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Progress Group - Misc Teachers Collection - July thru November, 2010
[11 Transcripts]

TITLES In Order of Appearance

1-Illawarra District, Australia, September 10, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Of Paper and Trust.?
Received by  George Barnard.

2-Illawarra Di strict, Australia, August 29, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “A Form of Employment.?
Received by  George Barnard.

3-Illawarra Di strict, Australia, October 14, 2010.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Consider Your Value.?
Received by  George Barnard.

4-Michigan, US of A, October 31, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Delay of Time.?
Received by  Chris.

5-Michigan, US of A, August 22, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Magnetic Effect of Surrender.?
Received by  Chris.

6-Urantia, August 22, 2010.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Gift for Today.?
Received by  Lytske.

7-Urantia, February 12, 2005.
A Teacher named “The Beloved One.?
Subject: “A Lesson on Inner Peace.?
Received by  Lytske.

8-Urantia, November 4, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “A Meeting of Minds.?
Received by  Lytske.

9-Michigan, US of A, October 10, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Anchors of Light.?
Received by  Chris.

10-Alabama, USA , July 29, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “In the Hands of Our Father?
Received by  Oscar.

11-Alabama, US  of A, August 16, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Mistakes.?
Received by  Oscar.



1-Illawarra District, Australia, September 10, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Of Paper and Trust.?
Received by  George Barnard.

Bzutu: “There are more students in my classes than you can tick off’ on the fingers of both hands; fingers and toes, actually. And by assuring you that these students are all human, presently residing in flesh and blood bodies, I hasten to mention that this number, many more than twenty so far, does not include the itinerant celestial workers  and students who have earned the right to temporarily sojourn on this fair  planet. This is ABC-22, leader of the 11:11 Progress contingent.

“Only  in this spot of Australia is there a receiver of messages who will call on  me without notice, at a whim, and at any unreasonable hour at all, to demand to know all manner of things that are not for us to lecture about -- neither part of the curriculum, nor truly belonging in the realm of ‘need to know’. Shall I then go about predicting tomorrow’s weather, talk about the birthday or anniversary you are about to overlook, th e projected stock exchange movements? No.

“Indeed not, my dear friend, for such is hardly our task. We weren’t  long ago placed on this earth for the purpose of being the revelators to ou r distant human kin. Like you, at least to a degree, we need to guess at future events based on our observations of the now, our experiences of  the past, by our logic, and in understanding of cause and effect of the smart and not-so-smart things you do to yourselves out of boredom, greed, need to control, or your perverted wish to hurt others.

“What  we do observe is that you cannot feed a square evening meal to all the children in an orphanage from a half-empty cooking pot, and still expect them t o have a good night’s sleep. You will not slake the thirst of a ll from just one dainty porcelain cup. And you will not find all the  goods you have promissory notes for when it is time to exchange paper for y our needs. That, my dear friend, is my whole two cents’ worth f or your full dollar.

“For a ges now you have cut down too many trees. For too long you milled you r barrels of printing ink, and constantly your presses disgorge useless vou cheers you make into trusted kings, whilst you forget the One who ever provides for all. Like I told you just now, we Midwayers are not into revelation on demand, but it doesn’t stop us from reminding you sharply o f your already knowing how it really is.

“There is nothing of a ‘revelationary’ nature here and now in this la te night lecture, but for you to know that after the present and future mis chief caused by you, there will come a Great One from on High to help set you on the road to peace, equality and lasting progress. Your servant. Later, fellow.?

© The 11:11 Progress Group.


2-Illawarra Di strict, Australia, August 29, 2010.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Samuel of Panoptia.
Subject: “A Form of Employment.?
Received by  George Barnard.

Bzutu: “This is the right time to discuss abuse. Abuse can take many forms, and it can come in a verbal manner. Abuse can come  in a way one can totally be ignored, and for you on terra firma abuse can even be physical. The latter does not apply to Midwayers, no, clearly  seen, we cannot be physically hurt. However, we do not live in a perfect world either, and both the silent treatment and verbal abuse can hurt u s. See it as part of our job. I note your Teacher Samuel is ready to answer a few questions now. Over to the greatly learned one.&rd quo;

Samuel: “Such an introduction! So many on your world still believe that physical death -- the passing into the next dimension -- will as by magic render one perfect in every respect. That is hardly the  case. Beyond this earthly life, a huge task is to be completed in that through interaction, cooperation, and in work detail with myriad other ascenders one slowly learns to be understanding of all others, respectful of  all others, appreciative, thoughtful, considerate, empathetic, helpful, and loving. It is indeed love that covers all of these requirements.

“There is no room for hatred, or jealousy where there is perfection. Whilst all who ascend from this world leave their bodies behind in this age of th e Correcting Time, and are clothed in their new and younger-looking morontia selves, they take along the potential of tiring themselves out. Som e, indeed, can become fatigued and not in the sense that they become physic ally fatigued, but in the sense that their disagreement with the new status quo tires them mentally. It is in fighting the new rules that they c an wear themselves out, become less real.

“The entire universe, from planetary life to Paradise, is a school of learning, balanced with a to-be-acquired state of being. Although there are failures, there need not be any, because there are thousands of groups all with their own Teachers and there are no time limits within which a certain lev el of proficiency must be reached. Attitude is of importance, and as  long as the ascenders see their position in higher realm as if it were some form of safe and permanent employment, great progress can be made.

“Consider the position of a youngster applying for a career in an industry.  Arriving there on the first day, clueless about procedure, materials or th e end products to be manufactured, it would hardly be the time for him or h er to devise new ways of going about the process, nor would it be appropriate to immediately discuss a wage increase. From the Mansion Worlds on ward, the Melchizedeks instruct your kin to be your Teachers of ‘the  trade’, Michael shall be the Foreman, and the Creator of All be the Governing Director.

“Your  task will be to learn and share; your payment shall be the process of self- perfection, hardly a simple task, but one that countless trillions have achieved ahead of you. Consider now how much simpler it would be for you once you have arrived ‘up there’ to have practiced the process of learning and sharing, to be empathetic, respectful and loving on earth. See it as a form of employment here and now. Yes, consider. This is Samuel the Panoptian. My love goes out to you all.  Au revoir.?

© The 11:11 Progress Group.

3-Illawarra Di strict, Australia, October 14, 2010.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Consider Your Value.?
Received by  George Barnard.

Aaron: “This is your Teacher Aaron. We thought that my presence this evening would be appreciated, and what I wish to tal k to you about follows on somewhat from the message of intrinsic and extrinsic values.

“So ma ny of you lack an appropriate respect for yourselves in putting up with an  image of the self that needs great improvement and updating, if you so  please. A great many of you are aware of the common, rather demeaning , terminology of sheeple. As well, so many of you have become slaves  to a routine effort, to a routine behavior, as to almost earn that derogatory sheeple term. For so very many of you it is difficult to consider  those who seem to be smarter than you are, and yet feel that within yourself you have equal value.

“So ve ry few of you can consider someone either more handsome or more beautiful t han you are, and still feel an equivalent worth within you. And very  many of you can think of someone richer than you are, and then equate wealt h with importance in life. This is not so, no, it’s flawed thin king. You, each of you, are children of God, of irreplaceable value. You, each of you, have the opportunity in this earthly life to build  within you the soul-growth that will fare you well on the Mansion Worlds.

“Think of how difficult it must be for someone who feels so intellectually superi or to you, for them to build soul growth. Think of how difficult it w ould be for someone who considers themselves more appealing than you are, t o build soul growth if they were to look down upon you. Think how dif ficult it would be for someone very wealthy, who does not see you as equall y worthwhile, to build soul growth. See yourself as equal to any of t hose, yes, humbly so, certainly, but unerringly equal in His eyes. Co nsider your value. This is Aaron. It was good to visit with you again. I wish for you to have an excellent evening.?

George: “Thank you dear Aaron.?

Notes: I alw ays expected Teacher Aaron to be ‘the Aaron’ as in Moses’ older brother, and until recently the regular Teacher of the Pocatello, ID , USA Teaching Mission Group run by friend, psychologist and receiver Bill  Kelly (rest his soul). Only this evening did we (my wife and I) final ly discuss Aaron’s appearance, and in particular the parchment Aaron  carries in a sewn leather tube with cover and a long strap of the same dark brown (or black) leather attached, slung over his right shoulder. < /p>

© 11:11 Progress Group.


4-Michigan, US of A, October 31, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Delay of Time.?
Received by  Chris.

Ophelius: “Today’s lesson will be on the importance of the delay of time in the process of perfection attainment. The Father ha s created two kinds of creatures: Those that are perfect; and those that ar e imperfect. Those that were created perfect, like the angels, were created to know the Father’s Will and to provide a special administrative service in the Father’s grand universe. For it is through a ll these fully mature and perfected creatures that the workings of the universe swing on in the endless precession of the ages and allow the Will of t he Father to be fulfilled by providing those needful functions that facilitate the curriculum necessary to bring the children of time from the infancy of evolutionary material existence to the perfected status of 6th stage sp irits, who shall one day stand in perfection before the Creator of all on Paradise.

“The delay of time is necessary for the children of time to learn how to become perfect through sequential moments of experiential wisdom. God loves h is imperfect children so much that he gave his two most precious gifts: One , a fragment of Himself to live in the minds of His imperfect children so t hat they may be guided through age upon age of discovery back to the source of creation on paradise -- your direct link to the Father, the Thought Adjuster; Two, the gift of free will that allows his imperfect children to choose the path in which they may proceed to Source, allowing for a diversity  of experiences that are unique to the individual that become a part of the  experiential Supreme Being. As you learn, grow -- evolve in the creation -- you become greater co-creators with God as you learn to do His Will. You are the dynamic extension of the Father’s Will in the universe, and each one of you are precious to Him because you are a part of the Whole -- a part of the Creator.

“Though you may be at the bottom rung of the evolutionary ladder, my friends, which in no way makes you worthless and unimportant in the Father’s eyes , man has not ‘fallen’ as has been taught to you by the religions of this world, but rather man has been created this way intentionally to learn perfection through experience -- to make a contribution to the Father’s creation in your own unique way; by your own choosing; through th e free will prerogative. Rejoice my friends for this life that you ha ve! The potential for ‘God-likeness’ in each one of you i s unfathomable to your human minds, but is completely realizable and open t o you as sons and daughters of the Most High God of creation.

“Worry not about the trials of life on this world, for they are only lessons along the way to greater, more glorious and sublime experiences in the ages to  come. Though you do not understand what it means to be perfect, take  joy in knowing you may achieve it and become Godlike because you are the heirs to the Father’s house and you have only to accept His blessed invitation. ‘Let each come as he or she will.’?

“Peace ,
“The Circle of Seven.
The 11:11 Progress Group.

5-Michigan, US of A, August 22, 2010.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Magnetic Effect of Surrender.?
Received by  Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today's message is about the magnetic effect  of surrender. When it is your intent to serve the ego with premeditative action, you may find that when the time arrives to execute those plans, your intent changes, the heart takes over, and you succumb to the higher w ill of the indwelling Spirit. Self-serving intent is surrendered and  changed into a benevolent act of brotherly service. This is the Thought Adjuster at work in the Human mind.

“When  you realize that this has happened, and you willingly give in to the will o f Spirit, joy fills the soul and something wonderful takes place in the unseen–  you become a magnet for those who are searching for truth, or for those who are lost in darkness. There becomes an exchange of spiritual  energies and information that is only registered at the soul level of consciousness, the super-conscious. It may even be that no words are spoken, yet there is a positive effect on those who are drawn to you.

“You c an stand in a crowd of strangers and send out thoughts and vibrations of brotherly love, peace, and joy–  intentions of goodwill and healing, then wi ll you find that the same strangers you looked down on as undesirables, out casts, or those that are suffering silently in darkness, seem to gather around you. Perhaps you have never noticed this, but this magnetic effect of surrender becomes a channel for the Spirit of Truth and the Holy Spirit to work its mercy ministry on these children of lesser light. You need not approach, do, or say anything to these lost and searching souls, on ly do you need to continue to feed them the light which is radiating from y ou for them to have benefit. If there is opportunity to communicate verbally, then do so according to the guidance of your TA, guides or guardians.

“Like  moths to a flame, even a small candle in a large dark room is enough light  to safely illuminate the path and the avoidance of obstacles. One enlightened individual in a crowd can raise the spiritual IQ of hundreds or even thousands when the magnetic effect of surrender is used willfully to ser ve humanity. The Master, when he walk this earth, loved men and women so much that all were drawn to him with this same magnetic attraction. The lost sheep of this world were drawn to Him because the light of his  being was so bright, warm, and loving. He saw through their imperfect ions and looked at the potentiality of future perfection as sons and daughters of the Most High.

“See a ll men and women through the eyes of the Master and love them as He loves u s. Use the magnetic effect of surrender to radiate that love into the world and change the world around you. Use this force of good wherever you go, my beloved friends, and be that candle in the darkness.

“Good  day,

“The Circle of Seven.?
The 11:11 Progress Group.

6-Urantia, August 22, 2010.
Teacher: The Beloved One.
Subject: “A Gift for Today.?
Received by  Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Let us rejoice in this new day, an d with this rejoicing the thought comes to mind: ‘How shall I use this day?’ Will it be to the greater glory of God, or will it be another day with nary a thought given to the Creator of all things and beings?

“Let u s ponder this weighty matter for a while, since I now have your undivided attention. You see, child, it is so very important that you loan Me your hearing and eventually your speech, so I may speak My words through you  at any time when they are needed for a grieving and hurting soul. Spread hope and cheer wherever you go, because I am the one who sent you on th e highways and byways of life. This you can only do when you are prepared to do God’s will.

“Each  and every one has their functions and responsibilities in life, albeit they may not yet be clear about what it is that is expected of them. The  only thing in life that is expected and required is the doing of God’ s will, so the road less traveled becomes more familiar. It will be  a road filled with hope in the life eternal, with its wonders and beauty waiting to unfold. It is a precious life, a wondrous life and yet, it is not even close to the glories of Paradise one will experience in the dist ant future.

“As first all animal vestiges need to be eradicated so nothing will remain of the mortal life with all its negative tendencies, which will have been overcome for self-mastery to have become a way of life. Instead unconditional love and forgiveness are saturating the being you will become. Negative thoughts and tendencies will have become non-existent.

“There will be a gradual maturing taking place, which is so very different from earthly maturity. Life in the spirit is so very different. There is no comparison, but this life can already be had here in your mortal existence -- the ideal way, and the most responsible way to live. And so we come back to the only command ever given: ‘Be ye perfect, even as I Am perfect.’ There is no need to wait until the next life, t his command is specifically also for this life, and in your trying to overcome your baser nature, you have already began the practice of self-discipline by making the right choices in life, and by becoming less selfish.

“A God -Centered life is a life well-lived. A God-Centered life lives by the golden rule of doing unto others, as you would like to be treated.

“There fore, on each new day, let the thought be in your mind: ‘How shall I  use this day? For the glory of God, or only for myself?’

“Make  this thought a habit. It will be a gift to yourself and the planet
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

7-Urantia, February 12, 2005.
A Teacher named “The Beloved One.?
Subject: “A Lesson on Inner Peace.?
Received by  Lytske.

The  Beloved One: “This is a fascinating subject much has been wr itten about, and yet this inner peace remains elusive for most people.&nbsp ; They pass on into the next level of existence, never once in material lif e having experienced what it means to have inner peace, or they experienced this peace only very occasionally, fleetingly. I am telling you that such peace can be experienced, over and over again. These periods ca n become longer in duration so that this inner peace can infuse every cell  of the physical body, and not just temporarily in the mental and emotional  realms. Those who persistently ask for peace to be awakened in their  souls, and who sincerely believe that such peace is possible, having percha nce only once experienced it, find that their souls begin asking for more o f these experiences, as the true hunger therefore has arrived.

“These humans become the ‘awakened ones’. They have woken up ou t of the material dream of unreality and the first beginning is the realization, and an inner restlessness that there is more to life than making a living. The search for meaning starts sooner or later in each life. Being willing to go the extra mile in listening to that inner small Voice is important. At first the Voice has a difficult time to be heard above the din and clamour of the world. Some even say that it is not possible to hear the still Voice from God, and so they spend their lives in  denial, while convincing others that they are wrong. However, I am telling you that this is not beyond the realm of possibility, as the Creator  is intimately involved in every aspect of the lives of His evolving children.

“It is the higher self -- the super-conscious self -- which responds to the Voice ’s leadings, and when at a young age children learn to sit in the Silence and meditate, to learn and listen for this Voice, such children have a great advantage over those who have not been given this great gift of listening within. Children are naturally open to these ways of teaching,  provided their surroundings are not overflowing with endless stimuli.  Children all need time to think. A bombardment of noises in an unbroken stream will make them become deaf to their inner higher Voice.

“There are as many ways to open up to the Inner Silence as there are people.  Some are attracted to the ocean to look into infinity. Sometimes an experience helps bring this about. As long as the opening occurs and a spontaneous feeling of gratitude wells up from deep within, the door is  then open to the wonders of the great beyond, and one can begin the quest f or inner peace. This is the pearl of great value, because inner peace means that you have sought and found the connection to the All That Is. The bonding has begun, and as in every growing relationship, you will benefit by daily attention to Stillness until that peace has become so important, and these moorings have become solid. The foundation has now be en established, and nothing can shake this peace loose anymore. It is through your developing a steadfast faith and trust in the goodness of the Creator that this peace comes about. Ask and you shall receive, but  do your part to take the time and sit in the Stillness of your heart and learn to listen.?

© 11:11 Progress Group.

8-Urantia, November 4, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “A Meeting of Minds.?
Received by  Lytske.

Teacher: “Now that I finally have your attention, it would be expedient for you to, for a moment, dwell with me on what the subject might mean to you, as this subject represents somewhat unknown terrain to you. You often ponder about what it means to have a meeting of minds, to be s o totally understood, that this leaves not a shadow of doubt in your mind. It would take away all uncertainty about finally being valued to the  core of your being -- to experience that something like a true meeting of minds is indeed possible.

“The most wonderful thing is that this feeling of being totally understood to the core of your being is possible even now in this earthly estate in which yo u are still so time bound. Believe that this is truly possible, as yo u have a mighty Indweller from God, living and working deep within you. Your Indweller is well apprised of your intent and all your thoughts, wh ich are immediately reflected to the Creator God. This is in truth an d fact the meeting of minds I desire to bring into your conscious awareness , so you will at any time know that you are never alone. It is not necessary to even entertain the notion that you are lonely or alone, for this is simply impossible once you have experienced this meeting of minds.

“And herein rests your responsibility, for the mind of your Indweller is always accessible to you, so how about reciprocating and taking advantage of this Indweller, who has only your best interest at heart?  How many people d o you know, who truly and continuously have your best interest at heart  I can assure you that there are none, as human beings starting out in life everlasting have a great need to learn and trust anyone, which is difficult, as humans themselves are fickle in their emotions.

“It is when you are getting used to a conscious interaction with that Spark of Go d living inside of you, and you work on developing that precious relationship with your Spark from God that you develop such rare capacity of this meeting of minds. Henceforth you can start to trust and believe in this  still small Voice and even start calling this Voice your Beloved.

“In al l actuality this Voice is destined to mingle with your voice, so in times t o come Its mind will fuse with your mind.

“Truly now, can you think of a better meeting of minds, which eventually will be  a melding together of minds?

“This  is the work all mortals have waiting for them in eternity, although they ca n already make a head-start here in this physical life, allowing themselves that precious time to start to listen within, and allowing themselves this precious time to develop a most wonderful relationship with the God of the ir being and cultivate a meeting of minds -- God’s mind Fragment and  their own mind, to experience and partake of God’s unconditional love for them and to practicing this unconditional love in their daily lives. How different this planet would become in a short time! With increasing compassion for each and everyone, as they would learn to recognize  God within each other, such would be the ideal of the meeting of minds. Thank you for listening.

© The 11:11 Progress Group


9-Michigan, US of A, October 10, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Anchors of Light.?
Received by  Chris.

Unknown Teacher: “Things are very rapidly changing on your world -- some things according to plan, others have to be revised and recalculated. Each one of you on the 11:11 list is known to us, and we ask each of you to pay close attention to the inner life and the inner voice as you will be guided through the many changes that are now taking place, and which are about to occur in the near future as the Correcting Time mandates are executed. Turn off the TV and the radio -- sanctify yourself and re move from your life the media drama of violence, hatred, malice, greed, revenge, and all other forms of fear and negativism that the public at large ingests on a daily basis that keeps them in bondage to the worldly powers.

“You a re to be the anchors of light and a voice of hope in this world as these ma ny changes come upon you. Be not afraid when you hear of calamitous e vents, and realize that the dawn of Light and Life approaches, which will b ring true freedom to all humanity as the chains of bondage are disassembled Many will be looking to you for answers as they find no solace in t he assurances of politicians and governments. The old models of political brainwashing will no longer work on the ‘ignorant masses’, for human consciousness is undergoing great changes in awareness for which many will stand at the bottom and look up to those of higher vibration and light for direction.

“When  the tactics of the elites and the old paradigms of control no longer fool t he masses, their methods will become more desperate, and their crimes will  be more horrendous. Stay grounded my friends, and listen for direction from on high, for we are with you and around you at all times ready to serve those who align themselves with the forces of light and those who do th e Will of our Paradise Father.

“It is time to close the door of your room and sit in the presence of your Indwelling Spirit. Ask for guidance and direction -- ask for clarity in the decisions you are about to make. Seek the refuge of lasting things t hat are ‘real’ and let go of the ego wants of self gratification. Love, faith, and relationships are real. Fear, darkness, and materialism are unreal–  choose wisely, live in peace, hope, and in the blessed assurances of sonship with God, for you are the children of the Most High.

“My peace I leave with you.?


10-Alabama, USA , July 29, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “In the Hands of Our Father?
Received by  Oscar.

Teacher: “Leaving everything in the hands of our Father is true  freedom, the highest to which any creature can aspire. Imagine that y our outcomes are in the hands of the wisest person, one who loves you the most. Imagine that you don’t have to worry about what will happen tomorrow, because there is a host of beings, commanded by the one who loves you, working for your progress and your well-being. Imagine that you are protected by the most powerful force in the Universe, and there is not any real threat to your existence, no matter what. Even if this world were to blow up to pieces, you will still be.

“You don’t have to imagine anymore, because this is real. Our Father  and many of His creatures are taking care of you, and your brothers and sisters. What have you done to deserve this? Nothing. Today  you might not understand it but at some time you will realize that so much  dedication and so much care have a purpose, as does everything our Father does.

“Some  day, you, a creature that has barely started to walk among the paths of wis dom and the traps of error, will be a savior of Universes. Some day y our love will be so big that you will dedicate ages to the formation and establishment of new worlds. Some day millions upon millions will find  the light, thanks to your service. Some day you and God will be one,  will be alike and will achieve unimaginable things.

“What  would you do if I tell you that God is growing up in your city? Would you go and take care of Him? Would you like to know what you could d o to protect Him, to help Him on his path? Your children, your brothers and sisters in this world, they are all potential Gods. They are i nfinite greatness trapped into seeds that are barely starting to germinate. Do everything you can for them, adding to the amount of souls that might find the light because of your love.

“Do yo u see how every action, every gesture of goodness, can produce results impossible to consider by your mortal mind? Don’t worry about the outcomes. Don’t worry about finding out where you can be more effective. Just give, with love, from your heart, and your Father will  do the rest. Some time ahead in your journey you will see the results of the love you share today.?


11-Alabama, US  of A, August 16, 2010.
Unknown Teacher.
Subject: “Mistakes.?
Received by  Oscar.

Teacher: “Children behave differently when they are starting to  walk. Some progress rapidly when they have the support of their parents or their siblings. Others are more careful and take longer to learn. And there are those who fall down, get hurt, and the temporary pain they feel cause them such fear that they decide not to try again. These children are the ones that need more attention in order for them to learn to walk.

“This  also happens in mortal life, when someone attempts to start walking the pat h of our Father’s will. Sometimes, after falling down, a person decides that he or she cannot achieve the goal and abandons the endeavor altogether, limiting his or her progress in this way.

“Even  when the analogy of walking for the little ones among you is valid, the trauma of those who fall down during the task of learning to live the Father’s will might be very hard to overcome. I am talking about those  who have committed crimes, who have caused great suffering to others.  These persons are frequently rejected by others, and they believe that the ir evil is so great that they don’t deserve to even try to turn their gaze to the Creator.

“It is they who should be reminded of the unconditional love of our Father toward s all. There is no sin so great that our Father will not forgive. When a human being sincerely searches for the Father within his or her heart, the Father has already forgiven any mistakes from the past and tries  to reach the soul of that lost child without condition, without restriction , just like He would do with the most ‘holy’ among you.

“To those who have marginalized themselves under the weight of their own guilt, k now that you only have to wish to enter the universal family to be accepted , and the only price you have to pay is forgiveness: to forgive yourselves. Some mistakes will not determine your eternal destiny. If our  Father has forgiven you, who are you to not do so? See how your inner light starts to shine with increasing glow. The gates of the Father’s house are never closed, but it is each one of you who must decide to enter.