
July 10, 2006

My dear and beloved brethren,


ast Saturday [July 8?- Ed.] we buried one of our brethren from the Vilnius Urantia group. I had been asked by his wife to speak out a word of farewell, first, in the so-called Funeral House where a body is usually placed to pay the last tribute, and, then, in the grave-yard, and, finally, at their home during the so-called dinner of mourning.


I did agree to do it. And I was thinking to do it the way I lead the service at our temple of God the Father and His Son Jesus, only much shorter since people are not familiar with this type of spiritual service.

Before leaving for the Funeral House I prayed at home and asked the Father to lead me during the service and to use me as a tool in His hands the way He usually does.


I had been thinking how much of this new light I might introduce in this traditional environment that was exclusively Catholic, and rather fundamental at that. I did desire to give the people some comforting light but not to blind them, and thus scare them, for they, at least the absolute majority of them, had never heard anything else apart from a traditional catholic prayer while attending church.


And it was such a big surprise TO ME, when my Thought Adjuster told me that during this service He would be speaking. I was puzzled and asked Him again for some clarification whether He would be speaking thru my lips as He did either during my classes or service so that quite often I listened to what He was saying thru my lips as if from aside and feeling satisfaction at the thought expressed and even thanking Him for these thoughts. But all this process was transpiring in my mind and VERY fast at that so no one was able to notice that it was not me saying some of the thoughts but my lips, while I even marveled at what they and I were hearing with an equal satisfaction.


Thus in all these cases there was no specific identification of the Source of the Thoughts. He allowed me to take all the merits earned by Him. And I always thanked Him. And I usually I start and end my classes with the worship of the Father and a prayer for spiritual unity among all.


But this time was different. He gave me a wonderful commendation for carrying His word to my brethren and then very definitely clarified that it would be He who would be speaking thru me as an identified Source whom we knew as the Father. And He explained to me that it would be a proper occasion to let His children know that He was within each of us and could speak out in a similar way thru each of us. This would be a new teaching to those present.


Imagine my condition.

I had a choice either to decline this Father's will or do it.


I continued to pray for the Father's spiritual leading and sustenance. And then submerged into a wonderful condition of love and bliss, and it was clear to me that the Father knows much better what must be done. I accepted His will as mine and should DO it with love and care for Him and all those present, visible and invisible.


Even though it was hot, some 96 degrees, I walked all the distance, some 2.5 miles, to the Funeral House. And I followed my physical condition - all the way on my step was firm and rhythmical And it was strange that I could not either speed it up, or slow it down, as if somebody was controlling my legs. But I did not feel any discomfort. I felt vigor and peace at a time. While walking I was communing with the Father.


Having covered half the distance I sat down on a bench in a shade in a nice park at the monument to the first and the only king, for the other rulers were grand dukes, of Lithuania who was the first to accept Christianity in the middle of the 13th century, in the shade and worshiped the Father for five minutes.

And when I reached the Funeral Home I saw plenty of people in the room. "It is for them the Father shall be speaking", I thought.


Standing by the coffin I proposed that we would worship our Father. All the people stood up. I told them that for the Father it was important not the position of man's body but man's opened heart-soul for the communion with Him.


I worshiped the Father and then began to tell the people that this body, lying in the coffin, had worn out its energy. But that man whom we had known was not in the body any more. He was on the way to the resurrection of his own self. I went on to say: "It is the Father, who gives us such an opportunity to be resurrected once we discover Him within our own selves. He gives His own fragment, His own spirit, called a Thought Adjuster, since He adjusts our own thoughts while we are asleep. And it is possible to talk to Him. Now he shall be speaking to you thru my voice. Thus my voice might acquire some different sound modality to which you must not pay attention. Just close your eyes and allow the Father to reach your hearts."


When I began to transmit my Thought Adjuster's message to the people my voice became stronger, more powerful. Sometimes it was flowing faster, couple of times my mind was receiving the teaching of the Father in such a way that my articles of speech did not manage to pronounce it in the right way, using the right cases and a correct word order thus I had to repeat it twice in the right way. And the message was to the effect that mortals usually consider the so called material death as the end. It is not true, for He has prepared for us so many worlds to enjoy living and serving in love on these worlds that this mourning is un-necessary, and it is melting once humans discover Him within their own selves. His love, then, over-floods their hearts, and there is no room for mourning and sorrow. The body must get back to its original form, dust, since it is material and it must disintegrate, but the one who has used this vehicle to do good to others and to commune with Him from the very depths of one's soul is always resurrected on the third day. And this beloved son of His, our brother in spirit, shall be resurrected, and even more, he shall be informed about this new type of farewell to him. He was noting that even those present in the room were feeling comfort and peace within. And this peace was coming from Him. And He was urging all to open their souls to Him that they would discover Him from within and then they would begin to feel that there was no end to their living for He had produced eternity, and it was in the eternity that is the pathway to joy and peace where there is no death and sorrow. And those in the room shall share their new experiences with others and they would speak about new personal realities with Him. And love and peace shall prevail within their hearts.


These were such nice words of strengthening that I could not hold my tears. Even though my eyes stayed closed, they were full with tears and my heart was full with peace and the body was enveloped in some weightlessness.


Now I cannot recall much of what was said by the Father, but when I finished the transmission I was feeling such a bliss and fullness at a time.


I could not add anything to what was spoken out but in a quiet voice uttered: "Peace be upon you." And left the room.


After the funeral people were coming up to me and thanked me for sincere and nice words. And I asked them to thank not me but the Father.


This was the first ever funeral in Lithuania, and maybe on Urantia, that the Father was teaching people DIRECTLY and not thru some quotations from some written sources. And people's hearts were touched. There were no tears, no weeping, no sorrow, there were even... smiles. There was a sensation as if we were one FAMILY. There was some spiritual link among us.


And there were some comments: "All you were doing was science and a strong suggestion." "It is moving but I will hardly be your follower right away." "Divine words, so sincere. It is beyond understanding."

But I saw how incredibly attentively listened to my words, in the grave yard, children. They are those who open up their hearts much quicker than their parents.


And I also felt a new stage of my growth, a new category of experience. And a bigger trust in the Father, Jesus, Nebadonia...


Peace be upon you.

With brotherly love,
