Monjoronson; Elyon; Michael - Support Network - Oct 7, 14, 21, 2007 - North Idaho

North Idaho Teaching Mission Group


  1. Sailing into a New Reality,
  2. The Support Network,
  3. Paths on the Mountain.

Teachers: Elyon, Monjoronson.

October 7, 2007

* Elyon (Mark TR): Greetings, my dear friends and comrades in ascension, I am Elyon here to enjoy and bask with you in the glow of our camaraderie around the fire, as it were. Of course I have observed your conversation and the inquiries that are on your minds around new material that has been suggested and presented to you. I would offer you this vision in your mind's eye again. Before all your seas and oceans were charted on your world the first to navigate these uncharted waters were forced to extend in faith that they would operate in safety. Their lack of awareness of exactly what they would encounter was so great that it was a formidable challenge to overcome, and yet a few proceeded forward in faith that they would be safe and they would return with greater experience and awareness.

There were even in those times rumors that abounded that there were lands far off, and at that point they were just hearsay, just tales repeated throughout the generations. But there were sparks of truth contained in these tales, and many of these were that basis for igniting the curiosity of the traveler. But it remained unknown to the likes of Columbus that these legends had any real merit, and until he actually proceeded in faith across a great distance he was not rewarded with the truth of these rumors. But having been steadfast he eventually prevailed, and what was only conjecture and rumor and hearsay became the new reality. Once he encountered this new reality for himself and documented it and possessed it as a real personal experience and brought it back to his culture, it was only legend, theory, and conjecture. Such it is with you today. You have many potentials that you hear on the wind, as it were, ideas of new realities that existed or may exist or perhaps will exist.

But all of these remain as distant to you as the faraway lands that your Columbus had to find in his journeys. However, they may act in a very similar fashion as sparks to you which may ignite your curiosity and may propel you to want to find out for yourselves whether or not there is truth to these rumors, to these observations of others. Some, you will find, have no merit and are nothing more than misguided conjecture.

And others, if you explore them, you will find have real basis in truth. But first there needs to be the curiosity and the exploration; first you must be exposed to a great many potentials that you may then proceed to discover and adopt for yourselves which of these portrayals are genuine and which lack substantiation. But you have been sailors for some time, and if it were not for your bravery out on uncharted waters you would not have gained the experience you now possess. And so this very bravery will serve you well because, if you should maintain a certain heading expecting you will find a certain destination and it turns out the destination is not what you originally thought it would be, nevertheless you will extend yourselves in faith to embrace the reality that you do discover.

The ideas that Columbus held about a new world were only his initial vision of what that might be and look like. But having traversed the distance and discovered the new shores he had to expand his awareness to embrace what the new reality would bring to him. Likewise you may have your ideas about the direction you are headed and the ports and places that you will see and find, but it is not until you have covered the distance and arrived there that you will truly know what the destinations have in store for you. But a good adventurous pioneer such as yourselves is ever willing to discover the new shore and, having discovered it, to accept it as part of their new experience.

You will hear a great many things as you have brought these into your presence as a result of your desires to know more and to experience more; so very much will be presented to you. Some you will pursue and discover; some you will put aside as not of interest to you, and some you will discard altogether as too different and outside your current perimeters of willingness. But all out there is designed to inspire you, to intrigue you, to ignite your curiosity that you may set your course to sail to these destinations and see for yourself whether there is a new land to be explored and, if so, what is this new land like?

Many would see you as sailors who have already sailed out and reported back about new territories that have been unexplored, and so you have the experience of pioneering your journey so far. But there are many vast distances to be covered, and just like Columbus you will not be content to simply make one journey, but you will be driven to keep exploring and discovering, and these rumors that reach you of new lands far off and new realities unknown will inspire you to set new course headings and bring yourselves more experience and greater understanding. Likewise if it were not for the first, in this case referring to Columbus and his journey, many others would not have the expanded awareness of lands far off.

The journeys that you make in this time, the realities that you encounter, are brought back to your people and can be used in the same way to expand their awareness of realities that they have not personally yet encountered. If you will hold steadfast to the idea that you are safe and that you are protected in your travels, then you should be unafraid to chart these new courses and discover these new territories for yourself.

Some will be spectacular accomplishments, and others you will find will turn out to be mirages. But nevertheless your journey will serve you well, and you will be wealthy with experience, and that will be the treasure that you bring back to share with the others and to share with the First Source and Center. Thank you for your devoted attention, my dear ones. I so enjoy this journey with you wherever it may lead and whatever we may discover and enjoy en route.

* Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson, and I would go sailing with you as well. As you know, any great exploration party must be well supported. Columbus could not have made these important discoveries without the support of a country, of a nation, willing to provide the necessary ships and crew and provisions to accommodate such a lengthy journey. This Magisterial Mission is your support network willing to provide you with all that is necessary for you to make these long and arduous journeys, willing to support your every effort, and provide you with all that is necessary if you will but man the vessels and be willing to hold fast to the headings of your choice.

We are likened to the support provided by the governments of Columbus' time who are willing to outfit your vessels and even provide you with your compass headings, but in the end it is you who must sail the vessel and put the effort into the day to day activities that will be necessary for you to make these journeys. Unlike Columbus we have the advantage of staying in touch and offering you counsel and guidance as conditions arise.

So it has been that we have worked together in this way. The modern ships of today enjoy communication with the mainland so as to gain a sense of security that they are in touch, and if conditions change and new situations arise, there is the sense of connection to a greater support network. So it is that you do not have to feel alone in your journey but connected to the vast resources that you have at your disposal. But we will not hoist your sails or hold your rudders for you; that is up to you to do as you so desire and as your will and intention propel you. And the discoveries that you will make are indeed yours to make. You may be told of potentials that you might find.

You may be alerted to conditions that may exist, but you will have to encounter these for yourself and navigate the conditions on your own accord. But as you were just lovingly reminded by Elyon, you are tried and true sailors who have experience and faith, the two necessary components to ensure that you will have safe voyages before you and great discoveries. The many explorers before you, the pioneers that settled your West had to set out with no real support crew behind them and had to brave the new territory completely on their own. They either made it or not based upon their individual skills and will. Your pioneering activities are well supported by a vast network of support crew who are ever willing to assist you in your times of need and ever willing to celebrate with you in your times of success. So fear not as you set out on these scouting parties into the unknown because, not only are you well provisioned and well supported, but you are operating in territory that is not threatening to you. You do not stand to be injured or harmed in your efforts to explore. Your only challenges will be in your abilities to embrace that which you find in your process of discovery. Will you be able to go into these uncharted areas with an attitude of seeing what is there, or will you be conditioned by what you have heard or what you suppose might be there?

I realize that your efforts at exploration require you to be bold and adventurous, and yet when you have found a new land to discover you then must be open and willing and at peace with what you find. These two different approaches are at odds with each other, but both must be used in order to fully embrace that which you find with your seeking. I celebrate your progress with you.

You have found much that you have sought in your journey. I would advise you to maintain your present willingness both to seek and then to find. We will indeed prevail in our efforts to ascend to new and greater heights. Thank you for your time and efforts, my dear students and friends in this process. I withdraw now. Farewell.

Mary: The inspiration I am receiving is that as a group of friends we were and have been engaged in this process of ascension, likened to the sea but at this moment I'm feeling a little bit more we're on a mountainside, and we are traversing the mountain, each of us has our own course that were taking. We all meander a bit and explore, and we all look to each other and see each other. We see that one of us is to our left and one to the right, and we see that we are all on the same mountain. Yet we are inhabiting our own spot on the mountain. We are traversing our own path. [phone cuts out]


North Idaho Teaching Mission Group


  1. Knowledge and Accommodation,
  2. Understanding and Acceptance,
  3. Wisdom and Worship,
  4. Saintliness and Spiritual Awareness.

Teachers: Elyon, Monjoronson.

October 14, 2007

* Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings this is Elyon. You are not growing older; you are growing timeless. It is wonderful to behold the emergence of your potentials into the flowering of actuality. There is a saintliness emerging that you may not ascribe to yourself but is evident to your divine Parent, and you know that loving parents do recognize and cherish the best in their children. In your growth you have first learned to accumulate knowledge, for you have discovered that knowledge provides substance whereby you may move yourself, advance yourself, and eventually you coordinate this array of knowledge into an understanding, a sensibility of what you know.

This comes about by way of a value that you hold. You may acquire knowledge but not accept or accommodate that knowledge. In accommodating you then are able to apply it, and your emerging understanding is of greater value when you appreciate what that understandable context is. As example, you may acquire knowledge, say, of squirrels. You may acquire knowledge regarding mountain ranges and many other physical things and conditions. There emerges the understanding of what you may call the field of biology or ecology, and this understanding, when appreciated, develops a wholistic cohesiveness that you likewise identify with. So you may gain knowledge of the events of the past, your chapters of history.

You may come to know the means whereby mankind has become technologically savvy. You may come to understand the nature of human psychology, and this enlarged grasp of humanity is the fruition of the accumulation of your various knowledges. You may also come to know textual references which you call scriptures; you may also accept and accommodate the knowledge granted by a priest or sage or guru, and you come also to know and accommodate your own personal experiences with reality that have granted guidance to you. These coordinated in understanding grant you the appreciation of spiritual experience. There is a level overriding these two and that is wisdom; it is the further integration of your understandings into a wholeness.

I have used the example of biological understanding and humanity and spirituality. All three comprise wisdom -- and more than just these. But wisdom is coupled with worship, a higher reverential appreciation, acceptance, and accommodation. This brings the personality into contact with omniscience, omnipotence, and omnipresence with God that overlays all wisdom of all beings. Thus you grow, and in the course of time you become like He who is timeless; you become one with your Father in heaven. I will allow now the address of others. Thank you.

* Monjoronson (Mark): Be at peace, my dear ones. I am Monjoronson to enjoy this peace with you in this moment. As well I would borrow some of these threads and perhaps weave them into the tapestry of understanding. As was just presented to you by your loving and devoted companion Elyon, there was the observation that you might be seen from on high as taking on the stature of saintly ones.

Let us explore for a moment what that implies on your world. When you would observe another who has been declared by his peers to have achieved such a standing what would you observe about such an individual? I would offer that you would perceive a certain level of attainment, a certain air of wisdom over any such individual which has been achieved through the self discipline and direct efforts of this individual.

A state such as this is not bestowed from on high but rather built up from the foundational levels of seeking and finding and assembling brick by brick your foundation and then subsequent higher levels of understanding. So it is that an individual is recognized for having studied and applied and devoted themselves to the efforts at growing their spiritual capacities and their accumulation of wisdom that is noticeable to others and characteristic of beings whom you would refer to as saintly.

So it is that through mere application of definition one such as yourselves who have undertaken the efforts necessary and have applied themselves in such a manner may assume as a natural course of recognition that at some point those who have studied and applied and disciplined and embraced these spiritual truths will be recognized for having made such advancements and accomplishments. But there is as yet another component that you might ascribe to ones of this stature and that is their connection to spirit, their close association with the realm of spirit where you may find the answers that you have sought, where you may seek and be granted the insights that you petitioned for, where you may affirm your association and your spiritual footing with a dimension beyond the material self. So it is that each of you has grown in your familiarity with this other dimension, even to the point of taking for granted, as it were, that this not only exists but is a regular and routine part of your everyday lives.

I offer you the perspective that you have developed an association with a group of celestial personalities and that this association brings to you an additional layer of spiritual awareness and that when you proceed out on your daily affairs there goes with you an entourage of celestial personalities that are in fact your support crew, and just as any performing personality who is at any time in the forefront, there also exists a great number who are behind the scenes in support of such activities. While they remain unseen they are supportive and enable the speaker to go on without consideration of the many aspects involved behind the scene. They are even there to offer a prompt if there is an occasion to draw a blank.

That is why, as you witness about you individuals you would recognize as saintly, they always appear to be in command and in control not only over their individual person but over the moment at hand and the experience that is present, for they are not only learned in the ways and mechanisms and universe principles of spirit, but as well they are connected to their backstage crew and are supported from behind. So it is with each of you.

You have undergone years of study which builds your foundation and grows your awareness. As well you have a support crew which is ever willing to back you up and support your efforts, as you are the one that is in front and seen by the others. Yes, when the others see your achievements of development and your stature they will ascribe to you qualities which may well be defined as saintly, certainly noticed as advanced or accomplished in that which you have been engaged in training yourselves for. It is the same sense of awareness that you get when you hear a speaker that is proficient in their field and well trained in their application of understanding. You recognize that effort has been applied and advancement has been made in this individual to grasp and then portray that which is being offered.

Just like the respect that a college professor for instance would elicit from the crowd for his accomplishments so too will you be seen as one who has through your discipline and application made certain accomplishments in this your realm of understanding, the spiritual realm. However any good instructor will always be checked by his knowledge that there is always more to be gained and learned and understood and to be incorporated into your base of wisdom. Certainly you will concede that there is much yet you need to learn at any point, but as well you must grant yourselves the attainments you have made along the way, and your understanding that you are only a student who may be offered the opportunities to teach will keep you in a humble attitude of appreciation for your position. Soon you will find yourselves in these positions of having answers to others' questions, having insight to perspective that others do not yet possess.

Having peace that you have found through your process, having awareness that you have built through your studies and applications, these you have earned; these are as your diploma on the wall, and there will be others who seek what you have found and who desire that you rise and offer to them guidance that they may build their own wisdom and discover their own understanding as you have in this process.

I would offer to you the image before we depart that it is much like the old fashioned one room schoolhouse scenario that you may have heard about wherein the older students help to teach the younger ones and in so doing they reinforce their knowledge and understanding of the principles that they have grown to command. So it is with your relationships with your brothers and sisters; there will always be those who are in more advanced grades beyond you who will offer you the benefit of their experience, and likewise there will always be those below you who have yet to rise through the curriculum as you have, and it will be your privilege and honor to tutor them and offer to them all that you have come to possess in the process.

We are in this gigantic enterprise together, and all paths are legitimate and valid, and you will find yourselves fitting in a variety of locations along the way, some as students and some as teachers. Even I addressing you now enjoy greatly the opportunity to learn from you about your experience in this material realm of duality. It is not all a one way street of the preaching and the witness. No, rather I enjoy greatly visiting your group, hearing your discussions, observing your thought patterns, and witnessing the everyday miracle of your growing and choosing right before our eyes, so to speak.

Truly it is witnessing miracles in action to observe your everyday lives. And there is a great deal I learn from such an experience. Thank you, my dear ones, for you devoted dedication to this process. Now relax once again and be in peace. as we settle in to who we are in this process. Thank you. Farewell.


North Idaho Teaching Mission Group


  1. I Will Be with You Always,
  2. Guidance,
  3. I Am Here to Assist in the Process,
  4. Hear with Your Heart.

Teachers: Michael, Elyon, Monjoronson, Unidentified.

October 28, 2007

* Michael (Mark TR): I welcome you, my dear ones, as you welcome me. I am your father, I am your brother; I am the one who calls out to you and you hear my voice. I ask you to gather close around me so that we may huddle up in this time, we may be as close as possible in this forum that you provide for this purpose. My dear ones, I so desire to be close to you in these times just ahead, and I sense as well that you desire to be close to me.

We have a bond between us, an affection that is deep for one another, and it is this desire to be together that will bring us both strength as we proceed forward together. Any individual who feels separated and alone may be awash with doubts, uncertainties, and fears, and they traverse unknown distances and encounter unknown realities before them.

But whenever two or more are together there is comfort, there is strength, there is reassurance that you are not alone. It is not necessary for you to brave the elements by yourselves. I have repeatedly assured you that I desire to go with you as we move forward, even that I desire that we do this in awareness and in partnership, and I perceive that this is reflective of your desire as well, to be so close with each other that we function in harmony, perhaps even in unison. I have assured you that I will be with you always and that I will be observing and standing by your side even with my hand on your shoulder. But I would ask for even more. I would request an even deeper relationship, a relationship of partnership within, even closer than walking side by side, a relationship where we both might see the world through your eyes and we both might interpret this world through my experience. In this way we will use each other's natures and senses to navigate external environment. Certainly you may see me as walking side by side with you as I am, but as well you may invite me within. You may desire a relationship so close that we may sense and interpret reality together. This is not a far off opportunity, but rather this choice can be made and activated at any time. Having made this choice I can do my part to make it so between us. Certainly

I will never commandeer a single choice that is yours to make, but if you offer me such an opportunity through the act of your own choosing, then I may act and follow through with our combined desires. It is truly as simple as that, no grand contracts to be undertaken, no oppressive demands made upon you, just the simple choice that it be so between us, and then I may act, and we may act together. I will repeat this message that I am with you and that this is my desire as often as it is required to assure you that this is so. I have ultimate patience, and I have faith and trust in you, my dear ones, more so than you have in yourselves.

So it is that I will continue to remind you that this is so and await your choices and decisions that allow us greater access to each other. I am pleased beyond words to have this opportunity to be with you to this degree. But I foresee an even greater, more personal, degree of intimacy between us, and I await with great joy the time when we are so close that we are indistinguishable to another's observation. This is not only possible, my dear ones, but it represents my desire, and it is coming to represent yours as well. I will step aside at this time to allow this forum to be used by others, but I have once again reminded you of my commitment and my dedication to you, and I have once again accepted yours.

Every time we recommit to each other our relationship is deeper and stronger, and I will remain forever grateful for these relationships. In this moment they are sacred. I take my leave only in words, as I have told you. Farewell.

* Elyon (Jonathan): Hello, Elyon speaking. It is good to be in such wonderful company. The presence of our Michael Son is thoroughly enjoyable. While we know that he is with us always, it is the moments of elevation in sensitivity that we experience that makes his presence so delightful. I have a few words on guidance. When one seeks guidance one looks to another that they may receive knowledge and wisdom gained by another's efforts and in so doing to expedite one's own traversal, be it over land or be it through the attainment of a realization or the enactment of a means of living that is of a spiritual maturity, that one has yet the strength, coordination, and stability to maintain. Guidance is always freely given by one who has attained, as today you have been reassured by Michael of his continued guidance, his ever-present arm over your shoulder. Guidance requires of yourself willingness.

You picture the humorous scenario of a donkey on a leash with head down and hooves dug into the dirt, unwilling to move as one pulls on that leash to get him to move. This is not guidance -- perhaps goading -- but not guidance. When one speaks of attainments that you seek, it is the perfect opportunity to be fully attentive, to absorb what is presented, to take in with trust, though coupled with discernment, for descriptive guidance is only about the methods and experiences of the others' growth. And growth is not formulaic, and so you will of necessity sort through and organize those bits of information to develop your course of action. This I would refer to as a static guidance. Then there is a dynamic guidance, and that is what each of you does together in your fellowship, in your socializing. You share as you walk hand-in-hand into the future of spiritual experiences.

When you seek to descend a flight of stairs, your feet do the greater share of work, finding each step and maintaining your balance. But your hand also reaches for the rail, and it is, in coordination, a guiding factor, and each one of you in fellowship is a hand or foot in fellowship with one another as you move ahead together. I have often referred to our assembly together as a classroom, even as a laboratory, and that perhaps is more appropriate to our engagement, for we are experimenting as we live and continually sharing the data gleaned in the experiments with one another for further edification as a group. The classroom is a static guidance wherein you receive instruction and then go forth to apply it. Here in the laboratory we are getting our hands dirty together. To be receptive it is beneficial to develop reflexivity to a balanced position.

This balance is found in being honest, to be in touch with your core beliefs and feelings, but to also be expansive and willing to entertain what is perhaps a stretch for you to conceive of as a manner of action; to be focused, centered, that you are not distracted when vital information or wisdom is offered your way. Also, to be adventurous and eager to apply what is handed to you by way of your own methods, for no one can make the brush strokes of a painting you are doing for you. You may be told a tree is green and mountains a smoky blue. You may be told how to mix one color with another for desired results. But this guidance is recomposed by you and creatively expressed uniquely. In the traditions that abound upon your world, guidance has sought to be controlled in a formulaic order. While it has been worthwhile initially, you will note that over the course of history it is the heretics who expand the philosophy that the doctrines seek to hold. So, what was set in stone as guidance becomes guided by those who appear on the fringe. Eventually the donkey raises his head and does step forward.

Know ever and always that while you may look for guidance around you, that Michael within you is saying, "This is the way. Let us go." And you willingly take that step, for the relationship is one of coordination, the two of you in harmony working towards the goal of higher spiritual attainment, of greater peace of mind, and wholeness of being. I offer this to you with gratitude for your attention, and I express in words my love. Thank you.

* Monjoronson (Mark): Greetings, this is Monjoronson here once again to simply share energy signatures with you. In this way we become more and more familiar with each other in this process. As you have just been assured by your loving and devoted guides, you are well endowed with guidance from on high, and as well I am here to assist in the process as are the others whom you have become familiar with in this process.

With so much guidance and so many volunteers to help in this process you should rest assured that you are in good hands and well cared for in this process. I have made reference a number of times to our group being likened to a climbing party and the ascent we have before us, and we have been enjoying a restful time at our camp while we bask in the grace and the glow of all the guidance and all the love that is directed at us in this process.

We should drink of these cups of peace and love and tender guidance. They will sustain us as we press forward with the next leg of our ascension. The magnitude of difficulty of the climb before us will increase, and we will be . .. to the test to remember the tools that we have been given and guidance that we have been offered and to take those gifts and make them our own in this process and use the tools combined with the skills and the training to make the best ascent possible.

Certainly it will be challenging, but any good climber welcomes a challenge to test his skills and abilities. So it is that we rest now. Enjoy the relative calm and tranquillity of our fellowship in these moments, and await the call to don our gear and head out, being truly grateful for all that we have accomplished to this point, and the rest of assurance we have had in this time before the next ascent. As the others have assured you, we will be together throughout, even though your individual ascent must be made by your own efforts, using your own skills with your own tools. Nevertheless the guides will be there to remind you of your tools and of the training you have had in their use and how best to apply both skills and tools. That's the beauty of the climbing party that we have assembled together. No one need go the journey alone. So I encourage you to rest well. Gather your strength. Assess your individual backpacks one more time and perhaps decide some of the items that you carry are burdensome to our journey and unnecessary. Release all that does not serve you in these times ahead. It is only baggage at some point and unnecessary for you to bring to the summit.

Choose to leave some of your baggage at camp. Then, after making your ascent ask, decide whether you need what you have discard or whether you are better off without it. Take an honest . .. look at that which you desire to take with you. Is it useful, serviceable, or is it cumbersome and an extra burden to carry with you any further? It is always good to look over your gear and make sure that everything is appropriate and has a purpose, is useful, even necessary. If not, then lighten your load. Your journey will be made easier.

There is nothing that, if it is not useful it is worth carrying with you to the summit, as you will surely wish you were unburdened as the climbing gets tough. I thank you, my friends, for your diligent attention to these lessons and even your material application to their implications. All this training, all this guidance, is for the grand purpose that will soon unfold before you. . ..all these pieces of the puzzle, all these tools you have gathered will become serviceable.... This is all I will share today. I will take my leave, but along with the others offer my commitment to be with you throughout. Thank you.

* unidentified (Mary): I would like to extend an invitation at this time for somewhat of a shifting of gears. We have been blessed with many words today from our . .. and respected teachers. At this time I would invite to put into practice at this moment one of the tools of our art of being. We have listened with our ears. I invite you now to pause, breathe deeply and relax and refresh yourself by still waters within. You must, perforce, be listening to my words. Perhaps you will be one who reads these words. The invitation I have now is to hear with your heart. Celestials and humans alike refresh themselves in the same pool of infinite goodness and peace; all of us sit beside the same reality. And it is in this reality that we are unified as one. Pause and absorb and refresh yourselves with this thought. Thank you. END


North Idaho Teaching Mission Group Topics: Group Anniversary, Perseverance, Be of Good Cheer. Teachers: Elyon, Michael.

November 4, 2007

* Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings, this is Elyon, and I am going to override Jonathan's reluctance to acknowledge today being the anniversary of my first attendance to you as a collective ear and acknowledge the efforts on your parts in allowing our communications and in adapting to our encouragements.

You have been faithful and loyal, and you have grown tremendously because of doubt and uncertainty. These are like weights on a barbell that as you lift you grow stronger. To not have doubt, to be always certain is to grow weaker. Yes, indeed, the human soul desires the peace of certainty and relishes the stability. It is as yet an ideal that is beyond reach for your well-being in that you will continue to grow toward it. The ability to persevere is a noble quality; it is valuable to your spiritual unfoldment. It is to growth what love is to relationships. You have learned that growth is unconscious, but you also know that the conditions for growth can be quite determined by your own intentions. You can steer your growth; you can paddle the boat, and it is perseverance that takes you through the long stretches where the roadsigns, the landmarks, none shows you a confirmation of your progress. But what the soul longs for the soul has already recognized within. So your reach to attain higher levels of being is really the effort to reveal what has been foretasted. Just as an artist knows in the creative mind's eye a painting to be expressed, there is still the unfolding, the trial, the experiments, the corrections, and the accomplishments.

Finally what was known deep within was expressed externally. Some of you were in the room when I first voiced myself, and your curiosity was due to your openness, for you already had experienced the rewards of the investigation into things you hoped would be true and discovered to be so. And the benefits you derived only prepared you for the receptivity of our extension into your spiritual lives. I know others have joined in the course of time, and I will say that there really is no beginning to my or other teachers' teachings; that just as eternity is cyclical, non- lineal, so are our outreach efforts. It may, to one, seem repetitive, but each stage in your growth you will find that these lessons hold new value. Just as the weight trainer continually lifts and re-lifts to grow strong, you will encounter and reencounter many visions and concepts of such as we express to you. But my greatest joy is to witness your accomplishment, for now I see a stability, even as you yet have long stretches of space to travel to be at the truly stable location of Paradise.

One time you were as a dry sponge, thirsty for moisture, and now you wring out that moisture that others may be quenched. Your trust has expanded, and your ability to embrace what was once too extreme has prepared you for our further efforts to bring Urantia to its rightful balanced evolutionary state. You knew early in the mission that beings would come to your world, even in the form that you inhabit now.

You were excited though skeptical, some quite impatient. Fifteen years have passed, but I assure you that these years have been profoundly foundational and will prove extremely supportive as events unfold. One of the tragic effects of this planet's plunge into rebellion was the assertion of the falsehood that you do not need nor deserve God, that you are either sufficient without or unworthy. The two extremes of self power and the other of no self value has crippled the soul. But your cultures have pursued in spite of such wrong directions and have grown slowly to learn of the precious position the human creature has in the divine family, that with God all things are possible, and that the love between the deity and each personality is stronger than any drawing power can be. It is a love that is so encompassing it is absorbing. You realize that, loved as a child you are, you are being transformed into the One who loves you. It is a love that takes away any separation. We are working for a better world; that is Michael's instruction to this Teaching Mission in this Correcting Time. The first efforts to do what we have been mandated to do is to establish in each one of the you the abilities that will uplift you personally continually.

A grassy lawn is beautiful in its collective growth but requires every shoot to be strong and vigorous, and that is how Urantia is progressing. You will once in a while receive the fertilization of celestial ministers. You will, just as the branches of the vine must be pruned, once in a while be mowed that your growth may become more vigorous and fresh. While Machiventa and the corps of melchizedeks have been prime directors in this mission, you are now aware of the Magisterial leg and the efforts to foster the new era, that the time of correction is being realized, the goals are being met. While I must adjust for timeframe references, there will still be some years ahead to accomplish the goal in entirety.

But that does not prevent the beginnings of positive movement beyond correction. So you are being warmed up with such as Monjoronson, and you are learning of the potentials for creature experience in the interface with celestial personalities free of the superstitions and fears of the legacies that hang onto your traditions. I in my human life never dreamt that I would be in the position I am today, addressing brothers and sisters, yourselves, in this manner. While the world I lived on had contact, I never visualized being one who contacts. When I was assigned to Urantia, honestly I doubted I would be very successful. But you all have warmed my heart by opening yours and straining your ears to hear me and to express what you hear even if you were not quite sure.

I have assured you that error is okay, that I respect your efforts, and I will always offer more if it is helpful in bringing about clarification from misunderstanding. You have a virtual library full of expressions gleaned from my associates and myself, and much in there you could rehash and derive great benefit therefrom. But a lot of what we do that is most important is our interaction, our live interface. You each share before you turn your ears to the cosmic broadcast. In this sharing there is offered much to learn from one another. Teachers you are. Again, I express my gratitude and happy anniversary! I will be pleased to receive any questions, to have you comment. Thank you.

Evelyn: I appreciate that a lot. There are moments when I have considered tossing at least parts of the Teaching Mission out the window. So now I feel reassured that hanging in there is worthwhile, and that mistakes can be made, and that's okay. I was thinking about last week's lesson; there was a triangle in there. Aspiration, acknowledge and apply? It was a very dynamic motion, that if you get too much of one you could get sidetracked or discouraged, but if you keep moving from aspiring to acknowledging to applying there's opportunities to get straightened out, keep the bicycle upright. Somehow that applies to today, I guess. Yes, happy anniversary!

* Elyon: Yes, you have recognized another three-fold teaching, and this triangle you speak of addresses the level of intention, motivation, and willingness of any being. It is coupled with the other triad of knowledge, understanding, and wisdom which may be gained but is effectuated by aspiration, accommodation, and application. To know without acceptance does little to help the soul. To understand without aspiring means you gain nothing from what you understand. Wisdom without reverence for high truth can be misapplied mischievously. As you wed the two together you become transformed, and you become what you know and understand. You become the literal expression of the truth.

Angie: From someone who would love to have been in the room the first time Elyon spoke, I would like to say a very deep and warm thank you that it was able to happen.

* Elyon: In the mission of the Creator Son on your world he drew several people close in his project. Those near at hand wrestled greatly with the sense of pride for being located so specially in Jesus' efforts, and they were soon reminded of the equality of all the creatures who sought his teachings and that the personality was valued the same regardless of the role that was played by any one. There are those who entered the mission years on, and history has shown the great impact they had even though they were not of the first chosen. To many who start the first challenge is from the development of the sense of complacency and the loss of the excitement of the initial surge in curiosity. Some fall away. Others are re-enthused by the excitement of those who come along later. So, while some have set the stage and provided the arena, others invigorate and re-energize the effort. But we are working on a project that is an ever-expanding circle. It has never been our intention to run, in a sense, tryouts and eliminate people, down to the most worthy, for the goal is all of Urantia to be situated in the awareness of their sonship, their daughtership, with God and their siblinghood with one another. This ultimate value will change all lesser value held by mankind. So the chronicity of one's engagement is overlooked by your celestial advisors. Everyone belongs, in our view, on the team. Those who accept, who acknowledge and apply themselves in the mission, are put to work and accepted no matter how great their impact is.

* Michael: This is Michael. Again I embrace you. I overlay you with the love of the heavenly Father, and I raise you up with the care of the heavenly Mother. Be at peace and be of good cheer, for you are held securely in the divine arms. Retreat when you are weary, and be refreshed by the Divine Spirit, that well of inspiration deep within you. And look not upon your world as troubled and confused. See it as striving and seeking, and let the answers you are seeking rise forth and come from you. There is hope and hope is for the ideals of truth, beauty, and goodness. Progress is always being made, even when it is invisible to the human eye. Even if you recognize discordance you are on the path towards harmony. Knowing that harmony is your value, discordance can be dealt with. If it were not, then discordance remains and remains as a norm rather than a transient condition toward harmony. Be of good cheer and be at peace.