Tomas Vol II - Pocatello, Idaho - May 06, 1994 thru Sep 09, 1994 - Part 2 of 6



VOLUME II, Part 2 of 6

May 6, 1994 - September 9, 1994








May 6, 1994



May 10, 1994

Relax, Enjoy, Savor and Triumph


May 27, 1994

Towards More Unconditional Love



June3, 1994

Giving and Receiving Gifts


June 10, 1994

The Divine Will or Self will?


June 17, 1994

As You Pass By


June 24, 1994




July 1, 1994

Ruts and Routines


July 8, 1994

Prepare Ye The Way


July 22, 1994

God’s Kids



August 5, 1994

The Cosmic Connection


August 12, 1994



August 19, 1994



August 20, 1994

Christ Michael’s 2000th Birthday Celebration


August 26, 1994

Lulled into Listening to Love’s Lullaby



September 2, 1994



September 9, 1994

Making the Connection




[End of Vol. II, Part 2 of 6]


This Volume covers Tomas' two-year Internship with Daniel and dates from the time he was invited to come to Southeast Idaho to co-teach with Daniel until he was assigned by Rayson to his own teacher base; that sojourn will be presented in Volume III.

Rutha is TR#1, Gerdean is TR#2, Isaac is TR#3 and PamElla is TR#4 except when otherwise indicated.  Every session opens and closes with a prayer, not included. 

VOLUME II, Part 2 of 6


DATE:  May, 6, 1994
TOPIC:  Courage

TOMAS:   Good evening loyal students, I am Tomas.  I am your teacher.  I am one of many teachers.  Your teacher Daniel also is present, as are many marvelous heavenly beings who hover here over your gathering and sing praises for the joy that is ours today.  We are joyous, children, as you have sought camaraderie with your spirit family and with courage you have come forth from your heritage into radiant truths, beauties, goodnesses.  We are glad for your presence here today.

My friends, we have shared with you your expressions of events and attitudes of your lives since our last scheduled encounter and have come to the conclusion that our words this evening ought to be on courage.  I am given the opportunity to attempt to convey to you my words through this vehicle.  And before I begin a discussion on courage I am inclined to make one brief remark regarding the word c-h-a-n-n-e-l, and that is that you each are a channel, you each are a conduit of spiritual reality, and there is no disgrace in the word, per se.  However, it has a bad reputation, if you will, from other cult type groups.  The error is not so much that you are regarded as a cult, but that you are the channel; and the transmitting/receiving process that we utilize is not 'channeling', for we are not using you as a machine.  We are transmitting our thoughts and impressions to you for your reception and then for your subsequent transmitting.  You are not lost or overlooked in the process. 

I am a bit of a stickler for semantics since I have seen how a misunderstanding of a word can misconstrue a truth.  And I am perhaps overly conscientious about trying to impress upon this vehicle the correct word for your correct reception.  I can even take that matter of semantics into my theme for this evening's teaching since it is easy to gloss over what you intend to communicate and allow a second rate interpretation to prevail, assuming that this interpretation is better than having made no attempt or impression at all.  And yet I would stress the merits of courageously using the right words and saying what you mean to say clearly.

The matter of courage is so vast and covers so many facets of your existence that it would be fruitless for me to attempt to cover even a fraction of the various facets in which courage plays a part.  Your discourse earlier this evening having to do with fear is an avenue of discourse for courage, for even in fear it is possible to persist with the quality of courage overcoming your inherent fear of failure, fear of the unknown, fear of rejection, and fear of other's responses.  All these instances call for courage. 

It is courage which allows you to wake in the morning; to withstand another day of a fear ridden environment.  It is courage which brings you to your knees to seek yet more courage.  It is courage which you use when you deal with your peers and your intimates.  It is courage when you announce your attendance in life and sense you have already manifested such courage that has brought you this far.  I, one, commend you; and two, encourage you to investigate your own courage and determine to what extent you might be able to bolster your own drive and determination to follow through with that which you are needing courage for, which in this life is much! 

Granted you are faith sons and daughters; and yet as has been verbalized earlier this evening, even faith sons and daughters grapple with their faith levels, the meaning of their experiences, and their interactions with others and other's value systems.  Courage stimulates courage.  It is in a world of gross mediocrity that you find yourselves, in spite of the beauty that your natal planet parades in front of you.  Your fellows that have been downtrodden have found refuge in mediocrity.  No one enjoys fear and everyone admires courage.  It is not everyone who realizes, however, that courage to smile, to say hello, to say 'I think your remark caused offense', that these types of simple exchanges in your society when thought through are manifestations of courage, since it is so easy to have no opinion, to have no need to voice it.  If your opinions and philosophies are not expounded how can you stimulate thought in your fellows?  And without thought how can those decisions be made which will further spirit development?

We teachers in this vein are not suggesting a radical approach.  We are probably conservative in that light.  And yet in your daily dealings there are occasions to bring forth new levels of courage that will astound and amaze even yourselves.  It has been observed and noted that many of you have developed a propensity for miming teachers and this is healthy since you are practicing communicating on a higher and more courageous level; and even further you may use your own Creator to courageously allow Him to select your words and adjust your attitude to benefit mankind. 

In the vast array of mankind you encounter a smattering of individuals on a daily basis.  Our work with you and with other students of reality is accentuating and encouraging such behaviors and attitudes as we do here today.  And therefore this upstepping process is taking place worldwide.  Your contribution is our immediate concern.  It is therefore helpful to us when you are sufficiently courageous to perceive an opening and plant one seed which will stimulate thought of moral, ethical, social, etc. values in your peers.  Of course you all do this.  Of course this is a fruit of a living vine.  But I wanted you to perceive of this in terms of courage.  Accept your courage.  Acknowledge your strength.  And in acknowledging it, in observing it, in reflecting upon it, in speculating the results of it you can then and therefore see how you can bring forth even more courage to go further into darkness, into confusion, into hostility, and into disharmony to bring that individual forward by giving that individual something upon which to make a decision having to do with his or her own lasting value.

As I indicated earlier courage is a matter which could go on indefinitely in terms of various hue and textures.  And yet I am not of a mind to attempt any more at this juncture.  I am concluding my remarks regarding courage for now.  And before I open the floor for your discourse and inquiry I am mindful once more to thank you each for your courage in attending this handful of believers; in not only attending, but in bringing with you your faith and your joy in seeing one another, in sharing your lives with each other, in learning to further and deepen your love of one another, and, of course, for loving your teachers and your heavenly helpers up to and including our Father/Mother.  That is all.

PamElla: Tomas, I just want to thank you for you lesson tonight because it did have exactly the result that you said you desired. As you were speaking I looked back over my week and I decided I have been fairly courageous in a number of situations.  And it did give me a different way of looking at it; and it was very validating to view a number of circumstances from the perspective of courage.  It really opened my eyes.  I see that there were opportunities and I took them, even though at the time I felt like I was overstepping or something.  And now I don't feel that way.  I hope I will be as or more aware of future opportunities.  It feels really good when one acts with courage.  Thank you.

TOMAS:   Yes, my daughter.  I have a response.  The developing faith which all of you are experiencing as a result of this aspect of the revelation is going to bring you forward into realms of very scary moments; just such moments as you described when you trust your own soul to know what's good for you, that this, too, will be good for everyone and good, also, for our mission.  These leadings to act in ways which are out of the ordinary, that are not habitual, that go against the grain of what you or your lifestyle is accustomed to, are at first unnerving and fear inducing.  If you but recognize that you will prevail in spite of your fears you will learn, you will grow, you will not suffer.  Then you become stronger and more willing to follow that guidance which is coming from your Inner Guide, although it is unorthodox, perhaps, to your prior behavior.  It will become the joy of your life!  Well done.

PamElla: Thank you very much Tomas.  And you are right.  It does bring one into a very scary realm.

Cathie:   Tomas, this is Cathie.  And first of all I would like to say it is a pleasure to be here with you.  This is the first time that I have had an opportunity to hear you speak.  Thank you for being willing to be in our group and to give us your words of wisdom.  I have read your teachings and I enjoy them very much.  And your lesson on courage is perhaps an answer to what I have been searching for all week because I feel beat up by what I do for a living and people who are ungrateful and people who I feel badgered by.  And perhaps what I have lacked, too, is courage in all of the things that have made me incredibly wary this weekend, looking around at what is going on out there.  So, I will try to buck up and try and be courageous.  Thank you for helping me try and figure out what it was that I was missing.

TOMAS:   Thank you, my child, for your words and for your presence.  It is not particularly gracious of me to be here with you since it is my heart's delight.  I do not regard this assignment as a job in the same light that many mortals regard their job to do.  I truly enjoy my work and I am warmed and enthralled to be here and to make your deeper acquaintance.  Thank you.

Rutha:  Hello Tomas, this is Rutha.  I want to thank you for that lesson because courage is something that I am needing very much right now.  And you said in your lesson that courage stimulates courage.  I was wondering if you would elaborate just a little bit on that for me?

TOMAS:   My pleasure, my daughter.  I am glad to hear your voice.  I am accustomed to hearing it otherwise and I thank you for bringing to my attention an area of interest to elucidate. 

Courage generates courage, yes!  It is a -- shall we say, law.  For in your arenas when you encounter someone who has a rallying cry you have then followers who joyfully jump on the band wagon and carry banners which they would not have otherwise cared to carry.  This enthusiasm, this contagion of direction, of action, of deliberation is something which this lethargic society, this mediocre mankind covets and desires. 

On one hand there have been rabble-rousers and those who have emotionally peaked masses of people.  There are those who have through that method caused much damage.  Thus people who love to be excited are fearful of those who excite them and apathy prevails. Disaster and tragedy is another false prophet, another erroneous leader which leads mankind unsatisfied.  There are many ways in which a fool with courage can affect millions of people.  Your advertisers are courageous and they make great profit.  Yet they do not satisfy the hearts of their people.  Courage, audacity, flamboyance, scandal, these are often confused.

True courage strikes a chord in the soul of the listener and spurs him or her on to manifest their own courage.  History is full of incidents of courage: battlefields, supermarkets, everywhere people are seeking someone, something to follow, and yet within each individual is the greatest King of all.  Yet how do they know how to follow unless they notice someone with genuine courage?  And not just someone else with genuine courage, but someone who emotes that in them which touches upon their own life force, which instills in them that stirring to be courageous for their own Creator, to be alive for their own sake. 

In courage generating courage there are as such at least two sides to that coin.  For your world is filled with courage resulting in courageous steps for mankind such as to the moon, such as in computers, such as in products and other temporal and finite matters.  True lasting courage comes from the soul, comes from the spirit.  That is the courage that changes mankind, not externally, not in the finite realm, but in the heart and soul of that individual who chooses to follow courageously the leading of his own God.  And there, there is how the courage of the world will become more courageous for ethics and morals and beauty; and not so much for tin and metal and money and material matter.  When you behold some one being courageous as in taking a moral stand, as in speaking out against prejudice, as in interceding in an abusive situation, commend that courage by lending your attitudinal support and your literal support when that would be the wise thing to do.  Encourage courage where you find it and fan its flames.  When, however, you see courage born of sheer foolishness look to their motive and determine for yourself if their intent is to benefit anyone besides themselves.  And, again, act accordingly.  Commend and encourage courage, even foolhardy courage, if it is for the benefit of mankind.  For we are all needful of encouragement and particularly when it has to do with what we believe in.  Have I responded to your inquiry regarding courage generating courage?  I know that I have, and yet I know too that I am a teacher like Daniel but my methods are my own.  And so perhaps Daniel would respond differently.  And yet I respond as I am best suited to respond.  Therefore my precious child, have I responded adequately for you?

Rutha:  Thank you Tomas.  On a spiritual plane, yes, very well.  I guess that the courage that I am thinking about is more on a very finite level, one that does not require any belief system, because that is strong, but how does one generate courage to keep on, keep on, and keep on in terms of living life and going through with it?  I think probably the answer is the pat answer that Daniel would give, to go into that quiet and you will be guided, and through prayer.  And you know that is being done.  But is there anything above and beyond that, those two things?  Do you understand what I am saying?

TOMAS:   I sense what you are conveying and, yes, it is true your initial and first act is to attend to your spiritual identity through contact with you spirit Source in the stillness, and, yes, in discourse and communion with your spirit helpers.  Your spirit helpers, however, are not limited to the infinite but are inherent in your trusted fellow men.  The courage required to withstand the assault of day by day living is greatly enhanced by sharing your inner life with your fellows.  When you are in a troublesome situation, when you are hopelessly weary, when you find your life has become tedious and your fellow men and women are not companionable, reach out for help by asking for help, and/or by offering help. 

The human condition is frail.  When we see you, each of you, flounder in your own faith, when you resist growth, when you begrudge waiting, we are sympathetic.  And yet there is not much that can be done when you must learn to wait upon Him in all things.  Your life is unfolding.  It is like the flower which in its tight bud feels not the warmth of the sun.  But when your petals are slowly and gradually revealed your faith shines to the sun and you are whole.  Your growth as an evolving entity is like that flower and you need have patience.  We are not finished with you yet.  And we have not abandoned you or any such negligence.  Your entire soul dilemma is tied up here in faith and courage; courage that you are alive, that you are a human being, that you have not been created to experience all these things to only return to dust, pain, and more darkness. 

Have patience.  Have patience!  When you are strong, manifest courage.  When you are weak, rest in His care and allow Him to comfort you and be there for you.  You are not superhuman.  You are not superwoman.  You are a fragile piece of clay with emotions and trials and tribulations and fears and ailments and concerns like all other mortals.  Your answer is a yes in identification with Spirit reality and you have a resounding spirit reality!  You are becoming more and more real every day, even when you are at rest or in discouragement or in fear or in pain; you are growing.  Your growth is unconscious usually.  And you will see having come through into the sunshine of tomorrow that that rainy day was for growing purposes.  Do not doubt your courage, daughter.  Allow yourself to be human and come forward.

Rutha:  Thank you, Tomas.  Those were very beautiful words.  I have a lot there to think about and digest.  I am sure that I can speak for all of us that we appreciate you teachers for the fertilizer and water that you give to keep our buds blooming and growing.  I have two other things if people don't mind. [Laughter] 

First of all I just wanted to say that, I speak for myself, but I'm sure everybody else would concur that it's nice to have another teacher and another perspective.  We have found from reading all the teachers across the country that each one has their own personality and way of presenting things.  That's what's so unique and helps us grow and see things from many different perspectives.  And we are glad that you are different from Daniel, and thankful that you are adding more variety and stuff to our meetings here, and lessons, and growth.

The other thing that I wanted to ask about, and this is a lot lighter subject than what we have been talking about here on courage.  In the Urantia Book it talks often about how we don't have the senses to appreciate [all] the beauty.  We don't see all the colors.  We don't hear all of the notes that can be played and all of that kind of stuff.  But you know I just can't help but think that we must have something really beautiful here when we see what is happening in nature and see what's happening with our brothers and sisters, see a child grow and become and when one can sit down to some good music and appreciate the music.  And I guess I am thinking particularly of the concert last week with all those children's voices and how beautiful it was.  We have so much beauty and stuff here that I can't even imagine the grandeur of what's beyond.  And I was wondering if you would maybe give us a glimpse of what's beyond?

TOMAS:   I am amazed that you would ask such a curiosity question!  And yet I understand your childlike qualities [chuckling].  It is for me very difficult to try to convey to you what it is like for it is beyond your, forgive me, comprehension.  I will, however, try to bring forth for you from your own arena that same sense of perfection as I have known on high.  Your arena, your Urantia is a visual, not just delight, but symphony of color and smells and sounds and textures.  Your discourse earlier this evening on your observances of beauty in the flowering of spring, in the expanse of terrain, in the country roads and birds and clouds is of value. 

Your comment, regarding experiencing the beauty is the true key.  For it is one thing to behold beauty, and another to experience it, to allow yourself to be given over to it fully.  This is the key.  You should not truly feel that we have something that you do not.  For all of this is relative.  You have in your realm perfection, if you were but to spend time experiencing it.  You might refer back to an earlier lesson or two on simplicity and the importance of putting aside so many cares on so many different levels; that you become so cerebral and otherwise occupied that you neglect to smell the roses.  You can take your stillness outdoors and sit for a moment with the Master, with your own spirit identity, wash yourself in the perfection of His love and His grace, then open your eyes and you will be astounded to see that which has been there all along now vibrating with colors and energy which on a daily routine basis is unnoticed.  Your entire approach to the perfection of universes beyond is paralleled with your appreciation for your own beauty. 

Yes, it is true that much damage has been done to Urantia and many gaping wounds and open sores prevail upon its face.  But you are blessed.  And anyone who chooses to see with eyes to see can perceive the perfection of Michael's creation in all its grandeur and simplicity and purity by maintaining the right attitude and using the correct eye.  It is like making love.  You need to give your full attention to what you are doing in order to gain the greatest benefit.

Norman:   Tomas, this is Norman.  As you were speaking about courage I had a line of thought and I'll see if I can communicate it right.  But it seems that in every situation the greatest courage is required when there is the element of doubt and that on the other hand the least courage is required when we are affirmed and supremely sure the path we are taking is correct and right.  And further that as we ascend and each element of our faith is further confirmed that could be a point where it is not a question of courage to carry through, but some other quality that could be roughly described as simple determination.  Am I somewhat in the right ballpark on this?

TOMAS:   Your thoughts on this matter are lucid and valid, yes.  Yet courage is always involved.   As you are emoting, you are being courageous for a cause, your courage ultimately is not your courage.  But it behooves you to practice courage until it is mastered and becomes the Masters.  You are correct.  It is not so much that the courage evolves to determination for determination is an evolutionary quality also.  It is necessary for you to be determined to put forth your courage.  It is not that one is a quality received upon graduation from another quality.  They are working together.  I would remark about your theory that courage is not always to overcome your own fear and your own misgivings about planting your seeds or making your words or acts known, but reflects, too, upon that individual who is challenged by your courage that now borders into wisdom.  And that is another story.  It is rather like the adjutant mind spirits, that when you have attained a certain level, a certain spiritual status, a certain standing in your identity, your adjutant mind spirits become less and less necessary to act on your behalf for you are acting more and more through the Spirit.  Yes, you will have evolved above courage, beyond courage to more Spirit.  But it is not necessarily replaced by determination.

Norman:   Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:   I appreciate your question, my son, and I particularly appreciate your mind which is interesting and generous.

Norman:   Thank you, Tomas.  I don't mind someone rummaging around in my mind if they are willing to put up with all the extra trash.  So please feel free anytime.  This goes for anyone.  [Laughter].

Isaac:  Tomas, this is Isaac. Good evening and thank you for your lesson.  I particularly appreciated the preface, I guess it was, on the importance of clear semantics.  It is a matter that I think is of some concern that we not only are poor listeners in our world today to each other, but we are often lazy in our use of language, and we convey false meanings or unintended meanings.  And to someone who is professionally involved in this issue I know it takes energy and sometimes courage to make an issue of this.  As I read the Urantia Book and other literature from our past that is from the thirties or twenties Charles Dickens and etc., I am aware of the paucity of language that prevails in our 'mediocrity', as you said.  So I like that.  And particularly I have been concerned about this business of calling transmitting/receiving merely 'channeling', as though calling a Ford and a Chevy the same thing is clarification.  Perhaps both appear to be cars but they are different vehicles.  I believe channeling and TRing are therefore appropriately distinguished.  And you made that distinction very beautifully clear for me tonight with the thing about channeling means you are an instrument and being used like a machine, and TRing is an interaction with your personality.  Sorry for this long speech, if I have taken too much time.  I still really appreciated that clarity in what you said.

TOMAS:   If I am one of those who admits that sometimes long speeches are more satisfying, I am not one of those who is totally unconcerned that I am misunderstood.  I have trained myself and my TR extensively to communicate.  And I do not take this matter lightly.  I intend to communicate my ideas and concepts as clearly as is possible under these circumstances, yes.

Paula:  Tomas, this is Paula.  I have been sitting here thinking about language and the importance of language and this is not going to be new to a bunch of other people.  It is just that I have such a very, very difficult time with male only language!  I know that in your speaking we talk about he and her but it is very difficult for me to just hear the word mankind.  And I know that historically we have a generic understanding of mankind but it really is more important to me than the generic.  I guess I am taking my courage to express that.  Thank you.

TOMAS:   I have heard your words.  I fully understand your sense of imbalance.  And it is true that just because your culture has lumped all genders into the masculine for convenience sake it is not convenient for women to be so overlooked in language usage.  It is nonetheless a gray area that we must work within.  Your specific reference to mankind is an example.  And it is, yes, courageous of you to bring that up.  And I, myself, will try to translate that generic lump of humankind into humankind as compared to mankind or womankind.  And I see the merit of what you bring up.

However, I am going to go one further and encourage you as part of humankind to utilize your vast resources of courage to grander vision than gender, as there are many unfortunate individuals on your world who are not even certain as to whether they are a he or a she, and how, therefore, to comport themselves in any acceptable society.  It is, perhaps, unfortunate for womankind, but there are elements of humankind who have more dire problems than that.  I am only making that remark, my daughter, to remind you that there are other issues facing this planet and its spiritizing process relating to the soul of the individual.  And that transcends all aspects of gender.  Even so, …

Paula:  I would respond that I understand that.  But I also believe that before we can understand ourselves as spirit we have to understand ourselves as -- we have to find the common parts.  And yes, I know many people who have difficulty knowing whether they are he's or she's.  And that is why it is very important that we have the generic when it is being addressed broadly based.  And when there is just he or she that we address them as him or her.  I know that it is very inconvenient and it is very difficult sometimes to slip out of that.  And I find myself using he's and she's also.  And I am also reminded by those persons who are wounded very deeply, that it is a greater issue than just a he or a she, that it is their basic identity!  And their spirit is very wounded as such by that use!  And so I beg your pardon but I rest my case!

TOMAS:   I am not offended.  And I feel deep compassion and understanding in the issue which you present.  I agree that the matter of identity is of primary concern and importance; that all behaviors are an offshoot from an individual understanding of his or her innate identity.  And often that is confused or wounded or distorted or submerged.  The thing which you and I have full agreement upon is the most important thing.  And that is that the individual and their identity is sacrosanct regardless.  I also hasten to add, you, nor any of peers are in any way, at any time, an inconvenience to teachers or to any spirit personality who has the opportunity to partake of your personality.  It is your mark, your stamp, your individuality which makes you unique.  And in no way do I find any facet of you an inconvenience.

Paula:  I am sorry that you understood my comment to be that, because I guess and trust that we are not inconvenient. I was thinking in terms that it is inconvenient to put the effort into retranslating whichever way that one needs to go; whether it is me retranslating the male into the more generic or if were in a strictly female place to make the effort to make that understood.  And I would concur that in terms of what is most important for you and for me is the way that we can be these vehicles for persons to find their spiritual sustenance and identity with our great First Source and Center.  And so if it means that I need to change my language so that they may have access to that I will do that, because it is of greatest consequence that they are able to be at one with that Holy inside them and their Creator, and all that is Holy that makes them whole.  Thank you Tomas.

TOMAS:   Amen.  My children, we have enjoyed a generous repast this evening and my time has come to conclude for today. Yet I want you to know how deeply we appreciate your attendance and your subsequent growth as a result of your giving yourself to our encouragement of your spiritual growth.  And I say 'our' and include you as well.  I am looking forward to our next opportunity, be it here or be it one of those spontaneous times when one of us makes contact with you as you go about your affairs.  Please remember we love you and we are with you in your comings and goings.  Peace be upon you.  Farewell.

Group:   Goodbye Tomas.  Thank you.


DATE:  May 10, 1994
TOPIC:  Relax, Enjoy, Savor and Triumph

DANIEL:   Greetings my children.  I am Daniel your guide and teacher.  This evening I wish to commend all of you for your fortitude and your ability to stay the path, to remain steady.  Steadfastness in the realm of material existence is a true test to one's commitment, to one's overall personality characteristic.  This aspect is a sign of faith, courage, and willingness to live according to the mandates of the inner life.

It is very true that in a material existence there are times when electro-chemical situations, when daily routine, when work pressures and when relationships call for you to exert many hours of time.  The steady pressure from life mandates that a person needs time for revitalization to renew the body, to give it rest, to allow it to build back to a normal capacity.  Those in the beginning stages and early stages of spiritual development also will recognize those times when even the spiritual needs rest; rest, but not a cutting off.  When you rest with your body you do not totally isolate yourself for you must maintain certain bodily functions and contacts.  Likewise when there is time for spiritual rest it is necessary to maintain contact.  And so look to your dual nature as the way of showing comparison and to also see where balance is necessary for there to be harmony and a progression of life, spiritual and finite/material.

Do not be hard on yourselves in times when rest is necessary.  Those that can continue to maintain the presence of living in the moment are able to derive greater distances on the rest and relaxation that they give themselves. 

Many of the things that have been stated this evening do, in fact, hold much truth.  You as a group and as individuals are progressing very steadily.  Do not belittle your efforts.  Do not feel guilt for thoughts.  Rather, dissect, figure out from whence the thoughts come, and answers will be given to you.  The time spent daily in the quiet affords physical rest, mental rest, and spiritual rest, which, in turn, provides spiritual growth and the ability for the body and mind to, again, move forward.

This evening Tomas and I will work together to present to you a message that will call upon you to exercise your needed ability to rest without feeling guilt.  It is written even in the earliest of Scriptures and in the religions of the realm that there needs to be a day of rest.  And so let these truths from your heritage, your past, your religion not fall to the wayside.   The human nature, the human spirit, finite and divine call upon you to maintain equilibrium.  This is best met with your understanding of your own body and your own needs.  Rest, proper diet, exercise, and mental and spiritual stimulation will give you many miles, will provide you with the sustenance necessary to move forward.

This is not new.  The words are given as a reminder and as a way of giving those who feel guilt in rest a reason to take that rest.  Maintain your life in increments.  Do not try to live a whole life span in the moment at hand.  Trust explicitly in the Indwelling Spirit to provide you with the necessary information, if you will, to move forward.  You see, much of your life divinely and materially is on an unconscious level.  You are not always fully aware.  It is this struggle of finding that awareness that often brings about a weariness of body and spirit.  Trust and allow that the workings of the Spirit will always be there.  You will not be abandoned.  Certainly trials and the daily meanderings of life will always be there.  Those who walk with the Spirit walk with a lighter step, with more confidence and more surety.  There is a lessening of this worry/weariness of the world for them.

When these heavy moments are upon you search out that avenue for getting through the next few minutes, the next hour, and the next day.  Indeed, this is the way, steady step by step progress.  You cannot harvest the fruits until the seeds have been planted, the sprouts have grown, the seedling is strong, the branches have formed, the flower and the leaf buds open up, the flowers are pollinated and the plant bears fruit.  Step by step.  When trials are upon you visualize that seed growing into the fruit bearing plant.  Take solace in the fact that you do not have to produce the fruit before the seed has even taken root.  Tomas, do you wish to elaborate further?

TOMAS:   Greetings to you all.  Yes, I have my words in this regard.  I have taught on this subject.  I have given an anagram for rest to wit: R-relax, E-enjoy, S-savor, T-triumph.  It is not required that you be constantly industrious.  It is important for you to rest all your systems and to allow our aids to function for you on occasion. 

We are well aware that you live in an environment which is not bound up with the spirit and which is scurrying in fear and hustling in ambition.  Recall that the Master was never in a hurry.  How does one reconcile not hastening to the urgency of the situation as we find it?  It is not to attack the problem.  It is not to vociferously defend truth, beauty, and goodness to the point of alienating your peers.  It is in accepting, acknowledging, and savoring that security which is born of your knowledge of your identity as a child of the First Source and Center.  In this base of security, from this bastian is where you find your peace, your rest, your security, and your impetus to act on behalf of those things to which you are eternally committed. 

Your world is busy with its temporary and temporal commitments.  Its values are reflected in 'why the heathen rage'.  And your tendency is to get caught up in their energy patterns like a leaf in the wind.  And this is not a shame, this is a human condition.  More and more as you see the whirlpool of activity surrounding you, you will be able to recognize the relative value of the furor and the hustle/bustle, and you will be able to withdraw into the eye of the storm, so to speak, and observe life fly past you while you from your sense of security can take time even then to rest, relax, enjoy, savor, and triumph. 

It is our mission, loyal students, it is our mission together.  It is not all on your individual shoulders.  Your commitment, your desire to do His will, is your starting point.  Your willingness to be carried, directed, lured, urged, propelled forward is in His hands.  It is not your battle, therefore rest.  I add only the importance of not confusing rest with complacence.  For were you to say, 'Oh, well, it's not my battle, I can just rest and the supernals or my peers can do it.  I am not important after all.  I am not going to turn the tide of destiny by my involvement.' is incorrect.  It is like the simple vote.  Your involvement is vital.  For each cell, each living cell together comprises the living organism.  And as we work together for the evolving Supreme it's our united effort individually and collectively which makes the difference.  Security in knowing that we are on the path allows rest and subsequent industry.  Those are my words on the subject and I conclude.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Thank you Tomas.  Questions?

Paula:  Tomas, this is Paula.  Thank you for the R-E-S-T.  I think my mind wandered and I need to hear a little more about what triumph is about.  Could you either repeat what you said or elaborate a little further?

TOMAS:   Yes, although I actually did not invest much on triumph as triumph in itself needs elaboration as you have suggested.  In that context triumph is intended to indicate that victory will prevail regardless of the efforts you expend.  Therefore rest and see that it is done in and through the evolution of the Supreme and of your peers.  It is seen more clearly when you are in a position of relaxation as you well know from your experience in viewing from the stillness.  That existential point is triumph.  Is that clear?

Paula:   Yes, thank you.  That is what I had assumed but I needed to clarify.  Thank you.
TOMAS:   You are welcome.

Isaac:  Good evening Daniel and Tomas, this is Isaac.  Thank you both for your comforting pep talk.  A lot of things that you said I felt were pertinent.  Daniel, you referred to the energy that it takes to become conscious -- I don't remember your exact words.  I think it was something about there is a lot of energy expended in trying to be aware, was it of growth?  Do you know what I am referring to in your commentary?

DANIEL:   Understood.  Often times as individuals you worry about how you are doing.  You worry whether or not your comments to somebody were appropriate.  You worry about the next phase of work, the next trial that you must go through, the next project on the line.  You worry often to a point of bringing yourself to weariness.  In the realm of consciousness it was meant to state that while you are of the electro-chemical nature of being material, you have at your advantage and your disadvantage, as well, the inability to know and be conscious of your spiritual soul and of the workings of the material, bodily and mindally.  You cannot understand, fathom, or know all that there is at any given moment.  You can only know on a surface level; but often you seek and desire to move into those deeper and higher levels, at which point you begin to allow ego to manifest itself, in that you do not allow and trust that the love of the Father will supply you with whatever you need, that in His overcare everything will and does work out.  This is where you tend to worry into weariness. 

Remember Christ Michael's words, 'I have come that they may have life, and have it more abundantly'.  Remember also that you are finite, but you have the infinite soul.  Therefore, the life and the abundance to which Christ Michael spoke will sustain your dual nature.  Has this helped?

Isaac:  Yes, that's wonderful.  You certainly have been following me around.  But I'm sure I am not the only one that expends a lot of energy on the very things that you have just elaborated on, Daniel.  Thank you very much for a very complete answer.  So actually the weariness is the result of the effort of the ego and the cure is to develop more trust in the love of the First Source and Center, the Divine Parent.

DANIEL:   Well spoken.
Isaac:  Yes, thank you very much.

Leetah: Daniel and Tomas, thank you for your lesson.  Again it is right on target for me also.  I especially appreciate you, Daniel, saying over and over again to us that we should not entertain the feeling of guilt.  It is something that is so easy for my emotions to take hold of and I beat myself up all the time by feeling guilty.  And so I thank you very much for reminders.

DANIEL:   You are most welcome.  I need not elaborate on the guilt you feel.  This has been addressed in the past and realize, my dear friends all of you, that because of your natures, that which is a weakness often must be faced many times in order for there to be that triumph and overcoming.  The weaknesses that you see raise their ugly heads at times when you are most vulnerable and are weary of body, weary of mind, and weary in spirit.  When there is that balance and harmony then the temptation to fall into old habits is lessened and that triumph can be attained.  This is the experience of life.  This is why you have experience, to learn, to grow, and to become the victor.  Do not bemoan or complain about these happenings.  It is these happenings and working through them that is building for a greater and better tomorrow.  It is the steps that bring the seedling to the fruit.

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel, very much.  Your comments reminded me of something I thought I had either heard you say before or read from another teacher.  Our experience here gives us the opportunity to grow much faster than going to the Mansion worlds.  Am I correct that if we take these steps of growth now we are much better off than saving these for a slower time of growth on the Mansion worlds?

DANIEL:   I will not say better.  All I can elaborate upon is the fact that when this life is terminated the next phase of your ascension on the Morontia worlds will take off exactly where you left off here.  The struggles that you triumph over here will be behind you, will have already given you strength, stamina, fortitude, experience, knowledge and wisdom to meet the next step of ascending.

Leetah: Thank you very much.

PamElla: Good evening Tomas and Daniel.  I just really want to thank you for that lesson tonight.  It was certainly exactly what I needed to hear.  In particular, Daniel, I appreciated you referring to abandonment because I realized I had lost feelings of trust in the First Source and Center.  But when you used the word abandoned, feeling abandoned you tire very quickly.  Suddenly it feels like it is totally up to me to stay afloat, that there is no help there, and that I am cut off.  That was clarifying to me.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Indeed is there no soul alone.  The Father Fragment, that precious part of the First Source and Center is a constant.

Paula:  Daniel, this is Paula.  I have been thinking about the words about guilt and I always put guilt and shame together.  I am wondering if guilt is the time when we feel we are not pleasing someone, and that someone in my life would be the First Source and Center.  And shame would be when I have taken on too much and think that I am the First Source and Center.  Would that make any sense?  One is not giving myself enough credit and one is giving myself too much credit.

DANIEL:   Indeed can words cause misunderstanding and finer, clearer definition is necessary.  And your words are in most senses correct, for guilt is a personal thing that one does fall victim to when you feel you have not measured up, you have broken the code, so to speak.  And this code can be on many levels for the many different thought patterns of individuals. 

Because your realm of thought focuses so many times and so steadily on your life's purpose of knowing the Father, loving the Father, and doing the Father's will; knowing the Mother, loving the Mother, doing the Mother's will, if you will; your level of guilt often, then, does reside in this thought that when you have broken code it is because you have not measured up to what your expectation is of what God expects of you, therefore guilt. 

Another person's breaking of the code can mean something entirely different.  Guilt stems from some other value system, some other code.  Examples would be the situation of children in the family when they feel they have offended their mother and father.  They have not done what is expected and therefore guilt is felt; the student in the classroom who does not do what he feels is necessary to please the teacher, instead of realizing that his own growth and progress are what he needs to work upon, not pleasing the teacher; the military person who breaks some code of military conduct and therefore feels guilt.  And you can see that we could keep going on and on, and how this applies to that broken code for any given situation.

Shame, as you have defined it, is that time when you feel that you are the only one, that you are the source.  And when you take on that role of the source then your relationship to the real and higher Source becomes one of shame that you feel.  This is very true, that often you find yourself in guilt, feeling guilty, and then feeling shame, a double negative that will need twice the work to let go of and to rectify.  Those who are capable of recognizing those times when they have stepped into the mode of being the 'source' are the lucky ones.  They can then do what is necessary to bring themselves back into that harmony, that focus of 'not my will' but 'my will that your will be done'.  Those who cannot or do not see that their actions are undermining the will of the First Source and Center have within their nature then the feeling of shame, perhaps not consciously, but underneath.  And at some point in time there will need to be that relinquishing and turning over, that turning point. 

It is very gratifying for us teachers to find and realize that the students whom we are working with are growing and reaching higher steps of consciousness, are reaching a higher self understanding so that when they fall into a pattern of shame or guilt that they have conditioned themselves to take the necessary steps to transcend one more time.  Does this help?

Paula:  Yes, it does.  That is very, very helpful.  Thank you, Daniel.  [Long pause]

LARENZO:   As we draw this meeting to a close Daniel, Tomas, and I, Larenzo, would like to extend to all of you our love and peace.  And to you, Kent, may I say: remain open; have the knowledge that I am indeed with you.

CORA:   I am Cora.  And to you, Emalissa, I wish to take this opportunity in this group to praise your fortitude and your steadiness.  Emalissa, my dear friend, we are making definite progress!

ELVA:   I am Elva.  To you, Cathie, to you my dear Marsha, hold on that this has been a time of transition and growth in many avenues.  I am with you and I do hear your pleas.  I do know your desires.  I am willing to visit at your beck and call.

DANIEL:   I am Daniel.  To the teachers here this evening I wish to state that we as teachers in this great mission are very fortunate to work with such fine minds, such growing spirits, such beings with magnificent potential.  Dear friends, this week take time, rest, relax, and rejuvenate.  Go now in the peace and love that can be felt and measured by the amount of time you spend learning, growing, and becoming aware of the Infinite Source within and the Almighty Source without.  Good evening.


DATE:  May 27, 1994
TOPIC:  Toward More Unconditional Love

HAM: (TR #1)   Greetings my children, I am Ham.  I have been waiting to address this group.  This evening seemed appropriate, with our guests. 

It is true that the road/pathway to the Source is often difficult at times and not readily focused for individuals.  Part of the problem in being able to view the pathway to God stems from your nature of being finite.  Indeed are the words spoken just prior to this meeting by Nolus very true that in order to truly know, understand and be in the same reference point of the First Source and Center is through spirit.  Part of the nature of you, and all ascending from the finite, is the fact that while your nature is comprised of the spiritual it is the infantile spiritual state, the point of embarkment upon the ascent toward that of becoming whole, total spirit.

And so, my children, do not be so hard on yourselves when at times it seems so difficult to work in faith.  Trust and allowing God to work through you will bring you into a clearer reality regarding the road/pathway to the Source.  In all areas of your life, then, there is this disequilibrium of trying to balance that which you understand and know in finite terms in comparison to that which you are trying to assess and learn in spiritual terms.

The terminology and language of your realm cannot always encompass or run parallel with that of the spiritual realm.  Thus there is this space in between where you, the mortal, is caught in conflict trying to define spiritual truths in human terms.  One such term is that of love.

On your plane you understand love in its many aspects from the romantic to the familial, that which is known between family members, and love that one has on a general basis with pets, people, and acquaintances. Love of a job, etc.  The problem arises when you, the individual, try to equate the 'love' of this realm with the splendid, awesome, and grand love of the First Source and Center, Divine love.  This love cannot be totally understood on this realm, but through faith and your trusting and the like, you at times gather glimpses of this great love.  It is so unconditional that in your finite minds it is impossible to comprehend, that no conditions are necessary for there to be love.  Were the aspect of divine love comprehended, understood and used by those of this realm, there would be the greatest revolution in all of the universes; there would be an immediate surging into Light and Life.

As you work through the unfoldings of life, my children consider the aspect in which your love is targeted.  Strive to meet the example of Christ Michael.  Strive to work toward more unconditional love.  With each barrier reached you add to the consciousness of the realm, personal and group.  My friends it gives me great pleasure to speak with you this evening, to be again with familiar presences.

DANIEL: (TR #1)   Greetings my friends, I am Daniel.  We, Tomas and I, are pleased and thankful that Ham graciously addressed this group this evening.  His words are most true and comprise a vastness which we in the Teaching Mission hope that through continued lessons and prior lessons that the individuals in our charge can come into greater and more fulfilling lives, a greater sense of purpose, and a greater sense of their inner life, their Indwelling Spirit.  And through that awakening and quickening there can be then the emergence of more light in the outer for all.  Tomas will address this group for a short time and then questions will be allowed.

TOMAS: (TR #2) Greetings loyal students, I am Tomas. I greet you and remark that your focus this evening is acute and wonder if the storms have not washed away some cobwebs and dust.  It is truly humbling and thrilling to be in your company when you are thus focused for we are assured of your devout spirituality.  I am pleased to contribute to this evening's lesson on love, as vast as this topic is, and briefly set in motion, if possible, how this infinite love of the Infinite Father and Mother is manifested in and through your lives in particular when you are so mortal and your spirit cognizance is so 'infantile'.

You well know the admonition to serve so that the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing.  In some ways this is how the Infinite Spirit works in your lives by your being so open to the love of the Father/Mother/Spirit that you generate prompts 'as you pass by' from your fellow human beings which are then responded to by your Indwelling Spirit.  When you are intellectually/emotionally involved in loving relationships your love is often clouded and covered by your intellect and your emotions and the current situation.  This consumes a great part of your lives.  It is work in the field and nobly pursued.  True love of the true Parent is so undefined and so unconditional that your best approach in planting seeds in your merciful ministry as you pass by is to love in faith, in grace, is to be in grace so that His love can act through you.  Love is not accomplished by an act of the will, but can function through you if it is your will that His will be done.

We are agreed that this is food for thought for today.  After questions we will conclude with your assignment.  Are there inquiries today?

PamElla: Tomas, thank you for that.  And I do have one question and that is that you stirred me to be thinking about how the First Source and Center and the Third Source and Center, the descendants of the Third Source and Center work in tandem.  Are you saying that it is the Third Source and Center that stirs the prompts, actually the Mother Spirit, not the Infinite Spirit, and that then the love of the First Source and Center is able to respond through us when we are in tune with our Thought Adjuster?  Did I understand that correctly or did I get all that garbled?

TOMAS:   Your technical approach to our Father's freely spewing His love and wisdom to His children is exemplary of why you are confused.  It is Spirit all, and it is not so important that you understand the technical aspects as you understand the theory, that being that our infinite First Source and Center is, indeed, the Source of all things.  And He would have Himself come back to Himself.  Therefore He sends out His energy into the universe, into arenas such as yours and returns constantly in motion, constantly impelling you forward like that rubber band that is referenced in your text.  As you enter your arena, as you 'pass by' your essence will come in contact with the essence of other souls and our Father knows what morsel of food to give that individual to whet his appetite and stir his leanings to further crave closer contact with Him.  These magnificent mechanisms are all contributed to by His many heavenly helpers including yourselves by simply doing that which you love to do.  Therefore love your life.  Love yourself.  Love your fellows.  And in showering your own identification with infinite love, rapturous love, giggling love, joyous love, satisfying love, your love which is from your Parent will touch your fellows; and we all ascend thereby.  I am more inclined to focus on the theory, daughter, with your permission.

PamElla: I'll think on those things Tomas.

Nolus:   This is Nolus.  I just want to express my gratitude for being here today.  It's been a while since I felt this wonderful feeling of being in a group and receiving this spiritual input.  I am really taken with your subject matter.  Jeremiah spoke about the two eagles and the two healings and that very night by prompt we wound up at Honoray's house and it was not -- as you know I am expressing this for the group to talk about the prompts -- and we were in her home for a meeting, we thought, as we frequently do.  It was not long before she started with a tremendous nose bleed that didn't stop.  She had to get out her living will and as much as stated that she would not go to the hospital.  And then I asked her if I could call her daughter and she said 'you can call the paramedics to assist me'.  And from the time that we did all of this until the paramedics got there I told her 'but if you just go to the emergency room it can be so easy for you to have your nose cauterized and packed and this massive bleeding will stop and you will be OK.  And her mind turned around, she went to the emergency room and came back and it was all over. 

And in retrospect we thought how remarkable it was that we were placed in the home before this happened, just moments after we got there, and to look and see that we can be a part of being directed to the life experiences of our brothers and sisters if we can just tune in to the will of the Father.  It is so thrilling to be a part, and to be put into those situations and to able to know very well that she could have been there alone, but that Father wanted her taken care of and that He arranged for someone to be there.  This is maybe just a small example of us as human beings being the hands, the legs, the mouth, the expression of the Father to our brothers and our sisters.  But the exciting part is how much we can be aware and tune in to the spiritualness.  And when we have these little opportunities of having these experiences, it is so exciting.  So I really thank you for drawing this back to our attention today and helping us understand how this works and what our part is in participating in this experience.  It is a really exciting time and I thank you so much for the lesson today and being able to partake of this spirit once again.  I have just missed you all.  I appreciate Ham being here.  Also I appreciate feeling his essence here with us and I thank you very much.

HAM:   Nolus, my dear, I, Ham, wish to extend to you and Jeremiah my personal love and wishes that despite any outward appearance it is the inner that speaks the truth.  Always, for all of you, never forget that those who knock, those who ask, those who prepare the ground, the foundation, will be answered.  God can only be limited to the degree that each individual limits Him/Her.  When one is open one begins to be a part of the possibilities of the First Source and Center.  One is given to the realm of knowing on a very deep level, on a level that cannot ride on the material surface level.  Those things will pass.  What is real is what is experienced and known from the inward workings toward the out.  All of you, my children, have had experiences of consciously knowing that you are part of God's plan at any given moment.  As you continue your search and reaching up toward the Father you will be given to greater and greater consciousness regarding His working and the unfoldings of life.  Continue that search.  Continue to seek.  Continue to open up that answers are available.

PamElla: Tomas, I need further clarification with your answer to my question.  When you responded all of the language was very, very male, all of a sudden!  And I had noticed that you had been making attempts at more inclusive language prior to that.  I wondered if you did that purposely and if so, why?!

TOMAS:   Was that your question mark?  My child, I would never deliberately seek to cause you distress even if I were attempting to impress a point upon your consciousness.  I am saddened that the concept would cross your mind, for I am your friend and would not deliberately cause you any sort of distress.  Know my child and allow me now, if you will, to respond again.  And I do this willingly and lovingly for I care for your tender nature.  I, in fact, might have excluded the technical aspects of my response since they are often garnered as being male oriented, but opted for the more aesthetic and ethereal approach.  If we were to take it again from the top let us take it from our Mother.

Our creative Mother who spews Her graciousness and nurturing power upon all of Her creation and which would care only to enfold Her loving creation to Her breast, to include all Her children in Her loving embrace, in Her warmth, and in Her joy; this self-same truth lies herein with our Mother, that She also seeks to have you return to Her.  And, in fact, this womanly, feminine element of our Reality is such that no man nor woman can resist the love that She holds for Her precious creation. 

I am reminded that in our attempt to put forth understanding it is sometimes done at the expense of sensibility.  And assuredly our Mother is not in favor of setting aside sensibility for any reason.  You have made yourself clear, my child, and have called upon me to make myself clear in terms of the Yin/Yang of this I AM concept.  I feel rather better, do you?

PamElla: Yes, Tomas, much, thank you.

Leetah: I want to thank all three of you.  Ham, your beginning was indeed beautiful.  And when you spoke of the space between our realm and spiritual truths I, too, saw within that space so many of the terms that have really become red flags to, I guess I want to say sensitive people, but I think all people are sensitive on a particular issue, whatever it might be.  I feel like so many human hurts, so many conditional loves that we as humans give out is because of these dreadful red flags of our situation of our past, or whatever.  When you painted the picture of the separation there, I could just see all of these terms, and gender was one word that was put in there by me.  And it is such a difficult issue for anybody who as a female on our planet has felt like they have been put in a lesser position.  I could cite all the things on the news, but that is not my point.  The point is that I also appreciated when you said that a real revolution could happen on this planet if, indeed, we could practice unconditional love.  And you said we need to knock and ask.  And I guess that is where I am.  I thank you all for your contribution tonight.

HAM:   My child, you are most welcome.  Thank you for your comments.  Let me utilize your thoughts to help expand yet another aspect.

You see, because you do not know all that is in that buffer zone, you do not know the individual, you have not walked in that individual's shoes, therefore it becomes imperative and a great task for you to withhold judgement and instead return love.  Love can change situations. Judgement puts up barriers.

Virginia:   Thank you.  I don't know if it was Ham or Daniel.  Someone will tell me.
HAM:   Ham.
Leetah: Thank you, Ham.

Isaac:    Greetings, Ham, Daniel, and Tomas, this is Isaac.  I desire to ask you a question, Ham, which I have wondered about.  When I first became familiar with your teaching by typing it in transcript form during Christmas Vacation of 1991-92, I believe, I felt that you were probably present with me.  I don't know if I have ever had this verified [Ed. note:  I had in a private meeting but had forgotten.]  But I just wondered if you could answer that question.  Were you (Ham) present with me while I sat there pondering the truth of your words and wondering about your reality?

HAM:   My son, you make me laugh!  Daniel nudged me again and said, 'Isaac -- the trust factor'.  Indeed, yes, I was there. {Much laughter from group]

Isaac:    So Daniel's telling my secrets!  Well, they aren't secrets, He knows.  Well, I assumed that but I just love to be confirmed.  I just want you to know, Ham, maybe it was because you were the first teacher I was in contact with, I just have a sort of special place for you in my experience and heart because it was you that convinced me of the reality of the teaching mission.  So if I have said this to you before I have lost track.  Yes, I have a trust factor problem, you're right, but I work on it.  Thank you.

HAM:   My dear friend, I address you as 'dear friend' for there is a specialness between us as it is through many teachers and many beings.  Your situation is a part of my experience, that always feels (in what your terms would be) 'warm and embracing'.  It brings me joy when I think about that time when you were transcribing and how the thought process and the understanding began to unravel and there became this explosion into faith, into greater knowledge.  There became this student, who like the math student, trying to untangle this problem has solved it.  Yours was of this nature.  I feel very close to you, Isaac.

Isaac:    Thank you, Ham.

DANIEL:   I am Daniel.  It has been a rather relaxing time for me this evening.  It would appear that there are no further questions and it is with humor that I speak that the rain has fallen inside and out. [Laughter]

My good friends, I close this meeting with love from Tomas, Ham, and myself.  This week walk a little straighter knowing that you are loved!  Expand that concept.  Do not hold it in finite terms.  Think beyond your grasp for a clearer understanding that in that understanding there can be an internalizing, and in internalizing there can be a more and better living of this greater love in your lives.  Good evening to you all.


DATE:  June 3, 1994
TOPIC:  Giving and Receiving Gifts

DANIEL (TR # 2):    Greetings my friends.  I am Daniel.  I welcome you this evening on behalf of the Teacher Corps, to this gathering, which once again has converged to supply this group and this mission with inspiration and food for spirit and soul growth as well as food for thought.  I am not completely familiar with this TR and yet we have had some discourse and I will utilize this vehicle periodically. 

Therefore I thought to greet you this evening and particularly to offer welcome to our new daughter.  Alice, it is a pleasure to sense your presence and your acknowledgement of spirit reality for it makes our work easier and your growth more rapid and satisfying.  Again, welcome.  And may our future association be fruitful as I am sure it will.

I am going to speak this evening briefly about gifts since your discourse this evening reflected your joy in allowing yourself to be recipients of insight and offerings of love from family, both mortal and spiritual.  This abundance, which is part and parcel of your inheritance as children of God, of being in the family of believers, manifests on all levels.  It is sad when we see so many people who are recipients of so many simple joys and treasures who find no satisfaction in that which gives life meaning; hungry, hungry children who need so greatly, yet they do not acknowledge the simple gifts available regularly.  I refer to your physical environment, your earthly paradise, the beauty upon which you walk.  I refer specifically to your fellow religionists who provide companionship and solace, yet how infrequently do you allow yourself the gift which is yours to take. 

Giving what you have received from the Eternal Parent is a facet of service, yes.  But it is also your privilege to be the recipient including gifts to yourself.  For who knows your needs better than you?  Yes, your indwelling God Fragment knows your long range and innermost needs.  And, yes, your teachers address your growth needs.  But who is to say, who can identify the exact shade of lapis blue or the exact size of a cloth that would be such a gift?  It is encouraged for you to bestow gifts on yourself as well and honor your ability to see yourself as worthy of nice things, of good treatment. 

It is a sign of the condition on this world that mortals are reluctant to allow themselves to receive love.  For much of your lives have been spent in isolation, in role playing and in short term acknowledgement of what our potential is, in so far as love is concerned.  In our association, that is, in our growing family of believers, we are seeing new ways in which to express our appreciation and affection for each other. 

Not long ago it would not have been possible for you to weep with joy at having been allowed the privilege of experiencing undiluted affection and gifts of touch, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.  To allow yourself to be touched is a breakthrough into opening further doors between one another that goodness can come in.  For as you open all your valves, so to speak, for this powerful energy of love, mercy, kindness to flow in and through you, you have no reservations about the good or the bad since in your essence nothing can harm you.  There is only abundance and supernal love.

This is actually a continuation of Ham's discourse last week and Tomas'.  Now I have contributed my words which have to do with love and that is in your ability to allow yourself to be loved more fully, more openly, more fearlessly. 

And so these lessons come into your life as you are ready to hear.  And it seems you are ready now to go deeper into your evolving self, to love that self as you have not been able to do thus far.  Observe in your meditations how you are treating yourself.  And if you are being as good to yourself as you would have your fellows be, and if you don't know what you need to make yourself feel whole ask your teacher, your Master, your Father for enlightenment as to where you can be filled, for surely it shall come to pass.

I have given Tomas the night off since he will be your coach next week; and I hasten to say that I am not abandoning you, as you will see.  I have a vested interest in this community.  My children, your stable plateau this evening is built upon a solid foundation.  Before I attempt to answer questions I am going to allow my original TR the opportunity to take over the controls, so to speak, if she is mindful to."

DANIEL (TR # 1):    Greetings my friends.  I, Daniel, wish to thank Gerdean for her gallant effort this evening.  As you attune yourselves with practice the circuits become easier and the various teachers do become clearer and easier to understand.

We have today a visitor that is new to this group.  This visitor wishes to make her appearance this evening with a lesson that ties in with the last lessons from Ham, Tomas, and myself.  One moment please.

GHIA (TR # 1):   Hello.  I am Ghia.  I am very happy that I have been given this opportunity to address this group this evening.  It is an honor to be in the company of the many gathered here this evening, both material and spiritual.  I, Ghia, am a personal teacher.  I am making my appearance here this evening to give support to my student.

The lesson that I am about to give is in regard to gifts as well.  It is an observation that I have made on this plane of the many mortals of the realm.  It would appear that many of you are able to give gifts freely, but are uneasy or feel that receiving a gift is not what you enjoy; that is, you find it difficult to receive, easier to give. 

Part of the learning in the area of gifts is the circular nature of being able to give and receive.  It is greatness of character to allow others to give to you and to accept that which is given openly, lovingly, and willingly.  By doing this you allow another individual's growth to be enhanced.  It is not always within the understanding of mortals of the realm regarding the nature of giving and receiving.  You know that as you give you receive far more than the actual gift.  You must now envision that as a receiver you also are giving to the one who has given to you, allowing them that opportunity for growth and that opportunity to be able to serve.

You see, this circular nature is one that revolves and intermingles at all times in your ascent.  Happy are those who can give.  Happy are those who can receive.  Joyousness is the outcome of both endeavors. And so we teachers of the Teaching Mission understand full well this receiving and giving.  For it is part of your growth as well as ours, to be both receiver of lessons as the teachers give as well as givers of love back to the teachers.  It is our great joy to give to you and to receive back the observations and knowledge of your growing, becoming, and your enhancing the wholeness of all. 

And so my thought as I leave you this evening is to ask you to recognize the total picture of receiving and giving.  One cannot be done without the other. 

I now will take my leave and return this stage back to Gerdean that questions can be directed to Daniel via Gerdean.  Good day.

PamElla:  Daniel I was starting off to tell you, just to thank you for that beautiful lesson, and also to Ghia.  And then it occurred to me that we had a situation a little while back where Tomas addressed one of our newcomers, so we didn't go through the protocol of introducing our guest to you.  You commented at the end of the meeting that we hadn't followed protocol.  I know that you have already addressed Alice and yet I feel the need to follow protocol tonight and formally introduce Alice to you.  I realize you probably have been aware of Alice in much greater depth than any of the rest of us up until a couple of days ago, but we are very pleased to have Alice with us tonight.  So I introduce Alice to you at this time, Daniel.

DANIEL:   Acknowledged.  Indeed, I am old friends with Alice if she will forgive my use of the word 'old friend'.  I have watched her approach to this group in the quiet places of her heart and am warmed that she has been welcomed and that she has welcomed you as well.  Indeed, that seems to have been the essence of this evening's lessons and we are the recipient of the gift of this woman.  She has brought us much pleasure. This association is like a living thing which is not admired, acknowledged and put in a box for safe keeping, but which is worn proudly as a regular item in your life which you utilize and share and show off daily.  Thus the gift of friendship is polished and buffed to a high sheen which reflects the light of the Parent of us all.  I have complied with protocol.

Leetah: Good evening Daniel.  I think in terms of last fall of what was said by you, that we just simply had to be aware and that new people would be brought in.  And of course this was in answer to someone who was concerned about numbers, having lost several of our people to other areas of the nation.  And now here it is spring and we have three new members that have just moved to town.  It's rather reinforcing to me to realize that, I feel like Scrooge right now in reference to the spirits of Christmas, 'of course they can, of course they can', that the spirits do know much more than we can see in our realm.  And it is just nice to know that you are all there.  Along with that same thing I think that one of the greatest gifts that the Teaching Mission has given is the personal coach that is certainly so supportive and so giving.  Indeed you teachers have taught us how to receive that love.  It's very nice.  And I would like to thank all of the teaching mission teachers, all of the teachers that have been a part of my life for the last many months.  And I know that it has made a difference in my life.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Yes daughter, your recognizing of individual's involvement and attendance and comings and goings in our sessions, and making note as we do is a way also of our recording, as it were, your expanding fellowship.  For when we connect we inculcate that individual into this living organism.  And whereas the spirit realm may know the whereabouts of its children mortals are not privy to such knowledge until it is actualized.  In some respects this is a way of keeping records of communicating our glowing brotherhood/sisterhood of believers, the wondrous personalities as they pass by and as they become part of the organism as a whole. 

Assuredly it is not a communist plot.  It is rather a family of believers.  And when you encounter transcripts of other teachers and come to recognize the mortal players in other communities, their personalities are impressed upon you and it is easier, then, when you finally meet to acknowledge that person as your brother or sister, not in name only, but as a son or daughter of God with a personality and interests you already have some cognizance of.  And therefore we save time in a way and we whet your appetites as we introduce more and more individuals to this flowering progression of humanity in mission.  Yes!

Rutha:  Daniel, this is Rutha.  I am excited to talk to you this way this evening.  I have a question which is not real spiritual but I just was wondering, since I don't always trust what I think I hear from you when it is just you and me, but could you give me some words of advice or encouragement or whatever regarding this minivan excursion that we will be embarking on Sunday.  I would appreciate some words about that.

DANIEL:   Certainly my girl.  I am happy, yet and still, to spend time with you regarding your ventures in living.  I have already engaged in considerable speculation with you as to what adventures might be there, and have observed midwayers making arrangements for visitations in route, and am assuring you that there are no undesirable mishaps scheduled.  Your journey into further density and moisture is even an adventure.  Therefore study your wardrobe and check your salt and water consumption.  I know Steve has already checked the tires.  Your delight in this venture is most apparent and it is not wise to fret or have anxiety for in faith your trip has been planned for you.  And if you but follow the signs on the highway our Master will see you safely to your destination; and everything in route is provided for your enjoyment and edification.  Anyway, I am going with you.  I am not much, however, for vans so I will glide along on the currents, so to speak.  And assuredly I am peaking in steadily should your light suddenly turn on brightly.  Meanwhile enjoy yourself and enjoy your experiences, your holiday, your family, and your planet.  Any anxiety that comes up along the way can and will be quickly resolved as necessary.  But I assure you, my dear, it is not to worry.

Rutha:  Thank you Daniel.  I am glad that I don't have to take my woollies on this trip.  I appreciate those words.  I just want to tell you how much I love you and how much respect I have for you considering that I am such a blockhead sometimes.  You need to get out the jackhammer sometimes to get me to listen.  But, thanks.

DANIEL:   You are certainly welcome.  And might I say, at the risk of seeming to be carrying on with an intimate and personal conversation in front of all these fine people, you and I have deep mutual respect for each other.  It is through blockheads and airheads that I have had the most practice. [Great burst of group laughter and comments including thanks Daniel!!]  I appreciate your humor but I appreciate also the deep undying affection that we hold dear.  And I also thank you for allowing me such fulfillment in our involvement.

Rutha:  Thank you, Daniel.  I have one other question, but I don't want to go into detail.  If you can sort of give me a `yes' or `no'.  I had, I thought, a message from you regarding our friend, Joshua, and I felt like I was guided to provide some therapy things for him.  Could you just verify that for me?

DANIEL:   Verify, yes.  Therapy, yes. Your most effective ministration is your tenderhearted loving kindness, your merciful ministry, your assurance of his reality and his credibility as an individual and as a son of God.  His stressors are diligent.  It is helpful when you in your therapeutic mode approach your brother that you approach with truth as well as beauty and goodness, for none of you are in a position to fuse and eliminate the door to the resurrection halls.  It is part of your faith adventure. 

Do not misconstrue my words to say what I do not mean, but it is not out of line to discuss faith, hope, anticipation, and lightness of being with this man who has been loved and blessed in his endeavors; and is greatly, deeply loved and admired by many.  Your affirmation of his value on this side and on the next is a way of assuring him that he in his true identity is not even feeling poorly, but is strong and vibrant and willing to walk, not just an extra mile, but an extra eternity to serve.  It is the most vital therapy available to assure one of his worth, his value, and his eternal impact in having lived a life thus devoted to serving the Master.

My peers are aware of this unhappy day in time, and yet it is not terminal in any sense.  Yet I would encourage you in your therapies to not be overly sympathetic, to be strong with the strength of our fellow.  He is a noble being.  Do not belittle his spirit by making him feel weak or pitiable.  He is not alone.

Rutha:  Thank you Daniel.  I really appreciate those words.  And I can see through everything you were saying there.  I am also wondering if this part of this evening should not be put on the transcript?

DANIEL:   My thoughts and feelings are that there are no needs or reason to withhold words of truth and value; and yet in some manner of speaking you might ask Joshua, himself.  I cannot see why any human being would not enjoy being upheld by the Teacher Corps as a noble being who has served well and whose days are not yet numbered.  Yet this is a matter for your determination since you are involved in dissemination of our sessions.

Rutha:  Thank you Daniel.  We will discuss this and decide what is to be done.  Thank you so much for your words.

Leetah: Daniel, here I am again.  But I was thinking in terms of the lessons of tonight.  I can remember as a child what I heard was, 'give until it hurts'.  And then I remember a sermon I heard that said the grateful give.  And from the teachers we hear to learn how to receive and give to yourself.  What a wonderful stair stepping that has been for me.  I know that I have made reference to it already tonight, but it is just a wonderful difference in what we read in the Urantia Book and what I have heard in my past.  It is just very, very nice.  The grateful do give, it is not the rich or the poor.  But it is also very nice to be able to give to one's self and not feel guilty about it.  I thank you all very much.

DANIEL:   Indeed, you have been taught that it is more gracious to give than to receive and many other truths you have been taught as Christians and as evolving human beings.  As we go forward into the ascension plan we evolve up and away and into new realms of perception and operation.  And this is evolution at its best!  At one time it was, perhaps, shameful but it was necessary to admonish individuals regarding the value of giving and sharing.  For like toddlers who grasp and demand their own and others share, it is important that little savages learn to give.  It is and has benefited your world to operate under that creed although it is not always followed.  It is our hope, yes, to upgrade that to a more well rounded situation that fosters more openness of interaction between the mortal and the spirit in receiving and giving, yes.

Leetah: I have another question that I am sure you would have said something already if you wanted me to know, but I am going to ask it anyway.  Is Ghia a personal teacher of someone in this room?

DANIEL:  Ghia advises me she is not.
Virginia:   Thank you.

DANIEL:   My children, your attendance this evening has been a buoyant occasion with the singular exception of our serious discussion regarding therapy.  I have also considered that your learning to be receptive to gifts which are given to you consciously and unconsciously is also therapeutic.  So we have had a portion of serious and a portion of levity.  And I have most enjoyed your company, as always. 

My admonition is for you to continue where you are in your progress, in your lives, in your development, for I am not going to interfere with your evolving relationship with teacher Tomas in my absence. 

I also want to make it very clear that in all real respects I am not absent.  I am with you as I have been and as I will continue to be.  Therefore you may continue to call upon me in your personal meditations and as I am available to respond to your lights I will be with you in the blinking of an eye.  Assuredly all of us in the Teaching Mission are swarming over your community as well as other thriving communities.  We just set up shop over your neighborhoods to watch what goes on.  There is assuredly much spiritual activity on your planet.  Your `one hundred monkey' theory is going like gang busters!  We are making those infamous great strides.

Be gracious to one another and to teacher Tomas, as I know you will.  I am not going to miss you but I will miss our format as I know Rutha will also.  Even so, His will be done, and we will carry on.  My blessings are upon you.  Good night.


DATE:  June 10, 1994
TOPIC:  The Divine Will, or Self Will?
TOMAS:   Group, faithful pupils, I am Tomas.  I am pleased to be here with you this afternoon and to have the opportunity to address you in your lighthearted season.  I have had a lighthearted season myself recently.  I had what you might call Spring break.  I was involved in prep work, you might say pep talk, and I am pleased and honored to be here to commune with this group of Daniel's protégés. 

I am beginning to feel more at home here and am indeed privileged to have been invited to share this platform of teacher base activity.  It is beneficial, also, for Daniel who is now taking his show on the road.  We enjoy opportunities to flit hither and yon and are beginning to make appearances, guest appearances if you will, in other teacher groups in occasional trade-offs. 

We are delighted to have this flexibility, for we are aware that the human mind is a little inclined towards attention deficit disorder and we are as interested as anyone to keep our relationship fresh and vigorous.  We sometimes sit around and wonder if you would be interested in certain subjects and also give each other feedback much as you give feedback to one another as to who might enjoy a certain movie or a certain interchange with other personalities. 

I am indeed available to set forth a range of lessons.  I have asked a number of general celestials if they would like to visit this group in its flexible summer session.  Or if you prefer, I have reviewed my notes on certain more formal presentations, such as the individual fruits of the Spirit and also have some wisdom to share and inspiration to offer in terms of those qualities earmarked as fruits of divinity. I also am allowed to offer you the option to consider if you, yourselves, have questions or issues that you would like to have addressed as a group lesson, even to the total informality, if you will, of sharing communally discourse on some matter of concern to you in your temporal arena. 

Thus, I am joyed to be here today to address your needs.  We have had several weeks of rather lighthearted lessons having to do with enjoying the beauty of our environment, with receiving gifts, with delving into creativity and other matters of joy-inducing reflection.  I am not suggesting that you might like to ponder something weighty.  I am open to suggestions.  I am going to pause and allow a group consensus as to your preference for this evening.

[Pause for group discussion]

TOMAS:   Hello again.  I was tardy this time inasmuch as you are a busy group.  You have brought to our attention many items of interest and direction of service we could address; and I am delighted with your full-fledged support and reciprocity, for since I offered you many suggestions, you have done the same.  This is community. 

I am going to say that this sharing, in fact, is what you can look forward to throughout your eternal career and your willingness to function socially as a working team, such as was just manifest, is encouragement for us on this side in this work, for we see that we are getting somewhere. It is not only in your personal arenas that your work is performed, it is also with one another.  We are, as you will recall, working towards establishing light and life on this planet, and it will not all be in spirit realms but will be literal in time. 

Therefore it is important that you begin to share among yourselves your stance in our common goal, for that will enable you to begin to focus on what you will do in your assignment.  Each individual is assigned certain tasks which are specifically cultivated according to that individual's composite. 

I am going a bit far astream.  I am not prepared to delve too deeply into your individual assignments.   However, I would ask that you begin to recognize your particular interests, gifts, and personality manifestations, that you may begin to focus on what you bring to our project of building the `Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven'. 

And we now come round to this concern which was voiced and uniformly upheld as a topic for discussion, that being, `how does one know if what one is doing/saying/being is in accordance with the divine will or self will?'  I am pleased to bring on board a visitor who will address that subject with and for you.  I am introducing a fellow not in the Teaching Corp, per se, but in the work that we are doing.  You might recognize this personality as a Mighty Messenger and he will give you the message regarding that which we have outlined.  One moment.

MIGHTY MESSENGER:  My friends, I am so honored to partake of your evening gathering in your quest for enlightenment and clarity in doing Our Father's will in your life. 

Such a simple subject, yet so fraught with fear and confusion!  I could go on at length about human beings who, with the integrity of vigilantes, go after some cause and, with sincerity, cause great destruction.  On the other hand there is our Christ who was the personification of doing Our Father's will in His life, even as `He passed by'.  Your inquiry is timely and yet I need to outline my thoughts somewhat for a more sensible presentation than this vehicle can convey in one dynamic swoop of truth. 

The issue of transcribing truth that you perceive into a language that can be received by your peers is indeed an aspect of your personality. And all creatures of personality are that personality by divine gift.  It is not something to dismiss or treat lightly, for personality is yours; it is a gift of the Father; and you should indeed manifest your own integral personality in all you do, including your teaching ministry, no matter how you might address the subject or the individual.

Your own personality, then, will color all that you do, depending upon how much you are in tune with your personality and how evolved your personality has become thus far.  When the Spirit of Truth speaks through any entity, it is perceivable as Truth regardless of whence the words emanate; even children, even ill-mannered oafs, all individuals speak their truths.  It is part of your ability to discern truth that is the key factor, for you can rest assured that whatever you hear from whatever sources is going to be colored by that personality.  Is it God-given?  Is it interested in service?  Is it interested in spirit value?  Perceive that truth can come from even unbelievers; therefore discern truth no matter where it comes from. 

When you are engaged in a situation where you have every reason to believe that the personalities are God-conscious and are aspiring to be God-like, you have attained a new level of discernment; and still the personality of the individual is a factor. Sometimes some people say things that are offensive.  That does not mean that every utterance is untrue.  Often mortals are un-evolved in certain facets of their life, are perhaps stuck at a level of growth, have, perhaps, deep-seated emotional issues which are not yet worked through; and in each individual there are grey areas, white areas and black areas.  Your job is not to pass judgment on the white, black or grey areas but to understand that that individual destiny career is unfinished, and they are attempting to express their personality in whatever way they can, even if it is imperfect and unsightly.

You are not ever going to feel that plain purity of perfection as you seek, until you have traversed many spheres.  Your adjustment to other personalities including your Teachers, your students, your peers, your family, your friends and your enemies, are all part of your growth and part of the evolving Supreme.  Therefore when you hear someone speak with integrity ascertain for yourself the truth of that utterance.  It is not to be used as an accolade or condemnation for the personality who spoke the words. 

It has been noted that in the transmitting/receiving process some individuals refuse to acknowledge the truths that emanate from specific individuals because, supposedly, the individuals are less than perfect in the eyes of that individual who will not hear.  This is suicidal to our mission and to yours, for we are admonished and subscribe to the process of evolution through love and mercy!  In fact, it is a method of obtaining compassion and wisdom to ascertain our fellows' particular personality influence on their lesson.  I do not mean the Teachers' lessons, although that, too, is true.

I am leaving.  My time is up for today.  I am happy to have been asked to speak with you and I will anxiously await the fruits which will come from this discourse, as I know you will reflect on my words and begin to know tolerance with yourselves in your attempt to do His will and in those who also do His will, whether they profess to or not.  Farewell.

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  I am glad to see that others are also applying themselves to their trade.  I am also going to invite another speaker to address fear.  My friends, I am asking a midwayer to come to you today since they have much more contact with that human condition than those of us who have not the cause for fear such as you purport to have.  One moment.

MIDWAYER:    Greetings, my friends.  No, I am not named.  You are aware of our designation.  I will select a name for you if you prefer.  You may call me Bill.  I am not making any particular association here.  It is only that there are so many Bills on this planet, would you not agree?  My attempt at humor was not lost on brother Kent . ..

Kent:    Brother?
BILL:   Cousin.
Kent:  Friend.  I hope.

BILL:   You are my friend.  Greetings, again.  I m delighted to be in your midst and to have this conscious contact with my mortal peers with whom I have worked so long and so diligently.  Yes, I am a secondary midwayer, therefore very close to you.  You are very dear and familiar to me.  I cannot say I am personally acquainted with each of you, yet I am certainly aware of all of you and am always eager to spend time with those individuals who begin to seek my assistance in their daily affairs.

My dear, dear associates, yes I am fully aware of fear, and I tell you why.  Because I work with it constantly and it is always in my way.  I am too familiar with fear.  It is a result of the human condition.  I have seen, however, in particular in those individuals who have begun to walk in faith, a transcendence of fear to the extent that it is a shadow of its former darkness.  My appreciation for fear in mortals is great, but my loathing for it knows no bounds.  I speak here not of your instinctual fears, which are necessary to survival, but those intellectual fears which are so bothersome and which so severely stand in the way of bringing joy and spiritual freedom, not to mention more fun and more love, into your lives.

This poor pitiful planet on which we tread water is inundated with fear to the extent that it literally reeks.  What, my friends, shall we say about fear?  `Fear is a master intellectual fraud practiced upon the evolving mortal soul', yes.  Your instincts are the initial root of fear.  You have a philosopher who has discussed the levels of fear in terms of need, that being animal/primary: food, drink, sleep, and those fears which were once, even in your own lives, active, necessary and valuable. 

Your evolution and your efforts are working for you to bring you up from the crevices of dark fear into, perhaps, more of a canyon where you have broader breadth of action, more fresh air to breathe in lieu of fear.  Your ability to maintain relationships preserves your sense of belonging, that you no longer have fear of isolation or overwhelming fears and feelings of abandonment.  It is also true that in your efforts you have sought and attained certain levels of material prosperity which has kept you out of the dumpsters and therefore your relative affluence is a testimony to your success, and therefore total mastery of debilitating fears in that regard.

There is no reason, really, for you to retain your fears.  My friends, you will find, if you give it a look-see, that fear is a bad habit.  You have your place.

Kent:    Excuse me, my friend, Bill. (Tape turned over).  Sorry for the disruption.
BILL:   May I proceed?
Kent:  Yes, thank you.

BILL:   I forgot where I was...  You have your path.  You have each had personal convictions.  You have your faith.  You have your literature.  You have your Teachers.  You have each other.  Your fears are real; I do not disdain your feelings.  I am only anxious that you put fear behind you and begin to walk fearlessly and promulgate your fearlessness into your environment. 

You say, `Oh, sure, so that I can be mugged,' but no, I am speaking of more quality reality than what some cartoon might come to mind.  I am speaking sincerely that freedom from fear is a level of attainment.  It is a language that I regard as music; and so seldom do I hear the notes of freedom played.  Feel for your friends who are trapped in fear, for it is `hell' of a grand order.  It is bondage! 

It is only temporary.  As you evolve, as you grasp the light, as you begin working in conjunction with your spirit neighbors, including such as I, you will forget to fear more often, and when you say, `Oh, this is something I ought to fear!' your other half, your evolving soul, your morontial personality, can say, `I did.  I looked at it.  And now I am going to do what I believe in my soul, heart, gut, that I must do, regardless of the vestiges of fear which remain.'  It is a weaning process, as any animal condition is a weaning process. 

Your civilization still flounders in fear, intellectual fear, which is how they function half the time.  If they are not scrambling for survival, they are thinking how to do something -- I will not elaborate.  But they are thinking, and thinking can be troublesome.  Feel, feel in your heart.  Go with the flow.  Tap in to the new energy levels which are available to you, by you, through you and your fellows. 

I would appreciate any help you can give in convincing your fellow man that fear is a pain in the neck because it interferes with your free flow of love to him and his free flow to you, and also to Our Parent.

My friends, I am finished for today.  I don't know what all that was about: I know that fear is; that it is something experienced much of the time; that people don't even know that often they are caught in a quagmire of fear.   But I do know it would be helpful if it did not so strongly prevail.  Bon voyage.

Group:   Thank you, Bill.

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  My dear associates, I will allot some moments for questions and or conversation among yourselves.  Your needs are my concern.  Have you questions?

Leetah: Yes, Tomas.  I have a question and perhaps a comment as midwayer Bill was talking about human fear and how destructive it is.  Immediately in my mind I thought of the Peace Pilgrim who I'm sure you know and who appeared to be absent of fear.   And then when he went on to talk about intellectual fear verses primitive fear I realized that physical fear of, you know, basic needs I can understand. But is intellectual fear that which you are fearing what people are saying, what people are going to say, thinking of you, how they are judging you?  Is that what midwayer Bill had in mind?  I really don't quite understand intellectual fear.

TOMAS:   I will let Bill respond.  [Long pause.]   Rather, I will respond.  Bill doesn't want to talk about it.  He is [long pause] more interested to see how I operate here.  I am going to rather reflect your question back to you, daughter, for you are a great follower of intellectual fear.  You are only human and this is a human emotion.  Yes, your reference to Peace Pilgrim has actually -- one moment.  Bill says to say he walked with Peace Pilgrim many miles and found her refreshing.  He is nodding his head.  I am stuck.  He … okay.

MIDWAYER:   I am Bill.  I have walked with Peace Pilgrim, yes, and am impressed with her courage, with her modus operandi, with her disciplined mind, with her total regard for faith.  She is perhaps a best example of how one can put aside fears for financial security, social security, personal security, physical security, in favor of spiritual security. 

She is perhaps an extreme example. It is not necessary for you to follow her example to the max.  But, she was a great woman, a great worker, in that she fulfilled her assignment, and did a fine job in the process.  Your job is not to give up your home, your stuff, your job and walk the dusty highways literally.  Courage is the key.  And having put in my praise of the specific devotion of Peace Pilgrim, I give you back to your Teacher to discuss the antitheses of fear.

TOMAS:   You are all subject to fears and these are almost always a result of conditioning.  Your conditioning is sick.  It is more damaging in some than others, more detrimental in some areas than others, yet you are all victims of conditioning, of fear-inducing reality.  Your entire society is established to keep you employed; your churches are actively engaged in advising you how to behave.  Those two facets of powerful influence are affecting you all the time. 

You need to recondition yourselves based on your relationship with your Creator.  I ask you to help solve this illness by asking your Mother/Father to teach you again what He would have you know, that those fallacies of conditioning, intellectual impressions, social behaviors, all that which you have experienced, be reviewed, be gleaned, that those remnants of intellectual fears be brought to your attention, that you be made aware of how you reacted in fear when an individual made a remark, when you saw something, when you smelled something, when you touched something. 

Fears are deeply ingrained.  Your primitive fears and your intellectual fears can be overcome, as witnessed by Peace Pilgrim.  Even she had fears, yet she was exemplary of how one can walk fearlessly through life knowing they are safe in the hands of destiny.

Leetah: Thank you, Tomas.  I'm assuming that, one, the intellectual fear that we all have, or -- I should speak for myself -- is the fear to change.  You know, I think how long it took me to intellectually accept some of the changes I believed in my inner gut before I acted on them because of fear, so, thank you very much.  That was very helpful.

TOMAS:   Yes, and you also reminded me that it is a great help in overcoming fear when you allow yourself new conditioning, for you see, those belief systems which you felt you needed to hold onto in order to prevail, yet which were relinquished in and allowing new belief systems to come in, was made easier by your association with peers who supported you in your changes, in your growth, including your Teachers. 

Be advised that belief systems also are intellectual unless they are in your actual Self, in your budding soul, thus we return to my colleague Daniel's favorite admonition, to daily experience your Self, your connection with divinity.  There is no fear in the presence of I AM.

Leetah: Thank you, Tomas.

Paula:  Tomas, I really appreciated both of our companions. Looking at the idea of truth and fear both as a part of the evolutionary process and development of our soul, and that the origin of -- and I'm not sure I'm phrasing this as they said it, but as I filtered it -- that the origin of both the truth that persons uphold at a particular time on a particular subject, as well as those fears, really do bespeak a place of real possibilities for development.   And I guess what that lesson is for me is it really does open up a new vehicle for compassion with those people with whom I say I'm highly intolerant of intolerance, and sheds a new way of looking at those things which I, by virtue of what I understand to be the will and divine love of our First Source and Center, our Creator, our Mother/Father and all those that surround us, as being so antithetical to that.  So thank you for that insight by our teachers this evening.

TOMAS:  So noted.  I realize you did not ask a question and yet I must convey to you that, having thus spoken so sincerely and intuitively and wisely, I am pleased to respond that I might share with you this parcel of communication, for you are correct in your perception.  It is a valuable perception and it will enlarge your approach to the relative perfection of those with whom you deal, even those who are in sore distress, in pain, and in fear.  Yet you will also see, in face of their fear and distress, their truth, their core, their attachment to and desire for growth and love and ultimate perfection.  My friend, you are correct.

Paula:  Thank you, Tomas. I appreciate your conversation.  And your comment.

Isaac:   I don't have a question, either, Tomas, but I do want to make a comment on our format for the evening.  My personal feelings are that it was very rewarding for me.  I enjoyed the new people that we met, that we haven't met before, but specifically calling for, well, in a sense, experts to speak to our questions was, I thought, most generous and most community enhancing.

Thank you for asking us what we thought and letting us have input into this and I really enjoyed myself a great deal.  I always enjoy these meetings but this was a very enriching format tonight in my opinion.  Thank you.

TOMAS:   You are certainly welcome, my friend, my loyal pupil.  I also have been enriched by this evening's experience and its fruits which I perceive already are making inroads into your paths of service.  I have immeasurably enjoyed our session.  I am grateful to Daniel for his camaraderie.  I am thrilled to be part of this Teaching Mission, this effort to upstep our peers, brothers and sisters, in the flesh and in the spirit.  It is our combined experience and I thank you for sharing it with me. 

My friends and loyal pupils, I am going.  I will be nearby this week and the next.  I am here and not going away for awhile.  Therefore, call upon me in your quiet times if you desire and I will likely avail myself for your companionship and mutual enlightenment.  Good evening.

Group : Good evening, Tomas.


DATE:  June 17, 1994
LOCATION:   Idaho Falls
TOPIC:  As You Pass By

TOMAS:   Good evening, my fellows, I am Tomas.  I am a Teacher.  I am pleased to be here this evening in your company, in your presence, and I am more pleased that you are willing to grow in understanding of the words and lessons and meanings of spiritual reality as has been provided in many ways, in particular, this evening, your exposure to our methods of relating to mortal beings our devotion to your spiritual upliftment and your realization of connectedness to spirit reality throughout the realm.

I understand that there is an adjustment in accepting such peculiar means of communication, and yet we have vested much in our efforts with mortals who eagerly seek truth in their lives and greater love among themselves.  We are not only pleased to be engaged in this experience with you, we are commissioned to proclaim our Father's love for you in such a way that you begin to realize His living reality in your existence and, as is a law in the universe, will begin to bestow what you have received. 

This living loving energy which we encourage is the gospel as Michael intended.  Long have your friends been handicapped by this intellectual appreciation for Jesus of Nazareth, and it is our intention to elevate this appreciation to exist as the gospel as he intended, not about himself, but about what he taught, as he lived as you:  mortal. 

Our lesson, if you will, this evening is `as you pass by'.  You are perhaps familiar with the text speaking of the Master's conduct in his daily humble life in his encounters with humanity, his neighbors, his friends and strangers who he encountered in his travels and in the marketplace.  We observe how you engage in your commerce today and are -- I do not want to say 'impatient' -- there are so many opportunities to serve as you pass by. 

There are little gestures that are opening to share with your fellow human beings the love which you have inside and which is eager to pour itself out upon your fellow men and women who languish in a sense of spiritual isolation in their unconnectedness with spiritual reality.  Any time you stop in your dealings to personally engage in acts of human kindness, in dialogue with your fellows, is occasion to encourage your fellow human being as you pass by.

Often your exchanges are perfunctory.  You are inclined to mind your business and be expeditious.  You feel compelled to do what you must do and get out of the way, return to your private arenas where you feel a sense of security and belongingness.  We would have you; rather, begin to consider your self to belong to a greater community. 

It is often the case that individuals lament when they are not treated more graciously in the public sector.  Rudeness is not the issue here.  It is that in each encounter it is possible to go deeper in your relating than exchanges of money or goods.  Each personal encounter, conversation, enlarges your neighborhood to include the Christ who lives inside each human being, Who is hungry for acknowledgement, Who appreciates your kindness, Who is often eager to share His own wisdom and experience. 

On occasion you may find an opportunity, then, to respond to your fellows in a way which provokes thought, which assuages fears, which encourages a sense of reality above and beyond the norm.  These human encounters are not difficult once you appreciate what a tremendous opportunity they are for your own sense of belonging, as well as your neighbor. 

Often -- Always an Indwelling Spirit is ready to hear something which They can take to heart to stimulate their mortal's mind processes in hopes of flashing some degree of God-consciousness, of divine love, of infinite reality, of wisdom or self-revelation, and these are not often done in isolation.  It is part of our mission to enlarge your scope of your community. 

It is not necessary that you limit yourselves to other readers of the Urantia Book or other people who work in your field or other people who attend your club, but strangers; indeed, those who look different, think different, act different.  From all corners, they are your family.  It is our ambition to bring the awareness of this family as children of the Most High into one harmonious organism.

Assuredly, underneath the facade, the fears, the roles and the many levels of value, is a Spirit Fragment in need of deeper, closer contact with its mortal.  We encourage such growth.

I am not going to go further with this concept this evening, for it is a beginning.  It is my hope that this short lesson will give you some concept of how we operate, what our motives and intentions are, and how we encourage and stimulate your own appreciation of your own active involvement in the living gospel of Christ Michael. 

I am, again, delighted with your presence here this evening. I am always glad to have eager ears and open hearts to address, as I then can have another opportunity to observe spiritual development, for it is true that as you plant your seeds they are watered and fertilized and raised to fruition by the light of the Son, and I delight in planting seeds and I encourage you to plant your seeds as you pass by. 

I am available should anyone choose to ask questions.

Kent:  Thank you, Tomas.  That was good.  It answered my opening prayer as to understanding the Father.  Your lesson on listening to and looking on our fellow mortals was good.  Thank you for recognizing Howard and Joanie and elaborating on what we discussed prior to the meeting, prior to your conversation.  Thank you.  My thanks to Gerdean for coming and being open to this for us this evening.  Thank you for coming to our home. 

Uh, I had questions I forgot.

TOMAS:   While you collect your thoughts, I will respond to your comments that I appreciate.  My son, it is my pleasure, as you know, and I am convinced that it is enjoyable for Gerdean as well.

My response to the presence of our friends Joanie and Howard has been as a result of their own willingness to expose their innermost soul to me, for I am responsive to their needs, as you know.  I am not so much affected by their external aspects as their internal reality. 

I apologize for referencing you in the plural for indeed, each of your identities is clearly evident and singularly delightful.  It is this mutual coming together to address matters of lasting value and personal import and soulful satisfaction that enables us to become closer in our united goals of uplifting our planet, your planet, and our lives, your lives. 

Have you, my son, prepared your inquiry?

Kent:  Well, my mind is drawing a blank, so I apologize. Your comment on living the gospel of Christ as it is written in the book, the Bible, the Urantia Book, and as the Teaching Mission and you yourself is teaching us, it's good to hear these words repeated, for each time they are, a different understanding comes forth -- in my mind, anyway, to understand my fellow man, and I guess that's what I've always asked for, and to understand my Father.  That's not a question, I guess.

I'm just delighted to have you here.  I knew you were coming for a week and I did not prepare any questions.  Does anybody else have a question they would like to ask?  Of any nature?

I would like to thank you for last week and our new-found friend, Bill.  Thoroughly enjoyable, and the Mighty Messenger.  It was, to me, a very light-hearted meeting, very -- I won't say intense, but very deep -- and I hope we have more of those sessions.

TOMAS:   Question mark?
Kent:  I could put a question mark on that, yes.

TOMAS:   I realize that human beings communicate largely through language, through vocabulary, through expression of words, although certainly there are other important methods of communication that supersede words, not the least of which is how I perceive your question to me, for this is a result of having ears to hear, and this is possible for all mortals who seek wisdom and who seek to be of service to their fellow man.  

The fact that you do not construct questions in an academic fashion is not to say that you do not ask questions.  And this is appreciated, for as in the young man who was afraid, Michael heard the cry of the lad and persisted until indeed the question was addressed and the answer was brought forth.  Indeed, the young man grew in stature and went on to serve.

Often your mere voicing your words in a form of thanks and observation such as in your reference to secondary midwayer `Bill', indicates to me that you are interested in the workings of midwayers in your lives.  This tells me, and correct me if my perception is wrong, that you are intrigued with the concept of spiritual life just outside your vision. And although intellectually it has been known to you for some time because of your absorbed interest in your text, it is yet another matter to realize that they are actively involved in manipulating your environment, that you are being observed and your behaviors and comments are being taken in by a host of celestial personalities.

This is part of what I meant when I made reference to your community, your neighborhood of living, loving reality, for not only are you involved in contact and effective liaison with your fellow human beings, you are also in contact and effective liaison with many spirit personalities, such as Bill.  It is not uncommon for the angels to administer their loving care to your human existence through direction over midwayers and in their various capacities, not excluding the ministrations to your aching muscles at the end of a hard day. 

It is encouraged that you be aware of these influences in your life for one day you will be able to perceive their presence with mortal eyes and not just eyes to see.

Kent:  You understood my non-question better than I.
TOMAS:   I try.
Kent:  Good depth.  A lot more to think about, to understand

TOMAS:   Thank you.  I appreciate when mortals appreciate our efforts, as we appreciate your efforts; and, again, this is community, this is one of our purposes, one of your purposes also.
Kent:  Something to think about, we read the paper on the Supreme.  It's a beautiful paper.  And one of my concepts I got out of that was/is that as the superuniverses, all seven of them, come into light and life and we all become one, does the universe, the superuniverse or our superuniverse stop expanding at that point?  Does creation stop at that point when we come to one with the Supreme?  Is there an end to that before we move to the next phase?  I'm speaking of all seven.

TOMAS:   May I respond?
Kent:  Yes, thank you.

TOMAS:   I ask you to envision a rose that has come from being a bud to its full and radiant bloom and I ask you then to conceive that this rose does not die, does not fade, but remains in this pure state of perfection.  It is such with the current evolutionary plan for your/our existing seven superuniverses.  As these indeed evolve into light and life and beyond, they are like the rose which grows more and more perfect in balance, in color, in fragrance, in beauty, in perfection. 

Yet, behold, there is a rosebud appearing on the bush which grows next in line in the garden, and therefore, no, creation has not completed but rather has perfected and expands upon itself in the manner of the original I AM, for now the Father, the Creator, the First Source and Center, has taken unto Itself that which has become the Supreme and this perfect condition is permanent.  Yet, in the grand universe, in the master universe, there are other realms to be created, to be fostered and developed and brought forth into perfection. 

You will recall that one of your prospective works in the distant future is your one day going out and contributing to the growth of other evolving life, which of course leads to much speculation, but assuredly, your work is not completed when the evolving Supreme is reached, has reached its pinnacle.  Have I shed any light on your question.

Kent:  Yes.  I understand that it's not over when the Supreme quits evolving at that point.  And I understood you to say that when the rose is perfect, when we are in light and life, that the next bud that comes will be perfect and the universe will continue to expand.

TOMAS:   Correction.  The bud I referenced is new life in the master universe.  That is yet another phase of creation and expansion.  Whether that bud is created perfect or not is a matter for you to discover as you set out on your rounds following the culmination of your own perfection attainment.

Kent:  Okay.  I've got to think that one over.

TOMAS:   Be advised, child, that you are mulling around in a very advanced concept.  It is not one which is easily absorbed, and it is entirely appropriate that you attempt to perceive the magnitude, the ultimate reality, the meaning of this Godhead, but it is not required that you conclude your understanding, since your understanding of the Supreme will grow as you grow, as it grows.  [Tape turned over]

Kent:  Sorry for the interruption.  I know that my reality will change, my concept of the supreme will evolve and that was a thought that did come to me as I read, as we read, about the Supreme the other night.  Thank you for that.  It is a deep subject and I appreciate your input.

TOMAS:   It is vigorous thinking material, yes.  Please bear in mind that I am limited in my knowledge, as well.  I have perhaps more experience, and yet I, too, am ascending and working on my own perfecting and my own understanding.  Like you, we speculate and in this we stimulate one another's imagination and appreciation of the manifold miracles manifested by our Father in his incredible creation.  I can only say that whatever concept you or I have, it will be infinitely more wonderful in the actualizing than we conceive, yes.

Kent:  Thank you.

TOMAS:   My inclination is to suggest that you learn, rather, to manifest your fledgling personality reality as you pass by here in your home town and trust that your enlargement of such concepts will be made clearer as you then begin to visualize some of the actual aspects of the Supreme in your existence today.  It is an adventure recognizing even with fleeting glimmers of understanding and appreciation, what wonders are in store. 

It is our hope that you will not put aside your chores waiting for Christmas to arrive, but rather, do your daily duty, be good boys and girls, for that way you will be certain to have this infinite gift upon your successful completion of your path.

My friends, I am enjoying my rapport with my son here, however, I am also eager to address your individual and/or several needs should you be willing to make that acknowledgement by expressing your reality in similar fashion.  Have we any takers?

Kent:  Any questions?

Howard: I don't know.  I have a question that may be more personal.  I've been brought up in Protestantism.  I've been around the world, a lot of other religions as a military man, no doubt about it, and then I come onto the Urantia Book.  I find it hard to believe a lot of things in the Bible, too.  I don't say I disbelieve them.  Having all my life been taught that there is one God, Who is absolute, and cannot become more perfect because He is perfect all the way.  He knows everything, He's all-powerful, and then I come in -- and I've known of other religions, too, you know, some in Asia, some in Asia Minor, Africa and that, and here in the United States.  Is this something that other people have, too, that they fight within themselves?  You're going along with one and then another thing enters your mind?  Even like the Bible, I still think that man's word intimate -- because I always thought of God as a loving Father, as Jesus told us He was, and yet the Old Testament would have Him have armies come in and kill every man, woman, child and animal!  I don't believe He did that.  And then, over here I believe God's love, and Christ Michael's love.  I wish I could express myself more eloquently.  My mind is within myself.  I have a time expressing myself, or sometimes even think about doing things and don't do them.  Am I unique or do we run into a lot of this on earth with mortals?

TOMAS:   How I have enjoyed your outpouring.  You have indeed expressed to me many fields, many meadows.  Yes, you are indeed one of many mortals who have this same mortal condition and this is fine. 

Your question about our perfect Creator is indeed our favorite subject, for we adore our Father, our Creator, who is also known by various people in various sects and religions as Buddha, Allah, Great Spirit, Yahweh and others.  It is part of the evolution of mankind that he grasp for and evolve religious systems which anchor him in certain aspects of reality at that time. 

These are the evolved religions and they are each worthy in that they supply some basic need to the evolving soul of the individual who subscribes to their rites and rituals, their philosophies, their leaders, their gods, and their methodologies.  They are overseen by our Father and their members are accounted as his loving children. 

Our Father is love.  Our local universe creator, Christ Michael, is love, lived a life exemplifying our Father's love made flesh.  Yes, these truths are evident to one who knows that he is cherished by his Creator.  The mortal condition, however, involves considerable ignorance and competition and vying among themselves for favoritism, for selection as ‘chosen people’. 

Each religion believes it is the truth.  Each religion has its truth.  But each member of each religion is the result the same Divinity.  When mankind evolves to understand that God is spirit, that there is a viable living relationship between them, and therefore between all mortals as well, then the coloration of the individual religious systems shall become more like cultures and they will be able to blend harmoniously in terms of differences. 

It is unfortunate that there are religious wars, that there are severe prejudices against other individuals' belief systems, for each has evolved his belief system according to his planetary level of operation including the day and age in which he is born, the community into which he is born, the country, the religion into which he is born, and indeed the planet on which he is born. 

Our Master, Christ Michael was born on this planet and we are very fond of this planet as a result.  It has undergone many set-backs and has experienced much turmoil in terms of not being able to raise itself up to God-consciousness as readily as it might have had it not had such set-backs, yet the religions which are in existence today are evidence of the evolving spiritual needs of its people. 

If the churches do not answer the true spiritual needs of its devotees, then chaos will continue and there will continue to be war, rumors of war, and religious war.  All men and women are brothers in the Spirit.  It is our goal, our commission.  We have been instructed.  Michael wants his children to come together. 

Our question, too, is your question.  How do we merge His children when there are so many factions separating them?  We call upon you to transcend religion, to transcend race, to transcend differences and begin to promulgate the living truth that you and your brother are one under our Father, that we are family, we are community, and we are together in our ascension plan. 

You give me much to address, my son, and you have fed my purpose by your graciousness.  I hope I have been able to address some of your needs for I love you and I appreciate your work in the field, in your mind, in your heart, in the Spirit.

Howard:   These things, you see, I believe Christ Michael was here, died for me.  God, I'm glad to hear that I'm not the only one that -- my mind goes back and forth.  Kent and I talked about Thought Adjusters and I need somebody to control my feelings a lot, or analysis, but you have answered most of my -- I fully believe in this.  And I'm thankful I'm not the only one that has these problems.  They're really not problems, but...  Which way do I turn?  Which way do I go?  What do I truly believe?  What is hereafter? 

I remember when I was a very young child, my grandparents; my grandfather was a religious man.  My concept of heaven was white clouds; you're like an angel with wings.  I've grown up since then and know more of reality, particularly through the Bible and the Urantia Book.  I thank you very much.

TOMAS:   You see, you answer your own question by saying "I once perceived of God being on a white cloud" and now you see otherwise. This is your own personal evolution, growing up and realizing that God is more than a light upon a cloud, but that He indwells you and impacts on how you feel about yourself and how you deal with your fellow human beings.  This truly is our realm of operation, our goal.  It is spirit.  It is not religion. 

We have no commission to start a new religion.  There are enough religions already.  We are engaged in activating individual spirit consciousness to bring together, to bring forward in mutual love and respect these peoples of this planet into an appreciation for the love of our infinite Creator, yes.

I am not impatient.  I am not inclined to provoke you before you are ready.  I only want to say that I am not gender-biased.  I also respect womankind, and would enjoy intercourse with any of you present.  I see I have chosen an incorrect word.  Please understand I am a Supernal Teacher.  I am unmindful of the human sensibility occasionally.  You see, I too am learning.  I am assured however I have not offended any soul present, as I can feel your human kindness radiate. 

My friends, I am going to conclude this session if I may.  I am learning from my compatriot, Daniel, to always leave you with an assignment which, as loyal, dutiful pupils are inclined to do, you will work on as you go forward into your arenas and ponder until we next meet.  I therefore assign you the task of understanding that your fellowman is your brother, not on the outside yet, but on the inside, truly. 

Reach into your own spiritual resource.  Identify yourself with your own God Fragment, that you may better perceive, that you may better understand, that you may better appreciate that your fellows in the flesh are also indwelt by a perfect Fragment of our Father, our Mother, our universal Parent, our Creator. 

Again, I appreciate your kind attendance and your attention to my words.  Go in peace and in appreciation of our undying appreciation for you in your efforts to make sense of this life, and to find meaning and satisfaction in your experience.  Farewell.

Kent:  Thank you, Tomas.  Thank you for your lesson on humor, and we give you our love.  Thank you.


DATE :  June 24, 1994
TOPIC:  Detachment

TOMAS:    Good evening, my friends and companions.  I am Tomas.  I am your Teacher.  I am one of many Teachers. 

My heart is gladdened by your response to our Mission, for your contribution, for your effort on behalf of your fellows, and in honor of our Lord.  Many are in attendance this evening. 

It is not often that we find such jubilance as is in evidence in your essences this evening.  It is not a rambunctiousness born of youth, but rather a wellspring of satisfaction from having tasted life's riches, bounties, joys, fruits.  We are, on this side, encouraged with the maturity which is generated during your growing seasons, based upon your willingness to take to heart those words which we Teachers offer and which you make your own and then spread forth in your adapted behavior resultant. 

Your discourse prior to my taking the podium indicates your aspiration to maintain and reflect such qualities of wisdom and maturity as will reveal your associations with spirit reality, not from piousness or self-righteousness, but from actual knowledge, experience and wisdom resultant.

Results are apparent to us even when you are not convinced you are or we are.

My friends, I am again eliciting your assistance in establishing our format for this evening.  We are many and yet there is a distinct chord of agreeableness among you.  Perhaps we should call upon a Morontia Companion to abide with you for awhile.  My other celestial volunteers are too numerous to mention, yet we hasten to your aid in whatever capacity we may serve.  I will recess briefly.  [Group conference]

TOMAS:   You see, you are more jubilant than you had perceived yourselves to be.
Kent:  Silly, perhaps.

TOMAS:   Quite so.  And yet, are you not, in fact, children and are not children, in fact, entitled to delight in play and in one another? 

Your sundry requests are all registered despite the lapse of recording equipment.  I acknowledge the merits of an address on judgment, on imagination, on assignments, and on celestial gossip.  Your various needs are noted and I am going to veto your suggestions since there was no consensus.  I will, however, address imagination in part and I will first discuss with you detachment.

You say `What has detachment to do with anything?' in particular in the face of our discussions this evening; and I say to you that your ability to experience detachment is, in fact, what is enabling you to experience such harmony and joy.  It is a result of detaching from ties that bind, from belief systems that are passé, from individuals who are not in your best interests, from fears which do not concern you, from troubles and ills which you cannot fix. 

Your detachment is a badge of honor in support of your commitment to spiritual reality.  You cannot completely commit yourself to His will, to His plan for you and for His nation, His Kingdom, unless you have understood detachment from kingdoms of men and material aspects of your earthly existence. 

When I make reference to material existence in terms of detachment, I am not suggesting you sell all you have and walk with Peace Pilgrim or, like the rich man, sell all you have to enter the Kingdom, no.  I am suggesting you review those things which are dear to you and count the cost, if only in your imagination, for in so doing, you will ascertain how important these things, these individuals, these circumstances, these relationships, are to you and to what extent they augment or interfere or curtail your understanding of your doing His will. 

I understand your distress at conceivably weighing the merits of your priceless treasures and beloved fellows.  Count the cost and should you find that, in the counting, you are unable to let go, then ascertain for yourselves to what extent you are willing to give all that you are, all that you have been and all that you can be to bow before the cross as you have done in your minds. 

No, I am not intending to burden you with serious pondering, but only to remind you that as you investigate these concepts are you fed, are your soils given nutrition for your growth. 

Your curiosity regarding assignments is intriguing and it is perhaps for that reason I offer you opportunity to ascertain your own commitment capacities.  You well know that you are all beloved children of the Father and the Mother.  Your work is needed and desired and appreciated, but to the extent that you are committed will you be fostered. 

Your assignments, if you will, have great bearing on your homework in this lesson.  Detachment allows you freedom to operate.  How free do you want to be?  How free is necessary or wise?  Your understanding of your armor and your tools are considered, for in your willingness to take on an assignment, you must know what you bring to bear on the assignment. 

We will have a great conference.  We are all eagerly anticipating the conjoint energies and added momentum of your committed zeal and your faith. 

I am not going to bring out the job jar and assign spiritual chores.  I am in conjoint harmony with my peers and it is in conjunction with them that these matters will be revealed.  Um.

DANIEL:   I am Daniel.  I am making my way cross country and am soon to be infiltrating your area again with my personality. My friends, I have been made aware of your comings and goings, your growths, your joys, and have in fact taken time to investigate personally when I have had opportunity.  We have been busy, industrious and fruitful on the road. 

My children, my friends, I wanted to take advantage of this open channel to greet you and convey to you in person, if you will, how I have missed our gathering and how much we have also enjoyed our sojourn.  My friends, I am reminded to convey to you Michael's words to "be of good cheer" and do not let this cohort of mine dampen your spirits.  Do not detach from me.  I am stuck with you and am eager to feel your whole circle again soon.  Good evening.

Group: Good evening, Daniel.

TOMAS:   Well, I am Tomas and, yes, I am happy that my experienced compatriot reminded us all of our incredible lightness of being, for if we are not enjoying our own rapport and our own format, we are not doing something right. 

My friends, I have elaborated sufficiently regarding detachment in reference to your capabilities to meet your assignments.  I am willing, if you are, to address any specific questions relating to my words or your thoughts.  [Long pause]  I am concerned that I was too heavy, and that you are all now weighing your mate and your china.  I recall some commentary prior to my discourse.  Maybe we should bring back midwayer Bill.

Leetah: One reason that I always am hesitant to ask questions is that so often certain of us do a lot of the talking.   So that's why I was quiet a while ago. And detachment was a very good word because I immediately thought of something that I had heard in my past, that if anything I have has to be, then it has me rather than me having it.  And it was a very good reminder that all of the relationships that we have, our intellect, all of our professions, our jobs, our material things in our home really have to be looked at with detachment.   I appreciate that word.  That's a very good word for me to use. 

A question I had that might be muddling far beyond where we should be, but I do think it has something to do with my own personal spiritual growth and understanding, is the section that I'm reading about circles, the attainment of circles before entering Paradise.  It was rather discouraging to me to realize that the ascendant creatures can get all the way to circle three and realize they aren't going to make it and are sent back to the spheres of time and space but in a different universe. Is that muddling?   Or could you comment on that?

TOMAS:    Can comment, yes.  And no, when you are speculating or pondering matters not normally in your realm, that is not negative activity.  It is, however, immaterial to your actualizing process.  Even so, you are growing and learning that if, for example, you were in college and had not learned basic biology, you may need to return to seventh grade to catch up.  That would be a devastating judgment, but if you are that far advanced as to be in third degree enlightenment, your further experience is not punishment, but adventure. 

Your race is goal oriented.  Your culture is focused on the end, the goal, the reward, the culmination; and as you advance beyond this system of things you will find your divine path allows for great variation.  If you were sent back, for instance, to spend an eternity with celestial artisans doing what you love to do, that you would feel more replete in your craving for perfection, that would not be regarded as a disappointment, no, but a fulfillment, an opportunity to begin again your learning process in a new area. 

Thus, even though that is many eons removed from where you are today, the truth holds true even so.  For in your spiritual path, in order for you to gain experience, it is sometimes necessary that you veer to the left, or to the right, or even reverse your steps in order to gather that experience, that knowledge, that wisdom that will contribute to your overall development as a personality and as a soul.  Am I responding to your inquiry?

Leetah:   Yes, Tomas.  That was very good.  Very complete and a much more positive attitude with that possibility.  Thank you very much.

Isaac:  Tomas, I guess I am about to ask you a question directly.  Are you authorized and inclined and/or inclined to comment on the status of the Melchizedek materialization and the universities?  This has not been something that's been discussed tonight but some of us have been reading Norson and Androneson and hearing news; and are you either authorized and/or willing to tackle that.  If you're not I understand and accept that.

TOMAS:   Understood.  Your phrasing of your question is similar to the phrasing of my response, for yes, I am willing and yes I am authorized, but I am not altogether informed.  I am in process of developing some schemes, indeed, which we are formulating toward that end.  If you want to see the specifications of the classroom, I cannot accommodate.  If you want the index to the curriculum, I am not the correct party to approach.  There are assuredly those who have the lists in hand and you will notice that initially we Teachers were assigned in a somewhat formal fashion to deliver fairly formal, if not stylized, lessons from the master plan.  And yet as we have muddled around in human realms of operation we have modified our approach, we have learned much, we have learned often more than we bargained for.  And this is true in establishing our literal, physical -- not only schools or universities or temples, but other ideologies as well. 

It is in progress. It is forming, in part, through communities such as this one and others that are mushrooming around the globe.  You are active participants in bringing forth a new era, a new age, and as you have already become cohesive individually and communally, you will also evolve your own curriculum and literal contributions. 

You are being aided in this process.  We are doing this together.  We are not going to hand it to you on a silver platter for, as you know, your decisions and your willingness to participate are integrally involved and you would not have it otherwise, Yet we are here, outside your vision, holding your hand, stroking you, patting you on the back, giving you things to think about, setting one foot in front of the other and guiding you into creating your own new world. 

Yes, your question is profound, and rightfully curiosity-inducing, for this is your future.  This is the seedlings of tomorrow.  As I have said before, it is not for you to become whole and happy and well only for yourselves, but for those who come after you, for those who see your victorious path, your triumphant march into unknown realms on faith and in company with other mortals and also your heavenly hosts.   Any further questions in that context?

Isaac:  You certainly discussed it very broadly.  I really wasn't primarily thinking of curriculum or that sort of thing.  I was wondering if you were willing to confirm or disconfirm the reports we hear that Androneson and Norson are actually materialized.  There are some who are skeptical of that, others who believe it, and I read the transcript and I'm inclined to believe it.  But that specifically is what I wanted to know -- if you were willing to comment on.  Thank you for the other.  It was wonderful.  Yes, that is my specific question.

TOMAS:   I am going to respond this way.  I am going to decline to respond, and I will tell you why.  Because, quite frankly, I would send this transmitter/receiver into borderline psychosis if she, in fact, said words that she later didn't believe herself.  Therefore, in respect for her, I will not respond; however, I am also eager to have this confirmation made public.

Isaac:  Okay.  Thank you very much, Tomas.  I think that's great.  If I were a T/R working with you right now I would prefer that answer to anything that might come through my mind.  I understand that.  That's enough from me.  I'll stop talking.

Paula:  Tomas I apologize for the interruption when I came in.

TOMAS:   My child, your presence is welcome and you are a flower to behold.  Your arrival was, as they say, right on time.

Leetah: I was going to ask another curiosity question.  The Morontia Companion that you mentioned was here tonight, obviously we are not morontia beings yet and so I have a curiosity question.  Why are they here unless they are preparing us for future students and is that time soon?  [Group laughter]  Oh, I'm really foolish.  [More laughter]

MORONTIA COMPANION:   Good evening, my friends, I am pleased to be in your presence.  My friend Tomas has indicated it might be appropriate for me to make contact with you in this interesting fashion for I have observed many times and my associates have even been involved in this active voicing of words and attitudes before. 

Your understanding of morontia is limited and you are not giving yourself credit for the reality which you are in fact now developing yourself.  You are already beginning to perceive mota, you are aware of spiritual energy; you begin to recognize personalities before you identify the figure. 

These are morontial activities and it is certainly not expected of everyone, however anyone who has devoted so much energy, time, attention and effort into developing their spiritual nature such as you have in your devotions, in your relationships, in your humanitarianism, it is a natural recourse. 

My dear daughter, I see your light clearly.  I sense your soul strongly and I delight in your personality expression.  How is it then that you wonder why I would opt to converse with you?  I am only morontial.  I am not perfect.  I am, however, companionable and enjoy any opportunity to leisurely converse and remind one another of our filial fiduciary duties.  I am going to sit here for a moment and give you an opportunity to engage in our rapport if you will.

Leetah: First of all, I guess I need to apologize.  I was being very light and foolish and silly and I thank you for making me much more aware of what the morontial experience is and I thank you for the compliment.  I would not -- I did not realize I would not believe of myself that indeed you could be on that level on this plane and so I was really making jest, and I do thank you very much.

MORONTIA COMPANION:   I hasten to say, too, that I have not always had the freedom to make these kinds of visitations.  You can well understand that prior to the opening of the circuits, we were constrained from visiting Urantia and other quarantined worlds.  We occasionally were afforded the opportunity to come to call, yet it was only by permission.  This new unveiling of exchange is now possible.

Isaac:  You mentioned seeing our lights and we've heard that phrase before by Tomas and other teachers and I presume you are saying that with morontial vision we're seen.  Are souls light?  Do I understand that correctly?

MORONTIA COMPANION:   Actually, my son, what I see is energy.  I see energy in a fashion that calls attention to itself.  You are not diffused.  You are radiating energy.  You will recall the story that angels' wings are visible as a blue light in their movement.  You are a certain identifiable movement and we use the phrase `your light'. 

It is not light in the sense that you know light, but you do understand `embraced by the light' and certain other `pilot light' phrases indicating spirit reality.  We are `in the light' already.  We are not needful of your light to brighten our path, but we see the energy emanating from you as you desire to develop your morontial soul and as it becomes more identifiable, it is as light to us, as you have been so dense for so long.  As a planet, my boy, not as an individual.

Isaac:  Thank you.  That's very clear.

MORONTIA COMPANION:  Your friend, my friend also, but your friend who transmits Daniel's words is in evidence when she moves her hands, as is Rebecca.  This vehicle is more loose with my presence than with her teacher Tomas.  For him, she sits up straight.  She is a good student.  With me, she feels, my flow responds in her and she is more inclined to move freely.  Your morontial soul is part of you to the extent that your awakening soul is a part of you.  Give credit to your development and the development of your other earthlings. 

It is not everyone who seeks communication with spirit reality, but you know, we companions do this all the time and it is delightful to be able now to reach into your realms of operation to encourage you to come up to the companionship such as you will enjoy on the Mansion Worlds. 

Actually as you in your group this evening and on many other marvelous occasions have manifested, you are operating quite naturally as budding morontial beings.  Your good humor, your worship, your fellowship, is precisely that which we will develop further in our many eons together.  My pleasure it is to spend time with you, young saplings.

Leetah: Could I just ask one question?  I'm sitting here with such a foolish question, but obviously the Teachers are morontial companions and I have just equated that.  It seems so silly a comment, but of course we are in contact with morontia companions when you consider the relationship we have with celestial Teachers.  Am I correct?

MORONTIA COMPANION:   In part. Your Teachers are indeed teachers. They are instructors.  They are counselors.  They are trained and designated as members of the Teaching Corp.  They have a job to do.  You know, for example, your personal teacher is altogether in essence and in manner different than the Teachers of the Teaching Mission. 

Yes, they have traversed morontial worlds and, yes, they have known morontia levels of reality and, generally speaking, yes, they are morontial.   However, they are not Morontia Companions in that they are not as encouraged to be companionable as we are.  We are indeed intended to be companionable and not particularly teachers.  You see the difference?

Leetah: Yes.  Thank you.

MORONTIA COMPANION:   My addendum to that would be I know of no Teacher who has not spent time in depth with the Morontia Companions.

Leetah: Thank you.
Isaac:  You're an angelic order, are you not?

MORONTIA COMPANION:   Forgive my lack of response.  I defer to your text.

Isaac:  I wasn't trying to catch you there.  I was just thinking that . ..

MORONTIA COMPANION:  My friends, I am privileged to have had a moment with you this evening.  It is not often that the Teachers will admit Companions for such as we have shared, for they are diligent in their spiritual lesson plan as is instructed by our Master.  But I have intensely enjoyed this contact and I will certainly take a rain check whenever your Teachers find it advisable for you to engage in such as we have.  My blessings are upon you and our kind wishes remain here with you in your efforts to ascend.  Adieu.

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  I have enjoyed our evening, and yet I am going to bring it to a close for we have been industrious this evening.  I am not giving you any further assignments.  In fact, I eschew the word for now.  Your review of our lesson for the evening will give you more than enough in our upcoming week or two.  Thank you for your presence here this evening.  Your willingness, and willingness is certainly not all that you bring, is deeply felt and appreciated and enjoyed by us.  As my colleague Daniel advises, as Michael exhorts, be of good cheer until we meet again.  Farewell.

Group: Farewell, Tomas.


DATE:  July 1, 1994
TOPIC:  Ruts and Routines

DANIEL:   Greetings my friends, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  It is a good feeling to be back with you this evening after the absence of the past weeks. I am very much aware of the capable hands that this group was left with.  Tomas and company have done a magnificent job in bringing forth and encouraging more spiritual growth, more personal attunement.  And to all I say thank you. 

At a time of meeting one's desires there is always a question as to the spiritual validity; that is, is this desire one of the base animal instinctive wants? or is it one that brings the material consciousness and the life into higher spiritual realms?  My children, let me again put forth this idea that whenever you make a deliberate attempt to worship the Father/Mother/Parent of us all, whenever you work to understand and know this great Being, then through that one desire and motive you are given guidance and answers.  Therefore one of rational integrity, one of intellectual capacity cannot then stray too far from following the will of the First Source and Center.  It is those who deny their spiritual selves, their awareness of their dual nature, those who completely close themselves off or shut doors to spiritual guidance who fall to the wayside of not being able to interpret or follow the pathway of reaching potential, of finding the Source.  Those who are in tune are within the pathway parameters, veering slightly off the road on occasion, but generally within the confines of that pathway.

And so the timeless words that Leetah has spoken to love God will indeed help one to follow the pathway.  Love God and you cannot help but do as you would wish, as He would wish as well.

Today's lesson is about ruts.  What is a rut?  It is not some furry animal as was given thought to by our comical celestial friend that has gathered with us today.  Always is this being trying to think in human terms!  The rut that I refer to is that which is routine for you. 

Routine is an important part of your lives in that it establishes some sort of organization, some form of being able to carry on in a predictable fashion through a daily process, or weekly, monthly, yearly, seasonal, the like.  Routine is that which helps you to maintain a base and to maintain a sort of reality about life.  Those who have no routine are those who are scattered in such diverse ways that not only are they mentally and physically disarrayed, but often spiritually as well.  Hence there is a good side to the routine of a day. 

The downside is when routine becomes drudgery and becomes that which does not support the individual for growth and change.  This is the other extreme of the individual who has no routine, for this individual who becomes so ingrained as to close off themselves from growth also closes down opportunities for mental and spiritual growth and physical challenge. 

A person who is able to allow routine to be a guiding point in their life, but who also welcomes input from all areas is one who can continually throughout all of life move beyond the infantile state.  They can move into higher realms of consciousness, physical endurance, and mental challenge.

It is our desire as teachers to help you and remind you when your life is becoming too routine to the exclusion of allowing for growth and change.  It is always a feeling of security to remain in a rut, in that by doing so one can be complacent, one does not need to feel discomfort by challenges and change.  However, as one begins to dig deeper and deeper into the rut, and as one closes themselves off, they will reach a point where, again, they will begin to feel discomfort and not be at ease because they are, in fact, so cut off from the world that the others who have moved on have created, then, a new society, a point of progress that is difficult and unacceptable in many ways to the person caught in their own little rut.  And so at that point, then, they must either put up with what is happening, dig the rut deeper, or try to change. 

It behooves all to not allow the ruts to become so deep.  Visualize, if you will, a highway that is heavily traveled by many of your heavy semi-trucks.  In the one lane there develops these ruts.  These can be considered the ruts of a daily routine.  You will know, my friends, that you are OK if you are able to drive out of the ruts into the other lane and continue to progress.  You will know that you are in danger if you can visualize a snowy street that has been laden with many, many inches of snow that has melted and hardened and ruts have formed in which you cannot drive out of; or visualize sinking mud that you cannot get out of.  You are in danger if your wheels are in these kinds of ruts.

Routine, then, is an ally and an enemy at the same time.  It is your attitude and your ability, your desire to control this routine that will determine whether you can change lanes or whether you must do the very hard work of digging out.  As you well know it is easier to slowly change and grow over time than to have to dig out and strain and apply much stress and pressure to get out of the deep rut.

As you walk the planet this week notice the ruts, the routine.  Check those areas in which you are a free glider or are stuck.  Seek prayer and prayer time that guidance may be given, that ruts or grooves that are deep can be lessened, that growth can continue.

Tomas will be available should any have questions regarding last week's lesson or the lesson for this week.  We will both now accept questions."

Isaac:  Daniel, Tomas, this is Isaac.  And I just want to say that it was a very thought provoking lesson.  I certainly felt like I was in a rut in a way during the last part of this work year, and this summer is providing me with some new opportunities.  I really don't have a question except what you have commented on makes perfect sense to me.  Perhaps I'll have a question later.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Thank you Isaac for your words.  Indeed is it necessary and advantageous for there to be times in one's life where there can be a break so that routine that is becoming difficult and entrenching, that it can be broken and new pavement, so to speak, poured, so that there can be a lessening of entrenchment.

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel, for your lesson tonight, and certainly welcome back.  We have missed you.  And both the lesson tonight on ruts and the lesson last week, detachment, seems to me kind of a paradox because you made reference to the fact that ruts can be our enemy and routine can be an ally if we keep those things in balance.  And detachment and attachment sometimes is a paradox also to me because there are certain things that I choose to be attached to -- in fact the tape that I was listening to talked about what you value most in your life and things, material things popped into my mind; and then I went -- Oh, no, God.  Then the next question on the tape was, 'Now imagine your world without what you value so much'.  We know that without God we would not even exist.  And yet there are certain things that you must have -- like I said, it is a paradox.  And so I really appreciate so much the lessons I heard because it all has to do with how we live our life daily and our attitude as you mentioned.  It is just a constant reminder to keep things in balance.

DANIEL:   Indeed, these can seem as paradoxes to the finite mind.  But in spiritual realms that which you on a material plane find is needed or that you become attached to, in the spiritual realm is unnecessary.  And so that which is lasting is that which will always be a part of you.  It cannot be detached for it is of the One, from the One and cannot be attached in any material sense.  Are you seeing?

Leetah: Yes, thank you Daniel.

PamElla: Daniel, I just want to thank you for the confirmation of the thoughts that I had after you gave me my assignment, the confirmation you made at the beginning, at the start of the lesson, that if we indeed are desiring to do God's will and to love God, that we cannot stray very far from the path.  And therefore it is safe to do what we want rather than what we 'should'.  In some ways I see that assignment that you gave me as being related to this assignment, tonight, in that sometimes those 'shoulds', those routines become our 'shoulds', and that it is very freeing, then, for me and frightening to think of what the experience is going to be like to do what I want.  It will certainly take me out of the ruts of my 'shoulds' that are derived from my social history, I guess.  So thank you.  I see how that all fits together, or beginning to.

DANIEL:    Indeed is it difficult for one to embrace change.  Fear is a natural parasite of change.

PamElla: Thank you, Daniel.

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  I am, as you, pleased to have our teacher Daniel back in our midst.  I am fully confident of Daniel's ability to respond to any well turned questions you would propose to him.  I am going to relieve this TR from further attention in this context so that she can relish Daniel's teachings as well.  I want to say I love you all and bask in your loyalties and hunger for spiritual understanding.  I will talk with you anon.  Farewell.

Gerdean: Daniel, this is Karen.  And I say Karen particularly because I am feeling very `feet of clay'.  You really did address what I feel.  I am going to turn into a Kelly here with my bladder up here in my brain (laughter), but I feel really fragile, emotionally fragile and somewhat depleted.  But I feel stuck and I haven't felt stuck since I felt stuck on my job that drove me, that motivated me, that finally (I had been in that rut for so long), I was able to turn the page and do something about it.  So I haven't felt a rut for a long time and it's kind of terrifying. 

I feel spoiled.  I really feel like I have a lot of nerve running any kind of negative emotion or feeling at all, because I know how much I have to be grateful for when I take the time to really allow myself to experience.  It is real clear that I am really fortunate.  But I feel stuck!  And when we were talking about a friend getting his book published, it just drives me to distraction!  I am so jealous it makes me ill!  I can't understand why I am guided in certain ways and then the door shuts!  I am not saying that this is God's fault or even that I am misreading the cues.  I am garbled!  I know what my questions are, but it is really great to be able to talk to you.  And I really respect your giving nature.  And I have a new respect, too, for your TR.  Anyway, I know you know how to respond to the soul's needs, so I will give you that.  You can ignore, but if you say something, I would appreciate it.

DANIEL:   Gerdean, my dear, let me remind you that you are human and in being human you are subject to the whims of mental ups and downs.  You are subject to the whims of that which unfolds in life.  You are subject to the limited perception and understanding of the big picture of which we teachers speak all the time.  And it is truly frustrating for ascending mortals; I know whereof I speak having been in the same circumstances as all of you at another point in time.

It is OK that there are times when you are in a rut.  You are not perfected; you are not spirit yet.  Therefore, there will be many times when there are trenches that surround you.  What is necessary to remember is that you are momentarily in a trench, or you can permanently remain there, and slowly die.  Indeed, your willingness to serve, your desire to know, and your courage to take steps as you have in the past testify to your ability to get up and transcend the rut, the trench. And so this downtrodden time for you does not mean it is lasting. 

My dear friends, all of you, do not become victims of your own mind.  Rather, at times when you are feeling these down moments seek that Inner Guide first, trusting, really trusting that in time, at the right moment, that which is needed will be provided.  Do no look at the whole at times like this.  See far enough into the distance to keep your thread of hope alive, but take each moment of life as it comes, knowing that this is but one day in a lifetime; that as the sun goes down on this day that it also rises on the next horizon.  And true to form, biological rhythms can and do rise and fall.

Your down time stems from many areas.  There is not just one cause.  And so, my dear, do not think that this time of being pitted is because of any one circumstance. 

The time for your book to be published is in the works.  There is, my dear friend and all of you, a definite flow in life and a definite flow in patterns that must be met in order for there to be progress, change, and evolution.  Those things that are considered before their time do not bring forth the needed or necessary change in the individual.  Those things that burst forth at the right moment change many.  Have patience that at that right moment the opportunity will be there.

Personally you are at a stalemate with a nagging habit that tends to bring you to depths of not feeling totally secure and confident in your ability.  All habit changing, whether they be addictive mentally or physically are not easy to dissolve.  It becomes a series of mind games and it, in the end, must be the mind of change that must take control.  At present this aspect of your being has not made the commitment and therefore that which is not only physically but mentally addictive is not capable of change.  When the mind can concentrate fully on this one aspect, then there can be this change.  It must be an avenue that your whole attitude and energies focus, for it will be a radical change in the whole electro-chemical makeup as well as the routine patterning of the past.  Through prayer one is enriched and fortified and given strength.  Through intellectual understanding of the ramifications of this habit there is given intellectual strength and understanding to fortify and support change.  With these two intact and the mental taking precedence then the physical will, in time, relinquish its dominance. 

My dear continue the prayer and with true desire and willingness and the understanding that a war will be raged within your being, you can override and overcome this habit.  It will be one of the greatest battles you will fight, but victory is possible, is imminent, will happen if this becomes your will, knowing fully that it is always the will of the First Source and Center that all of His creatures be well in mind, body, and spirit.  While you are on this plane of existence this material body houses the pure Fragment of the Source. 

My dear friend, you are a courageous and gallant individual.  You have risen above many circumstances in your life.  You have tolerated much.  You have been able to lay to level many trenches that encapsulated you in the past.  The present one is but another barrier that you can very capably, nobly, and admirably escape from.  You have much support on your earthly plane with your friends.  You have much support on the spiritual plane with your many friends, your guides and teachers. 

And so during those lonely moments, when the battle rages inside, call upon those friends in both worlds to aid you at those times when the cannons are the loudest, when the fires of discontent, of wanting and craving, rage the hardest.  Allow that this time is given that this battle can be won, that you are in a time span where there is in many respects a lessening of certain tensions, and at a time when you are brought into a community of love.  I hope that these words will be of benefit for you and that in some way they can be also solace, but more importantly that they be the challenge that calls your deepest wants and desires.  Does this help?

Gerdean:   Of course it helps, Daniel.  It is tremendously helpful.  You underestimate yourself.  Thank you so much.

DANIEL:   You are welcome, my dear.  And to all of you might I add that when you are part of a community you all feel the needs of one another.  It is important that in love and in community that you bond and support each other.

Leetah: Daniel, one of the thoughts that I have on this issue is in supporting Gerdean, would daily healings be the thing that would help at this time?

DANIEL:   Indeed, healings are an important avenue for it not only supports a person through the healing ministry of the Father's love, Life Carriers and Physical Controllers and other universal energies, but it also provides the camaraderie and aspect of the healing ministry that is necessary for one to mend from all areas of life, physical, mental and spiritual.

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.

Isaac:  Daniel, is there anything more that we can do for our friend Joshua in Salt Lake that we haven't thought of or any suggestions that you have?

DANIEL:   Besides your continual prayers there is the ministry of sending healing via the circuits in which you send your love daily to this fine man.  The suggestion earlier needs to be followed up on, and your personal ministry when available is also helpful as has been discussed.

Isaac:  Thank you.  OK in addition to just praying for a person we can ask for healing over the circuits.  Is that what you meant?

DANIEL:   Yes.
Isaac:  Thank you, Daniel.

PamElla: Daniel, this is probably curiosity.   My question is how does asking for healing over the circuits differ from prayer and why isn't it being done without us asking?

DANIEL:   The healing circuitry is just another form of prayer.  Prayer directed constructively, purposely, directionally, focused and in concrete terms is necessary for you, the individual, to consciously become aware of that which you pray for.  When you visualize a person who you are praying for you are then thereby connected to this person.  And in praying in the manner of which I have just spoken you create a bond that helps you to consciously lift yourself as well as the other individual into a greater sense of being open for the prayers to be answered.  No prayer can be answered if the person rejects opportunities for them to be answered.  Does this help?

PamElla: Yes, Daniel.  I know it is a repeat of a question I asked about a year ago.  It does help.  And slowly someday I will have deeper understanding of that process.

DANIEL:   It is indeed a process.  And, indeed, it is helpful to ask questions time and again.  For in each answering another level/peak can be realized.

PamElla: Thank you, Daniel.  You are always so gracious.

Leetah: Daniel, I have just asked permission from Alice to ask you about your comment to her when she first came to our group.  And it was something I have not heard you say to any other person and that was that you have been watching with interest her approach to the group.  I don't know if this is also curiosity but I just wondered if you would comment and enlarge whatever thoughts you may have had?  [Long pause]

DANIEL:   Sorry for the delay.  It was -- we had a discussion that you were not able to hear.  The comments were not meant as stating that Alice did anything outstanding, anything above the ordinary or unnatural in coming to this group, but rather that given the nature and circumstances surrounding this study group in Pocatello she came not knowing what fully to expect.  But being the type of individual she has always been she came with a mind open she allowed, then, for the happenings of the evening to help in establishing whether or not this was something she could continue to follow, or whether or not this was something that was not acceptable.  Through the many years Alice has walked a path that has not always been subject to the traditions of the organized masses.  And in searching and in experience she has come to greater and greater understanding of God and the aspect of a personal God.  And it is with these instances that my comments were made.  Those who can remain on the path with just the slightest ridges and can change lanes move down the highway at a greater pace, a greater pace of understanding.  Happy are we teachers to be with so many speedsters.

And now, my friends, I will take my leave, giving you all my love and extending my hand that throughout this week as you discover your ruts as you sit in peace with the First Source and Center.  That time will be well spent.  It will provide for your ability to fill in where the ruts are deepest.  God's love to you.  Good evening.


DATE:  July 8, 1994
TOPIC:  Prepare Ye the Way

DANIEL:   Greetings my friends, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  At this time I wish to thank all of you for attending this meeting and for your commitment and determination in seeking to understand and to put into practice higher teachings and consciousness.  It behooves this planet to have ascending mortals who intellectually, emotionally, physically, and spiritually commit themselves to the greater purposes of life, and to this end my mission is cemented for this group. 

My faithful students, this next week will be a time where the gathering of enlightened beings and celestial forces will generate avenues for change during this important time on Urantia.  When you meet with open arms with your fellow brothers and sisters recall that the Master is at hand and His presence shall be felt by those who open their hearts.  Those that are unable to physically attend can be yet a part of the greater consciousness through your connectedness and desire to upstep yourselves, this planet and the local universe.  This gathering, as are all gatherings in His name, evoke this type of broadening perspectives, hence those not in attendance can still be part of that which takes place.

My lesson this evening is not so much a lesson as it is an endorsement of your beingness, and a word or two to help you prepare to escalate and enrich the experience to come.  Through your prayers this week and in quiet time ask that the workings of the Trinity and of Michael can be unraveled in the minds and hearts of those in attendance, that through this unravelling the veil that separates you from understanding the Father's will can be lifted and that which is unravelled can then be knit together to create a pathway for your potential reaching. 

During your prayers this week give thanks for the spiritual guidance that you have been so fortunate to understand.  Acknowledge this great gift, for in reality this gift is available for all, yet many turn their back, many fail to listen, many have no idea of what to listen for or how.  Your journey/pathway has been fortunately blessed and your choices have allowed for there to be greater gifts of understanding granted to you.  During your prayer and quiet time this week ask that the work that you do supplies many with seeds and that through occasional watering on your part these may take root and become seedlings of conscious truth for your brothers and sisters.  During your prayer time this week develop a rapport with Michael that during the next couple of months there can be a more direct line of communication between you and our universe Creator.  In this line of communication will you find answers to your prayers of knowing that which is the Father's will.  During your quiet time this week remember to incorporate a moment whereby you can feel joy, laughter, and can sense the beauty that surrounds you.  During this quiet time recount the goodness that befalls you, that befalls this planet.  Prepare yourselves for a timeframe during this gathering for you to be prepared and ready to open your channels for that which will be given.

Our dear friend and my buddy Tomas will speak a few words this evening.  His words have come from a deep reasoning process and are mingled with love for you all.  I give you Tomas.

TOMAS: (TR #2)   Greetings, loyal students.  I am Tomas.  I thank you also for your presence here and my colleague for his introduction.  I have, indeed, words to share.  I have been thinking about the situation with the whale and I am reminded, oddly, of words to you.  Perhaps you have heard Machiventa speak of this being an emergency; that the circumstances on Urantia are critical; that the death throes of a dying system are simultaneously being quickened with Correcting Time and emerging spiritual reality.  This is a critical time in history, in the history of this planet which has been prone to faults and has become accustomed to its own imprisonment.  As the whale yearns for freedom, yearns for new reality, your place in our scheme to bring Light and Life to your world beginning with you, beginning today, is of vital importance.  It is, indeed, an emergency!

I urge you to realize that the word, 'emergency', in your world connotes sirens and disaster and extended news commentary.  My use of the word, 'emergency', is not that kind of dramatic effect.  For whereas you have all known that sense of urgency in your souls, in your outcries and in your prayers for divine intervention and human kindness, you are growing in morontia reality, in acceptance of your stance in this critical time.  Your ongoing involvement and support of your beliefs in what is transpiring in the teachers and in your reality is that which is bringing you and, indeed, your world to the other side of the ledger.  That is tipping the scales and we are beginning to feel that the weight of victory is on our side. 

Your celebration of your lives today is a stepping stone to your future work; that in your joy, your gratitude, and your acknowledgement of this swelling, growing, relative perfection of attainment you will accomplish even more.  And we are with you every step of the way.  We are with you in every regard.  Indeed, we look forward to this gathering of believers.   And yet I am eager to convey to you my joy at this gathering of believers here today, for your reality is also vital and stable.  These small communities, as you know, are the basis of our new spiritual civilization.

My friends, I am not going to speak long, but rather return the platform to our dear Daniel.  And again I appreciate your focused attention and affection.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Thank you, Tomas, for sharing with this group this evening. It is, indeed, our hope that the urgencies that are felt in the many souls across this planet can come to a unified consensus regarding that which is liberating.  The searchers of truth and light continue to explore many avenues; and by so doing do they create change at the grassroots level.  These changes then can be enlarged to incorporate a more unified understanding that can be accepted by the masses.  As you gather this week with those of like mind allow that your willingness to support the concept of universality, the concept of total forgiveness, the concept of unconditional love that is from and of the Father/Mother can be enlarged to those that do not understand, to those gripped in fear and spiritual slavery.  Much can occur this week.  Our joy in being a part of this gathering is great.  These circumstances validate and support our broadening concept also of the First Source and Center.   Are there any questions?

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel and Tomas, for your comments.  Daniel, your comment about during quiet time to open up the circuits to a greater realization of the presence of Michael, the Creator Son, is perplexing to me because I don't know what you mean.  What should I do in order for that to happen for me and for all of us?  I hope I am not the only one that needs some clarification.

DANIEL:   Thank you, Leetah, for asking this question.  It is often difficult, if not impossible, for many to comprehend or understand the words of our Master.  It is even more terrifying and difficult to pray or hold conversation with a non material reality.  It is difficult for the human to envision that they are important enough to be granted a personal, private audience with the Master Himself.  Yet during the journey of Michael on this planet He invited all to allow Him to walk the path with Him; that He would be beside you at all times.  He has said, 'knock and the door will be opened, ask and you shall receive'.  These very words are those that I ask you to consider this evening, that you turn to Michael and ask that His presence can be felt and known by you on a deeper level that surface faith cannot understand.  By knocking and stating your desire, in the course of life's unfoldings you shall be answered.  You all are aware that this is not the same as speaking one on one with a material being, but rather there becomes for those who value this time of prayer and quietness, there becomes an unfolding in life where you react, you understand, and you are given in ways you had no imagination or idea of.  My words to you are to invite Michael into your life, that through Him you shall understand the Parent's will and are thusly able to find God through Him.  Just ask, commit, and you will understand.  These are my words to you.  Are you seeing?

Leetah: Yes, Daniel, I certainly understand your words.  It seems so simple.  Maybe it is just another step of faith that must be taken and believed.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Indeed are you ever being prepared to take another step in faith.  Often these steps feel like gigantic gallops.  However, you are being prepared and you are moving along steadily.  Rarely does an individual ever gallop in faith, and if so the gallop is brief.  For faith, the gift of knowing, of believing, comes through acceptance of the greatness beyond the immediate, hence there must be increments of bringing one's faith to a higher level.  My friend, take joy in the fact that you are taking those steps, that there is not a backsliding or a period of staying in one position.  The challenges presented to you in life, the experiences you progress through all add to this component of ever increasing faith and understanding and knowningness.  Christ Michael is not to be shunned or feared but rather understood as the loving Brother/Teacher.  In this regard you can address Him and you faith will be bolstered, supported and increased.

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.  That was very specific.  I appreciate your answer.

DANIEL:   With this quiet group this evening Tomas and I will take our leave.  Tomas will be with Gerdean at the gathering.  I will be there via the circuits so do not think that I will not be able to fully appreciate that which transpires.  In fact, it will be through Gerdean and Isaac that I will give some words at the meeting.  Are you surprised?

Isaac:    No, I already knew it Daniel, because you told me in private.
DANIEL:   Indeed, this is verification for you.
Isaac:  And this is one time I didn't need it!

DANIEL:   My dear friends, go this week, all of you, and prepare ye the way for greater understanding in whatever fashion you can participate.  The Correcting Time is indeed upon us.  My love and peace, Tomas' love and peace be with you.  The video is a good idea.  Good day.

Group:   Good night, Daniel.  Good night, Tomas.


DATE:  July 22, 1994
TOPIC:  God's Kids

DANIEL:   I am happy to be in your presence this evening.  I am Daniel.  I am your guide and your teacher.  I have been deeply touched listening to your sharing of the events in Chaney, Washington.  As your colleagues have told you, this event was, indeed, of enormous magnitude.  This event is, indeed, history making.  Yes, those of you who were there, you will remember these times.  You will remember the emotions.  You will remember the energies, the feelings. 

Please, dear students, those of you who did not attend for one reason or another, do not be disheartened.  The train is not taking off without you.  You are fully seated on the train and history continues to move forward full of significant events.  Life continues to be transformed.  Many life altering occurrences take place, some small, some large, but usually the alterations in life sneak up upon us in our reflective times.  So know that each of you is a beloved child of the First Source and Center, our great divine Parent.  Each of you holds a very special place in God's heart.  Each of you is completely unique, bearing gifts that none other can fill.  All are chosen; all are needed.  The choice is, of course, yours. 

My friends I will at this time defer to Tomas.  Tomas will give the group lesson tonight.  It is my pleasure to be with you, to bestow my love upon you, to stay ever present in your awareness as your beloved friend, guide, and teacher.  Although I am traveling with Rutha I am completely attuned to the goings on in your lives and in your hearts.  I am with you.  Never feel that I have deserted you, left you, or are not accessible.  Such is simply not the case.  My friends, I leave you my love.

TOMAS:   Greetings, I am Tomas.  My words to you this evening, dear ones, are an extension of that which you have heard and that which you know.  You are all one of God's kids.  Your aspirations for perfection are noble, your ideals are supreme, and your inner attempts toward human dignity are admirable.  And also true, you falter, you stumble, you cry out in your despair.

You who are touched by the living energy, those of you who rely upon that source of power and strength are our able ambassadors in your world.  Your support of one another in friendship with God, with God's agents, among yourselves, is adequate to reinforce your own identity as a faith child and to give you encouragement, stimulation and direction in your path. 

But what of those who have not tasted the fruits of the divine Spirit; those who through ignorance, over-conscientiousness or selfishness and fear disallow His and Her gracious power?  Those are the sheep for which the Master would go in search.  He would leave the confines and comforts provided for Him by His parents and go in search of that lost sheep. 

It is difficult, we know, to venture forth into an unpredictable arena, for you in faith allow yourselves feelings of trust and joy as is inherent in your status of God-knowing individuals.  Those, however, who are still acting in blind obedience to tradition and social mores are not directed by the light and their responses to life's experiences are erratic, occasionally hostile, and repelling.  Tender mercy for these potential God-knowing individuals is your watchword.

In the beginning you were animal; until the Spirit of Truth was bestowed salvation was rarely chosen.  Today more are willing to choose the higher path.  More are longing for enlightenment.  More are having flickers of feeling that perhaps there is more.  Show these children that what they suspect is true!  It is not necessary for you to proselytize the Urantia Book, the Teaching Mission or any intellectual or philosophic truth.  It is only necessary that you walk in joy, radiating the love which is bestowed upon you and returned by you in your growth toward perfection. 

As you have heard many times, love is the answer, not indulgence, no.  It is not required that you cower before someone's adamant belief, or withdraw your assertions of beauty, goodness, truth, no.  There are many who seek.  There are many stray sheep who want to return to the comfort and companionship of a living, loving flock.  Those who choose not to involve themselves in values but seek only their own ends are residue of the meal served up by Lucifer, leftovers from an old, dark time.   Seek those who have longed for this time when winter's thaw has come, when the sunlight of the Spirit rains upon the land.  Discern gently, tenderly, and walk in joy knowing you are encircuited in the living reality, the loving channel, the kind Spirit of our First Source and Center. 

I am so pleased with you, my children, my loyal students!  I am honored to be a member of the Teacher Corps. I am moved by the genuine reality which was generated by you all during our gathering in Chaney recently; for those of you who attended and those of you who were present in spirit, for you all are contributory to the forward movement of enlightenment for this planet.  You are all our prize pupils!  We are, indeed, an army going forth in song and in triumph!  I would entertain questions or enjoy your thoughts.

Kent:    Greetings Daniel.  Greetings Tomas.  Greetings to all others that are present with us this evening.  Your words are very comforting, very revealing, much appreciated.  When we ask in our prayers to understand the will of the Father, indeed, He does heap upon our plate many morsels to eat, to savor.  And I thank you.  And we are grateful for that!

DANIEL:   Kent, it is my pleasure, I, Daniel, to respond to your great magnanimous love that pours forth.  I do so enjoy you, my boy!  Keep up the good work!  And I would add that I, too, am filled by the bounty and the goodness and the wealth of our First Source and Center and by the abundance of the answers that are indeed given, the morsels that are indeed laid out to be eaten.  I would ask, my friends, that you petition for that spiritual food, and then that you be willing to pull out knife and fork and dig in with vigor!  Yes, the bounty of God knows no limits.  Kent, is there more that you desire to add?

Kent:    Let's see, maybe a question about one of the sessions at our conference.  And I believe I asked this once before, if Adam and Eve, if they would come back, and if they would be an update, an upgrade to our species, to mortal man?  Can you elaborate on that?

DANIEL:   Kent, I will try.  This question causes some fear to our novice TR.
Kent:    We send our love to our novice TR.

DANIEL:   She appreciates.  Such a plan of genetic upliftment is a more touchy, difficult situation to engender in this point in your history.  You are a very sophisticated people.  But as you know, spiritually you have been bereft and backward. 

And yet the material bodies are in such need of sustenance, in such need of additional strength, the tragedy of the illness that many of you on this planet suffer is incomprehensible.  And so it would indeed be desirous to improve genetic stock, to strengthen the genetic strains.  It would be desirable to increase your already full humor and to augment your artistic and creative abilities.  And so this is held out as a possibility sometime in the far flung future.  However there are no immediate plans. 

Adam and Eve will be here.  They will be a part of the freeing of this planet.  But their particular role remains somewhat a mystery to even us at this point in time.  We are waiting to watch God's will unfold in this manner and much depends upon the reception of Urantia to the simultaneous appearance of the twelve universities and to their workings.  Is this question satisfactory?

Kent:    Yes.  That answered several other concepts I had been thinking about.  I had expected you to answer me saying that with the Father anything is possible.  Thank you, that was very good.

DANIEL:   Indeed Kent, it is always my pleasure.

Kent:    More so mine.  Thank you.  One other thought concerning that beautiful lesson that Tomas gave us this evening and that is concerning our understanding and relationship with our fellow man.  Do I understand correctly that we have now reached a state within our own thinking, our own selves that we understand the Father and we love ourselves enough that we can now begin to discern and help our fellow brothers and sisters?

TOMAS:   My loyal student, you have already done such.  You have helped your brothers and sisters in many ways towards enlightenment and in diligent seed planting, in bridging gaps, and in otherwise working in the field.  Your status now is not that you are foolproof, no.  I am trying to say you have your peers staunchly at your side and you are encircuited in superior energy patterns which are connected to other workers, and to the Source itself.  It would not behoove you, son, to venture away from your life sustaining circuitry of brotherhood/fellowship in search of lost sheep or otherwise.  You are not so strong as to withstand the assaults of your unpredictable civilization for a sustained period of time.  Therefore gather strength from one another, from your teachers, from you Inner Guide.  Socialize your beliefs.  Manifest your wondrous personality.  Feel the connection between you and your family in the spirit.  And with that leash holding you venture out knowing you will be brought back before you hunger and thirst and get lost yourself.  Have I addressed your question?

Kent:    Yes.  Very thoroughly, thank you.  That was pretty good.  I think I have about run down for the evening.  Anybody else?

Tonya:   Daniel, it is very nice to be able to hear from you again.  I have not really been in contact as much as I would have liked to.  And Tomas, it is very pleasing to make your acquaintance.  I was not aware of this group having two teachers and it is wonderful to see that.  I don't know if my question or questions, because I have a lot, are very valid.  I guess my largest is that in my experience with trying to hear my own teacher I find that whenever the question becomes a little too complicated or he has something that is hard for me to understand to tell me, I find myself blocking the transmission and refusing to hear what probably needs to be said.  And then I find myself getting frustrated.  And then just out and out quitting.  How can I hear something that is more complicated?  How can I open myself up in such a way that I can understand without becoming frustrated?

TOMAS:   Daniel...  [Laughter]

DANIEL:   Yes, my dear.  I am very pleased that you are with us this evening.  I, of course, keep track of you and I am familiar with the situation you described.  My dear, you are battling with your rational, doubting self, your rational mind, your ego.  Your ego wants to believe that it alone exists separate from its source, needing no one, needing nothing, free to come and go, free to make demands, free to do as your ego pleases.  And the idea of this great, divine, loving Parent who is our Source, Who spreads forth abundance and sustenance is a threat to this ego.  And so the ego desires to prove that the ego stands alone.  And so you see, my dear, it is this aspect of yourself, the ego that asks questions that should perhaps not be asked.

TOMAS:   My child, I would add to Daniel's wise remarks, since my own experience in transmitting concepts to and through a mortal mind has encountered just such difficulties as you described.  We are eager to supplant your fledgling wisdom with concepts slightly bigger, slightly deeper, slightly beyond your current comprehension.  This is an exercise which teachers will apply to their charges, their pupils.  We are mandated to enable you to think deeper thoughts, to perceive deeper perceptions, to believe even more in yourself and in your God.  If we were to only give you that food which you readily chew, you would not develop a taste for the foreign or the exotic or the different.  Our job is to expand your mind and often your mind resists expansion, as Daniel has indicated.  In fairness, it is also not possible for your mind to quite comprehend whereof we speak.  This exercise is not designed to cause you to throw up your hands in despair or to feel inadequate to your teacher, but to rather challenge you to persist and hold fast.  For that which you will learn in this process far outweighs the discomfort you may temporarily feel as a result of not being able to fully convey what your teacher seeks to convey through your mind.  Having thus spoken I acknowledge our acquaintance, daughter, and aver it is certainly a sublime pleasure to welcome you this evening.  Unless you are not satisfied, may I enquire have we met your need in that regard or shall we expand?

Tonya:   I am not quite certain.  The answer is adequate but I am not sure I am satisfied as yet with my question.  I would like to learn so much more and I want to be able to learn it.  So, yes, I would like to hear more. Maybe I want something concrete or definite.  I don't know if that can be given.  I guess I want to know how to do it.  Maybe I need to find it.

TOMAS:   All of you, I would suggest again that someone take this young woman in hand and encircuit yourself with her over the miles that she will know that during a prearranged period of time she is in conscious contact with a spiritual circuitry.  It has been effective.  It can be effective particularly for those in isolation.  That is one suggestion.  I will defer to Daniel if he would like to continue or…

DANIEL:   Yes.  I have a few additional words.  Tomas' admonitions are indeed sound.  This would be a very good idea.  Also, my dear, I would remind you to work on your foundation.  You are very young as yet.  You have much time to learn the details that you desire to know.  At this point in time what is most important is that you build that bridge to our divine Parent, that you know the magnificence, the over-pouring, the magnitude, that you have a glimmer of the magnificence, the over-pouring, and the magnitude of God's love for you.  My advice, my dear, is to develop this relationship, to further your relationship with our Creator/Parents of our local universe, to practice the fruits of the Spirit.  Your teacher can be most useful in these regards.  The other that you desire to know, it will come.  Patience is primary.  To regress a moment, it is possible that you might link at the same time that the TR practice session takes place.  This would form a very strong spiritual connection.  Tonya, my dear child, has this helped?

Tonya:   Yes, it has.  Thank you both very much.
DANIEL:   You are most welcome.
TOMAS:   Indeed.

Kent:    It is me, again.  You continue to keep our plate full and our lesson that I just got was not the words to Tonya.  But when Tomas passed the ball to Daniel to begin with, I kind of chuckled.  What I see now is the honor and respect of your peers, a lesson that we should also follow.  My gratitude to you.  Thank you.

TOMAS:   Acknowledged.
DANIEL:   Well spoken, Kent.  Thank you.

Norm:   Daniel and Tomas, welcome.  I am glad for your presence here.  I have been studying recently on a publication on various kinds of personalities that can be very crudely generalized, but it helped me to see some things about myself and my temperament about fifty five years of life.  It brings me to a question.  Are there certain personality temperaments, granting that all personality is bestowed by the Father, are there certain personality temperaments that might be expected to have more difficulty than others in experiencing contact with a teacher personality.  I guess that is the substance of the question.

TOMAS:   Greetings, my son.  Your question is provocative.  It is related to personality which is a vast array of potentials.  Indeed, personality is the gift of the Father.  Indeed, it is misused and distorted by those who opt not to use it to best effect.  There are personalities which are diametrically opposed to spiritual concepts, to sentiment, to many things to which you hold dear.  And yet, it does indeed manifest.  Whether or not any given personality is manifesting itself in harmony with how our Parent would have him or her manifest it is that individual's choice.  Surely as we become more of ourselves, as you become more in tune with your Indwelling God Fragment, as you align yourself more and more with the qualities of Godlikeness, your personality will go through adjustments and you will develop into a spiritually fragrant adult in His Kingdom.  This is an ongoing process for all of mankind.  In time, inasmuch as there are twelve primary personality types in your local universe, on your planet, not to be confused with astrological signs, these twelve types will develop categorically.  You will be able to see the personality characteristics more clearly. 

Yes, to get back to your question, there are some who are more inclined toward opening themselves to Godknowingness, to leaps of faith, to random acts of kindness.  There are some who are more cerebral, who are more scientific, who are more pragmatic, who are not necessarily non-believers, but who opt to observe, who relish witnessing that which often, frequently and joyously occurs in another.  To submit oneself to TRing a teacher is not necessarily a statement as to that individual's spiritual condition, but rather their willingness coupled with their electro-chemical system.  At this juncture I have nothing further to add.  I have no objection to carrying this discourse further, however, there are others to consider so I will be quiet.

Norm:   And I thank you, indeed.  It has been helpful.  I do appreciate your input.  I will yield the phone to someone who might have a question.

DANIEL:   My friends, it appears that you are talked out.  Is this correct?  Is there another question lingering, desiring to make its debut?  If not, then with the overflowing abundant joy of our Creator, our Father, our Mother, I bestow my love upon each of you.  I look forward to our next gathering.  I look forward to our week of growth, progress, trial and tribulation, human experience, soul response.  I am over and out.

TOMAS:   I am not.  I have one final request for I hear the cry of a lost sheep.  I see this little furry creature.  I see in his eyes, in her walk a plaintive note, a plaintive pleading, a fleeting of an eye that reveals a longing to be loved.  That is the sheep, my children, that is the one.  Embrace that sheep and bring him home.  Until we meet again, thank you for your graciousness.  I am Tomas.  Over and out.


DATE:  August 5, 1994
TOPIC:  The Cosmic Connection

DANIEL:   Greetings, my friends, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  As always I am ever thankful and grateful for the opportunity to speak with my loyal students and friends.  Even though there has been some time frame since our last discourse the connectedness remains very strong, the contact with celestials and other ascending beings is strengthening, and we are grateful and thankful for your steadfastness in this process.  It is one that always calls upon you continually to stretch, reach, and make it a part of your life.  The stretching promotes greater and greater understanding for yourselves individually and through individual growth there is then possibility for greater community, global change and growth.  The question this evening that was generated regarding circuitry enhancement and communication is the topic which I will address this evening.  This is an imperative step in your growth and the enlightenment of this planet.

To begin with you are asked to take time daily to pray, worship and contemplate the Father, Indwelling Spirit, and His Creator Son, your Brother Michael.  This is foremost, the bottom foundation from which you will derive the greatest growth, the greatest source for potential reaching.  There can be no other.  This is the rock upon which is built your soul foundation.  And so again let this be paramount, to always take that time.  And aside from that you are asked to further commit a time frame with one another to develop your abilities to utilize natural circuits that are not always utilized by Urantians.  This is another sense, the sixth sense that you are familiar with.

This is a foundation for your understanding of this circuitry.  There is an interconnectedness and circuitry between individuals at all times on this planet.  You are asked to further develop this skill in order that you can better serve the Father and better serve your brothers and sisters.  Being able to comprehend another on this deeper level helps you bring about changes that are more beneficial, given a greater understanding and knowledge base from which to make decisions.  The circuitry is a natural part of your electro-chemical makeup that has not been fully developed and is available to all.  Through this development of greater consciousness of those around you, you will then be guided subsequently to those areas of your help, your love, your understanding, your knowledge, your skills, and the like that you can best utilize this information to make better decisions, to come to a greater resolution of a problem or problems.

Essentially this is not a difficult task in that you are asked to choose a partner or partners and to send and promote your thought waves in their direction.  Remember that you are more than just a body.  You are spirit and you also are of mind.  And thoughts projected are thoughts that can find seeds and can bring either a positive or negative result.  And so make certain that the thoughts you send are those that bring the flowers into bloom and not the weeds that choke the good that is upon earth.  There is enough negative thought processing which can be counterbalanced through love and positive output.

In this timeframe you will again be in stillness, yet your mind will be directed into sending and then receiving.  Therefore you will have this give and take interchange.  This is the process.  It is not difficult but it can be hard if you are hesitant or have about your mindset at any given time the negative thought patterning.  Therefore it is not truly wise to sit in this manner unless that which you can give is worthy of giving.

When there are circumstances where you are feeling less capable of producing good this is time that needs to be spent in giving over your problems and your concerns to the Father and His Creator Son, Michael, time to give and receive from that avenue, and at another time, then, to proceed with the communication circuitry with your fellow brothers and sisters.

My friends, the collective consciousness, the whole which you are not able to see or feel, is another part of reality and does, indeed, play a distinctive part in the overall unfolding of that which takes place on this planet.  During this time of spiritual upliftment it behooves everyone to be in like positive mindset in order that the spiritual impact can descend deeper into the minds and hearts of men.  You, the individual, are capable of bringing about much change in your workplace, your families, your relationships.  Your attitude, the way you tackle obstacles, the way you are able to reach out, serve and love one another all play an important part in this change.  And so what you think and what you live are important.  They do make differences in others' lives.  Do not underestimate your importance as the individual son or daughter of the First Source and Center.  Do not diminish your importance as a part of a greater whole of all ascending mortals.

I am thankful for this time to address this issue and will open the floor now for questions on this topic or other questions you may have.

Isaac.    Hello, Daniel.  It is nice to have you back with us.  I know that you have been busy but it is certainly nice to be together with you again.  My question is first of all clarification on this topic.  I may not have heard you correctly.  Did you say we should choose a partner or did you say we don't need to choose a partner?

DANIEL:   You may choose a partner, partners, or can individually work to send those thoughts to another via the circuits.  Working with a partner will help develop a greater sense for communication, but it is imperative to do many different exercises in this regard.  Working with a partner will strengthen the circuitry between you and that individual.  Sending messages, support, healing, love, forgiveness to those that are not aware of this also increases the circuitry to that individual.  But the reciprocal is not always felt. 

In time as this becomes more a part of your nature just as my talking to you or your talking to one another, as this becomes part of your natures then this form of sending messages will not appear difficult, will seem very natural.  It is part of the evolutionary change to help bring about a more enlightened global community that we are initiating.  Remember that change and evolution requires the beginning point and it slowly evolves over time.  And so that which in the past has been entertaining, enjoyed or often thought of as 'cursed' by others, those who could understand their fellow brothers and sisters without verbal communication or knowledge of these individuals except through the collective consciousness, in the past there were few of these.  As you and your planet move closer to the phase of Light and Life as a planet this type of communication becomes a part of your natures.  Has this helped?

Isaac:    Yes, you are a mind reader, I know, because you commented on several things I was going to ask.  Would it be fair to say that attempts at telepathy in the scientific community, at least among certain scientists, were attempts to look at this phenomenon?  Is that a correct comparison, Daniel, so called telepathy?

DANIEL:   Understood.  And yes, this is the rudiments of what I speak of, the very basic.  However, you must realize that this telepathy that you speak of is very narrow in scope.  What is being presented to you is much grander in that you will begin to feel and grasp your fellow individuals on deeper levels, and you can support them in ways that would seem quite foreign to you now.  But what you speak of is a small segment of what is being presented to you.

Isaac:    I am getting the sense that you are referring to a multi-level communication process.  Thought would be the narrow definition, perhaps, of telepathy.  But you are talking more of a sharing of feelings, a sharing of cosmic citizenship, a profound sharing of our brotherhood and sisterhood and this available in ways that resembles our contact with you right now through TRing, only this can happen in our own experiences.  Did I have that part right?

DANIEL:   This is correct.  It is a process of bringing more morontial mota into your lives that your consciousness of a greater than material aspect will stir you to lead lives more meaningfully, more purposely, and more lovingly.  And the connectedness with your fellow brothers and sisters, whoever they may be, wherever they may be will be bonded in that which you have spoken of, indeed.

Isaac:    Just one more question and I will relinquish the mike to others.  You said that this is the result of the evolutionary process.  Am I correct in the presumption that is also the result of restoring the circuits to this planet?

DANIEL:   Yes, indeed.  The encircuitment is creating channels far more numerous and inconceivable to you to bring about spiritual growth.  This spiritual growth, then, will be instrumental in creating these channels for collective consciousness to become a natural part of your system.

Isaac:   Thank you for all the clarification, Daniel.
DANIEL:   You are most welcome.

Norman:   Daniel, this is Norman.  Tonya wished for me to express her thanks to yourself and Tomas and her teacher, Jeremiah, and Andora who were there as company for her at a time when she needed it the other day.  I just wanted to express my personal thanks as well.

DANIEL:   Send to Tonya my love and the love of the others.  We are ever thankful that faith among our students is growing and that our words can bring comfort as well as further verification of the immensity of the First Source and Center.  His love holds all in place.  His love makes all things possible, and through His love we all are growing into greater avenues of being that part of the First Source and Center.  This concept of love is one that will intrigue you for many aeons for its depth is what you would say, 'mind boggling'.  As you unravel one clue, one piece of information, as you experience one aspect of love, there on the horizon is another clue and another experience that calls and intrigues you to explore and be fulfilled, nurtured, and thereby creates again another aspect of your potential.

Isaac:    Daniel, this is Isaac again.  A question I forgot to ask you was if you had any commentary relative to our first attempt at this as a group, when we got together on Monday separately and sent healing to our friend Joshua, commentary in the sense of did we do it right?  Do you have anything to suggest or do otherwise?

DANIEL:   Those who work in the Spirit of the Father, those who wish to serve that which is truth, that which is goodness, will ultimately know that their efforts have created a mark of significant beauty.  How your efforts were received is beyond what I can know.  All I can say is this.  You are becoming, you are grasping, you are growing, you are opening up, and you are succeeding in many, many ways!  There cannot be said a right or wrong way for sending love, for offering help, for this type of thing.  Each individual gives from their own heart, from their own experience, their own knowledge of where they are.  This is the relative truth that is known by the First Source and Center regarding you.   The whole truth is how He views you.  And your truth is growing in proportion to that which you allow God to give truth to you.  Continue, my friends, continue!

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.  It is so nice to be back.  I have missed our weekly meetings and it is so nice to hear you teaching again.  I am always trying to correlate the Urantia Book with the Teaching Mission and this week I have been reading the paper on the Seraphic Hosts.  It says of the teacher counselors that, 'from the Melchizedeks and the Trinity Teacher Sons down to the morontia mortals who are assigned as helpers, those of their kind who are just behind them in the scale of ascendant life'.  And so I was trying to apply that to you teachers.  Do the teaching counselors help you even as you are here to help us, those of us who are just behind on the scale of ascendant life.  I am wondering if you would comment on that?

DANIEL:   Indeed is the Chinese proverb that you quote so often true here, that you are one and the same, a teacher and a student.  And as you continue your ascent you will realize and see this occur time and again.  The Seraphic Counselors do, indeed, teach and guide and help even those who are above them in ascension as well as those below, while at the same time they are learning from those above and those below.  Part of the work in the universes is that ability to grab a hold of someone else and encourage them, teach them and guide them, not coerce or force, but to be there to support, to plant a seed, plant an idea and allow that idea to flourish within the individual him or herself.

And I owe all of you a great deal in helping me to grow in many understandings even though I have come from a mortal status as yourselves.  You can look at your own life to realize from where I am speaking, that as you travel through your life, you daily are becoming more aware of who you are, of what you are, and why you act and behave in certain ways.  And even though I have traversed the trail ahead of you, I did not understand fully many things until I was able to come to this planet and to teach, to observe, and to experience this Teaching Mission.  It has been very instrumental in my growth and I thank you for what you have given to me.

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel.  So I hear you are saying that the Teaching Counselors are a part here of the Teaching Mission that we are now experiencing and benefiting from?

DANIEL:   Their role is not separate from this.  However, it is not always a direct teaching from them.  However, they are a part of what is transpiring.  Do you understand?

Leetah: Yes thank you very much.  I do have one other question and again this is in my reading.  One page 432 under the Supervisor Seraphim it says, 'even mortal man can contribute to the evolution of universe law'.  That was just so mind boggling so I guess I want you to comment on that.  How do we do that?

DANIEL:   Universal law is not fully within your abilities to understand in its many multifaceted dimensions.  However, what this signifies and means is that while you are given free choice, free agency, it is in the choosing that which is correct, that which is righteous, that which is truly the will of the Father; in these instances are you confirming that which the Father has decreed; that through His overcare and the Indwelling Spirit that which is remote, furthest from the Father is still, yet and is, part of that which is truth, that which is universal law.  And by those decisions you are affirming that which is truth.  Are you understanding?

Leetah: I am not sure that I am, Daniel.  But I think I hear you say that as we make our decisions of doing the Father's will that this becomes or we become part of the evolution of the universal law from the outlying areas.  I know that we are way out there as far as creation is concerned; that we become a part of that universal law.  Is that what I heard you say?

DANIEL:   What I am saying is that the universal law is by your making the will decision that is correct you are, by that decision, verifying and touching into that which is not always understood by you consciously, but through the promptings and the following of the Indwelling Spirit you have chosen that which is right, thereby confirming that the universal law of righteous, goodness, truth and beauty in the long run always prevails.  Do you see?

Leetah: I think I understand, Daniel, thank you very much.  Daniel, just one quick question.  Do you have any comments about preparation on the weekend of the 20th or shall we just wait and see what the weekend brings.  What would you like to say about that?

DANIEL:  I have no comment regarding this.  This celebration is one that is being celebrated across this local universe and for you to follow the dictates of celestials in this manner would take away from your own ability to create the atmosphere for sending love to Michael and receiving His love in return.  You are doing very well.  You will know what needs to be done as it unfolds.

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.

DANIEL:   And now I would like for each of you to take five minutes or so minutes and go into silence generating thoughts of love to those members of this group and your extended group in Woods Cross.  You may pinpoint an individual or a collective whole for the group and practice that which we discussed this evening.

stillness meditation

And so when they saw Him in the temple He said to them, 'Do you not know that I must be about my Father's business?'  Go, my friends, and be about His business.  My love and peace to you.  Good evening.


DATE:  August 12, 1994
TOPIC:  Faith

DANIEL:   I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  This evening I wish to give to you my blessing regarding your long discourse prior to my speaking.  Often it is necessary for groups to communicate at length regarding business, regarding personal messages.  These types of gatherings are a necessary part for the cohesiveness of any group; therefore it is wise to allow for this timeframe, even if it appears to be longer than normal.  This summer has been a time for many of you to be about various areas, about various pathways and not in this locale.  Therefore there is this necessity to update and to bring your brothers and sisters into your life framework at the time.

And now I wish to give a short address concerning faith.  My words to you this evening are to congratulate you in your growing faith.  As your discourse has shown, even though the unfoldings of life are unpredictable, the unfoldings of life call upon you to question and to make choices, you are becoming more aware that in making these choices (in the unfolding of which these choices display themselves), that because of your time spent in quiet [stillness] you are able to utilize faith as the mainstay for pulling you through the unfoldings of your pathways. 

And my words are to say that you who dutifully do seek silence, prayer, and time with the Indwelling Spirit will continue to be able to withstand the rigors, trials, joys, and the like of life with a sense of security , comfort, and knowledge that what appears on the surface is not all that there is.  My words to you are this; that even though you are not always in complete understanding of your wishes, wants, and desires and their relationship to what is the will of the First Source and Center, if you will remain in that contact with the Indwelling Spirit then the unfolding of life will be supported by the Indwelling Spirit, Christ Michael, the Mother Spirit, the angels around you and your teachers.  You will be able to make decisions that will bring you through experiences and through life that will serve the greater purpose.  Contact and the complete turning over of self, guarantees that the promptings of the Indwelling Spirit will be understood by each of you, your faith in knowing and gleaning; that, indeed, the First Source and Center is bringing you into higher levels of consciousness.

Continue this week to trust and allow faith to carry you through that which unfolds.  Christ Michael is your willing Brother and Creator.  It is important that you truly believe, understand, and know that He desires to walk with you, to be your companion.  You have to but ask.  As you prepare now for the upcoming event consciously be aware of Michael's presence in your lives.  And now this meeting will be open for questions.  Tomas is at hand but will not be speaking this week.  He asks that you all visualize Michael during your quiet and reach out in this visualization to make a contact with Him.  Are there questions?"

PamElla: A couple of questions.  I'll begin with one question has just occurred to me with the assignment, a transmission that we had received in a practice session awhile ago.  In that transmission Nebadonia said that Michael created the pattern and that she was the pattern or something like that and [group member makes comment] that she was the reality of it and made it so.  What I'm wondering is it also possible to visualize Her?  Would we see Her?  When we were reading, I guess it was that She was in many ways the local universe and while Michael could leave, She couldn't, because in many ways She was it.  I guess I'm wondering more about the relationship between Nebadonia and Michael.  I'm trying to understand that.  And also then could we visualize Nebadonia as well, to attempt that in our meditation?

DANIEL:   It is most difficult for one to explain the relationship between individuals when they are not a part of that party.  A third party interpreting a relationship is not the same as that within the relationship.  It is also difficult to explain, if you will, descending relationships from the limited viewpoint of one who is ascending. But my understanding of your question is to define what you as a new creature of ascension understand regarding relationships and your understanding of relationships.  Michael and Nebadonia are as a trinity separate yet distinctly of an oneness.  And so through this understanding and this relationship it is not necessary for both to attend or be absent from one another for in these types of relationships what one gathers and experiences is also part of the other to know and be aware of.  Their relationship thusly supports and brings into their oneness all that encompasses a local universe.

In your quiet time you visualize Michael from the standpoint of his seventh bestowal as a human on this plane.  And this is easy for you to do.  Nebadonia, not being of human visual form on this plane previously will therefore be more difficult for you to visualize.  However, in being the pattern you can therefore extend into your imagination that which you hold to be the essence of beauty, goodness, and truth and that which brings forth into this local universe its creation.  If you so desire human form can be attributed to Nebadonia, just as it is for Christ Michael.  Has this helped?

PamElla: Oh, yes, Daniel.  Thank you.   Daniel, I have another question.  And this one may not be appropriate and if so I don't mind being told that.  I had a session with Olfana and at the end of that session the TR said, well Olfana said she wanted to touch me and asked that we hold hands and say a prayer.  And it was beautiful and you know how moved I was by that experience.  But it did seem a little weird to me for her to say she wanted to hold hands through Susan, because that felt more like channeling or something to me than my understanding of transmitting and receiving as using the language center in the brain.  And I guess I didn't think that you teachers needed to use our whole sensory systems; that you have your own sensory systems that are aware of us.  Maybe that is a question I should be asking Olfana in my private thoughts.  But if that is something you could address to clear that mystery for me I would appreciate it.

DANIEL:   This was mainly for your own benefit of being able to reach out and touch somebody.  Even though it is not necessary for teachers it was more a symbolic gesture and not one that is necessary for direct communication and flow of feelings.  All teachers are of a different makeup than you are, as you are aware; that through ascension there is a difference in bodies and degrees of development.  Therefore in reality it is not possible for the two of us to touch as you understand the word 'touch'.  There is, however, the universal mind energy that does allow for there to be this give and take across layers of ascension body types.  Does this answer your question?

PamElla: Yes, Daniel.  Thank you very much.  I also somewhat apologize for the question.  I sensed that was probably the answer but my skeptical side has been running rampant lately so rather than letting that fester away at me I appreciate that being answered.

DANIEL:   My dear students, it is better to ask rather than to allow misunderstandings to grow like a cancer and squelch spiritual growth and insight, or to allow questions to go unanswered that would hinder your precious relationships with the Indwelling Spirit, Christ Michael, your Mother Spirit and your angels as well as your brothers and sisters on this plane.  It is wise to ask and to become knowledgeable rather than allow fear and darkness to strangle the precious seedlings of faith that you are nurturing and supporting.

PamElla: Thank you.
Gerdean:   Where is Tomas?  What is he doing?  And why isn't he here with us this evening?

DANIEL:   Tomas is here.  But because of the lateness of the night and our desire for you to do healings, read the book and visit, his message was through myself this evening.  Tomas does, Gerdean, send you his love.  He is with you.  His love extends to all of you as well.

Gerdean:   Thank you, Daniel.  He did tell me to be at peace, all is well.  But I was wondering. [Laughter]  Was I wrong, did I do something bad? [Said in a naughty little girl voice] [More laughter] Isn't he going to use me any more?

DANIEL:   Gerdean, my friend, your services will be called upon with more and more certainty as the year unfolds, and so please do not be at odds with this arrangement this evening.  All is well, indeed.  Tomas' words to you are ones that should comfort you at a time when your inner and outer dis-equilibrium is in flux.  Know that with every valley that has a bottom, once the bottom is reached then the ascent to the peak is sure to follow.  Many of here are in the valley and are ready for the ascent.  Faith and trust that you can still climb that mountain will give you the footing and strength to climb with vigor.

Leetah: Daniel, Gerdean's reaction there reminds me of myself.  It seems that when we are low we can find so many things to feel guilty about!  One of the most marvelous sentences from the Urantia Book is, 'don't harbor any feelings of guilt'.  And I think, speaking for myself, human beings have the hardest time letting loose of such foolish feelings when there is really nothing to feel guilty about.  Comment or not, I don't know.

DANIEL:   Thank you, Leetah, for your insightful understanding of not only yourself but of your fellow brothers and sisters.  Guilt is that part of your systems which brings many of you into fallout in relationships, whether they be spiritual or human.  Christ Michael brought to this planet and to all of the planets in this local universe the understanding that the First Source and Center is all loving, all wise, and all knowing.  And because of this, guilt and fear have no grounds for support for you, no matter how you justify or rationalize, they do not exist for the First Source and Center!  They exist only in your own minds and to the degree that you wish to imprison and limit yourselves.

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel.  That was beautiful!

Isaac:  Daniel, I want to say, I imagine I am speaking for others, that it is a delight to find out that Andora, whom we have heard from several times, in several meetings... (Another member corrects Endora followed by a discussion)... Well I was about to make a big speech about Andora.  OK, Endora, whichever.  My point was that when we hear from these teachers in our TR sessions and they wind up assigned and so forth, it is exciting.  Could you clarify?  Is it Endora that is Tonya's teacher or is it Andora?"

DANIEL:  It is Endora, E N.  And this remark that you have made is a part of the faith congratulations that I am giving to you this evening.  As you continue to believe so shall the doors to enlightenment continue to reveal themselves in many, many ways.

Tonya:   Daniel, Endora mentioned to me when I first made her acquaintance that her main purpose was to try and strengthen connections and to try to help me reach out with my mind to others.  I am not sure if I am asking you to clarify exactly what that is or if I am kind of wondering what is it I am supposed to do and how?

DANIEL:   I would suggest that you read the transcript from last week as this will benefit you in understanding the process of communication which we are trying to help you to build upon.  And in this sense Endora will continue to guide and support you.  There is also another area of seeking to reach out to others that is and will be brought to your attention as you live your life that deals with the human services and connectedness between you and others on a more physical, emotional, social and intellectual level.  The other aspect deals with mindal and more outreaching of communication, healing and love to individuals, not within your physical area, not within range of your conscious awareness through your five senses.  Has this helped?

Tonya:   Yes, I think so.  Thank you.
Gerdean:   Well, now I have a question.  Are you feeling up for another question?
DANIEL:   Continue, please.

Gerdean:   Last night I was having some discourse with some of my peers regarding self searching and we blundered on to the phrase self love.  And I expressed my reluctance to use the word self love; that although I like myself, I and some others have a tendency to confuse self love with ego.  I called to their attention that my reluctance to use the term 'self love' had something to do with when some people called Jesus good He said, 'Why do you call me good?'  It is kind of along the same lines because that which is in me which is love, which is the First Source and Center is lovable, of course, but I have a hard time with discussing self worth.  Your use of the word guilt perhaps pushed a button.  I am not crazy about this discourse but, anyway, would you speak again, Daniel, about self love?

DANIEL:   Indeed, let me begin by distinguishing or making distinction for you that may help to clarify some of your problems regarding this term.

You are confusing your deeds and most certainly your misdeeds as who you are!  You are identifying yourself in this regard.  Therefore it becomes impossible to love that which you are trying to grow away from, not be.  Christ Michael could love all because He understood that each individual was the end product of creation; that each individual is created by the love of the First Source and Center, and because of that and the Father Fragment within each individual, therefore, is worthy of love and is capable of ascension.  In your struggles with this concept do not look at yourself as being anything but what your potential is!  For when you keep your eyes in this direction there will and can be progress.  Because of your nature, because you and I, Daniel, are ascending mortals, perfection is not within our means, our grasp!  That is what we are working toward.  Therefore we must love that which we are because we are at any given moment all that we are capable of being. 

Those born of perfection do not grow through the struggles of letting go of false understandings.  As you become more and more spiritually enlightened, as you begin and continue to make decisions based on spiritual mota then the deeds, the hamperings, do not seem as great, they tend to fade.  Therefore, my dear and all of you do not despise who you are.  Remember that the path to Paradise is carved through daily working out of experiences.  Wrong choices will always be corrected.  Guilt because you are imperfect is senseless.  Becoming a victim of that guilt, however, is error.  When you are most down and when all you can see are your errors or weaknesses that is the time to call upon Michael and the Indwelling Spirit to help you to see with grander perspective, to help you in your moment of need, to reach for that which is higher. 

But continue to love yourselves.  That is not an ego issue.  Ego is only if you consider that you are your deeds!  At that point, then, you are working in a different mode.  Do you see the difference?

Gerdean:   I see the difference and I really appreciate your words.  Will you marry me, Daniel?" [Uproarious laughter from group]

DANIEL:   [TR smiling broadly]  My dear, let me say this.  In spiritual realms we are all connected and therefore we are all a part of one grand whole. 

My dears, it is time for me to take my leave.  I give you my love and peace.  Tomas also gives his.  And to you, Gerdean, he says that you and he have a very special relationship.  Would you marry him? [More uproarious laughter]  We are being humorous, but you see, love is the grandest of all gifts and it is given very sincerely by the teachers to all of you.  And we do feel your love for us. 

Go this week and do what you can to develop a sense of self love.  For you all have genuine worth, far greater than you are understanding of yourselves.  Peace.


DATE:  August 19 1994
TOPIC:  Helpfulness

DANIEL:   Good evening, my friends, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  Welcome to all this evening in this locale with warm embrace.  You are invited to experience the love of the First Source and Center through the channels of your brothers and sisters.  In essence those who come together in the Spirit are seeing first hand the manifestations of the First Source and Center to the degree that you as ascending mortals on this plane can understand.  And so as you reach out to one another this weekend you will be experiencing the love of the First Source and Center which continues to uplift and support the universes.  And through the workings of the Creator Sons is there given the pathways to Paradise.  This weekend as you gather in commemoration of Christ Michael's seventh bestowal on this planet of Urantia you are mindful of His role in bringing forth the understanding of God.

This week Tomas and I will speak with you.  Tomas will begin this lesson and from his words there will be further discussion.  My friends, Tomas is now here.

TOMAS:   Greetings friends, I am Tomas.  And I too would like to greet you and welcome you to this plentitude of Spirit family.  I have met with many of you and have spent time observing your growth.  It is heartwarming to see your petals unfold. 

Helpfulness is what I would like to bring to your attention this evening.  You have received help from your teachers and you are beginning to rely upon your Spirit helpers more and more.  I would encourage you to see how you may be more helpful to your immediate peers and to your world at large. 

Helpful in this context is not in the same shades as service, for in service we have a tendency to speak from a vantage point of subtle superiority.  This service is vital, of course, but I am not discussing service but helpfulness, which is different in that it is personal, it is man to man, woman to woman, human to human.  It is friendship, yet it is more than friendship for it is giving of yourself in this friendship so as to be helpful and not merely friendly.

These concepts which we discuss (when we have time to spend with you) are often weighty.  Yet our truth/your truth lessons of living are also difficult of seeing because of their simplicity.  How many have trouble sitting still enough to feel the presence of their own Indwelling God Fragment!  How many can sit still and patiently listen to a friend?  To be helpful is to avail yourself of your fellow's soul needs first.  And as you know, your Master, Michael, also did helpful things for those people who might not understand His concepts but could understand the quality of His being helpful in simple material human ways.

No one of you nor us is beyond needing help.  Having our reality anchored in our Spirit reality is no cure-all for life's circumstances.  And how your and our attitudes are impressed and impacted by this humble and yet active gift of being helpful and acknowledging need of help yourselves! 

I am hopeful that I have planted a seed of human behavior.  For in order to bring about this new organism of mankind it will be necessary that we find ways to help, ways that we are capable of helping.  And it is a duty, too, of those who need help, to let that be known in love and in faith, that this help can be forthcoming.  It is as precious a gift as sunsets and rain. 

Help one another!  It is not to do the whole job for someone, but to learn to compatibly assist each other in ways you have not yet known.  Experiment with this quality throughout your weekend together and you will find it will contribute to the dissolving of those cultural and behavioral barriers with which you have been conditioned.  When we become an active organism we will know how to help one another.  And we learn this first, at home, in this family.  It is a pleasure to be here and I am grateful for the opportunity provided me by this group, by this teaching platform and by this ministry.

DANIEL:   Tomas' words are words which we as teachers ask you to take to heart; and to this lesson I will add but one thing.  As you are born on this plane as a babe that is helpless, as a babe that must learn and grow and experience each and every developmental stage necessary to become human, so, too, are you born on this planet as spiritually helpless.  And like the babe who must learn the physical environment, so you must learn the spiritual environment.  As the babe matures physically, so shall the babe mature spiritually, if that is the babe's choice.

And so as you trod along the pathway remember that you are asked by Michael to seek out help.  Those who understand these words will do everything they possibly can to sequester a time that is daily devoted to seeking spiritual input, a time given to thanksgiving, prayer, and focusing on the eternal and not the finite.  Help is given by your spiritual partners, just as we ask you to help one another. 

These types of gatherings of people are a way in which this human and spiritual help can be given.  Those who participate in such group activities become more totally integrated and more capable of greater insight and are taking steps in reaching potential.  We, your teachers, are open to giving the help that we are capable of giving when asked and called upon.  As you begin this weekend of celebration know in truth that Michael's presence is upon Urantia.  Are there questions?

Leetah: "Yes, Daniel and Tomas, thank you very much for that lesson.  I would like to introduce you to Aren before we go ahead with questions.  I know, Tomas that you have talked with Aren the other night.  But I am following protocol and should mention him to Daniel because we omitted that one time and you did call us to task for that, Daniel.  And I remember it well so I would like to introduce Aren to you, Daniel."

DANIEL:   Thank you, Virginia.  And to you Aren we, the teachers, and this group open our hearts to you, your presence, and welcome you sincerely.  It is, indeed, heartwarming and confirming to those in doubt when young people are so open and so willing to grow and learn.  Aren you are most fortunate to be in this mindstate.  For in seeking truth the pathways are opened that can lead you to wondrous adventures.  Never doubt that the Indwelling Spirit within beckons and calls you to grow and learn and love.  Welcome to this group.  It is a time of risk taking for you, yet that which you have taken will support your questions as they arise. Continue to seek, for in seeking there will be answers given.

TOMAS:   And as for me I will see your challenge and raise you.

Isaac:   Hello Daniel and hello Isaac.  I'm sorry, hello Tomas!  This is Isaac and I am a little bit emotional so you can see I am not keeping my thoughts straight.  It seems an appropriate time for me to vocalize my feeling of gratitude for the help that I have received from you, Daniel.  And I am getting to know you a little better, Tomas.  I know that you will be helpful inasmuch as I am willing to ask you for it.  I also want to publicly thank my personal teacher, Alkon, at this time who has been tremendously helpful.  And I thank you for the commentary regarding this issue of helpfulness.  It is my desire to become a more helpful person to every brother and sister I encounter in the next days and months and years.  That's my feelings tonight.  I have no questions.  Thank you.

Paula:  Thank you, Daniel and Tomas.  This is Paula.  Tomas, when did the word charity move from the original meaning of helpfulness which you just have described to the concept that we have which is really a higher/lower position kind of thing, which you talked about as service? When did all that change?  Do you know?

TOMAS:   I am appreciative of your inquiry.  I was not here when this shift took place.  However, I have every reason to feel and believe that it has always been in existence, that it has been, in fact, a remnant from the old ways when early charlatans and even medicine men practiced their medicine and called upon spirit energies to assist in their work of healing and guiding the primitives.  Always have there been those who serve, but not always have they served with altruism.  Not always have they been charitable in their machinations, but rather have sought power and authority in order to carry out their techniques more fully and further.  It is not unique to organized religion.  It is not new.  These are all evolved qualities.  Charity, itself, is more recent than service, for charity connotes less self serving than service.  Has that addressed where you are coming from in your search for understanding?

Paula:  Somewhat.  As I am thinking about the Teaching Mission and what I would call the reawakening, I guess I always thought that we came with charitable inclinations as human beings and as beings who were created by God and really began in blessing.  Somewhere along the line -- and I think power is the key -- we, meaning humans, moved from a notion of this at-oneness with each other and in a partnership, really, to existence, a place where -- as you mentioned organized religion, in terms of this mistaken notion of service.  But I am thinking of practically any institution.  That is part of the institutional sin because we have societies who want to do charity, only what they really want to do is to help the poor people and that connotes, as you mentioned, a separation, a higher and lower, a better and worse, a pity kind of situation.  And I'm sensing that with the coming of an awakening of, again, a global community, a being at one with Spirit that we are moving back toward this charitable understanding.  Hopefully that is the task and path that we are taking.  And really compassion and charity are very similar in that sense because of that meaning, 'with', not above or below kind of thing.  That is kind of where I was coming from.  So I just wondered where in the whole translation of what our being-in-relationship with one another was that it shifted from being as partners rather than serving, as you have distinguished the two, that's all.

TOMAS:   You have spoken rightly.  I would only remind you of your text and the early formations of religions as a basis and a comparison to where we find ourselves today in approaching a new era, a spiritual awakening with the circuits and all.  It is wise to have an historic framework for spiritual development and for the broader picture of human evolution, including its spiritual evolution.  Interesting stuff.

Paula:  Thank you, Tomas, for that conversation.

Leetah: Daniel and Tomas, I was thinking in terms of the topic tonight, that of helping one another.  And you said within the family, I am not sure which one said that.  I am thinking in terms of how grateful I am of the opportunity of helping one another with the healings, that has come to us through the Life Carriers, and it is a reinforcement to my faith every time I put my hands on someone else.  I just really thank you and Christ Michael for the Teaching Mission and this introduction of healing and helpfulness that I not only receive but that I am able to give.  And I am grateful.

TOMAS:   Your reference to your willingness to place your hands on the person of another is a most gracious help, not only because you avail yourself as a circuit for the powerful assistance of higher beings and higher circuitry, but because the human animal responds to the loving touch of its fellow creatures.  Unfortunately many are fearful of having anyone come into their space, much less be touched!  And this, too, is an advancement, that you are willing to embrace one another and to, indeed, lay your hands upon each other.  It is healing.  It is helpful.

Leetah: Thank you Tomas.

PamElla: Good evening, both Daniel and Tomas.  I have a curiosity question.  And if I am out of line I don't mind being put back in my place.  I have observed before tonight in other locations that when Tomas is speaking through Gerdean, Rutha's mouth moves in unison with the exact same words.  And that raises two questions for me.  I am wondering how that process is working because I thought that the way the TRing took place was through manipulation of the language center of the brain.  So it seems interesting to me to see it occurring simultaneously in both.  And the other question I have, because the TRing experience uses the individual minds of the TRs, why are the words exactly the same that are being said.  Perhaps they are not the same when Rutha's mouth is not moving.  I realize maybe this is not something to talk about tonight and the question can even be stricken from the transcripts.  I am curious if that is allowable and if not, please tell us to strike it.

DANIEL:   This question is one that Rutha would like to know as well.  She has been saying, 'Tomas, you are echoing in my head.'  And what can be addressed is this.  Whenever teachers are in contact with individuals there can be other circuitry that connects to others, thereby relating the same message or communication.  If it is allowed by individuals this is not an uncommon occurrence.  It does happen in those cases when the TR and the other TR, such as Rutha, is willing to partake of the lesson.  It also takes a bonding between individuals that is not always conscious, as is between Gerdean and Rutha.  This is, again, possible for all of you.  Teacher communication is heightened through transmitting various teachers.  And since Rutha has transmitted Tomas before, it is a natural and comfortable space to be in for allowing the simultaneous transmission to occur.  While the movement of lips is not necessary, it's often a conditioned response of Rutha from usually TRing.  This has served, this evening, as further verification of teacher contact.

PamElla: Ah, yes, Daniel, it certainly has.  And it has before!  The first time I saw it I said to mom -- look at that!  The one part I am still not clear about is why are the words the same when TR minds are different?  Is there an answer to that?

DANIEL:   In various accounts when the transmitting is through another TR then it is the other recipient who hears the words from the teacher.  However, not all words are processed or given or understood.  Thus there is often a breakdown in the communication temporarily for the individual listening in, in this case Rutha.  The use of TRing through using mind and communication patterns is viable in that it is meaningful for that individual who is TRing.  And often if it occurs, like this evening, the message would not be as understandable by the listening TR, Rutha.  Does this answer your question?

PamElla: Yes, Daniel, it does.  Thank you.  That was fascinating.

Roland:   Good evening, Tomas and Daniel, this is Roland.  Thank you very much for that instructive lesson.  It occurs to me that we have not yet asked if there is anything in our celebration of Michael's birthday this weekend that would be recommended by you on the side that you are on with an overview and a special position of farsightedness that we might consider this evening as a potential of an activity or a meditation or prayers or perhaps even preparing ourselves for contact with our Father/Brother Michael.

DANIEL:   My dear friend, it is our sincere desire and hope that you will avail yourselves of that which is opened.  Do not hamper your vision or your spiritual quest by any type, form, or thought that can bring negative influence, fear or doubt, into your life; for in celebrating Michael's birthday open up and know that in this bestowal on this twice saddened planet, that Michael came in love.  And as He died as a mortal, so, too, did He die with a greater and more complete understanding of the material existence.  And in this understanding does the love of the Father explode even more brightly for Michael.  That is what He had understood, known, felt and lived.  We can only ask that you emulate this aspect of opening yourselves so that the spiritual input available will be felt and will have impact in your life.  As has been directed earlier this month, this celebration is for you to conduct and experience from your own personal and group understanding.  Our only words are that you lay aside fear and doubt and be open to the fact that all possibilities are possible in the Spirit.  Does this help?

Roland:   Yes, it does.  Thank you.

Leetah: I know Isaac has to type this but I want to go ahead with another question, Daniel and Tomas, and that is -- on the circuits that you were speaking of, between the TR’s, is this the same circuitry that you were speaking of in our lesson two weeks ago, I believe, when you were asking us to connect with either an individual or a group or think in terms of one person as a group and send them this kind of love and message.  Is that the kind of circuitry that is available to us and going on between the TR’s?

DANIEL:   The circuitry of which I spoke to you a few weeks ago is different from that between teachers.  However, it is very similar and as you continue to create those circuitry bonds between one another so, too, will you be more inclined and empowered to, likewise, be connected in teaching transmissions.  This is similar but not the same.

Leetah: Thank you, Daniel.

Isaac:    Perhaps I misunderstood Leetah's question.  But I thought she asked if the circuitry between Gerdean and Rutha was the same circuitry that you were referring us to two weeks ago. [Group engaged in corrective conversation with each other and Isaac.  Isaac remained confused.]

DANIEL:   The TR circuitry is different than the circuitry between humans.  However, when two people have formed a circuitry bond such as Gerdean and Rutha then it is easier for a teacher such as Tomas to transmit to one and have another understand or hear.  Also because Rutha has transmitted Tomas before the channels and sensory perception for hearing Tomas is intact, already encircuited.  Is this better explained?

Isaac:    So in the exercise you gave us two weeks ago when we were to choose partners and practice this form of communication, my understanding was that it was between two mortals.  And so it would appear that, if I understand you correctly, that TR to TR bond is the same circuit.  No, my daughter doesn't agree with that.  Well, then I am still having trouble with that then.

DANIEL:   It is not a visual world in this regard, indeed.  What a maze! There is a different circuitry between celestial teachers such as myself and Tomas that encircuits to each individual.  There is a circuitry that can be formed and bonded between humans.  This is what I asked you to work upon this past week.

Isaac:  That's what I was understanding.

DANIEL:   And when two people such as Gerdean and Rutha have worked in establishing this circuit, there then is a bond that naturally flows between them.  And because of that bond having foundation it becomes easier for these two individuals to hear the words of a teacher as it is being spoken to one.  This is not a prerequisite but it is another source of upholding and uplifting and supporting the contact between teachers.  It may be an exercise for you at some point when you are TRing in a group to tap into the teacher speaking.  This may help you in understanding my words this evening.

Isaac:    Thank you for your patience.  I think I have a pretty clear picture now, so I'll offer the microphone to someone else.

Roland:   Since we are on this subject it clues me into the fact that I have just been instructed in yoga interpretation and through practice and through concentration of mind energies in the spiritual eye, by raising your consciousness through the spiritual eye you can broadcast to another, a thought.  And that the receiving mechanism is in the heart chakra.  And if you practice and open yourself through the heart chakra you would be able to receive messages.  So there is sort of a mechanistic situation with the mind focusing on the third eye to broadcast and opening the heart to receive messages.  Can you comment on that?  Is that something you are familiar with?

TOMAS:   If I may connect here.  Yes, son, this is something which, indeed, is familiar.  And if you will but review your words you will find that you have said in a different light what Daniel has just told you.  Your perceptions are correct.  The theory is viable.  And of course the heart is the receptor.  It is because we are loving creatures in a loving universe that puts us in contact with these various circuit boards of communication.  The ancients who practiced these techniques aeons ago had found a way of tapping in to a source of energy that you now know as circuitry.  The circuitry of the old ones was a remnant of earlier spiritual times and higher civilizations.  Now that our circuit systems are reopening these ancient techniques are being revitalized.  And we expect to see, indeed, an explosion of lights.  Most specifically will this upstep the oriental races who have long practiced this internal connection with Spirit.  And our hope is that this internal and individual connection with Spirit will now begin to reach out and make contact with other individuals in this circuitry which Daniel has advised would benefit us all.  This is not an exercise in amusement, but in literal expansion of possibilities of enlivening your planet.  Absolutely, proceed. 

And I am inclined to draw this evening to a close, for we are excited and stimulated and activated as a result of the extra energies in this room and hovering over, around, and above it.  This energy is guaranteed to accelerate and activate even further into this celebration of Michael's mortal birthday anniversary.  My friends I know how the human mind works.  And I respect that you perceive that this is a sacred occasion, as well you might.  And I fully agree with your need for some semblance of rites and rituals at this point.  And if I may be so emboldened I would ask that we now join hands.  And I would also request that my brother and fellow teacher, Daniel, lead us in a prayer of invitation to our Creator to join us at His own birthday party.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   As ascending being on many different levels it is impossible for us to understand how there could be no beginning and how there can be no end.  And it is even more unimaginable to us to fathom a First Source and Center, a Second Source and Center, and a Third Source and Center.  It is all relative that this Deity can be understood.

We are thankful that the First Source and Center indwells each of us with that Father Fragment; that from the Second Source and Center has been given a magnificent Creator Son, Michael, who came to this lowly planet.  And to the Third Source and Center we give thanks for the Mother Spirit, the angels and the like.  To all this magnificent help we ascending mortals give thanks.

And to you, Michael, on this auspicious occasion of your 2000th anniversary date of birth, we say welcome.  Bless we teachers in this Mission, and all the mortals on this plane, that through Your help we will come to know that which You came to teach us, that we can recover from our errors in thinking and start living a life of giving, loving, and knowing that we are all part of a great whole, that we are all loved, and that we are brothers and sisters, together.  Help us, Michael, as we celebrate this day that we can be about doing the Father's business as You were when You were on this plane and as You continue to be.  We open our hearts.  We open our minds.  We open our Spirit.  Let us be filled so that we can in turn help one another.  We ask this on this great occasion knowing that when we ask we shall receive.  Thank You.  Amen.


DATE:  August 20, 1994


DANIEL [Rutha]:  Greetings, my children, I am Daniel, your guide and teacher.  On this occasion of great joy and celebration I and the teachers and celestials abound in great love and admiration for you and are asking that the great joy that is felt from the local universe headquarters be felt within your locale at this time.  Open you hearts that you may receive the joy and love that emanates from the local universe.  However, you may then broaden your perspective to realize that even on Havona is there a celebration of the all encompassing love, joy, and mercy of the First Source and Center!

There are many teachers gathered here today, many celestials.  And our mission is to call upon you to continue taking those steps that will bring you into a greater and grander reality than you now have.  Only through the work of self discovery, only through the work of reaching out and allowing for the Indwelling Spirit to lead, will you be so guided.  As you have witnessed these last few years those who take the time, put in the time, walk the walk, are progressing.  It cannot be any other way.  God's work is many-fold.  Your limited understanding of God does not necessarily mean you cannot act and walk in the path towards Him.  You have shown and continue to show that, indeed, your understanding is broadening.  You are growing.  You are becoming.  You are real!  When you understand your own reality then the reality of God makes sense as well.  Welcome to this gathering.  There are numerous others who will speak.  I now give my time over to another, Tomas.

TOMAS [Gerdean]:  Joyous greetings faithful pupils, students in these wondrous halls of sacred development!  We are humbled again to behold your steadfast presence.  We are many today as are you.  And this celebration, indeed, extends through vast realms, not only on Urantia, but beyond.  You might wonder if all we do is party, for it seems we frequently make reference to our joyousness, our jubilance and our celebrations!  You are beginning to perceive that life in the Kingdom is indeed a parade of praise and thanksgiving.  The burden is light. 

The gratifying aspect of such congregations as this is that you all are equally sharing your reality.  And you are not conscious of the earth that needs moved, the plow that needs forwarded, the rocks that need hefted out of the way, and all those seeds that need to be planted, fertilized, watered, and cultivated.  Rather, you glory in the harvest that you behold in one another that we behold in you.  And we have said from the outset that you small loyal groupings are important.  We have encouraged your steadfast devotion to learning and teaching in the vein of the Correcting Time aspects, and see today, my fellows, how this is helping to congeal and stabilize a furtherance of Spirit reality.  For you have not wavered in your foundations but grow stronger and, indeed, give forth messages to you fellow human beings and to your supernal teachers that the living reality is on fire with enthusiasm and bounteous joy which is as our Lord said it would be.  Indeed, this vale of tears is passing away as you learn new levels of acceptance and mirth. Your symphony of praise and joyousness as expounded in your sharing time has enriched yourselves and us as we behold your work bringing forth this Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.  For you are mortal children and we are delighted to see you begin to treasure your life's experiences and enriched fellowship.  Behold, you are precious gems of truth, beauty, and goodness.  We appreciate your being. 

My precious children and co-workers be about your day in anticipation of yet more enrichment as you avail yourselves of that abundance that comes from the table laid before you by the Master Whom we serve.

HAM [Rutha]:  Greetings, I am Ham.  My dear children it brings me great pleasure to be with you today, to strengthen communication bonds with my core Woods Cross group and extended Pocatello group.  Truly is this family unit the pride of our Mission in bringing forth greater avenues through which the word can be known! 

I ask you today, who is your rock and your fortress?  Who?  As you have grown, not only in your own understanding of self, but in your understanding of your position in the universe, a son or daughter of the First Source and Center; as you have grown in your understanding of your role in the universes and as you have come to know your Father/Brother/Creator, Michael, you have been fortified with the courage to know Who is your Fortress, your Rock upon which you can lay forth your burdens. 

The foundation that we have come to set is in place!  You have all taken steps.  You all have laid the corner stone.  And now you may decorate the landscape.  Sow those seeds.  Perform that service.  Listen without judging. Reach out without expecting return.  And when the day grows dark, when your hour of temptation is upon you seek the solace of that Rock.  Go within and you will not be alone.

How well you are beginning to understand that concept!  How joyous!  How joyous for you, how joyous for the teachers, but most importantly how joyous for this planet!   As you project your thoughts be well aware of the inner connectedness of all.  Do not be willy-nilly but think now not just from an animalistic point of view but from a spiritual.  My love to all of you.  It is good to be back in your presence, to feel your warmth, to know your joy.

I take my leave now, but as you are well aware it is but for a time.  For as has been told to you many a time, we of this Teaching Mission are dedicated to serving the Father, of aiding Christ Michael.  And your beckoning call is that which we desire to aid.  Continue to walk that path.

MACHIVENTA [Gerdean]:   I am Machiventa Melchizedek come to greet you as you gather together in honor of the birth of your Jesus, our Michael of Nebadon.  I am on this occasion acknowledging your grand illumination that radiates loud and clear, far and wide.  You would not be surprised were we to say, 'we told you so.'  You now begin to believe.  You are beholding the results of the adjudication and the circuits reopening.  There is now much to be done.  As you have built the stage and hired workers and learned your roles, memorized your lines, the play may now commence.  Be prepared for your director's call!  This is not a rehearsal.  The panorama of history is being portrayed, has begun.  We will not tell you how the play unfolds except that there is a happy ending, there is a new beginning.  This is the perpetually happy ever after. 

I have gone from urgency of emergency to acknowledgment of your understanding that this is the case.  We have now formed our company.  Let the show commence.  Let us entertain you.  This is different for me I know, but I am joyous today!  It is a holiday.  And although the work is still urgent today the earth is beautiful!  The children sing!  See the beauty!  Envision Light and Life!  Be aware of the angelic hosts in your midst, in your streets!  See Michael there before you, mingling with the caravan.  Know we are among you.  Begin to be minstrels, happy minstrels who like the 'Pied Piper' lead the confused into joy and happiness. 

Do not cease your work in the play.   There is still pain and sorrow and darkness.  Do not allow those dark corners to go untouched but carry your message into those dark corners.  Take your song and your magic wand into those dark caverns of life and light their way forward.   I know you are being changed.  I am aware of great change in this small world of Michael's earthly experience.  We are succeeding.  We are not defaulting.  We are victorious.  Do not stop now, for we have firm footing, but grow and give thanks.  Farewell.

ABRAHAM [Rutha]:  Greetings, I am Abraham.  It is only befitting and proper that I should follow my good friend and teacher of old, Machiventa.  Yes, the pathway has been laid.  You have been instrumental in laying a foundation.  But let me ask you to heed the words of Machiventa not to give up.  For you see, the part you are playing is real.  You are not just actors or actresses on a stage.  The play which Machiventa spoke of is the reality of life. 

And so as in olden times I will call you my army and I will ask you to march forward.  Do not lose sight of all that you now know.  The song 'Onward Christian Soldiers' should be changed to 'Onward Universe Believers'.  No more can you wear the face of an actress, the mask of a phantom, for that is not real.  What is real is the fact that you are a child of the First Source and Center!  Understand that and you will forever be changed.  You are grasping that.  Continue to explore that concept.  Challenge it.  Ask.  Allow guidance to help you to really know and believe, so that which you are capable of, can really be reality.

On this great celebration there is joy.  And the armies are on liberty.  Celebrate, laugh, bond, share, for this, too, is part of the Kingdom.  It is the reality of that which is real.  It is the real truth.  Continue.

As a mortal from this plane I can say from experience that life is not easy, but succession from ascension is far worse.  Enjoy the trials. Heavy though they may be, for interspersed with those is the security and happiness that comes from knowledge of a greater purpose.  Continue to march.  My love to you.  Shalom.

DANIEL:   I am Daniel and I am without a doubt moved by the gathering here on both planes of existence.  There are many who would speak but Tomas and I have been asked to share a moment with you, asking you to open yourselves to feeling the celestial love that abounds by holding hands and reaching out to one another.  Allow a moment of silence that you can tune in and spiritually feel love. [Pause]

You on this plane have no clear idea of the immensity of real love.  Many of you grasp it and understand it to a degree.  It is part of the ascension career to gain further knowledge in this reality.  It is something that is truly revolutionary in its scope and in its ability to transform.  It is something that can be talked about, written about and sung about.  It is the actual experience that makes it real.

I will close for now giving you my love and peace and my gratitude for who and what you are.  This evening as you join together in a meal, as you celebrate, know that we on this side are celebrating with you.  Yes, it is a grand time for a great party for our Creator, Michael.  By the way, Michael is here!


DATE:  August 26, 1994
TOPIC:  Lulled Into Listening To Love's Lullaby

DANIEL:   I am Daniel, your teacher, guide, and your counterpart in this marvelous experience of bringing you forward into new realms of reality.  My friends, I am coming through this different circuit, for me, because I seldom have occasion to use it, and my beloved TR, Rutha, is tired.  I well may jump around if she feels inclined.  But I wanted to greet you this evening and to expound somewhat on what I have heard you sharing in this discussion which you have had and which has consistently of late consumed inordinate segments of time.  This development is not alarming to us, but rather is an expansion of your souls in expression.  Your developing trust of one another in and through the teaching of your supernal guides has brought about this new area of operation.  I say, too, that your conversations are meaningful, for they are not idle chatter but true expressions of your understanding of your spiritual life, how you encounter the reality of your day to day existence.  Indeed, this is sharing your inner life with God even through each other.

We are pleased with this new expansion of sharing.  As you indicated, the overflowing expression of deep feeling and soul growth of those who are also members of this mission work, yet those who you are not  in constant human communication with, are also opening themselves.  And the new reality which is emerging benefits all of us greatly. 

You might understand how it is that you all feel exhausted.  You are reminded that emotions can be draining and here you have indulged and/or observed tremendous emotional networking.  Even the alleged threat of intimacy, exposure and vulnerability can cause you to arm yourself and the struggle is tiring.  Trust that in time your expression will become less stressful, that the Spirit which lives within each of you, will, through personality manifestation be more in keeping with Michael's own methods of presentation.  You are growing, children, quickly.  Do not be surprised that from this new comprehension of who you are becoming you are not inclined to want to go back to old ways of living or functioning, but are engaged in pulling forward those of you who will be pulled forward.  The circuitry on which I have spent great lengths describing and explaining will contribute further to the upstepping which you are even now experiencing in your arena.  Stay accustomed to accepting your soul.  And its expression, as compared to your familiar role and its expression, will be a process you can undertake as you 'pass by'. 

I am also reminded to tell you that one of our Teacher's critical qualities was that He was never in a hurry.  This is not to say, however, that you cannot live an even more full and rich life through Spirit energy than you could by your temporal ambition and conditioning.  Therefore remind yourself to go slowly and be patient with yourself and with one another.

My friends, Tomas had suggested we sing a lullaby.  And perhaps I will later allow just that.  But for now I am responsive to your searchings.  In fact I lay no claim to one vehicle or the other.  Are there questions?

Kent:   No questions, yet.  I had a good week.  I felt great after the birthday!  And I would like to give my gratitude to you, Daniel, and to Tomas and to my very patient teacher, Larenzo.  The thoughts that I get, the concepts that I get are not mine entirely.  You all have touched me.  And as my love increases I continue to send it to you.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   Indeed, Kent, your expression has become fluid in its graciousness.  You are pleasing in our eyes as we in yours.

Paula:  Daniel, I have been asked a lot in the past week about suicide deaths since a member of the Unitarian community that I serve as their surrogate pastor [did that? ed.].  I would just like to hear you speak a little bit about suicide and what happens for persons who have committed suicide.  I think you have spoken of that before but I can't remember.

DANIEL:   You cannot remember because I did not go into substantive response as that understandably is not something I am at liberty to go in to in depth.  Would that I could assist you further, daughter, and perhaps in a more intimate setting you and I could touch upon some of your needs and concerns as a teacher of your flock and as a loving counselor to many.  My instructions are, however, to not delve into this realm.  I am sorry.

Paula:  Thank you Daniel. Do I understand that we might have deeper conversation in a private time?

DANIEL:   That is correct.
Paula:  Thank you for that invitation.  And I will avail myself of that.  Thank you.

Leetah: Daniel, I am trying to reflect on what has just been said.  I think that the traditional church's position, I'm looking at my own past now and I believe that in the Roman Catholic Church, suicide is a sin beyond forgiveness.  And of course I would say there is nothing that God the Father/Mother, Christ Michael, would not forgive.  So maybe that was just my concern.  Could you comment on that, please, nothing more about suicide?

DANIEL:   It is certainly true that our Creator is, has, such understanding of His children that He sees into the heart of each son and daughter, understands the pain, the tribulation, the despairs that flesh is heir to.  Our First Source and Center is more in authority in the matters of soul survival.  There are, indeed, councils established to review such matters as terrestrial escapes. Nowhere is it encouraged to give up the good fight of faith.

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.

Paula:  Daniel, I neglected to ask if I should schedule that time with Rutha or with Gerdean.  Does it matter?

DANIEL:  Certainly not to me.
Paula:  I am mindful of Rutha's energy.  So, thank you.

Leetah: I am going to ask a question just for clarification, Daniel.  It was of interest to me where I am reading in the book.  It said that the ascendant beings that are on a mortal plane, not speaking of us mortals, can see both the Spirit world and the physical, material world.  They are much the same.  So I was just curious.  Obviously you have often said that there are many beings here that we cannot see.  But it appears that you see all of our material realm and the spiritual or morontial beings that are here.  Are there ever beings here that you cannot see but you know are present?

DANIEL:   Actually there are some here that I do not behold.  When I am notified of activation of the spirit I may take note.  But I am involved in those who are spiritually alive and aware and seeking guidance and encouragement in those realms which we have in common.  The midwayers are actively involved in the temporal, material affairs of Urantia far more than we teachers.  They, I suspect, see many more individuals than I do.  It is a slight distinction.  Do you see?

Leetah: Yes, Daniel, I do.  And that was kind of what I expected you to say.  And I appreciate those comments.  It helps me to talk about those things that I read so that it is clear in my mind.  I appreciate very much your comments.

DANIEL:   Let me elucidate by an example, and that being of your computer disks.  There is different density.  And the lower density disk drive cannot read the higher density disk, while the higher density disk drive can read the lower density disk.  Do you see the parallel?

Leetah: I see the parallel, Daniel.  I don't know that much about computer disks.  I understand what you are saying and I have heard Isaac and others talk about them.  Machines and I do not get along very well, but I do use them and I appreciate that.  That is a very clear example.

Isaac:  Since you sometimes jest, Daniel and Tomas, I am curious about this lullaby stuff.  Is that a reference to the fact that we are all half zonked out, exhausted here, and you were trying to sort of enliven us?

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  No, not entirely, although you are receptive to a lullaby this evening. I am not inferring that you are not alert and awake, but rather you are subdued and could easily be lulled into a mindset for receiving that loving attention which is sometimes hard for humans to receive unless and until they are down or weak or weary, as mothers' love will tell you.  I felt your overall submission and thought it might be a good opportunity to feel more personal in my rapport with you, that is, less mindal and more tender.  It is not my intention to appear removed, but rather to comfort and nurture your souls in my relationship with you, as is true of all the teachers.  So suffice it to say, I am impressed by the passivity with which you attend this evening, and find that that bed of tenderness and vulnerability is that which will allow you to rise up into your next childhood of personality expression.  I have lulled you to sleep sufficiently.  I am giving you back to Daniel.

Isaac:  Tomas, that was just lovely, just lovely!  I was not entirely serious in my commentary, but you gave an answer that I was not expecting.  I do thank you.  I sense a real, as you said, motherly affection.  And so you haven't lulled me to sleep, you have been very sweet, generous, loving.  It's beautiful.  Thank you.

TOMAS:   My pleasure.

DANIEL:   What a quiet group.  Have I been so thought provoking as to steal your tongue?  Perhaps my friend is correct, that we should tuck you in and trust that you will have sweet dreams and rise on the morrow with new food for thought having been invented in your brain.  And with the weekend upon you, with the new season about to embark, and having come round full cycle through a bounteous and varied summer season of festivity and travel, we can stretch and yawn and prepare to settle down to some steady living the life and learning the techniques which next await you. 

My friends, I have, as always, appreciated your kind attention, your ministrations to me in your continued loyalty and your devotion to duty, and earnest seeking to follow the will of our Father/Mother, Creator Son, Divine Minister, Teacher Corps and all those involved in love and light and life and forward progression.  All is appreciated and acknowledged by your humble servant, Daniel.  Tomas says, "Ditto."  Farewell.


DATE:  September 2, 1994
TOPIC:  Loyalties

DANIEL:   Greetings, my friends, I am Daniel, your teacher, your guide and your companion.  It is with deep satisfaction that we teachers and other observers of your gathering behold your growth. [Pause]  Excuse this faltering moment as there is a high energy surge needing adjustment.  One moment. [Pause] 

Your discourse this evening having to do with physical aspects of yourselves is something we are constantly in attention to for your energy circuits are impacted not only be your physical environment and your transportation in and out of various energy patterns, but in your own spiritual development you are subjected to more and newer energy circuitry.  The stabilization of your systems is an important facet for the workers in this mission.  The Life Carriers are attentive to your condition and your comfort to the greatest possible extent.  It is note worthy that you are participants in this experience of life and that by making those decisions that alter your course into more morontial realms you are, in fact, altering your own energy configurations.  And the resistance to these new plateaus or areas of energy utilization can be draining and/or exhilarating. 

We are mindful, and we ask that you also be mindful that when you encounter energies in your arena, be they negative or positive, you will go through an adjustment, as if you were a chameleon.  Allow your bodies to flow.  Do resist.  Do not succumb, but rather hold on to your core reality and waft through.  Allow the down draft, but do not let it pull you down.  There is a certain sensitivity, conscious sensitivity that you would be mindful to heed.  Blood pressure matters, respiratory matters, energy matters are all affected in this process of perfecting oneself. 

You are growing less dense in many ways.  Behold your conversation this evening and recall how significantly you have altered your focus of interest since a year ago, two years ago, three years ago, even two weeks ago.  Your obedience to our suggestions and promptings has created an organism, a living pull which will accelerate and continue.  Fear not this drawing power but do not expect that you will operate on those same familiar energy levels which once were comfortable for you are no longer so dense, so mortal.  Supermortal is an inflection which comes to mind.  I thought to add these words to your mounting library of information since we are indeed sharers of your life's experiences and cognizant of those subtleties on your availability and receptivity to further spiritual guidance and growth.  Indeed, nothing escapes the attention of Deity. 

My dear friends I am touched by your warmth, by your communal concern for those most dear to us all.  We bow when you engage in prayer.  My friend and colleague is willing to address you for a time.  I am with you.

TOMAS:   I am Tomas.  Greetings, children.  We are proud and pleased to be participants in your growth and gathering, none more than I who feels quite conjoined to this family, this teacher base, so nobly established.  We would call to your mind the quality of loyalty. 

A broad range of loyalties exist in your life's experience.  We know the philosophic truth that loyalty to high ideals and to our authority figures and to our kin, these indeed are worthy loyalties, varying degrees of loyalties, however.  Waste not your devotion on loyalties which no longer hold for you your intense and earnest desire.  Your heart's desires have altered and your incomplete growth is ongoing.  Your perception of loyalty is changing.  That which once would bow you down, would control your behaviors, indeed, in which you would find great pride and satisfaction, may be loosing savor.  Friends, your loyalties are inflating.  The loyalty to spirit potential has become your new toy, your new lover, your prize possession, your chief delight.  Now, you see, your loyalties are more universal, are clearly oriented toward divine love and service, far outshining your earlier, yet one time noble, loyalty to more substantial and finite values.

Perceive in my words, precious ones, that I am not encouraging you to renounce former values or loyalties to relative realities, but to expand your understanding of yourselves that in your greater vision you are able now to perceive a far wider field, a greater scope.  And in this panorama the perspective casts new light on your arena.  It is a new challenge, a new opportunity and certainly a new platform for you to gain mota footing in your ability to teach and portray by your emotional actions what depth and height and breadth loyalty asserts.  Your loyalty to truth is what we applaud today.  I have concluded my little commentary on loyalty and I and Daniel are joined in our association this evening by many other celestial beings, yeah hosts, not excluding Morontia Companions who watch with interest your developing sense and manifestation of socialization, for they will eagerly spend time with you for many aeons to come in just such processes as your talking circle.  But I chatter and defer to you, loyal companions, mortal fellows and sisters.  Are there questions?

Kent:    No questions.  You say our Morontial Companions are with us and they are observing.  Perhaps they have a good tale to tell us this evening or a good joke?  A little humor?

DANIEL:   This is Daniel.
Kent:   Yes, Daniel.

DANIEL:   My friend Tomas sometimes refers to himself as Tomas the opportunist.  You might begin to think of me as Daniel the disciplinarian for I find no particular merit at this point in your congregation of introducing such an avenue of mirth; and call to your attention that the Reversion Directors are those perhaps that you had in mind.   The Companions are not particularly jokesters.  They are, indeed, quite spiritual in content, and in fact, are reluctant to enjoin with you for your amusement; and by the same token are interested in you as intelligent and responsible beings, not here for their amusement either! 

You, my son Kent, nonetheless enlivened our group by your keen wit and most specifically by your willingness to be a buffoon for our pleasure.  And you, my dear son, are appreciated and, in fact, are quite noble.  Thank you for your diversion.  You might consider taking a course with the Reversion Directors and you might consider asking them to put such matters on their curriculum when they begin their administrative processes to bring about these fascinating institutions of learning which are imminent. [Sporadic group laughter]

Kent:    The buffoon has been rebuffed and it has been my pleasure!  Thank you Daniel.  Very well put!! [Continuous laughter from the group during this last exchange]

DANIEL:   You will recall from your text that it was promised that future generations would know of the high level of humor which would one day be experienced once you were embraced by spirit and liberated from shadows of ignorance and fear.  This mirth and generation of good feelings is exemplary of how we have matured, that we are able to put our seriousness in perspective that the ego is assailable and indeed available to work for the love of the Lord.  When one takes oneself too seriously, then, as you know, life is burdensome and ponderous.  These loyal students which I and we have nurtured and grown are living proof of loyalty to greater realities than mere mortal interests would allow. Are there questions?

PamElla: Daniel I hate to ask a serious-- No, I don't. My question is more serious.  And maybe I take my self too seriously.  That last comment about how life becomes burdensome when one takes oneself too seriously hit home.  And I did enjoy the mirth and lightness that filled the room.  It was very enjoyable.  My question pertains to your earlier comments about, I believe, we are becoming more morontial so there are all kinds of energy things going on in addition to our normal physical things.  And I heard you say something about -- I heard it as 'fight it and don't succumb to it.'  And I am thinking about my lack of energy which I had shared with the group beforehand, and I am feeling frustrated about.  And I guess I am looking for some sort of confirmation that I am doing it OK and not succumbing.  I guess I heard you saying go with the flow, so that in my situation some days I just don't have energy.  And when I don't have energy that it is correct, then, to rest and watch TV if that is what I want to do and be OK with the fact that I don't have energy.  And on days when I do have energy use it rather than fighting the fact that I don't have energy and trying to push myself despite it.  I realize that is probably correct but for some reason I am quite shaky and tenuous in my trust in myself in this area.  So if you would comment, I would appreciate it.

DANIEL:   My dear, I am honored to address your needs, as you know.  Your spirit is very clear and your soul is a radiant light.  However, as you well suspect your energy loss is not due to your soul's standing or your spiritual standing, but rather as is the human condition, subjected to emotional and mindal and physical disturbance and congestions.  Indeed, these three elements can get quite intertwined and sometimes the best thing to do is sit down and give up and say, 'let me just rest.  Let me just turn myself over to my spirit entity and draw energy from that source.  Let me give up the struggle.  Let me, indeed, just stay in bed'.  And there is no fault, no blame in succumbing to your guidance of your spirit and your spirit helpers. 

The overall succumbing is not something I am truly worried about in any of you for you have all come too far and seen too much truth and light to revert now.  Your enthusiasm and your loyalty has become significantly empowering to you and your desire to serve and to feel the abundance which is just even now beginning, will overpower any animal lethargy to give up altogether.  So, know that I am not worried about you truly succumbing to a dangerous rate.

Pollutants and poisons are complex and I ask you all to realize, remember, recall the reality that this poor planet has suffered much.  It is, indeed, unclean and impure.  Not only are its waters and its air and its food defiled but its thinking and its feeling.  There is tremendous work needed to be done.  You have heard us make reference to this before.  Particularly is Machiventa inclined to lead us on a march of correction for this planet.  No one is immune to its impurities and the effects of its gross imperfections.  And truly I say to you, as you become more aware of the purity and clarity of your Source and your Center, the more you experience and realize divine love and belief and those qualities of Light and Life which we are, indeed, this moment fostering and solidifying into increased reality for you and for your world; yes, the more you are aware of that reality, the more that a chasm exists between that purity and the impurity of this world.  In your unconscious, in your collective unconscious even, the burden of the correction necessary is overwhelming. 

Your own conscientiousness, precious girl, is partially what exhausts you, for you are so pure in your soul, in your core that the idea of all this imperfection and impurity touching upon you and coming close to you is so repulsive and reviling and offensive that you are exhausted.  So I say, yes, it is OK for you to say, 'God, I'm tired.'  It is OK for you to be gentle with yourself, to feed yourself those things which are pure, refined, and clean for they cleanse you and purify you and make you feel more at home.  Have I helped in my words to you?

PamElla: Yes, Daniel.  Thank you.  And I guess that answers the question I had when I said I was exhausted, but I say -- this is the world that I live in.  All those adjectives and adverbs that you have used to describe my response to living in this world, I am going to continue to be exhausted because that is this world's reality.  So I guess other than the answer we all know by heart, which is to spend time in the quiet, how else do I respond to this so I can move past this exhaustion?

DANIEL:   You challenge me in your question for I have not been a child of the mortal realm in a long time.  But it seems to me that there was a time when I, like you, as a youth was not burdened by the things of my native world, but like you, was a child of nature and subservient to its wonders.  Your appreciation for Urantia is your salvation in many ways for you know that she is still good and plentiful and bounteous.  Would that you could pretend you are a child and when you romp with your dog, when you stride in the sun over a path, through a woods, when you feel the sun and wind on your face and when this bliss of being a mortal child washes over you, do not bring with it, pollutants.  Do not think in terms of what impurities there are.  Think only of your Mother Earth trying to, wanting to, preparing to, needing to, indeed, succeeding in providing you with a material lap on which to sit, a cradle in which to rest.  Your Father/Mother in Heaven are not preparing for you defiled foods.  Do not absorb them as defiled foods. 

Your air, indeed, is contaminated and yet the breath of life is pure in it essence.  Do not allow the ugly aspects of this existence to steal from you your inheritance, your birthright as a creation, not just in the Spirit, but in the flesh.  Celebrate the life which is salvageable.  Do not succumb to the impurities in this light, in this regard, but like an exuberant child fight the good fight of faith that the world will still be here for generations to come.  And as we all work with you and with each other in our mission of bringing God-consciousness and peace and clarity and all these wondrous recycled values into your realm, we will succeed.  We will succeed rapidly for with God all things are possible.  Have I helped?

PamElla: Daniel, that was just gorgeous.  It did raise one further question for me.  That is, I read a book about a Native American medicine man who was not concerned about the impurities and could smoke regular cigarettes and enjoy the tobacco and not be harmed by the chemicals in them.  He said -- I don't know, it is a long time since I read the book -- the impression I have is that he was able to somehow process the toxins in his environment without them affecting him.  Is this also what you are implying I could learn to do if I were to change some of my thinking or learn how to do this somehow?  Is there a further more technical response to that?  I have been very fascinated by the things this medicine man could accomplish.  I am sure it is within natural law and that we are just now beginning to explore those natural laws.  And I realize this may not be the time to pursue this any further.  And that's fine.  But if you could maybe give me directions because I really very much would like to be able to be pure within the environment and fully enjoy what is there.  It was very beautiful, thank you.

DANIEL:   I will respond in part.  Your remark regarding a medicine man brought me into contact with Onamonalonton who, as you know, has been active in our work and he is eagerly availing himself when and as the philosophies and values attributed to the Red race come to the fore.  I have been impressed by Onamonalonton to say that, indeed, when tobacco is smoked in honor of the Great Spirit, when it is used as part of a religious ceremony, when it is an offering of the soul, much as a prayer is offered, the effects are entirely different than is common in routine nicotine addiction.  A lesson in this is that when anything of the earth is used in foods, in clothing, in material in general, if it is used as a part of your 'religious practice', with respect, then it is a part of your devotions and not an enemy to your system.  It is when these original values are distorted that effects are altered and impurity occurs.  This theory goes a long way, but I am not going to go into scientific or cellular descriptions or diagnoses.  Suffice it to say that when you take food, thank life for having put food upon your plate.  Treat it as a gift and allow it to nurture you that you might more richly live and more abundantly serve.  And the food will have fed your body, mind, and spirit.  I would not recommend trying this with something distasteful or overtly poisonous, you understand, but as a method of finding purity and enjoyment in that which has been created to serve you.

PamElla: Daniel, that was immensely enlightening and, I guess, reminds me that it is really about walking in beauty every moment and treating all things, including myself, with the utmost of respect, love and awe.  And if I did that, including my environment, including my food, including the irritating people, if I cease to see them as irritating but also treated them and saw them as the beauty and treated them with the love, the respect, my life would transform completely.  Thank you.

DANIEL:   You are most loved!    [Long pause]   Have we concluded?
Isaac:  You can't top that!

DANIEL:   I have no competition going with myself or my peers.  However, I would say that we teachers are trained to contribute to your growth.  And, indeed, it is not to say that we will top it, but we will again rise to the challenge. 

I am almost reluctant to depart from you this evening as I have so appreciated our gathering.  If you only could see from our vantage point the calm clarity, the obedient poise, the shimmering harmony of your individual and combined souls, you would want to stay and watch it much like a mother or father watches the sleeping infant.  Such pleasure we see in you, loyal students!  Even so, it is time for us to bid our farewells for this week.

I am going to give you an assignment.  However, I know that you are so eager to work with spirit reality you are finding yourselves recipients of responsive input almost daily and some days more than others.  Yet if you would give a look to your loyalties and give some thought as to how courageous you have been in standing up for what you believe in, for what potential there can be for standing by the truths of this marvelous epochal revelation and being forerunners in these early eras, we will have even more in common.  Go in peace throughout your days.  Be mindful of erratic energies over holiday weekends and new beginnings.  Bless you.  And Tomas also adds his similar sentiments.  Farewell.


DATE:  September 9, 1994
TOPIC:  Making the Connection

DANIEL (TR 2):  Greetings faithful students, friends, and visitors. My peace I bring this evening. I am Daniel your teacher. We spoke not long ago about energies of new beginnings. It is quite apparent the onslaught of activity which has integrated itself into your realms resulting from yours and myriad decisions. We are embroiled now in that far reaching task of utilizing your decisions to further our work. It is not easy to cut through when your patterns are astir and erratic. It is for that reason we impress upon you the practice of going into the stillness to find that anchor of cosmic poise, intellectual peace, emotional harmony, truth, etc., which calms those erratic energies and provides focus for us and you with which to operate. Thank you for recalling to your being that peace which passes all understanding. This makes our work much easier and your circuitry all benefit thereby, also.
(TR #1): This evening we will look into the area of developing a greater understanding of circuitry. This approach of understanding your uniqueness is important, yet even in your own uniqueness there is the underlying unity which you cannot escape if you tried. It is this underlying unity throughout the universes which connects and ties all into the Deity of the First Source and Center on down to the most insignificant particle of matter/energy. If you can have a real cosmic and broader understanding of your being then you can fine tune your thought patterns into the idea of life's purpose, life's agenda.

Those who separate themselves from the whole are not only creating diversity for the whole but also creating a diversity within their own being. They are, in fact, waging a war, so to speak, within themselves. There is a tension and polarity that continues to bring this individual into conflict with life in general. There is a tendency to not understand values and not be able to live in accordance with a given value or thought process.

When one is of understanding of their nature and being a part of a whole then they are better equipped and more able to walk life's path in a more progressive fashion. They are able to stand on their own in that they understand their uniqueness as well as their unity in the whole. You cannot divorce yourselves from one another physically, emotionally, intellectually, or socially. You cannot divorce yourself from the physical environment in which you dwell. You must learn to integrate all aspects of your being within the environment, society, and relationships in which you dwell. Those who are able to understand their inner world, their uniqueness, are able to walk in the outer world with security and comfort. They are better able to trust, to tolerate, and to service one another. They are better able to love.

So the object of this lesson this evening is to have you recall this aspect of being unique yet being connected in time to one another. In your work at defining the circuitry between you and individuals you will find that the more you are able to let go of your own ego-centeredness and relax in a sea of unity then the bonding circuitry will be enhanced and easier for you to maintain. Whenever you are in that space of self doubt and allowing ego to dominate you will find that you naturally "Close yourself off from people.”

This week during your walk through life take note of those times when you feel integrated and whole and those times when you feel separate and segregated. Try to elicit a balance when you begin to err. We are striving to work with you to create a better balance where you can maintain higher levels of energy, higher levels of purposeful and meaningful living and yet walk as a human in a material world. Each time you are able to let go and trust in the divine order you will find that it becomes easier and easier to maintain a more meaningful and realistic understanding of life.

And so my dear friends with these statements I will close this lesson opening it for questions.

PamElla: Daniel, to begin with I realize that you have met Luke and know him but since he is new to us as a group at this time I would introduce him to you and also to teacher Tomas. We are very glad that Luke is with us this evening.

DANIEL:  Indeed are we elated on this side that our dear friend Luke should finally be here in person, while we understand that spiritually you have been walking the path toward greater knowledge and wisdom. We are delighted that your earthly schedule is now in more compliance with our meeting time. We welcome you with open arms, so to speak, with the desire that you feel at ease and that you will continue to seek and follow that which you know to be correct. Welcome, my friend.

Luke:   Thank you.

Leetah: Daniel, I can't help but think in terms, as you started speaking, of the fact that not one of us reported in our sharing time on the assignment that you made for us last week on loyalty. I really spent a lot of time talking and thinking to myself about my loyalties and where they lie. I guess I need to let you know as a teacher, because I certainly appreciate students who complete assignments that my loyalty is, first of all, to the First Source and Center. And I am so grateful for that. And then, obviously, I am loyal to my immediate family and to my class at Bonneville. After this many years I must be loyal there. I am thinking in terms of loyalty as being a first step toward loving as the Urantia Book has said. And it truly is those things that you are loyal to that you love. I guess those are the first places where the circuits should be opening up, too, that you are speaking about. Is this correct?

DANIEL:  You will find, indeed, that this is generally what occurs. Exceptions are always possible. However you must realize that you have all gathered in your experiences on earth that which you are most familiar with. That which you know the most is much easier to embrace and feel secure with. Therefore, it is much easier to love that which you know and much easier to be loyal to that which you know. Yes, it is true that love and loyalty are tied into one another in a unique way. As you continue to grow in your cosmic perception you begin to understand the realities of other peoples, other types of life styles and, indeed, in this knowledge there can then grow love and loyalty. And by that measure is there the bonding and circuitry building enhanced. Well stated, my dear.

Leetah: Thank you Daniel.

Isaac:  Daniel, when you said take note of those times when you feel whole and connected and those times when you feel separate, I wasn't clear. Were you saying the times you feel whole and connected are the more desirable times and we should attempt to find out what it is that makes us feel separated and etc., or were you saying be aware of both kinds of things in a balance sort of situation?

DANIEL:  At this point it is asked that you become aware of these differences. Many are very subtle and it will take close observation and nonjudgmental thoughts regarding the situation. In this close understanding of one's self and one's nature you can begin to notice patterns. Those which are favorable should be nourished and supported. Those which are destructive and cause regression need to be discarded. And so my assignment this week is to take notice of these two opposing forces in your life. And you will, through this, naturally step up to the level of changing that which is now obsolete and no longer supports your level of understanding and desire/motive to know and serve the First Source and Center. Do you see?

Isaac:  Yes, so that ties back into assessing our values. And if I understand you, you are saying that one way to assess those values is to see what things lead you in a retrogressive way and note those so that they can be dispensed with and grown beyond. Is that correct?

DANIEL:   Yes, indeed.

Isaac:  I had a thought. I think I'll share it. In this fishing experience where I had six fish on and yet only landed two my appraisal was that my reel wasn't flexible, didn't have the drag working. And pulling those fish in without that ability to let the fish run resulted in them popping off the hook. As I was thinking about this concept this week it occurred to me that maybe in some ways my fishing for other people's involvement in reading the Urantia Book and the Teaching Mission and anything I think is important, that perhaps I do that to in my 'fishing for men' skills, to use the Bible's phrase. Maybe I don't have enough drag in my techniques. Do you think there is any merit in my thinking in this regard or is it too personal for commentary this evening?  Therefore I return the platform to Daniel.

DANIEL:  An interesting thought. It is, however, not totally in the realm of not having the correct drag. What your lesson with the fishing pole can better teach you is that while you often throw out a line to others those who are truly at the level of understanding will grab hold and will take the bait. Those who grab for a second or two are being fed and nourished but are not yet up to receiving the full benefit of the worm. And so cast your lines and those who are ready will surely bite.

Isaac:  It sounds like you are telling me not to criticize myself so much but just keep on fishing.

DANIEL:  You cannot ever control another person. All you can do is lend support, love, and advice when asked. To try to coerce or bring others to your level bring roadblocks and barriers. And so it is best to allow that the First Source and Center is truly working within each individual. And as a server of your brothers and sisters all you are asked to do is provide seeds of encouragement, love, and support. And each individual will continue to progress to the best of their ability at any given time. Do not worry unnecessarily, as you spoke about earlier. Rather be willing to support and love when possible.

Isaac:  Thank you, Daniel. Thanks for the conversation about the fish. That really does clarify it for me.

PamElla: Daniel, I really don't have a question. I guess I just want to thank you for your conversations with me, both last Friday night publicly on tape and Saturday morning. And as I know you are aware, I certainly did have a good week. And it feels good to have energy and be able to carry a pan across the room and be able to put it in the refrigerator without my arms burning. It is really nice to feel healthier and happy.

DANIEL:  Thank you for your words. As always, my dear friends, our love for you is great, but greater is the love of the First Source and Center which nourishes us all. And Tomas would say a few words at this time.

TOMAS:  Greetings. I have been observing and patiently biding my time and would jump in and say with my own ego that I spoke of loyalty, not Daniel. And while I make that observation I see that it makes no difference since we are completely conjoined in our efforts. I am -- one moment -- my apologies. My vehicle does not know the word that I want to use to convey my own personal greetings to our new man Luke. It is, again -- I am sorry. The word escapes. Even so, when I have located that word I will insert it. But assuredly I greet you.

My friends, I am always fascinated by these proceedings and am overeager to share my observations. Your individual aspects are so intriguing to perceive and to see, indeed, the circuitry that connects you. I am not going to open mouth and insert foot further. I am delighted to have said anything as I am not connecting well with this particular vehicle this evening.  Therefore I return the platform to Daniel.

Leetah: Daniel and Tomas I apologize if there was anything, any error on my part. I thought that the assignment, thinking about loyalty had been made by Daniel. And I frankly don't even know. I am not trying to offend Tomas' ego. Frankly, that makes me feel good. How long do you guys carry your ego with you? [Laughter].

DANIEL:  We are laughing on this side; that we are an amusement is uplifting. We are, in fact, subject to less and less ego than yourselves. It is not important at this stage of the game. Rather do we teachers work toward a more broad agenda, if you will, serving all and at the same time becoming greater in our own ability to understand and in our ability to reach that potential of pure spirit. The words that Tomas chose in this instance could lead you in error in that ego is not truly a part of that which we are, in the same sense that you understand it. Do you see?

Leetah: I am not sure about ego as ego but I do understand that it was not really a problem. And thank you very much for that clarification.

Gerdean: Daniel, I have a question. Are you going to finish a thought?
DANIEL:  You may proceed.

Gerdean: This is related to your lesson on circuitry. While I was sitting quietly, I was listening, and it seems that this is morontial perception that you are asking us to have, in observing that we are either walking in the circuitry that feels clear and fluid or where we feel blocked and weighted down. Is this, (A) a morontial value lesson that you are talking about?

DANIEL:  The point of the lesson is for finite material beings. However, that which you begin to understand more fully as a human spiritual being raises your consciousness, your level of perception higher. And the more that your spiritual nature takes over the closer you get to a morontial understanding. Truly you are all raising the expectations of your behavior daily. You are beginning to acquiesce very vividly when you are in error. And with each step in a higher direction you are beginning to glimpse the aspect of morontia mota. And so the question you ask is one that cannot be answered yes or no, but must be answered in relationship to gradient and understanding. Are you seeing?

Gerdean: Yes, thank you. And, (B) my question would be, in this process of ascending circuitry or connecting how do our decisions enter into this? As I read in what you were talking about, how we are all connected, and then someone comes along and makes a decision. I know that this is science fiction like but let's say, for example, we are walking down the street on your assignment and things are moving fine and clicking along. And then things don't feel good. We check it out and we say that this is unreal and here's the situation, and therefore we have to make a decision. We make the decision. We get back on the track or things go from bad to worse. But that affects the circuitry, does it not?

DANIEL:  Because of free agency, free choice, circuitry and the unfolding of life on this planet, the unfolding of morontial life, the unfolding of life all the way through is going to be affected by choice. No individual of ascension status is a puppet of a Deity, but rather is an individual of free agency therefore will this aspect always be in play. It is with the ability and the gaining of greater spiritual freedoms that one more correctly chooses that which broadens. As more and more derive to these levels of behavior and ability is this effect of creating more positive results rather than negative as you have related. And so, yes, circuitry is affected by choice. But to worry excessively about whether or not you have made a correct choice can also affect circuitry. Trust that as you learn to be in the silence, that as you learn to truly be a part of the whole, that the decisions you make will be those that will affect circuitry positively. Always is there chance for error. Always is there chance for the correct decision to be made as well. Do not get tied up in a game of indecision on whether or not choices are made correctly, rather lay the foundation daily and seek that guidance that in the unfolding of life those decisions that must be made will be correct. Are you understanding my words?

Gerdean: I believe I am, Daniel. I have received them and I feel satisfied. I appreciated the lesson very much, and your answers to the questions.

DANIEL:  My dear, your ability and thinking process will continue to lead you on many bright and worthwhile adventures. Continue to seek, continue to question, and continue your journey and your relationship with the First Source and Center.

Gerdean: Thank you. 

DANIEL: All of you are unique and wondrous beings. All of you are very different. All of you are very much alike. All of you come from the same Source, and as part of the universes may you all continue to grow and understand your uniqueness as well as your wholeness and unity to one another.

Go this week in peace and love uniting with those in this realm and those on the other side.  Good evening.


End of Vol. II, Part 2 of 6