Bertrand; Signa - Teaching about Revelation - Aug 18, 1992 - Corona Del Mar, CA Group

Corona Del Mar California Teaching Group

August 18, 1992





Good evening, I am Signa, I am your teacher. I wish to welcome this beautifully expanding group this evening and send you all my love, my gratitude for inviting me here for this occasion. I will give the lesson this evening on revelation. When I am through, Bertrand will take your questions.

[SIGNA: Lesson On Revelation]08/18/92


Revelation, what is it?


Revelation is intended to bring to mortals information.


Information that it lost, information that it was about to know, and information concerning the cosmos. There are several types of revelation. Revelation can appear to an individual, through visions, through communications with one's Thought Adjuster, through extraordinary experiences.


This type of revelation is mostly of a personal nature, designed to increase the individual's awareness of spirit forces. There is also epochal revelation. An epochal revelation is of course much broader in scope, deeper in meaning, more illuminating in values, and can be had by all. There have been five epochal revelations on Urantia, each of them designed for a specific purpose.

[The UB & Teaching Mission Are The 5th Revelation]8/18/92

The fifth revelation of course, is The Urantia Book, and the Teaching Mission. As those of you who have read or heard some of Father Ham's teachings, you recognize that this Teaching Mission is but an additional quality added to the fifth revelation. It is not intended to be a revelation in and of itself. Therefore, very little revelatory information will happen during the Teaching Mission. Occasionally certain items may be adjusted or changed that appear in The Urantia Book. We call them updated, and that may be revelation. It also may be just the outliving and outpouring of truth, not revelation at all.


One of the important aspects of The Urantia Book, and as you know, all being readers seated here, there are many, but one is the cosmology of the universe. This is information that is lost to you now, it is earned information, it is information that had your forefathers had the means by which to carry on this knowledge, they would have done so. But because of the missteps of other revelation that has occurred, much of this knowledge of the history of Urantia has been lost. So, The Urantia Book fills in that earned knowledge.


Some of the information is information you have earned but do not yet know. That's the second group of information that is given in an epochal revelation. Some of the scientific data that is in The Urantia Book is information that had been learned when it was transmitted but had yet to be discovered. Some of Urantia students who have investigated the scientific nature of The Urantia Book have indeed seen where some of this information predated its actual human discovery. So you see, epochal revelation is very important because it gives you information to help you understand who you are and why you are here.


The Urantia Book also gives us one more important piece that has also been lost, yet earned, and those of course are the life and teachings of our . . . Sovereign, Michael of Nebadon. The presentation of this revelation concerning his pre-Urantia experience is truly beautiful and is studied by countless other worlds.


Revelation also, from time to time, augments evolutionary religion. When Machiventa was here, his teaching corps traveled to the corners of the earth, taking that revelation and adding its component to the existing evolutionary religions of the time. And if you were to look at each of those religions you can discern his touch, you can discern his teaching in each of them. And you can also discern the revelation in each of them.


Without revelation, evolutionary religion would stall. You would reach where you would understand a God concept, you would have a monotheistic religion, but it wouldn't have the adventure, it wouldn't have the service implications that are so strong in this revelation. For us, the teachers, to be personally involved in an epochal revelation on the planet is a joy beyond your comprehension.


We are exceedingly grateful for having been chosen as both teacher and student to this wonderful planet of Jesus' birth. We volunteered, we waited, we prayed, and we were chosen. Just one hundred of us at this time, and we embarked from the seventh mansion world on this adventure to Jesus' home planet.


We are totally in awe of what it must be to be a human involved in such a great and wondrous epochal revelation. That is my lesson for this evening. I will entertain several questions before turning it over to my brother Bertrand.



Thank you Signa. That was illuminating.



Signa I have a question. You had mentioned that you were in awe of we humans, but were you not human before your mansion world existence?


SIGNA Of course.



So you basically experienced what we are going through now.

[SIGNA: My Experience With Revelation Was Different Because . . . ]8/18/92


No, not in the same way. My home birth sphere was more normal in its evolution than Urantia. We were not part of the rebellion and so revelation that occurred was expected, was known, and was received joyously by all. It is a much different atmosphere to be on a planet that has had such an unusual history. There is so much, so very much, different about your evolution than a normal sphere, and you have come so far even in the face of it all that yes, we are in awe. It is much different. Does that answer your question? STUDENT Yes, thank you very much.

[Some Worlds Told We Have Urantia Book]

But They May Have Only The Jesus Papers]8/18/92



Signa, do people on other worlds read our Urantia Book?



Some worlds are aware of it, though only the Jesus section is studied. The first three sections of The Urantia Book are really specific to this world and, while historically have value in their study, they are not used as instructional material.



Do other worlds have a Urantia Book type of book with their world's history and then the Jesus papers at the end of it?



It is extremely rare to have a revelation appear as a written document. Most revelation is in the form of personality.


Well, I will turn this wonderful group over to Bertrand. I am, as I said, thrilled to be here. I am looking forward to a long and fruitful association with each of you, of deepening our friendship, of helping you to increase your spiritual natures, and do whatever I can to assist my brother Bertrand in this process. So, I bid you farewell for this evening.



[About Celebration of Jesus’ Birth]8/18/92

BERTRAND . . . . Yes. One moment [Pause] The celebration of Jesus' birth on Urantia is a grand occasion. It is a grand occasion for many, many reasons. It marks the beginning of Jesus' seventh bestowal; it marks the anniversary, of course, of his birth; it also marks the initiation of the fourth revelation to Urantia, and to man; it marks the beginning of the last episode in Jesus' career that allowed him to become a Master Son; it marks the beginning of a life led amongst the lowest of Jesus' creation that is an inspiration even to the highest. We are all quite excited about this occasion and each year to come. For it is a time when we will gather together and remember him. Remember him as he was, and as he is today. We will gather, you mortals, we teachers, together to his glory. We will celebrate a remembrance supper, that he is indeed present at. We will welcome our System Administrator, Gabriel, who will be in attendance to observe this joining of human and celestial to mark Jesus' birth anniversary. We do not know, at this time, whether Gabriel will chose to speak or to transmit a message, or even perhaps to be seen by mortal eyes. We are but ascending mortals, are as you. Only a slight step ahead. It is impossible for us to predict what a System Sovereign, System Administrator will chose to do. But, the latest information I have is, he will be there. Machiventa Melchizedek will be there. Ham, Abraham, teachers Arthur, Rayson, Bertrand (myself) and perhaps many others and all of your guardian angels, midwayers. We hope that our friend holding this gathering has enough room for us all. (Laughter)


As far as your own preparation...we have studied, and known of Gabriel, for most teachers, 1000 years. We have some idea of his power, his grandeur. But for you humans, his appearance could be truly a earth shaking event for you. So, we wish to minimize any problems that may cause. You may wish to meditate on this issue. You may wish to pray for guidance. You may wish to seek the Stillness and attempt communion with your Thought Adjuster. I was here during the pre-meeting and listened to your comments concerning kneeling before him. And I must admit, I feel as you; it will be difficult for me to stand in his presence also. Through James, through the other transmitter receivers, if his presence is not physically seen and his message is not physically heard, we will attempt to relay to you what we know and what we're allowed to tell you. Let it be a joyous occasion. Let it be filled with Jesus' spirit. That is all. . . . .

[About Gabriel’s Appearance To Mary]8/18/92


I have a question. I don't know if you know, but I'm going to ask you. When Gabriel appeared to Mary, did he in fact visually appear to her?



It was an effect that was created in conjunction with Mary's Thought Adjuster and numerous celestial agents that were there to make that visitation visible. Yes.


[1992 Is The 2000th Birth Year For Jesus]8/18/92



Bertrand, we were discussing earlier, whether this might be the 1998th anniversary or the 2000th anniversary. Could you confirm what year anniversary this would be of Jesus' birth?



One moment. [Pause] My sources indicate, 2000.

[Teaching Mission Reserve Corp]8/18/92



. . . . On the Ham tapes, I recall hearing some of the students discussing the fact that they were in the Reserve Corps, or Ham discussing being in the Reserve Corps. Is there a Reserve Corps set aside for the Teaching Mission? Can you tell us anything about that?



Yes. The students, regular believing students, of the Teaching Mission are in a special corps of the Reserve Corps. One of the special sections. There are approximately twelve altogether, Reserve Corps. The Teaching Mission occupies one of those twelve corps--Teaching Mission students.



Can you tell us what that will entail, at all?



It is all part of your teaching group, as you go along, and as the assignments are given, it's all wrapped up in what we are attempting to do with this Teaching Mission, part and parcel of that. . . . .

[Are Students Screened for Teaching Mission Use?]8/18/92



My understanding is, there is an ultimate goal on your part, all of you teachers, to prepare us for a mission here as individuals and/or as a group. And I'm wondering, my observation has been that everyone that's requested to join the group, the request has been granted. I'm wondering if there's any screening, or pre-selection process that goes on; if you are screening us to see if we are the right people to be carrying out this mission; or if you feel that anyone who comes here can be trained.



Yes. You have several questions. First, you are all being trained as teachers. What specific venue that teaching will take place, is yet to be determined. As far as screening is concerned, the screening protocol that is used in this group at the current time involves any individual suggesting a new student. That individual discusses, with that potential student, his belief level--perhaps, has him or her listen to some of the tapes or read transcripts, to ascertain how they feel about this process. Then, we as a group, have a discussion as to what we feel about how strong their belief is, how dedicated they will be to this Teaching Mission. And this is done as an open forum. At that point, the question is asked to me if I would accept a new member, and that happens. Thus, you are here.


There has been a single exception, with one student who presented herself in the form of a letter. But, it was seen that this letter was spoken from her heart. In some groups, in most other groups, eventually an individual will come forth who acts as a screener, a person who is the contact person for any potential new member, so that, if any existing new student has someone who is interested, then this screener person and the new student get together for an interview process or a discussion or a cup of coffee. The screener gets the feeling of who that individual is and then reports, through James, to me at a meeting and we make a decision at that time. That's the way it occurs in most of the other teaching groups around. This group is a little different because there is not that screener person available yet to do that process. Does that help?



Yes, sort of. I guess, actually, my question is this seems like such an important mission that I would have thought that someone at your level would be looking into the minds of the prospective members to see if they are really the right people for the job, instead of letting us mortals screen each other. But, I also have learned along the way that you can't look into our minds without our permission, so we'd almost have to be here before you could do that.



That is correct. That is the reason that the screener would be the person who meets with the person and then would come to the class and give me or Signa permission to screen that information that the person had gathered. That's generally the way it occurs in other classes.



Do you mean scan their minds of the experience?



Yes, of that interplay between the screener person and the new student.



Are you saying that you have no way of contacting that person's Thought Adjuster then?



That is correct. We have no ability to abrogate a person's free will. It is sacred. It is impossible for us to have any contact with a human being until that human being gives permission. If James were not willing to give his permission for Signa and I to use his mind in this transmission process it would not occur. And, each time it takes place, his permission is necessary. Likewise, in order for me to have contact with you or your Thought Adjuster, which, in essence is you, too, I would have to have your permission. . . . .


[Fundamentalist Christianity and the UB]8/18/92



Bertrand, I have a question regarding a friend, but this could apply to all kinds of people. I am wondering if you ever encountered something like this on your world? I have a friend who is a fundamentalist Christian, are you aware of what we mean when we talk about a fundamentalist Christian? And she became aware of the fact that I was a Urantia Book reader and, of course, became very distraught because she was sure that The Urantia Book was the work of the devil. I struggled with my conversation with her because the lessons in The Urantia Book are never to take away, but to always try to find common ground. I tried to do that, but she continued to say that this was of the devil and it would ruin me. All I could say to her was "look at my life and let that stand for itself". On your world did you have people who...



We had people who were less spiritually inclined than others. Though, you see, since you have not evolved in a normal manner on this planet, and evolutionary religion that has evolved has gone so far astray from its original message, your evolutionary religions have been upstepped over the ages by successive revelations. But, for instance, your fundamentalist religion that you speak of, it has strayed greatly from the teachings of Jesus, and now it is a religion primarily based on fear.

And that is a backwards step toward just human-type evolutionary religion without the interplay of revelation.


Your approach was accurate; the only way that a person of that nature would be moved by what you have is just through your life and the fruits therewith. It would be impossible to argue with them to any degree because the tenants of the religion that they now believe in do not allow for the existence of revelation. . . . .


[Events in the Book of Revelation & Daniel]8/18/92



In reference to our lesson tonight which I thoroughly enjoyed, on revelation, I would like to refer to the Book of Revelation and also the Book of Daniel. There are two main schools of thought in theology. The first school of thought is that the predictions and the events as described in those books have already taken place. The second school of thought states that they are yet to come. Which is correct?



Interesting question. My answer to you would be "neither". Because of the adjudication of the Lucifer Rebellion, the book is now being re-written. All of human life that lies before us has the ability to be markedly changed. The path is forever different than what was viewed when those revelations occurred.



A most interesting answer, thank you.