledgement speaks volumes, fills untold wells of loneliness. It may not be your responsibility to bring your concern for their wellbeing into the picture, but as you accept and acknowledge and pass by, you have served. We have spoken of this from the beginning -- to open doors between you; to allow the fear to fall away, in trust of divine guidance.

And now you begin to see the Father at work in the lives of His myriad children. You have sought for Him, you have found Him in the Isle of Paradise, you have found Him within your own essence of association in your own Mystery Monitor, and now you glimpse Him in others - not only in the spiritual, but also in the actual, the mortal, the existential existence of your fellow creatures.

This acknowledgement that these beings are the children of Our Father enlarges your world. You are not alone. You are embarked on a joyous adventure wherein you will encounter other interesting personalities throughout eternity. Much of your on-going eternal education is adapting to, adjusting to, responding to, working with, appreciating, enjoying personalities. You cannot always select what personalities you will encounter, but you always have free will choice as to how you will treat/regard any and all those that you do encounter. How would the Father regard this child of His?

As you see personality and may or may not opt to respond in a service way, you may deprive yourself of the opportunity to serve altogether, but as you are touched by life, as you see the Father-indwelt personality with the difficulties that they suffer in this mortal life, the challenges they face, see them in mercy of their standing. Allow the embrace of The Eternal Son to wash over that being -- your brother, your sister. And so even when you cannot or will not engage yourself personally, you can operate through the spirit to project your Father's love and mercy on that personality.

This you can do as a conscious act of your will. It is a service. I invite you to look at this because oftentimes the distress that you see in your arena is enough to allow you to pretend that it does not exist, for the frustration is potentially overwhelming as to how you can serve, how you can do something about it. Rather than deny its existence, envelop it (the individual and their circumstances) in a shroud of love and mercy as you pass by. You need not ask for anything on their behalf or in their regard, but direct your love that you have received from the Father to them through the Father.

It is, of course, far more intriguing when you allow yourself to become involved in the realm. Nothing is more important, you see, than the work of your realm, but it is true that your capacities cannot encompass every individual human being. You do have finite capacities, after all. But to the extent that your own expanding infinite love is eager to serve, direct your free will to love and mercy.

Merium is here this evening and would speak regarding the Sermon on the Mount. One moment.

MERIUM:     Good evening, my lovelies. Tomas and I are yet getting used to each other, you see. Teamwork takes time. Sharing is a learned condition, and although Tomas is infinitely eager to share with me his platform of teaching, he is not entirely accustomed to my personality, and so we adapt, as he has said, and as you already well know.

Elizabeth:     Someday you will have to describe your personality for us.

MERIUM:     Someday, as you get to know me, you will be able to tell me about it yourself! Indeed, you remind me of our session on Tuesday, but I will only titillate you by that hint, and so you must find out by hearsay how we carried on, on Tuesday, but this evening I would like to discuss, but briefly, this thing about the meek.

You have, some of you, been discussing the meek. The meek are easy to discuss for they do not threaten. Like the elderly man and woman, like the Butler citizens, like the Sunday School children, these are examples of the meek. There is no threat from them. They are easy to recognize, easy to observe. Theirs' truly is the Kingdom of Heaven. They have not only inherited the earth, they are quite comfortable upon it. They make themselves at home here. They have no argument with their Maker or their lot in life. They have accepted and adjusted. They are not angry. They are not impatient. They are meek and they are beloved. They are not troublemakers, they are not rabble-rousers, they are not do-gooders, they are not movers and shakers. They are meek, easily accessible, too easily vulnerable.

Elizabeth:     Well one person who isn't meek is CP!  He's an example of a personality that isn't meek.

Leah:      Very un-meek.

MERIUM:      I recognize that.  I did not include him for that reason.

Again, in focussing on "blessed are the meek," I remind you to be meek, to be at home on Urantia, to be a man among men that you might rub shoulders with your fellow men.

Am I receiving signals that I should be saying female gender words here?

Elizabeth:      No!

Leah:      You probably heard me say that.  There are no men in this room.

MERIUM:      It is a language usage.

Leah:      Of course.

MERIUM:      I intend no disrespect to our gender.

Elizabeth:  "    Our" gender.

MERIUM:      I return you to brother Tomas.

Leah:      Thank you for coming.

Elizabeth:      Thank you very much, Merium.

TOMAS:      We are both here and are both available to "field questions or comments. Let's move on.  Are there questions about our discussions or about your experiences on your assignment or about your reading, or any commentary?

Elizabeth:     Well, in speaking about personalities, sometimes I feel a little concerned because I enjoy putting personalities around me that I find easy to deal with and pleasant and I don't think I'm getting a lot of practice in dealing with the other type of people, and so I think maybe I'm not using my time here to learn as much as I should, but I prefer not to have to do it unless it's thrust upon me.

I certainly did put in a lot of years with my father, who was a bit of a curmudgeon personality, so maybe I got a lot of practice there, I'm not sure, but I was getting the idea that you were saying something to us about a lot of our growth is going to take place in our relationships with these diverse personalities. Is that correct, Tomas?

TOMAS:     That is certainly correct. And this will be so throughout eternity.

Elizabeth:     And yet I seek the personalities that are easy for me to deal with. That's not a lot of practice, as I said.

TOMAS:     You have become skilled at insulating yourself against the vicissitudes of life.

Elizabeth:      Yeah.  I have.

Celeste:      That seems to be a very normal thing to do.

TOMAS:     It is a normal thing to aspire toward, but it is not always successful, and yet, Elizabeth, you have effectively insulated yourself from much that could cause you damage; that is, you and your family. But you have also removed yourself from the mainstream wherein the seeds are able to fall on fertile soil.

It is perhaps not your liking to fraternize with the ilk of the Alpheus twins. Granted they are not what one would call socially fragrant, intellectually challenging or stimulating, creatively stimulating, even spiritually compatible, but they are important, you see, for they are your brothers. They are part of your family, and although you can insulate yourself and educate yourself and so forth, you will one day need to accept your fellowship leanings.

There is no satisfaction as deep as recognizing the fraternity of siblings in the spirit, and in the spirit it matters not whether you are clever or smart or witty, but that you are real. In time you will yearn to become not more gracious, more refined, more well insulated, but more real. Indeed, as you grow in the spirit you become more Real, and like "The Velveteen Rabbit," this is not done by remaining insulated and on a shelf, but it comes from being rubbed and hugged and scratched and buffeted until your whiskers fall off.

I understand that the structure of your life has deep roots. Great history goes into this insulated existence in which you have found yourself. But it is true, as you say, that your eternity in front of you involves adapting to other personalities and it is a good time and place here and now to begin, recognizing that all attached humans to these personalities are not necessarily what you would call lovely. It is hard to love unlovely mankind, but it is an aspect of Sonship that you want for your brothers even that which they do not know that they want for themselves.

How have you been, Kate?

Kate:          Good.

TOMAS:      It is good to see you.  I sense that you are not as vocal this evening as you normally are. Perhaps it is because we have experienced some focused sharing. Have you found merit to our exercise?

Kate:          Yes.

TOMAS:      I enjoy hearing you learn to communicate, to convey meaningful value to each other.

Elizabeth:     We're probably going to continue, in a certain respect.  We're going to continue a little bit of this, even if we get a new assignment. I think we're going to do this again.

TOMAS:     I appreciate the sharing aspect and would encourage it to continue, for it eliminates excessive chatter. I do appreciate the need for socialization and the culture which you share, and indeed the fragrant personalities that you are that would give rise to such joyous socialization, but it is my purpose to introduce the spirit into your lives.

The Paper having to do with Religion in Human Experience indicates that there is a difference between a social gathering and a spiritual gathering, and I am going to pull rank and say that I believe that if we are here in honor of Michael and to study how he lived, it is more toward a spiritual meeting than a social meeting, and so I would like to keep communion as a part of our gathering together, and perhaps when you have a party I can observe without comment. However, I do not want to usurp your intercourse, and so when I have concluded, or when the teaching platform has concluded, you are certainly at liberty to return to your social customs.

Elizabeth:      I think it's productive to do what we did and to keep it to a certain extent focused on a spiritual path. I think everybody else feels that way. We do a lot of social things, so this isn't supposed to be truly social.

TOMAS:       I will then think about an assignment for you for next week, and let us continue to observe what is personality --not that you have to do anything about it, mind you, but observe what you perceive to be personality.

(In reference to those personalities who are so difficult of loving -- you are cherished for your efforts, for your long suffering, for your endurance, and indeed for your mercy, for final judgment is beyond the mortal realms. It lies in the Ancients of Days who have greater wisdom that we. It is not for us to determine when personality has become extinct, when the light of a personality has gone out.)

We will continue to observe personality in terms of the living tree, the living fruit.

Kate:      Fruit of the spirit, Tomas?

TOMAS:     Always. I do not mean to bring up this fruit to maturity too quickly, but in observing personality, observe personality as it is - alive! The tree is alive and showing fruit. It is not ready to be hewn down and cast into the fire. It is the living personality that I want you to observe ("Let the dead bury the dead."). Focus on that child of God. Continue to appreciate their personality, their mortal personality aspects as a child of God, given personality by Him.

And see, too, allow your spirit inside you to speak to you regarding your service. Is it a nod? Is it eye contact? Is it "Hello?" Is it shared laughter? Is it a complaint about the weather in good humor? Is it further discourse? These small steps open doors. Continue to remind yourself of the purpose of your life: to know God, to be more like Him, and to serve his children, fostering the reality of God on Urantia.

Yes, we will not go too far in the assignment. Continue to study personality. Observe, admire, be amused by your fellow brothers and sisters, and feel for a leaning in terms of service. Report back to me then next week regarding any leanings you may have felt. We will go from there as to what then to do with those leanings. All right?

Group:  (Assent)

TOMAS:     Merium joins me in wishing you well on your adventures this upcoming week. It is spring. People are out and about. They are innocent. They are fresh. They may be grumpy but they are happy that it is spring, and so the positive outweighs the negative. Therefore, enjoy yourselves. Walk in grace and in beauty. Farewell.


DATE:          May 8., 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:              Gerdean


Urantia Paper 7, Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe





TOMAS:      Good evening.

Group:      Good evening, Tomas.

TOMAS:     I am so happy to be here with you all this evening. How we have enjoyed your experiences this evening, as I know you have also enjoyed your evening thus far, and it is still not too late to have a good day.  Let me first embrace my son, Evangel, whom I have missed in this arena. How are you, lad?

Evangel:      I could be better.

TOMAS:     And so you shall. It is so fine, however, to feel your presence, to embrace you in the spirit and to spend some time with you.  Your adventures have been potent and we observe with interest your many enterprises and involvements. Think not that your motives and intentions go unnoticed. Think not that your striving for enlightenment for your fellows is ineffectual, for you are an evangel of truth and of light and your work in the field is truly firey and effective. Your tendency to agitate folk is more often than not a springboard to growth.

How lovely, also, to have our friend Marian here this evening. It is a pleasure to meet you, my dear. It is a peculiar circumstance in which you find yourself, and we are so happy that it fell upon life's circumstance that you should pass by and taste what it is that we aspire to, that we enjoy and embrace. You will feel quite at ease with our purpose, for our purpose is to love one another in the spirit that we may better love one another in the flesh -- that is to say, "His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven."

Marian:      Thank you.  That's wonderful.

TOMAS:     Your community is going through good growth, but it is still growth, and often growth is difficult. I have felt a deep empathy this evening with your sharing, for in reviewing the assignment from last week, I and we perceive the truth that how it is that you perceive this assignment is a direct reflection on how you perceive yourself. And so once again there is an opportunity to observe how it is that you deal with life and how you can more effectively deal with it if you allow yourself to expand in spirit reality.

You all understand, too, that each exercise and each growth step brings you into riper fruit, the fruits of the spirit by which you shall be known. The Master has admonished, has requested, that his children -- each unique and different in terms of personality, and even in thought and in opinion -- can be a family by and through their spirit unity, and it is spirit unity that we appreciate and always remember as the bottom line in our dealings with our fellow human beings, indeed, in our community.

The examples stated by you in your sharing may return for discussion during question and answer, but I would like to express a few words early on about the spirit-gravity circuits of the Eternal Son.

Perhaps never has the divinity aspect of the Eternal Son been so available for your study as since the Teaching Mission has begun, and this is in part because of the truth of the matter that the circuits are now reopened, that you are no longer in quarantine. The flooding of spirit light onto Urantia has activated these circuits, and you have begun to recognize them - and indeed to tap into them - in order to accentuate and accelerate your contact and your appreciation with spirit reality.

As you focus on your spirit reality and allow yourself to be lifted up, indeed, you are lifted. And as you become strong, as you realize the reality of this place to which you have been lifted, you become real here. You become real-ized, and you then hunger for yet more reality. No longer are you content to slouch down into animal comfort and complacency. No longer are you content to sit in the pleasure of the darkness, for you have tasted spirit light, spirit fruit. You have begun to respond to the spirit-gravity circuits.

The harmony that resonates within you is compatible to these spirit-gravity circuits and so you are indeed lifted up, almost beyond your participation, by the very nature of Paradise Deity. But as you contribute to your own growth through your decisions, through your awareness, through your recognition of your potential and the realization of the actualization of your own soul, not only do you become an enthusiastic participant in your own spiritual evolution, you become an avid teacher and preacher for these truths which will only bring joy to those around you.

To those around you. Well, isn't it interesting that in the sharing this evening, much of your focus had to do with those around you and how you perceived them in terms of service? This is recognizing that they are indwelt by a fragment of God as you are indwelt by a fragment of the Eternal Father, the First Source and Center. And so (bad tape; lesson lost; Side two) 

But you, in your recollection, if you will, of your sharing process this evening, recall that moment wherein you felt led to act and yet did not -- that precipice, that turning point, that pinnacle, that instant -- look at yourself and determine there what your own next level of growth can be for you.  That moment is where your next assignment ALWAYS lies. That moment when you would act for God or you would act for something less.

Elizabeth:     Well, I've never realized that I should sit down and think about these things and I think this is a new way of thinking, for me. I thought my growth would take place automatically if I worked, praying and reading and studying and living and acting and interacting and praying while I interact, but I am thinking that there is another element here that you introduced which -- I think of it maybe as -- "co-creator" comes to my mind. Perhaps co-creator of my growth with the Father, thinking about it, using my powers of thinking to plan it. It's something that's just beginning to awaken in my mind.

TOMAS:     I enjoy your response. I have concurrence with the word "co-creative" and let me introduce to you also the phrase "super-consciousness," which is "consciousness of consciousness." Are you not becoming conscious of how you consciously act? Are you not becoming conscious of yourself and your effects on the consciousness of others?

Elizabeth:      It's a little like that.

TOMAS:     Of course there are certain times where you must act and let the chips fall where they may. We certainly don't damage people on purpose, but if there are conditionings from the old way that are left over, then they need to be observed and gotten rid of. If you have learned an actuality in truth, it would do well to be practiced and confirmed. Reality-ized,

Elizabeth:     Well, that's a lot more deliberate planning than I ever was attracted to, but I can see that it might result in something beneficial.

TOMAS:     I am not suggesting that you lose your spontaneity, but I am surprised that you, Elizabeth, find it structured, for are you not the cerebral one? Are you not the studious one? Do you not approach your spirituality with a high degree of intellectual stimuli? Don't you find these mental realms invigorating?

Elizabeth:     I find this pretty invigorating. It's — something about it is unfamiliar. I can't put my finger on it.

TOMAS:      Let me also suggest that you review the word "religionist" and ascertain if it is a descriptive adjective that fits you, for if you are a religionist, actually what you are doing is you are studying your own religion, for it is not a mere religion of words. It is a religion of action. And so you are studying your religion when you do these things; when you ponder these things you are a religionist and, peculiarly, religionists need each other. And how is it that they need each other? Well, for many reasons, but one of them obviously is to understand that this is part of knowing who we are.

Elizabeth:     Yes. This has come up, I guess, because of this study of personality. You must have known that this was going to happen.

TOMAS:     I will remind you that we have, at long last, begun a study of the text from the beginning. It is amazing what happens when you read this Book from the beginning. It grows in reality, and as we study the text from the beginning with each other in this wonderful community of fellow believers, we will take on as much of the life of the text as we can and incorporate it into our living experience as we have been admonished. We [the Teacher Corps] are the work book to The Urantia Book.

Elizabeth:     I know that we were told to read the Book from the beginning and, on occasion with different groups as they passed through Pittsburgh, we did some of that, but this time around it's quite rewarding.

TOMAS:     We anticipate the rewards will be extensive, expansive and eternal.  I am going to allow Merium to say hello.  One moment, please.

MERIUM:     Hello, friends. I am your trusty compadre, Merium. It is good to be here. I have been enjoying the refreshing presence of these lovely new people. Not to say that I don't enjoy the regulars, of course, but I have not had the pleasure of making the intimate acquaintance of this brother and this sister and it pleases me greatly to have the opportunity to enjoy your personality presence. How are you?  (No response.)  Is he always so talkative?  (Silence.)  Well, never mind.

Good evening, my friends. I am Merium. I am rather spent, you could say. Last evening I had the great pleasure of carrying on at length and I rather outdid myself I daresay. It was good practice for me and for Hunnah and I enjoyed it very much, as did she. This is such a wonderful process, this opportunity to engage in open communication with you and you with us in this way. It indeed has opened the doors of perception.

I will not stay. I had thought to add a few choice morsels for your dining pleasure, but it seems you have been fattened already by your own good efforts and so I will not tarry. I will be in attendance with you throughout your week sojourn ahead and I, again, embrace you all and truly, in particular, I embrace and bless you, my friend Evangel and you, my friend Marian. I wish you well in your travels, in your sojourn. May He light the path for you all the way. Thank you, Tomas, for the opportunity to share. Carry on, my friend.

TOMAS:     I am not going to carry on much longer for we have already, as Merium indicated, chewed aplenty. I did not give you any further assignment. I will ask you to continue to stand at the portal that we have spent some time drawing this evening after sketching it last week. As you stand in this portal, beholding the personality at hand and feeling the activation impulse, observe that moment where you are and what your motives are.

Motives, even to care and to love, may need to be re-defined. Ask the Father to re-define your understanding of love, for as you well know, love must be re-defined on each new level of growth. This way we will not drag our old conditioning into the new Kingdom.

Dear ones, I love you and look forward to your adventures this week. I will see you soon. Farewell.


DATE:          May 15, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R:             Gerdean

Textual Study: Urantia Paper 7:

Relation of the Eternal Son to the Universe




TOMAS:      Good evening, my friends.

Group:      Good evening, Tomas.

Elizabeth:      Welcome.

TOMAS:     Thank you for your welcome. I welcome you, also.

What a rousing good time we have had this evening! How invigorating for you to find such value in the Eternal Son! Indeed, He has manifested Himself by and through His creations, even down to and including yourselves. It is truly a marvel that the Paradise Trinity has so much knowledge of each of its creations: high and low; perfect and imperfect; spirit, morontial and material; finite and infinite. To think that there is nothing in the universe that has transpired without their all-seeing, all-knowing observation is beyond the comprehension of those less absolute and perfect as they, but it is still inspiring to attempt to conceive of the largeness of it all.

I will go gently with you this evening and be somewhat creative, perhaps, in our further study of personality and the impulse to serve or to show mercy, and I will acknowledge that part of the motivation or impetus for the coloration of this lesson has come from the fact that my transmitter/receiver has had my mind bank inundated of late with titles of books [group laughter], and so I will try to file some of this away by presenting it as a lesson for your enjoyment, for I thought to propose to you the idea that each of you are a book. Each personality is its own unique creative undertaking.  And I will preface my remarks by reminding you that, of course, "you cannot judge a book by its cover."

But I would ask you to think about yourself for a moment and ask yourself, "What kind of a book am I?"  There are so many kinds of books -- as there are so many kinds of personalities. Some books are very old and very rare; some are quite new and still shiny; hot off the press like some snazzy young personalities. When you consider that the universe distributes personalities that are each unique, you cannot be "a cookie cutter" version of a book, but you must be original. Pity the poor soul who does not know his own author, but who has piled words around him in an attempt to be a book.

Indeed, what kind of book are you? I have had fun with this myself, for I see so many of you who are a romance novel, and a great many of you who are How To - how to "fix it" personalities.  Have you ever been in a situation where you relay to a person how you are doing and they want to "fix it" immediately? That is a walking book of Fix It personality. You may go to their table of contents and find exactly what it is that you need fixed and they will be so happy to report to you, chapter and verse, what must be done to mend it, oil it, clean it, dispose of it, patch it up or cook it. (Merium is also having fun with this assignment.)

There are those books that are distinctly intellectual, such as textbooks. Do you know personalities who are like textbooks? And when you approach them, you feel that you must know something about their subject, otherwise there is no point in having a conversation. Do these kinds of personalities intimidate you?

What kind of a book are you? Are you a history book who cannot get out of the past? Are you a science fiction book who lives incessantly in the possibilities of the distant future? Are you a pill book, focusing on how to get well, stay well, be well? Are you a poetry book, with lilting words and phrases pouring from your mind and from your mouth? Are you a spiritual book? Are you a walking Urantia Book? a walking Holy Bible? a walking Course in Miracles? Are you an inspirational? Or are you a children's book, complete with stories and pop-ups?

What kind of books do you know? What kind of books are you comfortable with? Have you already established for yourself what books/personalities you will read and which ones you will forego? Perhaps one time you read a crime personality/book and you don't like those so you will never read another crime book/personality again. Perhaps you are more fond of one selection than another and you feel that all books in another genre are alike and that when you have read one you have read them all.

Every personality is its own story, has its own unique beginning, middle and ending. Each personality has been outlined by the Master Scriptwriter. Within the pages of each book/personality, there is a core of truth, panoply of value, meat for the soul. Perhaps the characters are not your favorite kind, but then again, perhaps you should take another look, for what interested you as reading material when you were 6 changed when you reached 15 and again when you reached 19, and certainly by the time you had attained 36 and even more so by the time you had reached 60, and my! those of you who have learned to love to read books/personalities, by the time you are 60, what a magnificent library of potential there is in the myriad personalities around you!

Each one of these wonderful creations is different, and is uniquely a work of art as you yourselves are a work of art. One could open your cover, smell your leather, feel your pages, see your letters and begin to read your truths, your words, your concepts, could see the pictures you have created within you, if they would. You could look into the book of your neighbor and allow them to read to you pages of their experiences, their hopes, their perceptions, their recollections, their precious memories and dreams; you would know of their strengths, you could dance to their poetics, you could weep for their heart song, you could adore their God.

This is all part of sharing the inner life.  But how can you even hope to share your inner life if you judge a book by its cover, or if you refuse to open your dust jacket to those who would have a peek at the adventures that lie inside?

Well, my lovelies, you will have fun, won't you? You will say, "Oh, look! That's got to be an American history book! I can see that one is a road atlas!" but what joy you will have in the new perception. Indeed, life is entertaining. I have heard of how you have entertained yourself this week. Have you any questions for me to entertain this evening?  (None)  Perhaps I have erred. Perhaps I have caught you all with your nose in a good book and I must shake you out like a rumpled pillow and say, "Come out and play!"

Elizabeth:     Maybe we could be a set of books! I mean, I can't imagine any of my friends being one book. And I can't imagine myself being one book. The person I think of as being a road map book has a lot of other books in her.

TOMAS:     Of a certainty you are correct, Elizabeth. And it is not even that one should be a walking encyclopedia, for what possible good could all that knowledge be without romance and poetry?

Elizabeth:     After the description of the different kinds of books, I've decided that I want to be a book of poetry. Whether I am or not is purely beside the point.

Hester:    I've got a little joke in here, with my book.  I've tried to stay away from it, but . .. I'm a dictionary!  I thought, "Holy Moses! It's full!"

TOMAS:     Many words, many meanings, and many delightful hours of companionship and understanding. Most valuable for Scrabble and Crosswords, also for essays and for essaying your mind's eye.

Elizabeth:     Is this so that we can study personality from a new perspective? I gather that that's what it must be.

TOMAS:      It is twofold, threefold.  It is to be gentle with you; it is to sort through the voluminous arcades of Gerdean's brain; and also to add a dimension to your enjoyment of study and observation of personality.

I will bridge the gap somewhat, for I do not mean to be entirely flippant about my presentation here. I do know, however, that in your human judgment, it is easy for you to turn aside from personalities because something they say may indicate to you that they are of a certain sort and you no longer need that sort in your life, and so you have automatically rendered them a condensed version [Reader's Digest] of real life and overlooked a possibility that you could find merit in them as a brother or a sister … in terms of the gospel.

Many times, too, in reference to a crime novel, if you see a ruffian on the street you see him only as a ruffian and you have already read enough crime novels, and you have overlooked the truth of the fact that this is your brother or your sister that you could have real contact with and real value with if you did not deny their reality.

Elizabeth:     Well, getting close to a ruffian is extremely dangerous in this day and age.  And, in fact, I was thinking about trying to get involved in something, and my husband was extremely upset - where the place where this thing takes place. I thought it would be a wonderful way of stretching and not being so insulated and realized if I do it, I'll have to do it in a sort of an underhanded way or something, I don't know.

TOMAS:     My dear, I intend not to endanger you by my suggestions. Indeed, you have been insulated, and it would be ridiculous for me to expect you to take yourself, as if you were a potted plant, and set you out along the highway of life and expect you to thrive under those conditions. The fact that you have your environment and you are so effective in it, is all the more reason for you to function at maximum within your environment.

I will call to your mind Flavius, the collector of fine art that Jesus visited frequently, and although Flavius feared that Jesus might regard him negatively for surrounding himself with these statues of beings, as if they might be icons or idols of reverence, Jesus admired the art work and the form and the production, and this led them into many enjoyable talks.

That you have grown in this environment - insulated although it may be - it is an effective environment for you if you allow it to be. It is certainly not necessary for you to leave here and go into the downtown streets looking for a cause, no. I do hope that your wits are about you more than that!

Elizabeth:     Well, I don't happen to agree with my husband on the subject, because I found something interesting in the inner city, and — I used to do Meals On Wheels down in the lower North side. I did that for about 5 years and I certainly did look forward to it. It was one of the things that kept me going at that time, from the point of view of being, just a minute of feeling useful; it really was something — and that time my husband didn't object. I don't understand it, but I will work it out, I'm sure; there's no question in my mind. I'm sort of intrigued by this project. I think I can handle that and not get into any danger.

TOMAS:      Nor am I trying to make life difficult for your husband.

Elizabeth:    I think he tends to be overly concerned about these things where we have difference of opinion, but it's certainly admirable the way he likes to protect his family. Very admirable.

TOMAS:     Yes. I am reluctant to get into this, particularly since no one has asked me about it, and so I am merely replying in a social decorum kind of way.

Elizabeth:     It reminds me of this thing Dr. Dobson said -- and he's a wonderful Christian teacher -- and he said this funny thing about -- he said women love strong silent men, but after they get them, they want them to change and talk a lot and express themselves. So I like the way my husband wants to protect his family, and yet at the same time I keep fighting that, so I think it's a certain kind of amusing thing that women do.

TOMAS:     Woman and men are indeed amusing creatures.  And they are particularly amusing when they presume to suspect what it is that the other one likes.

Elizabeth:     Well, anyway, the idea that we were supposed to observe personalities, that we should try to stretch, perhaps, look around us, I think, is still affecting me a lot these few weeks. I'm enjoying it tremendously!

TOMAS:     Indeed, I have observed that you are having a good time. Let me suggest that you extend yourself somewhat and try being a different book from your own library on different days, that you perhaps be a textbook for a day or two and then a poetry book for a day or two, that you switch from fact to fiction and from philosophy to humor, that you balance a little heavy antique [ancient] history with a little light music, so as to provide your personality with enrichment and balance.

No personality thrives on sameness. Monotony is exhausting.  And so, do not marry yourself to my analogy and assume that one individual is truly just one subject, but do not make the mistake of judging these personality books by their covers and assuming that because they project one thing, that they are indeed that thing between their covers.  And that was not a sexual innuendo. (Laughter)

Leah:      I was thinking about the time when I heard about the title, "The Man who Loved Cat Dancing" and, with my literal mind, I couldn't wait to see the movie to see the cats dance!

TOMAS:    Literal-mindedness, indeed. It can be colorful and entertaining, but if you allow yourself a free moment or two of imagination, perhaps it will take off and send you into a flight of fancy that will stimulate you all the way into the morontia zones of philosophic thought and thereby touch base with the higher way.

Perhaps we have merely done some spring fertilizing here this evening for this lovely plot of flowers. And speaking of flowers, perhaps this flowerbed is in need of rest. Sometimes we do carry on late, and I know that my understanding of time is not quite what yours is. In the interest of your clocks, shall we call it a day or do you have commentary or questions?

Hester:      I think you've given us plenty to think about.

Leah:      Do give our love to Merium.

TOMAS:      I will let her respond.  One moment.

MERIUM:     I am amused, certainly! I am not laughing. I am, as you would say, smiling; and as Hunnah would convey, from ear to ear. We have indeed had fun this evening. We are not such ponderous old fuddy-duddies as you might think, and this is one of the benefits, you see, of my coming along to companion Tomas, for where there are two, now there is more fun. It is as Rodan sets out in your text: with a friend at hand, the bad parts are not as bad and the good parts are even better. We stimulate each other's creative imaginations and I hope you have enjoyed the duet that we put together this evening.

I was trying to tell Tomas to tell you that we should have looked up "ruffian" in Hester's dictionary, but I didn't get the chance.

Hester:      Obviously we'll have to do that.

MERIUM:     Good girl. Thank you. It does contribute to a well-rounded good time if we use words and pronounce words that are accurate. Even if they are inaccurate, we can have fun with them, but even so it would be nice to know if it is inaccurate or not. I will not mince words further. I will make a brief retreat and observe you novel creatures as you go about Our Father's business this up-coming week. Good evening.

Group:      Good evening.  Thank you for coming.

Leah:         I think we're going to remember what the assignment is this week.

TOMAS:    Tell me what it is.

Leah:        Not to judge a book/personality by its cover.

TOMAS:    Is that a fair understanding, Elizabeth?

Elizabeth:     I thought there was something else added to that. When we were talking further, he said that we could be a different book throughout the different days, and we could test out different parts of our personality. We could be a book of philosophy one day and a book of poetry one day or something. I believe he did say that, and I thought that was fun, too.

TOMAS:     Yes, better to have some variety in your personality than to be a same-old-same-old every day. But, of course, if you allow the Father to guide your life, to turn your pages, there is always a new surprise in each new day.

Elizabeth:      That's true.  It's really true.

TOMAS:     I have to insert these occasionally for those of you who are so literal-minded.

Elizabeth:     Well, I just wanted to say that I was talking about the teachers and how we have a relationship, and when I read about you in the [Urantia] book, I didn't ever think you were real until you came around and you are so much like a personality -- talk about personality! You and Merium are personalities -- that it's been really fun to experience you instead of just reading about you.

TOMAS:     I must know what book I'm in! Is it Longfellow? or Shakespeare? or what?

Elizabeth:     I think you're in The Urantia Book. The ascended experiential beings.

TOMAS:     It does provide another perspective, does it not?  Of course, my ego was thinking you must have found a sociology book from another world that listed Tomas the Cultural Anthropologist that you know. I would have inscribed it for you if you had.

Leah:         What would you have inscribed?

TOMAS:      Well, I don't have a pat response.

Elizabeth:    I know you want to be spiritual about it, so that's okay too.

TOMAS:     I would have to pause at the portal and check my motives, would I not?

Elizabeth:      You've got this thing of motives going on.

TOMAS:      We all have this thing of motives going on.

Elizabeth:     I feel it would be extremely helpful if you could give people peace. Leah is not as hard on herself as she used to be, which is really good, and yet when she does something kind, she's not sure about the motives, and I thought perhaps you might say something that will soothe that troubled part. Maybe it isn't my place....

TOMAS:      I see a How To book presenting itself.

Elizabeth:     That's exactly what I was coming up as. I'd like to change that.

Leah:      I think I'd like to be a Self Help book this week.

TOMAS:     Even so, take with you some inspirational daily reflections.

Is it not wonderful how like minds are stimulative of the creative imagination? Now that we have found a common ground, a unity of purpose, we are indeed family in our configuration, for which I am so grateful and so pleased, not to mention appropriately proud. I am enjoying you ever so much, and I hope that you are learning also to enjoy yourselves, for you are truly perfect darlings.

Group:      Thank you.

TOMAS:     Petunias, daisies, dandelions and wild roses. Good night, my friends.

Group:     Good night, Tomas.  Thank you.  Come back.

JESUS:     Peace be upon you. I am Jesus and you know me as your brother. I am here not as your Creator, not as the risen Christ, not He whom you adore, but your friend who shares the human experience, with the eyes of heaven upon them.

You have been true companions of mine, my sisters. You have born up under the burdens of your earthly travails. The assignments of life have pelted you and you have stood up under them. This is not just a triumph for your spirit, but a commendation for your human fortitude, for your strengths of character in the way you wield your way in the world.

I know that you do not always do His will. I am aware that you are willful and that you are ignorant. But I am also aware of your yearnings, how you want to please me, how you want to set a good example, how you hope that I look kindly upon you. I know how you even try to fool yourself. I know for I have been there.

I have been where you are. I have grappled with my children, my brothers and sisters. I have seen the mind games. I have seen the sexual courtships. I have seen the political mechanisms. I have seen the corruption, the debacles. I know what people do to survive. I know what men and what women have undergone in this long upward struggle in their evolution.

Don't be afraid to carry on your shoulders the satisfactions of accomplishment. Don't be reluctant to hold yourself up in pride of demonstration for what you have contributed in the forward march. You have lived. You have experienced this life. And you have sought Our Father.

I am proud of you. I am proud to call you my sisters. I embrace you, each one. I am here for you. Hold my hand. And we will walk together.

His will be done.


DATE:          May 22, 1997

LOCATION:      Pittsburgh, PA, USA

T/R's:             Gerdean and Hunnah


Urantia Paper 8: The Infinite Spirit

Reading from T/R News Network





TOMAS:      Good evening. What a bounty! How marvelous to have you all here! It is a feast, a feast of plenty. Even so, with such a captive audience, I will not keep you this evening. Your evening has moved along at a merry clip and you have accomplished much, but indeed I would be disappointed not to participate and to greet you and to yet plant more seeds of growth, albeit, I have not seen the fruits of our efforts of our assignment last week and already this evening you have the enticement of Malvantra's intriguing assignment. But you are such an eager lot, so hungry for involvement, for work and play in the spirit realms, I will give you yet another course. It has to do, of course, with your text and your lesson on the Infinite Spirit.

Those of you who have been following along have been aware that we have been very slowly but systematically assigning a project of observing personality as representational of the First Source and Center, and that as you observe personality you feel an impulse, as representing the Eternal Son. For two weeks now we have hovered on the brink but have not acted; now you see why we have not acted. We have been waiting for the Infinite Spirit, the Conjoint Actor, to complete the Trinity and also to complete your personal comprehension of trinity as you choose to personalize the God experience.

I realize that many of you find the text academic and remote from your personal interests, even in its acknowledging your incomprehension of its information. You are, even still, a microcosm inasmuch as you are of potential immortal status. You are to be perfect even as He is perfect. How can you become perfect in your realm without knowing how the Father is perfect in His realm? Why do you need to know of his nature and attributes if it is not also true that you have a shadowy reflection of these same attributes?

God-consciousness and sonship is more than an academic understanding. It is a reality. It is a living experience and, so as you choose to experience life try - to some extent - try to comprehend a parallel between you and God.  It has been presented thus in your text and in our corresponding lessons, so that you may personalize what it is they are discussing when they discuss the First, Second and Third Sources and Centers: the Thought-God, the Word-God and the Deed-God. And then there is you. There is your thought, your word and your deed. This is why our long pondering over the word "motive." What are your motives when you stand facing personality? Are your motives selfish or are they in line with your desire to be God-like, to be perfect in your realm as He is in His realm?

Recall that as the Father and the Son come together in agreement, instantly the Infinite Spirit acts, and the same occurs in your own make-up. When you present yourself as a willing extension of Paradise, to function with and for and in harmony with the perfect pattern of Paradise, what is your thought? what is your word? what is your deed? If your thought and your word are in harmony, the spirit then will wash you into deed.

Remember it is said in your text that religionists act. A spiritual life is a dynamic life, and even if they do it wrong, they will do something. It is because of their willingness to perceive that they are guided in their efforts to serve that religionists do something. They open themselves to the activation of the Infinite Spirit, as do I and as do you. 

And so now when you feel that these matters are far removed from you, that the realms of Havona cannot be comprehended, recall that although that may be true, they can, even so, be lived as a miniscule representation of the perfection of Paradise and you can be aware of it. You can be part of this thrilling adventure, this enthralling experience.

Next study there will be more about the Third Source and Center. I anticipate it will enlarge your capacity for understanding even more after you have pondered the picture I have painted for you this evening and if you are willing to personalize this picture. Are there questions?

Elizabeth: I like the picture which you gave us, about how to bring these concepts into our thinking about our very own selves and our very own lives and our very own thoughts and our very own actions, so I really thank you very much, Tomas, for that. That's good. A bit of help for me, anyway. Thank you.

TOMAS: Thank you, Elizabeth, for your keen observation. I spoke earlier this week in the Butler group regarding the concept of the Conjoint Actor, and this may express to your creative mortal minds somewhat more the nature of the Conjoint Actor, for you recall the text made reference to the stage being set, and so I will bring in "the theater" - for all of you have love for the theater; even your Shakespeare (one of those wonderful books) spoke of the world being a stage and the men thereon being actors.

But on Tuesday I was elaborating this concept of personality expression in and through the Father and the Spirit by suggesting that you identify your evolving nature -- Your spiritual identity, it says, "Father, thy will be done. Thank you for this gift of life. How may I serve?" You are presented then with a personality, a challenge, an opportunity. And the Eternal Son's impulse impacts you to serve, and to serve with mercy. And you check your motives; you connect with your God fragment; you ascertain that it is your will that His will be done and at that instant you are then filled with the energy wherewith to follow through on the particular assignment/engagement/challenge.

Now in our studies, for the last several weeks, we have looked at the personality of you who have been assigned spiritual names, who have recognized your spiritual identity, have identified with those qualities within yourself which are eternal, which are aspects of the divine. You have looked at your humanness, at your animal legacy, your character defects. We have laughed together at our common imperfections and accepted our own failings, and those of each other, in love.

It is that imperfect person, that animal personality that lives this material life, that associates with other beings of animal origin, that has in common survival matters, family matters, work matters, emotional matters, those things which make you part of this human race, the arena in which you work and play. You have your higher nature and your human nature. The higher nature is the part that wants to do God's will, and the human nature is the part that gets influenced by the tide pool of the material existence.

The key here is to allow your higher nature to pull the strings, to have reign over your lesser nature, to allow your higher nature to take your animal persona into your arena therein to function, but not be guided and led by its own instincts, no. Rather, guided and led by that aspect of relative perfection that you grab onto in your aspiration to do His will and to serve.

This requires (getting back to my original premise) acting. But if you are the Creator, if you are the Stage Manager under the Big Director in The Sky, then you will subordinate your animal personality sufficiently that your more spiritized personality can prevail.

You all know something about acting, for if you were to take a keen look at yourself, you would all realize that you do a great deal of it. You have all been taught how to act. If you realize this - that much of your behavior is method acting - we will have a much greater scope of understanding the play in which you find yourself.

I feel a little -- what is the word? -- "scrunched." This is a very poignant discussion … poignant to my mind, at least, and important also to my mind as to how you perceive your own microcosm of Godliness in action through an understanding of these Paradise Trinity Beings. This is such a fascinating juncture, where it is that you launch into action. I can only trust, as I have in the past, that the reality of the moment, of the lesson, of the capacity, of the text, of the whole nine yards, will prevail in due course, in due time. It is a challenge.

Merium, I see you are smiling. Have you stamina for a contribution this evening?

MERIUM:     Good evening. My contribution shall be very brief, and hopefully will have a flutter of wings attached to it. I would like to say "Be of good cheer!" This has been pretty heavy going, and many, many small images have come forth to me like servings from Hunnah (and I have refused them) but I want to have you be of good cheer and, with your imagery, imagine having a Great One who has many names and many titles accompanying you, his arm around your shoulder, and let this wonderful part of you companion you in your daily affairs and allow your awareness and understanding to come to you.  "This is the Way. Walk thee therein."

There are many lines of scripture that have floated through Hunnah's mind while Tomas has been talking and I encourage you to open your windows and let the fresh air and the sweet reminders come in as little birds accompany you in your daily adventures. Do not make this a hardship.  Do not make this difficult for yourselves. You are doing so well. You are so greatly and dearly loved.  That is all I wanted to say, Tomas.

TOMAS:     Merium, thank you for saying it. I don't know what it is about the feminine persona, but I don't have it and Merium does. Butterfly wings, voile, and all that jazz. (Group laughter)

Elizabeth:      You make a great combination, though.

MERIUM:     We do not know how this conversation would be if it were a male dominated group, and it would be most amusing and very jolly, I think, if we did have many men here because the words would be appropriate for them.  Since this has been a predominantly female group, the wording has been embroidered to meet their needs.

TOMAS:     My colleague is alluring and flirtatious, as well! I agree that the yearning for the male mind is meritorious. Even so, we thrive.

Elizabeth:      Yep.  We do.

TOMAS:      Have we questions?

Iyana:     I would like to say that Yogananda said that the whole world is a great big movie and all of us are actors in a play. And we know that often through our lifetimes that we have acted as though somebody expected us to act this way and have not been our true self, but since we've been on the path I think that most of us have been our true selves all the time. Our true selves meaning that we are the daughter of God and just trying to do His will because it is our will to do so.

TOMAS:      It is the striving that matters, indeed.

MERIUM:     I would like all of you to observe yourself when you were in a mode of appreciation of yourself. When do you like yourself the best? What are you doing when you are at your best? That will be a clue.

Group:      (Giggling and whispering)

Hester:      Do you want an answer?

Group:      (General deterioration of disciplines)

TOMAS:     If you don't mind, I will ask Merium if she has completed her thought.

MERIUM:     I have not only completed my thought but I think that the portion of the evening that we are involved in has been completed.

TOMAS:     I am inclined to agree with you, Merium. I believe that they have run off on us. (Group laughter) I assure you we are not slighted, for we have done our job and now we can sit back and observe your social portion, but I will say that we are interested. Not only are we interested and desirous of you to follow through with your assignments, but you need the practice in terms of your disciplined sharing.

Think this week upon all these things: our lesson of this evening, which will be extended; the reading of the lesson and exercise of Malvantra, which will also be extended; and, of course, your observation of personality which you find so fascinating. I can see that you have too much homework already, so I will withdraw and confirm Merium's good advice - to be light of spirit and not ponderous but indeed enjoy this springtime of the season and of the spirit.

Until next week, then, my friends . ..

Leah:         Excuse me, Tomas. I have a question. Will you and/or your associates be bringing us a word this week? similar to what was in the (Malvantra's) transmission?

TOMAS:     It is perhaps not obvious to you, but we have been making attempts all along to make contact. It is, I guess, redundant to say that only as you are made aware of it are you able to begin to be cognizant of its actual possibility.

Of course you may be open to words, concepts and messages, for you realize that the planet is being literally pelted. We are serious about this stuff, you see. We are at it night and day, and so yes, Leah, be aware of these impressions that come to you in your super-conscious mind and/or in your very center of being.

They may flash upon you as a literal word from your awareness or from Hester's dictionary, but they are often indications of subjects to ponder.  "Spring" obviously for new beginnings and fluidity, as in living water, and the season itself.  In lyana's case, "health" was an indication to pay attention, and so she did and so she has and we are happy that she is well and with us today.  These messages are constantly being given to you by your spirit helpers, and the more that you can believe that they are there attempting to assist you, the more you are willing to be open to the assistance they have to offer.

Leah:         I thank you for your discourse. I just thought we would be given a specific word this week in the manner that was discussed in the transmission.

TOMAS:     You may be assured. I cannot say who it is that will give you a word, whether it will be from the realm of the Teaching Corps, the angelic corps, the United Midwayers, a visiting student, a Melchizedek Teacher, Michael himself, your own Thought Adjuster, or whomever in that great array of personalities --

Leah:         I know I'm being picky here but I got the impression when I heard the article that everyone in that group was given one word. That's what I'm attempting to ask.

Elizabeth:     We weren't quite finished with the lesson, I don't think, because, I thought it was going to be for two weeks. We would discuss it for two weeks.

Leah:         Oh! Okay. Thank you. Now I understand. Thank you very much.

TOMAS:      I am out of here.

Group:      (Laughter) Thank you!  'Bye Tomas.  We love you.


[End of Vol. III, Part 5 of 13]