Mentori Spokesperson - Assignment -  Life Meaning - Peace of Mind - Inner Connectedness - 23Jan-14Feb 2011-Progress Group

Four Transcriptions

Urantia, February 1, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Assignment.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentor: “It is a delight for me to be discussing the subject of assignment, even though most of you have not the slightest notion what will come from this word ‘assignment’, and what exactly this entails.

“Allow me to assure you that you will be delighted when I divulge what you are going to be about in the eternal future.

“This subject of assignment comes to you because there are so many mortals on this planet who think that this life is all there is, so anything goes for them without much thought about the consequences they reap in eternal life.  Others believe strongly that they will have to come back to do it all over again, just like a sort of hamster-wheel to run around in.  Depressing, really!

“Therefore it will be useful for me to explain that when you shed your mortal body at the portal of death, and eventually exchange it for a morontia body, the new you shall clearly show what stage of spiritual development you will have reached.  It will show to what degree you have developed your soul here in the mortal estate.

“This mortal estate -- the first life you will have ever lived on the planet -- is so designed that despite all manner of positive celestial influences, you are still fully in charge, and therefore personally responsible for your soul growth.  No one else is.  It is up to you to conscientiously use the gift of free will, so you learn to make the right choices.  The effort and struggle you go through in this life are the lessons helping you grow stronger in character and spirit.

“It is by developing a strong sense of right and wrong that you will be able in this lifetime to make the right decisions.  Of course, you shall have plenty of help available to assist you with this assignment because, that is truly what it is – an assignment – more clearly understood as you dedicate yourself to your soul’s development.

“How does one do this, and what help is available?  The one main function and the perseverance to be developed along the way, is to each day set apart some time for stillness-meditation.  Go into prayer and ask, then sit and allow Spirit within to take over.  As your steady companions along the way, you have the Spirit of Truth, which will always point the way, and you have the Holy Spirit to help you through any difficulty, as long as you will listen.  Last and not least is the personal Gift from God, the Thought Adjuster, that comes to indwell each thinking human child as and when it makes its first moral decision.

“These three Helpers work in unison, and are always in harmony with each other.  They are so interested in your conduct throughout life that they have dedicated themselves and an array of celestial helpers, to keep watch over you as they truly desire that you are going to be successful in your assignment.

“The way to success is to love yourself as a child from the eternal Creator, who has gifted you with this life.  All have their capabilities and potential gifts to be turned into actuals.  But since human life is relatively short, you will have all of eternity to develop these for-now-hidden potentials.  So the assignment will be carried on until completion when you will have become a perfected being.

“In a nutshell, here you train yourself, and strive to grow into a mature human being living by the golden rule of doing onto others the way you would like to be treated, with respect, love and forgiveness for all.  It has been so ordained.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.



Urantia, February 14, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “The Meaning of Life.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentori Spokesperson: “Allow me to give you a dictation on the Meaning of Life, which hitherto escapes many people as they hurry hither and yon to find satisfaction and inner peace, whilst their souls are crying out for attention and nourishment.  Truly, the greatest Source for these riches remains dormant within them as they have never once seriously give any consideration to their Spark from God within.

“May the truth be known that henceforth everyone will have the opportunity to get acquainted with this Spark from the eternal Source, when they finally learn to adequately still their mind to listen to the on-board Co-creator of their selves, who endeavors to help them ‘turn within’ so they can companion each other.

“The true meaning of life consists of being of service to each other and to humanity generally, which will thereby be uplifted.  For this is what needs to happen if this planet is to turn around from its errant ways of gross materialism, and clamor for things, and more things, and more, whilst the true reason for living escapes most humans to the peril of their eternal soul, which has been given to them in save-keeping to help it grow to the glory of the One, who bestowed this Gift and the Breath of Life upon them.

“Think about these matters and take the time to journey inward to discover the meaning of life and what it is that you are here to do.  Each and every one bears that responsibility – yes, each of you who has the will and power to choose how you shall live this life and bring this most valuable gift of life back to the Creator and give Him all praise and glorify Him in your attitude towards life.

“It is the most precious gift to be allowed to choose how you shall live, which brings the responsibility of how you shall live your life.  Ponder these words, please, and feel enriched by them.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group



Urantia, January 23, 2011.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Peace of Mind.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentori Spokesperson: “Since there are so many humans on this planet struggling to gain peace of mind, I desire to talk of this to ‘give them a leg up’ so to speak.  It is so very important to attain, and then to sustain, peace of mind, especially in the face of rumors being spread about ‘the coming changes’, which some say are in store for each one of you, even naming the year 2012 as the due date.

“Allow me to assure you in our way.  Never mind the forecasts from some who think they know, and send out all sorts of fearful predictions for the purpose of creating fear in the hearts of all mortals, and so take away their free will to think for themselves.

“I would like to paint a different picture but first I desire to tell you, that God rules in the hearts of all humankind, even though this is not apparent to most.  Many are those, who are so confused in their hearts and minds that they cannot see the reality as to how this world is supposed to evolve to a higher level.  And because they are confused, they impose or try to impose, their will upon a majority of people.

“Even though they inflict this harm upon others, nothing is irreparable, for the simple reason that no one can claim ownership of this precious planet, and when each person’s time comes, they will have to forgive themselves for everything they have perpetrated upon their brothers and sisters, and upon this beautiful globe.

“Each and everyone who has lived on this precious sphere, is living now, and will live in the far-away future, will all be asked the same question: Have you tried sincerely to walk the walk with the most love in it, and in doing so, did you obtain a measure of peace in your hearts, and if so, did your love grow for your fellow human beings.

“Do you realize that you have a Spark from God within you, to help guide you in the right way, which is doing to will of God.  It is in taking time to go within and establishing a working relationship with your Pilot Light, to schedule a regular time for your daily appointment to have your private time with this Gift.  The resulting peace of mind will over time truly astound you as you are able, with your God Fragment’s help to face anything that comes your way.

“You feed your bodies daily so why not nourish your soul, lest it withers and dies, and your seed-soul has no chance to develop.  This seed-soul is given to each one from God, and as soon as you have reached the age of moral discernment and desire to make the right choices, this Gift comes to help your soul develop and grow through the choice and decision process, which is your prerogative.  This soul you present to God each day of your life as He observes your progress.

“In taking the time to go into your daily Stillness you enhance your connection to God and the reciprocal love flowing into you, and back to God, becomes such an unbreakable bond that no one can tear it away, never mind what happens to you.  The greatest gift of time well spend is with your Spark from God within.  You will reap riches which are not from this earth but belong already to you for the next stage of eternal existence.  Once spirit is born, it never dies.

“In this manner you enrich yourself, and more will be given to you.  For those, who do not grow their inner wealth, even what they have, shall be given away to those who have.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.


Urantia, February 6, 2010.
Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject: “Inner Connectedness.”

Received by Lytske.

Mentori Spokesperson: “In your prayer this morning we heard that you are praying for a greater connectedness within.  This, first of all, consists of taking the time to turn within and listen to that most precious Gift from God -- that still small Voice within.  However with the permission of your Thought Adjuster, it is I, a Mentor, who will do the honors of ‘jumping into the void’, so apparent when you still your mind sufficiently for any voice to be heard.

“Contrary to some medical opinions you have not flipped a switch in that you would need medication when hearing my voice, as has been so often thought to be the case in the past, when other sensitive mortals started to hear voices, not always willing to accept a gentle voice speaking in and through them.  Many wavered, went into a fearful state, and soon sought help.

“Truly, for each mortal it is possible to practice the Stillness or Silence as some may prefer to speak of this.  It is this seeking within which in due course becomes a habit, due to their wanting to feel that infinite love expressed again from so deep within – a love without words that needs to be experienced – a a most wonderful development in the life of any mortal.

“This ‘knowing’ of an inner connectedness automatically leads to thoughts of immortality as spirit, once ‘given life’, cannot die, but keeps on living, even if the human decides through some reason or another, that he or she does not desire to carry on into the great beyond.

“These seasons of being in the Stillness with that Gift from God within, brings untold growth to the soul, as one takes the self to this banquet table of overflowing abundance.  The soul is nurtured beyond the knowledge of its owner, but it stabilizes the whole personality.  All cells even to the very smallest benefit, as the energy from spirit streams a healing throughout the system.

“Even blockages break up, so energy can flow more freely through the physical system.  However, in order to enable the system to come into a greater healing mode, the human carries an equal or greater responsibility, as they are the thought processes in the day to day life which contribute or hinder this healing process.

“It is a becoming more aware of the inner connectedness, so the mind is able to feel the uplifting thoughts, which the Gift from God -- so much a part of you -- endeavors to feed you with.

“Truly healing is in your own hands, if you would be more mindful as to how your thinking habits create blockages.  Yes, I well know the stress you each are experiencing in life, but this is why it is so important to have times of reflection, even during your busy days to reconnect with the Source of peace and love within.  Feel this loving and healing energy flow at any time during your days.  The more you practice this, the easier it becomes.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.