Please note this is not an official Team message. It addressed a certain level of stress that was developing amongst the Padgett Divine Love followers, but it seems just as pertinent here. Funny that.

 May 11, 2002

Santa Cruz, California

The Apostle Andrew - The Eyes of Love

Received by K.S.

I am here now to write, my dear sister in Christ, and I come to you today in answer to your desire to receive a written message. I am your friend and guardian, Andrew, and I was an Apostle of Jesus when he walked this earth two thousand years ago.

 We always have subjects which we can expound upon for your greater enlightenment and spiritual growth. But you must always remember that the development of your soul in the Divine Love of God needs to be activated on a daily basis, and that it needs to be first on your list of priorities. It is good, and even wonderful, that you desire to share spiritual information with others who are seeking truth, but without growing daily in your love nature you will not be able to live up to your expectations of yourselves and others. You want to become living examples of God's Love made manifest, and that requires sincere, consistent prayer for the Love, and a desire to demonstrate It to others.

 You are on the highest and best pathway of spiritual enlightenment and development, but as you have been learning, the only way this can become a real, living existence in your life is to activate the love, and integrate it into your interchange with your fellow human beings; otherwise it will be like a clanging bell with no resonance, and substance, in the soul. God's great gift of Grace provides substance for your soul and the necessary qualities which will create understanding, tolerance, and comfort to all who seek refuge in a common cause, and a higher purpose in life, in order to fulfil your greatest potential.

 Growth and development cannot occur without making changes. Oftentimes we observe your desire to grow spiritually on the one hand, and your desire to hang on to what you believe on the other hand, and this causes conflicts within your own self, which then extends into conflicts with others. The solution to this problem is to resolve the conflict within your own soul and mind first, or at least recognize that this is where the conflict lies, and not in the attitudes or beliefs held by others.

 In order to attain harmony among fellowships, only love is required. If everyone were required to believe the same things, absolutely, then harmony would not be attainable. You have a good understanding of the basic principles of love and truth to forge ahead with a harmonious unity in a group, and when these principles are followed, love growth will be the result. Pray to God for the Grace of Divine Love to flow into your soul. Pray often and fervently, and have faith that It has the power to bring about the necessary changes.

 Desire to see your fellow workers through eyes of love. Love has the power to melt all manner of disagreement. The mind likes to disagree; the soul likes to love. When you are feeling disagreeable, you can conclude that you are predominately acting from your reasoning powers, or your habitual thinking patterns, instead of from your soul's love nature. And this, of course, is your free will choice. You can decide that you believe strongly in such and such, and if others do not, then you prefer to not associate with them.

 God loves all His children. He waits for us to come to Him and ask for His Love and Mercy. As God's beloved children who are becoming divine, you can love all your brothers and sisters. If some want to believe that the world is flat, you can love them still. Love is separate and above beliefs. Love is all encompassing, all-inclusive. It does not see faults or false beliefs as problems, but as temporary situations, or ideas and attitudes that may change, or in the case of errors will change when love and truth pervade and prevail in the soul.

 Love will prevail because you are on the pathway of truth, and you desire God's Substance of Love to flow into your soul and bring it into harmony with His higher laws of truth and love. Activate your faith in the power of this love to overcome all manner of opposition to It. Know that when a divine soul activates its love nature there can be no disagreement which will separate it from other divine souls who also activate their divine nature.

 It is simply a question of free will choices - whether you wish for your soul to be in ascendancy, or your mind. If you believe that you need to be able to understand something with your reasoning mind before you accept it as true, you are creating a problem for yourself because high spiritual truth cannot be grasped by the reasoning mind until it is first understood by the soul developed in love.

 So, the main point of my message is to recognize the importance of evaluating everything through eyes of love. Do not try to "figure everything out" with the use of your intellect because spiritual truth will elude you - it will not fit into the confines of the mind's ability.

 God bless you dear seekers of truth. Keep up your sincere desires to love God and serve Him by becoming examples of the Christ Love manifested in your daily living. You are growing and changing as a result of praying for the higher love. This will continue as long as your desires are strong and pure, and as long as your prayers are sincere and true.

 I love you each and every one. You have an army of Celestial spirits behind you, above you, and beside you. We will never leave you alone, but will guide and support your every effort to reach out with the truths of God's saving Grace.

 Thank you for allowing me the privilege of delivering a message. I am your friend and guardian, Andrew the Apostle.