Whispers Session 2 - Sonsamel; Gabriella; Siraya- Energy; Consciousness - Sep 27, 2012 - Trenton, NJ, Monjoronson.com


Whispers in The Stillness - Session 2
Topic:  Thought Adjusters, Energy, Consciousness and Love

Celestials:  Sonsamel Melchizedek, Gabriella (Seraphic Guardian), Siriaya (Master Spirit Number 1)
Reflective Liaison
T/R: Paul Conklin
September 27, 2012


Editor’s Note: The previous lesson, Lesson One,  speaks to the Father’s eternal presence and his omnipresence within.  It is this lesson from a "Trinity Teacher Son" that has prepared Paul to extrapolate with Sonsamel Melchizedek just how the "Universal Father" delegates his eternal presence within and throughout the universe.

Lesson One may be accessed at link: http://www.tmarchives.com/readdoc.php?tid=6043 and is titled:
Jacinth - You Are Not Ever Separate from The "Creator" of All - Lesson #1 - Aug 30, 2012 - Paul Conklin; Trenton, NJ


Session # 2

Opening Prayer:  We’re very grateful for all our dear friends, our dear celestial friends to be here and we know they’re going to eagerly come through and help us answer our questions.  We’re also very grateful for our divine parents, Nebadonia and Christ Michael and how they have helped us in so many ways.  Most of the time we can’t even see their great help and the great love that they show us every single day.  Especially we give our thanks, as always, our eternal gratefulness, to our dear Paradise Father.  Because of Him all things have become possible.  Thank you.

Paul:  I would like to continue the discussion along the lines of what we were speaking about last week.  Last week we discussed how the Paradise Father is in everything and in everyone.  Before I continue the discussion along those lines I would like to focus on the Divine Adjuster.  A friend once told me that the Thought Adjusters are like holograms in that the part contains the whole.  When you splice a hologram, so to speak, you always take with you the original.  So, if the part contains the whole, does that mean that the Thought Adjusters are the Paradise Father?

Sonsamel Melchizedek:  This is a very interesting question.  This is Sonsamel Melchizedek,  P:(Hi Sonsamel)  here to work with you in the realms of understanding.  Now when you’re speaking of the Paradise Father you’re speaking of the presence of the Unqualified Absolute on Paradise, in Paradise, which dwells in/on Paradise.  The Adjusters come from Divinington, which is a superimposition; I guess you could say, they’re a derivative.  They are an extension of God that is raw, very solidified presence of God.  The virgin Adjusters that have never experienced, I guess you could say, a mortal incarnation, are all identical.  No matter where they go in the universes of time and space, they are all the same and they are all the exact same presence of the most pure unadulterated spiritual force known to man;  known in the cosmos; known anywhere spiritually.  So, if you look at the question in a way that you can understand it as a mortal, you would have to understand the principle of, I guess to correlate it within the realms of understanding, as a man, the way that the DNA structure was from Adam and Eve and if that lineage were to come down through their successive children. If all had went according to the the divine plan they would have inherited that pure unadulterated lineage of DNA.  Well, very much so like that are the Adjusters.  They come from a source, a presence, a spiritual presence, that is so far beyond any concept that I can ever put forth to you. It is magnificent, unimaginably powerful, illuminated; It’s been described as a light which no mortal can approach because of the luminosity of its spiritual presence.  Well, the Adjuster is that presence that comes down from that source to dwell in the mind of man or woman or alien, as you so call those on other worlds.  So, to answer your question a little clearer I would say, if you look at the Adjuster you are looking at the Paradise Father.  If you’re looking at it spiritually, there’s no difference between the adjuster and that presence on Paradise.  If you need more qualification on that answer I can go deeper into it.

Paul:  Well, what I’m going to do, I’m going to think about that, after taking this in, and then later on I may have more questions along those lines.  But I’m going to continue on with the next question Sonsamel.  (Sonsamel:  Sure.)  I have also heard that everything is energy.  Last week we discussed how the Father lives in everyone through the Thought Adjuster and since the source of all energy is the Paradise Father does that explain how that One is in everything?

Sonsamel Melchizedek:   This is a very complex question that you just put forth and there is many facets to the way that that can be answered.  One of the predecessors on your world was Albert Einstein.  He came into the conscious understanding that energy is mass, squared.  (E=Mc2)  So, when you look at that, anything that has weight, that is a product of anything that you see in your reality, is, and can be broken down into energy.  Well, if you look at that energy, in the way that energy is formed, especially with what is understood on your sphere, with electrons and protons and neutrons, even the ultimaton, which has not been discovered on your sphere. When you get down to the very very smallest infinitesimal structure of whatever that energy source is; even the ones at Cern, that are looking for the Higgs Boson are on the right track; but, it even goes further than what they can even comprehend now on your sphere.  Down at the very source, when you look at the very particles of energy, you have something that, when scientists discover it, will change everything on your world.  It will change the way everything is done.  It will change the way that consciousness is viewed and the way that you are viewed, not only as an individual, but as a collective society.  David Wilcock, started to tap into this knowledge a little bit with the Source Code on a book that he had written about how the fields of energy within everything is affected by consciousness and the energy directed toward it.  So, why is that?  Why do plants perk up when you play Mozart or Beethoven and why does certain music soothe a baby while other music seems to distort and bring a chaotic state of mind?  Well it lies in the understanding, of that principle of AUM.  A –U - M, or OM,  I believe that you understand it as the source or the vibration that comes forth from All, from God, from Paradise.  Well, that source of that vibration is the ultimaton on the ultimatonic level.  When it is discovered you will begin to understand where it comes from and where it’s derived from.  By no means will it prove that God exists, but it will prove that there is intelligent design.  So, to answer your first question without getting too deep into anything further, I believe that, in terms that you can understand, that would be the best way, I guess I could say, anything about the source of energy and how the Paradise Father’s unqualified presence is in every single molecule of energy.

Paul:  Thank you Sonsamel.  That really answers my question thoroughly.  I understand that, obviously this is a very deep topic and after reflecting upon this I may have more questions at a later date.  Going along the same lines, speaking about consciousness, I have heard the saying that everything is consciousness.  So is there a correlation between energy and consciousness that we don’t understand?  And I understand this is a compound question.

Sonsamel Melchizedek:  It’s interesting the way that your mind formulates these questions because  they’re looking at them once again, linearly, in a way.  You’re looking at it also through the perspective of wanting to see this in a different dimension.  When you look inherently at yourself as a body, and you look at yourself as a human being, you have a reality that you’ve created for yourself, and that reality is based upon not only what you’ve been inherently programmed with by your mother and father, but by every single experience that you’ve ever had.  It shapes the way that you view the world.  So, in the society if you’re raised by a barbaric, brute, primal, mother and father, more than likely you’re going to be the byproduct of such.  So, the consciousness of you can be viewed as essentially (Paul) because you have been inherently programmed by your mother and father.  You’ve grown up with a set institution that has programmed you through education and then you were left to your own devices to pursue a career and find a wife and make a family.  Well, that is a form of consciousness.  It’s a singular perspective consciousness.  So, when you’re looking at it without the realm of the cosmos or the cosmic mind in light, you’re looking at it only through the singular perspective of your consciousness.  Now, every day when you get in your car or when you get home from work or whatever you do, you have the option to turn the radio on, to turn the TV on, or listen to someone else’s opinions about certain things.  The consciousness of others in the collective comes through by the radio waves, by the television waves, and all of these different avenues that you allow them to come in.

Now, the only thing that gives those things power is if you acknowledge them and agree with them.

If you acknowledge them and agree with them then you are part of them.  So, then you have become a part of the collective consciousness, to a degree.  Now you can look at that as another form of consciousness.   Now, one step further from that you have the cosmic consciousness, which is transcendental, between the collective consciousness and the ultimate level of your Adjuster presence, which is the Infinite I AM presence.  The cosmic mind is a form of collective truth, beauty and goodness that is inherently beautiful, that does no harm to you.  It consists of the Akashic construct of every being’s experiences in the time-space worlds that were of value. The celestials exist here as well.  The further that you come into the conscious understanding of the cosmic mind the further that you withdraw from the collective mind. Now the dilemma that you’re experiencing here, and the question shows what you’re experiencing here, is a form of duality and the duality exists within being pulled toward  the collective consciousness that you exist in, to a degree on your world, and the cosmic consciousness that you’re in touch with right now.  Now, the ‘war’ that takes place between this is what the master Jesus spoke about when he walked here about those who will save their life will lose it, and those who lose their life will save it or gain eternal life.  Well, what does that mean, seek to save your life, seek to save your consciousness in the collective view?  Because it’s not anything, that is, unless it’s based on God principle and is going to be eternal.

Now when you give way to the collective consciousness of the cosmic mind you are given new life.  That life isn’t given to the singular Paul.  It’s given to your soul. Herein is the mystery to all your questions.  Inherent in your soul are chakras.  Inherent in your soul are nadis, meridians, that have been waiting to open, to blossom and through each successive chakra, as you call them on your sphere, vortex in your soul, you can bring light, you can bring greater prana, as many on Urantia call it, or life force from the cosmic current into them to be fed and nourished.  As they’re fed and nourished you grow in cosmic mind and there you can grow in the cosmic education and it’s an ongoing process.  The further that you get into that the further that you break away from the linear perspective.

 Paul:  Thank you Sonsamel.  Again I have many more questions about that, but I had other questions that I would like you to answer.  In another session I would like you to address some more things on that same point.  Still continuing on in the subject of consciousness, so then from that original single point, that is our Paradise Father, all consciousness arises.  So does that mean that we are at the center at every given eternal moment?  Despite our inability to perceive this, does it mean that we are all in the center of the Holy One’s  heart, in His consciousness?

Sonsamel Melchizedek:   Well once again the duality is taking place because Paul here is asking the question.  The soul is, to a degree, trying to get the answer.  Now what you have here is the understanding that when you embrace a certain aspect of what you are receiving right now then you have to die to your old self.  You have to literally give over everything that you have ever known.  Everything that you’ve thought, everything that you have ever thought you’ve known., especially to be separate.  You are no longer separate when you come into this consciousness of the cosmic mind.  So the separation here is the only thing that’s preventing the answer to this question because when you truly are no longer separate then there is no separation from me and there is no separation from the Paradise Father or God as He’s labeled or termed here on Urantia.  You have the understanding that when you’re no longer separate you begin to glean and understand that, just as your body, your human body, has many parts, so does the cosmic body.  The cosmic body (Paul of Tarsus) called it Christ.  There are many names for it throughout the universes of time and space, but it is a body and you are becoming a part of it.  When you come into the understanding of that part of it then you are an integral part of it that makes it move, that helps it function and the experiential knowledge that you’ve gained here on Urantia becomes a part of it.  So, that in effect adds to the supremacy of the Supreme, but it all takes root into the source of all things; the First Source and Center and this leads us back to the question that you posed last week, that is the First Source and Center, the Trinity, is the source of all things.  Those experiences of time and space and all of those things are a body of that first thought.

 Paul:  Thank you Sonsamel.  I am beginning to understand how that duality is still in the way of my coming into what it is that you’re talking about.   

Gabriella:  (Paul’s Guardian Seraphim)  And remember too Paul, (this is Gabriella) that many times as you had been encouraged, not only encouraged by the celestials, and received many transmissions, you were making contact, your soul was making contact with the cosmic mind.  It was growing singularly in an isolated way and then you were brought a teacher and then you started to expand outward and go further inward and as you do that more and more you’ll start to become more and more connected.  As you become more connected you will start to understand how this is transpiring or taking place.  This isn’t something that can be explained by any stretch of the imagination to the human mind.  This is something that has to be experienced and then as it’s experienced it’s experienced  differently for each and every individual.  It’s never the same.  It’s similar in a lot of ways, but it’s never the same.

Sonsamel Melchizedek:  This is Sonsamel again.  Just as Paul of Tarsus spoke, are all a hand?  If everybody was a hand then how could anything have an arm to pick it up?  If you need a head and eyeballs to see what you are picking up; so these parts are integral and essential to making it all function together.

Paul:  Thank you very much Sonsamel.  I appreciate that.  I have another question;  this one is a little bit off the topic.  I would just like it if you could please explain to those that read these transcripts that they are so cherished by the One at the center of all things and  that if people knew that they were cherished as if they were the only child in existence, wouldn’t that lead to a modern day renaissance?

Siriaya:  (Master Spirit of Superuniverse number one)  Good evening Paul.  This is Siriaya. I am the voice of the Master Spirit, Number one.  (P:  Good evening, Siriaya)  As I move through you, and on this circuit and in your cells and in your being, allow that presence to permeate every thought; every line that is typed in this transcript as being permeated with the presence of who I AM.  (P:  I can feel it strongly Siriaya)  Bringing forth any kind of concept that can make this understandable to a human mind would only be correlated, or quantified by the understanding of how a loving father loves their human child.  Within that partnership, within that great love, that nurturing love, that is inherent within every loving relationship is an aspect of who I AM and who the Paradise Father eternally IS. Within the love of what the Spirit can make known to you as a human being, the only concepts that we can bring forth that would be relatable or understandable to you would be the human father, child relationship; mother, child relationship.  This is the highest ideal of love that is appropriate for such a grandiose and infinite love that is indescribable by any stretch of the imagination, human imagination.  You are not only cherished like the only child in all creation, but you are, in the eyes of the Paradise Father, the only child in all creation.  Now, as I say that to you, that is what essentially you have come into an understanding of when the Divine Father, His presence, has placed itself so intimately inside of you to never ever want to be separate from you.  This love is so far beyond anything that a concept could ever bring forth in its tenacity and its beauty and its splendor, that the only thing that you could sometimes glean of it is in the stillness and in your heart breaking open as the light permeates every cell of your being. Whoever comes across this information, it is as if you are the only child in all creation.  That is how much you are loved.

Paul:  Thank you Siriaya.  I love you.  Finally, I have a final question.  Certainly, we send our love to our beloved Father on Paradise in eternal gratitude and devotion.  And I would just like to know since Siriaya is here, does the Paradise Father have a message for the children of Urantia?
Siriaya:  For those that are brave enough to hear the voice of the Adjuster within and those that are strong enough to want to come to know who I am; when I use the words  ‘strong’ and ‘brave’ I mean not strong and brave in the sense that human beings know strong and brave; I mean to break away from the inherent way that those concepts are looked at upon your sphere.  Strength is coming to know your inner strength.  Bravery is being brave amidst wickedness in a world that’s seemingly devoid of a spiritual presence.  Each and every one of you are brave for being on a world that was once isolated from my presence.  It was isolated from my presence not by my choosing or my will, but by those that have chosen to try this their way without me.  I never leave any of my children, ever.  In this understanding and knowingness the only thing I could ever say to bring forth any kind of easement in the minds of children, is to know that in their minds and in their hearts I dwell, waiting ever patiently to whisper and to commune with each and every one of my children, to whisper to them and let them know that they are the only child in all of creation.

Paul:  Thank you very much Siriaya.  Is there any final comments that you would like to make or any other celestial here?


Siriaya:  Be kind and understanding to one another.  Look at each other as if you would look at your own self.  Do not judge one another.  Just be who you are and allow others to be who they are.  To see them, not for what they’ve done, see them for what they possess inside and may have forgotten.  It is your job Paul, and those that read this, to help my children remember who they are.  So many have forgotten the presence within them and how to find it.  It is up to you and those that read this and also those that know where I dwell, to nurture, to water, to illuminate every aspect of consciousness that you touch, to bring into their awareness where I am in them.
Paul:  Thank you so much Siriaya.  That was beautiful.  And I know that this message has touched my heart and it will touch the hearts of anyone that reads this transcript.

If anyone has questions that they would like clarify or answered please visit this circuit’s site at https://www.facebook.com/WhispersInTheStillness.