Woods Cross Group


Being Receptive

NOVEMBER 3, 2003

I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am with anticipation in meeting with you each week, for your life discoveries are also insightful for me. I am with a pondering mind this evening. I enjoy taking time to think, to learn, to be receptive.

There are specific areas of the brain that are designed to be like an antenna, so to speak. The more fit you are in body and mind—the more receptive you become. Busyness in everyday living does bog down the mind with trivialities. Quiet moments every day help to clear a way for reception from those On High.

Anxiety from daily living takes its toll on body and mind. Many mortals choose to deal with this by not dealing with it at all. Some can color over an ugly picture and really believe it is beautiful. This is damaging to the psyche and stifling growth. We find that those who dare to communicate their thoughts honestly have improved health in body and mind.

When we visit back into the life of Judas we can see how he harbored many negative thoughts. Had he communicated honestly with his brethren and the Master he might have been opened to new possibilities. Most of the apostles had their set hopes and beliefs, but through the love for their Master they were opened to His thoughts, His words and His deeds.

It is true that most people would appreciate knowing the truth of your thoughts. There are ways to speak your truth so as not to invoke negativity or perhaps offense. First of all when dealing with your fellows you remember the fact that you are all a part of the same family, not one is more important than another. Take a moment to look within your heart and mind. Most likely they will say different things.

When pondering some circumstance, you can view it with your emotions, but balance it with your intellect. To take a moment before you speak integrates the heart and mind to find a manner in which to speak forth your truth as accurately as possible. Many times your words will have no affect on another, but at the very least you have released your thoughts that can begin planting seeds. You are not pent up with emotion or that barrage of thoughts of ‘I should have.’

Much of mortal anxiety comes from the feelings of being misunderstood and feeling separate. To speak with honesty is to allow others to know who you truly are, and the Master always said, “The more you understand your fellows, the more you love them.”

If we are to face reality we each can envision this world with its underlying river of negativity. Those who are participating in the Correcting Time are not adding to this river but beginning a stream of their own that is flowing with truth, beauty and goodness. To withhold thoughts or words that would help bring healing if spoken is in itself somewhat of a lie. It is damaging to you and those you interact with. Speaking the truth need not come from a place of ego, no, it should be intelligent and with love. When you are honest with others they have trust in you. They will surely seek you out.

If we could take a moment to look at the life of Peter--he was certainly an enthusiastic character, and yet he was somewhat of a people pleaser. He was an eloquent speaker and this was certainly part of his charm. While he had the best of intentions, his hurried actions usually brought him added difficulties. As he aged he was maturing in spirit and became less rash with actions and more thoughtful with his words. Always was his saving grace—his love for the Master. Many times he was foolish, and yet his willingness to be open brought him transformation.

This week think about those thoughts that should be brought into reality through your vocabulary. How much is pent up and damaging to you in body and mind? How open are you to receiving others truth? Study on the Master’s technique of honesty. Many times His sayings were apparently harsh, and yet it was the only way in which He could get His message across.

No questions this evening. Know that I am always happy to meet with you in your moments of quiet. Know that my love for you is deep and ever abiding. Until next time, shalom