Ophelius; ABC22 Bzutu & Others - The Key to Eternity - Spiritual Focus -  Apr 10, 11, 17, 2011 - Progress Group, AU

(3 Transcriptions)
Michigan, US of A, April 10, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Do Your Part for the Whole.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we have much to discuss.  There are many on your world who would have you believe that life was meant to only serve their own needs, that they are somehow special because of their status, power, position, and wealth.  They have been blinded by unreality and a false sense of self importance.  They prosper off the misery of their fellows and take the windfall of inside information to build their own tombs.  Even now they plot and build their safety nets while the world around them is crumbling.  They know that time, and their power over the masses, is running out for them, yet they continue doing the things they know to the very end.  The Master said, ‘What profits a man if he gains the whole world, but loses his own soul?’

“My friends, see that you don’t find yourself blinded by self importance.  Stay receptive to your Indwelling Spirit and believe in the oneness of life.  Cooperation and unity is vital to the survival of humanity, and your willingness to serve is your passport to greater opportunities in growth and progress.  Don’t be worrisome about what you hear in the media -- the trouble and tragedies, the injustices and crimes.  That does not concern those who have sonship with the Father, for you are safe within His hands and no real harm can befall you even if you should lose your physical life -- all shall be compensated and made right in the worlds to come.

“Step up and do your part to change your world now and stay optimistic and hopeful for better times ahead.  Don’t sit on the sidelines and wait for something good and positive to happen -- be a part of the solutions and create this new reality you feel in your heart is coming for humanity.  Each one of you has great potential to co-create and change the world around you and it starts with those in your life circles.  Like a pebble in a pond, each ripple expands and changes direction as it encounters other ripples creating a symphony of variation that is exponentially beautiful and alive -- it is communication.  Your world must change from disinformation and secrecy to free communication to serve and build a better world.

“Together we will reclaim this world for the Father and bring it back into the fold of enlightened planets.  Soon, the Avonal Son shall make his appearance known on Urantia and will begin the adjudication of this dispensation.  The whole world will feel His presence and he will usher in the new era and begin to put things in order to pave the way forward towards Light and Life.  Be joyful my beloved friends, it is only a short season before the dawn of morning lights up the world.  Stay alert, stay connected, communicate and prepare the way for all to have life and have it more abundantly.

“Peace to you all,
“The Circle of Seven.”

The 11:11 Progress Group.


Michigan, US of A, April 17, 2011.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “The Key to Eternity.”

Received by Chris.

Teacher Ophelius: “Today’s message is of the greatest importance, for it is one that all of us teachers would like you, our students, to know and understand.  Everyone who reads this message is our student, for we know and are aware of all of you who read and drink in the sweetness of its meanings and the deep heartfelt trueness you find in the words that resonates and reverberates in your soul.  In reading certain messages, each of you have this inner knowing that rings your truth bells, which open up a new space inside of you that brings you into alignment with something much larger than yourself, and you may at times feel a great love that pours over you like a vessel of warm water filling up every cell in your body, and for a moment, brings you into unity with something that is leading you on a path to yet greater discovery and understanding.  This my friends is the presence of the Indwelling Spirit, the Higher Self, the God Fragment within, the Thought Adjuster.

“The Thought Adjuster is the common denominator that all people share alike, no matter who, or what, or where they are in their life’s journey, this God Fragment lives within them, in the mind, and carefully and with great patience attempts to ‘spiritualize’ the mind, stimulate soul growth, and coordinate the truths and lessons you need to know to attain eternal survival.  Becoming conscious of this Indwelling Spirit of the Creator is the key to eternity and the catalyst to accelerated soul growth through the recognition and application of wisdom and worship harvested from the life experiences you have now in this life and in the worlds to come.

“This divine fragment of the Creator is not something that exists far from you, outside of you, and separate from you -- no, for this supreme guide is a part of you and to all intent and purpose, is you.  It is the goal of all ascending sons and daughters to fuse with their God Fragment and become a new creature and creation in the universe which will propel you through the super universes, the central universe, and into the actual presence of the Universal Father on Paradise where you will have become perfect as you were called and stand as a reflection of the power and glory that creates all things and beings.

“The Creator’s Will can be thought of as a perfectly strait line.  Your spiritual frequency can be thought of as a wave having amplitude that crosses above and below this perfectly straight line as it vibrates.  At each crossing is an accelerated moment in your life where you are in synchrony with this perfect will of God.  As you pass through this line, your frequency becomes higher and the breadth of your amplitude become shorter causing you to pass through more often and in less duration as you live and experience life in the creation.  As your frequency becomes ever higher, so too do you become ever more perfect until you reach a near perfectly straight line and in synchrony with the life force and Will of the Creator.  Your God Fragment, the Thought Adjuster is the pilot that moves this wave of spiritual frequency to pass through the Will at ever closer intervals.

“It is vital that all of you students become conscious of this guiding light and acknowledge the presence of the Creator within you, for it is this Treasure and Gift to you that is so preciously protected by your guardian angels and is the key to the meaning of life itself.  I admonish each of you to introduce yourself to your Indwelling Spirit and surrender all to the greatest love you will ever know.

“Peace to you all,
“The Circle of Seven.”

The 11:11 Progress Group.


Illawarra District, Australia, April 11, 2011.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia.
Teacher Aaron.
Subject: “Spiritual Focus.” (part transmit only).

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “We see you on your way to a full recovery at last.  It is our intent, and hopefully yours, that you will be available to us long into your old age.  We are Midwayers, tireless, sleepless, unrelenting taskmasters, although admittedly, we too can feel disappointed when our plans ‘do not come together’ as visualized, and we must start anew with an alternate strategy.  Enough from me.  I hand you over to your Teachers now.

Samuel: “Aaron and I are both here, my friend, and we are pleased you are back with us.  We understand the … discomfort that broke off communication for a time, however, we are in a position to update the details on the advance made by the 11:11 Progress contingent – human and celestial – and cover matter of importance and frequent misunderstanding and misinformation.

“Both Aaron and I are former humans, and although I did not hail from your planet, we both well remember how time-aware we were, how we wished for greater progress in all matters, and how tasks were preferred to be completed by sunset, the end of a season, or year.  You now may count well over two-hundred 11:11 members that have contact with their Teachers, Intermediaries, and or Thought Adjusters even.

“And whilst you always projected better results at this stage (after 10 years), more can be achieved with reliable helpers.  Carry on, don’t let anything or anyone stop any of you from achieving.

Aaron: “This is your Teacher Aaron taking over from my esteemed colleague in answering the countless enquiries regarding planetary unrests.  The earth-shattering events so many have come to fear are not by design perpetrated by Deity, rather natural re-adjustments of a still young planet.

“The same cannot be said for your relentless search for oil, gas, and minerals deeply underground, even oceans.  Long ago you were meant to use free universal (zero-point) energy.  And, no, we are about your spiritual progress only.  We are not even informed about the next calamity to hit any district, for like you, we occupy time-space, and information from our Thought Adjusters relates to the spiritual, almost exclusively.

“On the economic aspects of your futures, it is again up to you to continue to be well informed, sharply aware, educated, energetically searching for real facts, not the paid-for opinions of newsmen and women, for these often-flawed opinions may seriously taint our teachings.  Let us converse again, dear friends, calmly, relaxed, openly, away from pre-conceived mindal clutter.  Goodnight.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.