Tomas Vol VI - Rio Rancho, NM - September 14, 2003 thru December 28, 2003 - Part 3 of 3

Perusing this span of time and the tonal quality of the lessons, it would seem the group has truly congealed into a family. They are allowing their thoughts to delve deeper and sharing more of their inner life than mere social graces … of which this group has plenty! There are some poignant discussions about death, in the wake of the TeaM's loss of Isaac, in Southeast. Idaho, where Tomas interned with Teacher Daniel, and some realization of the meaning of the designation "agondonter" and therefore a greater appreciation of our ability to bond as a family grouping under Deity embrace.





Volume VI, 2003 Part 3 of 3

September 14, 2003 - December 28, 2003





Topic and Teachers


September 14

Believing in Our Soul Self


September 28

Who Am I? What Life is This?

An Idaho Transcript of Relevance



October 5

The Lure of the Father; Value of Imperfection


October 12

Making Up For Lost Time: JACK, MERIUM


October 19

Invisible Friends; The Church: JESUS



October 26

Creating Harmony / Happiness;




November 9

Independent Will in Service;

Teachers and Preachers




November 16

The Quality of Mercy


November 23

Experiential Learning; A is for Agondonter


November 27

Thanksgiving; MICHAEL and NEBADONIA



December 7

The Nature of God; A Word About Christmas


December 14

The Art of Keeping Silence; LADY on Ministry


December 28




[End of Vol. VI, 2003 Part 3 of 3]



Volume VI, 2003 Part 3 of 3




DATE:                        alt="" />September 14, 2003

LOCATION: Rio Rancho TeaM - Esmeralda’s Estate

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean (for Tomas); Matthew (for Anatolia)



Believing in and Having Faith in …

God, our own soul-self, & each other


Q & A:                        Why am I feeling unsettled?\
MUSIC:                      Elena on Piano: Mendelssohn’s "Song without Words
PRAYER:       Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.

“Master Teacher, Whenever we place ourselves in your presence, we automatically feel your being around and about us, as you have promised, where two or more are gathered, so are you there. And we base our faith in that, in addition to the Spirit of Truth that is with us as well, so all of those are increments of our faith that we place in trust. We also place in trust our sheer belief that we are one with you always, and that whatever we ask for, in truth and in need, it will be provided, for as it has been said, Would your father hand you a stone if you asked for a fish? I always liked that one. It was kind of humorous, but in a real sense, very serious, but in a loving, kind and giving way. We are grateful for that which you have offered as example of truth.

"We are grateful for the teachers and for one another who are here. Should it be your desire that the group grows, we are open to that and invite the possibility. For the lessons of today and the teachers you present, we are always grateful, for the intentions of our hearts and minds, and for those who have recently passed from our company, we pray for their quick and true deliverance, and may they share it with you now and always. Amen.”

Group:            (Amen)

TOMAS:        I am here, I am Tomas. Good afternoon.

Group:            Greetings

TOMAS:        A "song without words" is like "feelings that lie too deep for words", and sometimes a moment of silence is the most effective way of saying what your words cannot convey. The fruit of the spirit "enduring peace" is a song without words.

Whereas Jesus’ life was a prayer, without specific formal structure as to the prayer, so can your lives be a song of psalms which you radiate without necessarily having a formal structure to your song, for without words you can harmonize with the divine and with your lives such that you broadcast to the souls of others that which resounds in the depth of your self -- that "soul self" that you are formulating day by day through your conscious decisions to abide in him and do the will of God.

Today I would like to discuss belief and faith as has been presented, again, in Matthew’s prayer. We perceive the gift of faith in your soul self as that light which illuminates the darkness, directly tied in with your essential reality, your spirit reality, that which carries you above and beyond what you are mortally capable of.

Beliefs are often the gridwork or the scaffolding upon which your faith may soar. The belief is the song with words, and there is no greater passion in humanity than the sharing of beliefs with those who share the same beliefs, or fighting for the right to maintain sovereignty in and through the belief you hold over the beliefs of others.

Before we convened today, you were engaged in discussions of politics, and politics itself is a representation of belief -- belief of the party platform and of the proponents of these platforms, these beliefs; each individual has a following of loyal patrons who believe in them, based on that which they have in common.

It is said that imitation is the highest form of flattery, and you can understand this in your configuration for you have similar tastes and similar representations of domestic bliss and material reality which compliment each other sufficiently that you are able to direct attention to your communal beliefs, based on your culture, how you live. In this way you uphold each other, and you reinforce each other’s belief in who they are and what they are doing / in who you are and what you are doing.

By believing in each other in this way, you give structure to your configuration, your community. You validate one another and uphold one another, eventually to have faith in each other, for your similarities, familiarities, and mutual belief systems all point to the outcome of unity in like-mindedness. This same kind of imitation and, yes, flattery, is a part of the political system you enjoy. Those who support candidates are supporting something in themselves that they believe in. Someone reflects Something of value, and so it becomes a very interesting playground wherein beliefs and believers are sent forth as scaffolding upon which your civilization turns.

By the same token, you have among you friends, admirers, associates and affiliates, representatives of values, philosophies and tenets that you have been touched by -- philosophically or spiritually or artistically. And this, too, warrants your admiration and attention. You subscribe to certain magazines because they attract you. You admire certain leaders for their messages are songs of sagacity. In this way leadership is made possible. There are those who are held up to the public eye, who withstand or overcome the common criticisms, and shine their light sufficiently that they become icons, then, of that which the populace yearns for and seeks to see realized in its midst, and so you have heroes, and spokesmen.

Spokesmen such as you admire most are those who, like you, are born of the flesh. Of course, this is an essential reason you admire Jesus so much, because you know he experienced the same mortal hardships and frailties you do, and he mastered these problems and reached heights of greatness, even as a humble mortal man. Martin Luther King, Jr., Mahatma Gandhi. These were such men. Bill Kelly was such a man in your culture.

The greatness of all these people lies in the fact that they believe in something greater than themselves. Whether it was a political ideology or a spiritual ideology, it was something that appealed to the soul-self of others. To believe in someone is more than flattery; it is a consecration of purpose, shared, and it carries great energy.

There are great things done on the worlds of time and space because of mortal leadership. Leaders believe in something that their followers need, or think they need. Ultimately, all have faith that in the end their beliefs will be upheld as having eternal value, even though a temporary coup is acceptable in many cases.

To not believe in someone or something is poverty. To live without faith in something or someone is to live in a void.

Songs without words are feelings that lie too deep for words.

Matthew:                    Anatolia is here.

ANATOLIA:              Welcome, friends, and more importantly, welcome to what it is to be "in spirit" for as the former lesson had indicated, you are, as you will recall from the Urantia Book, in the unique position to be "believers without seeing" and then, oftentimes, seeing because of belief. One may call this delusion; others would call it presenting facts as you know them, because of your belief in what you are seeing. In other words, if you were to see an angel, it would be a presentation of that which you already believe. If you were to see something else, that is not of your understanding or belief system, does it mean that the latter does not exist or is a figment of your imagination?

What I am getting at is: the discussion of today is very important to your on-going growth and development, for you are living faith here and now. You are demonstrating what it is you believe in your everyday practice of performing that which you are about -- both in terms of personality performance and your belief performance, for if it were just left to your personality, everyone would be as miserable or as delightful as their inner life allowed, but with adding the dimension of faith, you bring the dimension of other patterns of behavior into practice because you believe there is a higher truth which predates, predicts, or pre-empts your own behavior or tendency to behave in a different manner.

So, your experience in this world is as great or as little as your belief system will allow. If you believe faith can move mountains, you will literally be able to perform feats that otherwise have no reason for description, definition or understanding. If you believe that nothing is possible other than brute force and determination, you will, to a large extent, be pushing rocks uphill, much like the dung beetle, if you have seen that demonstrated. Talk about an exercise in frustration! To believe in nothing is to be pushing rocks uphill, to never be able to perform the mastery of getting the rock over the edge because it is sure to tumble back where it started, if not beyond.

So my point in presentation is that much as the individuals you have spoken of in your common understanding, that is your sharing and consoling of one another and speaking of the feats and activities that these fine individuals have left you as memories of them, they are now living the result of their faith. Know, too, it is not because of their faith they are living the result; it is by their having chosen to believe that they are now realizing the fruits of their labor. The difference in this is that faith is a choice, although one can say, having been indoctrinated in religious practice, say, from an early age, "Where’s the choice in that?" However, one always has the choice to accept or reject that which they have been given and choose the opportunity to build beyond that and not simply let it stay in the presentation as given.

In other words, one must choose to actively become engaged in faith. This is living faith. It is building upon that which has been given and making it a personal commitment. So, in so doing, to choose faith, which is by many other descriptions choosing a relationship with a higher power. Our Heavenly Father in this case is whom we chose to have relationship with, as well as any and all other dimensions in addition to that primary relationship, knowing that all springs from that Eternal Source.

So be glad and rejoice for your friends who are living the result of their faith. They are seeing, as they have believed. They are being as they allow themselves to become. And as you chose to live your life, what you chose to practice beyond what your personality dictates, is what you make for yourselves and others while you are here and after you go on, for the greatest testament that you live is to leave a legacy of love with those whom you leave behind. If you have not left a legacy of love, you have only left absence for what space you occupied.

It is in the vacuum of your departure that the next world knows you and the world you left acknowledges your passing. But leave more than you were given, and you will find ‘heaven on earth’ as well as in Heaven. Be of good cheer and know that your good intentions and your faith provide the way for heaven to exist both here and beyond what you consider the limits of your world, for they are all one and as it is. Faith is the door through this mystery that allows you to be your best and ultimate self. Welcome to the world of living faith, and may it spring forth as a fountain in your hearts and minds from this day forward, never to ever lose this cycle of regeneration.

Peace be with you, and know that the love and certainty of an ever-present Father and ever-living Minister in Spirit are always with you. Peace be with you. Thank you.

Group:            Thank you, Anatolia.

TOMAS:        Tomas again, resuming … as if we had ceased our rapport, which is impossible. And this is a truth that can be extended into infinity. Once a relationship has begun, it is infinite in potential, and thus, there are no losses, only gains; no limitations, only expansion in this increasing sphere of reality, which is the gift of the Source of all life, all light, love and laughter.

Lovely ones, what questions do you bring to the group? The lives you have lived this week have been abundantly filled with feelings and growth situations. Are there matters to bring to counsel? (long pause)

Elena:             Well, I hate to be always the only one, or at least the first one, so I was trying to get an opening where somebody else would jump right out there, but nobody was really jumping.

This week has been a real different one for me. I mean, the time has been really full for a long time, and I think that is part of it. And then yesterday being full, a little bit of uncertainty about playing (music) again in Santa Fe, and wanting something to be really good, not … I mean really wanting it to be good for Chris's funeral, being uncertain about his family maybe, but I felt unbalanced, and my energy level really low. I think all of it’s a result of having so many things to do for a long time but … I don’t know. I feel like I don’t know where I am right now.

TOMAS:        All right then. Let’s take a look at where you might be, and where all of you might be in terms of the influences that are pressing upon you. Not to be overlooked is the full moon that has come and gone, and that always has an impact on the animal being.

Also, in your society you are accustomed to adjusting your energies at the end of summer to apply yourself after the Labor Day weekend in work or school, as if it were a new season, to buckle down and attempt to master the tasks at hand, to learn new lessons in the new class ahead, or to take care of the business you have neglected all summer because of those hazy, lazy days we have enjoyed.

However, the political flavor you are experiencing is making it clear that this is not just another "life as usual" season. The very real threat of war is a pressing concern. The invasion into your sense of safety and security is at every doorstep, with germ warfare and the fear of the material existence in one form or another. The unthinking, automated animal is not interested in attacking new lessons. It does not want to deal with ‘business as usual’ and it will not relinquish energy easily to that spark within, that innocent element of each of you that is delighted to learn new lessons and have new adventures. And so the gravitational pull of the material world weighs heavy on you at this time in the planetary picture.

The difficulties you feel are a part of the collective unconscious. There are many who are opting to leave, and yet a new wave of youthful idealism and energy is amassing underneath the inherited fears of the existing paradigm. There is so much going on under the surface of all things and beings, it would be natural that you would find patterns of behavior altered and full of surprises. Even your own responses are inclined to be askew of what you understand to be your instinctual self or your inherent nature.

It is a turbulent time. And yet it will pass. You must not set aside your innocent childlike wonder. You must not close down your sense of anticipation just because you are pelted with negative energy or finding yourself subscribing to the fear mongering, or even the actual working out of planetary destiny on the unpleasant side of the scales.

Many times when a situation of distress or stress prevails, individuals opt to remove themselves -- consciously or unconsciously -- from the zone of activity that gives the distress. It is possible such a condition can create disassociation. But without becoming disassociated, experience a little detachment -- conscious detachment, and give yourself a break. By having a handle on what’s going on, you are able to manage your lives better. It is the nebulous unknown, in particular the negative unknown that is so unnerving to all life. And much of what you are up against is this dark cloud of the unknown.

The admonition to turn to the light is not a way of saying "disassociate yourself from the current reality", no, but take strength, find succor in the subsistence of those with whom you share a lasting reality. Reach out to your friends and family in confirmation of your affiliation. Believe in that which is true, beautiful and good. Affirm your life and the lives of those you love. Have faith in that which matters. Exalt those realities which will survive regardless of the impermanent and partially perfect patterns of the current material paradigm, accepting that that which is unreal, unfinished, unformed, or even imperfect, will falter, will fool you, will pull the slats out from under your scaffolding, unless you have your foundation based on that which is eternal and divine.

I won’t be so glib as to say "learn to go with the flow" or "roll with the punches" no, because the more aware you are of what comprises life, the more effective you can be in it, even in those situations which would seem to be undermining that which you support and even depend upon. Affirm and confirm that which speaks to your soul self, and let go of that which is impermanent or over which you have no standing. Is this helpful?

Elena:             Yes, I think so. Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:        I am simply trying to help you use your rational mind and not succumb to fears, for they are indeed all around you, and there are many occasions for animal reactions to the simple vicissitudes of life. They need not become "big deals". But when there is so much unsure about life, it’s easier for these "big deals" to come in and take over your serenity.

Thinking rationally does not necessarily entail justifying. You need not make excuses for other people, or even for yourself, but being rational and sane about your configuration of reality is a way of managing yourself, such that you can see your way clear to finding home base, whether that is your physical address or that Core within you, even into the fields, that is in your interior, your sanctuary, your soul-self as it resides with God.

Elena:             Thank you, Tomas.

TOMAS:        Another way people react to this overriding insecurity is to throw themselves into their work, and thus the work ethic will be in overdrive. But you will find, however, it, too, will run across similar difficulties and so it will not have the same force as it had before. And much of this is because of the dawning of the new age, which seeks the greater reality and that knows the spirit is the dominant and preferred reality. People are beginning to believe in themselves and in their own yearning for reality more than for the artificial and material reality, which has been their pattern from the beginning. The end result of this, in due course, will be an upsurgence of great faith.

These are difficult times for your world. Now that you know that it is engaged in a struggle for supremacy of the spirit over the flesh, of the infinite over the finite, the correcting of the perspectives that have kept you in the darkness, you can whole-heartedly give yourself to the rebirth/ renewal/ reclamation of that which is true, beautiful and good -- consistently, and stalwartly, throughout all of humanity -- that spirit which is yearning to be free, that yearns to rise above the fears and petty problems of a "little" life into the spiritual liberty of the freedom of spirit that is the legacy of those who are the Sons of God.

This is the fight worth fighting, the good fight of faith. I trust each of you knows that faith in your soul-self that is worth upholding, as compared to those (beliefs), which are stepping stones to such great faith. Valuable stepping stones, none-the-less. What else is going on in your lives?

Paula: You know, what we were talking about before, or what I was, when I lost my Dad, I kind of went all to pieces for a little bit, and mother was just terribly quiet. Ominously quiet. And I know how deeply it affected her. Now, her sister is an amazing woman. She had four sons. She lost three of them. She had one son left when she died, and somehow she came through that, and I could crown the one she has left. He lives down in Florida and when she was alive, I guess she was lucky if once a month he might have called her. He just was very casual, you know. ‘Life goes on.’ He had lost his brothers, but he didn’t pay that much attention to his mother, for which I could’ve smacked him for she was a great lady. She was! You would have liked her. But people cope with things in different ways. I guess it was because I was so close to my Dad. He was really super.

TOMAS:        Yes.

Paula: And it really hit me hard because it all happened so fast. It was totally unexpected and he was only in his 50’s. Just a kid!

TOMAS:        Many deal with hardship by disassociating themselves emotionally, as I mentioned before, and whereas in his soul-self he may have deep feelings for his mother, it may be that he has cut off his vulnerability to the human condition that grieves and feels emotions, for it is so hard to live an effective life when you are crippled by your emotional condition. And this is a painful planet. There are gross injustices and much pain and suffering and it is common understanding throughout the galaxy that there are aberrated behaviors on Urantia as a result of the hardships you have endured as a people, as a human race.

It is not such a surprise to us, having studied your world, having seen it from our perspective for awhile, that some of these seeming inhuman behaviors take place, but they are survival techniques. They are also coping mechanisms. And those of you who are well loved and who have come to appreciate, in a high sense, how supremely loved you truly are, are able to gain the perspective then of yours, Paula, who has known such devoted love between father and daughter as we would anticipate enjoying with our heavenly father. All of his children are worthy of that kind of love and affection, which you were so fortunate to enjoy but not everyone has been so fortunate to experience.

This kind of perspective that you have is a foothold, then, to further serve humanity by the perspective you have that although you have nothing necessarily to make up for, and you have nothing to be ashamed of, even so, as an associate of the divine, and with the perspective that you are able to garner as a result of your association with the Father of all, it becomes a fruitful endeavor, then, for you to commend this kind of love to others where and when possible, to understand that those who are not so fortunate to have enjoyed this kind of rapport, are without the full blessing of those who have and do enjoy such sublime relationship with the father figure, with the mother image, with the ideal, and with the reality.

Making up for the deficits of humanity is a tremendous job, and all of you can help pitch in to take care of this huge burden. The atonement of over-compensating, if you will, of the deficiencies of the Adamic Default and the Lucifer Rebellion, not to mention the backlash that all of your civilizations far and wide have suffered as a result. The need for love on this planet is so great; and yet, the fear of love is also great, for knowing how to love and owning love has responsibilities, and immature people who have not known how to be responsible and manage even their own existence are terrified of being their brother’s keeper in any meaningful context.

Stick with me, kids, and we will go places. We will become a driving force. Perhaps we will learn to believe in ourselves and in each other. Perhaps we will come to have faith in ourselves because of our association with the divine, and thus we will have faith in one another as a result of understanding in our soul-self of the relationship we all share with the Divine. And when there is such faith in one another, there is energy that is like a light that is set upon a hill for all to see. Let us pray that our light shines for all to see and that the song we sing is not too deep for words but is a high Hosanna forevermore. Amen. Farewell.

Group:            Thank you.



[Editor’s Note: The following lesson is added in honor of the fact that the Idaho Team recently lost their transmitter Isaac. See the bottom of this transcription for additional notes on the transmission of Tomas and the technical problems the human sometimes experiences as a transmitter.]


DATE:                        alt="" />September 28, 2003

LOCATION:              SE Idaho TeaM

T/R:                            Bob. S.



Who Am I?


What Lfe is This

Prayer (Unknown):

“Center and Source of all love, we your children reach out in faith and trust, knowing you are our Creator. You have blessed us all with personality. We are unique! While we don't understand that fully, we accept that responsibility and ask your assistance to move forward. Be with each of us as we walk our individual walks in gratitude for the love which made our creation possible. Allow us now to reflect that love to our brothers and sisters who like us seek only to be like you and fulfill our obligation of personhood. Amen.”

(Group conversation of the individual feelings and the energies felt during our prayer circle)

DANIEL (Bob S.):      This is Daniel, greetings my faithful students and welcome to another week’s session of teaching and learning, learning and teaching. As you know, those two abilities go together. The teacher is at times the student and at times the student becomes the teacher.

Tonight we have a special treat for you. There is someone here who is new yet is old. With those words of introduction, those words of titillation, (Daniel laughing) I hand the microphone to our guest. One moment please.

TEACHER (Bob S.): Greetings my friends. I will not tell you my name initially. Let us play a game. I will speak for a time and then see if any of you can identify me.

Friends your growth is commendable. Your insights are expanding. Your wisdom is profound. Yet, you are just beginning. The future holds an ever-expanding universe of possibilities over which you have complete control. I refer of course to your free will. While you will have a number of advisers, counselors, and supernal resources, it all comes down to you. You have the final decision. We can advise, urge, nudge, pontificate, and do all manner of things, but the final decision remains yours, as the universe has been created. You have been told this many times and I am just adding my words to the wisdom of others.

Those of us who have come back to join you in this most exciting time for Urantia see much which we could tell you about but our mandate is such that we cannot tell you. We cannot make your way easier for that would not in the long run be of assistance for your spiritual development. It is necessary that you walk your walk alone. No, you are not alone, yet, you must make the decisions necessary for spiritual development and growth. This you know.

I came prepared with a short lesson tonight. But! It is now time to identify me. Who am I?

LaReen:         Ham came to my mind.

TEACHER:    We have one vote for Ham. [Group laughing]

Kent:               Have you been with us before?

TEACHER:    Yes!

Kent:               Are you of this world?

TEACHER:    Now I am! I am an ascendant being as are you. Any other.

Simeon:           Are you a finaliter?


[Group comments and laughing: I like this game. It’s like playing “What’s My Line”. I feel like 20 questions]

TEACHER:    Any other guesses, any other insights, [definitely has a sense of humor)], any other feelings? Come now! Use your new Morontial skills [laughing… what Morontial skills] and search your minds.

LaReen:         It’s a teacher with a sense of humor.

Simeon:           Lester!

TEACHER:    I have two votes for Lester! [Group still laughing and talking and guessing amongst themselves, could be Tomas].

TOMAS:        Yes! I am Tomas. I made the long trip North and it’s a great pleasure to be with you all [welcome].

I, too, have gone through some grief with you with the loss of your colleague and co-founder and friend. I asked to present the lesson tonight because I feel I know you. I spent much time with you collectively and individually, which may surprise some of you, and feel I know you well. Hence, the reason for my presence.

As you have been advised, loss is a major part of living. Seems odd doesn't it? Death and living, living and death, go hand-in-hand. You have to die to live; you have to live to die. I fully understand your lack of understanding for I was in your shoes at one time and I didn't understand the meaning of life and death at that point any better than you. One of the things Isaac is now beginning to understand is the reason for death. It becomes much clearer at the next level. The physical level remains almost an enigma. As you know, in your lives most people say they believe in heaven, but as push comes to shove they behave differently. I'm not speaking of your brother Isaac here. He knew full well what was ahead of him and reacted as is expected. Your society, as do most of your concomitant societies in the so-called western world, have much to learn to really understand the meaning of death. It is impossible for me to explain it. One has to live it and your day is coming, as you know.

To prepare yourself for that, the best thing you can do is to continue to grow spiritually. Every day that your soul grows (it) builds the faith necessary to overcome the fear of death, of the unknown, of that unknown experience. It allows you to rely on that foundation you have been developing these many years. The better job you do with that, the more easily will you handle death. So, you are all on the right road.

My lesson is a lesson of persistence. My friends, continue to do what you are doing. It is your faith that exudes the love, which overcomes the fear, which the unknown generates. I hope and pray my words will be of some assistance to you for I know you all are in the throes of grieving. Let those feeling out! Feel what you are feeling! Speak to others what you are feeling. Do not be shy or afraid or worry about what others might think. They have their own feelings to express. Your willingness to lead might help them to do what they need to do. Do not fear your feelings. They are what they are! They express your animal nature and right now you're hurting. Allow your self to hurt, to feel, to express, and to grow. For death and loss are a part of life. Experience life my friends. It is important that you do so.

Well, I hope that helps friends. It has been my pleasure to be with you again and I would be glad along with my associates to answer any questions, comments, you may have. The floor is yours. (pause)

Kent:               Thank you, Tomas, for sharing your love with us. You say you cannot describe death. Then, on the other hand, you say Isaac was prepared to accept his death. This experience of dying and being reborn, resurrected, if you will, on the receiving world, and your words to say: “to prepare to continue on what we are doing,” will help us accept this death process. I am a little confused when you said you cannot describe what happens when you die. Can you say something about that? I'm confused!

TOMAS:        Yes, Kent, I would be delighted to respond to your concerns. Your textbook provides solid information giving foundation for entry into this new phase of your life. Each of us is different. I could tell you what I experienced, but you may find it quite different. It is my fear, if I can use that word, that I might blunt or reduce the experience for you if I talk at any great length about my own experience of death and resurrection. That’s why I said I feel the words in the book are sufficient for most people to adequately prepare themselves with the knowledge the book provides of the details of the death and resurrection process.

Since each individual is different, it seems to me unwise for me to do anything other than encourage you to continue upon the path you have chosen. Continue your soul growth and allow the events themselves to play upon your life, to be the experiences they will be for you. Is that satisfactory or do you wish to pursue further?

Kent:               No, that will suffice for the moment. You're telling me to read the book. I will, again and again.

TOMAS:        For those of you who have not read that section about what Morontia World Number One is like, yes, that would be most helpful. I had very similar understandings in my world of mortality. So I think that would be a solid basis for your preparation. If you feel after more thought and reading that is not sufficient, I'm sure one of us teachers would be glad to share perhaps some of the details of our own experience. I am reticent to do that in a public forum. My feeling is that it perhaps should be more of an individual program rather than with the whole group. I hope that helps, Kent.

Kent:               I think I understand what you are saying, Tomas.

TOMAS:        Thank you. I was struggling with that as you probably guessed. It is an area that is difficult to describe and even if I was to describe my own experience, I am not at all sure it would be of much help to anyone but me. I think I will rely on your personal teachers at this point. They all have had the experiences and can provide that information if your decision after some contemplation is that you are still not where you feel you would like to be. Any other questions, or comments or concerns?

Simeon:           I appreciated your comments about being persistent tonight and moving forward. My curiosity is how much of my desire to move forward spiritually and begin all these projects that are in my head, is how much of that is a true spiritual leading verses a kind of… with Isaac’s death now, it seems like you want to make things happen now. It kind of wakes me up to the fact that life is right here, right now. You can always think about what you are going to do tomorrow, when the kids grow up or when you retire. Really what we really have is right here now. So I really want to be effective with all of my time, which then I find out I am not getting enough sleep because I am spending too much time on some of these things. I'm trying to find a balance there for what is healthy in recognizing mortality and trying to be more purposeful… maybe unhealthy, maybe avoidance of the emotions, or bury the emotions in work.

TOMAS:        I think upon reading your statement/question you will find, Simeon, you have answered your own question. The balance is what is what we all should seek, particularly at the human level. You cannot do every thing you would like to do. As you have stated previously, you really have several roles as husband, father, student, teacher, college student, what am I leaving out, [Group: friend, brother] and part of life is to learn how to balance all of those roles which are important to you. That’s what’s life is about, learning how to balance those things.

What I could add would be very little, for in asking the question you will find the answer. I suggest when this transcript is in front of you, that you will see clearly what-- perhaps not clearly but more clearly, what you need to do.

Simeon:           Get more sleep.

TOMAS:        You're not a perfected being. Your ego has not been fully controlled nor has it in any of your friends in this room. You all have to deal with that. That is what living on a mortal sphere is all about: perspective, discernment, wisdom, balance. What might work for one of you may be out of balance for another. That’s why everyone has to work that out for themselves. That’s life, that’s why you're here. That’s what you've been put here to do and to learn from. So, you really don't want me telling you what to do.

Simeon:           Of course I do! (Group laughing,)

TOMAS:        it ain't going to happen]. No, I really can't do that. Your personal teachers aren't going to tell you. We are here to advise and to encourage. When you make a mistake say: "Hm-m-m, what can I learn from that?” and move on. That is what life is all about. It has become a cliché for you at this time but really life moves on. I am not suggesting you make light of your loss. No, experience your loss. Understand how you have been hurt. Decide what you must do to continue living.

Isaac would not want it any other way. That is what he is doing. Yes, he worries about his friends, but that is his nature. You worry about your children, that is the nature of parenthood. It is important that you feel those feelings, but remember you need to rise above them. Feelings must be understood and given perspective. They are an important part of you, who you are. Don't miss those, they are important.

Know the sun will rise again tomorrow and the day after and the day after. Learn from yesterday, live today, and don't worry about tomorrow. Tomorrow will come tomorrow. Live today. That’s one of my favorite sayings. Thank you for allowing me to work that in. One of my mentors taught me that one and I share it with you in hope and trust and in love.

Are there other questions, comments, friends? [pause] This has been most enjoyable. I long to get back and meet with each of you. I regret it took the occasion of the graduation of our friend Isaac to accomplish this, but I trust my time with you will be helpful. Let us now stand and close our meeting in the usual fashion. Larenzo wishes to close our meeting.

Larenzo: “Great and glorious Father give us perspective so that we may see clearly our place in the universe. We aspire to the knowledge that you contain. We come to you tonight approaching with a child-like-heart, hoping also to know of your love. For in that embrace of love we know that all knowledge is truly kept. Grant us your insight as we move forward in our existence. Show us the way and we will do our best to follow. Amen.”

[Ed.- Gerdean's note to the SE Idaho TeaM:

Good morning, Kent, and Idaho TeaM,

Imagine my delight and surprise to open my eyes this morning to see Tomas in Idaho, pouring forth in fine fashion. Isn't he a jolly good fellow? It was totally in keeping with him that he would counsel you to feel your feelings in order to get past them. And gracious that he was sharing his feelings of loss -- as well he might!

Tomas (and I) will never forget Isaac's sensitivity to the spirit! I recall one time in particular when Tomas was new and "interning" with Daniel. Daniel had given his portion of the lesson through Rutha. Then Tomas said, "My topic this evening is forgiveness," and I totally freaked out. My mind said to him, "Tomas! I don't know anything about forgiveness!" (As if I was the one giving the lesson! Ha!) and I sweat buckets because I could not go forward, could not go backward. I was totally frozen in space. Panic mode. Ham was present and recognized that the T/R equipment had gotten stuck so he made contact with Isaac, who was not even on line! Lo, imagine my relief when Ham came in to "fix the equipment". His gentle authority was all I needed to give up the illusion of control and to allow the process to happen the way it should. Tomas was then able to assure me that HE knew something about forgiveness and HE would teach the lesson if I would just sit back and relax and let it happen. After a short message, Ham stepped back and Tomas proceeded to teach us all something about forgiveness.

Boy, I tell you, I don't know what I'd do without these Fellows! Thanks Bob S and all of the SE Idaho TeaM for making me feel, as always, at home in your midst. Love, Gerdean]

[Ed.-Additional Notes on the problem of a T/R getting used to individual teachers.]

(From Thea):

When I first transmitted, I was not able to let much of the teachers' emotions come through. When Mark came on-line, he was much better at this, and I realized that being formal wasn't that great -- it made it easier for me to let go. I think I had some notion that formality was necessary so I was clamped down -- I used to notice that my hands were curled tight when I transmitted in the early days. Tense? Oh, yeah! But after awhile, I was able to let the emotions through better, and the teachers just have such delightful personalities!

One thing we noticed right away was that LinEL was very different to transmit from Serenia or JamEL. Machiventa & Michael still pose me some problems this way. The Mother Spirit less so. But Serenia is really easy to transmit, not just for me but others.

JamEL is really given to long, sometimes convoluted but clear sentences. The structure of his conceptual thought process is something else. LinEL has always been rather difficult to transmit, for both Mark and I. It's like trying to fit his mind into mine -- well, it's not a good fit. My mind is just too puny, or something. This made an impression on me -- if this were bogus, they should all be about the same to transmit. But they never were, right from the start. I used to get a terrible headache before transmitting Machiventa -- whether from stress or something else, I don't know. It's not that way anymore.

The whole thing is fascinating on so many levels. Most important to me are the lessons in love, and expanding truth, beauty and goodness. And the lessons on trying to correct our messed up minds. But in addition, the process of transmitting has definitely kept me humble and taught me a lot about being human.

I appreciate hearing about your TR experiences, Gerdean -- it expands my awareness and understanding of my own. Thank you!

(Gerdean's response):

Yep. But in my first year as a T/R I was still learning to let go of control and let it happen. For a long while after this mortifying experience, I tried hard not to listen to what he was saying because when I paid attention, my own mind inadvertently absconded with the mechanism he was trying to use. I think I have finally learned the right balance of detachment and mindfulness, but you know what? The restraint is still there. I mean, look at Olfana! Every now and then I give Tomas some rope and he is really very expressive. Maybe not quite as effusive as Teacher Olfana, but he sometimes reminds me of a sexy philosopher or a gifted Shakespearean actor, FAR more expressive than I have allowed him to express. So I guess I can look forward to having more to learn . .. and not just forgiveness, but panache! -- Gerdean ]




DATE:                        alt="" />October 5, 2003

LOCATION:              Rio Rancho, NM, TeaM Elena & Matthew’s Abode

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean (for Tomas): Matthew (for Anatolia)



The Lure of the Father

The Value of Relative Imperfection


Q & A:            What About Resurrecting in Three Days?


Music:            Elena on Piano: "Like a River Glorious"


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, We come to you today with just a few less than usual. For the past several weeks we have had overflowing crowds but we are back to our more intimate size which is a welcomed opportunity as well. Nothing less, just different.


"We appreciate the opportunity to share this time with you and our teachers, for the once per week opportunity to become more consciously aware and closer to each other and to you as a result of the gift of this group. Opportunities abound for us to do so on a personal level, for which we take the respective time during the week to do so, but to formalize it is an opportunity for which we are grateful.


"We ask for the teachings that you will instruct today and we wish to take our share of responsibility to fulfill that which you instruct today but which is a lifetime and eternal mandate. So, the castle does not have to be built today but to knowing that it is in the process, to be a glorious edifice for your and Our Father’s benefit.


"For this and all opportunities to continue to grow, we are forever grateful. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Amen, little brother. Thank you for your sincere words of prayer for direction and counsel on how to attain greater familiarity with the methods the Master utilized in his sojourn on Urantia, wherein your consciousness of the divine is interwoven throughout your lives, even each day and moment.


This week I had an opportunity to "talk on the telephone" through the experimental practice of "long-distance T/R’ing" as has been initiated through the formulating Association for Light and Life, as an outreach project. The experience was for me an opportunity to convey to you how similar we are, and how similar our work is, for I -- when I enter into a communication with you -- must set aside my ethereal nature in order to become mechanically connected to the processes which allow our communications to take place, i.e., the midwayers and their invaluable assistance in translating.


For you, the process is similar -- In order to communicate with someone on the telephone, you need to use the device -- but this also goes beyond the obvious and merely technical aspects of outreach, for an important part of the process involved in the two-way communications is the ability to listen.


There is a story in the Urantia text about "The Young Man Who was Afraid" and while he was affronted somewhat that Jesus would speak to him in such a forward manner about what was apparent to Jesus the young man suffered from, it was not at all apparent to the young man that he was afraid. And so he felt this affront at the Master for being so bold as to pinpoint his emotional condition and his needs. Through "longing looks" (and) through his internal yearning he let it be known that he would go farther if he were not afraid, or if he knew how to transcend the difficulty he encountered.


And this is so true of so many of you -- all of you, to one degree or another. There is so much potential within you, so much capacity within each of you that you are not taking advantage of, perhaps because you feel less than Jesus. Perhaps you feel you have not attained adequate circle attainment to invest yourselves so fully. But there is always that extra mile that the conscientious soul will go to in its yearning to please the First Source and Center of its very being.


Let us spend a moment on the word "lure" for it is said the Thought Adjuster lures you Godward. To be lured by God might hold unimaginable fear for the mortal who does not know God enough to know that whatever God has in mind for you, you will truly cherish. But the animal mind is rightfully threatened by this seeming seduction of tremendous power and personality, for it is certain to change the way the individual goes about doing good, living his life.


The old way would indeed induce fear and even distrust, for that God who has perhaps led you into some experiences that caused you discomfort. There are some who espouse that God "knocked them upside the head with a two by four" to get their attention. This is certainly not an experience you would repeat willingly. But remember how the Master would go out apart from his fellows and speak to his Father in Heaven and set himself aright as to what the Father was luring him into. And rather than fear His counsel, he adjusted himself accordingly, so that the father’s will was something he was able to embrace with a full heart, a willing mind.


Those of you who have been mislead by authority are inclined to establish a foothold in yourselves, your self, which disallows being lured anywhere or seduced into anything that you do not, through your free will, embrace willingly. And this is your right. Yet I am here to tell you, your reluctance to open yourself to the lure of the Indwelling Adjuster will surely curtail your own potential and thus your own fulfillment -- not only as a soul-in-becoming, but also as a practicing human being.


God is the great Enhancer. He is the spice of life. The dull prose of human existence is made wholesome, full-bodied and flavorful as a result of the additive of the divine.


The art of listening is the art that was practiced by Jesus of Nazareth when he went of by himself to commune with God, and then to listen to God’s response. But he was mindful also of the work he had set out to do when and as he returned to the arena in which he lived. It will not be necessary for you when you reach your full potential to regard our gatherings as the one time in which you are replenished and fully realized in the spirit. You will carry the divine with you into the arena luring others by your nature to sup with you at the table our Universal Father provides, lending luminescence to the most prosaic and mundane of all involved in an upward climb toward perfection.


The other lad in the text, John Mark, who would not let go of the basket when Jesus chose to go off by himself to commune with Father, who would not be left behind but who would prevail upon Jesus and be admitted to his presence as he communed with Father, was also influenced to share communion with his fellow. And Jesus spent time with the lad, even while and as he was in conscious contact with his Father in Heaven, as you are also capable of doing.


Just because humanity temporarily chooses not to allow the lure of the Indwelling Adjuster to bring them into the conscious presence of the divine, is no reason for you to honor their ignorance. Reflect the lure of the divine through yourself in order to help them realize the dimension that can be attained and enjoyed as mortals, as aware mortals.


Your earthly parents have conditioned you to attain to be the best you can be in the human sense, to complete your potential as a human being -- in your relationships, in your society, in your careers, in your capacities, financially, emotionally -- and the good parent sees the potential of the child and encourages that potential, knowing that in time the child will become an adult and appreciate the prodding that was given by the parent in love toward the child’s best interests. And this is true also of our Heavenly Father, who would urge you and lure you into ways of thinking and being that will enable you to be most happy, most fruitful, most effective -- not in the limited terms of your initial frame of reference, but in the expansive and glorious terms of the Great.


Like the music you played, Elena, the trickle that becomes the river to eventually flow into the great ocean. This onward advancing surge of living water is the true destiny of you each, and the sooner you find yourself allowing the flow of the river to become your reality, the sooner you will recognize the impact this river has on all the villages and fields in its wake, all the lives it touches, just as you are able to touch every life you encounter, as you have become a part of this great river -- the living waters. Listen to the trickle then, and follow that trickle as it leads you to the stream that flows into the river that leads you to Paradise.


Lovely ones, I conclude my remarks, enjoying the stillness of your souls and the opportunity for your spiritual thirst to be quenched in the spirit that prevails.


Let us hear from another.


ANATOLIA:               I am back with you once again -- not that I have departed, but am back this week as was promised, as has been basically promised from the beginning of time -- not that I would be with you, but that the presence of God and Christ Jesus would be will you, as that will be completed in eternity but that we are not in that evolutionary process -- to breed, blend and foretell the perfection that is before us. In the meantime, each and every one of you (myself to a lesser extent) have the worlds of imperfection to behold and to become familiar with yet not detained or spoiled by.


This is a world in which the very lack of perfection breeds contempt and despair, despite the many opportunities for one to seek and to see the wisdom that is provided within imperfection. If you have the eyes to see, the ears to hear, and the heart to perceive, you too will see the wisdom in the imperfect that lends itself to the perfect, for without the contrast of knowing what you do not want, you then know what you prefer and what you desire, so it is in this deployed dual contracting environment, then, that you have the opportunity to perceive what is expected and to experience what can be realized by just a little bit of perfection.


This is a relative term, for perfection leads one to believe that perfect is the total absence of imperfection, yet your world lends itself to beads of rain (if you will) that are elements of perfection in your midst. So it is with evolutionary growth. Your opportunities for perfection are here and can be developed by your acquiescence to the opposite of conflict. The contrast that you see is the opportunity that you have to grab hold of the handles of relative perfection, to increase, to improve and to enhance those opportunities that you encounter that are less than perfect.


I realize that this, while meant to be helpful and instructive, may not be of any help at all. Is there any among you who would like to inquire or wonder of what I am speaking? Any questions currently?


Gerdean:        Just to clarify what I think you might be saying, I think in terms of my marriage to Angus, for example, and we are perfect for each other. We balance each other perfectly, even in our imperfection, for if he were completely perfect, totally perfect in every way, I would be made to look sorely imperfect by comparison. But the fact that we are both relatively perfect, relatively imperfect, is perfect for our union because we have, then, balance and understanding of the relativity of relationship. Our flaws are compatible as well as our gifts, so we have a bigger picture as a result of being able to reflect off of each other where our gifts and our imperfections are, and so this is a perfect set-up, even though it is fraught with imperfection. Is this what you were talking about?


ANATOLIA:              I am most grateful for your example, for this is a real world example to see the relative perfection that I speak of. It is an opportunity to relish the opportunity to behold that which is less than perfect, is an opportunity or a stair-step toward what is perfect. So, I am grateful for our analogy. One other example of a statement that has great merit is as the Master had said: "to be perfect like your Father in heaven is perfect". This may be troublesome to some, for how can humanity in its relative perfection be perfect as your father in heaven is perfect? It is analogous to "Be brilliant as your solar son is brilliant. Shine as your nearest star can shine." It is to be as you are meant to be, as your Father in heaven would have you be. This, then, is perfect in your realm, as your creator is perfect in his or her realm. This, among the countless other possibilities, may simply mean to be open, loving and capable of meeting opportunities of love where you find them, and to be as relatively perfect as you can possibly be.


I am uncertain of what may be troubling to some of you, but wish to plant this seed as an emerald is planted in the jade tree, for it shines and is brilliant and is luminescent in an eternal type of way. If you need to focus on such a plant that is almost eternally brilliant and breeding of the emerald gem within, consider the jade as a tree of your emulation, for here you will find the perfect solution in the brilliance of a gem, for where does that come from? It is not self-perpetuating; it is not self-generating; it simply is by virtue of its placement in creation. It shines, it focuses, and it is the brilliance that it is made to be. So it is with you, my children, that you are the perfection that you were made to be, with fault, with shortcomings, and with imperfect vision, you see as clearly as you see for where you are. And this in itself is perfect.


Be of clear mind, sound purpose and hopeful intent, for all of these go into making life worth while. Be of good cheer and know that I am with you and look forward to our next meeting. Peace be with you.


TOMAS:        There is in this configuration today a great weariness. Such is the nature of your existence, that when you expend great amounts of energy taking care of the mortal estate, you deplete yourselves in the process, and in the material sense, rest, relaxation, good nutrition, ultimately leads you to feeling revitalized for another human adventure or series of activities. I have no such qualms about your spirits, as they are generally tireless, and your souls are "fat and sassy". We need not add to the exhaustion by being together in this configuration. Rather, we can rest in the assurance of each other’s comforting presence and bask in the security and safety of divine love.


In this state of being, are there questions?


Matthew:        Just to ask the question of whether Tomas would like to address the topic of what we were talking about of the three-day translation. Does he have any thoughts on that, and does one need to be well developed before they don’t have to "sleep it off" so to speak? Tomas, do you have any thoughts on that?


TOMAS:        My first thought, of course, is how literal-minded you are, all of you, in this material world -- and rightfully so -- but the literal aspects of your consciousness are an incessant interference in comprehension. The process of setting aside the mortal body, allowing your Adjuster an opportunity to return to Divinington to do what it needs to do before assuming its duties once more in a new phase, and the opportunity for your soul to seek repose in the divine sleep, is essential for everyone. In truth, the only difference is how long the sleep lasts, and you who would become so particular about the details of this transition are overlooking the river of life that flows as you study the riverbed in which you are transported.


The idea of three days is to indicate a certain amount of time. As was pointed out earlier by Thoroah, the transition from Friday until Sunday is three days by your calendar. Friday, Saturday, Sunday. It is in the literal interpretation of the 24-hour day that clouds the spirit’s essence. It may take longer for some souls to reach Mansonia, depending on their physical location in the universe! You are on the outer edges of the existing system and so it may take you a little longer to arrive than those worlds that are created closer in, nearer Jerusem.


There is no point in taking up the science of resurrection in these clinical terms. The miracle of the resurrection is the point you need to embrace. For surely, when you pass through the portal of this life into the next, you are not going to be concerned about the riverbed. You are going to give up your consciousness, entrusting the process, whether you like it or not, and you will arrive in the resurrection hall when these processes are completed, not before.


There is perhaps an average amount of time that it takes for an Adjuster to return to Divinington and receive further instructions, but those are beyond the bounds of our comprehension. Those take place on Paradise, which is yet another distance from this far-flung planet of Urantia. How long does it take to get to New York City? It depends on whether you drive your car, walk, or fly. These are relative realities, just as perfection and imperfection are relative states of being. But it is true that those of you who are spiritually advanced are not required to sleep until a dispensational roll call awakens you.


The problem now arises in those of you who sit and question your standing as to whether or not you are advanced enough or not to awaken after three days or after a dispensational roll call. As a general rule of thumb, it would be fair to assume that anyone who is asking the question is probably awakened sufficiently to not be delayed in their ascension. Is this helpful?


Matthew:        It is. Thank you.


TOMAS:        Only in Paradise is there No Time, No Space. All the worlds throughout the seven super universes are positioned in time and space, albeit that time and space is relative to the time and space wherein they are. And that is true for those worlds that are already beyond the local universes and those who are still housed within. Not to worry, lad. The concept that the divine knows the end from the beginning is the concept I will put forth here. That you know you are en route, that you have embarked, that you are conscious-izing and actualizing as a morontia being -- even now -- is adequate.


Matthew:        That’s helpful. Thank you.


TOMAS:        Let not the spirit wear you out this way. The material world has an edge on that. Your clocks, your schedules, your days, your patterns, your work, your need for rest and other requirements of the human existence, put you in a pattern of mindfulness of time. "How long will it take for me to get from this realm to Mansonia" is something a mortal would wonder about because you are always planning and calculating how you are going to be living your life. "Shall I set my alarm clock? Shall I pack a lunch?" While these are material, mortal concerns, they are immaterial as far as the spirit is concerned.


In that context, it is more important that you be mindful of the journey and of your choice to make that journey and to possibly attain as much of the journey as possible, even as you are here, now. Why put off to tomorrow what you can do today? Why procrastinate your own spiritual enhancement? Why not live your mansion world existence as you find it in these material terms? -- Thus becoming expert at parenting and at teamwork, becoming infused with the willingness to follow wherever God may lead.


Give your thought processes up to the control of Universal Mind in advance of leaving your mortal mind behind. This kind of dedication can only benefit your world. You pull it along with you as you aspire to your own perfection. You become a lure for others to follow -- not you in the ego sense, as we follow the leader, but you in the divine sense, as you are godlike and worthy of note. And that is up to the personal spiritual experience of all of you who opt to have one, and to what extent.


Are there other questions or areas of interest at issue you would like to share or open for consideration?


Men-O-pah:  I noticed within your comments about the river of life. There is among the Cherokee people now an initiative of some contemporaries who are still living. They have a song that goes like this: "Is everybody here? Is everybody safe? Is everybody warm inside? Cherokee, you’re part of me. I am wild and deep. Even when you sleep. Cherokee River, flow on down to me."


TOMAS:        Yes, son, you speak of the richness of the living water that extends into the barren desert and creates an oasis of life for all that partake. The great ocean that the river of life leads into is the great God consciousness of all, the culmination of the work we do in fostering the spirit, in and through each man, each woman, and each child. And the constancy of the flow of this powerful river will not rest, will not cease flowing, until such time as the river is consumed by the ocean and all within, then, and swell with the tide -- the whole of humanity, the whole of creation.


This heartfelt yearning for oneness with all of creation is an inborn urge in response to the lure of the Father, and that pull that leads us ever onward into greater areas of perfection attainment. In order for us to have that further degree of light, that further drop of living water that will help to quench the thirst and ease the mind of the fellows we encounter on this great trek, circumnavigating safely through the water of life to the oneness of all.


We sing a lullaby today, my weary children. Rest in the Mother’s arms. Feel the tranquility of her embrace. Smell the sweet smell of her breath upon your brow. Know the Father stands beside us, even as we live in relative imperfection, ever luring us forward to greater acknowledgement of that which is eternal, which is true, beautiful and good. We will see you again next week when you are renewed, invigorated by the changing energy patterns which will befall you when you set out once more in faith, agondonters all, on your way home. We will walk with you.






DATE:                        alt="" />October 12, 2003

LOCATION: Rio Rancho, NM, USA "Esmeralda's Hideaway"

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean and Matthew



Making Up For Lost time

The Yellow Glow of Truth, Beauty and Goodness


Q & A:            Do Midwayers Become Weary?


Music:                       Elena on Piano: "Our Precious Jesus"


Prayer:            Matthew: Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, We ask for your presence with us today as we gather together with fewer of us but nonetheless a dedicated core wherever we may gather. Where two or more are gathered, you said you would be with us, so we trust that. We also trust that everything that you have told us will come to fruition and that one day light and life will visit upon this planet to bring it into the brilliance that it was always intended to be. We recommit ourselves to that purpose knowing that it may well not be during our lifetime, but to contribute to that so that one day our home, which was and is your home, may be as has been intended 'on earth as it is in heaven'. So with that purpose and with the mission of the Teaching Mission, we recommit ourselves to the purposes for which we understand and for those that we do not, we place as faith before you. In appreciation for all of the teachers and those that are with us today, we commend ourselves to your and their service. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Amen and hello. This is Tomas, and the equipment is like your piano, Elena, unused and therefore squeaky. Let's 'crank it up' and work the squeak out so that we can hear undistorted beauty in the notes to follow.


Your perspective on our assemblage, Matthew, is from the human standpoint, for surely you would be astounded to see how many are here in truth. As you say, Thoroah, in Michael Mann's song, " 'My Unseen Friends' are everywhere!' and we have many here today to enjoy you in your gathering and as you join forces to lift up your consciousness to meet those peaks of attainment that bring you into the morontia sphere of thought and potential reality. This way of bridging the spirit and the material results in the morontial way of life that will be known to you in time as light and life. For after all, once a planet has attained light and life, its citizens are no longer required to ascend through the mansion worlds, inasmuch as they have already attained that learning in their native sphere.


And so this is one of the goals of the Teaching Mission, certainly, but we cannot grow as a planetary consciousness until such time as we have a certain grid work stretched the panoply of space, joining you with your fellow men and women the world over, to exalt the brotherhood of man under the Fatherhood of God and let these morontial values prevail as the preferred reality to the prominent/predominant reality which is the material legacy -- that material legacy which is sorely flawed. But as we are aware, this very condition is what stimulates our desire to be of service. As it is said, difficulties only stimulate the sons and daughters of the living God. Rather than lay down beside your problem, you take up your bed and walk -- even walking the second mile, in order to serve the greater reality which lures you forward.


This is obviously not an ambition who enjoy the material world or who are finding themselves content and complete and challenged appropriately within the material paradigm. Shall I say, "Matrix"? The matrix, as you see it, as it is being lived out, being prominent and predominant . .. Dominant . .. is the one that naturally compels your attention, while the invisible realm, being unseen, and your unseen friends going unnoticed, you thwart the very progress for your world that you profess to seek.


This afternoon I'm going to attempt to offer an opportunity for an old friend to come visit -- a midwayer friend of Gerdean's from decades ago - but I'll be back.


0802-AB:        Good afternoon, dear friends and fellow workers in the field. This is Jack. 0802-AB Jack here.


Group:            Welcome!


JACK:            Well, thank you, I appreciate your hospitality. I appreciate the opportunity to have this . .. what you would almost call 'artificial format', for it provides me an opportunity to get my foot in the door of your consciousness and perhaps to fan the flames of friendship, which have often been put on hold because of the natural nature of creatures of the flesh.


Recently Gerdean approached our friend George [Barnard], who is working with the 11:11 Progress Group, as they call themselves, to introduce the United Midwayers to the consciousness of humanity, and she said, "I wonder if the midwayers get weary?" and so I would like to respond to that question. But first perhaps I ought to expound a bit on why the question would be asked in the first place.


On a bright and sunny day when all is going well, one hardly thinks about the efforts others undertake, for all is well and everyone seems joyous in the spirit and, of course, all is right with the world. There is no thought to being discouraged or worrying about what has not been done in the face of what has been done. But it was a simpatico kind of question, if you ask me, because 37,000 years is a long span of time for an order of beings who had not originally been intended to have such a long tenure. Yes, Gerdean, we do grow weary. However, we have learned of late how to overcome the effects of that sort of exhaustion.


The spirit is tireless, but we are not indwelt like you are. Even so, we are motivated similarly, for we have goals and dreams and plans and they are born into us as inherently and as surely as you have dreams, ambitions and plans built into you. In many ways, you know, we are cousins and we share similar attitudes. And I am like you in that I enjoy accomplishing something, in particular, something that I have determined needs something done to or about. This is a part of the craving for perfection and the will to serve. And when it is thwarted, I naturally -- like you -- must "mourn" the forestalling or out-and-out ending of a potential reality that was beginning to shimmer with real life.


There is a very unfortunate image coming to this mind. I will try to push it aside and not broadcast it. (pause)


We take great comfort in each other, much as you do in your fledgling culture. We take great comfort in knowing there are others like us, who think as we do, who feel as we do, who have responsibilities, commitments and goals.


We midwayers, many of us, primary and secondary alike, wasted a lot of time. Wasted thousands of years, in fact, and for your information it was not entirely because we were merely Children in Need of Supervision or out-and-out Juvenile Delinquents, but because we had no adequate example to follow . .. until we saw the Master. And his humble work with his chosen apostles was enough and has been enough to commit us to make up for lost time.


Those of you who also a perception that you wasted time "looking for love in all the wrong places" or "doing the same thing expecting different results" or just being generally unaware, are sometimes compelled then to make up for lost time, and while on one hand this is good . .. for it reinforces your choices to go forward . .. it can also become an albatross around your neck that carries with it a great weight of guilt and responsibility that serves no one, least of all yourself. And so in the camaraderie of fellowship with your seen and unseen friends, who find the material life by itself without substance, those of us who have to have the morontia element involved, we feel we are not living up to our potential, our capacities, and our true selves.


While it is not necessarily good to compare yourself to others, in-as-much as everyone is different, everyone has different capacities, it is certainly appropriate to find the companionship of your fellows an important part of your life because friendships are an end in themselves. There is nowhere you have to go with a friendship; it simply is. You just enjoy each other, recognizing each other for the valuable piece of the cosmic puzzle he or she is.


There are many ways to lift yourself up out of the propensity to fall victim to despair when you see the imperfections of this dense planet working themselves out through cause and effect, action and reaction, basic karma. Detachment is a good tool. Developing the parental attitude is a wise path. Humor is a good antidote. Prayer and worship are personal and even occasionally social activities that can get you outside of yourself sufficiently that you feel you might go on.


But you will notice we are called United Midwayers, while you are known as Agondonters. A movement to become United Agondonters might benefit those of you who think you are alone because you have not engaged yourself enough in understanding and working with the unseen friends that are in the same business as you are, of upholding your state of mind into a state of grace. Whether that is on a shallow level or a deep level, everyone strives to be happy.


Another trick I like to use is when I find life becoming problematic, or my commitment to a task floundering, or feeling undermined or usurped, is to turn aside for awhile and do something I know I can do and at which I don't need anyone's approval. …something I already know how to do well. This gives me a sense of security in myself. And so often, as is illustrated in the Master's going out away from the work at hand and taking the apostles, usually when they returned from their day of rest, their problems had ceased to be such big problems and were more readily handled.


"Be of good cheer."


"This, too, shall pass."


We enjoy it ever so much more when we see you advancing, for we know that our work is not in vain. It is always a reward to see the results of your efforts, and it is always a disappointment to see your work destroyed. I don't care what they say On High about disappointments. I and you have them. And perhaps that's part of the imperfection of this faraway planet, Urantia. But without the understanding of disappointments, how would we know the deep joys of culmination and victory.


Just because we become discouraged on occasion is no excuse for you to say, "Yeah, well even midwayers get discouraged," as that is not taking my words in the spirit they are intended. I am being honest, not giving you an excuse to be lazy.


I guess I've done enough damage for one visit. I'll give you back to Tomas who has taught you well and, like all of us, yearns for greater opportunities to dig deeper and serve further for the extension of the Kingdom -- light and life for this planet . .. where we will be far longer than you will be, who get to leave Very Soon . .. all things being relative.


Group:            Thanks for coming, Jack.


TOMAS:        There is a good moment here now for me to pause and invite Merium in to fluff up the pillows, as it were, for Jack has spoken with an iron fist. However, I have complete regard for his message and respect for his courage, along with the courage of all the midwayers who have been here for so long -- the primary midwayers having been here from virtually the beginning of time -- and all of their dreams and hopes for their future having been dashed time and time again.


MERIUM:     This is Merium, trying to hasten in before someone else gets the microphone. Up! Up on your feet! Up on your feet now, I say. Get up on your feet and shake away the burden of responsibility that Jack has reminded you that we carry. Yes, we carry this burden, but we don't have to dwell in it and let it dampen our day. What a beautiful day it is!

Deep breathe, now. Deep breathe. Breathe in the beauty of this day. Think, in your mind's eye, how blue it is, and the clouds, how white they are. What a magnificent sky you enjoy here and what dazzling brightness, being so close to the sun. Is that it? Is it your altitude that gives you such clarity here? There is a distinct lack of water in the air that gives colors a chance to express themselves for literally miles.


The autumn colors now coming out, the golds and deep greens of autumn, and the purples and browns are weaving a new pattern of perfection in your arena. Let's sit down then. Sit down in this patch of long grass, this splendor in the grass that we can now enjoy because it is our birthright. All the wonderful joys of sonship are ours to enjoy. Go ahead and waste your time here. Waste your time here and drinking in the beauty and the peace of your world, your planet.


If you have a chance, take a walk out into Mother Nature and smell the smells of Mother Nature and the delicious air that abounds. Take it all in and know that this is created for you. This is the gift of life. This is what you have been given, and you don't have to wait for light and life to enjoy it, you can enjoy it right now, with your seen or unseen friends, it doesn't matter. Enjoy it by yourself. This is the window that I came to open, for you to look out and be in. This is your world.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas, again, wondering if Anatolia would like to join this merry-go-round we are enjoying today.


ANATOLIA:              I am Anatolia, happy to be with you on this fine day, as has already been cited by my friend and colleague, Merium, and with the plan for renewing your thoughts and beings on a brighter note because of a brighter day, I welcome the opportunity to shower you with the yellows that are so abundant in your environment here. The yellows that you find everywhere around are reminders of cheer and glee that are part of your heredity.


It is not gloom and darkness, destruction and volcanic ash that is your inheritance, but rather the glow and the glee that surround you with the yellow that is a reminder of the sun that abounds here, the warmth and the beauty and the nature that is provided and the yellow which reinforces that which you already know on virtually a daily basis. This is not the message of today, but just a subtle reminder of that which you have, that abounds in your presence.


I wish to re-communicate a thought or two from weeks gone by, and that is for you to reconsider the points of you that I have placed before you in terms of relative beauty, goodness and truth. This is partially what my message has been, that is, not that truth, beauty and goodness are relative, but that relative perfection is a factor in your perception of who and where you are now, relative to truth, beauty and goodness.


These are hard and fast rules: truth, beauty and goodness -- but are relative to the extent that one can only perceive these three qualities in-as-much as one is able to perceive. If one finds him or herself wracked with pain, the ability to perceive truth, beauty and goodness is certainly overshadowed by something that interferes poignantly with those perception capabilities. This is something that I would like for you to consider in your perceptions of what you consider to be any one of these three factors. Your ability to perceive any one of these, or to practice any one of these, is of course to be commended. Anyone else's practice as you perceive it, that is not met with your level of perception, is viewed as inferior or less than what you would find acceptable or that you would be willing to give yourself, relative to these. As the age old lesson that our Master had conveyed, in terms of "do unto others", please give consideration to one's ability to give any one of these three qualities to the best of their ability, to their greatest extent, without judgment, view or weight of what you perceived or perceive to be of value.


If a child gives a flower to his or her mother or to anyone, is that to be viewed as a lesser gift than if someone were to give a home in the country, full of horses and abounding meadows? One's measure of this would be, certainly, "You have to be kidding!" However, one's willingness to give without question and without measure are of equal value, not judging one's quality of gift giving or the level of love intended. One gift in a material sense is no greater than the other, given the benefit of the doubt that both were given freely and without reservation.


So my point is, without prolonging the obvious, is be kind to yourselves and your fellows, to not predetermine what level of their giving or participation may be, for surely it may be the greatest gift that they can give, by giving a flower, that all things considered, it is a priceless and precious gift. So place this upon yourselves as well, and not mete out that which is any more severe upon another than you would be upon yourself.


This I leave you then. I leave you in the golden light and brilliance of your place on the planet and to be kind to yourselves as you are to one another. To practice these three qualities as your thirst for life and to be all that you are because you are all that there is, in terms of evidence of creation. Be as you are and as you are becoming. Both are truly beautiful.


Group:                        Thank you.

ANATOLIA:              Peace be with you.


TOMAS:                    We open the floor now to your participation, if we have not taken up all the time in this parade of visitors we have had today. It is always good to hear from unseen friends, and it is often my concern that the normalcy and regularity of your teacher base of Tomas and Anatolia will leave you feeling unsatisfied or complacent. Yet, if there is not someone knocking on the door, like the Master or the Planetary Prince, it is just as well to proceed with what we came to do, knowing that in the course of time, the opportunities for enhancing our capacities here will be met and, in the meantime, we bond as a family unit. And today we miss those who are not with us, and look forward to those who are yet to arrive.


What is going on in your lives? What are you grappling with? What would you like to share?


Thoroah:         I would like to defend . .. if that's the right word. -- Jack's presentation. It was kind of like a Veteran's Day speech about a month early. I really think it's important for us to know that we have someone else that can identify with our struggle, that are, indeed, here -- although we can't see them -- and are like us, as compared to everyone else in the universe and most of our other unseen friends. The midwayers are the forerunners. They, like us, began their existence here on this planet, and I don't know that there are any other entities that have that distinction, and so it's nice to know that we had those veterans, our cousins, and that they are there. They are real. And we do owe them something. And it's not unlike what we owe the veterans of our own struggles in the human sense. So I appreciate being reminded that there are close entities that we may not be able to see, that we have a responsibility and a loyalty to. Thank you, Jack.


TOMAS:        And I will add that, from our perspective, these workers had a tremendous part to play in the textual revelation in-as-much as they wrote the life and teachings of Jesus, without which you would not have been so impressed as to have found that much merit to what could be otherwise regarded as a science fiction cosmology. The midwayers, in loyalty to this plane, will not be misled again, will always seek the Source for confirmation of what they should do.


And remember, without the Spirit of Truth, through the indwelling Adjuster to guide them, they must perforce behave much like you do when you leave your unseen friends out of the picture, you have to figure it out yourself and hope that you've come up with the best solution for the greatest number of personalities.


The fact that there is a midwayer here, now, between Gerdean and I, conveying my concepts into the artificial language of your reality, is something that could not happen were it not for the midwayers who are always attendant upon these proceedings. I will add this, for I have noticed it from my perspective. The midwayers derive tremendous -- tremendous! - joy and satisfaction in their active role as liaison between the teachers and the students, because they are immediately in the proximity of the Thought Adjuster of the mortal who does not leave during this process, but merely steps aside, much like the human ego steps aside in order for these messages to formulate and come through in this fashion.


The proximity to a Thought Adjuster for a midwayer is probably similar to sipping a sweet soda through a straw when you have been on the dusty trail. There is a great deal of feedback allowed these participants. Not only you benefit. Did that make sense?


Esmeralda:     I thought it was a little confusing.


TOMAS:        Well, suffice it to say they get a big kick out of being a part of the T/R'ing process.


Esmeralda:     Oh, now, that's something I can understand.


TOMAS:        They like getting next to us, you see, just like you like getting next to those you love. And this could lead to another discourse, but I won't go there. Anything else?


Matthew:        Are they involved in the communications we might have with our Thought Adjuster or is that strictly personal?


TOMAS:        That is strictly personal. They are only as close as allowed during a procedure like this. The personal relationship that occurs between you and your Adjuster does not require their intervention. I am an outsider, you see. I am like a Thought Projection, as compared to a Thought Adjuster or a Thought Controller. I am being Projected into the essential configuration of you and your Adjuster, and the midwayer has his foot in the door that allows me to be projected into that essential setup.


Matthew:        Okay. Thank you.


TOMAS:        Even so, remember that the Adjuster and the mortal are both set aside in order for me to get at the technology that I need, that is to say the language center and the voice box. The concern of the Adjuster is that nothing is to interfere with the sanctity of the free will of the mortal I am engaging. (Pause) What else? (Pause) Then let us be on our way. See you next week.


Group:            Thank you. All.




DATE:                        alt="" />October 19, 2003

LOCATION:              Rio Rancho, NM, TeaM - The Bowen Townhouse

T/R's:                           Gerdean & Matthew



Invitation to Friendship

More About Judgment

Participate in Your Life


Q & A:            Brotherhood of Churches?


Music:            "My Unseen Friends" from Michael Mann's DC

Prayer:            Mathew:           Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ


“Master Teacher, We come to you today with a new person to appreciate the process that you have made possible through the long years of the Christian message having been brought to us. But our purpose is not just the Christian message (although that is first and fundamental in the presentation of our attitudes toward one another, and toward you and our Heavenly Father), -- but our attitude and principle, that we have learned through this process, through the Urantia Book -- and all that we've acquired in our knowledge base to date, is that love is the first and foremost energy and reason for being. And, consequently, all teachings are one, as they blend into one golden chain of truth and purpose and being and loving. As we continue to go through our struggles, they become less because there is no need to fight but to practice the principle of non-resistance in all ways and in all principles. So we relax, we relent, and we allow the teachers to come to us through you to make all things new as we present ourselves to you as vehicles of truth and light.


"And for all those things of our hearts and minds that you know of us, we place before you now on the altar before Our Father to be transformed as we are transformed as vehicles of light and love here and now, and for eternity. With all else we are forever grateful. Amen.”


Group:            Amen.

TOMAS:        Good afternoon, my friends, I am Tomas, your Teacher.

Group:            Good afternoon.


TOMAS:        I perceive you today as a five-pointed star, twinkling and flashing your perfection into the atmosphere, into the spheres. What a delight to have you join us, SharEl charming lady, child of wonder. What must you think of us! Well, this is what relationship aspires to, isn't it? We feel each other out. We take time to be still in each other's presence to recognize the light within us each. We begin to feel safe. We begin to relax into greater consciousness, super-consciousness, which is aware not only of our Self, but of other Selves. Not only in your range of reality, but in Reality arenas beyond your vision.


Once again we salute "invisible friends." But what of friendship? What are friends for? What are unseen friends for? As compared to your mortal associates. How do we differ and how are we the same? And what do you look for when you look to your own kind -- and when you look to those outside your vision -- in faith? We are like you. We are simply older. More advanced. But what good does our advancement do if we are on a plane that is so far removed from you that you cannot reach us? It is thus necessary, in this particular kind of association, that we reach down to you as you reach up to us and we meet there, somewhere in the ethers, in the netherworld of Paradise just underneath the presence of God. For, were we to sit in the presence of God, we would overlook our association in the experience of worship. Which is fine! Which is desirable. Which is encouraged as it is a part of the appreciation of the relationship that exists between you, as sons and daughters of this Precious Energy which fills the air with spirit fragrance.


Learning to be who you are in the kingdom that is to say, learning to be who you are in truth, and in full embrace of your divine nature as well as your human nature, affords you an opportunity to operate on a new plateau of existence. It gives you a chance to step up from the chaos of partial perfection into relative perfection, from darkness into light.

We have been talking about judgment lately. Particularly since it is something that confuses you and troubles you, as its definition is clouded by your perception of what judgment means, based on your comprehension of the Old Testament's admonition and your fear of judging lest you be judged -- to hell, fire, and damnation! All you who sit in the presence of the unseen friends are aware already that the Loving Presence of the Divine is impossible of inflicting such pain and distress upon Its children, and so this fear of God and His wrath is inappropriate for our current day comprehension of the wondrous love that is our Creator and the divine plan He has in store for all of us, as we walk the talk of what we are learning and becoming. The story of the prodigal son is a reminder that the father will run out to get his wayward children even when they are a long way off. Even as they are feeling wretched, after having spent/squandered their fortune, their inheritance, and their future on self-indulgence and in ways which were unsatisfying, unfulfilling and unfruitful. What condition is that child in as he grovels back to his home, fully expecting to be whipped, abused, ignored, outcast, begging for crumbs, asking only for a place at the foot of the table?


By anyone's standards they have judged themselves poorly and sorely already. They do not need any of their elder brothers or sisters to hurl at them any remarks as to their neglect or immaturity. But it is understandable that the siblings would stand back, as if to say, "Well, my brother, I am glad you are home. It was our loss that you were not among us. We rejoice in your return. We embrace you back to share with us the Father's bounties and blessings. Perhaps this experience will teach you that respect and sense of purpose in this family that you are created to uphold. We trust you will not wane in your enthusiasm to be embraced back into the fold, to return to your arrogant and self-seeking ways.


We will be watchful for we truly love you. We would have you enjoy the blessings of sonship with us in order to carry on this holy family, in order to carry on the Father's business. What you learned out there will pass away. What you encountered in your uphill climb back into the security of humble sonship will keep you from arrogance and complacency. Rather, you will be better able to serve in the Father's fields those who are lost in pleasure-seeking, in frantic attempts to seize the day, or in those who fear His judgment such that they are even fearful of looking you in the eye, lest they see their own short-comings." This is friendship: that the sons of God reach out to their siblings even when they are yet a long way off, and invite them into the fold of love and joy.


Pray for those who fear God and fear the joy of knowing Him. And let the answer to this prayer be your own bright light of truth, beauty, and goodness. Prevail. What an awesome privilege, to shape and mold the universe, to have a hand in creating light and life on your world. Formidable! Overwhelming, perhaps, to your consciousness, but to the super-consciousness, it is an opportunity to relish life and all it provides -- the good, the bad and the ugly -- for there is where the choices are made, the choices that impel you forward or deter you in your path. And, subsequently, in the path of others – in-as-much as you are a reflection of the divine itself. As you are able to reflect, so shall they see. Let us reflect the love of God, the joy and goodness we know as His.


This lesson is directed to the future of our association, the extension of the family of God and the delight of our unseen friends. Let us hear from our associate.


Matthew:        We have Christ Michael, or Jesus, here.


MICHAEL:    Welcome, all who are here for the first time, or, as if it were the first time. Welcome with new hearts and new minds, new eyes and new ears to hear that which may be, for the first time, a message that is deep and true to my heart as well as your own. And that is, the purpose of being that exists in the world as you know it, and well beyond that which you know to be evidence of their being more, as the song had illustrated, even in its playful nature, the unseen friends are with you always, and your belief in them is not as important, perhaps, as their belief in you!


As my heavenly Father had made known to me in the hours of our worship together: all that exists is here as the bounty of creation, and in his benevolent gift of life, He gives that which is to be utilized for the benefit of all of those who choose to partake in that bounty. So as you were talking in weeks past about the teaching or parable of the ten talents, for example, and how those investments were made, and for those who made the most of their talents or investments, those who were too frail, fearful or shy to invest that which they had were told to give what they had to those who made the most of it, and that this principle or parable may to some appear to be unholy, unwise and insensitive, but, my friends, the purpose of life is to participate, and to seek full bounty of that which is given!


There are those that you know that make or take full advantage of that which is presented to them, and have made wondrous examples of what to do with just a little bit of material and a lot of gumption. This is what I wish to share with you today: to be full and active and complete participants of the bounty that is presented to you both in terms of your individual lives and of your collective lives, that lead to a full compliment to that which is present, alive and real. Your unseen friends are a rooting gallery, a cheerleading squad that wishes you well and knows your capabilities to help bring the flock forward. In fact, these cheerleaders, or triumphal assistants, are there with you to assist in the collective nature of your ministry. This is done in cooperation with the bounty and the life-giving nature of creation here before you and well beyond your imagination.


So I implore each and every one of you to take full advantage of the life that is given you and to maximize its potential -- for yourselves in your love-giving capability, and for your brothers and sisters, that they may fully participate in the life of creation with or without the unseen friends. But for those of you who are aware of their presence, you are joined with a choir of heavenly assistance to help in the uplifting of this age and all ages to come. I can only encourage you with all of the zeal that is within my heart, for knowing your true nature and that of our heavenly Father as being One, there is only success, there is only triumph, and there is only the light that you witness as the reason for being.


So be true to your nature, both divine and human, and allow the imperfections that you see to be incorporated into the perfect pattern. I wish you, with every beam of my light: peace, joy and unity of purpose in your individual and collective beings. Peace be with you, and know that I am always there and never any farther than the Presence of your Being. I am with you always.


Until we meet again, may the presence of our living and loving Father surround you, now and always. Peace be with you.


TOMAS:        Beloved Creator. He is such a brother and father and friend. You, my siblings in ascension, are now the torchbearers, and in this capacity of advancing your world, what questions would you have to address that may contribute to this worthy work, or to your own unfolding as an important personality in the overall configuration of infinity?


Talk to me. Do you have questions? Or comments? Complaints? Laments?


Matthew:        Just one that concerns me somewhat (but less than it did 20 years ago). The Urantia Book says that we are to work toward unity but not uniformity. Do you see in our lifetimes perhaps, in relation to light and life being created, at least Christianity coming closer together, in terms of the Pauline dominance that exists now as a perspective on Christianity? For it to come any closer to the message that Jesus had originally -- prior to Paul's entry into it? In other words, the blood sacrifice dominance that exists. Is it possible in our lives yet that that would be lessened, and we will turn more toward a brotherly love perspective? That's the question. Or is that so far off in the distance it's all we can strive to contribute to its change, ultimately?


TOMAS:        All this will depend upon how you perceive the impact of the church and the importance of the church's participation in the evolution of your world. The church is undergoing tremendous labor pains. "The church" -- I am using in terms of the Pauline philosophies that you regard as your cultural heritage and religious training, for the most part. These labor pains are suffering a natural result of the need for yet more revelation of the reality of God to inject a greater dimension of divine reality into that organized format which man demands as an avenue of adulation. And so as humanity comes forth from the darkness, so must the church.


Thus, there will be poles pulling the paradigm of church-religion in many directions, and the traditionalists will become yet more consolidated and the living God will be the catalyst which allows the many more progressive sects to relinquish their hold on traditional religion in an attempt to embrace a broader spectrum of humanity that might also want to join in the song of praise for life, love and laughter.


There is great progress being made in that direction now, as I see it. And you are certainly contributing to this process by adding to the living legacy of love rather than fostering fear through holding fast to those judgmental constraints that have become an albatross around the neck of the church, weighing them down into a crystallized presentation of pattern. Which pattern offers an original point of reference, which even includes the sanctity of religion and the treasures of history; it is an icon of an age that fostered the reality of Jesus for 2000 years between the fourth and fifth revelations to mankind. Church literally will become a shrine. But the rivers of earth will run with living waters, set free to follow on the winds of change, until such time as the Divine is allowed to lead humanity into the future it has destined, of which you are a part.


Thus, the Church will never disappear, anymore than the Sistine Chapel will disappear or the other monumental works of art man has created in homage to God and his relationship thereto. Much as a sacred museum provides a perspective, thus too will the Christian church, in due time. It is, you know, honored and preserved by the angels of the churches. They are not the enemy. They are a force of advancing spiritual evolution for your world as you are and as we are.


We will have our impact in the future, whereas their impact has been in the past. In time in may be anticipated that we, too, will become relics, that what we represent today will be a part of the history of the advancing spirit reality of this planet. But the fact remains, we will have contributed to the advancement of spirit reality and this is the destiny of all the worlds of time and space -- to reveal God and his nature -- as you can and as you know how. As you enjoy today. Is this addressing your concern, Matthew?


Matthew:        Yes, that's hopeful, and I was looking for a hopeful answer. Thanks.


TOMAS:        It helps to have a perspective that goes beyond the mere material perspective, the mechanical universe. This perspective is available to you, but you have not practiced using it. You have judged your ability to contain such a view. Like most, you have sold yourself short by not allowing the farther view. In the Stillness, you can put aside these mortal limitations and embrace the divine perspective such that you will be lifted above the common consciousness into the realm of superconsciousness, which is liberating, joyous and, yes, I admit, perhaps more frustrating. But this is where the real experience lies not in simply transcending life, but in living it. In working out the balance between the mortal nature and the divine nature such that you are able to touch and develop real relationships with both realms and without personality disintegration, rather, with personality integration, that will serve you better.


I feel like your coach, giving you a pep talk. Somehow you must have needed encouragement, that your team might not win.


Matthew:        No.


TOMAS:        Or that your struggle was all uphill. It seems that way sometimes, when you neglect to take these opportunities, such as we enjoy today, to companion one another at a soulful level, in order to reinforce the integrated personality that you truly are. That you know yourself, that you love yourself, that you are human, that you are growing, that you are delightful. And you see these reinforced in your relationships such as we have here, this five-pointed star, will allow your light to twinkle brighter, reaching farther into the night. But what is this talk of stars in broad daylight? We have, rather, the full abundance of the sun; the radiance of the fall season upon you; the dazzling array of colors and the security of the harvest. What more can anyone ask for?


Such a replete place. Carry this peace with you into your lives this week. Remember the Source. Return to the Source to remember your path, and remember your peers and your unseen friends, who walk with you on that path toward Paradise.


Anatolia and I are proud to be your Teachers and to work in conjunction with the Teacher Corps of the Melchizedek University in enabling you to reclaim your place in the natural ascent. And in this on-going effort, I'll see you next week. Farewell.


Group:            Thank you.




DATE:                        alt="" />October 26, 2003

LOCATION:              Rio Ranch, New Mexico – Myra’s Domicile

T/R's:                          Gerdean & Matthew


Creating Harmony & Happiness

Growing Through Group Association

"Kindred Spirits" -- Pro and Con


Q&A:                          Effects of Passive Acquiescence; Harmonic Concordance


Music:                        Elena on Piano: "Break Thou the Bread of Life"


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher,We bring ourselves to you this day, as we do every Sunday, with the expectation of good news continued to be shared. And we ask that whatever lessons we need to hear, that we hear it as delivered -- whether it's as we wish to hear it or not. The message is the main thing, not the way it's delivered. In other words, if someone had told us to get up off the couch and do something or other, we're hearing that something needs to be done, not the way it was delivered. As we go forward into the future, starting today, may we be happy, healthy and whole in our approach and dedicated to your purpose and the purpose of our Eternal Father. And for those needs that we perceive within our hearts and our minds, may you address those as well. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Amen, and thank you, Matthew. I am Tomas. Greetings, dear friends.

Group:            Greetings, Tomas.


TOMAS:        Anatolia and I are here with you again to enjoy the companionship and stimuli of like-minded individuals. The chronic harmony you seem to enjoy in this group makes it difficult to create those templates, which one can play off against the other as a means of finding the kernel of truth between the two opposing poles. It also serves to save a great deal of time, for we can discuss issues harmoniously instead of conversely or contrary. There is merit to that kind of music, but unless it is skillfully done by true artists, it can sound just like noise.


The ability to sit down and break bread together is a result of a spirit-led life, much as happiness is a side effect of the spirit life. However, many people put the cart before the horse and seek happiness, or harmony, not appreciating that those are the result of personal spiritual growth, which has solidified in the personality consecrated to seeking the divine will in and of himself, finding the Source, developing a relationship with the Source, and then being led out into the fields by the Source to serve.


The value in my message here today stems from your conversations of today wherein you have recognized that while the 70's or 80's may have been regarded as "the ME generation," a lot of enlightenment has taken place, much self-awareness has come about, there is a spiritual renaissance in progress, and many enlightened individuals are yearning for harmony and happiness with peers. Thus there are groups forming together, similar to this one, which satisfies that longing to be in company with kindred spirits.


"Kindred spirits" is a reality. There are people who recognize each other at a soul level, and bond there first, before undertaking the extension of that Source reality into extraneous interests or outreach activities. This is the value of group worship. You acknowledge your own being, as a child of God, treasuring that connection, but also basking in the comfort and security of that self-same psychic condition in your peers. This joyousness of spirit is able to reflect out even into the ethers of your world and contribute to the extension of the kingdom through unconscious and impersonal waves of good will.


When you share your inner life with others, you create the Supreme. Granted, it is a slow-growing entity, but like the business seminar you were discussing, there is a great deal of amalgamating that goes on in the creation of the experiential god. There is purpose to being individual religionists, certainly. And while each individual religionist is as an only begotten son, it is part of your growth to bring together your energy with energy from others such that you can amalgamate your realities in the spirit through understanding and mercy, tolerance, curiosity, concern, human interest, ambition -- all the elements of personality existence. And in the doing of that which you will do together because you choose to be together (not because you are conveniently abutting one another), great waves of collective consciousness can be expelled into great works. The result of such disciplines, selflessness and rejoicing, is harmony … and happiness.


The same phenomenon is occurring now in your political arena and in the spiritual realm, even with the Teacher Corps, because of your capacity to assimilate more because of your own private, personal lessons in Correcting Time, and the willingness you are giving your Adjuster and other spirit guides to lead you into such group purpose. Having group purpose does not negate your individuality, or eradicate identity, but all conspire willingly to enhance the values of the divine such that peace and harmony can be found, progress can be made, cooperation can be forthcoming, and so forth.


It is good to hear that news that even the matrix of the corporate world is bringing into being those networking avenues that not only compel you forward but that allow you to amalgamate with existing paradigms such that gaps are bridged for harmony and happiness can come upon everyone. Not only is happiness a personal product, it is also a byproduct of social efforts, political efforts, spiritual efforts -- if they are all done in and through the light of truth and the love of God.


We are encouraged when we see the growth and development of civilization augmenting the brotherhood of man, and this is how your own growth reflects in the growth of your globe. Group effort is a learned behavior, which cannot be learned until the individuals within the group are able to stand as their own entity and then engage intelligently in communion with his fellows. What of my fellow, Anatolia? Are we able to engage intelligently?


ANATOLIA:              I am right here, your friend and confidant, Anatolia. It is my pleasure to be with you again this wonderful day, as so many other days are here in your Land of Enchantment. I have many things that I could talk about today; however, we will choose just one, as is both practical and rational, in the sense of staying on topic.


Today's benefit to the body of Christ or Supreme Being, collective consciousness, is the topic of acceptance of your divine will that is part and parcel of your beings. The reason I bring this to your attention is for you to be fully aware of the capability that you have. It is in large part a continuation or expansion of the presentation that was given last Sunday from Christ Michael, in terms of the opportunity for joining in the process of life, much like standing on the sidelines watching the parade and deciding to enter it, that it is not just a spectator sport, but is meant and intended and lived as if your life depended on it. That is, to get into the flow and enter the flow and not to simply observe.


This too is my purpose to speaking to you today, to add just a few thoughts to that concept that give additional dimensionality to it, in terms of being mindful and respective of the power that you have to exercise your free will for ill or for unselfish gain. It is your most cherished and valuable asset. In the creation, as it is, you are given the ability to accept, reject, or deny that which is true to the powers that life has to offer. For the origination and actuality of the life force is unknown to any of us, but once consciousness is recognized, what you decide to do with that is fully within your power.


So it is truly both a decision and an ultimate determination that you hold the key to, that is your part of the bargain. You can choose to annihilate yourself or to be as gentle and humble in your comportment as is possible, or any point along the scale you may choose to act out that particular role. So it is your choice to make, just what you will make of your life.


This sounds like a commencement speech to a high school class; however, you each have the ability and the authority to decide this for yourselves each and every day and every moment in between. You could decide to change course totally or to become irascible in your demeanor, apparently choosing to seemingly cooperate, yet Not Really. So I am seizing the moment to encourage each of you to be deliberate in your choices, to know why you are choosing what you are choosing, and to make your choices well. Not that it is a matter of choosing incorrectly, but to choose for the right reasons and to know why you are doing what you are doing.


I encourage you along your spiritual path and to enable you to move freely, willfully and lovingly. I leave these thoughts with you to contemplate and incorporate into your daily living, knowing that the reason that any or all of these opportunities are presented is because of the unlimited, unconditional love given by your heavenly parents. So I wish you abiding love and peace and brotherhood in your encounters, both here and in the every day world. Peace be with you and walk with dignity. Amen.


Group:            Thank you, Anatolia.


TOMAS:        There is the floor. It is open. Walk with dignity onto it and talk to us about your development, or concerns, as you will.


Elena:             Well, I was interested in your talking about amalgamation and that different groupings of the Teachers of the Teaching Mission. I thought that was really interesting, and then the discussion about Choose Well. And I was also thinking about a portion of the sermon this morning, how easily the disciples were duped in certain respects, about not seeing the clear lessons that they were shown by Jesus, and it actually made me think of some of the things I would go through in life, about our discussions between Bush and the candidates.


So I guess my question is, sometimes it is a little too easy to be duped. I mean, like, even the disciples were easily fooled sometimes, and it's hard to know what the correct decision is, but yet choosing wisely … that is what Anatolia was talking about. The divine will and wanting to do that. So I guess I'm intrigued by all those concepts and wanting a little more guidance on that, perhaps.


TOMAS:        There was a smorgasbord! We ought to be able to do something with that. I also noticed Gerdean having quite a fascination with what Anatolia was saying. Perhaps we can get more from that counsel about doing what you want to do.


Elena:             Well, and the different groupings that you were talking about, too, the different amalgamations that were possible, given the idea that we were more developed because of the lessons we had absorbed, I guess.


TOMAS:        I'm going to give this to What-About-Bob.


WHAT-ABOUT BOB:          Good afternoon. Thank you for allowing me to come in and participate with you in your group setting. I am glad to be able to pull some threads together for something to stand on here with the idea of amalgamation and groupings and the like. I have an interesting perspective on the evolution of this world and have watched as it has undergone great changes -- in this last century particularly. You are all somewhat familiar with the global evolution and so I don't need to review that, but the sociology of your culture in America has been very individualistic.


In fact, it's part of the American spirit to be quite the individual -- which is a side-effect … not of consecration to the divine, but of self-will having a full slate of opportunities to pick and choose from, knowing that you can do almost anything you want to do because of free will and, in your country, having attained a point of mastery over the material world such that you can indeed do many more things than any generation or nation before you could do. You want a car? You buy a car. You want a television? You buy a television. You want to visit another part of the world? You buy a ticket. You go there. You want to have another relationship, you answer a personal ad. You want to end a relationship, you simply … what does the song say? "Slip out the back, Jack. Make a new plan, Stan."


There has been a great era of individuality allowed, and because of free will it will continue to be permitted, and yet the effects of these choices are changing your choices because even while you may say this is what you want, you may not want to pay the price of your decision. How long can the mentally, emotionally and spiritually bankrupt continue to spend so much of its time and energy on self-indulgence and things that it wants -- without ramification or without paying for it -- before that system eventually will not work any longer. The individual sooner or later begins to recognize his responsibility within a framework of others -- perhaps so he can use others, so he can get more and more of what he wants. Or perhaps through coercion or cooperation with his fellows of like-mind, they can get what they want. This does not make it spiritual, but it is still possible -- because of free will. It is a fact that humans can and do all manner of foolish and despicable things simply because they can. But how long can man live with such behaviors before cosmic justice enters in to bring that person around to another choice?


Groups come into being because of the mental paradigm of the like-minded individuals. It can happen in crime, in criminal behavior such as gangs. It can happen with creative people, such as creative works. And it is happening now among religionists. They have gone past the point of me-me-me incessantly, "What about me?" to recognize the futility of such a path. There is no happiness in such a path. These short-term goals and quick fixes that are quite possible by a simple act of the will, are not enough to fill the heart and soul and contribute to humanity's true substance.


So now we see people who are making moral choices and groups that are making moral choices because the individuals comprising the group insist upon making moral choices. This is a reflection of your evolutionary growth -- introducing the spirit into it. It has many levels still of the totally perverse and the totally high-minded but any time these groups can be brought together to recognize their commonality and how they can help one another, they have been enhanced because now they have the ability to network and accept what is rather than having to make it "from scratch." Progress is being made.


Elena:             Well, that is encouraging to hear.


BOB:              Indeed. It is encouraging to see. It makes the evils and negative energies or the gray range of mediocrity more visible and objectionable. Anatolia was discussing individual choices, free will choices. And you mentioned in your church service this morning, the sermon was about how individuals make a choice, often based on another person's reality. This is the pattern we hope to get away from, that people stop making their choices based on what other people are doing, but on what they are guided to do through their own personal and intimate relationship with deity. Listening to others, having others tell you who you are and define your parameters is a way of forfeiting your free will. Or, in that great gray range of mediocrity, free will is virtually eviscerated, eradicated, eliminated, removed, erased, does not count, might as well not be there, for as little as it is used by its owner.


This is how people move groups of other people [is because] they don't think; they are programmed; they are brainwashed. This is one of the complaints voiced in the Urantia Papers. You people don't think! You are not good thinkers! You are on automatic pilot much of the time and your faith even is often blind faith in the context of you have no idea who to listen to, what to listen for, or what to resist!


The Father's will is not always the path of least resistance. There is no doubt that the Father would not stop you if you wanted to go down and buy a $30,000 car, but if you no longer have the money, then, to make your rent payments or to put food on the table, how foolish is that? And the same with corporations. How foolish is that, to continue to try and get away with such a behavior before everything comes crashing down? They knock on your door, collecting for all your irresponsibility’s; "Repo man" taking back the car, the stereo, the refrigerator, and you are a laughingstock.


This is classic animal behavior and you are certainly not immune from animal behavior, being animals yourselves, but you are in a position to think through these things. You are, hopefully, learning to think as well as to have faith. Otherwise, you are like the flock of pigs that pell mell run off the cliff. We expect more from you who have been given so much.


When any existing paradigm works with others, in terms of cooperation and expansion, it is harmonious and good. Anyone who is individualistic to the point of isolating himself from others is not good. This asocial attitude is what abruptly halts progress and the stream of time.


What is it that you are searching for?


Elena:             Are you asking me?

BOB:              Yes.

Elena:             From my questions?

BOB:              Yes.


Elena:             I was looking at the groups that I'm aligning myself with in my life, so I was thinking about that, and actually getting assurance from what was being said in the lesson, and then still just kind of baffled as to how anybody could amalgamate under Bush, to tell the truth. So those things. One was a positive one and one was just baffling.


BOB:              Where did you get the idea of amalgamating under Bush?

Elena:             Oh, I didn't. We were just wondering how groups - how people could …

BOB:              Because they can!


Elena:             Well, that's right. That's what you said. And I was listening to the part about the groups -- that crime … gangs-- And so that was helpful, too, in answering that, so thanks. I appreciate that.


BOB:              Perhaps my perspective has given you something to think about.

Group:            Sure! Yes, thank you!

BOB:              Then I will leave you for now and give you back to Tomas.

Group:            Thank you, Bob.

TOMAS:        Is there another question or another area of concern?


Thoroah:         I've been really interested in the upcoming event they are calling the "Harmonic Concordance", which is supposedly another step that followed what happened in 1987 called the Harmonic Convergence, and in this particular astrological alignment there would be a perfect Star of David created by certain heavenly bodies, and at the apex of the event there will be a total eclipse of the our moon.


And I'm not trying to get caught up in the magic of the moment and look for fireworks in the sky, although there will possibly be some aurora borealis sightings, but with a reference that was made in the Teaching Mission lesson last week also about (how) circuitry continues to be aligned, gets aligned, connected, et cetera. I saw a correlation, perhaps, between these lineups of the planets which has not happened before, according to our knowledge, that this might be an actual part of the alignment or the re-encircuitment, or at least symbolic of it, and perhaps it won't be very dramatic but will be a subtle effect felt by a lot of people who will now start seeing what was mentioned earlier about how we'll start noticing the mediocre more. All these things that need corrected will become obvious to more and more people because of this re-encircuitment process. I was just wondering if that had any credulity to it.


TOMAS:        The "Harmonic Concordance" is an undertaking that is directed toward cosmic expansion, yes. The motives and intents are pure, with the result being a springboard to many, many individuals who will make certain new choices based on the influence of the programming they are receiving through the promoters, master minds, seers of this spatial phenomenon.


I am a little concerned about the 6-pointed star, for its political implications. But the Lord knows we need to have a great light shine on that conundrum in order for harmony to reign. I cannot tell you whether or not the Concordance is to heal the Jerusalem conundrum, but it cannot hurt.


Thoroah:         I was thinking that configuration might be called, like the Grand Sextile or something that is more astrological, more of a sacred geometry alignment that became the so-called "Star of David." I hadn't really thought about the political aspects of it. I think the 'Star of David' is a euphemism for what astrologers call the Grand Sextile.


TOMAS:        I am in the dark.

Thoroah:         It's the language.


TOMAS:        It's a great "love in" coming, being well advertised, and it will be responded to. Does that help?


Thoroah:         Um-hum. "Going back to Yazgur's farm."

TOMAS:        Who is Yazgur?


Thoroah:         That's where Woodstock was held. The great icon of the love-in type of thing.


TOMAS:        The love-in I was referencing was more along the lines of accelerating the consciousness of the divine.


Thoroah:         Of course.

TOMAS:        But there is no need to stop the music or the dancing.


Thoroah:         If Woodstock could have, it would have been a divine event, I think, but it fell a little short. Maybe we could raise the octaves the next time.


TOMAS:        Well, it is cyclic, you know, this forward movement of ascension. Not as apparent, perhaps as the sociologic advancement I and Bob talked about today but cyclic, nonetheless. Let's continue our efforts to break the cycle of abuse and begin moving forward into greater realms of harmony and happiness for Urantia and all humanity.


The Spirit floods upon you. It flows downward into you, like the sun shines on you, constantly and consistently and as it will. It is your hearts and minds that must look up and see the sun. Bring on the cymbals and kettledrums that bring an awareness of the greater universe and all the wonders thereof. The child of destiny enjoys looking up and imagining his future home on future worlds in new constellations and dimensions, but the child of earth enjoys his home here and sooner or later will have it in his heart to do something good for Urantia, looking around then, for others of like mind, with whom to break bread and commit to a realm of harmony and happiness resulting from the desire to do God's will in all things and in all beings.


We'll see you next week. Farewell.


Group:            Bye, Tomas.




DATE:                        alt="" />November 9, 2003

LOCATION: Esmeralda’s Hideaway, Rio Rancho, New Mexico

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean & Matthew



Independent Will in Service

Involving Yourself in Life


Q & A:            Sharing the Inner Life; Teaching vs. Preaching


Music:            Elena on Piano: "Softly and Tenderly"


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, After an intro like that, we hear that you are calling, we can feel your presence and your influence upon us and it makes us glad to be among creation. For we could have been anything -- a mockingbird, a tree, a toad or otherwise, but we get to ascend next to Father Himself, and with you in heart mind and to make the unity finally accomplished.


"For all that you have been, done, and are for us and to bring in your flock, we are forever grateful.


"For the teachers that are with us today and everyday we are grateful as well. We look forward to the teachings that we receive today to edify us and, more importantly, the flock that remains as you send us forth to do your work and the Father’s will. Our aim is to be accomplished disciples and to be your presence as the unity of all stands for all time. 


"We are forever grateful. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Good afternoon, loyal friends, beautiful children, avid students and humble servants.


Group:            Thank you.


TOMAS:        What an appropriate song for the thread that has been woven into the consciousness of many of you, in terms of service, ministry, outreach and the like. "Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling." In this manner, it is possible for you to also provide an inducement to those you would feed. But so often in your culture, you introduce concepts by way of what might appear to be a sales pitch. And when you have bought and sold all you intend to, you do not want your soul bought and sold. Rather, you want it to be lured forward in such a way that you can rely on the peace that prevails when the Master is about, when you are in his presence, when you are mindful of his association.


What a challenge then, it must be for those of you who come to minister with such enthusiasm and fervor that you appear as Peter, dynamic but often overpowering. This is part of the human condition, of course: to exalt what you believe and know that it is worthy of the belief of all others. But a belief is a personal matter and the true work of the Kingdom is to enable son and daughters of God to know their Father such that they avails themselves to the Voice which gently and tenderly calls and leads them into their own religious experience and their own path to Paradise.


This is such an existential experience! It is something that must be accomplished, acquired, attained in each of you and very personally. This is the beauty of the Master: that when he calls, you who know the sound of his Voice, will listen.


I would like to speak today a bit about independent will in service. It relates again and still to the theme that when you are called and commissioned by God … to provide a service, or to feed his sheep in a way that is compelling for you, or that impels you into the field … you drop everything willingly and hasten to do his bidding. But we have been observing how it is that everyone is not thus led. Not everyone perceives that God has given them an assignment, or that their personality perforce has anything to do with the divine will thus, in humility, they back off and devote prayerful energy, then, to the solutions of mankind.


There is a third alternative, and that was one which Machiventa Melchizedek incorporated in his sojourn here. Before materializing, it was determined that it would be necessary that certain steps be taken to prepare the way for the arrival of the creator son when he incarnated here in order to introduce the love of God to this world. Machiventa took it upon himself to undertake to come here and prepare the way by establishing the one God concept. And his decision to come here was approved by those On High and so it came to pass.


This is the third option: that you decide for yourself what you will do. Make your plan. And then present your plan to the celestials to determine whether or not they will work with you. If no help is forthcoming, you would do well to regard this as a premature effort, perhaps, or one not completely in keeping with the needs of the moment. But if your motives are truly to serve and to minister (rather than for self-aggrandizement), it is likely that the hosts of heaven will foster your involvement and encourage your plan.


It comes down, again, to decision-making and following through for yourself and your own destiny when you hear the voice lead you into a service path. This does not need to be as lofty and exalted as it may sound, using Machiventa Melchizedek as an example. Your choices to make a pot of soup for the neighbors and sit with them is also a decision which provides a service and a ministry. No one told you, perhaps, but having made the choice, the decision, you were provided the goods to make the soup and the strength to make the trip to those whom you would serve.


This independent action in terms of service is always a courageous venture. And for some, a gamble, for one never knows until one makes the choice, whether or not it was a good choice. Even so, the new truth is that if you don’t like the choice you made, you can make another choice -- unlike a former paradigm which, if you made a choice, you needed to follow it through to the bitter end. While cause and effect is certainly a law of the universe, it is not so unyielding it will not allow for a better choice before the damage is done. Unraveling knots is preferred to cutting the rope completely.


Independent choice is, however, always subject to those upon whom you depend and/or those who depend on you. By depending on others to find the format or the wherewithal to serve, you begin to experience the delights of service but, should something happen to that scaffolding, you have yet to discover if you can fulfill your outreach purposes by standing on your own two feet. Likewise, if you have a desire to serve and you set out to fulfill your mission, and by doing so you take yourself away from obligations you have already committed yourself to, that would leave others high and dry, you may need to review your motives in seeking to serve further, or above and beyond.


These human quandaries are part of your active spiritual problem solving precisely because Jesus is calling you. He calls you forward into your own awareness of the conscious universe and in the journey your natural response is to prepare the way for others to learn what you have learned. This is how you teach what you know: by giving others an opportunity to learn what you have learned.


Here is another rub, however, for in your desire to serve, it may not occur to you that others may have already learned that lesson. And yet, if you are learning from your experiences how to be more effective in the field of introducing the divine light into the souls of those you meet, you will remember the gospel is based on the family concept, and you are siblings with these myriad sons and daughters who seek to serve in their own right, in their own capacity, and in their own time. And rather than discouraging these young ones or disdaining their efforts, it is the nature of a loving parent to encourage the learning child and to show tolerance for their foibles.


The result of service is not always immediate or obvious. And so, if you were seeking to serve for your own self-satisfaction, you will find your efforts being wasted. You may as well stay home and put that energy to better use through prayer and reflection. The beautiful and unforgettable truth remains that we who have heard Jesus calling and who have responded to that call, will never be the same, and in some ways will never be content unless and until all of creation is mindful of that precious sound of Jesus calling, softly and tenderly.


I cease my sounds for the moment and relinquish the floor to my associate.


ANATOLIA:              Welcome, this fine Sunday afternoon in the Albuquerque area. I wish to remind you, if you have not done so already, to take a look at your environment. Look around, especially from this near hilltop where you can see out over the Albuquerque area, the valley that you see before you, as a wonderful expanse and expression of the vastness that applies here. Then wonder, if you will, what this vastness can compute to in terms of a look, vision, or portrayal of what you have to look forward to.


I often make reference to "if you could see what I can see" you would never question anything again. For you see all of the possibilities come to life and play out before your very eyes. If you could watch seven to ten motion pictures at one time, and see them all in their unique, loving, living portrayals of forms of life and expression that exist simultaneously, then you would have some idea of what I speak of, for there is much before you that you presently do not understand.


In like manner, there is much before you in your life or dimension that you do not understand yet I wish for you to incorporate in your perspective more possibility thinking -- specifically in terms of thinking and believing that behind every personality presentation that you encounter there is more depth, breadth, and height than you can possibly imagine. For the most disturbed individual that you can think of, in terms of how sad and shattered a life can seemingly be, you have only to consider that which you are unaware of (as I gave a momentary glance of the multitude of dimensions that exist at the same time). Surely even a shattered life has height, depth and width beyond that which you can visually observe.


So in addition to this simply being a lesson of not judging, for you know not what you judge, nor have capacity to do the same, it is a lesson for being more mindfully aware of the immensity of your participation in this mystery called life. "Alice in Wonderland" had nothing on the reality of being in an unencumbered life. For yours will be the opportunity to become as expansive as you wish or as specific as you wish. If you had ever wanted to meander into the life of a flower and become connected with every part, portion and cellular division of that plant, you may spend that kind of specific time in experimentation and cooperation. Likewise, with your open hearts and minds, you will be able to share in the administration of love as it is dispensed among your partners and participation in eternity in whatever way is suitable to your tastes, interests and personality achievement.


I paint this picture not to do anything other than to have you open your hearts and minds to the possibilities that exist, not just for any single individual but for groups of people, for colonies, countries, continents and beyond. To begin with yourself, to be more mindful of dimensions that are beyond your current perception, and that is dimensions within yourself, not just in addition to yourself. Recognize that you are walking in a universe as an extension but inseparable from yourself, and if you walk in such presence, what is the individual beside you walking in? Certainly nothing less!


So rejoice and lift your hearts to know that you are chosen to be among life’s creation and to blossom and pursue the perfection that exists currently, here and now, only to the limit of your minds capability to understand are you limited. I wish you peace, happiness and onward expansion in the here and now of knowing who you truly are and loving every second of it. I wish you peace, happiness and above all, successful voyaging. Peace be with you until we meet again.


Group:            Thank you.


Paula: You know, when you spoke about the Albuquerque area, how lovely it is. We like to sit outside at night where we live now and look out and see all the lights of the city below us, and it’s perfectly beautiful. And I often think, "I wonder what’s going on in each of those houses? Are they happy people? Or are they getting ready to get a gun and shoot each other." Nine-tenths of the time they’re happy. They’re living perfectly normal lives, and that’s good! But you wonder, because there’s all those lights, and each one is somebody’s house.


TOMAS:        This is astute of you, dear, because this is what Anatolia made reference to in discussing the many levels of existence that are there, that could be seen through the seven movie presentations suggested. There is merit to your imagination, and each one of those lights. It invites a modicum of further insight in the path that is presented.


The City is engaged in a campaign, for instance, to combine the fields of cruelty to animals and domestic violence, in-as-much as domestic violence is a problem on one level of social functioning, which may be so foreign to other levels of existence it is not something that even comes to mind, yet it exists and is a problem that is presented in the evolution of the human race that must be dealt with and does call for those who have the stomach for that kind of ministry.


This animal husbandry is ignoring entirely the divine aspects of existence. Not only are the animals victims, so are the spouses and children. This is a very low level of operation and one which cries out for something to be done about the mental aberration that exists in these men and women who exist on such a barren level of existence, right here in your own town, your own country. Yes, there are problems like this the world over, and unless and until they are dealt with, they will continue to damage the rest of humanity.


The matter of self-respect is at issue here and once again we find that the spiritual solution is the only solution that will be enduring. Those who abuse are seeking some kind of authority over their lives and they believe the authority they vest in violence is all they are entitled to. And those who are victims are love-starved and lack the self-esteem that comes from the dignity status of sonship, to understand the difference in the types of attentions they receive. There are those who believe that any attention at all is better than no attention and so there are, indeed, social ills -- which is a field of problem solving that is calling softly and tenderly to heal these wounds and nurture these children into awareness of their true inheritance, their true authority, and true love.


While it may be difficult to love unlovely mankind, it is possible to minister to them if you are consecrated to following where He may lead in ministering to those who have not yet found what they are looking for.


What is on your minds these days? What growth are you enjoying that you are prepared to pass on to your peers?


Esmeralda:     I’m just immediately wondering if everybody is warm enough.

Group:            Yes! Very comfortable! We’re fine!


Elena:             Well, I have had a very … revealing experience last night, actually. Sophia came over last evening with her son. Sophia is my step-daughter, the daughter of my ex-husband. And talk about different layers that Anatolia was talking about! What she has gone through is just really incredible! She has gone through a tremendous amount of things, including the abusive situations that were described today of -- from her dad and then also with men she had relationships with, and has been through just an incredible amount, and just felt like she had no one to turn to.


So last night it was really a revealing kind of a situation about her coming to realize the value that she had received from what I had given her, an appreciation -- which she had already mentioned from the other time I met with her -- but just an incredible growth on her part and someone who was just not wanting anything else other than someone to talk to, and feeling like someone cared about her and had given her some caring and attention, and was really looking at that in a very different way. It was very heart-warming to me.


I was amazed to hear about what she had been through, and basically by herself, with very little, if anyone to turn to, and she had gone through that. Then hearing about how she had been afraid to come to me but had gotten through that and decided to call me … and so it was just a very, very heartening. I had to respect her tremendously. To hear what she had gone through and that she had come to the point where she was right now. So, I was just pretty well amazed. So that was a real revelation on my part, and a real rewarding one, too, I have to admit.


TOMAS:        Yes, indeed, you have had the priceless opportunity to observe how your merely being yourself was able to enhance the life of another. This quality of sharing the inner life is invaluable in forming friendship and upholding character. The divine in you reached out to the divine in Stephanie and she was acknowledged, validated, upheld and made more real because of that experience, and because you provided that opportunity, it is you who is credited with bringing that understanding of her rights as a human being to her awareness. Thus, she will be able to act upon the light of truth that she now knows, in order to better her circumstances and those who depend on her.


The job of outreach and ministry need not be uncomfortable or unhappy for you. In fact, if it is in the natural course of your comings and goings, so much the better but if and when you find yourself in the furrows of living experience, it is your knowledge of the light within that will eventually lead you through the morass and out of the experience in such a way that you will have given much in the process of gaining depth, breadth, and height of character-developing experience.


Work is involved in this Kingdom-building, but the work must be near and dear to the heart or it won’t be effective; it won’t be fruitful. If you find yourself in a situation where you are unhappy and unfruitful, consider it your opportunity to be the recipient of the process of redirecting and correcting the immature and/or aberrant presentation of your mind’s interpretation of reality. This will enable you to go through the experience with dignity and emerge better for it. These experiences become the fodder of the eternal adventurer, the food that nurtures the service-oriented ambition.


Elena:             Well, actually, I can use that in my work area, too, so thank you for that, Tomas.


TOMAS:        When I speak about service I am not drawing lines between this field and that activity -- at least not intentionally. If you can bring the light of truth into any situation, so much the better. You are welcome.


Elena:             Well, it was helpful on more than one front. So thank you.


Thoroah:         Tomas, you said something I really appreciate, about softly and tenderly would be a nice approach in our outreach, our service, in our attempts to let people know what we know. But you also said something like, if we’re into this service, outreach, et cetera, for our own satisfaction, that we might as well stay at home and pray. I’m wondering if you might elucidate on that a little.


TOMAS:        The glamour of the divine in the minds of some is easily interpreted as what you might consider "show business". The character Elmer Gantry was an example of such; he who was charismatic and was able to generate a good following of parishioners who could more accurately be called "fans". The ability to generate emotional excitement in the name of the spirit is a technique that, while appearing to be a genuine ministry, is in most regards a "production number."


This is why "softly and tenderly" is personally effective for those who have fear of the Lord. It remains possible for the divine to become a part of their consciousness with your guidance and ministerial touch. This intimacy is the bridge that allows your Adjuster to make contact with their Adjuster.


The emotions are excitable but the spirit is not. The spirit is the epitome of control! The Father is the one who maintains control, from Paradise. But those who seek to wrest control from God in order to do His bidding are deluding themselves. They are in "show biz!" This is a ministry, yes, but it is not necessarily the most effective and long-range approach, nor is the approach we teach, but we recognize its relative value when it is practiced.


The mind is enamored of certain concepts and the imagination is drawn to certain dramatizations. The frills that are applied on top of the substance makes it even more of a lure, but it is the substance of the thing that is at the heart of the ministry, and thus the genuine ministry of the Father is able to manifest in that individual’s life in such a way as to transform him infinitely, and not merely for a season.


Opportunities abound for service. But those of you who have a sense of integrity about your service, such that you don’t even know that you are being of service, are sensitive to those affectations that are quite natural and normal to others in their presentations of their ministry. They are not wrong, nor would you be wrong if you were to create a presentation that brought certain spirit truths to the consciousness of your audience or your congregation.


But the method of softly and tenderly calling the soul of your fellows to come forth and receive the embrace of the divine, as you stand there in the light of truth and the love of God, encouraging the eternal liaison, this invitation and this supernal lure is in God’s hands and he will provide the means whereby the soul is enhanced, the son is advanced, the mission is accomplished, the ministry has been effective.


If you recall Jesus walking through the throng, feeling energy coming out of him, and turning to say, "Who touched me? I felt energy go from me," you will begin to recognize that as you pass by you will be able to minister to those who see and hear you speak in His name, even as you comport yourself in your own fashion -- not as a production or a role or in any official capacity, but as an Ambassador of the Father.


These stirrings make permanent impressions and contribute to the growth of the individual and are potential growth for the Supreme. Does this help clarify?


Thoroah:         Very much. It distinguishes a lot in my mind between the terminology of teacher and preacher.


TOMAS:        There was a priest you may recall, Thoroah, from your youth, who was a brilliant actor for God. [Bishop Fulton J. Sheen] His lines were truly inspired. He was a delight to witness. He was entertaining and able to quote scripture, able to also appeal to common sense, and he was a great advantage to Catholicism because of his skill as a presenter. He was a preacher, but he was so deft, it was not offensive; it was artistry.


Even here, Elmer Gantry and his ilk are also very artistic. Look at the film "The Apostle" and see how dynamic a preacher can be, how much impact he can have on his flock, giving the spark of God freedom to operate within the souls of his people.


There are teachers like myself and like Martin Luther King who are also active in instilling the light of truth into the mind arena and the area of consciousness that is stimulated by being taught, illuminated, enlightened such that inspiration to act upon the light of truth is implanted, and this often makes preachers of students.


And while all of these are dramatic, effective, exciting efforts on behalf of God, there are many, human colorations involved, whereas, the ability to serve through the still, small voice is the most intimate, and thus the most satisfying, of all ministries. And to feel the surge of the Father fill the mortal child with Its divine light, lifting up he who has been in darkness or she who has been in despair, is surely the most rewarding experience a worker in the field can know.


One more.


Paula: Well, I keep thinking about that "softly and tenderly" because as I said last week, of course, for years my job was to talk to the patients and comfort them and so forth, and now on Fridays when I’m at the hospital, it isn’t the patients that I have so much contact with, but their families! They are sitting there waiting, on edge, and upset, and part of my job is to comfort them.


But once a month we have the little-bitty people, about four to six years old, that are having dental surgery and that’s a whole different ball of wax because the parents are a wreck! You’d think that they were going to the execution chamber! Actually, the kids are having a ball. To ride on the gurney, "Whee! Boy!" and the nurses go a little bit fast and say, "How do you like that?" and they think it’s great, but mommy and daddy are so nervous: they are going to put that child to sleep, and he is going to be so frightened. Well the kid isn’t frightened a bit! He’s having a great time!


Then! The recovery room calls and says, "Will you bring the parents of little Joe Blow here? He’s all ready to see his mommy and daddy, so I say, "Now we’re going down the hall and you’re going to see him." Well, we start down the hall and the first thing you hear is little Joey Blowy screaming at the top of his lungs, and Mommy says, "Oh, he’s in agony! He’s hurting terrible!" and I say, "No! He’s not in agony. He’s got something on his gums. He’s not hurting a bit." "Then why is he crying?" "Because he woke up in a strange place with a lot of strange nurses around him and where are mommy and daddy?" So the first thing he does is scream, hoping that will bring them. So by the time they get there, Mommy and Daddy are calmed down a little bit and they just hold out their arms and the crying stops like that! It’s okay. Mommy’s here. Daddy’s here. Everything’s okay.


TOMAS:        These precious babies are a good example for you to follow, to go through life with an attitude of adventure and not crust yourself over with the baggage of the temporal life such that you disenchant the youngsters with your own recollections of fear and pain. They have a right to learn their lessons without pre-programming from prejudiced parents.


What a delight, too, for the parents to hear that their child yearns for their embrace. This is also an admonition to you to wake up wondering where your Parents are and not ceasing your lament until they have embraced you in their presence, and then commence your day. This gives your outlook an entirely different approach and your ministry a new dimension as well, for your life now is in the hands of those who are truly in control.


The presence of God surrounds us, the love of God smiles upon us, and the spirit of God is within us. Let us go then, you and I, into the field and softly and tenderly call forth the new growth. Farewell.


Group:            Thank you.




DATE:                        alt="" />November 16, 2003

LOCATION: The Mr. & Mrs. S’s Wigwam - ABQ NM

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean & Matthew



The Quality of Mercy

Priority Determination


Music:                        Elena on Piano: “I Need Thee Every Hour”


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of the Most Highs.


“Jesus, Lord of all, I changed things just a little to include the Most Highs, as those who preside between heaven and earth, as you know them well, and as we aspire to know them.


"We take your teachings and what you left, in terms of the gift of faith as our inheritance, which is our ticket to eternal life (for which we are forever grateful), and look forward to the times when the Most Highs may be among those that we know in creation and in eternity.


"We aspire to all that is promised to us, simply through faith alone, and are grateful for all that is ahead of us. Now is the time for us to live the love that we have been given and to share it with all who we encounter.


"And for the teachers today, we are grateful, and appreciate the wonderfully warm attendance today and for old friends as well as new, and for all that you have accomplished through your gifts to us, we are forever grateful. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Good afternoon, faithful friends. I am Tomas, your host, teacher, companion and friend in company with many in the invisible realm who conjoin with you in this familiar setting to once again raise your countenance to those On High who look to you to carry out the mandates of divinity.


Let me pause, before we commence our lesson for this afternoon, to simply enjoy you, and let me invite you to participate in this practice with me. What I am prone to do, without your knowledge, my practice is to acknowledge the spirit in you each, to actually and literally pause before that in you that is real and eternal. In this way, I acknowledge the part of you that is being created by your efforts in divine consciousness. While the mortal trappings are what you obviously share in your material life, it is the inner Self, that part which does not necessarily reveal itself in material terms, which makes you most real and which indeed is eternal.


Therefore, let us pause for a moment to greet each other in the spirit, to allow your soul to step outside your mortal identification and embrace the soul of your fellows. In this way you become more in tune with the spirit realm and then simply expand your hearts in order to inculcate those of us who are here with you in this same eternal context. I greet you now and invite you to greet each other the same. [long pause to do this]


What a bouquet of flowers you represent! Each of you a unique blossom, but together a full bouquet of beauty and loveliness.


The message from me today is Mercy. A simple word, even a common concept, but so misunderstood and unappreciated by those of you who feel mercy is mere weakness or reserved for those who are pitiable. Well, my friends, there is not one of us who has tread the evolutionary path that has not known that condition of feeling truly pitiable before the magnitude of all there is. The natural sense of smallness that comes from being a mere spec in the vast realms of space and the all too familiar dissolution of identity completely as you dissolve into the ocean of infinity your one droplet becoming part of all that is.


Look at how merciful our God is in his individuation of you each! Not simply as constructed by cellular intelligence, but constructed in the divine sense by being indwelt by God himself, by that element of reality that goes beyond fact and fiction but enters into Reality itself.


This is mercy, in that you are given consciousness to know your path, to know you exist, to know you are a participant in the on-going stream of consciousness that will culminate in the Ultimate, in the Absolute. In the interim, in the near infinite interim, you are called upon to prevail with others who are also on this same path, albeit with their own individuation, their own composition, their own personality and their own approach to life, to death, and the continuum.


In this process of advancement, en mass, as you do, it is so easy to run aground of the remembrance of your shared plight, your mutual congress. Mercy allows for each to be each, as Father allows you to be you. And herein is the core of the admonition to love your enemies, to forgive those who abuse you and to show mercy where mercy is denied you. To do so is to be godlike.


This is not easy for the mortal mind to comprehend because so much of your nature is involved in survival and competition and amassing a hedge against insecurity. And yet from the paternal/maternal/eternal point of view, you can perceive that these machinations are brought on by a concern that is from another source than the Source of security you enjoy as a conscious child of divinity.


Conscious is the key word. I am not concerned about beliefs. Beliefs are mortal inventions to help you understand your concept of who you are and why you exist.


But consciousness of consciousness results in super-consciousness, and this is the realm which borders on the spirit, and that reveals to you, and thus creates, a higher dimension of reality, even for and in your material existence.


And those of you who have touched upon this reality, and who have flickered with the eternal light, are now in a position to manifest that same quality of mercy on your fellows who reside where they inadvertently do harm to one another though ignorance and fear, as these are those to whom mercy is needed the most.


The Son born here as Jesus is the personification of mercy. Ever was he filled with understanding and compassion, and even when he denounced those who would destroy him, his soul was filled with mercy that they may see the error of their ways and come to believe and know the glory of God.


The voice of mercy weeps with you and for you in your travails. All those conscious of consciousness understand their own fallibility, their own relative perfection, and gladly accept His mercy. We can talk more about mercy and other values as we carry on. But for now I would like to leave off my remarks in order to counter my energy with those of another.


Matthew:        That means go ahead?

Gerdean:        I guess that means go ahead. I don’t feel anybody over here.

Matthew:        Okay.


ANATOLIA:              I am Anatolia, for the record, and for informal opportunity to present my credentials as a member of this universe and all that is; I am grateful to be here. Welcome, friends, to this wonderful meeting that we are fortunate enough to have once per week in this Land of Enchantment.


The reason I frequently refer to the Land of Enchantment, is because this is in large measure, much like the realm from which I hail that in my material life was a sphere in which light was finely filtered and we had a broad, open, spacious sky in which to enjoy our place within the heavens. So it is not unlike that which you experience, as an open sky, broad spacious form of light enhancement and enjoyment. I often find it more than a pleasure to enjoy your company on these Sunday afternoons in what you may all but take for granted.


Even from my vantage point now, far removed from the physical world, I find your environment to be stimulating and exciting, and were I to encumber a body again, it would be in a place much similar to your own. So maybe this explains my constant reference, and you will have mercy on me for what otherwise might seem to be a lack of imagination but truly is reinforcement of what I, too, appreciate in your placement on the planet.


For today’s presentation, mine is not a formal one, but rather is one of placement for where one’s priorities ought to be. This is a conversation item that may or may not in reality deserve to be on your plate within a truly open-minded and spirit filled manner, for to determine for you or to dictate or preach to you of what your priorities ought to be is a presumption on my part, and one in which our teachers from the highest level would not encourage or subscribe to, so you will not get a thumping over the head for any implied misplaced priorities. I, on the other hand, wish to present you with a consideration of priority determination, and that is, what is it that you can or should place your energies into.


You realize that the world in which you live, breathe and have your being is a world of limitation. From every direction and every consideration that you will consider, this is a world that has limits in the physical sense. This is where your spirit / mind sense enables you to bridge that physical limitation to include infinity and all that exists between it, for without this dimension, you would be non-conscious beings and simply existing in some realm within creation. While still inclusive of all, you would not be mindful of your place within it.


So I invite, for your consideration, a priority to be placed upon your awareness of who you are and your place within creation. For to be self-aware is to be on the path of self-awareness. Even a dog or a cat is self aware, but for their capability to know where they fall within the breadth of possibility within creation is not theirs to enjoy, for you have the opportunity to sit at the hand of God, to share in the glory and the manifestation of All-That-Is.


Imagine if you will, like last week or perhaps even more expansive yet, you were seated at the right hand of our Heavenly Father. Imagine, if you will, what that would be like. Being that I, too, have not had this experience, I can only imagine. But place yourself there as you may and as the mind of our Creative Source and Center presents to you all that is before you, in creation, and as clouds, for example, were to roll forward and open new vistas of seeing, you would see forms of life and beauty far surpassing anything you have imagined.


Picture the most picturesque scenes you can imagine: a rainforest, or an orchid-filled front yard, or a mountaintop that is glistening and overflowing with water and greenery at every turn. These are only stepping-stones in the beauty of All-That-Is in our Father’s mind and reality, for to be in the mind of God is to be All-That-Is. For you to be in the mind of God is to be included in All-That-Is. And it is in this Centerpiece that we all find ourselves in the mind of God. It is our identity; it is our true place, our true home.


The beauty of it is that it does include everything and everyone, for to bring creation back into a center point, before it expanded, would be to still include everything and everyone. It would be the same point, whether creation had expanded in the mind of God, All IS, anyway, and All is included. So I give you this not as a source of frustration, but rather as a source of a focal point from which all goes forward and all will return.


It is with the beauty of all ages that I invite you to be and to include yourself and everyone within your room and within your realm and within all ages past and forward, to be in that moment of creation and the eternal truth of what is. I will be happy to rejoin you whenever you will have me, and I leave this moment of bliss and blessedness, as the first creation took place. Go forth and be bountiful!


Peace be with you, and may the love of Christ abound in your heart. Amen.


TOMAS:        Thank you co-worker, sister and helper. Let us communicate! Greetings, Lily. How charming to enjoy your presence once again. How have you been?


Lily:    Well, busy! Doing well. Dealing with work and looking after my grandmother and traveling, and I’m glad to be back here with you all. I think of you often.


TOMAS:        We are a home base for you when you choose. We are oriented to help you reconnect with your Core Reality. What a wonderful base to operate from, really. From such a Core of supporters and promoters of the Real You, you are able to enjoy the many mortal activities of relationship and adventure. We will, no doubt, enjoy your sharing more of your contact with the material life as you find it, in-as-much as this is the experiential path you weave as you find your way home to Paradise, a path we are all engaged upon. We are like a classic book in your library, one which can be appreciated again and again, parts of which bear repeating, many parts of which are only revealed after many uses. What shall we engage in today that augments who you are?


Gerdean:        I would like to say to Anatolia how much I appreciated the elaboration of the idea that we are not just physical, but we have spiritual and mental realms in which we can operate, because I find myself being more and more limited in the physical things I can do. I despair that my life is wasting away. But as you pointed out, Anatolia, the realms of the mind are nearly infinite and the spirit is certainly infinite, if I can just aspire to some of that transcendental space, but the mind is such a great realm of being: the imagination and the study and the history and psychology and conceptual thinking. It is truly a universe to discover, right between my ears, and so I will remember that when I start feeling wimpy about the fact that I’m not as strong as I used to be; I cannot rearrange furniture at the drop of a hat, and don’t find running around as fun as it once was. So I appreciated that, Anatolia, and I just wanted to thank you for that.


ANATOLIA:              You are most welcome.


Paula: You know, Gerdean, just as Esmeralda said the other day, we’ve become very close over these months that we’ve been together, and like she said, it’s just like we were one great big family, and we take care of each other, so you’ve got a lot of people behind you and saying, “Buck up, now! Life is still very good, and you have a great deal to be thankful for, as well as things that bother you.”


Gerdean:        Well, I sure have you as an example. Thank you, Paula.


Thoroah:         I appreciated what Anatolia said about imagine sitting at the right hand of God. And I finally got a vision of that within my mind, of God here and me here. Being on God’s right hand. And I don’t think I can put that into words, but that was a nice awakening there. Positioning. As she was trying to get across.


Esmeralda:     Which reminds me also of the disciples, they wanted to know who was sitting on the right hand and who sat on the left.


Thoroah:         It’s a symbolic thing. But as far as in the mind, it really made a connection.


Elena:             I liked the part about being IN the mind of God, and I guess, what the positioning … that seems to be one of the key words. Rather than being outside of things, or feeling like an outsider, or not good enough, or whatever. How could you be anything but wonderful if you were inside the mind of God!? I found that to be very comforting, and helpful in establishing priorities, and like she said, without giving guidance for what those priorities might be, but to give you a way of finding out what your priorities are.


Gerdean:        And again, I think it was Tomas who was talking about the fact and fiction and reality. When you think about being in the mind of God, you think, “I am a figment of God’s imagination!” which would be fiction, perhaps. But we are not even just fact. We are a Reality presence. Having been created by God, who is Real -- and not mere fact and not mere fiction -- just added another dimension to that. Being in the mind of God is not just a figment of God’s imagination, which could be erased in a second draft! We’re in it for the long haul.


TOMAS:        This is quite charming, to hear you converse openly about your impressions of the teachers’ impressions on your mind. It is a good start toward being able to continue this practice of retaining a perspective that can be carried over into all you do and all you are. But there are many things about you and what you do and who you are which will fall away and become as dust or a faint memory in the course of time, and which may or may not require a focus by you and your peers because it is so temporary.


But there are times when -- especially at this juncture in your growing soul-consciousness, your developing morontial reality – that you become enamored of a concept or connected to a concept that endears itself to you in such a way that you refuse to let go. These are often mind sets you have been trained in culturally, genetically, or socially, that you would be hard pressed to recognize and abandon as a stumbling block for your spiritual growth or the growth of those around you.


The danger of such a configuration as the one we enjoy, as compared to the advantages that it provides, is that if you all become comfortable with the congeniality and compatibility of the consciousness you have experienced, you will be reluctant to grow from that range of reality into greater dimensions of reality, for it will often mean leaving behind that scaffolding, those underpinnings which have held you together in your growth thus far. This is the infrastructure of your society.


And the principle I am trying to make is that you are as a microcosm of the greater society which you are impacting by your greater reality, and thus you as a group of individuals is able as a group to help lead your greater culture into higher dimensions of thought and spirit appreciation. While that may appear to be impossible, even absurd, from the intimate graciousness of this small but impressive configuration of mortal beings, you are here in company with each other because of your desire to know God and to be of service to that reality. And thus you will naturally perpetrate what you can of this reality on what you touch every day as you go out into the fields to provide for yourselves in the ways of the world and to speak the truth of reality when and as you can, as you pass by.


You are not promoting despair; you are not demonstrating hostility; you are familiarizing yourself with qualities such as mercy; you have begun to extemporaneously weave the truth of the divine into the frame of reference you have for the mortal life and thus, you are impacting your world and yes, it is a slow evolutionary process, perhaps boring and tedious to those who yearn for more dramatic and seemingly effective ways, but this up-stepping of humanity from its roots is the most assured way of advancing civilization from a realm of barbarity to a realm of light and life.


Your contribution is important. It is appreciated, and we encourage you by the simple sessions wherein we share the inner life, the recognition that we are points of light in the mind of God that do his bidding. Even while you work and play in the field where you are planted.


Any problems you need to work through that could use a fuse?


Esmeralda:     One thing that I think I need to do is to think about mercy and to check out the mercifulness in some of my thoughts -- especially when it comes to politics.


You used three words together, Tomas, that I thought was really beautiful: paternal, maternal and eternal. I liked that process of words.


TOMAS:        Thank you for your compliment, and yes, thank you for developing a need for more mercy in your thinking processes.


As you become aware of your impact on others, you are able to see how your beliefs and opinions are able to carry a message that often goes beyond the simple confines of your mind and your thinking process to encourage, as well as inflame, the minds of others. If you are going to affect the way other people think by putting forth your opinions, which you are quite open to do and freely do, give your own sense of truth an opportunity to plant the seeds of mercy in the minds of those you touch by not passing such severe judgment on those who are not acting according to your perception of truth, beauty and goodness, for even while it may be true, inflaming the minds of others is not a productive way to bring about the reality you seek. Instead, it causes the snarl, the opposite effect. So having an appreciation for the value of mercy will not necessarily alleviate your opinions, but will certainly contribute to your understanding of how your opinions might affect others, and thus you bring mercy to the situation, and sometimes being merciful to the human condition is even more pertinent than being merciful to the human being himself.


Lily and Elena:           Could you tell us a little more about what you mean by that?


TOMAS:        The mortal sees things overtly and materially. It sees one individual at a time and it has opinions relating to each individual, but a farther view, a philosophic perspective, will allow for overall perceptions. It will include group consciousness and -- not just political, not just cultural, not just social, but a general consciousness that has power over the individuals therein.


For instance, you understand conscience, as compared to conscious. Conscience is based on what the group will allow. When you do something that the group does not support, you feel guilty, you feel alienated. Your conscience bothers you because you have done something outside the support of that peer group.


Thus, there are bigger minds than individual minds and bigger people will think in terms of bigger situations, and while you may not, frankly, care enough about one ignorant individual to allow that mind to matter that much (in terms of mercy), if you can conceive that that mind is one of many like minds which has more power than one mind at a time, then you might consider the factor of that collective consciousness. That is what I meant. Is that helpful?


Thoroah:         As in, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do?”


TOMAS:        That, of course, would be taking it to the maximum extent, yes. And that is certainly mercy in its highest demonstration, but this is not to say that you are not also encouraged to manifest mercy even to those ignorant individuals who do harm by and through their ignorance. Even as that is a personal matter.


Thoroah:         Mercy would be the antidote to war.


TOMAS:        Truly. For then each individual warrior would be able to see the folly of his ways in attempting to right the wrongs of humanity through one individual contact, in particular, one that was fraught with the many layers of animosity which have been built up through generations and centuries of conflict and disdain.


You are a whirlwind of extremes this afternoon, Thoroah, but why not ought one look at one extreme to the other when one considers such a quality as mercy, for has it not been said, “Father, have mercy on me as I show mercy to others.” For how do we know when we are being merciful? What we are overlooking that might be better served to be confronted? But in faith of the overcare of the divine, who knows the end from the beginning, the act of showing mercy, even to those who would be called thine enemy, is truly at the heart of those who seek peace. Those, too, who would forgive them, for they know not what they do.


The source of understanding all this is the Source of love. God is love. Love is the desire to do good to others. And, to do good to others is to show mercy in the face of the circumstances of the mortality that you all enjoy and endure, as you seek to rise above the conundrums of the evolutionary experience to the joys and triumphs of the spirit.


Thanks be to the God who indwells each of you and us as this divine reality will allow and enable you to take these thoughts to heart and nurture your soul growth to play in the fields of your mind with these relative truths until they sit at the right hand of God and find their place in the scheme of things, and thus take their place in the onward march of ascension.


In the meanwhile, go about your business, working and playing, living and toiling, rejoicing and showing mercy. Amen and farewell.




DATE:                        alt="" />November 23, 2003

LOCATION: Myra’s Bungalow - Rio Rancho, NM

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean and Matthew



Experiential Learning

“A” is for Agondonter


Q & A:                        Divine Guidance System

                                    Spiritual Resources for Soul Growth

                                    A Word About the Spirit of Intuition

                                    Hymns and Psalms of Thanksgiving


Music:                        Elena on Piano: “The Fruit of All Creation”


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, We come to you today with hope-filled hearts, in expectation of all good things, that goodness is all that we expect and give credence to, and therefore, what we believe we can expect. Certainly we realize that there is other than goodness in some individuals’ hearts and minds, however, to not recognize that in our own makes for expectation of only brightness and truth in our way.


"We place our trust in You and in our Heavenly Father, for You are our ultimate reality, of which we are a part and we rejoice. We ask to have our hearts and minds liberated to be able to show the way that you have shown, and that is our eternal path to glory.


"Until then, we look forward to many bright spots and roadside rests where we are able to gather again to find the strength and energy to go forward until the work is done. In the meantime, eternity is one.


"For our teachers, we are grateful, and we ask for those teachings today that will help us become the creation you have made us to be. We place all trust in You and love with You and our Heavenly Father, now and always. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Amen.


Precious friends, this is Tomas. Anatolia and I join with you in this rest stop along the highway of life, that we may compare notes on our journey, the experiences we have met, and the vision of the road ahead. There are always stopping places at appropriate points along the way and this momentous setting is as ideal a spot as any to reflect on our journey experientially, as this indeed is the pertinent point of the Melchizedek University.


I and we all enjoy the triumphant march toward Paradise in company with the Divine, in conscious appreciation of our relationship with the Family of God, the interplay between the dimensions we enjoy and the teachings that we bestow on those progeny of truth, beauty and goodness that follow in our wake.


The term “Teaching Mission” that was coined by you mortals in encountering our front-runner Teacher Ham when he announced the origination of the Correcting Time as an era upon us now in which we are to anticipate the good allotted to the worlds/children of time and space who follow the divine path. The wayward steps notwithstanding, we resume the journey as it was intended to be pursued under the jurisdiction of Machiventa himself, who is what you might call Dean of this University branch.


The unique part of the Teaching Mission you are familiar with and embrace is that you understand the origins of the intent inherent in our agenda, as you are privy to the Urantia text, which outlines the overcontrol of all paths. But the fact of the circuits opening is not limited to those who have read the Urantia text. It extends to all of humanity. And God is no respecter of persons.


While you enjoy the language familiar to the students of the text, the Urantia Papers, those who have not learned of this revelation through the text are, even so, being brought forward by the spirit influences that are coming to bear upon this planet. Thus, the Family of God extends into those areas and realms of mortal consciousness that involve many other forms of spiritual scaffolding.


But in the course of these Correcting Times, all of us are joined in an ideal of -- as Matthew prayed -- opening our minds and hearts to an awareness of the goodness of God and the benefits of being conscious of sonship. This will mean side-stepping those wayward paths that have led us down dark alleyways of existence, some to bear fruit, some pointless indeed, but if we have returned to the path with a better understanding of the divine light that we follow, or of the sound of the divine voice that fills our ears, we have benefited by the experience.


This is the uniqueness of the Universities of the Melchizedeks throughout creation -- these experiential learning courses. And while they are more real and substantive than mere academic or intellectual courses of study, they are far more difficult to define, for the learning is so assimilated into your furtherance. And your humility often disallows the acknowledgement of how far you have come, lest you seem to portray yourselves as somehow superior or masterful.


While Jesus was a humble man as well, he had fully mastered his mortal nature, including his mind, before he undertook his public ministry. And so is the case with those of you who seek to serve. It is not for you to say when you are ready to step out. It is for you to follow the divine guidance that presents itself, for the tutors and teachers of the Divine path are the better equipped to ascertain your readiness to serve than your simple comprehension.


Remember, it is said that Jesus has great faith in you. He is able to find your fundamental value by his faith in you. And so you are able to minister to the many who seek to serve by having faith in their ability to live up to the capacity that they have been taught through their own experiential journey, through the Melchizedek schools, whether they are formally recognized as one of the Teacher bases or not.


Thus, everyone has a curriculum, an individual curriculum that will be created to conform to your particular needs, your backgrounds, your character, your spirit poisons, your faith reach, your propensities and your passions will all be factored in to the lessons that will be presented to you in the course of your experiential sojourn. And thus the Divine contributes to the furtherance of your uniqueness.


And yet, with all the differences of all the paths, the experiential journeys you take, you are all conjoined and united by the fact of the experience itself. Thus each of you are in a position to point out what you have learned in your journey, what the experiential lessons of life have thus far indicated to you, even while remaining open to the fact that you have many experiential lessons to learn, many perceptions to adopt and discard, en route to the perfection goal you seek.


Another element that joins you is the fact of your agondonter status. You have been greatly enhanced by your appreciation of the cosmology and terminology introduced through the Urantia text. But most of its values are already in existence, as has been pointed out by some of your gifted writers and composers of theologic anthology, and this further points to the wide dissemination of the distribution of the Divine into the experiential paths of humanity.


There is never any reason to be smug about having knowledge, but there is certainly allowance for acknowledging that which you know. That which comprises your comprehension, for that is a part of your character and your personality, which you have a right to have, and which you also have a right to develop, change, modify and adjust throughout eternity as a result of your continued accumulation of experiential wisdom. What each of you as agondonters experience alone is, collectively, the evolution of the Supreme, and so you have no choice but to appreciate the contributions that others make toward the creation of the God of experience.


This week, in your culture, you acknowledge a day of Thanksgiving. It is certainly easy for you to see the obvious things, creature comforts, and provisions that you have gained by your efforts and the grace of God, but there are realms of reality that are not so plain to see. Those are the experiential realms for which you may be truly thankful, in that they have brought you thus far in your journey and they will see you through to the next phase of your growth.


Therefore, when you convene this week to give thanks for that which you have, remember to give thanks also for the experiences, for the feast of opportunities that have been made available to you for your consumption, and nourish yourself on the value therein. In this way you will reflect on how your experience has helped formulate you into the human that you re, and these values, then, you will want to share as your legacy for those who follow you in the progression of time in eternity.


I have concluded my remarks. I’d like to hear from our fellows.


ANATOLIA: Welcome, all, to another bright and cheerful day here in the Land of Enchantment.


I, Anatolia, am happy to be with you on this tour of duty here in this bright and land-filled place within our universe, for as you are beginning to understand, it is not as if this arrangement we have is a “we/they” undertaking; “we/they” typically conveys an adversarial relationship. Certainly the idea of adversarial relationship in this Teaching Mission seems anathema if not absurd, or even a distortion of our understanding.


What I am leading up to is that we, in our perspective (and I include you in that, as agondonters, or persons of faith, who believe without seeing) are among the greatest of faith-bearers anywhere in the universe and beyond, for we who are in spirit have vast opportunities, unless one were closed in mind and spirit, to see and appreciate the creation in a far grander way than you can even imagine. This is an old theme for me, in terms of my communication to you, that is, “if you could see what I can see, you would see vistas beyond what limitation of vantage point enables you to appreciate right now.”


What I am leading up to is, as Tomas had reintroduced, the concept of agondonter. This is a most peculiar and noteworthy position to hold in all of the universe, for as your book says, there are those within creation that find your ability to be able to ascend to the right hand of God to be simply incredible, given the make-up and nature of being human. The implication is, after all, “you are a virtual animal!” and to be ascending to the right hand of God is beyond imagination. It may be short-selling the presenters of that query as to why they find us so, astonishing.


It is in part because of your placement in the spiritual chain, so to speak, that you are ascenders to On High. Not that you are little, small, or undeserving, but rather that within the realm of creation, and those spiritual beings who are and continue to be forerunners, protectors and heralds of ages to come, you along with the path, are making the road clear for those who are immediately after and long-distance following. You and your faith are hallmarks of what real belief is all about, and the greatest of all is your ability to believe in a knowing sense without seeing.


Your belief, which is of the greatest belief system of all, is within your heart and your mind and your total being, for this is surely what mountain movement is all about. If all can see and believe to this extent, your world would be changed forever. It would be peace on earth for more than a thousand years, for as co-creators in this scheme of mystery and revelation combined, yours is the melding of this query of how and why, so you are to be commended for your continued strength and forthrightness in your pursuit of truth and justice in your lives and beyond.


For this is all that your Father asks of you, that you be loyal and true to that relationship that you are called. It may be different for each of you, and yet as members of the same family, it is a broad mutual expression, for not everyone can be priests; others must be candle-bearers and then others who make the candles. But in the real sense of the picture, is that it takes ALL to make a worship service come to pass. As your Teacher had said, the least among you is the greatest, and what you would determine to be the greatest, is the least. So it is in true service that you provide pure, loving service.


I hope that these thoughts, random as they may seem, are of benefit and reassurance, for agondonter status is among the greatest of all time and beyond. So for you to wear a scarlet letter, let us convert that to it standing for “agondonter”, and nothing else, for you will be able to stand in the presence of your knowledge today as the reality heretofore. I encourage you and send you warm greetings from my heart to yours, as we together continue in that forward movement until all of creation is one, singing the glories to our Heavenly Father which are so well deserved and we long to sing.


Peace be with you, and have a blessed and gracious Thanksgiving, until we meet again as we celebrate that together. Peace be with you.


Group:            You, too Anatolia. Thank you.


TOMAS:        Anatolia and I as co-hosts invite you now to join with us in our discourse portion of the format that has been arranged to best suit the needs of this particular configuration. The floor is open. Are there questions or comments?


Thoroah:         Something that came to my mind when you were speaking first, Tomas, and you made me think of being equipped with a divine guidance system, and I, in my mind, was making a comparison with pilots that fly and they have a guidance system and they use it in aeronautics a lot. And then Anatolia’s emphasizing our agondonter status. Indeed we are flying blind, on instruments, and that instrumentation is our divine guidance system. That was a vivid analogy. Thank you.


TOMAS:        And thank you for the springboard to discussion. Yet I am given to understand that there are ways and means by which you are enabled to prepare your flight pattern before take-off, even in your spiritual ascent.


The various images and mental impressions that come to you in dreams or visions which persist, which provide a pattern for you, which stir your curiosity or your investigative nature, are often a result of the Thought Adjuster prompting you to pursue your unique journey.


There are theories that are active in the world today that provide a perspective such as was your commitment from Divinington, even before you were born, in the God fragment that opted to indwell you. And this theory presents the concept that you had made arrangements before arriving as a Thought Adjuster that you would accomplish certain tasks as you sojourned here, similar to the instructions and counsel Jesus received from his elder brother as he prepared to incarnate as a helpless babe on Urantia for his seventh and final bestowal. He was given certain admonitions, such as not to leave any writings, not to have children, and to tend to the delinquent nature of his Lanonandek Son Lucifer.


There is certain merit to this theory, for while these realms are far beyond our understanding (us in the Teacher Corps), we have seen and heard and some of us have experienced when we were mortal similar flashes of insight that would rise up in the mortal mind that would give a picture or a pre-conscience of the life path, the flight pattern ahead. And those who make a conscious effort to follow through with those “prompts” are often reassured of the truth of the impressions they were given, by whatever nature, along in life, as they discover they have in fact accomplished what they initially set out to do.


On the other hand, millions of individuals who haven’t any knowledge of their path, for they have no knowledge of whom they are. But were they to discover who they are in terms of their eternal nature, it is likely they too would encounter some clue, some imbedded impression, enhancing their purpose in life. It is sad, indeed, to observe how many otherwise marvelous individuals fritter away their eternal potential by not giving credence to the dimension of reality that exists outside their conscious vision, their material state of mind.


But this loss is not mine to mourn. My goal is to stimulate the potential that is, in order that nothing be wasted en route to the goals of destiny we all seek. How fortunate I am! How thankful I am, that of all the assignments I could have been given, I have been given the assignment that puts me in contact with people like you, who are conscious and who are conscious of your consciousness, such that I am able to work with you in those realms which will enable you to be more attentive to the inner voice, that its activation of you may reflect back into the community that we serve together.


This is a good fortune that we share, you and I, for this ability to share “like-mindedness” even from our varying dimensions, is only an enrichment of the tapestry of reality we are able to appreciate and enjoy experientially and which gives us a far richer existence than we would have had otherwise. There is nothing but abundance in our association. Nothing but potential riches. Yes.


Elena:             Tomas, why did you call that theory? When you were talking about there’s a theory that people have, plans or the idea that we accomplish. Your use of that word kind of puzzled me.


TOMAS:        I put this in terms of ‘theory’ for I am not in a position to presume on the Adjusters pre-consciousness. If I were an Adjuster, I would be able to speak more affirmatively.


Elena:             Okay. And then there was another thing I wanted to talk about too, when you were talking back in the first part, where you mentioned that your teachers or guides knew better whether you were ready or not. Could you explain that one? That thought really intrigued me and I wanted to know just a little bit more about what you know about that.


TOMAS:        Yes, this is a part of the marvel of the universe that is known to you only through your faith, but which we are able to work with on a conscious level on a daily basis. In that, in the administration of the planet, and the spiritual and otherwise development of its elements (which includes you each) it is my privilege to be involved in those daily briefings which involve our efforts, as are commenced by our supervisors in the hierarchy of things and which includes not only the Counsel of 24 but also myriad angels and even midwayers, in obedience to the divine will and in cooperation with the free will of you each.


The efforts that are involved in your development as conscious sons of God is extensive! And so as we become affiliated with you and involved in your development, in your growth, in your spiritual becoming, we are able to take advantage of the many resources that are available. Such as your personal teachers who are engaged in creating harmony within your own personality: self-awareness, self-respect, and those elements that make for a meaningful human existence, such as self-perpetuation, self-maintenance and self-gratification. As well as your destiny guardians who input for us how certain stimuli might trigger potential growth, as well as where stimuli ought to be withheld at a certain point in order to keep you from becoming unbalanced. And thus there are many factors that go into the spirit creation of each of your souls.


Just trust me when I say it is a vast network. And those growth opportunities that the superior intelligence feels will benefit you most at any given time is revealed to us in these meetings such that we have an idea of how to teach the class of students we are working with. It is always different; it is always changing. Even as we have the same format, week after week, and basically the same core of students.


You have a destiny plan which I do not know! Which you may not know. But which we are attempting to find out. And by and through this tremendous network, we are given direction as to how to counsel you in such a way as to open up these opportunities for your growth without causing imbalance or fanaticism. It is a responsibility, but it is even more so a dynamic opportunity to watch the Mystery Monitor unfold destiny.


Elena:             Thank you, Tomas.


Thoroah:         That’s very revelatory, I think, at least for me, that you don’t know what our path is. And I think that we kind of assume, “Everybody else knows our path but us!”


Elena:             Yeah.


Thoroah:         And, why are we so stupid and why is it kept a secret from us! And here you don’t know any more than we do. I’m glad to hear that.


Elena:             Me, too!


TOMAS:        But if you subscribe to that aforementioned theory, you may find that you know your destiny path better than we do! But this is as a result of your own personal contact with your own indwelling God Fragment. That is a relationship to which I am not intimately privy.


Elena:             I agree. That really does help. I appreciate your saying that.


Myra:                         But then I would ask one other thing, when you were asking us to -- we were asked to check back on our experiences, or give thanks for the experiences that we have had and when I think about some of the experiences I’ve had, they have not always been planned by me [group chortles] and they have been, indeed, growing experiences. And I am thankful for them! But, you at one time also said, “listen to your inner voice” and so I would just like to know, when I use that phrase “inner voice” I sometimes interchange it with intuition, and is a Thought Adjuster giving in to me when I follow intuition.


TOMAS:        I will go so far as to say “yes”. Even though intuition is variable, it is probably the closest thing to understanding the Way -- for you -- than anything else, for intuition will speak to all of you, all of your levels of reality: spiritual, mental, physical. Whereas logic may be merely mental and spiritual may be merely visionary and physical may be merely wish fulfillment; intuition is wholistic and speaks to that which is most closely akin to all of you: your spirit nature, your animal nature, and the mind arena of choice, wherein those soul-making decisions are made. Well done, student Myra.


Myra:                         Thank you, Tomas.


TOMAS:        But even so, following your intuition may lead you into some uncomfortable situations. It is for this reason it is said that the Adjuster is not interested in making your life one of ease. It is far more interested in putting you into positions and situations where you will need to work hard to overcome the animal tendency, in order to strengthen your resolve to lean upon divine understanding. This is how you are exercised, and strengthened, deepened in divine wisdom. Even as you tread the path of mortal endeavor.


Those of you who have become deepened, are in faith that those intuitions of which you are responsive to, may be conspiring to develop your eternal reality, not cater to your mortal whims. But there again, the entire network of spirit helpers -- heavenly helpers -- are poised to assist, such that that spiritual growth is made real, for that is the process whereby the Supreme is evolved and the world is settled in light and life. And thus, the universe is expanding as a result of your efforts.


And this is another thing for which to be thankful: that your humble little life, as miniscule as it may seem in the vast ocean of infinity, is an important part of the process of perfecting a universe. To which we all pay homage. Namaste!


Thoroah:         Namaste.

Elena:             I forgot what that means.

Thoroah:         The spirit in me greets the spirit in you.

Elena:             Oh! Right.

TOMAS:        Other questions? Comments?


Men-O-Pah:               I am reasonably sure that you don’t know where our path will lead. It seems that I have no real words of my own to give expression to this, but I’m always quoting lines from things that I’ve read. One of the more recent ones was an anthem that was in church, after the Negro spiritual style, the title of which was, “When I went down to the water to pray, thinking about that good old way, how you gave us eternal life, Dear Lord show me the way.”


And the lines that I quoted to this group some time ago from Wadsworth’s Ode to a Waterfowl. They had that uncanny ability to fly from the northern part of the world down to the south where it’s warm, as the lines say: “He who from zone to zone guides through the boundless sky thy certain flight, in the long way that I must tread alone, will guide my steps aright.”


And from the old hymn, “Lead kindly light, amid the encircling gloom, lead thou me on. The night is dark and I am far from home. Lead thou me on. Keep thou my feet. I do not ask to see the distant scene. One step enough for me.”


TOMAS:        How beautiful are your hymns and psalms of praise and glory, agondonter Men-O-Pah. You speak to the heart of the soul who in faith follows the divine will even while ignorant of what that is. And in doing so, are able to look back upon the path you’ve taken and know you have done well. You have been delivered from adversity.


Men-O-Pah:               We had the good fortune today to listen to a missionary who had been to not far from here, Chiapas, Mexico, where just a few years ago there was a massacre, and she drew the parallel between that situation and the time of our Lord Jesus, the time that he lived and his upsetting the apple cart of those around him. They were afraid that they were going to lose everything that they had and probably would have if they had to go and there were some 45 people down there, women and children and others who were massacred. And the thing that struck me most, that finally now those people who suffered at, actually, the hand of their neighbors have found it in their hearts to forgive them. Such things give me a great deal of hope that we really are moving up.


TOMAS:        Yes, this thing about forgiveness is beginning to bear fruit. The awareness of the beneficial effects of forgiveness, even from those experiences as far-reaching and devastating as the Lucifer rebellion, have garnered you who have suffered after it, a greatness which is far from being understood by those greater than yourselves who cannot yet conceive of how the oppressed can forgive the oppressor and enjoy complete freedom from the oppressor as a result.


This is the nature of the spiritual freedom which Jesus came here to instill in the hearts and minds of men and women everywhere. It is on the heels of the vicissitudes of human existence that the divine shall rise like the Phoenix from the ashes, as you are rising in your soul brightness into the destiny you are created to own.


We indeed have a repast here to savor and enjoy. The abundance that spills forth from this cornucopia of believers here is truly a blessing upon your realm. Blessed be art thou, indeed.


Elena:             Tomas, I wanted to say just one thing. For some reason just a few minutes ago it came upon me that I remembered how it was when I was a child and remembered how maybe “stark” or … I don’t know what the word is I am searching for right now, but I found religion so blank and not giving back what I expected. So, basically a comparison of what that was when I was a child and now is so different! And there is so much greater richness. And so basically what I am trying to say is in this day of Thanksgiving, or a time for identifying those things we are truly grateful for, I am really grateful for you Teachers and to have the interplay and the exchange that makes the journey so much richer and I’m failing for the words I really want, but I just want you to know how grateful I am. Thank you!


TOMAS:        We, too, share that appreciation of the reality of which you speak. We know the progress that has been made on Urantia and have also a glimmer of the future for your world and have great stock in your will and the divine plan that will reinstate Urantia as a full-fledged participant in the cosmic design -- free of taint and unsullied by iniquity. Let us rejoice in the prospects of our work ahead in each individual in this group setting and in the reclamation mission at large, for the glory of God. Amen. Farewell. See you next time.




DATE:                        alt="" />Thanksgiving 2003, November 27, 2003

LOCATION:              At the Home of Esmeralda, Rio Rancho, NM, USA

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean and Matthew



Thankful for the Agondonters

Build the Citadel of your Spirit

Stand as a Beacon of Light

Celebrate the Bounty of Sonship


Music:            Elena on Piano:             “Come Thou Long-Expected Jesus”


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.

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“Master Teacher, We come to You today with hopeful and expectant hearts, as this Sunday will begin the advent season. We approach You with love and respect, honor and glory, as You are the Father to us and represent all that is good, holy, warm, protective and at the center of All-that-is. We keep ourselves in Your presence and in Your heart and mind, and You are in our heart and mind, which makes us one, forever. And for this we are eternally grateful.


"We are thankful for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us, for the gift of life and all the trimmings that come with it, that enable us to be happy, healthy and whole individuals, both in body, mind and spirit. And for this we are grateful.


"For the teachers you have made known to us we appreciate tremendously, and share in the brotherhood of the unity of all creatures for all time and beyond. For those concerns within our hearts and minds that You are aware of, we place before You now, as we are all in reality, as You are, a priest forever, according to the Order of Melchizedek. For this we are very grateful. Amen.”


NEBADONIA:           My beautiful children, this is Nebadonia, your Mother. Michael and I are with you today, in addition to your standard teachers, Tomas and Anatolia, in whom We are well pleased, as We are pleased with you who are such eager learners.


It is My pleasure to be pleased with My children. It is difficult for Me to find displeasure. In that all you do, I know you do to please Me and your Father.


You go to great lengths to obey Our admonitions, to best ascertain your personality bestowal in this incarnation as a mortal, in full appreciation of the vicissitudes of such a life on such a planet. Indignities abound. Inhumanity is in many ways the order of the day. Violence, thoughtlessness, disease, and despair are a part of the fabric of our lovely world, which has been misused and which now is being reclaimed from the quarantine which held it in check as a result of the most unfortunate choice of Our dear creation, Lucifer, who was led astray by his own personal point of view.


We realize it is no easy task for you on Urantia. Michael realized this in unspeakable ways when he walked on this world as a mortal, a man among men.


We are thankful to you who, with eyes open, adore your Parents, who have forgiven Us the many difficulties you have had to endure and encounter as children of a rebellion-torn planet, bereft of guidance from the Material Son and Daughter, being faced with the challenges that we face, bringing this orb into alignment with the abundance and good health of the universe at large.


We are thankful to you who, with eyes open, continue to put forth the faith and hope of the noble agondonter. As a voice in the wilderness, you call out, singing praises to truth, beauty and goodness. With workers like you, We will feel the effects far and wide, not only across the globe whereon you reside, but throughout your System as it heals these wounds, as Satania and all parts therein become once again functional and fulfilled in their own right, as a part of Our creation of Nebadon.


What wonders must the Universal Father hold in store for those of you who have staunchly held firm to your Divine Guides, who are even now leading you into peace of mind and tranquility of spirit, soul rest for the weary.


Herein We reside. Come to Us. Come to your Mother and your Father. Allow Us to reinvigorate you with Our strength, Our energy and Our power. Come to Us as children, knowing you need Our counsel and We are happy to oblige.


What joy you bring to those you know in the mortal realm and in the celestial spheres, such is your spiritual fragrance, beautiful children of Mine, and of Michael. Michael would like to speak through Matthew if Matthew is impelled.


MICHAEL:    Welcome, Friends and Family of the Almighty. We are with you today out of gratitude for your dedication to all that is good, true and beautiful in your realm as well as Ours. Be mindful that you are rewarded for that which is truthful in your pursuit thereof. The reward which I speak of is the reward of knowing that your pursuits of truth, goodness and beauty are not fallen on deaf ears, for those who otherwise have not eyes to perceive what you pursue.


Mine is a wish for you to know that so long as you have My interests in mind, your pursuits will always be blessed with fulfillment, if not here, (then) in the afterlife (as you call it), which is for all time and beyond. What I am speaking of is not necessarily a course, a goal, a program or project to be pursued and completed, as if your mind directed you to build the equivalent of the tabernacle choir or its enclosure. That is, if it is your sense that to be true to my word you must build edifices which reflect the beauty which you perceive to be in need of reflection, this is only a concept, a principle that you are upholding. And this principle is truly worth every aim and pursuit of light, mind, or structure that you may create for you and for me. However, more temples or cathedrals or edifices of grandeur and beauty, as you would hope and desire to express, are not necessary. But the thought, the concept and the dedication to a single purpose that your life can express as part of the eternal truth, beauty and goodness is all that I ask.


This, as in past teachings, is reflected in your acceptance of the faith which you were given. This faith, mind you, can be present in each and all religions which bear the concept of truth, beauty and goodness, therefore one need not be a Christian, in the sense of your traditional teachings, but to know the God-Source and that all is a reflection and an expression of the central core of truth, this is all that is necessary for My satisfaction.


You are not placed upon earth simply for the gratification of a Supreme Power, which oversees your activities, but rather to be part of the total, which is the on-going performance of creation as We go. Thus, your role is not one of being subject but, rather, being part of the ruling house.


You will never need to worry in the on-going proliferation of truth about who will be King, who will succeed in the oversight of the Kingdom. You shall be gratified to know that your place in the Kingdom is assured. No more battles, no more wars, no more justification of one side versus the other, but that all is justified before Our Father because We accomplished that through My mission here a mere 2,000 years ago.


Know that My purpose in coming forth at that time, and by My maintaining My presence with you all of these years, has been to alert and inform that all are called to the table of Our Father’s bidding. All have a place and no one shall go hungry. It is My supreme duty to inform you that the feast shall begin. It has begun when the Father said, “Let there be light” and as We proceed in the light. I welcome you to feast with Me as I with you before our Heavenly Father.


Nebadonia and I welcome you to the banquet hall. Swing wide the doors which are to benefit all of us under the grace and being of Our Heavenly Presence. I wish all well, and know that there is never a time that I am apart or distant from your hearts or minds, that all is truly united by your desire for such unity.


Whenever you pray for unity, you are simply reinforcing that which IS. Whenever you feel disdain or a darkening of your conditions, remember that light is to be re-ignited where you may be unaware. Light a candle of truth and therefore you may see, whereas otherwise you may stumble.


I could leave further kernels of truth and encouragement before you, but the main one is to re-ignite the heart light within so that all may see without. It is this desire to serve and to be a light beacon that you are asked to do. You need not accomplish marvelous things. Again, and that is rebuilding the temple, but know that your temple within is already an edifice of great satisfaction.


I wish you peace, holiness and oneness with Us, now and always. May peace be with you.


TOMAS:        Yes, this is Tomas. I could not allow the day to pass without taking the opportunity to make my presence known and to greet you in great joy and thanksgiving for the pleasure of your company.


Elena:             And to you, too, Tomas, our gratitude for you and all that you do.


TOMAS:        Yes, the cup runneth over, and the table is piled high with nutritious, delicious food to experience and share. In view of our abbreviated session today, in honor of this holiday, my remarks will be brief, but it is to commend you for applying yourselves to the graciousness of your culture within the bounds of your choosing and according to your will. This is to say, the originality of gathering to give thanks and break bread on a day separate from that which is acknowledged by others is an indication of your willingness to adapt to the needs of life as they present themselves, indicating an ability to step outside the bounds of conformity and tradition.


Think on this facet of the personality that is divinely guided and spirit led, and how it is that in following the leadings of the indwelling God Fragment you are often outside the bounds of propriety or custom but withal, genuine, effective and sincere. This is how you would do well to comport yourselves in your arena. When you take note that you are in the world but not of it, take with you your God-given rights, identity and approaches, and manifest them in your realm as you would do according to your needs, and thus stand as a beacon of light for others. Yes, I admit, in jest, you might look like a sore thumb sticking out for all to see, but this is also effective ministry, for when you are not responsive as the world is responsive, you indicate your own otherworldiness and perspective.


Anatolia, would you like to greet your class?


ANATOLIA:              Welcome to all who are able to join us today. I am most grateful for your willingness and desire to meet and to celebrate that which you have as a wonderful custom in which to partake, for surely it is a custom that the world over could, can and will eventually celebrate, for it is symbolic not just of your humble beginnings in a shared co-operative way of cultural intersection, as were the religious freedom finders finding a new world of their finding, but for those who had been here for ages prior, openly, willingly and trustworthily sharing what they had with those who were new to their environment.


This is active participation in the eternal process of giving and receiving. It is symbolic in a civil sense, established within your tradition, and not really recognized for the cosmic representation that it is. Nevertheless, it doesn’t have to be recognized as such for the subtleties are there nevertheless. The outward demonstration of that which you celebrate is a cosmic celebration for the bounty that exists both here and throughout the vast and limitless cosmos.


You need not celebrate in a cosmic sense if you wish, but know that every action which is based in truth has its cosmic counterpart. You have been highly blessed today by having the co-Creators of your universe present with you as a reminder of this cosmic gift that you celebrate: the bounty which knows no limit, which is your eternal heritage. The good news is also that no one can cut you out of the will. Your inheritance is assured, and you are not just receivers but givers alike, and this I believe you perceive in the message presented to you today by both co-Creators of your universe.


This is a grand and happy day for humankind, to be able to recognize that which they celebrate and not simply take for granted as an historic fact but as a cosmic recreation of that which is true, holy and good.


I wish for all of you to have a wonderful time and to continue to share and appreciate each other’s company, as this gathering has significance to me and to us as we continue to be your teachers. This is an ongoing endeavor to cement within your consciousness that which is true, holy, and will never be broken.


This chain of command, if you will, that we serve is also in service to you and you to the ongoing presence of that which you incorporate within your beings. I wish you could know the extent of the truth which each of you contains. It is truly a universe within universes. As in a query of the chicken and egg, you contain both truths, so there has not been a beginning by which you have your being but rather the all-encompassing NOW which was beyond a moment of ignition but has always been. This is perhaps way more than you expected but I wish to reinforce that which is the eternal truth of the ongoing nature of all that is. Know your place within, and all is well.


I leave you in peace as you continue to enjoy and celebrate and to be that living and loving Presence which is what each of us is called to be.


Peace be with you, and have a pleasant day.


TOMAS:        And I, Tomas, will leave with Anatolia, in order that you might, as instructed, go about your day doing good and being all that you can be in company with yourselves and your spirit helpers who rejoice at the light that dawns on this new day. See you soon. Farewell.




DATE:                        December 7, 2003

alt="" />LOCATION: Matthew & Elena’s Domicile - Rio Rancho, NM

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean and Matthew



The Nature of God

Counterpart of Reality


Q & A:            A Word About Christmas

                        The Velveteen Rabbit


Music:                        Elena on Piano:             “Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring” (Bach)


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, We come to you today with open hearts and minds, to hear the message once again, and it can be proclaimed, wherever and whenever, like the song, “Go Tell it On the Mountain,” anytime is good news, and as if it were heard for the first time.


"As advent progresses, as we had heard today, to prepare the way for the coming of the King, we do so again this time in remembrance of the formality of that program, but in reality everyday, as we hope and expect to meet you in person as we prepare the way for you with us every day of our lives.


"And for everyone who is here and those who are not here for the concerns that they may have that they carry in their heart, we place before you on your altar, before you and the Father, for blessing and affectivity.


"And otherwise, for the Teachers who are here today we are grateful and wish to thank them, with you and through you, for they are truly wonderful in giving of themselves, as is the whole Teaching Mission and all of Christ-centered spirituality.


"For this and all else we are forever grateful. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Dear associates, I am Tomas, glad to be with you and to engage again with you in our customary aspiration to reach for and recognize those aspects of the divine nature which are ours by divine inheritance, and to assimilate those into the personality such that God may be revealed through you, as you go about your day.


What indeed, is the nature of God? One of the aspects of God is his ability to share himself so freely with others. He gives his creations work that will fulfill his needs and their greatest satisfactions. And so he bestows himself without reservation.


What a comprehensive lesson to learn, for those who have been prejudiced to believe that once acquired, wisdom and all that follows must be retained, subdued, categorized and secured against the thief in the night who might break in and steal what was so hard-fought.


What does God retain? Only the innermost secrets of divinity. All else, throughout the majestic realms of space, the work is undertaken by those who willingly serve in response to the distribution of wealth and power that comes from those secret places of God known only to the Mystery Monitor Itself. And thus, the love of God is distributed without regard.


Will you distribute those same seeds yourself? Will you manifest such generosity of spirit as was evidenced in Jesus’ life with his complete acceptance of those who would serve, withholding his approval only from those who would abuse the divine nature, and reflect that abuse in their subsequent treatment to their fellows.


Love freely. Mingle openly among the many mortals who meander around in search of more accessible truth, beauty, and goodness.


What a delight to have you with us today, Adrienne. It indeed alters our energy composition and the augmentation of your personality fragrance is readily assimilated in the company we form this afternoon. Your personal guide, as well, is vitally in attendance. We enjoyed your discussions earlier about the appreciation for those other entities of spirit reality that accompany you and companion you in your daily path -- those more devoted to your personal daily contribution to life and its to you.


We have developed a pattern, a broadcasting approach, which works well with the small configuration as well as the larger audience of those who read the transcripts of these sessions and they will be then sent into the ethers of Urantia, helping the perceptions that we reveal in our gathering to spread far and wide, and thus the God that we bring to this gathering, that we are a part of and that we offer to serve, will be reflected in each of us and in our dynamic, such that when it goes out from here, it will go out in your personally, and in the lives of those many who have been brought to this table of the Father by their own hunger to know more and to distribute the good that can be garnered from our mutual devotion to doing the divine will and bringing His presence consciously into the fabric of Urantian life.


We offer to aid revelation and we are a part of the evolution of religion. In future years there will be many more such gatherings of friends of a like-mindedness such that they and you will have confidence in the effects of such a cause as communing with the invisible companions that inhabit the universe and who are purposely in attendance with you for specific ambassadorial assignments and so everyone begins to feel they have a reason for being, a task to perform, a purpose to fulfill, a service to provide. And thus the work is extended further and further into the realm and the divine nature of God, again, is enlivened and actualized in and through your efforts.


What a marvelous opportunity we have to portray the highest conception we have of that nature of God -- which is meaningful, which means something to us. Thus, it would behoove us to have the most intimate and personal understanding of God as can be had, rather than having the mental or intellectual appreciation of what God is, for that is a matter that is fully within the mind and imagination of each mortal individual’s way of thinking and believing. But the intimate presence of the divine is something that transcends thought, that stands outside of belief, that prevails in faith, and is known by all – as germane, to truth beauty and goodness.


This is my contribution for the afternoon in our formal portion. I call upon my associate to balance our lectern and then we will reconvene for your questions and comments.


ANATOLIA:              Welcome, all, to the Land of Enchantment, the hearth of brotherly love that has been engendered here after much conflict and struggle. The brotherly love may not be active and everyone a participant, nevertheless, with the peaceful acquiescence to the interwoven cultures, this is a land of enchantment.


All are welcome and encouraged to continue to learn some of the precepts and principles that prevail here within this land of never-ending mystery and charm.


I usually make a reference to the physical environs here in this place that you call home, primarily because of its sometimes blank, austere and nevertheless awesome surroundings, which reminds me of the pervasiveness of the mystery that surrounds physical life and its beauty. There are other places where it may be as or more dramatically impressed, such as the Serengeti in Africa, or other places where predator and prey play the dramatic role.


This need not be the focus of our discussion today, in terms of a predatory principle active here in your world, but to let you know that this is part of the evolutionary principle and cycle, for where you find yourselves in this land of mystery and beauty that can be stark and rob a person of life as you know it, to be exposed to the elements without protection, or to be provided the necessary life-carrying elements such as water, or clothing, or the like, you begin to appreciate that just the land and its environment itself is a life and death reminder, surrounded by beauty that is part of that threat to life, limb and happiness.


Nevertheless, cultures have survived. Not always well, but survived. And new cultures have been brought into play to demonstrate the on-going nature of the physical environment and the actors who interact within those locales. My point is that whatever you do, think, or act upon, has its spiritual counterpart to prevail at that same time. So that, as the act of baptism, for example, takes place (as you can appreciate), it is not simply the washing away of sins in a literal sense, it is the elimination of the physical presence as a predominant focus or limitation to life in its essential form.


For the physical can prevent one from recognizing the higher truth behind what is being portrayed. It is not simply predator after food. It is the proliferation of the life force, long sacrificing itself to the higher food chain predator for its proliferation, all in a cycle of life that continues to breathe and breed itself into being from spirit to physical to spirit and back. A constant interwoven chain of life force and life energy.


This is a way of looking at the reality of what you live on a daily basis, and one I wish to reinforce for you and with you today that is a reminder for me of what I see when I look at your life forces and the energies which surround you in this austere Land of Enchantment.


I wish to give you encouragement for where there may be discouragement currently playing out. Discouragement is, for a moment, a shadow of its true self. The encouraging knowing of who one is, has an occasional necessity to relax and not have to stand and carry all of the weight, but rather to relax and to sit in the shadow of its former self, where it no longer fills that space and casts its shadow as it relaxes, to regain its self-image and its strength to stand once again -- strong, and able to carry itself and all others who may need assistance.


So for those of you who are weary, and tired, and need to sit and relax and gain strength again of your former self, do so. Not with discouragement, but with encouragement, knowing you are unchanged from who or what you represent and are, in fact, that strength … only relaxing for a moment, un-taut and unnecessarily “strung out” and can relax to regain that which was formerly formidable. So relax and let your cares go with the stroking of your forehead, to let every tense muscle and part of yourselves be relaxed, and release that which may be caught up in some place within your being. Relax it, release it, and let it go, and do not hold on to that which may be stressful and unnecessary.


I wish each and all of you peace, strength and happiness in this time of preparation for the kingly visit, for that kingly visit is surely an everyday event. Where the Kingdom within is, there is all that is. So in preparation for the visit of the King, and that true birth which changed life in your world forever, I leave you in hopeful good news that all is well and everything has an opportunity to rebound and regain its strength in the cycle of nature as it gives and takes.


Peace be with you and may all be well.


Group:            Thank you, Anatolia.


TOMAS:        In the spirit then of relaxation, this being our Happy Hour, let us revel in the intoxication of one another’s company. What joy do you bring to our gathering, or what trouble prevails? Do you have questions?


Elena:             I don’t know about anybody else, but I feel that Anatolia’s words were directed directly to me and I am very grateful for them. Thank you! That kind of took care of my questions, Tomas.


TOMAS:        Yes, you have celestial permission to relax and regain perspective and strength. This is the Sabbath and the Eternal Now. What else?


Paula:              Well, don’t you think it’s wonderful that it’s almost Christmas?

TOMAS:        I have no opinion regarding that mortal holiday.

Group:            [Laughter]

Elena:             That’s too bad.


TOMAS:        Not to infer disdain, I have in the past made many positive references to the holiday and its value for you, including comparing Santa Claus to God himself, but I have subsequently lost enthusiasm for repeating those same lessons annually as you seem prone to want to experience. This needs to be because of your being so tied into the time-space paradigm. For you it is a cultural reality, whereas for us it is not. And in my opinion, it happens much more quickly than to your mind and, frankly, I find most mortal holidays to be a tremendous distraction from reality rather than a contribution to the reality that we would support and encourage.


So much of mortal life is merely pomp and circumstance, ritual, and paradigms of a reality, which seems designed to keep you occupied with as little of substance as possible, in order to control your behaviors. This is not liberating, but it is understood why the pattern is in place. Yet, to sit around and encourage these patterns is not in keeping with our purpose in being here with you. If that makes me a “Scrooge,” that’s the chance I take.


Paula:              Well, I just love it. I have more fun at this time of the year than I do the whole year long.


TOMAS:        This is not to be discounted, since your good cheer is certainly contagious and you, as one of Santa’s elves, are able to contribute to the joy of the season.


Paula:             I think its fun to pick out presents for the family and try to figure out what they all want to have, and get together at each other’s houses. I think it’s great.


Elena:             Sometimes it does have the effect of where the effort goes and it loses its mark, you know, and think most people are really glad when the season is over.


Paula: To take the tree back down again.


Elena:             Yeah, I think Tomas’ point -- I can see what he’s trying to say, but, like you, I think it’s a wonderful time of the year.


TOMAS:        Is there anything else?

Paula:             Isn’t anybody else happy and excited? Am I the only one?

Elena:             You’re the only one, Paula.

Men-O-pah:  You’re not the only one.


TOMAS:        Indeed, happiness is reflected differently from different perspectives. There are some who carry their joy deep within them and theirs is not so demonstrable as others. This is not to say that your effervescent joy is not also a deep joy. And yet there are many factors that are a part of the human composition that may not reveal their joy in the same way as you do.


How God reveals his joy is in giving you the opportunity to become real, like the Velveteen Rabbit story, wherein the stuffed animal feels the craving to become live. He wants to know how to become “real” and the rocking horse counsels him, he must be loved, even to the point of having his whiskers rubbed off from hugs and kisses and handling.


When a stuffed animal has been handled, manhandled, mauled, pulled around by the hair or by the foot, left out in the rain and thrown in a corner in a heap, their joy is not as evident as that toy which has been preserved on a shelf and wound up for special occasions. But the promise remains within the heart of that stuffed animal, that when it is met with love, it will be made more than it is, and this is the joy that can be equated to the joy found in the EveryReady Rabbit. It keeps on giving, and giving, and giving delight in its being.


This tale has been brought to you by [Group laughter] my associate, Merium, who enjoys such antics and can think of nothing more pleasurable than playing on the floor with her children but I’ve been trained culturally differently, and so my manner is – perhaps Mr. McGregor is the point of reference I need. I will ask Gerdean to read it, and that way I will know for sure.


When I talk about stuffed animals, I am not necessarily thinking of you here, but there are days when you do resemble stuffed animals, today being rather one of them. [Group giggles] But look how happy you are, even though you have been -- as you say, “Pulled through a knothole and dragged by the foot.” [Group giggles.]


It gives me pleasure to hear your laughter and to more to the point perceive that essence within you, that quiet joy which supercedes the temporary setbacks of the season or the day, that which sustains you constantly and which reveals to you that part of yourself which is still in process of becoming. However, with that promise of that gift of being perfect within yourself, in your realm of being, as God Himself is perfect in His realm of being, is the Christmas gift we all want from Santa on Christmas morning.


Let every day be Christmas, then. Wake every morning with the delight of a child, knowing that within your very being you carry the priceless gift of God within you, the presence of your own reality, the spark of the Divine that lifts you above the mere stuffed animal and elevates you into that child of God which is eternal.


Now, Tinkerbell has had her say.


It is an amusing gathering. I hope you have all had as much fun as I have. It would seem however that there is a certain amount of self-consciousness and reluctance to investigate the potential of the paradigm we share, and so we will advance you into the social portion of your gathering so that we might enjoy your festivities and your reflections on what we have shared, how we have engaged ourselves in childlike glee of our own sonship and the gift we are and the gifts we share with others.


Peace be upon you. Farewell.




DATE:                        alt="" />December 14, 2003

LOCATION: Esmeralda’s Mansion World - Rio Rancho, NM

T/R’s:                                     Gerdean and Matthew



The Art of Keeping Silence

Be of Good Christmas Cheer


Q & A:            More about the Holiday Season


Music:            Elena on Piano:             “Let all Mortal Flesh Keep Silence”


Prayer:            Matthew:          Let us place ourselves in the presence of Jesus, the Christ.


“Master Teacher, We come to you again today, mid-point of the advent season, the anticipation of the celebration of your birth -- when everything changed, when all was new and all is yet becoming in the aspiration of becoming like you in all ways, perfect like your Father in heaven and, fortunately, our Father in heaven.


"And so this is what we strive to do and become as we were made to be -- perfect in every way, but not to allow our intermittent imperfections to discourage and to thwart our enthusiasm for unity in You now and always. Through the examples of countless saints and other holy men and women, we find a plethora of examples of what it is we can become, but in our own unique way, so freedom is granted as well as opportunity.


"We thank you and our Teachers for this weekly opportunity to be close to you, to worship together, and to celebrate that which each of us is but collectively all that is. We are forever grateful. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Amen. I am Tomas. Good afternoon.

Group:            Hello, Tomas. Good afternoon.


TOMAS:        I am always impressed with the orchestration of our Father’s creation when and as I and we are mindful of how He integrates every aspect of our lives in such a way as to yield harmony in thought, word and action. And when I perceive it from his perspective, I am overwhelmed with the simplicity and surety with which His will is made manifest.


But I will not be teaching the lesson today. I am inviting a guest in, a sanobim, an entity of the seraphic order. She is the companion of your friend and associate that you have met, who discussed the adjutant mind spirits, What-About-Bob. Let me introduce you now to Lady who will command your attention for my portion of the agenda.


LADY:            How thrilled I am to be invited to be your guest teacher this afternoon, and to be in a public forum such as you provide. What a unique opportunity for those of us who have volunteered to augment the Teacher Corp in its efforts to up-step humanity. But of course our approach will be somewhat different, if only because of our personal perspective.


The music arranged today for your listening pleasure is a testimony to the practice of Stillness that is such an important feature of your culture, for it is in the Stillness that the human is set aside and kept in silence to allow for the heart of man to mold itself to conform to the will of the Divine which resides within, in that silence where only the still, small voice of perfection is heard.


The message I bring today is from the Mother and through the Divine Minister circuits. It is a ministry to provide the needs of your fellows if and when as they are unable to absorb your spirit teachings, and for many reasons it is misunderstood what this ministry might involve. It would seem from our study of you terrestrial types that you have a comprehension of ministry in the physical sense to be related to … who is it? Florence Nightingale or Mother Theresa … ministry which is engaged in the life and death struggle with wounds and sores and bodily fluids that require the human touch.


Well, this is not appropriate for everyone, but, yet and still, the merciful ministry application is one thing you are encouraged to do as you await the opening of the opportunity in which to plant a spiritual seed or to fertilize the thought or harvest the satisfaction of the work in the field. And this procedure of ministry is seen from my vantage point as an opportunity to be of service to your body, mind and spirit by and through the practice of Stillness. And then, the ability to engage in Stillness practice with and for others.


The difficulty that seems to put so many of you at odds with the practice of keeping silence, is because when you sit quietly, your mind is at once barraged by thoughts, many of which you don’t want to think. Many voices scrambling for attention or vying for position in your mind. Memories which result in symbolism that arise from the murk of your subconscious to reveal itself in demons or distortions of perception which drive you relentlessly, and so you avoid even going to such a state of mind by avoiding the practice of Stillness altogether. Well, let me encourage you.


You here may not need this lesson. Perhaps you are all able to sit in the sanctuary of your own soul and bask in the light, to listen to the music of the spheres, to swim in the sea of tranquillity, to absorb the warmth and sustenance from the Source. But there many who know not this place or how to go about finding it, and this is an opportunity for those of you who are inclined or directed, to begin to help others find their way past the clamoring of the mortal mind into the Stillness where you are at one with God and All-That-Is.


The reasons for being able to do this are many-fold. And the most obvious is the immediate result from having peace of mind, and that is the flourishing of the body and subsequently the psyche, such that you will nurture gratitude -- which then begins the opening of the door of perception to the Divine light. Thus, training the mind becomes the exercise that enables you to heal the wounds of time and strengthen the timidity of fear.


In His majesty, God is gracious in providing you with all the help you need to find Him. And while you know that he is there within you, acceptable at any and all times, it is not unheard of that you might help others find this peace which passes all understanding, by and through the ministry of promoting Stillness practice. You can in this way promote at-one-ment with the Divine and give the spirit opportunity to make contact with the mortal without being culturally prejudiced or religiously oriented.


If you remember that you are not alone, and that Jesus will walk with you through all of your travels, then you will be able to get through the process of putting to rest those troublesome thoughts that may have been submerged way down deep in your subconscious mind, for fear of revealing your vulnerable nature. This vulnerability that you are protecting is your greatest strength, but how can you become strong if you have arranged for yourself to hide from that which you are by permitting these false thoughts, verily these false prophets, to interfere.


When we speak of the deep mind, we speak of these deep recesses which are not handicapped by inappropriate patterns of behavior which you have picked up from battling your way through life’s vicissitudes in such a way as to provide barriers to that which would bolster your reality if you were to reconsider why you have allowed yourself to be so trained and programmed and thus release that reason to chose again, this time in conformity to the will of the Divine, as compared to the will of the lesser gods which have ruled your consciousness for most of your lives.


The world is becoming smaller. The efforts of the Correcting Time and the years since the revelation began affecting your way of life, have contributed to a fertile field wherein souls are ready to reach for the stimulation of other souls in growth, in sharing, and in rejoicing for the path that has been prepared just for them, as you yourselves, in this room, have had a moment to rejoice in the spirit path that has been revealed to you as we approach now the reason for the season.


This is the time to be the minister to the souls of men and women -- children of Urantia -- for it is at this time of year that everyone … in your culture, at least … wants that security and deep joy of sitting around the hearth with those they love close at hand, secure, well-fed and loved, of like mind, in harmony and in peace on earth. That value is in the heart of all believers and unbelievers alike, and they reach for that reality in and as they are reaching for more toys with which to fill their stocking.


Give of your soul this season, and minister to the souls of those who you encounter by helping them recognize the birth of the spirit that lies within us each, that gives birth to the Christ child in everyone, and that allows us all to be a beloved son of God, indeed. This is what we all want for Christmas. This is the ministry that you can provide.


I have so enjoyed my opportunity to spend some time with you this afternoon and I only hope that those with ears to hear my message were able to set aside the clamoring of their human selves sufficiently long enough to hear the echo of the still, small voice within which longs to hold you and enfold you in the swaddling clothes of Life.


I return you to your Teachers Tomas and Anatolia for the rest of your session.


Group:            Thank you for being with us.


TOMAS:        Yes, indeed. Thank you, Lady, for representing the Mother Spirit so effectively. I will come back when we open the floor to conversation. I relinquish the podium to you, Matthew.


Matthew:                    Thank you.


ANATOLIA:              Welcome all, this 14th day of December in the year 2003, considered the Year of our Lord here on Planet Earth. I am Anatolia, happy to be in your company today, a fine day here in New Mexico.


It is my belief and practice that to celebrate a blessed occasion, one must be prepared in mind, body and spirit. The only preparation that I can recommend for you is to be of good cheer, for this is the reason that your culture has introduced the creations of Santa Claus, elves, reindeer and the like. Even though this is well-formed in terms of precedent, that Santa Claus is not simply a myth but the myth that has grown around the stature of a saintly being known as Nicholas, who was truly the spirit of giving and of Christ-child good-news-bearing.


So in the essence of my predecessor, you may be of ministerial significance by being vessels of good tidings and good cheer. After all, if you have been a student of the story “The Christmas Carol,” you will know that Scrooge was the miserable individual that he was not by nature but by fear of greater disappointment and concern for there never being enough. Unfortunately, his concern for there not being enough kept him from living and created within him a small mind and a small spirit. Thus, “Humbug!” was his expression for, “Don’t bother me with hokum, hooey and the unseen as reason to rejoice.” Well, my friends, neither or none of you are bothered by this haunting spirit of Christmas past, present, or future, for I see not any of your souls shrinking to this extent.


This is not to say that your souls will shrink in any regard, but to say that your souls are to express the joy that you already know and to allow even further growth, for the growth that you are is unlimited beyond measure. It is this good cheer that is the mainstay and principle of your Master Teacher and God-bearing Savior who brought himself to your awareness some 2000 years ago for the purpose of sharing this inner presence which you know and can only know better.


The presence of your Teacher on this world is the finest and greatest presence that your world has experienced, and will experience. It is not to say that the best is in the past and that what lies ahead is only re-enactment or re-statement of what happened, for your belief systems and your religions are not merely historical celebrations but are ongoing truth-bearing and truth-giving occasions of celebration and on-going love creation. This is the essence of the season and the reason that I choose to leave you with this good news:


That each of you is considered an emissary of your Heavenly Father and the presence within you wishes to know your acknowledgment, to acknowledge your presence in the face of heavenly presence. So it is leading a horse to water, you are brought to the well within, and it is up to you to drink. Be of good cheer and know that there is no limit, there is no end to love as it will surely always be with you.


In passing, the poor will always be with you, in the sense of your transitory world; however, the hope is that through your presence that is made known wherever you go, that others will see that real wealth is eternal, whether experienced here in the worldly sense or in the spiritual sense. Love is forever.


I wish you well, and as we meet as we can during this holiday season, I wish each of you wreaths of joy in your hearts and brilliant colors to brighten your roads and lighten your loads, for this is the season of good cheer. Peace be with you and may Christ reign forever. Thank you.


Group:            Thank you, Anatolia.

Paula: So then, is it all right to be excited about Christmas?

Elena:             Yeah, they opened the stoppers!


Paula: Oh, he thinks I’m crazy because I get all charged up, excited about it. I think it’s fun. I always have.


TOMAS:        I am Tomas, your guest and host, with you again and yes, you see that there is a variety of perspectives in the celestial realm as there are in the mortal realm. The fact is we do what’s necessary or what we can in order to help the process along in whatever way made available to us.


I am not and never have suggested that you not feel joy at Christmas. What I responded to was, Am I glad that Christmas is here? To which I said I have no real opinion. That is to say, I have not been culturally conditioned to feel the same glee as is evident in certain personalities in your culture. We did not celebrate any kind of Christmas in my mortal life but I can certainly see how it has evolved and become a great part of your culture, even your spiritual life.


But in-as-much as all of us are always looking for opportunities to brighten the truth decibels, we are always looking for how you live your life so that we can make contact where you are and to whatever extent possible within the limitations of our instructions, with our relationship with our students, we strive to add to what reality you have and deflect the unreality that we see pirouetting and ricocheting around us.


Just as you recall from your cultural field of entertainment, “Accentuate the positive, eliminate the negative, don’t mess with Mr. In-between,” it seems the answer in many situations, if not most, on your world is to find the middle ground and conform to the status quo. We cannot conform to the status quo but we must accept that it exists and work within that appreciation, even while the appreciation may not be from our perspective but from the perspective of having respect for those we serve.


“Always respect the personality of man.”


When and as you engage with humanity, this factor may well be the pivotal point of the fulcrum of tact and tolerance. Teaching is essentially a fine art when it comes to opinions and beliefs, for they are, like free will, sacrosanct to the individual. But when the opinions and beliefs encroach upon others, it becomes a matter of cultural study, cultural anthropology, and that is my field. So I like to see how all these things affect others, how they impact on others, and how that impact (or lack of impact) is augmenting the spirit of truth, enhancing the light of truth on your world.


Yes, of course, you may enjoy Christmas, Paula. You are indeed a child and entitled to the delights of being one of God’s kids, with all the joy and palaver that includes -- presents, sugarplums, and all.


What else is going on in your lives that you are inclined to share? We did enjoy the movie review before the session.


Thoroah:         I was intrigued by what Lady had to say about the image of being of service that we have, of being almost confined to the Mother Theresa mold, and I think that’s partly because in our society we give credit to that kind of service. We don’t necessarily see the other subtle kinds of service, or soul service that goes on, and we’ve glorified the Florence Nightingale, Mother Theresa type of activity, and so other types of service seem to be maybe unnoticed. Definitely much more subtle, as far as the way we see things. And I think that that has culturally affected us in our sense of how we can be of service.


TOMAS:        Well, you are absolutely correct, Thoroah. The movie review, in fact, reminds me that theater and cinema provide a ministry, for they enable the audience to experience the portrayal of the emotions that reveal the message of the movie that often being a morality play impacting the psyche mind and ultimately the soul of the observer. Even the most elemental western script can and does provide lasting value in the portrayal of loyalties and courage that is found in the human animal.


The sentimental is another ministry that movies provide, being a venue which allows otherwise callused souls to vent their feelings and weep for joy at the heart song of the human condition. And so the field of ministry extends, yes, far beyond the impressive work of those which very few want to do. But this is the art of ministry, you see.


When you look at the art of living, and the artists who live, the very fact of their existence is a ministry, for in truth, the Divine Indweller seeks to serve, seeks to enable life to fulfill itself, and for the Children of God to find relationship with the Creator and to know the joys of Family life through Sonship with the Divine. If you look closely, you can see God’s hand in everything.


In this merciful ministry that enables you, as a race of people, to feel good about yourselves and what you do for others, how you have been about the Father’s business by being, many times, simply being of good cheer, but generally those who minister naturally as they pass by do not worry overmuch about what form their ministry takes for they are not concerned with the opinions and thoughts of others but are fixed on the Source of their being in such a way as to reflect the union of their personality and the love of the Divine at once. Which is good cheer, indeed! And which is self-forgetfulness.


Thus, simply thinking about others before and as you think of yourself, is a merciful ministry to those children who simply seek to be acknowledged as existing. “See me, feel me, touch me, heal me.” This is the human opera. This is a service. Acknowledging the souls of others. Seeing the Christ-child in each. [long silence]


We have become lost to the atmosphere itself, which is an extension of the sanctuary within. We join in the ballroom of the Divine and waltz around the room with style and grace.


We’ll be back when you reconvene. Farewell.


Group:            Thank you.




DATE:                        alt="" />December 28, 2003

LOCATION: Esmeralda's Domain, Rio Rancho, NM USA

TEACHER:                TOMAS

T/R:                            Gerdean




Q & A:                        Re: same


Men-O-pah's Prayer:


“Our Father, we have You say that where there are two or three gathered together in Your name, there shall You be, and so we sit here at Your feet, asking You to guide our thoughts and speak through Tomas those things that You want us to hear. We ask these things in Your name. Amen.”


TOMAS:        Yes, by all means, let me not stop the flow. Let's hear the question from the student.


Thoroah:         The question submitted is: "What real value or purpose do our human opinions have/serve here on earth, as well as in the 'grand scheme of things'. Or in other words, "What purpose, if any, do our opinions serve in a real spiritual sense, as well as in an intellectual (material/earthly) sense?"


TOMAS:        A student pondering the words of the Teacher is what we enjoy, students who are paying attention to our lessons so as to augment their own understanding of what comes into their mind to be a part of their reality.


Let me begin my response to this man's real questions by remarking that the mistake many make is to conjecture that God is in his heavens and all is right with the world, as if God On High were some transcendent being who had no common interest in what makes men tick in the ways of the world and in the process of finding one's way through the world. God is not in some far off place, but is within each of you and therefore within each of your experiences. Even when a mortal being is without consciousness, God is none-the-less and even so in that being and a part of his or her reality. The extent to which the human being seeks to incorporate spirit reality is the extent to which God is allowed expression. But this can be done even among the heathen, even in foxholes, even in sewing circles. God is no respecter of persons; he will work with and through any and all of you who have your wits about you.


Thus, let us return to the question. The young man, Radboud, my friend and student from “Down Under,” has inquired about my use of the word “opinion.” I had said I had no opinion on the Christmas holiday, and this seemed to support Radboud's theory that opinions are worthless in the spirit context but are, rather, configurations of the mental and intellectual realm, somehow thus having less meaning, less significance, less reality, and obviously less godliness.


However, he wants to know what is the reason for opinions. What is the purpose of opinions and, with the world situation the way it is, the news being what it is, even your own social circles being what they are, even the Teaching Mission itself plagued by opinions . .. which, of a certainty, would seem to be distracting from the solemnity of the spirit or the sense of oneness that spirit will bring -- why do we even tolerate opinions? What possible worth have they? What good are opinions? And ought we not simply refrain from having them, as I did in terms of Christmas, because it is not a part of my cultural background?


Well, we enter into a discussion here of supermortal interest, because the opinions that I will discuss, the need for opinions, that is, will have to do with meaningful values, rather than the opinions that everyone has, which constitute drivel because they are insignificant.


Opinions are a part of the process of ascertaining your perceptions. They are a way of interjecting your perceptions into the social arena in order to try them on for size, in order to find out who is with you and who is against you. Who agrees with your opinion and who takes exception to your opinion will tell you how other people's perceptions weigh against your own.


I will not discourage you from your opinions or your opining, for this is very much like the process engaged in when an artist takes up the brush to create a masterpiece. Each brush stroke has something to offer. Even though one brush stroke by itself may say nothing, as it is set next to other strokes, with other colors, the overall dynamic begins to take shape, and so we have the shape that has been created by the group through its combined opinions, and I ask you to look around, then, and see, what your opinion has contributed to creating?


I am working with you in terms of the correcting time, that is to say, we Teachers are intent upon working with you to help you correct your perceptions, to include the consciousness of the Divine in your lives in all you do, in order that the consciousness of the God of all creation can be a part, again, of meaningful life for all its creation.


This is not only in your personal religious experience, but as it is played out on the social canvas, in the political picture, a part of the global paradigm of going from one perception of reality to another, and so as we up-step the mind of the individual, naturally this will stimulate the development of the up-stepping of other individuals and ultimately will up-step the entire globe.


None of this is outside of God’s purview. None of it is outside our interests. Remember when Teacher Ham initially announced the opening of the circuits and the beginning of the correcting time, he indicated that these changes and these teachings would infiltrate the educational system, the economic structure, the very philosophies of living, it would enter into science and religion, it would become a part of all of the fabric of humanity, all the schools of thought that have been bereft of the guidance and counsel of the Material Son and Daughter and the benefits of the initial civilization of Dalamatia which was lost to you through the Lucifer Rebellion.


This entails a tremendous amount of invigorated involvement in every walk of life, every fiber of planetary existence, and thus we will encounter myriad opinions and they will change from day to day as perceptions change, but to put forth your opinion is like wetting the tip of your finger and holding it up to see which way the wind is blowing. The wonder of it is, the individual who is truly growing will be open to allowing his opinion to be modified according to the winds of change which come into its consciousness that provide food for thought and soulful consideration of the paradigm of reality from what was to what can be.


Now, we are talking to religionists. I am speaking to you as students of spirit reality and as that spirit reality impacts the life you live and the planet you live on. Therefore, I will respect the fact of your opinion because it reveals to me the perception of reality that you have at this time. Thus, if you are a good student of the teachers, you will not “slam” someone for having the opinion they do, but will appreciate the character of the individual who holds the opinion in order to ascertain how that opinion was formed.


You must become as the Ancients of Days, and determine from that vantage point the background of the individual, the conditioning they have experienced, culturally, educationally, intellectually, socially, financially, religiously and otherwise, for all of these brush strokes will have contributed to create the portrait of the person you see who has opined in such a way as you feel compelled to respond, in such a way as you, the art critic, have chosen to point out the flaws in the brush strokes of your friends and neighbors.


In other words, my friends, it is not a crime to have an opinion. Opinions are to be encouraged, for he who has no opinion has not been thinking, has not done any thinking of his own. For surely you can appreciate that if you are hearing someone voice an opinion, which is merely mouthed words from an opinion he has heard from someone else but which lacks substance, which is perhaps merely an emotional platform, which is not an opinion but an emotion, you will know how to deal with that. You will be able to set that aside as having relatively little value as compared to the thinking individual who truly opines the philosophy that has been felt in his heart and mind and soul, as contributory to value.


The individual who seeks to advance value will remain open to other opinions. He has not fixed his opinion into a set belief, but remains open to growth and development. And this is a good student; one who is flexible enough to allow his opinion to not be the bottom line and the end result of all his studies, but a mere supposition of reality based upon what he knows thus far, given the information he has encountered to date. This leaves the way open to further discourse and further investigation and further development of respect for your fellows who think and who have the tenacity to stick with the issue until it is revealed what the divine way will reveal -- which is the way that will provide light for all to see. Whether that is in education, economics, ecology or whatever.


To disregard someone’s opinion is to disregard their very existence, in terms of your relative incompleteness, the fact of your mortal stature. If you were God, if you were completely perfect, if you were evolved to Paradise and beyond, it would be different, but you are all in a state of becoming. You are all advancing and developing. Therefore, none of you know all absolute truth.


It is a great man who can listen to the simple opinions of the simple-minded and respect the fact of those opinions, even when he knows there is so much more to truth. This is like the wise parent who will sit down with his child, who babbles and tells phantasmagorical stories of wonder and amazement, but which -- while appropriate for the child mind, is inadequate for the hunger of the adult who craves greater substance -- gives the young mind an opportunity to grow. Just as you give the young soul an opportunity, for all of these contribute to the development of the human being, and this world is indeed comprised of human beings.


Human beings are what will right the wrongs of the world and carry forward the evolution of humanity, the combined races and genders and cultures of your planet and of any planet. Therefore, think. Think deeply and well. Not merely mouthing the opinions that you have heard from others. Not merely carrying forward the opinions that have been handed down to you through tradition. But that you are in the process of developing as you develop your own reality, for in this way you are able to forge your own growth and the growth of others as you pass by.


I like to keep relativity in mind. Not only in this context, but in all contexts. Any absolute statement can be taken at face value, but in the end, even absolutes must be given a frame of reference of relativity, for in the context of eternity, all things are modifying and changing. Even, for example, the idea that beliefs lack reality as Bob said I said. They lack reality as compared to something. They don’t lack reality completely. This element of relativity is sometimes taken to the nth degree, to the point where nothing is meaningful anymore.


Yet you are creatures of time and space and as creatures of time and space you must surely appreciate the value of relativity, for while you have attained certain assurance in one area, you have yet to begin to investigate others. And while you may have attained a degree of perfection in one skill, you may be completely artless in another. This does not wash out your growth. It does not negate your accomplishments thus far. It merely indicates the relativity that you must consider when you consider … anything!


The early mortal races tend to think in terms of black and white, all or nothing at all, forever or never. And this yin yang approach fails entirely to appreciate the variegated and kaleidoscopic variation of potential that exists within you each for your own enjoyment and edification. Marry yourself not to one point of view. This makes you myopic. It curtails your appreciation of other points of view. It leaves you wanting for relationship with others. It allows you only to be one stray blob of enamel far away from the canvas of life that is depicting human growth today. Join the human condition. Have an opinion. And do everyone a favor; have it be an opinion that you have generated by and through your own mind.


Now I have completed my professorial duties. What would you like to discuss today? Have you questions regarding the lesson itself?


Myra:                         A statement, Tomas. Before we started the meeting, Men-O-Pah had in his prayer, “where two or three are gathered in my name, there you also are” and when you started talking about opinion, I started thinking about … if people did not have opinions, or share opinions, there would be no conversation! Because, I know, I was trying to think of a conversation I have had in perhaps the last week which did not include opinion and I cannot think of one. And so, that brought me to the thought that … that is why we are a spiritual family, because we need each other… and that opinions then become very, very important because those opinions almost become like rungs on a ladder, because when we get other people’s input, it is the input that helps us grow from step to step. I think that is the first time I have put that together as a need. As human beings, we are communal people. So when you were talking about opinion today, it was the first time, I think, that I put that together of how much I really needed other people, but it wasn’t a question, it was just a statement about what I learned, what I got out of today’s lesson.


TOMAS:        I’m glad you got that out of today’s lesson, and that my words and Bob’s question have sparked this recognition within you. But I assure you that you have had additional help for your mind from perhaps the Quickeners of Morality and other spirit entities that enable you to grasp certain concepts that will enhance your appreciation of the greatness of the adventure we are embarked upon. Upon this tremendous experience of discovering how vast and magnificent the spiritual experience is. And living is a spiritual experience, just as thinking is a vital part of this experience. For in our thoughts, in our thinking, in our mind is where we mull over those concepts, which we assimilate or discard according to our current growth needs.


There are many wonderful thoughts that come your way that you haven’t time to deal with now. Just as if you were receiving Christmas gifts, you receive opinions from people night and day. From the television, from the newspaper, from the telephone, from your personal companions, from your associates, even from strangers whose voices waft in and out of your consciousness, floating on the air waves of time and space.


Many of these are deflected and cast aside, not because they are uninteresting, but because you haven’t got room for them right now, just like many Christmas presents are quite marvelous baubles and pleasant detractors but you haven’t time for them now. It is appropriate that you should set them aside until a time when you are tired of thinking and you choose to divert yourself in amusement, at which time you are able then to pull out the thoughts you were able to set aside from your earlier context, to now muse in enchanting delight. And vice versa.


There are those who are only able to deal with the glitz and shiny baubles of reality right now, and who set aside those ponderous thoughts of philosophy or theology or psychology that require grown-up thinking or advanced application. And yet these thoughts are waiting in abeyance for that childlike mind to begin to hunger for greater truth, beauty and goodness; for a greater appreciation of morality, ethics, responsibility; and they will present themselves because the Great Giver On High will provide the ministering spirits opportunities to impart these ideas to you later down the road when you are ready for further development.


The universe is busy helping you become more than you were, indeed, all that you can be. And yes, it is true, people do need each other, but they don’t always understand why. That entire concept of the gregariousness of humanity is one I will perhaps set aside for another day, but the organism of advancing humanity is an incredibly interesting discussion, which reveals more about your contribution to the development of your world’s approach to these matters, which will bring earth to light and life, to a point of leisure and peace, which then gives rise to foresight and a yielding to the higher drives held yet in abeyance as we await the dissolution of these turbulent times.


So much more lies ahead, and you will certainly play a part in the planet’s advancement, as you are now today contributing, by opening yourself to the concepts that I am given from On High to implant in your mind, in order for you to be stimulated to develop those new opinions within your own consciousness that can then be spread like seeds upon the field of potential, for your planet and its inhabitants.


Thank you, Myra. It is good to hear from you. I enjoy your participation in our classroom discussion, for as a teacher, a fellow teacher, you provide for me a certain innate camaraderie. I like to think you are attending Continuing Education courses here. Not as if I am providing a new field for you, but an extension of the one you have been practicing all along. This is good for you as well, for it allows you to accept that which you bring to the classroom – not as a new student, but as one who is already well embarked upon the process of education. And appreciative of the roles the teacher plays in the life of its students and the relationship that we share with each other as fellow teachers. Even so, I enjoy having you as a student, as well, for you uphold the learning curve in our classroom.


Myra:                         Thank you. I enjoy being your student, and I really like it when I don’t fall asleep. [Group chuckles.]


TOMAS:        Yes, well, I will no feel remiss. I was admonished many years ago that when students fall asleep in my class, it is because they have been carried away by another dominant energy, and this is not to cast negative aspersions on my abilities as a teacher, but to acknowledge the greater need that was met through my ministrations with the rest of the class while you went somewhere else you needed to go. That may be into restful sleep or into morontia travel of some sort. Whichever way is not my concern. I am also feeding your subconscious mind, and so you cannot escape it.


Myra:                         Good.


Men-O-Pah:  I love the words, “Marry yourself not to the single opinion. It will make you myopic.” Nothing short of profound.


Thoroah:         Yeah.


TOMAS:        alt="" />These adages that you pull out of the teacher lessons are yet another product of the process we engage in that can be made material and mounted on the wall, reinforcing again the initial concept I brought to class today, that God is not far off in his heavens; he is here with you and where you are. And one of the things that we will do (and are doing) is taking God from that lofty perch and making him part of the fiber of your daily lives. The more God becomes a part of your cultural consciousness, the quicker we will see light and life.


Therefore, flood the environment with truth, beauty and goodness, in whatever manifestation you perceive. For this helps brighten the path and lighten the load of those who carry the delightful burden of the Master, that we lift up our countenance to promote: the love of God and the joy of service in all we do.


Paula: Well, you know these lectures and our participation in them, these impressions, keep our minds active and I think they add a great deal to us, each one, individually.


TOMAS:        I accept your apple [Group chuckles] and will set it on my desk to proudly show my peers. You are precious to me, Paula. And all of you: those of you who are here and those of you today who are absent; those of you also who have been here and those of you who will return. Many of you who have not yet come within the sound of my voice or the sound of the voices of angels will one day come to hear the harmonious tones of spirit which sing to all that siren song, “Follow me.”


Let us be on our way then, to enjoy the day and to carry forth the lessons learned, the opinions that will germinate and formulate from today’s theology, and the happiness we share in this Family of God. Amen. And farewell.


Group:            Farewell. See you next week, Tomas. Thank you




[End of Vol. VI, 2003 Part 3 of 3]