Orion; Dr. Mendoza(MNO8) - Creation - Trust & Confidence - Mid-Mind & Soul - Jan 09, 10, 14, 2010 - Progress Group
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Illawarra District, Australia, January 9, 2010.
Midwayer Chief, Bzutu (ABC-22).
Nebadon Life Carrier, Orion.
Subject: “Creation, Evolution.
Received by George Barnard.
Bzutu: “I greet you, my human friend.  It is I, ABC-22, who by request will do the honors here.  Your Teacher to inform you today has been a close associate of mine for many millennia.  We surround you, and will have this moment of prayerful meditation before we begin.  Over to our friend in common.”
Orion: “Thank you Chief Bzutu.  This is Orion.  It is by virtue of your status as mortals that you rarely get things altogether right, and likewise you rarely get things altogether wrong.  Your ongoing antics are a study of great interest to your celestial kin and carers, productive of eliciting knowing smiles and raised eyebrows alike.  It is in fact a rare occurrence when your ideas, your theories, your observations are, as you call it, ‘right on the money.’
“Mind not the jests of this Life Carrier, who has seen so much, and who, owing to the body, brain and mind with which he was gifted, remembers all that came to his attention in millions of years of duty and observation.  Life Carriers are created beings, but nevertheless evolve, and it is about creation and evolution that we speak today.  In some places there even are basic human camps, in violent verbal opposition to each other, when they are both right . . . and both wrong.
“Your Seraphic kin are created beings, daughters of Mother Spirit, one and all, but they undergo lengthy training, and thus become very much evolutionary in their eventual descent to higher spheres.  Your human offspring could be classed as fully evolutionary, certainly, but the needed life-giving spark, awarded at the time of conception, is of a creative nature, not evolutionary.  And here we come to the duties of Life Carriers as typical on a decimal planet such as Urantia.
“After the implantation of living plant medium – created and tested by us – we stick around for millennium after millennium, guarding and nurturing the most likely pre-human ancestors, which will possibly give rise to, eventually give birth to, the very first God-knowing mortals.  We supervise such development, and on occasions, with seek and are granted permission, to enhance a certain strand, and with permission may even be allowed to eradicate an unwanted pre-human strand.
“Creation versus evolution -- let the debate carry on -- but for some of you who will ever reason in stark black or white, it must be just a little easier to conclude that hard and fast either/or rules cannot be adopted.  The issue becomes even more intriguing when highly precocious offspring are born to parents, when neither carries the genetic prerequisites for such and outstanding child.  Contemplate such events.  This is Orion.  I send my love to all.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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Illawarra District, Australia, January 10, 2010.
Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “Trust and Confidence.”
Received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: “I greet you, my dear human student.  Many are the years in a mortal lifetime we worked together to see to the welfare of patients’ emotional health.  Not always were you aware of my input in those cases, but I was there supporting you, nevertheless.  Is it any different now, I ask you?  Is it different in any way?  We took care of our subjects’ psychological aberrations for them to live healthier emotional lives, and by extension make spiritual progress.
“Everything has changed, and yet nothing at all has changed, for by us seeing to their spiritual health, their emotional and physical wellbeing improves as well.  We are in the all-important ‘business’ of reminding many that there is a God we can all put our trust in, and that there are myriad unseen helpers, who are His hands and feet.  It is about trust and confidence in Him that we communicate here and now.  It is about overcoming distrust and utter reliance on the self.
“Would that all had more trust and faith in the Creator of all, and would that more could see all others as kin, there would be less fighting and less wars, less disagreement and less distrust, less paranoia and less pointing of finger at who wears the black hat and who the white, who is rich and who is poor, who is hungry and who eats for three or four and more.  Your lives are so structured with duties and doubtful entertainment that mere fleeting moments, if any, are left for your Maker and Sustainer.
“Your Maker and Sustainer has the trust and confidence in you.  He sees all from the beginning to the end, and knows that in time your wars will end, your religionists will realize they grasp little of eternal truth, white and black will be friends, and rich will help those in need.  Essential for this to begin, it is important for you to reassess your structured lives and leave room for health-giving meditation – a short prayer, and ample time in stillness to hear about His plans.
“Billions of your kin, our beloved mortals, reach Mansonia One with the pain and regret of having given nary a thought to His very existence during all of their lives, and for them it’s rather late in the day to achieve as much of the high estate and prestige you will be entitled to in your morontia lives to come.  Make this New Year a time when you live consciously in the now, rather than be drugged by routine, but contemplate your future in higher realms.  ‘Humor your Creator!’
“Should you find it difficult to meditate, simply try to clear your mind as best you can, and sit in relative stillness with your Angelic Guardians.  No matter how slight, there is no effort that goes unrewarded, for both your trust and confidence in Him will grow.  This is Dr. Mendoza.  Later, fellow.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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Illawarra District, Australia, January 14, 2010.
Midwayer Dr. Mendoza (MNO-8).
Subject: “The Mid-mind and Soul.
Received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: “Whilst this discussion has been initiated by me, your healer friend and colleague, Dr. Mendoza, it is Another who will do the honors on my behalf, as has happened more than a few times.  At this moment I am required to be elsewhere at my regular task.  However, this is my timely message to you, and all those who are preparing themselves to attain worthwhile contact with their Midwayer kin in order to produce personal soul growth.
“The common name used by you for the (during your terrestrial lifetime) aspect of you that survives physical death is ‘the soul.’  Your soul is an evolving, physical reality, a new self, which on rare occasions can exist quite apart from you.  In such instances as extreme high fever, coma, inordinate anger or fear, and in instances where we Midwayers may temporarily borrow your soul, it can, or will, leave you, step aside, even permanently depart from those who are grossly evil.
“Except for such rare instances as I mention, your soul occupies your body, precisely, for it is shaped like you, although existing in a time-frame more alike to that of your Midwayer friends.  We, Midwayers, refer to your soul as the Mid-mind.  It is your soul’s mindedness we prefer to communicate with, providing it has undergone sufficient developmental progress to perceive our communications, for the improved exchange of truth, beauty and goodness.
“Personally I consider this message to be timely, because among you there are some that expect contact with us, your Midwayer kin, whilst you have not yet attempted to improve your soul growth to the point where our communications are clear to you for any length of time, if at all.  You may well be in need of more regular stillness meditation.  Conversely, there are many of you who have done so, and are taking scant note of clear ‘soul-felt’ information that does in fact satisfactorily come through to you.
(Not even the subject of My devotion here recording My input of this important lesson from one of Urantia’s greatest contributors, Dr. Mendoza, is fully acquainted with the way in which the Midwayers’ minds can adequately connect with the human soul’s mid-mindedness.  Such action may well be totally comprehended in extremely rare instances, yet without being fully understood, until such time as thoughts can be seen as always having real physicality.)
Dr. Mendoza: “Thank you my friend for your attentiveness, even when other duties seem to be of greater importance.  This is Dr. Mendoza signing off.  I send my love and best wishes to all, and may the New Year bring you countless blessings.”
Receiver’s note: Already many months ago I discovered that a lesson may be initiated by one of the Midwayers, whilst soon after ‘Another Voice’ takes over.  This is my Thought Adjuster, ever suggesting ‘to give the entire lesson to the Teacher’ – Dr. Mendoza in this instance – ‘for we are all One.’
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.
