Akashic Construct - Healings & Transitions - Mar 11, Oct 30, Dec 19, 2010 - Progress Group, AU


The Universe Takes Its Time.
From the Desk of George Barnard – March 11, 2010.
Back in 2004 or 2005 a newbie Akashic Construct student wrote to tell me she had for the very first time heard something during meditation.  It was just a single word – Mentori, loud and clear – and the student felt strongly enough about it to report the event.  Not long after, there was a second, like report, of someone hearing that same foreign word.
I wondered if it was Finnish or Italian, Mentori or Mentore (Mentor or Mentors), but we would not hear from the ‘Mentors’ for another few years.  The universe takes its time, always, and although there are now many healings happening in which the Mentori have a hand, they stay in the background.  With their having arrived from all over the local universe, possibly from beyond, they may well be the Teachers of our local Celestial Healers, not of us humans.  They may well be here on a temporary basis, also.
      Pfew!  I could write a big book about everything we don’t know!
Recently I sent out this healing request for a little one to Group Five of the 11:11 Reiki, Distance, and Akashic Construct Healers:
Marina Sandoval
Age: 2 1/2
Currently at UCLA Medical Center
Diagnosed with HUS
It started out as a common cold and has moved into a bacterial infection that seems to be eating her immune defenses.  She is currently on a respirator and has had two blood transfusions, but doctors don't know what else to do.
The good news arrived just days later:
Just wanted to let you all know that Marina (2 1/2 year old that was on dialysis and not responding to anything) is out of her drug induced coma, brain functions are good and her kidneys started functioning again yesterday.  Thank you to all healers – Natalie.
Our Mentori Friends humbly claimed to ‘have been there’ with the child.  See www.1111angels.com It has a search engine for what is archived about the Mentori.
Blessings to all…..

Have I Been Fired?
An Akashic Construct Practitioner writes – October 30, 2010.

Lisa N. has been using the Akashic Construct meditation CD for almost eighteen months.  In the last fifteen months of this period she has gotten to know her Teacher, two regular Midwayers, and she has had a visit from one of our regular 1,111 Friends.  More excitingly, she has come face-to-face with the universe Creator Son, Michael, and His Consort, Nebadonia.  Lisa is a healer of great ability, but now she is stuck, out of business, or so it seems.  She writes on October 30, 2010:

I think I’ve been fired, but I don’t know what I’ve done.  I can’t get down to Alpha anymore, but maybe it is my problem, and maybe I have not been fired at all.  I followed your suggestions, and I have been using the Akashic Construct only the one day each week.  And the other six days I have been going down to Alpha without hearing your voice.  Since last week I have not been able to do anything, not been able to heal anyone either.

This is what happened: I walked into my laboratory, and my patient was already there on a stretcher.  He has cancer in his liver and it has spread to other parts of his body.  His name is Andrew-John, and he is a dear friend of a friend of mine.  I thought it was a good sign that he was already there, without me having to ask him to come into my presence.  But suddenly there were six glowing celestial beings, and one of these motioned for me to go sit in a chair.  The six stood around the stretcher, one at his head, one at his feet, two at his side on one side, and the other two at his opposite side.  It seemed that they did not want me to get involved.  Two days later I heard that Andrew-John had just died.

At first I thought that what was needed to heal the patient was something I still had to learn.  But after he died I blamed myself for not having insisted on doing the healing myself.  Since that time, I have not been able to go back into my Construct.  Now I feel that I have been fired for incompetence, and I am asking you for help …

On November 1 George replies: I spoke to the Midwayers about your experience, and I was told, firstly, and that it was Andrew’s time to go, and at your request the celestials (Seraphim) came to prepare your patient for his ascension into a better world.  Secondly, you did nothing wrong.  You did everything right so far.  There is absolutely no reason for you to blame yourself.  Go back and do your healings, and you will find that if a similar happening comes about, you can expect that your patient is too far gone to be healed, and what the six did was a healing, yes?  Have confidence.

On November 4 Lisa writes: … so thank you, dear friend.  All is well, and I’m back in my Akashic Construct … with more confidence.

© 11:11 Progress Group.


A Peaceful Departure.
From the Desk of George Barnard – December 19, 2010.

The list of 11:11 Healers contains more than 150 email addresses, and most of these active members are Akashic Construct participants.  However, there are Reiki Practitioners and Distance Healers, also.  All do what they do best, in whichever way suits them, and together with their Celestial Counterparts they have performed some astounding miracles.  This is one of them.

Olivia M. lived a busy life taking care of her family.  She was old now, ill, hospitalized to have a breast removed.  Unfortunately, the cancer had spread, and it was spreading faster now.  Her doctors could do no more for her, but brought up in ‘the old belief system’ of heaven and hell, Olivia was terrified, and more than a handful for her carers.  Those who loved her asked for a healing.

Her name and details went out to the healers list, and soon she began to settle down.  Here is a report on what since came to pass.  Her caring daughter wrote: My mother passed away yesterday at 6:00 am.  It was a beautiful experience to witness the process of transition -- from leaving this life to the next.

She talked about seeing some family members.  She asked where she was going to be taken, and then she said she was unable to fly.  A few hours after her having that conversation she left us, softly inhaling three times.

I was so glad to see that she left peacefully, with no fear whatsoever.  The arrangements will be made tomorrow.  I’m doing fine, sad sometimes, but with a peaceful heart.


For now it is left to our respective ‘imaginings’ as to who they were that settled down Olivia to depart in such a peaceful way.  It’s all recorded for the 11:11 Healers to one day discover how this wonderful healing was effected.  We asked and we received.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.