The Voice; Monjoronson - Adjuster Series - 0913; 0927; Oct 11, 2007 - Teleconference

Subject: Lightline Teleconference 9-13-07 . ..Adjuster Series
Teachers: the Voice, Monjoronson
T/r: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, we create this arena in this moment together that we would invite you in and your emissaries of light that you bring into this process with us. We desire to come before you and seek you in this moment, in this very time to reach the assurance that you reach back in our direction. We are in gratitude for all that we have but still we would ask for a little more that we might be finer than we are and we come to you in faith that you hear our request and will meet us in this forum that we create. Thank you.

The Voice: I accept your invitation of the hour and will adhere to your theme of this meeting. I am this ones voice here to further discuss our relationship. There were many truths spoken in casual conversation as we built up to this moment of interaction in this fashion and I will point out that the nuggets of truth are in fact truth no matter who were the messengers that were in position to deliver the message. As you referenced, there is an ever fluxing relationship that is always in a state of change and at any given moment it is hard to draw any definition as to where any one aspect leaves off and another begins. Much like the air in your home it is difficult to say whether the air is distinct in one room and different in another room.

Where do you draw the line of definition of where the air changes from being the air in one room to being the air in another. Such is your challenge in drawing distinction where your contribution of personality leaves off and your partners contribution of guidance begins. You have grown up in company with this inner voice and so it is part of your internal environment for as long as you can recall and so just like the environment of your home it is difficult to distinguish in your inner environment where these boundaries may exist.

This effort to distinguish where the mortal contribution may begin is a result of your mindset that anything that is mortal in nature is limited and subject to fault and corruption. In your life experience there have been many instances where you have defined mortal faults and frailties and so in your universe of understanding there is not allowance made that it is possible to act in divine partnership, that somehow bringing the mortal component in derails the divinity, obscures the beauty and endangers the truth. But it is part of the divine plan that these two components of self, the mortal and the divine not only work together in harmony but become as one. The traits of the two combined into the traits of the one. The aspects of each combined into the aspects of the whole.

It does not serve you to not make room for your own divinity. You are children of the First Source and Center and as such you have a birthright. The children grow up to resemble the parents. This is your destiny. If you do not concede that this is a potential for you then it is not. Therefore begin to change your minds as to what is possible, what is proper, what is potential, what is ideal and focus on opening your mind's potential to these things. Make every attempt to forsake your limiting thoughts of self that you can never, that you will never because all things are possible when you are engaged in spirit and you are the ones who choose. But, you cannot choose if you have drawn your lines in the sands and have defined your parameters that exclude these concepts of grandness.

You are as you will choose. I encourage you to choose the highest, the best, the most beautiful, the biggest ideal, to focus on these things. They represent your potential which as a result of your choice becomes your actual experience. You have been misled in your lives as to your true nature and divinity and it is time that these veils of misunderstanding are lifted and that you each come into a new realm of relationship with your onboard partner, with your inner voice, your "Me" presence.

I will take my leave now after having greatly enjoyed the opportunity to plug into this circuitry at this time. I withdraw to allow for others who would as well cherish the use of this forum, thank you.

Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson and I do greatly enjoy the opportunity to approach you in this manner through this forum that you create for this opportunity. You have been told repeatedly that these are thrilling times, that we are fortunate enough to be here together and you still ask yourselves what is all the excitement about. Everything appears the same to you changing in very slow increments. Life appears as it has appeared for thousands of years and so I could not expect you to share our sense of enthusiasm over the times that we are living in but I will tell you once again that these are magnificent times that we will all cherish as we have them among our experiences.

You all sense that there is much transpiring on our side of the curtain and you are correct but these matters that we attend to are not your affairs. We are performing our role largely behind the scenes at this time and laying our plans that we may fully implement the mandate of Michael to bring this planet into the stages of light and life. We have told you that these are times of epic change and that you will see much transpire before your eyes that you cannot even dream of at this time but all these are just so many words and descriptions and potentials that you cannot fully embrace. That is as it should be for your mission is singular to yourselves at this time. You must devote your energies to your internal environment of the self, your citadel of the soul.

We have had many lessons involving developing your skills and honing your tools for making your ascent and you have collected your tools and you are ready to play your parts. Now is when it is needed that you develop your self discipline. You are the ones ultimately in charge of your person and your serviceability relies on your own discipline and subsequent skill at controlling your inner environment. The more things may appear different on the outside, the more things can stay the same on the inside. When you practice your stillness, when you provide yourselves with the necessary rest and nutrition, when you exercise the function of your vehicle and become good stewards of yourself, then you are truly worthy servants, rested, ready to go, trained and this happens not by decree from on high but by the individual concern for the self.

So each of you take time to invest in yourselves. Any team is only as good as the individual players and they are only as good as they have trained, practiced, rested and disciplined themselves to function. There is very little that you can do about anything out there that transpires out in the world but there is everything that can be done when you devote your energies and attention to becoming the best individual light anchor that you can, positioning yourselves as beneficially as you can, maintaining yourselves as effectively as you can. This we cannot do, this you must do.

So as an exercise I would suggest that each of you hold internal counsel with your self and reconsider your daily habits and conditions under which you operate, to make allowance for behaviors and habits which are more beneficial to you. In a way it is your service to the grand universe that you see to it that your own individual universe is tidy and kept and exercised and nourished and loved. This is the extent of your sphere of influence and once this is effected, you may be truly great contributors to the restructuring of the larger universe out there.

As I have stated before, your roles are individual and personal and the roles assigned to others deal in areas of larger scope but these are not your conditions at this time, rather it is enough for you to be about getting your own house in order that you may be the most effective servant when there is a call put out that you respond to. I would conclude my remarks with those and ask if there were any contributions or questions that might be added to this forum at this time....

I would respond to one question offered earlier regarding in what manner and under what circumstances does one receive guidance and help from the universe at large and from any particular individuals on my side of the curtain. To this I will answer that any and every means will be used to assist you and provide you with the guidance and direction that you seek. You choose the how, the when and the where and if your intentions are sincere and your desires are pure to receive, then there will be utilized every means to make this communication with you; that is we are bound by your tools and your methods and your parameters of understanding and if you approach us with a given scenario of how you are choosing for this contact to occur and for your communication to transpire, then we will bend over backwards so to speak, to speak your language, to use your tools, to honor your systems.

These are the systems of your choosing, the methods of your desire, the methods that you believe. When you activate these choices then our latitude is increased and we are able to flow with you in your methods and that is why you observe so many different ways in which people receive their contact. You may decide to journal, you may decide to approach in stillness, you may decide to turn over cards that will bring you a message, you may desire to look in your teacups at the remaining tea leaves and if your prayers are sincere and if your heart is fully engaged, you may expect some honoring of your process, of your choices that you may choose to believe and create.

Likewise, many of you observe with great respect, messages from celestial personalities such as myself, and then you find yourself challenged that this avenue you have created and accepted and opened may as well contain things which you are not of conviction about and you must use your discernment. But you are the creators in this scenario of how this happens. You create this opportunity in this moment to hear these words and throughout your days you create the avenues that you use to approach all of your life and this makes you part of the process. This makes you instrumental in the process. The process literally exists as a result of your choosing it so how can you not be involved, how could you not be associated, how could there not be you in the equation when literally your whole reality has been up to you.

Do not shy away from the fact that you are involved, you are engaged. This is part of your process. Bring your contribution boldly into the equation and always seek to align yourself with the will of the First Source and Center for that is your balance to know that you are on the right track. As long as you are seeking your guidance, as long as you are opening your doors to this potential, then we can rush in with whatever means you will allow.

I sense the hour has grown long and if there are no further contributions this evening then I will release you from your studies and remind you that there is nothing to go and do but there is a great deal that you may be. Do not worry about forcing your experience by doing what you think is necessary and in so doing your role is fulfilled; rather become what you would do and in this way relax into it. Free yourself from the busyness and the earnest application of the doing and allow yourself the grace and the peace of being. Thank you for this opportunity that I cherish for us to be together. I withdraw now, thank you.



Teleconference September 27, 2007
Subject: Lightline Teleconference 9-27-07...adjuster Series
Teachers: Mark Rogers, the Voice, Monjoronson
T/r: Mark Rogers

Prayer: Divine Parents, once again we would desire you join us as we encircuit ourselves. We would ask you to come and join our circuit with us and we understand that by forming this circuit we are in fact joining your circuit. And so it is that we come together with this intention. We are the space between You, Mother Earth and You, Father Sky. We are the intervening gap and we would offer ourselves to connect these circuits together and to infuse this connection with our love for you. We wish you the very best and we understand there is stress and we would offer our love as the lubrication to ease the stress of our species and race and the impact they have on You, our Mother, our environment. We ask you to take our love, our collective intention and drink this cup with us, to share this moment of gratitude and peace and love that we are creating. We do this with intention and sincerity and we are certain that you hear our petitions and would accept our offerings. And so it is that we activate this grid, we fire this grid once again even now in this moment. So it is that we are confident in faith that you would join us, and it is so.

Mark: Once again I seek this evening to push the boundaries of this experimental platform that we create. I had occasion this morning to petition to know, to be granted some perspective on what might happen this evening and what happened as a result of my petition was instruction to do some journaling. I have mentioned before that I consider journaling one of the keys to bridging the gap that we're all trying to do and explore in this process. It is one way, certainly not the only way, but it is one avenue that we can use and one that I have found successful in my own seeking and searching.

So it is that I sat down this morning with this intention in mind and wondered what might happen. By way of example I am going to read what I got in response. Then after that we will see what happens. I begin my journaling sessions with a meditation, and a prayer of course and then I formulate a posture and it's usually in the form of a statement or a question as to where I am in that moment to get the ball rolling. I'm positive that my indwelling Voice does not need me to spell out for Him where I am but I think it's more for me to lay out what 's happening. I began with a statement from myself:

Mark: My dear friend, companion, guide and partner on this journey, I sit here pen in hand awaiting the connection I have with you when I position myself to accept and receive from you in this manner. I pray and I petition your presence in an effort to open myself up to my contact with you even though I know that you are with me always and that it is I who need repositioning to just be with you. I pray now that whatever the gap is, it may be bridged at this time and I accept in faith that this is so even now.

The Voice: Well done my friend, companion and partner as you have just made real your desires as a cocreative being and now the circuit may be opened and the energy may flow and you are in a position to receive that which you seek which is also that which I seek. Even now you feel the shift in energy as I am invited to swoop in and join you in this manner and we two may become as one heart, even as one mind as we join efforts in this pursuit. The presence that indwells the mortal companion is ever watching for that door to open and to be consciously invited in and when this break occurs we rush in to fulfill the longings of both the soul and the Voice.

As you have encountered in your own experience, the relationship is clearly designed to provide you, the mortal partner to call the shots, to choose the how and the when this partnership may bloom and flourish. It is a tribute to your divine parents that they have provided the opportunity for you to act in such a creative capacity and in so doing give you the chance to become cocreative with divinity. If this were not so you would merely be manifesting the ideals of your parents without providing your will and intention into the process thereby revealing your own identity.

Indeed the grand plan to which we both belong is infused with potential to create great beings as we witness in these exercises together. And so it is that you choose in this hour to bridge the gap as you call it, in this way with pen and paper and I then honor your choice and join you in this method. But you know as well there are unlimited methods that may be used to create an approach or to bridge the gap. These are miraculous times and you are miraculous beings that are just now discovering your potentials and relationships to your own heritage. In choosing to come out of your shells and into greater awareness, you activate the latent potentials that are lying dormant awaiting your recognition.

This is as it should be, as it was designed and as you choose to create it as we go along. I am grateful for any avenue of expression that allows us to be closer in this journey together. Be at peace and be in love for it is there in that space that we meet and commune and even communicate if you so desire. I will forever crave your glance in my direction and patiently await these moments with you although that may happen far more frequently that you are aware of at this time. All is well my dear one and is getting better every day, every hour. Now, be still and know that We Are God.

Mark: At that point I was overcome with emotion and I put forth this question. Why do I recoil at a statement such as this? When I believe all that you say, why is it so hard for me to believe this?

The Voice: Relax, be at peace. You are simply unaccustomed to assuming such an identity but nevertheless it is true and you are growing to accept it more and more, day by day. You more easily assign this role to Me but as you know we are becoming one and if I Am, then We are. It's okay, just be still with it and you will know in time the reality of this great truth. Just say thank you and accept.

Mark: That was the extent of the message I received this morning and now I feel the presence again and so I would invite The Voice to continue with this gift that I received this morning.

The Voice: Greetings I would accept your invitation once again, over and over, forever and always I will be there awaiting this invitation. I will never fail to accept it and to join you as your request is my request. I would speak for one moment about your mortal perspectives. You are engaged in constant evaluation and determination as to your relative position in your species, in your gender, in your nation, in your town, in your family. You are constantly orienting yourselves in relation to the others and in so doing you are necessarily limiting your concept of self by your association with the standards of human affairs and conduct and achievements and awareness.

There is an almost overwhelming desire to be one of the herd, one of the tribe, one who belongs with the others and if you see yourselves as too distinct, too different there is a fear that is deep within you that has you recoil at the idea of distinction. You would rather be well associated with your peers than to be the distinct individual that you are and this is completely normal and natural as a result of your experiences to date. But when you enter into the spiritual arena there is lifted from you the condition that you must conform and be like the others for in the spiritual realm no two are the same and this is a cause for celebration and a cause to rejoice.

When you engage your potential and you flower, you bloom, your colors will be your own, your tones will be your own for no other in all the universe has your combination exactly. And while you may have basic tendencies and similarities in structure you are designed to create a new and different version of divinity in your lives. It is not desired that you line yourselves up and conform and look alike and be alike, rather you are each one as snow flakes, no two being exactly the same and yet all comprising the beautiful sparkling mantle of snow. This is the beauty that has been designed for you to experience and so as you each one go about growing your unique crystal, be not afraid to differentiate your own shades, your own hues, your own shapes as this is your gift.

There are no wrong expressions, there is no incorrect avenue of approach, there is no faulty portrayal of your divine self; rather there is beauty that exists in the differentiation that is witnessed as you simply grow and express your individual self. You have just been provided of one example of one technique. It is my loyal companions effort to offer you an example, a suggestion but it is only an example that is appropriate for him in his development at this stage in his evolution. It is a helpful tool, it is one of many tools in the toolbox. Do not consider that this is suggested as a mandatory approach or as the only tool to be used for you as an individual will choose your own method to bridge your gaps and all methods will be fostered, will be utilized, will be accepted.

You are the creators, the choosers, the ones who decide the how and the where and the when so be not afraid to choose your own how, your own when. Every sincere effort will meet with success and so you are thus assured of your success from the onset of your attempts. But your success may require patience. You are engaged in a time and space dimension and your experience in this dimension is to be cherished and as part of this experience you must choose your way and make your way through the apparent darkness by faith, with intention and allowing patience that your evolution is in fact ongoing and your stage that you find yourself in is where you should be else you would not be there. But it is okay to desire that your pint can hold a quart for that is how you increase your capacity, through your desires, through your choosing to pursue your desires but be not hard on yourselves when your recognize that you are a pint at times.

You may be a pint that is filled to the brim, even to the overflowing and your continued efforts surely increase your capacity until upon looking back after some time and experience has passed you recognize that your capacities are greater now than they were and they will be greater still than they are now. Be patient with yourselves, be kind to yourselves. Know that you are destined to be divine beings by virtue of your very desire. As you seek, so you will find, as you choose, so it will be, as you desire so shall it become.

As was stated, these are miraculous times and the greatest of all miracles is you, the individual who chooses the divine path; and so accept your role to play and relax into it. Ease yourself into this posture so that you may the more enjoy the journey and savor the experience. There is no rush or hurry to arrive at any given destination; rather the real treasure is gathered along the way in your experience, in your opportunities to create. Truly we both are blessed in the journey and I share with you the attitude of gratitude and appreciation and I would accept your invitation to drink of this cup and offer you as well a toast to your success and it shall be so, it is so even in this moment. I would contain my remarks at this point and savor this moment with you. I step back and offer any who would this forum at this time, thank you.

Monjoronson: Greetings, I am Monjoronson here as well to accept your invitation, to savor this experience with you. You have heard a great many things about my mission, about the importance of the times in which we live, about grand universal plans but I am here to affirm for you that the greatest of all plans is being manifested even now in this moment as you present yourselves to receive your inner guide. All universe plans are subservient to the master plan from The First Source and Center that you find Him in you no matter what else may transpire. In terms of good works and service opportunities there is none greater than the service that you do to the First Source and Center when you choose to partner with His representative that is within you.

The whole of the gigantic enterprise is geared around this goal and as lofty and broad as plans may be for a universe or a planet or a species, they all are second to goal number one; identification with The First Source and Center and your return trip thereto. That is why you command such regard from us and from a universe at large for you are engaged in objective number one and all universe assistance will be granted you when you accept this opportunity and follow this course. You consider yourselves as individuals, small and unworthy of our attention or our assistance but my dear ones, you are the students for whom the school was built and we will always honor the primary objective of the classroom which is to foster your awareness that this is so and that you are thus engaged as designed.

I appreciate and accept all of your gestures that you would offer and make in your desires to be of service to me, to Michael, to Mother and we will certainly accept all your offers but these spring from your original objective; when you find your heritage and assume your role as one attached to a fragment of divinity then you are naturally led to offer your service in gratitude. But that is not why you are here. You are present at this time to fulfill one goal only; to partner with your divine fragment thus becoming divine and to gather your experience so that The First Source and Center may gain your experience as well. This is your true opportunity for service and the true and only thing that you have to offer in return for all the grace that has been bestowed upon you.

But many are led to work for the greater plan and offer themselves for larger service than the self and this is well and good insofar as that it does not distract from objective number one for you can only be in true service when you have first serviced the self. So I applaud your efforts to explore avenues such as this where you may more closely identify your individual roles and your collective roles as what you do for yourselves you do for all. There has been much offered this evening for you to grasp. I would desire at this time to open the arena up and so if there are any comments or questions or observations then I would certainly cherish the opportunity that they be shared at this time.



Teleconference October 11, 2007
Subject: Lightline Teleconference 10-11-07 Adjuster Series
Teachers: Mark Rogers, the Voice, Monjoronson
T/r: Mark Rogers

Mark/Prayer: As I sit here with a small electronic device in my hand and speak into it in faith that you all can hear me, I have a vision of us, each one at our individual posts, as conduits, as light anchors to be used by spirit to infuse spirit into our material realm. I would take this opportunity to petition on our collective behalf, that this be brought more fully into our awareness and consciousness at this moment that we might exercise our position to do just that, to be these light anchors, to act as the conduit of spirit into our material world through each one of us. As it passes through us our very vibration is raised, our energy level is changed and we become through an act of our will, an instrument of The Father above. Truly those who know are aware how blessed we are to be planted in such a way, to be positioned in such a fashion so as to offer ourselves to this process. We ask that we may be used in such a way to elevate the vibration of the entire planet, of our home, of our womb that we find ourselves in in this life in this time. We do this with intention and sincerity and in faith that this is so even in this hour.
I would as Mark also make a collective petition that we open the door to this particular arena right now to make way to give our individual Voices, our inner guides, our gifts from on high, an environment where we welcome them in this moment and open ourselves up to the potentials and possibilities that are inherent as part of our nature and birthright. I ask that we do this in this moment and with open hearts willingly receive the results of such an extension of our faith and surely it will be so.

The Voice: I am pleased to greet you this evening and by your invitation, I am this ones voice but I may speak for the collective, for all Voices, all inner guides, all "Me" presences are joined in circuitry and are fragmented from One Source. I acknowledge the path that has just been created in this moment. This began with the thought, the idea that such a path should be undertaken and that it would be appropriate and right to do so. This idea, or this ideal was then given voice, was made into the word and was expressed out into the universe. This then was followed by the deed, the action of preparing your individual selves to receive, of aligning yourselves with the path you have chosen. And having followed these steps of the thought, the word, and the deed you truly do manifest the reality that you desire.

And so it is that you are powerful creators in your own right. You have all that is necessary to manifest reality and bring your thoughts into form, into expression as you enjoy in this very moment. You have created this bridge and with it you have bridged the gap that you perceive between from where you are and where you desire to be in spirit. The universe awaits your declaration of how you will proceed and acknowledges your freewill choice as your valid method of choice and all assistance will be rendered to all of those who obey these universal laws and who understand the pathways to take to achieve those results. This in not magic or shrouded in mystery but rather basic universe principles of which you have been informed and as such they are available to all who will adhere to their conditions.

And so it is that you are learning how to put the pieces of this puzzle together to achieve the desired results of spiritual projection and the manifestation of those realities that you would hold as ideas or ideals. Such are yours to be made real through the use of these universal laws. Once you fully embrace your connection to this process you will see yourselves in a different light and you will know of a certainty of your connection to your inner aspect of divinity. Long into your universal career you will join forces with your inner component of divinity and become as one, in fact become one divine entity together. In the intervening time between your experience here now in time and space and this ultimate achievement before you, there is great experience to be gained and great skills to be mastered and certainly you who assemble in this classroom at this time are eager students to be about this task of discovery and mastery of your as yet latent and dormant potentials.

From my perspective I see your efforts as a grand offering to the design offered by the First Source and Center on your behalf. You step forward one by one to individually to embrace this design and to offer yourselves as followers of this pattern. Each offering that you make is a tribute to your Father above who has provided you with this grand design and all that is required for you to access it and implement it in your own individual ascension careers. It is such a joy to witness your individual approaches as your distinct and separate aspects of personality are combined with your divine fragments and the result is a unique and individual path on this collective journey.

It is like an enormous waterfall that has fallen from on high and each individual drop has fragmented, no two taking the same route as they journey to the inevitable collecting pool at the end and become one again.
It is a great privilege and honor to be allowed and provided with this opportunity to interface with you in this manner. It is one of the miracles we are to be grateful for as we proceed in this time of miracles and ideals made manifest. I would encourage each and every one of you to seek the presence of your indwelling guide in whatever manner you may find yourselves comfortable with knowing that your indwelling voice will be trying as hard or harder than you are to bridge this gap with you, to find a way to make their presence known to you that you may distinguish them as an aspect of yourself, not separate and outside of you but onboard and along for the ride with you; so close that you are often in unconscious exchange with this onboard partner.

If you will but allow yourselves the freedom to embrace this reality then you will surely begin to discern this subtle distinction between you and realize that your inspired thoughts are filled with your partners energy, that your very internal dialog contains conversations between your onboard partner and your resident mind. When you are in a reflective mode, you are in fact reflecting back and forth between your two natures or the two aspects of yourself. When you are inspired with a thought which seems lofty and noble or inspirational, then you have just been touched and that thought may have been passed to you but you may not recognize that this thought has come from another source because it comes through your thought process, your brain, your mind and these are so familiar to you that anything that come through them is seen as the same old you.

But remind yourselves that your thoughts and your mind are the mechanisms through which you must express and therefore all that happens to you will be filtered through this mechanism of expression as is this message in this moment. You cannot divorce yourselves, that is your mind or your awareness from your other components. You are intertwined and this is by design. There is a great tendency to discredit yourselves because you are accustomed to hearing your mind chatter and ramble and so when there is inspired thought it is easy to discount that this must be more of the minds chatter. But upon reflection you often will discern that there was a different quality, an enhanced vibration, a distinct energy present during some of these thoughts. That is the partnership you seek to find.

It already exists, it is simply a matter of embracing the reality of its existence. Once you do this you may then boldly proceed forward in partnership. Until then you may be tempted to distinguish your conscious minds pattern and thereby discount some of your activities of partnership as simply the random rambling of the mind. If you could see yourselves as we see you, you would see that you are already in possession of that which you seek. It is so close to you that you simply do not discern it and its presence within you. But this will be your individual experience of discovery and this is to be celebrated, embraced and enjoyed for this is the greatest of all the grace that The Father has to bestow upon you. Your becoming aware of this gift is the greatest of all experiences that you seek.
That you will find this is not at issue, it is only the when and the how and under what circumstances that bring you the richness of experience that will be yours to keep forever and will be yours to present as your gift to The First Source and Center who has provided you with all. And so be in great joy that you are in this process of discovery and that the experience is to be savored. I remain in great joy to even be in observation of such grace in manifestation and will remain forever grateful for opportunities such as this to come together in this manner. I would withdraw at this time but I would join you in savoring this experience, thank you.

Monjoronson: I would rise as well to take the podium that you have created for this purpose. I am Monjoronson and I am as well honored to address you in this manner. You are indeed in the process of creating the miracles that we enjoy hour by hour, day by day. Your every choice provides you with new horizons and opportunities to unfold into the divinely endowed being that is your destiny. Many of you have been putting your ears to the ground as it were in attempts to pick up signals and observe the signs of the times and of the direction we are going and of that which lies ahead of us and as you have witnessed there are more and more signs to observe and information to gather as you open yourselves up to possibilities and potentials that are beyond your current limits of awareness and understanding.

You are true and faithful students of the truth and are making your attempts to follow where it may lead even into areas of doubt and uncertainty but you proceed ahead in faith and this faith is your protection as you venture out and discover new realities and unknown truths. If you remain in alliance with your divine parents, your universal Father and those who are entrusted with your ministry then you will remain protected and sheltered from harm as you explore new territories and venture out into areas unknown. Such is the scenario we observe at this juncture that we find ourselves together.

There are many paths that are leading from this place that we find ourselves and they are at once interesting and intriguing and as well intimidating and uncertain. But you who have come this far have grown to know of a certainty of the protection and the love that surrounds you as you proceed forward in faith. You may venture out upon these paths and trust that you will be safe in your journeys. It is only by being willing to press yourselves beyond your comfort zones that you may discover new realms of understanding, new arenas of awareness that you are currently unaware of but that very well may exist beyond your awareness.

You have been led to believe in your culture that you are aware by virtue of your scientific explanations and observations. You think you know how things are, based upon what you have been told by those who declare that they have figured it out. But you are, as you also know, a developing planet in its infancy and there is much more that you do not know than what you do know and many of your observations are partial and incomplete and do not encompass the greater dimensions of reality that exist. And such it is with your most basic observations of where you are in your galaxy, your solar system, your universe, even on your own world. There is much that you do not know but if you remain open to potentials and possibilities you may be made aware of realities that exist beyond your current limits of understanding.

These may be brought to you by your inner Voice, they may come to you by virtue of communications with those from another realm. They may find their way to you as you are enjoying this communication in this moment and if you are willing, if you are open, you may in fact grow in your awareness beyond the scope of what you or your culture have observed. Such is true about planetary events that surround you. Everything is alive and in a state of flux and change. Your very body, your very planet, universe, solar system, sun, stars and all that you perceive are in a state of change and flux. Nothing remains static in this living, breathing system that you are a part of.

And so you may expect change in all dimensions from the very atomic structure of your being to the atomic structure of your planet and your neighboring spheres as well. If you had the benefit of the lifespan of a billion years this observation would be commonplace to you as you would see great changes occur in every aspect of reality but your perspective is minute and you judge all things as relatively stable and predictable because in your snapshots of life there has not been such radical change as would rearrange your definition. But even in such a short life as you live as mortals of the realm, you will see change. You notice change in your own vehicle, you notice change in your planetary environment, you perceive changes even in your weather and likewise there are changes that you do not perceive but nevertheless there are changes.

You happen to be living in a time where you will be exposed to changes of enormous magnitude that will be undeniable and your perspective of stability will most certainly be shaken. But it is no different whether it is the observation of the healing and ageing of your individual vehicle or your observation of the healing and ascension of your planet or your observation of your universe and its relative relationship; they are simply different examples of the same nature of change that exists throughout all living forms. I will remind you that this is where you have a role to play. If all things are in flux and all things change as you are becoming aware and if, as you are becoming aware you are powerful creators that can bring form and matter into existence and manifestation, then you are influential in this process of change, you are not victims of this change as much as you are participants in this process.

If you are participants and if you have awareness that this is so then I implore you to use your abilities and skills to focus your desires and intentions and to exercise your creative prerogatives to influence the change into the ideal that is now thought, that may become word and can become deed in your lives. The plans of a vast universe rest with you and although there is design and pattern and projection there is as well your will and desires and intentions to manifest your highest ideals and your greatest potentials. So be not afraid of any changes that are before you, rather see them as opportunities, as energy in flux that may be guided and directed and you are the directors, you are the choosers, you are the creators of the new way. The new reality will be yours and you will work in partnership with your divine fragments so that you are assured that you are in alliance with your highest ideals and the grandest version of yourselves.

And that is the prophesy to spread abroad. Yes, things will change and yes, you will help in this process of change to direct them to change in ways that are good and beautiful and true and you need fear not that all this is true because you will choose it to be so. I hope I have addressed your concerns about impending events which are in flux. As well I hope I have inspired you to rise to the occasion. I perceive that the hour grows long and so I would withdraw but I would remind you that I and the others are always with you in this project. We are on the same team and as members of the same team we have the same objective. We are enlisted in service to The Father, the great First Source and Center and so we are assured of our success. Thank you and farewell.