

Aspects Of Change

NOVEMBER 22, 2004


I am ABRAHAM. Greetings, I would express my gratitude to each one of you, for you have seen to this branch of Correcting Time progress. I see you each as Father’s children, yet when I look into your faces I view your personality familiarities and I love what I see. Some of you are peacekeepers, some are quite thought provoking, some are simply gracious and motherly, but the whole of you is quite a bright light to us here on this side.

We have been speaking of change and how personal growth affects the whole. This evening I thought it appropriate to have one who is very familiar with change speak to you.

My greetings, I am EMULAN. I am somewhat familiar with your personal history. I have some understanding of you each on a personal level. I do admire your strength and stamina to stay the course. As you well know, I always speak from my own experience. Many of you know that I hailed from such a world as this one. I did lose my family in an accident and was thought to be completely disabled. Through that adversity I went through several years of education to become a doctor of the mind. The story is simple to tell—the life on the other hand was quite difficult.

I realize for evolving mortals that time seems to be crucial and you can never have enough. As a struggling mortal I figured I was paying my dues of the life I was given. I worked hard, I lived to be honest, I attempted to follow my inner God and still what seems to be so unjust was to occur. I did at first blame God for my adversity. I figured Him to be a cruel ruler of the universes. I thought my life with those I had loved so dearly was a complete waste. Certainly in the midst of pain and chaos I could not see that each day was the beginning of all eternity if I so chose. While my heart longed for greater spiritual things, my eyes told me of my personal limitations. My mind could foresee greater things, yet my level of self-perception took away my ability to make choices.

Chaos is painful certainly. Growth is painful. Experience doesn’t always have to be painful to lead to wisdom, and yet you each know many people who are quite embittered by pain. That does seem like a waste to refuse growth by becoming suspicious of life’s intentions or skewed perception. It would seem that in my own personal experience I engaged in education much longer that I actually practiced as a doctor. Was that a waste of life or time? I can safely say now—no, because from this very day is the beginning of your eternal career. What you learn here will be carried onto the next adventure. Can we regret the past? Can we become embittered by our poor choices? Certainly not.

We can view today as the beginning. I can’t say what the future holds for any of you, but I do know that your efforts are valued. You are truly loved and indeed a member of the family of God. Do not allow life circumstances to make you seem in a rut or like your efforts are wasted. Know that you are a valued child and every aspect of your life is known and understood. You have assistance. You are at the beginning of a long and fruitful eternal career. Do not allow the adversity of the past harden you to the possibilities of what is to come. Please know I also enjoy each one of you and am honored to be your friend. Farewell.

ABRAHAM: Thank you, Emulan. I am always inspired by your words of wisdom and personal experience. This week, children, make effort to keep your eyes forward. Learn from the past—yes, be burdened by it—no. Broaden your possibilities by accepting change in whatever form it comes in. As always my love is ever growing for you. Until next time, shalom.